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Speaker heard from: Al and Fran Hamilton 10/10/2018

*turn what you and I have an expense and turn it into an income
● You’re taking your skills to work - you’re trading that time for money. There, you’re
building your employer’s asset/dream
● How do you turn your spending into a profit? - how long. How many years are you going
to do this? You can turn that into an asset. Right now it is an expense. You’re spending it
anyway. You can turn that expense into an asset

Business in the 21st century.

● Robert Kiyosaki is helping us understand the thought process….the thought process of
understanding how to get to financial freedom
● Amyway is the digital plateform …. You’re your own business owner
● Uber - is the’re the independent contractor…. But it doesn’t create a
perpetuating income
● Learn from BWW and teaching others to do the same.
● Do i want to invest my time to save a hundred dollars? - that’s a consumer mentality….
A business owner thinks I have to lose thousands of dollars for a couple years, but the
return will be higher.
● We’re going to build this business.

● It has nothing to do with your position. Or the person that invited you here - has nothing
to do with their position. It has to with WHO DOES THE WORK. For example: 5 people I
bring in. 2 of 5 willing and keeps consistent in building their business,
● You are in great position to grown
● Willing listen, willing to learn, willing to duplicate.
● Have not worked a job since they were 28 years old.

● Success because humble and hungry

● With medicine. Did I learn everything overnight? To get to where I am now requires
YEARS 4 years undergraduate, 4 years medicine, 3-4 years residency, 3 years
fellowship + owe 250k (private undergrad = 250k, medicine 250k = 500k owed)

● I do not want my kids to be raised by babysitters.

● I want you know there are options for you. You may have came today and think there
are no options, but I’ll tell you, there are options and it’s worth the journey
● Don’t go in saying, well if it doesn’t workout we can do something else.
○ If you want it to work, it will
● Many people made so much money in this business….
● What you see here is a Vehicle. Like any vehicle, you put gas in’ll run for a while.
Then eventually it’ll need maintenance…. That’s mentorship, to give you information, to
help you improve your vehicle so you can continue.
● Start a conversation! On anything (compliment a cute baby etc….)
● Everything you do is intentional. Be prepared to meet people as you go about your day
● Watch where they sit
● If heard…. Excuse me Did I hear you are interested in starting a business?
● Intend, plan, pre-mediate having a conversation
● Ditto is the method. Everyone eats.
● Ditto: you don’t have a chance to eat all of that (eggs, food).... But you can take a
meal bar, will a bottle water, cup of tea….it’ll sustain you. Instead of spending on
that muffin/coffee/ at starbucks.

● Creating an income producing asset from your expenses. MEAL BAR: MIXED
BERRY crisp bar.

● Just change/use on your ditto on increments...then work up. Until what your
budge will allow
● Goal is to communicate. Use simple language to communicate. Keep it simple as
possible. Make it as simple as possible.

SCALABILITY: 1 to 500 plus

-your parents can only take you so far.

Driven by freedom, Phil Le is a young traveler and passionate Entrepreneur. Figuring out a way to buy
back his life in his 20s, Phil Le relentlessly pursued mentorship to maximize his time as a business owner
and a full time son. He believes Time is the true currency of Success so his passion lies in helping others
do the same - breakthrough any limitations that keep them from living a truly fulfilled and meaningful life
by providing financial vehicles that transform the world. He adopted this motto
“ Success is determined by how many lives are better off because of you lived”
“Helping people achieve their true potential is the highest calling of Altruism”

Phil is clearly interested in helping me grow as a partner. When our company started using a new
leads-tracking software, he asked me if I’d like him to show me how to use it (on his own time!) because
he knew I wanted to learn more about the sales side of the company. He also offered to arrange a
meeting with some of the key members of the Coach and Leadership teams so I could get more insight
into their structure and goals. Whenever I have questions or concerns, Phil responds right away—and
even follows up later in the week or month to make sure my issues have been resolved. His patience and
willingness to help have made me motivated to do the best job I can.

● See less
Le Worldwide , LWW
April 2013 – Present 5 years 7 months

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