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File : calatori potra.pdf
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Pentru Munteniea i banatul Craiovei Bauer pg. 5 dA urmAtoarele grade : La Valachie,

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cinci judete ale Banatului (Olteniei) au stat supt Austrieci dela 21 Iulie 1718

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PAnti la 1761 Banatul era administrat de un guvernator numit marele ban de Craiova

Page:  163

85, 86, 88. banatul de Severin 85. banii calului 89, 104. banal kalalli (=
File : calatori vol. 10.1.pdf
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in timp ce Banatul se bucura de ceva mai multa dezvoltare sub regimul camerali%

s-a bucurat Banatul in ochii administratiei austriece, deoarece provincia a fost des vizitata

Page:  7

multe deplasari in Banat, cea mai insemnata dintre acestea, find cea din 1773, cand

deosebit de relevante. Banatul a constituit un loc de experiment pentru aplicarea reformelor iozefiniste.

randul sau, in Banat la 1777, interesandu-se si de fortificati ile cetatilor si

Page:  8

calatoriei sale din Banat si Transilvania. In general, cartile despre Principate erau bazate pe

doi ani in Banat, pe care a cautat a-1 patrunde in formele sale

diferite locuri ale Banatului si observarea populatiei de rand i-au dat prilejul de

Page:  9

cartea sa despre Banat? Insa naturali5M ace5tia nu veneau ca naturali5ti: Sestini venea ca

in Transilvania 5i Banat; Griselini a fost in Banat ca prieten 5i colaborator al

a fost in Banat ca prieten 5i colaborator al contelui Brigido, numit administrator in

Page:  13

munte si din Banat sunt judecati pripite ce arata putin spirit de observatie. In

la Caransebes, in Banat, a lui Coburg la Dunare si a lui Suvorov la

Page:  14

Transilvania $i Banat, al doilea, un savant cu renume, profesor de $tiinte

Transilvania $i Banat. Cel din urma voia sa treaca in Hateg, dar abia

Page:  20

in Transilvania 5i Banat din cauza saraciei 51 a taxelor ce nu le puteau

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Transilvania $i Banat. Seipp calatorea intotdeauna pe capra trasurii spre a vedea mai

Page:  26

Istoria politica a Banatului, in care este confirmata $i dusa mai departe conceptia

Istoria naturals a Banatului. In ele vorbe$te despre muntii Banatului $i poveste$

te despre muntii Banatului $i poveste$te, intre altele, calatoria sa in cele

regiuni miniere din Banat (cu unele trimiteri la scrisorile lui von Born, care

pe$teri din Banat, $i terming cu o disertatie asupra mu$tei columbace).

Page:  28

totodata de Transilvania, Banat 5i comitatele exterioare. In sfar5it, de la publicarea earth lui

Page:  31

1769, pe malul banatean al Dunarn Scnsa la cererea pictorului Johannh Heinrich Tischbein, inspectorul

5i indeletnicirilor romanilor banateni fats de care autorul nutreste sentimente de adanca simpatie. Ele

starii romanilor din Banat, cupnnsa intr-o alts scrisoare publicata in editia scrisonlor sale:

des Roumams du Banat a la fin du XVIII-e stecle. De Friedel s-

Geschichte des Temeseer Banates, Temeswar, 1908, p. 78-86: Johann Friedel. 31 www.dacoromanica.

Page:  32

erste Dichter der Banater Deutsche'? Geb. 17 VIII 1751 -gest. 31 III 1789,

(extras din Banater Bucherei", XXIX). Iar la not, Eugen I. Paunel, Ca latona

mai recomandabil in Banat, mai ales pe drumuri care sunt in afard de oseaua

din $esul Banatului e foarte redus, se poate lesne vedea cat de bine

Page:  37

apoi guvernator al Banatului (1740-1753). Cf. E Wettel, Biographische Skizzen Bettrcige zur

geschichte des Temeser Banates, Temesvar, 1908, p. 78-86, K. Kraushaar, Kurzgefasste geschichte des

Kurzgefasste geschichte des Banates, Wien, 1923, p. 164. 21 Pacea de la Belgrad (

Page:  38

Gescluchte des Temeswarer Banates, Wien, 1780, p. 174-5, cat si F Wettel, op.

Page:  90

de studii in Banat 51 Transilvania A cercetat mai intai minele din Ungana de

a indreptat spre Banat Trece prin Pesta $1 Seghedin; la inceputul lui iunie

care viziteaza restul Banatului, studund intre altele, cu mult interes minele de la Sasca,
lunu iulie, paraseste Banatul $1 cerceteaza minele de Ia Sacaramb, Zlatna, Baia Mare,

durch das Temeswarer Banat, Siebenburgen, Obe -und Nieder Hungary, Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1774

Travels through the Banat of Tenieswar; Transylvania and Hungary in the year 1770, pe

Page:  92

1770 CALATORIA IN BANAT SI TRANSILVANIAI Scrisoarea a II-a Timi.yoara, 17 iunie

1770 p. 6 Banatul Timi5oarei este marginit la nord de rani Mure5, la vest

Regard din Viena. Banatul Timi5oarei, find un domeniu al Majestatii Sale, este cu totul

5i, totodatA, centrul Banatului este Timi5oara, un ora5 frumos 5i puternic cladit dupd un

durch des Temeswarer Banat. Siebenbiirgen. Oberund Nieder- Hungarn, Frankfurt Leipzig, 1774, p. 5 si

Uy-Palankaer. In Banatul iugoslav 3 Processe 92 si pi 1i siwww.dacoromanica.

Page:  93

Raurile mici ale Banatului sunt Mrs insemnatate, deoarece ele nu curg decat pe o

alte manufacturi in Banat, daca acel mare general §i om politic d. conte

la luptele din Banat aldturi de Eugeniu de Savoia, care. dupa alungarea turcilor it

numeste guvemator al Banatului., Isi castiga man mente prin ndicarea acestei provincii din situatia

Severml, pe granita Banatului sere Trarsilvania 93 5i 5i 5i Ciresii, si 5i 5i

Page:  94

de Hateg, Cronica Banatultn, Studiu editie de Damaschin Mioc, Bucuresti, 1969, p 173 13

Page:  95

iunie 1770 Locuitorii Banatului sunt sarbin, romani 5i un sfert (din ei) germani;

Page:  99

se exploateaza in Banat sunt: la rasarit, minele de fier de la Boc$a28,

Page:  100

centrul minelor din Banat. Mine le, depinzand de ea, au fost exploatate de turci,

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Delius ca in Banat vinele se afla intotdeauna intre doua roci deosebite §i

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asupra calatorilor in Banat, de catre bandele numeroase care misund in aceasta tad, ma

bund arama din Banat; din aceasta cauza si pentru a Incuraja exploatarea minelor, directia

Page:  104
Tana constants in Banat este aici la Dognecea. Directia si adancimea sunt constante pentru

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topqte minereul in Banat. Iata-le aici. // Topirea rafinarea aramei la Oravita e

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la granita dintre Banat 5i Transilvania 107

Page:  108

decat cei din Banat, $i trupele nationale de graniceri, ca $i severitatea

au fugit din Banat aici $i au comis crime ingrozitoare in valea Hategului,

i nici in Banat, a facut o impresie a$a grozava asupra locuitorilor, incat

Page:  111

de aceea din Banat, prin faptul ea once societate de actionari e stapana de

Page:  121

nisipurilor aurifere din Banat a spalarii for pentru separarea aurului86 p 156 p. 77

care este inzestrat Banatul, trebuie socotite nisipurile aurifere care se gasesc aici din belsug.

von Born in Banat In versiunea engleza, capitolul este introdus la srarsitul scnsorn a

Page:  124

state ereditare Astfel, Banatul si Transilvania le-a vizitat de trei on A dat

o atentie deosebita Banatului, provincia de granita spre turd, in mare parte pustiita de

militare. A vizitat Banatul inainte de perioada refonnelor, cand Maria Tereza tinea in mans

arnanuntita cercetare a Banatului, Iosif al II-lea si-a continuat calatoria in Transilvania,

constatarile acute In Banat, a vizitat toate mai importante, cercetand si culegand pretutindeni informatii.

la inspectia din Banat, insotita de o bund introducere, a fost publicata de Constantin

Kaissers durch Hungarn, Banat, Siebenburgen and die Marnioross von 1773, in Arhivele Olteniei", VII

Contribufie la cunoasterea Banatulta (Jurnalul de calcitorte din 1773 al imparatuluz Iosif al

Revista Institutului Social Banat-Cnsana", Buletin istonc, XI, 1943, iul. -aug., p 69-

Page:  125

introducere i in Banatul de altadata, vol. I, Tuni§oara, 1944, p. 90-

II-lea in Banat s-au ocupat Mihail P. Dan §i Costin Fenepn,

11-lea in Banat, in Banatica", IV, 1977, p. 259 i urm. JURNAL DE

in Banat, in Banatica", IV, 1977, p. 259 i urm. JURNAL DE CALATORIE PRIN


Kaisers durch Hungarn, Banat, Siebenbilrgen and die Marnioros von 1773 Traducerea e datorata lui

