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A Lover's Guide

Susan Mumford
A Lover's Guide

Susan Mumford

Phorographi• by Richard Truscott

!\rr Editor Trinity Fry

Commissioning !idiror Sian Facer
,\rt Director Jacqui Small
£ diror Susie Behar
Production Conrroller Sarah Rees

FlrR ruhlishcd in Great hrirain in 19Q4 in han:lliock fided

7lr )razwl r.. i i i.otvt''s Gniie t" M11ss11ge br J\ticc-hell Bca7.1ey, t1 dh·ision of
Ocropu.s Publim;ng Group timittd

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Tcxr ._c. Susan \ tumford IW~

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Creating che Em'ironmenc 12
Techniques 20
A Relaxation ~lassage 30
T he Back +6
T he Back of rhe Legs 62
The Neck 72
The Face 78
The Arms 82
T he Chesr 92
T he Abdomen 96
T he Fronc of the Legs 100
Play Afi:er Massage l 12
Oils and T heir Uses 122
Index 117
Ackuoll'lcdgcmenrs 128

ouch. H'e love to touch. We are indeed tactile, semual

T beings. We perceive the wodd through our senses, and fire
nfferted by what win·eceive. Sip;ht, sound, t11ste, touch, smell - of
nil the senses, touching perhaps affict.nts the most deeply.
Touch com111 u11icates, brings closeness, restores and arouses.
From i11f11ncy, we use touch to find out about the world, to
explore, i·each out and co11fi1m. Through touch we are able to
nffinn or transfo11J1 our relntio11ships, find our information rmd
reveal or hide ourselves. Touch tells us who we are, it gives us a
sense of ourselves, allows us to make co11t11ct and feel we are not
alone. We use touch for pleasure, to bring relationships closer, to
comfo1t and accept. Instinctively we feel people as they walk into
a room - touch brings that cont11ct clost'I; 11111kes it real.
Ottr senses and feelings can give us balrmce rmd srttisfactio11.
8 They are rm antidote to n thinking, teclmicai w()1-/d. In ortlt'I· to
find sudJ a balance, we need to turn our fetus to a loving relationship to thrive. TM a l 'fo'
our senses, re-examine 0111" sm,-ozmdings, and thing about massage is that it fotls .s ~ •
see how they mnke us feel. We need to have an give as to receive.
environment where we can feel, let go ft-ecly, Mrkrsage can be used for simple n/a.utiqn - •
where we can open up emotionally, receive plea- a way ofeasing tired muscles, calming the mi1fJ.,
sun and relax. Taking care to have around us uplifting the spit-it and restoring our 1ll1tllr.J
objects that we like, inspiring shapes, softness, energy. Having the ability to do this for ,,,,,.
and crwves. Paying attention to colm; niaterials, partner gives a special satisfaction, a feeling of
scents and soundr, for each sensation conveys confidence and warmth. For our partner, alkraJ-
something to 11s. ing a caring touch to discrrvei· and ease tl1IlllJ
In e:rplo1-ing the sensual world am/ am· stress mui te11sions is a statement ofopenness and
responses to it, we 11at1walty increase om· ufe of theh· trust in us.
touch. Touching our surroundings, the people we Intimate massage combines basic massage
encounter, those we are close to, and those we teL"hniqttes, designed to relax and keep muscles
love. As lovers we are particularly vulnemble healthy, with added sensual arousal and the
rmd open to each other - touch can give imntense spomrmeity of loving touch. With sensual mas-
pleasure or cause physical pain. sage, each one pleasuns and satisfies the other,
The way that we, as lovers, tpuch
. defines the creating an intimate, loving, two-way fluw.
bond between us. Through senmality we explore There is no right way to do it, it depends on a
and find delight in each othe1; heightening both shared experience. If 01w attention is 011 our
arousal and awareness. Pleasing each other, we prtrt:ne1; we will be concerned only with t.heir
bring the other clam; increasing our sense oflrrv- happiness, and a tender sensitivity will develop.
ing and being loved. The beauty rif a sensual, intimate massage is .._
Nlassage celebrates sensuality. It is rm expei-i- that it mhances our relationship, by increasing
ence of giving and receiving, of explol'ing and kn1JWiedge, vitality and joy.
opening to each othe1: lt is a way ofpleasing and The sensual massage in this book will take yor1
rela.xing, rclem-ing stnss (lnd tension and creates about an hour to give. The relr1;mtion massage
a prnfound feeling ofwell-being. By giving mas- takes about twenty minutes. Ifyou don't have 11
sage we are caring for each other in a very real full hour to spare, you can cona11trate UT/ rmt 0
and loving way. In getting to knlJW each other particular area of your partner's body, gii:mg
bette1; we increase the trmt and sharing vital for that ana yomfull loving attention. 9
Preparing for

