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1. What is Compliment?
Compliment is an expression that we show or say to express/give praise. Some people use
compliments to “butter up” somebody or to flatter in order to increase good will. Complement is
for anyone you have occasion to talk with (friends, family, colleagues, and even strangers).
Complement is express to praise about:
- the way people’s look/ general appearance
- something people have
- something people did
- something people said

The Expression of Complement: The Responses of Compliment:

- That’s a beautiful dress! - Thank you
- What a lovely shoes! - Really? Thanks
- You did very well - Thank you for saying so
- You are a good cook - I am glad you like it-
- You look charming in that dress - I am glad you enjoyed it

Let's see the examples:

Dyan : That’s lovely bag, Mika. Is it new?
Mika : Yes, it is. It’s a gift from my mother.
Dyan : is really suits on you.
Mika : Really? Thank you Dyan.

Teacher : This is good composition, Gerry.

Gerry : Thank you, Sir. I had work very hard on it. Because the topic was not very
familiar to me.
Teacher : You did a very good job.
Gerry : Thank you, Sir
2. What is Congratulation?
Congratulation is an expression that we use to give the congratulation utterance when he/she
success in doing something.

Kinds of Congratulations:
- Congratulation of someone’s success
- Happy Birthday
- Merry Christmas
- Happy New Year
- Happy Valentine
- Happy Anniversary

The expression of Congratulation The Responses of congratulation:

- Congratulation! - Thank you
- Congratulation on your promotion - Thanks, I hope you so
- Congratulation for your graduate - Thanks, I needed that
- I would like to congratulate you …. - It’s very kind of you to say that
- I must congratulate you …. - Do you really think so?
- Let me congratulate on your success

Syamma : Congratulations on your 15th birthday, Wulana.
Wulana : Thank you, Syamma.
Syamma : You look charming in that black gown.
Wulana : Thank you for saying so, you look charming too.
Aunt : I heard you have passed your English exam, is it true?
Poppy : Yes, aunt.
Aunt : Congratulation for your exam, Poppy.
Poppy : Thank you very much, aunt.
Aunt : So, what is your plan after that?
Poppy : I plant to go to the vocational school, aunt.
Aunt : Good.
Congratulating Someone

Kita biasanya memberikan ucapan selamat pada saat seseorang berhasil meraih sesuatu,
mendapatkan sesuatu, dsb.
Contoh ungkapan yang digunakan:

Well done!
(Kerja bagus)
Good job!
(Kerja bagus)
I'm proud of you.
(Aku merasa bangga padamu)
(Luar biasa)
You did incredible job!
(Kamu telah melakukan pekerjaan yang luar biasa)
Congratulations for moving to the new house.
(Selamat, atas kepindahannya ke rumah baru)

Kita juga dapat membuat ucapan selamat dengan menyebutkan prestasi yang telah diraih, seperti
contoh ungkapan berikut:

Congratulations on + (achievement) [prestasi yang diraih]

Congratulations on your achievement.

(Selamat atas pencapaianmu)
Congratulations on being promoted to be a new branch manager.
(Selamat atas promosinya menjadi manajer cabang yang baru)
Congratulations on being elected as the best employee of the year.
(Selamat atas promosinya menjadi karyawan terbaik sepanjang tahun)
Congratulations on winning the singing contest.
(Selamat atas kemenangannya pada kontes bernyanyi)
Sedikit berbeda dengan ungkapan Congratulations, Ungkapan Compliment (pujian) biasanya
digunakan pada saat kita memuji seseorang atas penampilannya.

Dalam beberapa situasi Compliment (pujian) juga digunakan disaat yang bersamaan dengan
ungkapan selamat, karena biasanya setelah memberikan selamat orang juga memberikan pujian
atas apa yang telah dicapai atau diraih.
Berikut beberapa contoh ungkapan Compliment yang biasa digunakan.

Giving Compliment to Someone

You look beautiful today.
(Kamu terlihat cantik hari ini)
You look gorgeous.
(kamu terlihat menawan)
Your dress is beautiful.
(Pakaianmu bagus)
You are brilliant.
(Kamu cemerlang)
You look handsome with that new hair cut.
(Kamu terlihat ganteng dengan potongan rambut baru itu)
You are looking good.
(Kamu terlihat bagus)
You're very clever.
(Kamu sangat pandai)
You have such beautiful eyes.
(Kamu memiliki mata yang indah)
That dress fits on you.
(Baju itu cocok dengan mu)

Selain contoh ungkapan di atas kita juga dapat menggunakan ungkapan compliment (pujian)
dengan menggunakan pola beriktu:

What + Adjective + Noun


What a wonderful dress.

(Betapa bagusnya pakaian tsb)
What a nice cook.
(Betapa enaknya masakan tsb)
What a beautiful girl.
(Betapa cantiknya wanita tsb)
What a smart boy.
(Betapa pintarnya akan laki-laki tsb)

Kita juga dapat menggunakan pola seperti berikut untuk membuat ungkapan pujian:

How + Adjective + Subject + To be


How smart you are.

(Betapa pintarnya kamu)
How diligent you are.
(Betapa rajinnya kamu)
How impressive you are.
(Betapa mengesankan dirimu)
How bright you are.
(Betapa cerdasnya kamu)
How kind she is.
(Betapa baiknya dia)
How amazing your car is.
(Betapa mengagumkannya mobilmu)
Responding to Congratulations or Compliment
Berikut adalah ungkapan yang dapat digunakan untuk merespon sebuah ucapan selamat
(congratulations) atau sebuah pujian (compliment):
Thank you.
(Terima kasih)
Thank you, it's nice of you to say so.
(Terima kasih, kamu baik sekali telah mengatakan hal tersebut)
Thank you for your appreciaton.
(Terima kasih atas apresiasimu)
Thank you very much for saying so.
(Terima kasih banyak telah mengatakan hal tersebut)
I'm glad you like it.
(Aku senang kamu menyukainya)
Thanks for your compliment.
(Terima kasih atas pujianmu)

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