Contributie la cunoasterea Banatului, in: Banatul de altadatii, Studii istorice, vol. I, p 69-

cunoasterea Banatului, in: Banatul de altadatii, Studii istorice, vol. I, p 69-110; traducerea

incercate succesiv in Banat, cf. §i relatarea lui Fr. Gnselini in volumul de

Page:  126

care venire din Banat, m-a informat asupra situatiei de acolo, comunicandu-mi lucruri

Page:  128

Geschichte des Temesvarer Banats in Briefen, Wien, 1780, p 137. 27 In lucrarea sa

lucrarea sa Das Banat vom Ursprung bts jetzo (ms in Biblioteca Universitard din

Fenesan sub titlul Banatul de la of pcinci acum 1779, Timisoara, 1982, p 50

comandamentului general al Banatului cu resedinta la Timisoara, demisioneaza in 1777, cf Fr Griselini,

Page:  129

primul rand, in Banat. A urmat It. colonelul Elmpt34; acesta a ispravit harta Banatului,

a ispravit harta Banatului, constand din doua sute opt sectiuni, dar care, in format

sä intocmeasca harta Banatului $1 planurile locale 35 Czvilt meorers (9) 36

districtele camerale din Banat, spre deosebire de districtele =Mare de margine (Panciova,

Page:  130

granicen roman' din Banat. Vezi mai departe. 5° Auf den Cordons Posten 51 Svinza.

52 Ujpalanka In Banatul iugoslay. 53 Tscherdaken von Mauerwek. Cuvantul turcesc are un sens

Page:  131

arata ca admintstratta Banatului era formats din presedmte, 12 consilieri, 6 secretan, 4 concipisti

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lea, romanii din Banat se aflau sub obladuirea mitropolitulut sarb din Carlovat (Sremski

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vointei lor, in Banat, ceea ce mi se pare un procedeu mult prea aspru...

un capat al Banatului 'Dana in celalalt, durau, deci, 14 zile 77 Nu

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mutata, dupd alipirea Banatului la Ungaria in 1771, ceea ce a determinat o scadere

circulatiei marfurilor in Banat si localitatile Brestovat, Plosita, Cuvin, Palanca Noud, Duhovat, Biserica

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91 Ujpalank, in Banatul iugoslay. 92Adica mutate din zona militarizata. 93 Lenius, mat inainte:

Page:  137

armata cantonata in Banat. Polwaschinze, afluent al Timiplui 1°2 Globocco. 103 Ruska. I°

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de vama dintre Banat $i Transilvania 113 In razbolul din 1736-1739. 114

Page:  140

tars decat in Banat // p. 108 hand // *i nici nu domne*

Page:  141

oil). Vama granitei banatene. Poarta de fier, trecatoare. Doud ore $i jumatate prin

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propnu-zis si Banatul Severinului sau Bania Craiovei. Cel dintai este impartit 'Inca

Brai lei, iar Banatul se imparte in cinci districte. [...] etc. 3 Este vorba

Page:  156

cu prilejul alipirii Banatului Craiovei, a mai fost merit cu 100 000 de lei,

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mosiile nobililor in Banatul Craiovei", nu erau chiar robi, ei erau obligati la 48

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de Mehadia, cu Banatul Timiwarei $i cu Dunarea, care o desparte de Serbia.

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in Transilvania, in Banatul Timi$oarei $i in jurul Belgradului, unde se afla

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in Transilvania si Banatul Timisoarei, in Ucraina si chiar in Basarabia. Am intalnit chiar

Page:  254

pans acum) in Banat §i in regatul Galitiei, unde clima este mai umeda

de imperiali in Banat. 254 §i §i sa-i

Page:  260

Slavonia $i Banat, spre a vizita regiunile miniere $i fortificatiile din acele

trecut Tisa, in Banat, la 9 mai, calatonnd pe la Panciova, Mehadia, Caransebes, Lugoj,

Slavonia $i Banat a ramas inedit pans in zilele noastre, find pastrat in

de calatorie prin Banat (1777), in Studii $i materiale de istorie medie",

Page:  261

UNGARIA, SLAVONIA sI BANAT* ...Miercuri, in 14 (mai), am purces de la

hotarul din zona Banatului. 261 P. 229 localitati, §i, i sa-§i

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Iliricr, aici incepand Banatul aflat sub administratie camerala. In stanga, se afla muntii cu

Page:  263

aceea drumurile din Banat sunt atat de late, dace se is in calcul o

cetatea nu apard Banatul, aflandu-se in mijlocul lui $i in cadrul unui

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(Administratiei Tarii banatului) §i (cartierul) Iosefin. De aici ne-am intors

(Administratiei TArii Banatului) 14, dupa cum in seara precedents fusesem oaspetii generalului

actualmente sediul Muzeului Banatului. 12 Pompa hidraulica pusa in functiune in 1774, prin care

Navigations- direktor in Banat. 14 Pompeius conte Brigido de Bresowitz (1729-1811), ultimul

al Administratiei Tarii Banatului (1777-1778). 15 Este vorba de generalul-locotenent Zettwitz

Page:  265

Tisa, pe teritoriul Banatului. ... [Se descrie orasul Szeged, din Ungaria, si campul

Nou, aflat in Banat. Ca si celelalte localitati aflate pe acest drum, Aradul Nou

Page:  316

Jupalnic'7 in Banat. 4 septembrie. Trupa a trecut prin statiunile de posts Podu

Page:  335

Viena, prin Transilvania Banat, in vara anului 1780, au fost completate cu o informatie

Born. Notita despre Banatul Timiwarei de la p. 130-132 este un rezumat succint

data ajuns in Banat, sä dea pe mina autontitilor pe servitorul banitean pe care

Page:  354
care desparte oarecum Banatul Craiovei de Transilvania si care se afla in valea Hategului,

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Tara Romaneasca, Moldova, Banat 51 in Ungaria, ca 5i in intreaga Germanic. In curtea

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aceste mine din Banat, din Transilvania, din Ungaria etc , pe care le-a

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dintre Transilvania si Banatul Timisoarei142 Femeile din Dobra poarta ciucuri lungi la fotele care

descriere sumara a Banatului, care e un rezumat succmt al informatulor exirase de el

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fie ca unirea Banatului cu Ungaria le-a adus o soarta mai bung, ei

Pentru toata descnerea Banatulm, autorul urmeaza destul de aproape pe Grisellini. Cf. relatta sa

Page:  375

Tirolului si ale Banatului; am vazut din aceasta ultima provincie o bucata de arama

de arama din Banat in proportie de 93 la suta. El a introdus in

a introdus in Banat orezarii si se face mult orez in imprejurimile satului Ghiroda154,

pe acela din Banat156. Servitorul meu, tocmit la Bucuresti, era de fel din Timisoara

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1783) Autorul Istoriei Banatului, Francesco Griselini, s-a nascut la 12 august 1717, la

pre$edintele administratiei Banatului, Gnselim 1-a insotit in noua sa provincie in primavara

impartire administrative a Banatului in patru cercuri in locul impartini in districte militare sau

sau camerale. Administratia Banatului cunoscuse vicisitudini numeroase dupa cucerirea sa de la turci.

ti pe tentonul Banatului. Lucrul insa nu era simplu $i trezea tot felul

Page:  380

II-lea in Banat, in 1772 $1 1774, au scos la iveala starea

lit Griselini in Banat au fost consacrate unor excursti calatorn studit In iunie $

1775), cerceteaza muntn Banatului din tinutul Caransebewlui, observand cu luare aminte, pe langa

Acum terming harta Banatului, la care lucra de catva temp Cand la sfarsitul anului

locul sau in Banat fund numit fratele sau, Pompeo Brigido, Griselini a parasit $

$1 el Banatul Rezultatul imediat al $edern sale it constitute 'storm

constitute 'storm Banatulut. Lucrarea avea sa fie publicata simultan in limba germana $

Geschichte des Tenzesvarer Banats in Biefen (Wien, Johann Paul Krauss, 1780), in versiunea

odepet zche sul Banato di Temesvar (dar se rezuma doar la vol I),

vol 11. Istoria Banatului, pornita mai intai ca o descriere a acestei provincii, a

prezentare a antichitatilor Banatului Partea a doua, 'intitulata Istorza naturals, consta dintr-o

aplicare Ia Munn' Banatului $1 cu discutarea prezentei fosilelor descopente, in sfamt din

rascoala a romandor banatern, in 1739, vede in ea un fel de tradare, cand

Page:  381

date pentru cunoasterea Banatului. $1 aici se observe in a doua jumatate a

1739) $1 Banat din cea a lui del Chiaro $1 indeosebi din

pe roincimi din Banat (!) Lucrarea lui Grise lini a fost integral tradusa in

sub titlul Istoria Banatului tunLyan, Bucure$ti, 1926, 316 p., partial de Me letie

sub titlul: Descrierea Banatului de Griselini in rezumat de protopresbiterul Tunisoarei, Melette Draghici,