rcparing for a sensual massage can be a allow the hands co glide free!)' Ol'Cr the
P sensual c.,pccience in itself Jr sets the
mood, and che care and choughr pur inco ir
Grapeseed, a lighr 1•egt'tablc oil 11irhour a
hea,1· smell, is a \'Cr}' good carrier oil. .\lmond
\\ill increase \·our enjoymenr of rhc massage. oil, a slighch· swccrcr, thicker oil, feels more
Mixing and using oils can be exrremcl} sacis- lu:\'\1rious on t:he skin. Oils of a1 ocado and
fying. There arc various oils rbac rou can use, apricot are rich, nourishi ng oils, 11 hich mny be
nnd finding n combinacion char suirs you i ~ added ro make a mixture full~r. Oil of jojoba
ofcc n jusr a macccr of experimcnca rion. The is a beautifu l, inorc expensive oil, which is
12 'carrier' or 'base' oil is the basic oil used co parriculnrl y good fo r massaging chc face.
Another group of oi ls, essemial oils, are added reputed co have aphrodisiacal properries, c e .e
co the carrier oi l ro enhance the effect of mas- arc evocative, irresistibly heady scenes. On
sage. Containing che essential nature of a pages 122-123 you will find a list of oils and
plant, they are ex tremely potem, and you need their properties and some recipes for )'OU co
only use a few drops. Traditionally essential try out. Alchough mixing can be excremel y
oi ls are used for the c:reannenr of various con- satisfying, you can if you prefer, buy ready
ditions and they should ooc be used d irectly mixed oils.
on chc skin. For example, for relaxation, use There are 1·arious oi ls chat you can use,
lavender, a part icu larly useful, fresh, healing and find ing a combinarion that suics you is
oil, or chamomile, which ha.' a. calming, secla- often just a matter of experimentacion. You
cive effect. In order co get co know chem, cry can make up as much as you like. If you srn rr
chem separarely ar fir~c, mixing a couple of with I floz (28ml) of hase oi l you wil l make
drops into some oil. For heightening sensl1al enough oil fo r about four massages. The ratio
arousal, cry oils known as aphrodisiacs - yoo should reniember is use up co, but not
sandalwood, a woody, sedating, eascern scene; more rhau, 12 drops of essential oi l per Ifloz
pacchouli, a more scimulacing, s11·eec, da rk {28m!) of hase oil. Foe rhe ma.m1ge you can
odor; or ylang ylang, which has an euphoric, \1se a shallow dish in which co put some oil,
sweec, flora l smell. Experiment wich chese oils or use a small botde with a sroppcr. If you
and sec which ones attract )' OU. Perhaps che are planning co massage frequeucly, you could
mosc beautiful of oi ls, and also the most prepare a m ixnire by filling I or 2floz {28 or
expensive, are del icate neroli (orange blossom), 54ml) glass hordes. If you add au optional
which sedates; exotic jasmine•• which uplifts; ceaspoon of wheat germ oil che m ixrure is
and luxurious, soothing oil of ?ose. Also preserved for a longer period.

Before stnrting 11 mnssage it is imp<wtnnt to tune into
how ycm mtd your pnrt1Jer feel. Tnke flll the time yo11
need to i·elflx togethlfl·. When )'011 nre 1-eady, tty some
gm tie bre11thi11g to relax ycntr111i11d n11d body. Lying
un yom· bflck, knees bmt, pince your hnnds 011 your
af1dome11 (top right). Simply allow your body to
breathe 11nturnlly, feeli11g the rise and fflll ofyo11r
bonds. Afterfroe or ten 111in11te.r, 111111.1e and let ench
p.i11 of your body 1·elox in turn. Then drmoing yo1w
knees up to your chest, sprendyour mws, n11d slowly
kru:er )'Olli" left leg, and then yom· right leg, to the
fo>or (bottom right). Next M this in reverse. This
gr.:es o wo11de1ful stntch but does not strain.
bead rmd sh0'11lders
Sumding ur sitting with yo111·
spine straight, drop yom· head
farwm·ds onto yoiw chest. N()'IJ),
ve1y slowly, stmt dnling :rozw
bend round to the left. Let you,.
bend 1·01/ smoothly, making the
cirde generous, without tmy
m·ni11. Continue round to the
right, then 1·01/ the other wny,
Afrer mixing up the oils it is important to make su re you have wmpleting the circle at yrrur
everything you need before beginning massage, so chat rou can rhm. Raise yow· bend sl1YWly.
give you r full attention ro your parmer. The surface on which Then, roll each sho11/dr"!' in mm,
you massage should be comfortable bur fmn, giving your part- slow~• and eve11ly,fomsi11g only
ner's body full support. ) ou ma\' need rowels for warmth, and on that movemmt.
pillows to raise your partner's body. I-lave a supply of tissue-~,
some wacer, and containers for chc oil. Check m ~rnke sure the
containers are well-balanced as ir is extremely eas)' to knock
chem over as you rnO\·e.
Before giving ~ massage. ic is imporcanc also co prepare
yourself. Never gin~ a mass:ige if you are tired. Tlie conracr spine
between you and your partner be<;omes so close thi1t almost To relnx the spine, sit 011 your
you r very thoughts can be ~erued. Take time wich your parmer heels, your f&rebend on the floo1·.
co gendy relax your bod~ ..\llo\\ your mind co clear, ler go of Now skrw/y stttrt 1t11«1w/i11g your
any preoccu pacions, focusing your d1oughts on your partner spine, om ve11ebm 11r 11 time, 1111til
and yourself. Gentle breathing and body sensing, followed by yo11 reflch 11 sitting position. Your
muscle relaxation, help increase \'our inner balance. In order co lower back wm·ksjirst, f/1/d your
relax the spine and release am· neck or shoulder cension, follow be11d co11tes lost, rolling 11p evenryr
the simple bur effecci1·e mo,·emenrs shown here. Use che floor th1w1gh the spine.
to gi ve you support, and keep each accion precise, focusing
your miod enci rcly on the sensation, feeling your joinrs and
muscles flow. You and your partner can do d1ese exercises
togecher or you can ask you r parmer to watch you, givi ng you
help chrough feedback or couch. After che exe rcises, ask your
parmer ro gentl y massage your neck and shoulders before you
scart, so you wi ll have recei ved before you give.
Finally, be creative " 'ith your room. Turn it into a sensual
recrear, filli ng it with things you enjoy. Make sure it is warm,
16 me lighting is soft, and chat )' OU will not be disturhed.
To 1·elnx the neck 1mtscl~s, you ran use so111t simple st/f~
your b1111d over the back ofyour 11eck, nnhing i11 the m1Jdk tD
spine, with the heel ofyour hand on one side 1111d_yourfingmtpsn
othe1·. Now by rnising the arch ofyour hand, bring your fingmzps
but tlJ'Ward encb other, gently working and squeezing the musdrnm
eitlm· side ofyow· spine. With 11 rhythmic motion, work up _l'OIJr H•
muscles to the base ofyour skull, wlm·e n lot of te11Sio11 rollerts. Spnr
some time here rmd then work bnck dow1111g11i11. Use a pressure lhnt
feels co111fo11abk. Drop your head slightly to open yo11r 11eck muse/rs.
slowly stmigbtening 1u you reach the base ofyour skull.

shoulder massage
To ease your neck and shoulders,
dz _your p111"t11e1· /;Q massage them
"'r you. Your part11er'.1·ft11gers
"'1llld be placed overyoflr
"'111/ders, with!mt squeezing, so
rft rh11111bs are free to gently
l mu/ press. The rh11111bs c1111
"de. pi-ess and sq11eeze the
urrles, st1111ing nbo111 an inch
l fr11111 rbe spine on either side.

