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Answer the ff:

1. Which is the least used modern contraceptive method among married women in developing
A. Male condom
B. Female sterilization
C. Oral
2. What is the current estimate of overall contraceptive use among married women in developing
A. 33%
B. 55%
C. 44%

3. Contraceptive use Surveys show that average desired family size in developing countries is:
A. Increasing: women want to have bigger families
B. Remaining constant: there has been no change in desired family size
C. Declining: women want to have smaller families.

4. What is the average total fertility rate (TFR) in developing countries?

A. 2.3 children per woman
B. 7.2 children per woman
C. 4.5 children per woman
5. What is the rank of Philippines in terms of life expectancy rate?_________________
6. Which country was rank 1st in the life of expectancy rate? ______________________________
7. The Philippines' largest city is _________________________, which contains 2,936,116 people.
8. The first census in the Philippines was held in ___________ and recorded a population of just 667,612
9. __________________________ is home to the largest group of overseas Filipinos - over 3.5 million.
10. Philippines is rank______________in terms of population.
11. ___________________________refers o the interval between pregnancies, which is ideally 3 years
and informed
12. _______________________natural way of family planning that allow couples to distinguish fertile
and infertile days of the menstrual cycle by means of cervical mucus observation
13. _________________________ One of the oldest known methods. Man withdraws and spermatozoa
are emitted outside the vagina
14. ______________________________small flexible plastic frame inserted into a woman’s vagina
through her uterus
15._________________________________ Is a transdermal patch applied to the skin (upper outer arm,
buttocks, abdomen) that releases synthetic estrogen and progestin hormone
16. ______________________The vas deferens is surgically blocked by tying and cutting it, thus the
sperm cannot escape from the testes o Permanent, 99% effective.
17. _______________is a set of characteristics which define people as masculine or feminine. It also
identifies the social relationship between men and women.
18. Family life starts at the time of marriage and ends with the death of the couple. What stage of family
life covers the period of vocational adjustments by the children during which time they seek
employment/sources of livelihood?______________________________________
19. What is the meaning of the acronym UNFPA?
20. What Law provides equal opportunities for women in all military schools of the Armed Forces and
the Philippine National Police. It also provides equal rights in entering into contracts and loan
agreements and in joining social and cultural clubs.________________________________
21. On July 10, 1990 the CBCP ( Catholic Bishop’s Conference of the Philippines) issued Guiding Principles
on population control. What principle is being described?
“The church advocates natural family planning as the only morally acceptable way of
practicing responsible procreation.”_____________________________________
22. What is the primary sexual organ in men and women? It controls the hormones that regulate the
reproductive system of our bodies and enables us to understand and control the use of our important
functions related to human activity._______________________________________
23. Infant mortality rate refers to the mortality rate prior to age. What is the formula for Infant
Mortality Rate (IMR)?______________________________________________
24. The first Asian country in which women were granted the right to vote.___________________
25. the barter of sexual services for material consideration, often in the form of cash. It is the most
common offense against one’s sexuality. It reduces the body to a mere commodity that can be
perversely exploited or abused for free._________________________________________
26. Define as development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of
future generation to meet their own needs._________________________________________
27. What Presidential decree promulgated “The Child and Youth Welfare Code” of the Philippines?
28. What is PPMP stands for?__________________________________________________________
29. The Mandates all government offices, including government-owned and controlled corporations and
local government units to adopt GENDER MAINSTREAMING as a strategy for implementing the law and
attaining its objectives.________________________________________________________
30. it is the appearance of clinical manifestation of HIV infection. In this state, the person presents with
opportunistic infections of unlimited extents and possibilities. They also present with atypical
presentation and severity. ______________________________________________

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