Dragalina, Din atom Banatului Severn: (partea a III-a, Caransebe$, 1902), care a

cu rascoala romanilor banatern din 1739. Biografia lui a fost scrisa de Wettel $

erster Historiograph des Banats. Von Venedig each Temeswar anno 1774, in Deutsche Forschungen

p naturals a Banatului Tunisoarei (Edit. Facla, Timi$oara, 1984), 336 p ,

edeni autorului in Banat. Sunt insa vrednice de tot mteresul $i acelea unde

ISTORIA POLITICA A BANATULUI TIMISAN' p 144 Scrisoarea a VI-a catre baronul Josef

von Sperges Populatia Banatului, nurnarul satelor sale... natiunile stabilite in tars... ...Un recensamant

al populatiei din Banat nu s-a facut niciodata pang acum. De prin districtele

Geschichte des Temesvarer Banats to Bnefen, Wien, 1780, in versiunea romaneasca a lui N.

sugestive din descrierea Banatului datorate observatiei directe a autorului. 381 5i Griselini in 51

Page:  382

numar al populatiei Banatului, nu $tiu niciodata ate suflete au in parohiile II

sau asa-numitii neobanateni. Ocupatii, obiceiuri si origine2 ...Tigani sau faraoni sunt nume

Tereza sunt numiti neobanateni.] p 147 Si barbatii 5i femeile se imbraca in felul

privinta religiei, tiganii banateni se tin de biserica aceea care este dommanta in satul

Descrierea populapet din Banat incepe cu aceea a pgamlor, probabil in Inrtutea antichitatn lor,

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Locuintele lor in Banat]. Locuintele lor nu erau decat ni5te mizerabile cocioabe injghebate din
Page:  384

granitele nordice ale Banatului, Nera care izvord$te dintr-un munte din Clisura $

$i cei banateni nu sunt lipsiti de ea. Cu toate greutatile unei vieti

primitiv. 8 In Banatul iugoslay. 9 Cf. relaua lui von Born in volumul de

Page:  385

le vand in Banat sustin ca cel ce le poarta e cu noroc in

ce locuiesc in Banat P. 154 [Despre numele de valahr]... p. 158 ...

romans. Romanii din Banat... sunt la trup puternici $i bine legati $i

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De altminteri, in Banat se gasesc $i romani catolici, care se numesc greci

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de zestre. In Banat, aceasta (zestre) consta intotdeauna din vite cornute, of $

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ca romanii din Banat surit singura natiune care fall nici o deosebire se pricepe

muntos care desparte Banatul de Oltenia, adica vreau sa zic in districtele Mehadiei si

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se impartaKsc; in Banat exists abuzul ca preotul prime$te ca un drept absolut

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minunata china* a Banatului le favorizeazd si care, in legdturd cu cresterea vitelor, ar

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de mine din Banat, precum 5i la Ciclova4° 5i Boc5a, pe langd lucrdtorii germani,

Administrapei cezarocraiesti a Banatului. Dupa el a urmat, in 1774, baronul Josef von Brigido.

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ci obercnezi in Banatul imperial 1716-1778, Bucuresti, 1996 46 Fladen. 47 Probabtl confuzie

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sebeser District Temesvarer Banats dessen Leibliche Kinder 2 Sohn und 2 Tochter noch in

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la ei in Banat $i chiar aiurea obiceiul ca ei sa-$i pund

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[...] // Romanic banateni dupd p. 178 moartea unui tata, a unei mame, a

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11-lea in Banat in 1772, redate in volumul de fata. 400 www.dacoromanica.

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barbare... [din Banat] [...] Vreau sa ma ocup numai cu unele din ele

tinuturile Invecinate ale Banatului83... Era prin luna iunie 1775, cand impreund cu consilierul

din Transilvania si Banat 84 Toate pe malul sarbesc. 85 Schuh = 0,313 m

Page:  402

la luptele din Banat, in 1716, st a fost nunut de Eugernu de Savoia

Savoia guvernator al Banatulut. S-a 'ocupat de colonizan cu $vabi, francezt,

' Ploschniza in Banatul Jugoslav 95 Azi Zabrarn, sat $t corn , langa

Page:  403

ISTORIA NATURALA A BANATULUI TIMISAN Scrisoarea I* p. 223 Despre constitutia fizica a


Pirda. los In Banatul iugoslay. 109 La sud-vest de Lipova, sat., corn Zabrani,

jud. 114 In Banatul iugoslav, azi Kajtasovo. * Adresata lui Lazzaro Spallanzani, ca sr

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is drumul prin Banat. Si aceasta ar fi deci linial 15 neregulata care incepe

mult in tinuturile Banatului, cu toate alte soiuri de pamant exists, amestecate fund cu

Strecke 116 In Banatul iugoslav 117 Novasella (idem) Its Dunslkreis. 119 Salpetersaure. $

Page:  405

de ses a Banatului... Timisul, Begheiul sau Bega; Birda si Barzava. [Dar lipsa

de la reocuparea Banatului incoace si s-a Intocmit si planul lui Maximilian Fremaut

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233 Printre muntii banateni sunt multi llpsiti cu totul de once vegetatie, ei neinfatisand

consacrat antichiatilor din Banat. 406 $t

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atentie. Totu5i in Banat exists parerea generals ca muntii Semenic 5i Farling sunt cei
era vizitarea minelor banatene 5i aveam tot interesul O. nu ma tin numai de

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care fac granita Banatului $1 pe aceea a Ardealului de miazazi. El incepe

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-ce despart Banatul de Transilvania 5i Tara Romaneasca. Ei sunt de granit imbracat

51 in interiorul Banatului se gasesc astfel de munti, mai cu seams in Clisura,

Page:  411

muntilor] [Muntii Banatului nu sunt de origine vulcanica. Actiunea elementelor asupra pietrelor. Pietrele

Page:  412

Fosile gasite in Banat. regiunea fosilelor:] Muntii dealurile care se scar$esc in Almaj,

minerals a muntilor banateni] p 266 [Minereuri etc. Exploatari miniere Inca din antichitate]

Page:  419

mult dupa recucerirea Banatului..., acesti munti furs cei dintai luati in exploatare dupa indiciile

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argint, unicul in Banat care :4i pastreaza neschimbate directia si inclinarea203 pe o

Page:  422

arama cealalta din Banat). Din aceasta cauza oficiul imperial 5i regional de cumparare plate$

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turcii au parasit Banatul, s-a inceput aici iarasi exploatarea miniera a catorva vine213

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decat celelalte minereuri banatene de acest fel. In numai 19 ore se terming intreaga

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celclalte rauri ale Banatului de circa 300-400 de ducati aur spalat, ceea ce

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apele minerale din Banat. Despre balk calde de la Mehadia.] [In districtul Timisoarei

formeaza granita intre Banat si Oltenia. [Origine, istorie, antichitati. Intemeietorul bailor ar fi

Page:  429

trei judete ale Banatului, 5i anume Uipalanka, Mehadia si Varsetul. Este o minune... ca
Page:  430

stare. Locuitorii din Banat, care sunt cei ce sufera mai mult de aceste pierderi,

cat 5i in Banat 5i provinciile invecinate. Romanii, superstitio5i 5i neluminati sustin chiar ca

Page:  439

am intrat in Banatul Timi$oarei, unde am vazut ora$ul cu acela$i

Page:  457

Szebenbiligen, dem Temesvarer Banat, Schwaben, Schweiz und Alsass etc., in dret Sendschreiben an

Page:  462

ai manastirilor din Banatul Craiovei, spre a-i da prilejul sa mai ca5tige ceva

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cu autoritatile din Banat $i din Transilvania, care se plang de faptul ca

Page:  497

pe camp. In Banatul Craiovei se gasesc cocorim $i mai rar fazani. Se

Page:  512

trec granita dinspre Banat si Transilvania, a dat ordin ca romanii de la granita

Page:  517

din Transilvania si Banat. Conversatia de 2 ore. Despre acei talhari, despre armasarii ceruti

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vitejiei locuitorilor din Banatul Craiovei (si mentiunea rolului arhimandritului Damaschin de Arges in

Page:  553

Tisa, a strabatut Banatul, prin Timiwara $1 Lugoj, $i-a continuat drumul

Page:  555

ajungi in fostul Banat, care apartine p. 9 Ungariei de putini ani incoace 5i

Page:  556

din Transilvania st Banat la unirea religioasa cu Roma. Un ecou al acestei stari

Page:  557

din p. 19 Banat. Romanul ca soldat in front este un element de elita,

unor talhari in Banat]. Ace$ti talhari recunoscuti nu ataca pe p. 20 calatorii

ce locuiesc in Banat, o spaima pentru slujba$i... etc.... Capetenia for este de

Page:  558

Administratia seculard din Banat a pedepsit pand acum cu moartea toate delictele cuprinse sub

Page:  559

putini unguri in Banat 5i care se indeletniceau cu ingrijirea pomilor fructiferi mult mai

de Tisa, in Banat, te poti folosi de Cambiatura". Acest fel de po5ta este

Page:  561

afli in vechiul Banat. $oselele sunt pline de romance lucrand $i de

Klein Kanischa. In Banatul iugoslav, pe malul sang al Tisei, azi Nova Kanyisa.561