F m here the movement

rmuu, squeezing 111ul lifting,
along the top of the shouldei-s.
R .,trning to the spi11e, yuu.r -
"1:11rr should ro11ri1111e the
ISl1:. m1mt dtr.i'11wards, keeping

ztt same position of the hmfds.

.As your partner feels knots and
tnmon, he shoultl ptry them special
mmtiun. It fttis p1111icr1/111·~y
f!10il co be 1111maged ben1:een the
shoulW- blades. r
The Art of

assage is about touch, and much is structured much, which be leamr to be
M comnmnicmion. Thoughts and foelings
can be communicated rhrough our J13nds. How
accomplished properly. The three basic types
of much, wh ich are used regularly in rhis
we couch can reflect and alter our parrne r's book, are efficurage, perrissage and ITicriOJL
feelings and our own, which flo\\ back and Effieurage is <tn oiling stroke, good fur get-
forch as our parmer responds. The qualiry of ting ro know your partner's body. Perrissage
our couch can transforoi a massage imo a uses a pumping, kneading motion, which is
beaurifully evocarive, creari1·e experience. wonderfu l for releasing rension. friction
However, no macter ho\\ gcmle n person's presses into specific problems, and, be.:;r used
feelings are for rheir parmer, massage involves for small areas, gives a feeling of deep release.

This is the first stroke ofany 111asrage, rmd is used to
>preatl the oil, as well as to mflke co11t11•1 find explo1·e
J01W partner's body. Starting with y1111r handsjlfft,
fingm rela.t·ed, glide lightly down the body, feeling/or
km1ts 01· tension (top left). Affow _)'()!Jrfingm to sp-reflll
as you s-coeep round to return, gradually tmiling off
with the fi11gC"1tips. Gme-mlly, J'Olt sh011/d increase the
pre.mire r1s yon ;-troke towards the heart. This stroke
relaxes, fljfecting the nC"lves beneath the .<kin, and
help.r 1-et:11111 the blood flow to the heart.
I Jere deeper strokes, gwd fin· fleshy flt-ens, an used.
Kneading is the 1110.rt useful e:r11mple. Gr1TSp the flesh,
pushing your thumb in nnd tr.ony ftwn ym1. Use yoiw
fingers to roll the fle.rh b11ck rowonl< yo1e (bottom left).
Like kneading dough, 111tn1e your hands oltenwtely,
with a squeezing, rolling, lifting action. Kneading
frees the 11111sde fibers, inawsing cirmlririon.
Hen, the thumbs are 11ml to apply specific pressure to
joiizts, deep tissue 11111/ mmck over b01te. Press down
using the pod ofyour thumb, circling slightly 011 the
spot for penetration (111ai11 picture). friction b1ings
20 release find ;timula.tes d1wlotion.
Tht mrfnet ofthe skm romnhis bi/hons of11en·e
e1ui111gs stimulnttd by the lightest tn11ch. Using
ftnthtrligbt strokes you r1111 mn·t11se irs smsitfoity.
Using the pnds ofJ'Olll'jingn:r, lif{htly rmil dow11 y1mr
partner's skin. 'Wnlk'yo1wjh1gers down his back jo1·
light se11s11riom. Gently rn,.ess the delit·nte nreas ofbis
fi1ee 1111d 11111 )'01t1·ji11gc1-s th1·ouf{b bis hair. When
mr1/ui1g u·irb J'Ollrfi11ge1-s, l:erp yorrrn·rirts 1·daxed
1111dflt~:iblt a11d break 1111y rontnct gmtly. Brush
nrokes rrill make the transition saft{y frrm1 onr 1trto
of the body to another.

fla t of band ro1111tct. 1'011 ran use it

The flnt of th< h1md c1111 to drde, o,. put one
be used fo1· imroductory b1111d 011 top of tbc
.urokes nnd to 'iron out' otbe,., im1·eflsi11g the
llct·OJs the bnd:, mo•'lllf!: premwe i11 the twter.
ouru'tlrtl.r from baidt the For n slight t·111·ioti1m,
spine. The mo••tmmr J'Oll c1111 nlsa tilt yo11r

ro1111l<o bi· wrJ :-btrr band, mrrrasing tbt

l'tronl(rr pran'" u prtsnrrt ttthtt· at the
11uJrJ. far tXllmplr. rdgt or the furefi11gtr
nlong th( 1b1i:b. Tbt JI.rt jo111t. This is 11sif11/
ofthr h,111J turd saftlr wbm u·orking romul
gfrrs ,, ;;:,1n11 srnst of tbe shoulder b/111/e.

1·0/ling th umbs
rl.r v:dl 11.< mm<, th< .1Js of tht tb11mbs to pres.r, the
tbum/ts t.m 11'10 f.t wrJ ma rollmf!; mot•t111r111.
Tiltmv. 1011r thumbs -.:ay .<ll~}!l/y. usr the ;;•bole lmgth
ofvour thumb to pwl- the musdr r.:o1y from JOU. Iii n
ro/li111( 111ou111rnt. 11r thumb amrmurs ;::brre the
otbn· stopped. &rp tbf rolls r£0S1Jn.1/.{y shun, 1111d by
using your thumbs 1rlten1Jtc~1·• .ro11 i:rtll(t a fee/mg of
one ro11t11111ous flrr.v. Rolli11K (tin br 11srd to rrork drr11.w
fllo11gsitle the rpine, "" the soles ofthe feet. pn/1111, o,.
gmtly dou•11 the nose. The fingers can be mrletl or
22 sprrntl, /Jiit 011/y with the tlnm1bs.
Cm-!yo111ji11gen ;11to a jiJt, 1l'ithJ'(Jlfr th11mb tucked
in 01· protl'lldi11g 11nd bmd y<>11r wrist ove1· so your
k1111ckles nre exposed. Now prers i11w the flesh,
11sing 11 rfrcling, ni•isti11gmoti1m, being nrm1tive to
your pnmzer'.r pnssrl1'e needs. The k1111ckles nre 011fy
·used fo1'flesby, nsistnnt 11re11s, pai"ticular/y the but-
tocks 111rd, v:ith rnre, tbe soles of the feet. By 1·ippling
JO'Urfi11gel's as yo11 'knuckle', m1 int1·ig11ing sensntiou
is produced, 11/ti'ring the i11te11siiy ~f the pressure. Keep
y1rur wrist >"fmight while k1111ckling, as this gives
strength to the movement.

beel ns the tbigh ml/Scles. It

Bend)'//111' wrift back, lift is used for deep circling,
your pn/111 and fingers especially ove1'finn,
slightly and p11sb 11v11ry fleshy areas, like the
from you, 11/ong the buttocks. it can be i~red
muscle, with the heel. to pl'Obe and press imo
This gh;es the stroke musettlar 11r er1s, while
added strength, pcnetrnus 11ot losing any sensitivity

the 11111sde deeplJ•, mu/ from yom· touch. Keep

gives a sntisfjing )'Om· elbow slightly

st11Satio11. Tbe heel mn be-nt to cret1te nn 1mgle

be used where ndded between your sbo11/der,
strrmgth is needed, such elbow 0111/ wri.rt.

tiger's mouth
So en/led to dem'ibe the shnpe of the bn11ds when tbe
th11111b nndfa1·eft11ge1· are spread, this position, also
lmrrwn ns a 'V', is used to squeeze nlong 11111scles ufte1·
ejjleumge. Pfnce yom· th11111b 1111d forefinger 011 tither
side, adjusting the 1mgle to co11iftmnbly fit 11ro1111d the
Jll/i;·cles. Push upwards, 11w11y from you, ndjtwing the
rmgle ofyo1w band to 11m111111todate the 11111scles'
increflsed bulk. Push as far ns you can witb n jitw
pressure, /nit not too bani, until you reach 11/m1g the
mmcles' lmgth. You.11111)' prefer to me both h1111ds, one
behind rbe otlm" to give the 111oveme11t extra strength. 23
be creative
In sm.mnl 111n.rsage, you mn he
cm1tive with yo11r hotly, both in
keeping cont11ct with )•our pnrt11er
mid the parts you me to touch.
Hail·feels p11rtimlnrly good 011
the body, either sweeping ove1· the
skin, 01· small flicks rrver bands and
feet. Full body b-mJhes, with skin
to-r1cbi11g 01· tant1dizing/,y dose,
01·01ise exciting sensntiom. As you

111assngc, use 11/l pans ofyow·

/Jody for ro11t11ct, aromi11g your
pm·t11e1"s senses nnd increasing
plet1S1n'e for you.

Within the range of rradn:ional movemcncs (see Keep che body concact close and sensitive,
page 20), there is a "hole world of ver~atility, using rubs and brushes for sensation and
licerally at your fingenip<. For large sweepi ng delight. A whole body brush is a wonderful
movements, being preci~. or simply for differ- experience, while trailing, especially flicking,
cnc seosarions, e\·erv part of the hand ca11 work hair has a pleasurably unexpected foci.
to subtle effect. Different parn of the hand can We all insrineti vely have different ways co
be used co increase pro,un!. co couch lighcl )' couch that convey different messages. Whether
or playfuU} tease. Tn rhex rnriacions out on we are feeling loving, relaxed, sensual, or play-
your partner, incre:ising confidence and abi lity fol - we sponcaneousl y express ourselves. The
ns you experiment. \,. 'ou massage, do not parts or our bodies thac we use co express che
limit your mo,emenr.; co rnur hands. B)' using tenderness of love can be very d ifferent from,
your whole bod\ you c3n increasl' pleasure in say, e rotic arousal In a loving massage, we
imaginari1·e ways. make use of these different nuances, when
~enscs and receptivity are heightened. Like
rolling waves, sensual caresses follow su·okcs
for deep relaxation. Erotic arousal becomes
dispersed through playful ceasing, conscancly
affirming feelings of love. Sensual massage is
11 gifr of your 100 per cent concencrarion, an
experience co wbjch your p~mner need on ly
respond. Ir is an inti mate way of expressing
your feelings about each ocher. Like a unique
24 conversation, each massage will be different.
the loving touch Tim r•pmm the tmdemrss n11d the relaxing touch Cnl111 n111i soothing, we cu111fon
dosmess we for/, rbe sufmrss tl>e 01b •..-111TJ11.<es i11 us. mul 1·rliei·- strnin .roft~1· u·uh gmtk strokes.

the erotic touch Use this 10 11ro11se yo111· l01m-. the sensual touch Tht• e.1·perie11ce offeeling 011r
26 s1i11111!111i11g both the bo1(y rmd sci·1111!ji111tn.f)'. pnrtner thl'ough 0111· .rkht 1111d git•i11g greatpl~ns11rr.
the stimulating touch This can come ar fl smprise, waking 1111d
nle11ingyo11r partner. An i11vigor11ti11g to11cb, it sends pulses througbout
the body. Good for sharpeui11g the senses, it gives 1111 immediate e11ergy lift.

the playful tmu:h Fo1fu11, to 11111ke encb other la11gb, to pl11y tagether
and to Jet go together. Teasing each other soo11gets1·id ofse1·i1msness and is
a great tension release mid natural 1·estorer. Use the ways yo1111at11mlly
tourh your parme1· in additian to yo11r massage strokes. Above all, bring
a sense ofpl11yf11l11ess to the massage, so that it remains an enjoyable
e:rpe1·ience. As you apprMch the massage in 011 adve:nttm111s spirit, a sense
offrm will be 11 vital ingi·edient. faperimmt with t011chi11g each othe1· and
totally give n1 to plea.mre.