Page:  562

Mica, unde incepe Banatul, este foarte prost tinut. De la Canija la Mocrin22 este

MOknil Sat in Banatul iugoslay. 23 Ztirtzebaly. Sat in Banatul iugoslay. 24 Komo los

Ztirtzebaly. Sat in Banatul iugoslay. 24 Komo los azi Comlosu Mare, sat si corn

Page:  566

de orez de Banat it poti cumpara cu 4 creitari, cel strain costa 10-

strain. Orezul de Banat trebuie sa fiarba mai mult, nu infloreste asa de frumos

Page:  568

infloritoare in tot Banatul, indeosebi cresterea oilor. Chizataul are un han peste masura de

Page:  569

celelalte vii din Banat. Aceasta vie produce vin de Burgundia. Vita este din Burgundia

Page:  571

aduce mult folos Banatului Intreg. Comunicatia se face acum pe apa dinspre Dunare si

Page:  576

aminti ca. in Banat adesea ma scoteau din fire ferestrele extrem de mici la

Page:  579

districtele militare din Banat p. 186 Regiunea de hotar a tarilor cesaro-craiesti cu

Page:  599
la granita dinspre Banat, 1-a condus prin trecatorile bine pazite si 1-a

Page:  603

marelui vizir in Banat, in septembrie, $i dupa retragerea imperialilor de la Caransebe$,

grosului armatei din Banat, iar la stanga, sa acopere cetatea Alba Iulia. Mare le

Hateg Trecerea dmtre Banat si Transilvama. 216 Wagenburg. Sensul obisnuit al cuvantului este: tabard

Page:  605

atacul turcilor in Banat, cucerind, in 1788, Belgradul si fund numit generalistm. 222 Neidentificat.

Page:  609

in Transilvania Si Banat 609

Page:  610

pe romanii din Banat si Transilvania, ci le dau un alt numc234. Casa boiereasca

ale romanilor din Banat. Era mare animatie la Caineni. Munca staruitoare a soldatilor, schimbul

Page:  614

in Transilvania din Banat dd mai intai de Poarta de Fier257. Aceasta face, in

i intrat in Banat, atunci Poarta de Fier greu mai poate fi apdrata, caci

a Transilvaniei, intre Banat §i Tara Hategului, de unde se trecea in Tara

Page:  618

290 Kammer. in Banat, partea dinspre granita era sub administratia milrtara, restul era supus,

Page:  619

p. 406 in Banat. Nici aici nu se poate castiga nimic si acum ar

Page:  620

rechizitoriu contra romanilor banateni 5i ardeleni. Amintind de pierderile suferite de armata imperiala in

Page:  621

comandamentele generale din Banat §i din Slavonia. // Sub imparatul Leopold au fost

fericirea p. 413 Banatului, demnitatea de comandant general i-a revenit dlui comandant al

bineinteles, de romanii banateni si nu de cei din Principate, exploatati de fanarioti. 296

Page:  622

domeniile statului305, in Banat. 5i nu numai cateva sate, ci multe, multe. Emigrantii erau

Page:  623
desparte Ungaria de Banat. Cu toate ca acesta din urma a fost alipit p

ales acum, cand Banatul a obtinut iarasi un comandament general propriu si, in consecinta,

vede limpede in Banat. Impotriva unei asemenea dovezi scoase din experienta nu se poate

Ce ar fi Banatul, data in el nu ar locui nici un roman? Tot

in Transilvania si Banat n-ar fi romani, atunci, exceptandu-se peticutele de pamant

Page:  731

si Liubcova8, in Banat, pot fi gasiti carmaci, p. 172 care conduc vasele peste

6 Atha al Banatului imperial, spre deosebire de malul turcesc. 7 Gorne (Lupkova),

Page:  732

sublocotenent din regimentul banatean. Numaidecat, sub oral, se trece printre munti inalti de amandoua

de fluviu, in Banat, este Susca° si la fel si Posahil4 (pe stanga).

Uipalanka, sat in Banatul iugoslay. 12 Localitattle in litere cursive se gusesc pe malul

Page:  733

locuitorilor din sudul Banatului. (n. aut.). 26 In ziva de 22 noiembrie 27

Page:  735

*i desparte Banatul de Tara Romaneasca. La opt *i jumatate, am ajuns

in 1790, desp5rtea Banatul de Tara Romaneasca. 735

Page:  746

Tara Romaneasca, din Banat $1 din Slovenia 1°7. De cativa ani a

sunt transportate in Banat $i mai departe. Se face un comert intens $

Page:  747

i Deva spre Banatul p. 246 timisorean. Deva este un targ cu populatie mica,

vremuri, atunci cand Banatul timisorean mai era inca sub stapanire turceasca, se numea cheia

Page:  748

se nume*te Banat, pe raul Bega, este unul din cele mai frumoase ora*

e mari. In Banat, sunt acum mai multe localitati, care numara noud sute *

ca orezul din Banat sa-l*i concureze pe cel italian, in curand va

al locuitorilor din Banat cifra de *ase sute de mii, find cuprinsa circumscriptia

dat numele de banateni not ", sunt mai harnici. 0 parte din ei traiesc

lor. 110 Pentru Banat, autorul 1-a folosit pe Griselini, pe care 11 rezuma,
Page:  749

Intreaga suprafata a Banatului se prezinta variat, cand ses, cand deal. Un lant de

in cantitati mari. Banatul poate fi socotit printre regiunile cele mai binecuvantate, are din

ultimele cloud, in Banatul iugoslay. 749 P. 254

Page:  750

a trecut prin Banat spre Turcia In 1786 a calatont, pe uscat i pe

Page:  760

o parte din Banat, mi-am Indreptat, de data aceasta, calatoria prin Alba Iulia,

Page:  761

Tara Romaneasca, Transilvania, Banat, Ungaria si Austna, cu un popas la Viena, inainte de

Page:  762

pans la frontiera Banatului cu Ungaria, avem doar extrase din Jurnalul §1 corespondenta

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din Transilvania, din Banat §i din Ungaria, ca sa le poata vizita §

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$i in Banat $i se transports in alte locuri, folosind calea apelor.

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in Transilvania, in Banat $i in Ungaria $i de la Portus s-

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partea opusa Incepe Banatul. A5adar am coborat pana jos 5i putin dupa aceea am

Page:  783

sa in capitala Banatului sunt acestea:] Timi§oara i§i capata numele

76 Sat in Banatul sarbesc. 783 P. 352

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Tara romfineasca, Transulvania Banatul. Intr -o lucrare mai recenta, sub auspiciile Centrului National

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(Gergoya), la 1
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(Temesvar), capitala Banatului cu acest nume, este situata pe un mic rau. Acest

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sat. Kanisa46, sat. Banatul Tmusoaret 4 leghe 6 leghe Iugoslavia 4 leghe 4 leghe

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despre Tara Romfineasca, Banatul Timisioarei si Ungaria Tara Romaneasca, lard de campii imense si

multa putere. Transilvania, Banatul Timisoarei si Ungaria sunt tali slab locuite, aproape pustii, in

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malul Dumirn in Banat (Tab IV din monografia lui Fr. Grisclini, Versuch einer.
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File : calatori vol. 7.pdf
Title :
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Title :
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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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File : calatori XIX, vol. 5.pdf
Title :
Subject :
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Keywords :

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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is not allowed.

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File : calatori XIX, vol. 6.pdf
Title :
Subject :
Author :
Keywords :

Page:  16

numit guvemator at Banatului. Informatii despre perioada petrecuta in principate, raporturile cu

autoritatile si

Page:  19

unei sosele Intre Banat si Oltenia, fondator. al primei campanii de navigatie cu vase

Page:  20

12 Rau In Banat. 13 Rau in Banat. 14 Orsova :lima = Orsova

13 Rau in Banat. 14 Orsova :lima = Orsova Noud (Ada-Kaleh),

Page:  41

uvoi care separa Banatul" de Tara Romaneasca.", §i a fost scos la lumina

Hr.) " The Banat. 12 Wallachia. 13 Baths of Hercules = Bade Herculane, oral,

Page:  51

editor ferate din Banat. 3 Walachei. 4 Localitate in Serbia, pe Dunare. 5 Basiasch,

Page:  105

Calatoriile sale in Banatul romanesc (in 1851-1853 si 1854) au fost legate

au vizitat zona Banatului si au intrat in contact cu diverse categorii sociale. Vizita

sociale. Vizita in Banat i-a pricinuit reintalnirea cu Friedrich Bach, in tovara.sia

implicate de industrializarea Banatului. Intalnind intarnplator o nunta romaneasca, Siegfried Kapper a

incercat o

Page:  106

de sud a Banatului si a grani ;ei militare valahe. Am coborat pe

sud-estice ale Banatului pand la Portile de Fier, care incep chiar de la

laudatei tali a Banatului, caci drumul de fier de la Bazias la Moldovita6, deli

aflatd astAzi in Banatul sarbesc. Acolo a intalnit un vechi prieten din Praga, medicul

a stabilit in Banat, unde izbucnise o epidemie de tifos. A practicat medicina la

Page:  108

de jos a Banatului. // Pentru lumea de la suprafata imi mai ramaneau cateva

Page:  111

cerul cald al Banatului, multe §i dragala§e fete blonde! Vreau sa

au numit romanii Banatul datorita malului sau stancos, sapau dupa our in muntii Oravitei

fi revenit in Banat, ar fi putut totu§i avea cateva pretentii intemeiate

impede ca <Banatul> a fost un loc de pelerinaj mult iubit de catre

al florei din Banat. Originar din Galitia, dupa 1820 medic la Oravita. A publicat

privind flora din Banat. 110

Page:  112

cu hoti din Banat. Nunta romfineasca [...] Soarele apusese deja. Nori de sears se

a locuit in Banat intre 1836-1841 $i 1844-1859, in a doua

Page:  129

1849), guvemator al Banatului, ban al Croatiei (1859-1860), guvernator militar al Ungariei

Page:  138

tarmului sudic al Banatului, cea mai bogata provincie a Ungariei. Cu un secol i

Page:  139

recoltele imbelsugate ale Banatului, in loc sA se indrepte in josul Dunarii, pentru a

bogate parti a Banatului spre Timisoara Orsova, in vecinatatea ultimului find bogate excelente mine

Page:  203

cu turcii in Banat si a cazut in lupta de la Lugoj (1695).