Massage for

:lke sure, fir<r uf all, }'OU are happy co gi,-c n massage,

M chcn check the room for lighdng and \\ :i.rmrh. Do the
rcla.ncion excrci_<cs (<ce p3gcs H-1... to preplrc rour;clf, run-
ing in co your own bo<h nnd ho11 \OU feel. \talc >Ure rnu
hare )Orne oil prepared, rhnr rhe answering nuchine i< on, and
you ha,·e enough room so a~ nor co feel restricted.
When giving a mnss:tgc, especiall}' if ir is ne'' co you, ir is
importam to sir and move correcrfr from rhe <tart Sic on your

I . easing te11sio1l pick up infon11ot1011 abom blr.:' portnet"'s body. Sprrotf your bonds
To ~11 tbr massngt, lmtrl at your pnrm" 1s ftrling, brr.:i tmsr at rht lor:N" "'"* (htlw mttN"}
your pom1er's btod, lro11 fiww1mls or rtln:o:td be is. .\'oting and r.i:rtp up-.;:ards ro tbt sho11Mn'1
1111d gn11Jy rrst yr111r hn111ls 011 his m1y1bing you ful, mnkr tbiJ a in unt lung ru11tin11011s mtn:n11rn1
shoultlm (nhor:r 1·ight). S1111ply 1110111mt simply tn co1111crr. • lfte,. (l1elow). Rcpe111 several rimes to
Jul tbr ro11111n. Imagine thr j7ou• oiling yuiw btmds, glide ge111~y ensr tt•11s1011, endi11g the strokes
ofmergr from _1·011 10 your pnrr- d11w11 tbt /.odt (/tdoU' left), os if flir.:i11g tfo:rn tbr anus. This u 11
11n-. .-1.t 1b1s point, .rour harrds m;zy .rour bonds .:tJT molded to your gmtlr irrrrod1"'ory 1110-.:mmu.

2. kne(Jd, squeeze and roll

J\,/ow to tbr sidt mid pl11et one hn11d under yrmr
p111'/1/er'.r shoulder, rmd 011t hm1d on top, dose to his
1bo11fdtr blndr. Gmt£y tart tbt 1111udt1 rr11111d tbt blodr.
flt tJ.t ldfllt t1111t as p111/111g 1/1,v,htl)· tuoi:an!yo11 -;:-ith tht
kr.:tr b1IT1d (left). C:se a gmtlt lmtadi11g 111<n:tmmt
along tbt top oftbt ,-bouldn·, sr.t11i11J at tbt otaN" ttlv;t
tmd 11w.:111g 11w:ortls the llt<k (nght). Squrr..e ond roll
ro tosc nny rmsion, toking mre 1101 to dig i11 /()()deep.
30 I Vbm yu111wth rhe 11erk, 1w11m, om/ begin ngfli11.
heels, have one leg up, or knee l on a cushion your strokes. From the heginning, check wil'h
or pillow, but ensure rhat as far as is possible you r partner for pressure, encouraging feed-
your spine is straighr. Let the movements flow back on what feels good or if they want more.
chrough you r arms, but nor come from them. When receiving massage, thot1gbcs and emo-
Instead, involve your whole body, and move tions come and go, !liccing like clouds across
from the hips. Do not strain w excrr pressme, che sky. Be receptive if your partner wanrs ro
especially if your parmer is much bigger, bur share these impressions wich you, or rcspecc
adjusr your position and use your whole body rheir need for quietness and space.
weight. Have your hands consranrly moving,
except for the initial conract :md final rcsr. THE 13£.XEFITS OF A RE.LAXATIOX M .\SS.\GE

Keep the flow rhythmic and continuous. In a naniral stare of health, we deal with stress
Listen to your parcner's body, being aware and tensior1. After tensing tip, we wou Id ch en
of the way it changes, and see how it reacrs to let go. In a sedencary, resrricted lifesryle, wirh

J. rolling thu:mbs
N()1J) rewrn ro yo111· pmwe1·'s
head, and using the mov•mellt of
rolling thumbs, work the triangle
between the b11Se oj)•our pa1111er's
neck mu{ tJJe shoulder. Beginning
in the ongle when you finished
the k11e11di11g 111ove711e11t, p11sh
down, rolling di11go11ally toward
the spine. Du this 11tove111mt
seveml times, stopping 1111 inch
short of the spine.

4. rolling down the spine

This 111rruet11e11t i.s" C01lti1111atibu,
1111d bring,- the thu111bs d1r11J11 the
length oftbe spine. l1mwse the
le'llgth ofthe rolls, keeping 1111 i11rh
1tw11y from the spine, rmd using
11lter11nting SN'Okes dow11 to tbt
lower bock. Then, before 1·eachi11g
the pcfvic bo11e retum to the 11ppe1·
bork ond 1·epent the movement n
number oftime.r. This jltr@i11g,
rhythmic rolling disperses tension.
5. sb<>Ulder and ar11t
Nlove to yow· pmwer's side 1111d
pick up the nmt, s11pp1mi11g the
wrist nnd elbow (left). Pince the
""" behind your partner's b11ck,
so the shoulder blade is e.'poml.
S11pp1Jrti11g the shoulder with one
hand undemeath, with the otbe1·,
work 1wmd the sho11lde1· blade
(behw, left). Using the fl11t ofyoiw
hand to follow the co11tin1r, begin
nt the top ofthe shoulder and pull

romul. Wurk i·ight rnwul to the shoulde1"joi11t, nnd

ufter completing the stroke several times, slide drr.011
to the bond. Pick up the unn, again supporting the
o::ri.<t n11d elbow, n11d retum the nm1gently to yo11r
pm1ne1·'s sik Stnni11g at the shoulder, 11se ve1y light
/.rushstrokes to trickle 1/uw11 the mw to the fingenips
(u/twe right). Jn n movenumt liken wnterfnlt, repent
this 1111111y times. The srroke, ;i·bile light and smsitive,
rhould be quite defined. Kneel flt yorw partner's bend
>111d usk him to slow~' tltrn it, 11singyo11r handr gent~v
>1s 11 guide. With the he111/ tfl.rned (i·ight), you nre
rrn~v to npent the movements 011 the other shoulder. 33
increasing demands and pressure, the tendency frees up any congestion. Loosening conrracced
is for the stress co build up. This has a negarivc muscle fibers, it aids che eliminarion of waste
clfecr 011 us. '\.'l 'c hecome ncurnric, <1£,rirnccd, products ··ia c/1e blood and lymph. Massage
anxious, our minds constandy overactive and srimulates the circulation, can lower blood
unable to switch off. Sleeping or eating badly, pressure, and has a conic effect on the nerves.
using drugs or alcohol, we lose touch with our- The nerves relate directly co our organs, so it
selves and damage our relationships. Physically, is often rhe case that massage can regulate the
we become rense, our muscles can harden and body, helping it funcrion more efficiently. The
righten; we may suffer from headaches, back energy rhac was diverred to mainrnining a state
problems and restricted movement. of tension is now released, and che feeling is
T he beaury of massage is rhat ir is a narnra l more vibrant. Through the effccr on che ner-
rreatmenr, ic feels good and can have a pro- vous sysrem, che mind can gradually quieten,
found effect on us. Massaging the muscles producing an all-01•cr feeling of well-being.

6. cffl.euraging the buttocks e:d:reinely pleasurnble 10 massage, the buttocks can

Aftei' v1n=g;,,g tht 11pper hod', :move tl1YW11 yoJJr '"")'a Jot oftro.1i1m, whid1is11ot at'l:l/a/Jy felt. So me
partner's body UJ efflmrage the buttotks. P11t 11 little your hands to .<ense 0111 your p11rt11C1·'s muscles, and, if
oil on yom· h11nds, thw pince thc111 011 the top to begin tense, they should begin to release under your hands.
the stroke. With a gliding 111ovei11e11t, l1nnds111olded The buttocks contain the strong glute11l nmscles, so the
to the body, sweep out and 1·01md, followiTJg the con- pressure _yo1111J·e in this m·eo can be 1w1s1mably ft1111..
tom· ofthe hips. Keep the movement gmmms, and Re111e111/Jer to start with yo1w h111uls inn son 1ifdivi11g
following the swell offl<'sh, C()111e r111111d to the crense position, then spread tbc fi11gei-s to include tlJ nmcb
011d sweep upwards ro start again. This movement flesh 11s you can. As many people spend much oftheir
focuses sensation on the buttocks, in preparation for lives sitting dwm, this panic11/t1r 111trvmm11 rtm give
the deeper stroke.< to follow. At the s11111e time a.< bei11g enonno11J· satisf11ctio11.

7. circling the sacrmn co11necti11g to the legs. By easing i11 this way the nerves
Placing one hand 011 top ofthe otherjirr n steady are soothed, and your part11er willfeel the effect in the
pressure, position y1mr hands overJOllf p111"tner'.,. legs, hips 1111d lower /111ck. Check to make sure the
saC'111111. This i.r the central, bony triangle rhnr ends pressure feels right nnd that you ore not oppl)'i11g
p m below when the buttock crease begi11s. With the finglfltip pressure as you move. The circling shollld be
mwmm1t going 1111ti-do&wise, circle yozw hands slow, gene1wis, mu! feel extremely satisfying, both to
broadly 111·01111d the snmim's shape. Krep your fingers the one receiving 1md the one who gives. Afre1·
flat over the bone, 11pp6'ing a steady, 1!ledium-light completing the circles seveml times, yott will feel
pressure. Tbi.r sn·oke dispels 11 lot of tension. Tn tl1e loosening in the nren as n whole. This signals it is
Sllf'/'lll 111w1 lies an i111p1rrta11t nerve clf!lter, mai11!y now time to 111111 your attention back to the buttocks. 35
p.1171<11"1r n1tmti&11 /,·r..·em th·
.1bu111dtr bL1des. 1111(/ from tbr7·r.
h"{J d<r.:"n thr rm oftbr spmr, mil
;;:ith tbr th11111h!. lbir .<rould /.r
quite li~ht 1111d !'011119-. prrm11.v.
l,,.-,rjl_y, at lirrr!," mtm:alr. d<r.:'lf to
tbt l=w lwd1 (l•d=J. Frum bcrr.