Page:  291

§oselei dintre Banat §i Oltenia §i a navigatiei cu vapoare pe

Page:  295

i 3 din Banatul de Timi§oara, impreuna cu un tonaj de 1

Page:  340

1849), guvernator al Banatului, ban al Croatiei (1859-1860), guvemator militar al Ungariei

Page:  374
si civil at Banatului. In timpul rdzboiului Crimeii, in anul 1854 a ocupat Tara

Page:  445

(principatele, Transilvania banatul de Timisoara) // a fost invadata de goti, a trecut

Page:  457

trupelor austriece in Banat, a trupelor ruse in Basarabia si in Rusia meridionala. 0

Page:  485

5i soldatilor din Banat. Un timp s-a crezut Ia Viena ca nefericitii soldati

Page:  513

este separata de Banat, Transilvania Moldova, Bulgaria §i Serbia de catre granite naturale,

Page:  515

pe,terile din Banat. 34 Mehadia. sat. corn., jud. Cams Severin. 5 A7i Blilc

3 Pesters in Banat, lanes Moldova Noua in jud. Caras-Severin. 3 Francois Sulpice

Page:  537

Tara Romaneasca, in Banat, in Moldova de la Cerna la Prut, pans in Basarabia

i Bulgariei, Serbiei, Banatului. Ele au fost cauza abandonarii ora§ului Milanovac93, ora

Page:  623

Apoi trece in Banat si lupta contra trupelor austriece pana cand, interventia armatelor tariste

Page:  634

i militar al Banatului. In amintirea sa, o localitate din judetul Caras-Severin ii

Page:  645

Numit guvernator al Banatului in 1859, a fost trimis, din 1861, in Ungaria, dupa

Un sat din Banat ii poarta numele, dupa ce, la ordinul sau, locuitorii satului

Page:  758

multor harti privind Banatul, Voivodina, Tara Romaneasca, Ungaria si Venetia. In 1853, de exemplu,

frontierei militare a Banatului Timiwarei Voivodinei, urmand traseul Dunarii, pentru ca in 1856 sa

Page:  761

cu cele din Banat. Toate femeile aveau peste carna.5a un brau foarte curat,

Page:  801
i militar at Banatului, iar in perioada 1854-1856 a condus trupele austriece de

Page:  811

A calatorit In Banatul romanesc in 1851-1853 §i 1854. De§i

Prima calatoria in Banat i-a prilejuit vizita la minele de our de la

Page:  815

multor harti privind Banat, Voivodina, Tam Romaneasca, Ungaria $i Venetia. In 1856 a

Page:  820

683, 684, 693 Banat 40, 107, 110, 137, 138, 456, 484, 512; evrei in

Page:  827

1856), guvernator al Banatului (1859-1861), calator in tarile roman; biografie 598, text

Page:  831

651; coloniti in Banat §i Transilvania 110; - la Galati 77; po§

Page:  841

Nera, rau in Banat 19 Nero (Claudius Germanicus), imparat roman (54-68)

Page:  852

138; urbanism 138; banatul de - 444 Timoc, afluent al Dundrii 117, 132, 135;
File : cernovodeanu, 2.pdf
Title :
Subject :
Author :
Keywords :

Page:  17

Orient a strabatut Banatul, Transilvania, Tara Romaneasca 5i a navigat pe Dunare la 1846.

Page:  66

mai departe, granita Banatului pand cand se varsa in Tisa, la Csalad, nu departe

Page:  71

folosita in intregul Banat si pand la Tisa, ca Ak Wlach" (V<alahia>

Page:  72

frontiera tripla dinspre Banat, Transilvania si Tara Romaneasca", pentru a cobori apoi Ia Dunare].

vestica, numita si Banatul Craiovei, are 5 ispravnicate. Ispravnicatele /Nalahiei Mari sunt, dupa

Page:  79

Transilvania §i Banat, se afla cei mai inalti munti i dealuri. In Sud,

Page:  85

Bach 163 Das Banat-Haus. 164 Zenzeren. Sat, comunk jud. Gorj. 165 De fapt

Page:  99

si Deva, spre Banat. Dupd scurte popasuri la Savarsin Timisoara si-a continuat calAtoria

Romaneasca, Transilvania si Banat in lucrarea Narrative of a Journey from Constantinople to England,

Page:  133

mare ce strabate Banatul mergand la Timisoara. Acesta era drumul urmat in chip obisnuit

Page:  134

si intrasem in Banatul Timisoarei Despre sensul cuvantului de ban, si Banat. Banatul Craiovei

de ban, si Banat. Banatul Craiovei si Banatul Timisoarei. // Banatul Timisoarei este marginit

Banatul Craiovei si Banatul Timisoarei. // Banatul Timisoarei este marginit de raurile Mures, Tisa

Banatul Timisoarei. // Banatul Timisoarei este marginit de raurile Mures, Tisa si p. 330
De fapt, in Banat. 170 Bourzook, sat si corn., jud. Hunedoara. 179 Zaam, idem.

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Transilvania §i Banat dar §i a excursiei ratate in Tara Romaneasca. Rdzboiul

Page:  163

Bazias, Transilvania si Banatul in lung si lat, Krickel a fost entuziasmat de frumusetea

Transilvania si din Banat. Bun cunoscator al istoriei antice, Krickel a vizitat, intre 10

intocmai ca si Banatul, o tall a izvoarelor de apd minerale acidulate si a

Page:  164

in timp ce Banatul I-a strabatut in numai 24 zile (5-29

Page:  165

Dobra hotarul in Banat si pand cand I-a pdrasit, de Ia Bazias, indreptandu-

Page:  204

din tars in Banat. Viticultura este aici foarte raspandita, iar recolta de aici precum

Page:  257

putut inchipui in Banat, unde totul este plat si monoton. Daca-ti vei Inchipui

Din 1778-1779 Banatul a fost incorporat regatului Ungariei. 256 isi

Page:  261

decat pand in Banat, iar aici numai pand la Caransebe§, Mehadia §

Page:  262

altfel in intreg Banatul, au fost construite multe turnuri in trecatorile stramte, pentru a

aceasta parte a Banatului, adica Tarcu, Godeanu, Gugu §i Moraru451, pot fi urcati

Page:  273

la ducere prin Banat, Transilvania §i Tara Romaneasca. Plecat din Viena la 24

de grabita prin Banat, Transilvania §i Tara Romaneasca in 1827, nu sunt prea

Page:  274

1827 Callatoria prin Banat i Tara Rornaneascal Martie 28 /1827/. La patru dimineata

ea, din ceruri. Banatul in al carui tinut ne aflam acum, este o campie

Page:  312
referitoare Ia Transilvania Banat din Ghtdul cel mat nou pentru regatul Ungariei si pentru

Page:  318

General Militar at Banatului. 317 §i §i i i i www.dacoromanica.