8. kneading the bnck

L<'dlllll.V, 11011« ro vv111· p.1rrnrr s
0Pf"51ft' /'/ltt1Jl'I.:". f>c"f!,111 /U J.:11Mc/.

rollinrt. 111111 ''fll<l':.111!( 1h1· flrih

(t1lio•r). Firm, 11.-<(r p1rn111·1·Frlr
gor11l IHrc·; thr 111111•nm·11t .d1nuld b1·
dr•rp .1111/ ftf.t.,..umg Thr l.:t1l'lldi11g
lllot'<'lllr/11f1J/llilt111••111111m11/y llf'
1be lwtk (abot•e nglrt). fol/qw111,q side".<. 1111d l'<'Pt"lll tht".1e m•tJ n-11i/_yo11rfi11gcn down the lnu'r7'
1b1• rpi11r, 11/1 i111h ''"'1/y, 11p 111ot·mmm. 1he11 tWll<' down the .<pine, theu pl11ce _l'om· h11111/, to re'.</
w tbr 11rrl.:•. llth1111J1.b 1b1· /w.-J.:-. 1/\/1/f~ YUiii' //J11111/.; (11bot•<'). trcros.< tht' /,,,rl.:· (11111ill pic-111rc').
morrmi '"hen· 7;•11/ /,4 1111r1·0.,.·o· Pros trttb tbt pj1,/f, 111 rt:rtl )pwJ si;mt 1110111r111s bc·r<'.}llff
11111/ mnn• sb1tllu1'', tbr• •'fFrt /.< 111tcn1rl•, 11110 tl't 11111.1dt /wul1· b1Jtb ofyuu rc.<tlllf{. Ir i.• ,, iuft 1111d
;::onJ1rjitl(r pr-r, ,r.J•mf!,. So:·11,b c11bc"I' ,,,/, of thr •pmr. P"..Y f.t'lllfr r;·11y to f0111plrt1· tl•r lwl.:'.
T111:: J OY OF Grv1xc once again feel comfortable with our bodies,
Perhaps the real heart of massage is the human rediscovering jusr how great the body feels.
concacr rhar ir provides. jusr being couched and Feeling new, we see rhe 11·orld with fresh eyes,
affirmed is often enough. When giving massage, rediscovering our enrhusiasm for simple d1ings.
take care not ro be judge- As the person giving massage, we can do a
mental; it is a process of coming togerhcr. not lot for our parmer. It is a wonderful skil l to
one of standing back. Through massage we develop. Giving is also relaxing, so as we

9. rolling the head

Apply a little oil to yo111· bands.
With your partner 011 his bnr.k,
neck strai!{ht, place yo11r ho11ds 011
fjthrr sidt oftl>e brad. C11p )'01""
hn11ds 111"0/md the base, fingers
tl)llthing 11t the buck 11/the 11eck.
Nrr.v, roll your p111-r11er's bend
using)'fJUr left btmd, the right
h1111d giving light s11ppo1t. The
head .<ho11/d roll qaite 11nt11mlly.
lfyo11r pnrt11e1· i.r tense, encotwnge
him to /tr go. Repent 1mi1g your
right hand, and gently roll the
bend the other way.

IO. pulling t/Je neck

Pince your hands under the neck,
mppi11g 11ro1111d the !we of the
beud. Pull back ge11tly toward
) '011, keepi11g,yo11r fingers '1111der
the bony ridge ofthe skull. The
tli1wtio11 ofthe pull is like 11
co11ti111111tio11 of the spine, pulling
badt, 1"11tlm· thm1 11p. Do this
38 move1111mt just once.
11. turning the bead
To mm the bend, cup both hrmds
011 eithe1· side, yom· thumbs in

front of the eors,farejingers

behind. N<YW, crnd/ing the bend,
tum it very gemry, so it rests on
top o/J•o11r ho11tl. The beauty of
receiving 111nss11ge is tb11t, fo1· once,
there is 110 11.eed to make
011 ejji111 ofn11y kind.

12. pushing the sboulder

With y1mr right hnnd still
s11pporti11g the bend, slidr! your
left down _rour pnrtller'.< 11eck
1111d nlong the shouldrr. Wbe11

_vo111wch the edge ofthe shoulder,

gent{y pusb down nwny fiw11
_vo11, giving the neck 11t1tsdes ti
sntisfying stretch. To i11crense the
stretch, pull slight61 with your
right hnnd. Again, you sbould do" •
this 111ovemtllfjmt one rime.

13. rotating the scalp

Retum your left hnnd to your
p.11111er's head, find spret1dingy1mr
fingers, p1·ess duum with the pflds.
\ 'ow use your whole hrmd to 1J1nke
.1 circling 111ovn11em on t~e smlp,
feeling skin move over b011e.
Rotate one nreo, then move 011.
Tum your pnrtner'.r bend to repent
moi•e111ents I 2 1md 13. 39
massage, our own bodic~ also let go. In being rrusr. Pucring ourselves, lirernlly, into our parc-
the giver, you an~ rhe one raking responsib ility ncr's hands increases chc understanding on
for a while, so ir is up to you to make sure you botb sides. At the same rime, being refreshed
have everything you will need. and in a relaxed frame of mind leads on to
A relaxation massage is a complecely differ- greater creaciviry, and in turn, to berrer sex.
ent experience. You will find om many nC\\ When givi ng a relaxation massage, your mind
rhi ngs abouc your parrner. Gerring ro know is on your partner, and your wish and ability
your parrner's tension means knowing your to help. While sensually pleasurable, the mas-

partner berrer. To relieve that tension is an sage relaxes rather than arouses. There is no
invaluable gifr. The massage is for your enjoy- pressure on your parmer co respond.
ment, so as you both relax, chc pleasure will Sarisfacrion comes as your parcncr visibly lers
flow hecween you. go, a smile of enjoyment and relief creeping
We all experience rhe need to relax, ro have across his or he r face.
time when rherc arc no demands put upon us. Tf the relaxation massage is to be successful,
To have rhe luxury of regaining our equilibri- your partner must wane co relax. It is no good
um, letting stresses and strains simpl)' drain going chrough rhe motions wirh someone who
away. Througb a relaxation massage, the process is unwilling co receive. Jc is a decision rnken
of relaxing and being relaxed by our parrner before you srnrr, aod is your partner's most
creates a special atmosphere of intimacy and important contribution to rhe massage.