Page:  319

desparte Transilvania de Banat. (...) Cain28. Sub acest nume se gase5te in partile secuie5ti

Page:  329

Romaneasca, Transilvania si Banatul Timisoarei numele de Dacia §i deveni sub aceasta noua

Page:  413

calatoriei sale in Banat, medalia de onoare Meritul Civil (Civilverdienst- Ehrenmedaille). Interesul sau

calatoriei sale prin Banat spre Mehadia si Mile Herculane, pe care le-a ordonat

a cutreierat asadar, Banatul de la Mocrin $i pana la Clisura Dunarii, incantat

localitate balneara din Banat renumita In Europa Inca din epoca romans. Cartea sa lncheiata

Page:  414

a drumurilor din Banat mai cu seams, caile de acces Ia Baffle Herculane. Aceasta

graniceri locuitori din Banat, s-a aflat in centrul atentiei monografiei sale. Autorul a

(Bratislava), Das Banat in topograplusch-naturiustorischer Beziehung mit besonderer Berucksichtigung

der Herculesbader ndchst

ihrer Umgebungen (Banatul din punct de vedere topografic si al istoriei stiintelor naturii,

Comandament Militar General Banatean, al unui episcop greco-ortodox2 al P. 87 1 Traducerea

Page:  415

Statului, aflate in Banat, precum si al multor autoritati civile si militare, ca de

trei comitate din Banat4. Acest loc este foarte vestit in istoria military a Ungariei.

au fost stapanii Banatului Si ai palancii fortificate de la Timisoara. Dupa victoria lui

si a intregului Banat. Prin pacea de la Passarowitz din 1718, Poarta 1-a

Timisoarei, parcurgand intreg Banatul de la rasarit spre apus si se terming la Becicherecul

i civil al Banatului Intre 1716-1734. 10 Hydraulische Maschine, In realitate o pompa

i naturals a Banatului Timisoarei, trad. C.Fene§an, Ed. Facia, Timi§

edinte al Administratiei Banatului al Directiei miniere Banatene (1774-1777). 12 Fascet. 13

al Directiei miniere Banatene (1774-1777). 12 Fascet. 13 Gross-Becskerek, azi Zrenjanin

Page:  428

Geschichte des temeswarer Banats rn BrIefen an Standespersonen und Gelehrte, Viena, 1780. 427 si
Page:  432

si civil al Banatului /1734 -9 ian 1738), din 1735 vicepresedinte at

Page:  436

Ungaria, ajungea in Banatul austriac, unde pentru scurt timp §i-a gasit de

Page:  437

in provincia numita Banat 5i am ajuns la Vra5et2 unde se produce un vin

Page:  444

i p. 59 Banat; in afard de aceasta, ei poarta caciuli albe §i

Page:  445

pornit-o spre Banat. 45 Jupanec. Sat desfiintat, inglobat in orasul Orsova, jud. Mehedinti.

Page:  446

care este capitala Banatului i cetate. Dar holera bantuia peste tot §i de

Page:  447

se apoi, prin Banat, spre Transilvania. Ajuns la Brasov, s-a angajat pentru scurta

Page:  503

apoi drumul spre Banat prin Sebe*, Or4tie, Deva. Dupe scurte popasuri la Sdvar§

Page:  504

august 1828 si Banat, intre 5-29 august 1828. Rdzboiul ruso-turc din anii

din Transilvania si Banat, remarcand saracia romanilor, viata for grea, dar si portul si

Page:  505

in Transilvania si Banat. Folosindu-se de experienta din vremea in care condusese trupe

Page:  507

o calatorie in Banat, prilej de a culege la fata locului informatii pe care

despre drumurile din Banat si indeosebi despre cele spre Baile Herculane. Cititorul are la

Page:  508

o calatorie prin Banat, Transilvania, Tara Romaneasca si Moldova. La Brasov, Bucuresti, Bar lad

Page:  512

Aranga), rau in Banat 542 Arbore (Arbri), sat, comund, jud. Suceava 159 Arbuthnot,
Page:  513

Timis, eau in Banat Atena, oral 713 Athanasius, probabil Anastasie Zino (Simo), medic

Page:  515

nov. 13) 177 Banat (Banatul Timiwarei), provincie 75, 77-80, 121, 202, 371,

177 Banat (Banatul Timiwarei), provincie 75, 77-80, 121, 202, 371, 487, 499,

Page:  516

din antichitate, in Banat 594, 661 Bailor (Boylor) mine langd Abrud 510 Baisesti

Page:  517

canal artificial in Banat 587 Bein, F.P. director de po§ta din

Page:  521

localitate neidentificabila, in Banat 201 Bucovina, provincie 108, 110, 111, 112, 156, 158, 171,

Page:  522

399; - in Banat 700 Burdujeni, localitate, actualmente inglobatd in orasul Suceava 111 Burgundia,

Page:  530

Mare 97 Craiova, banatul - v. Oltenia; Craiova (Crajo, Craiova, Krayovu), oral-municipiu,

fosta resedinta a banatului Olteniei 86, 94, 124, 340, 342, 350, 351, 363, 366,

Page:  531

Transilvania §i Banat 321; - turceasca referire la Tara Romaneasca §i Moldova

Page:  534

in Bucovina, in Banat, in Transilvania 251; comert cu Principatele Romane 104, 274, 279;

Page:  535

- stabiliti in Banat 700; la Deva, uncle platesc taxa de toleranta" 584; stabiliti

Page:  537

- coloni0i in Banat 700; mods - 288, 291; ambasadori la Poartd v. Brune;

Page:  539

vabi, locuitori in Banat 79, 80, 138, 700; - locuitori in Moldova 292, 755;

Page:  545
la sarbii din Banat 79 Ilisesti (Ilischestie, 011ichestie), sat, jud. Suceava 159, 164,

Page:  548

militari stability in Banat *i Transilvania; a participat la campaniile contra lui Napoleon

Page:  551

in campania din Banat (1788-1791) 487 525 -

Page:  553

ale descoperite in Banat si Transilvania 200 M Macaron" v. Insula Serpilor Mac Michael,

Page:  562

902 Oltenia (banatul Craiovei, Valahia Mica, Kleine Wallachei, La petite Valachie, Valahia austriaca),

Page:  563

Veche>, localitate in Banat 362, 419, 592, 593, 594, 651, 778 Or5ova Noud, turceascd

Page:  564

Pancevo, localitate in Banatul sarbesc 487 Pannonia, provincie antics 513 Pantazoglu, grec, fost

Page:  566

la hotar cu Banatul 75, 512, 591 Poarta romanilor (Poarta romans, Poarta lui

Page:  568

pentru sarbii din Banat v. sarbi Razgrad, localitate in Bulgaria 346 Razumovski, Andrei Kirilovici

Page:  569

localitate neidentificata in Banat 126 Reismarck v. Miercurea Sibiului Reni (Tomarova, Tomorova),

Page:  570

i drumuri in Banat 80; medalii 72 referire eronata la rumani, tdrani aserviti din

158; locuitori in Banat 79, locuitori in Transilvania 78; practici ale medicinii populare la

Page:  574

la sarbii din Banat 700; confuzie cu scitii 79; - raizen referire la populatia

Page:  576

cu romanii din Banat 280 Slanic, localitate in Muntenia 833, 841 Slatineanu, Scarlat, mare

Page:  582
Tomi), rau In Banat scris cu ortografia raului Tamisa) 79, 80, 587 Timis (

- 854 Timisoara, banatul de - v. Banat Timisoara (Tamasvar, Tibisus, Tibiscus), oral-

de - v. Banat Timisoara (Tamasvar, Tibisus, Tibiscus), oral-municipiu, jud. Timis 79,

si militar al Banatului 75, 592; locuitori (si armeni), catedrala, piece, arsenale, manastiri

Page:  585

655; - in Banat 79, 700; ocupatii: fierari, muzicanti, dansatori, scamatori, ghicitori 501-503;

Page:  586

mediu timpuriu 253; Banatul - v. Banat 78; locuitori - in Banat 700; -

Banatul - v. Banat 78; locuitori - in Banat 700; - in garnizoana Timiwarei

locuitori - in Banat 700; - in garnizoana Timiwarei 80; - in Transilvania 143,

Page:  593

munte in S. Banatului 226, 267, 428, 431 Alit Altos Fluss, Aluta v. Olt,

Almaj, tinut In Banat 244, 418, 434 Alpi, munti 108 Alsted, profesor la Colegiul

Page:  594

romano-iliric din Banat 483 Arpad, conducator si duce al Ungariei (840/5-

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231, 239, 240 Banat (Banatul Timisoarei), provincie 65, 70, 71, 78, 273, 315,

240 Banat (Banatul Timisoarei), provincie 65, 70, 71, 78, 273, 315, 317, 318,

Page:  596

statiune balneard in Banat, cunoscutd din antichitate; imprejurimi; Pqtera Hotilor, Gaura 132, 236, 316,

de cetate in Banat 418 Barcut (Bekokten, Barankut), localitate in Transilvania, neidentificata 241

in Sud-Estul Banatului 428 Beam, Hector de - (?-?), ofiter francez, atapt pe

Bega, rau in Banat; canalul construit intre raurile - Timm 413, 415 Beidaud (

Reka), rau in Banat 266, 268, 317, 419, 427, 437 570 - si si

Page:  597

Bilenz), sat in Banat 257, 415 Belobresca (Bello-brehska), sat in Banat, neidentificat

brehska), sat in Banat, neidentificat 269 Be lu, familie boiereasca din Tara Romaneascd 291

Crola, localitate in Banatul sarbesc 269, 434 Bisterfeld, profesor la Colegiul reformat din Alba-

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Bozovici, localitate in Banat 268 Bradu (Girelsau), sat, judetul Sibiu 216 Bran (

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presedinte al Administratiei Banatului si Directiei miniere (1774-1777) 414 Brody, oral in

pardu in sudul Banatului 434 Buchin, sat in Banat 262, 417 Bucovina, provincie 25,

Buchin, sat in Banat 262, 417 Bucovina, provincie 25, 71, 87, 298, 331, 375;

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Nou, localitate in Banat?, colonizat cu svabi (secolul al XVIII-lea) 417 574

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, comitat in Banat 67, 414, 416 Caravia <Vasile>, eterist, inspiratorul masacrdrii turcilor

Valea Cernii in Banat 417 Campulung <Muscel> (Campus Longus, Kampu lungu, Kimpolungu),

Cerna, rau in Banat 203, 264-266, 316, 419-428, 431, 432; confuzie cu

Page:  602

i tinut in Banat 267 - de Sus; - de Jos Cluj, comitat 168,

Page:  603

trecatoare in Muntii Banatului 428 Cornea (Corniu), sat, judetul Caras-Severin 263, 418

valea - in Banat 418; localitate, judetul Caras-Severin Cornet, sat si manastire pe

Iasi 308 Craiova, Banatul - v. Oltenia Craiova (Krajova), oral-municipiu, judetul Olt;

fosta resedintd a Banatului Olteniei 3, 81, 83, 84, 376, 377, 442, 443; locuitori

de - 72; Banatul - 71, 133, 194 Craiovesti, boierii - familie boiereascd din

Page:  604

Krasdrovecs), localitate in Banat 418 Csaki, familie nobild maghiard din Transilvania 324 Csalad,

sat in S. Banatului 434 Dan I, domn at Tarii Romane§ti (

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romano-ilir din Banat (1829) 433, 434 Dragasani (Dragachan), oral-municipiu, judetul

Page:  607

Marti), in Sudul Banatului 434 Fejeregyhaza v. Viscri Feldioara (Marienburg), sat §i

- in muntii Banatului, langd Mehadia 419 Fibi§ sat, corm Manloc, jud. Timi

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si civil al Banatului (1734iun. 1735) a construit fortul Elisabeta pe Dundre 431

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Jakresticza), parau in Banat 428, 433 lalomita (Jablancza), corn., jud. Cara$-Severin 268,

Page:  613

romanii ortodocsi din Banat 267, 436 Ilovita, corn., jud. Mehedinti 261; indieni, referire la

Page:  614

localitate neidentificata in Banat 416 Jeschelnitza v. lesalnita Jiblea (Sibla) localitate components a

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Mare, corn. in Banat 419, 428 Lapusna, corn. in R. Moldova tinut; ispravnicie de

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i civil at Banatului (1716-1734) 414 Metternich Klemens Wezel Napomuk Lothar von

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Nera, rau in Banat 434; confuzie cu Cerna 263 Netus (Situv) sat, com.

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72 Oltenia (Banatul Craiovei, Valahia austriacd, Valahia Mica) 24, 33, 38, 79, 80,

Page:  624

Paravo) localitate in Banat (in Serbia) 436, 474 Papso, Daniel, preot gardian la

si turci in Banat (1738) 166 Pal-alarm Danciu, ctitor al mandstirii Polovragi

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localitate asiatica in Banat 199 Prahova, rau in Muntenia 225 Praid, com., jud. Harghita

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v. §i Banat, Moldova, moldoveni; Transilvania, Tara Romaneascd; fizionomie, imbrdcdminte; - coliba§

Page:  628

Gradistei rau in Banat 318 Sarko v. Tarcu, munte sarmati, populatie antica 70, 101,

Page:  629

in rdzboiul din Banat contra turcilor (1716-1718); a eliberat Timiwara de sub

Page:  630

Austria; caldtor in Banat (1829) biografie 412 -413; text 413-434 Schwerin,
localitate antics in Banat 199 Seulen, ofiter din Bra§ov (1828) 225,

- in Sudul Banatului 431 Severin, Ivan Ivanovici (1751-1799) consul general al

Page:  632

Strassitz), munte in Banat Strehaia (Kloster Eszterhoja, oral, manastire (jud. Mehedinti) construit

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caldtor in Ungaria, Banat §i Transilvania (1826-1827); biografie 311, 312; text

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in S-Estul Banatului, neidentificabild 429 Tecuci (Tekutsch), ora§-municipiu, jud.

Teregova, trecatoare in Banat §i corn., jud. Cara§-Severin 262, 419

i canal in Banat 256, 258, 260, 262, 263, 416, 417, 418 Timi§

, comitat in Banat 67, 312, 313, 320, 414 Timisoara (Temeswar), ora§

§edinta a Banatului 136, 137, 257, 263, 273, 312, 313; passim; cetate la

Page:  635

Inaltului comandament general banatean, al Administratiei Camera le a Domeniilor Statului; Sediul

Episcopiei ortodoxe;

Timok) rau in Banatul sarbesc 401 Tirol 417 Ti9, ray 650 i70/43Q,;(133,.

fost comitat in Banat 414 33)rburg yt.13jranc Toscana, Franz Karl von Lothringen,

Page:  636

(1869) din Banat 428, 431 Tulbure, familie boiereasca din Moldova 374 Tulcea, ora.

Turnu Ruieni in Banat 261, 416 Turnu Ro§u (Rothen Turnu, Red

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masiv muntos in Banat in extremitate de v. a Carpatilor Meridionali 47, 415 Tantareni

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terd in Sudul Banatului 267 <Via Carolina> §osea construitd de austrieci sub

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localitate antics in Banat 199 Vollner, maiestru gravor de monede din Alba Iulia (
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Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  381

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  383

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  386

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  395

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  396

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  397

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  399

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  400
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  401

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  403

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  406

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  426

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  427

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  428

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  430
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  431

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  433

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  449

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  498

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  499

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  500

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  506

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  507

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  510
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  521

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  523

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  540

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  541

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  579

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  580

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  599

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  600

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  601

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  602

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  603

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  631

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  726

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  785

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  790

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  791

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  792

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  793

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  796

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  821

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  824

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  826

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  839

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  870

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  872

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  899

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  900

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Page:  902

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  913

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  916

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  920

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  921

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  922

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  923

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  924

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  925

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  930

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  932

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  936

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  938

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  940

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  942

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  943

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  944

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  950

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  952

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  954

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  955

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  956

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  957

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Page:  960

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  962

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  963

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  964

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  965

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  967

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  969

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  972

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  975

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  977

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  979

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  980

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  981

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  983

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  985

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  988

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  990

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  993
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  994

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  995

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  996

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1001

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1004

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1006

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1007

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1009

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1011

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1012

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1013

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1014

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1015

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1016

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Page:  1020

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1022

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  1023

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
File : cernovodeanu, 4.pdf
Title :
Subject :
Author :
Keywords :

Page:  11

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  43

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  95

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  126

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  130

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  132

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  136

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Page:  142

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  145

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  146

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  149

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  152

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  154

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  155

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  156

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  157

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  158

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  160

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  161

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  162

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Page:  163

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  164

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  166

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  167

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  168

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  169

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  170

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  171

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  172

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  179

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  206

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  238

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  282

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  294

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  295

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  296

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  300

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  351

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  353

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  361

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  362

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  365

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  398

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  424

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  535

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  538

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  540

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  544

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  553

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  555

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  562

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  563

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  564
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  599

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  604

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  605

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  606

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  607

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  612

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  621

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.
Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
is not allowed.

Page:  623

Could not extract contextual text. The document has restricted security permissions and content copying
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Moldova, Bucovina, Transilvania, Banatul si, la sfarsit, Dunarea Si Carpatii (p. 138-143,

Page:  17

drumetii veneau dinspre Banat, atunci urmau itinerariul Timisoara Lugoj Hunedoara Alba Julia Sibiu, si

Page:  20

Transilvania $i Banatul au fost strabatute de: Clarke, Caronni, Martini, Walsh, Ackner, Krickel,

Page:  24

Voivodina <corect: Banat n.n.> mai traiesc Inca 2 milioane de romani". Socotind

Page:  26

care a vizitat Banatul, Tara Romaneasca Moldova in vara anului 1837, in fruntea unei

Page:  45

Stiirmer, intrat prin Banat, strabate drumul obisnuit pe la Caineni, coborand in Tam Romaneasca,

Page:  52

indreptandu-se pnn Banat $i Ungaria spre Viena, unde it regaseste pe Hammer

Page:  53

asupra romanilor din Banat! Asa se explica evidentele contradictii dintre unele observatii personale ale

pretunlor alimentelor in Banat. Inforrnatnle privitoare Ia boganile miniere din Transilvania si la


Page:  60

de inmormantare din Banat, preluata de la Ignaz von Born (Ceititori prin Banatul

(Ceititori prin Banatul Timiyoarei, Londra, 1777, scris. 3, p. 19). Pentru originea romanilor

Page:  66

Ana in capitala Banatului // In ziva de luni, 26 aprilie, am parasit Bucure

Page:  75

despre Mures, Dunare, Banat, Timisoara. 74

Page:  76

inchid intre ele Banatul Timisoarei inlauntrul unor hotare atat de regulate, incat are o

find orasul Timisoara. Banatul mai este marginit spre est de marea creasta a muntilor

Page:  78

bantuie la frontiera Banatului Timisoarei. Primul nostru popas dupe Dobra a fost la Cosesti

Page:  79

separd Transilvania de Banatul Unganei; o mica bisericuta pe p 316 culme // inseamna

Page:  80

intrarea noastra in Banat, la Co$ava, Zara ni s-a parut ca aduce

satelor. Aerul din Banat nu este bun. Friguri de balta $i febre inflamatorii

Timi$oara, capitala Banatului, un ora$ intarit, ingrijit $i mare, dar intr-un

este foarte bun. Banatul find inconjurat oarecum din toate parZile de rauri, afara doar

fi sanatoasa175 Locuitorii Banatului se impart in Ilirieni"176 sau RaZi"177, care sunt

Page:  81

drumuri drepte din Banat sunt excelente $i caci de po$ta sunt buni,

Page:  82

hotarul apusean al Banatului187. [Autorul se indreapta apoi prin Szeged i Kecskemet spre

maghiara]. Tiganii din Banat 4i ca*tiga existenta, ca §i cei din Tara

Page:  100

romani: unul din Banat si doua in Transilvania Al II-lea isi avea comandamentul

Page:  120

Romfineasca, Transilvania si Banat !Ana Ia Viena, de unde s-a intors apoi

Page:  121

in Transilvania si Banat, provincn vlaguite de impunenle autoritatilor imperiale, datorita necontenitelor

razboaie purtate

Page:  122

ROMANEASCA, TRANSILVANIA BSI BANAT> 18011 <Parasind Constantinopolul, la 25 noiembne

1801, la bordul
Page:  128

cat Si in Banat, are aspect de saracie66 63 John Brom ly", porecla data

Page:  203

§, pavaza Banatului, care a sustinut cu cinste mai multe asedii memorabile, mi-

Page:  256

partea occidentals sau Banatul Craiovei. Moldova de odinioara era compusa din 23 de tinuturi,

Page:  281

bine cultivat. Populatia Banatului se deosebeste de cea a Ungariei, e de neam slay

Page:  282

monumentelor medievale din Banat, Timi Kara, 1973, sub voce. localitdtilor 4 Conte le Soro,

Page:  345

cu grecii din Banat146, abuzul criminal pe care 1-a facut de increderea generalului

Page:  372

Transilvania si de Banat, Dunarea de Bulgaria Si Prutul de deserturile Basarabiei. Cursul Siretului,

Adica Transilvania si Banatul. 7 Este vorba de Galati. St 371 p. 394 p.

Page:  420

Ei trec in Banat Si de acolo, prin munti, intra in Valahia Mica14 pentru

prin munti in Banat. Partea cealalta a acestor croati am trimis-o in diferite

Page:  444

piei de capra Banat, Moldova etc.: tabacite sau asa-zisul safian, vite cornute, porci,

Page:  445

al asa-zisului banat al-Craiovei; ea se va incredinta insa acum unui grec,

Page:  485

infenoara si in Banatul Timisoarei, de unde ajunge pans la Belgrad, de curand cucent

Page:  488

Pancevo $i Banatul Timi$oarei nu mi-a ingaduit decat simple indoieli i

in campania din Banat din anii 1788-1791. 13b,s Tarasiopolis.Com jud. Arad.

Page:  495
orezarii, ca in Banat [...] etc. Pacat a in Transilvania lipse§te <

Page:  500

observatiile sale asupra Banatului. Romanii se recasatoresc intr-adevar, dar nu tree decat in

Geschichte des Tmesvarer Banats in Briefen: E ciudat ca autorul, care e italian, trimite

Page:  502

decat cei din Banat [...] //. [Autorul continua cu prezentarea unor dovezi de

Page:  505

calculat ca. in Banat treceau de cinci mii); dar pretutindeni au ramas tigani in

Page:  527

a marginit la Banat, citand specii gasite de el la Dognecea241, dar prea frumoasa

a gasit in Banat unele hexagonale, octogonale si decagonale §i nu a bagat

Page:  554

cauza muntilor spre Banat, partea catre Tara Romaneasca. Dar pentru Serbia va fi mai

Page:  579

la apus cu Banatul; se imparte in 29 de comitate <n.a.> Transilvania

Page:  587

Transilvaniei si ale Banatului. Au fost prinsi recurgandu-se la un mijloc putin obisnuit.

guvemator militar al Banatului. 586

Page:  588

care strabate tot Banatul si leaga Bega cu Timisul131. Pare facut anume pentru plutaritul

fi in capitala Banatului. <ISi exprima nerabdarea de a-1 revedea>. Cum mi-

aceasta culturd in Banat, unde au fost colonizati cativa indivizi de acest neam. 130

Page:  589

foarte pretuita in Banat, facuta din prune si numita slibovita137; am gasit-o cu

Page:  591

strabatand Austria, Ungaria, Banatul, Tara Romineasca ai Bulgaria pans la Constantinopol (16 iunie

Page:  592

de calatone privind Banatul $i Tara Romaneasca sunt destul de fugare $i

de la granitele Banatului. Calatorul este bine primit in casa caimacamului Craiovei, Gheorghe

romani din partile Banatului si ale Transilvaniei regatului aflat sub stapanirea Austriei. 6 Pelisse

Page:  593

Mokrin9, in provincia Banat. Am parcurs rapid cele trei statii de po$ta care

i roditoare ale Banatului, pline de sate, biserici $i terenuri cultivate [...]. Timisoara,

Timisoara, capitala provincie Banat, este dupd D'Anvillel°, vechiul Tibiscusll in Dacia, unde a fost

Aranga, fluviu in Banat. 9 Localitate in Serbia. 10 J. B. Bourguignon Danville sau

strain vorbite in Banat este exagerat $1 nu are mci o legatura cu

Page:  616

aptesprezece judete, inclusiv banatul Craiovei, care este alcatuit din cinci <judete>. Se numesc:

masurA. Ispravnicii din banatul <Craiovei> sunt pu§i sub ordinile imediate ale

Page:  619

si cei din banatul Craiovei au fost sco§i de sub prevederile ei.

Page:  630

Transilvania, dar pastrau Banatul, datonta principiului uti posidetis, care a stat la baza negocienlor.

Page:  662

Tarii Romanesti cu Banatul Timisoarei. Unul din cele mai insemnate izvoare de bogatie al

Page:  699

indreptandu-se, pnn Banat, spre Timisoara. A trecut in goana pnn Transilvania , fara

lui Stiirmer prin Banat, Transilvania s' Tara Romineasca, publicand-o in volumul intitulat Scenes

in goana, prin Banat si Transilvania sunt notate sumar, autorul marginindu-se sa dea

variata a populatiei banatene. Staruie, in schimb, asupra organizarii vamn si a carantinei de

Page:  701

un sfert din Banat Numai la drumuri nu se vede nici urma de a

Page:  709

§i in Banat pentru calitatile sale nutritive §i productivitatea sa. In lung

Page:  752

stability ulterior in Banat si Transilvania Titlul de conte a fost castigat de tatal

Page:  777
dincolo, numita si Banatul Craiovei, se imparte in 5 districte. Lista ispravniciilor dupa cea

Page:  802

austriece ale <Banatului> Timi§oarei, p 778 Transilvaniei §i Bucovinei, iar

Page:  828

la apus cu Banatul care e in stapanirea Austriei, iar la nord cu Transilvania,

Page:  861

§i a Banatului austriac sau Mehadia, spre sud, pe Dunare, Serbia, marginindu-se

Page:  908

Tara Romfineasca, Transilvania, Banat, Ungava, Austria $1 Germania. In 1821 a fost tnmis

Page:  911

Transilvania, Timisoara si Banatul, Ungaria si Buda; ajung la Viena. 910 19 Salakro, sat,

Page:  927

a fi caimacamul Banatului de Craiova. Ei au descins la Mitropolie. [In ziva

solul Olteniei36 ( Banatul de Craiova sau Valahia austriaca)37, dar radacina este straina"

Page:  974

si domn al Banatului pana la Marea cea Mare si singur 973 si si

Page:  996

de our in Banat (xilogravura de Richard T Austin, in cartea lui E.

Page:  1023

dar Ilyria, Transilvania, Banatu133, Galitia, Ungaria34 si Boemia sunt de origine slava <au>

Page:  1025

Romfineasca, Transilvania si Banat intre 16 apnlie-7 mai 1802. Trecere prin Bucuresti, Pitesti,

10 decembrie), parasind Banatul pe la Comlos (13 decembrie). William Wittman Medic militar

Page:  1026

Romaneasca, Transilvania si Banatul pe la Giurgiu (9 octombne), Bucuresn (10 octombrie),

calatoria infiptuita prin Banat, Transilvania si Tara Romaneasca pana in Moldova si Iasi, trecand

Page:  1027
in 1808, in Banat, Transilvania, Bucovina, Moldova si Tara Romfineasca, in drum spre Constantinopol.

Page:  1029

in maiiume 1813, Banatul si Tara Romaneasca. Trece prin Timisoara, Lugoj, Mehadia, Orsova, Cemeti,

stab:kind Ungaria, Banatul, Transilvania $i Tara Romaneasca. A trecut pe la Timisoara,

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