14. completing the relaxation massage h11i,./i1Je. Cimtim1e the 11wiJet11e11t through the hail·
I laving completed wo,.k 011 the scale r11ul 11etk, press to the ce111e1· of tbe bend. This movement, while
witb tlmmbs together up your pnnner'.rfarebent!. nlensingfarebe111/ tension, wn be felt ensi11g tightness
Move inn strnigbt line front ber11Jw1 the ryebrows, in tbe jtrw. Resting. with yom· h1111dr cupping the
p1·essing gently with yow thumb p111ls, tow1rrds the head, cmnpleres the mnssnge.

A Full Sensual

iving your parcner a full sensual body couches. The changes go in cycles, the move-
G massage is almost an extension of die
movements wi ch which you will now be familiar.
ments rhythmic and flowi ng, blendi ng from one
into the next To relax your partner use soft,
A sens\1 al massage incorporates the strokes \lsed sooching srrokes to explore the hody and ease
for relaxarion with caresses ro arouse and stimu- awar any immediate tension. The pressure, while
late. Wh ile rou relax your parmer's body, you gende, is definite and firm. Deep pressure strokes
arouse and heighten the sen~es through rour go right into the body, reducing any build-up of
movements. As you use your hands, your finger- tension in the muscles. T he relief of being
tips play over your partner, making contact, ro\lched so deeply is almost caogible. To enha.nce
releasing slowly, and promising more. :\llow che you r sensual strokes, use a lighter touch that is
mo\'ements of che massage co draw your parc- less defined, releasing slowly, and lingering as
ner's senses co you r hands as they move in gcn- you finish. for example, after squeezing up a
rle, flowing erotic rbyrhms. muscle, gendy release you r hand, then trail )'Our
T he quali ty of your couch, che way you use fingers dclicaccly along the skin. The final
you r hands, changes when you give a sensual moments of the movement become almost imper-
massage. Tt is a powerful combination. Soft, ceprible. As you massage, use your hands to bu iId
releasing strokes, fi rm pressure strokes to pene- the excicemenr for your partner, then through
trate che muscles, together with light, tantal izing srilloess discharge the foelings you have aroused
throughout the body.
When you give a massage for relaxation, your
bod y movemems are unobm1sil"e, cbe focus
being the therapemic benefits for your partner.
As you give a sensual massage, cry co involve
your body more and your enjoyment and whole-
heartedness will be communicated to your part-
ner. Sensual brushes and full skin contact will
enhance )•our partner's experience, adding co the
sensual pleasure. During massage, pay attention
ro the nuances of couch, explori ng and making
contact creatively. Every stroke should be a
source of pleasure for your partner, so ic is
imporcanc co liscen to che reponse-' of che body.
You will very quick ly feel or sense if somerhing
is not quite righ t. Ask your partner to pro,.ide
feedback as you go along. Fa r from detraccing
from the massage chis enhances your communi-
44 cation. The beoury comes when you ore so fine-
ly runed to each other that needs and responses knee will all ringle wich sensuality when couched.
are completely automatic. At firsr you will need While special areas of the hody stimulate more
m pracrice a lirrle. W hile the hands learn sur- than ochers, arousing massage makes the whole
pr.isingly fast, rJ1e most imponanr facror is rhe body an erogenous zone. Take rime ro wuch
flow of feelings from your heart Jf you are mas- and explore, deriving pleasure from each new
sagi ng simply ro give co your partner, you r part- discovery. Use rhe proces.' of che massage ro
ner's body will trust you r hancl,. Trusr is a l'iral creace and he inventi1•e, developing che eroti-
ingredie11t of the massage and Increases as rhe cism of the body. Touching sensually and sensi-
experience progresses. The massage should be an ti1<e ly, you can electrify your parmcr increasing
al!irmation of your partner. As )'OU will discover, chc iotE.'nsit)' hetwcen you.
there is nothing so deeply erorir. As you perform In rhe following pages you have a srep-by-
rhe movements, use tbe sounds of your breathing, step guide to a full, flowing sensua l massage.
)'Ol!r O\Vll unique noises, ro please and arouse £ad1 scage and movement follows on Ii-om the
you r partner. There can be nothing more enjoy- next, covering both che back and the fronc of
able for you r parcner than to know that you are t he body. The mo1•emenrs from the relaxation
receivi ng pleasure from giving massage. This massage al'e also included. Use the sequence to
applies equally as you receive. Express your i,,rt1ide you, intorporacing your own experience
appreciation and satisfaction. a.nd ideas, and of course your own t)J)i que
Through sensual massage, each area of rhe body knowledge of your partner. i\lso included is
is broughc co life, in a process of conci nuiug clis- more general infonnation to give you further
CO\'cry. The sofr, innel' paru of the hody al'e insighrs into the body and more especially into
exrrernely sensual and eroric. fo r exa mple, t he your parmer. l!:vcryching is there simply to be
crook of the elbow, rhe throat or rhc back of the used. f:njoy bringing the strokes co lifo. 45
2. kneading 3. ci1·cling
After you have effleuraged the whole bnck, you gently Aftt1' the k11e1tdi11g 111otio11, press your tb11111b in along
k11rnd the tup ofthe sbo111dtt· with J•our th11mbs, the muscle. making sJJJnlt bnlFtin:Hng v1Q11t?11mJs
squeezing rhe little rolls offlesb with yom· fi11gettips. fiwn tbe edge oftbe shoulder inwards. Press fi1111/y to
8egi11ni11g at the outer edge, co11tin11e the 11wvemmt begin rhe dnle, ea.ring the p1·ess11re ns rbe tbu11Lb
to tbe neck, ending with longer teasing s91mzes ti! , moves row1d. Dmw yom· tb11111b nwny ftw11 encb circie
dr(/'IJ} your p111me1·'s smses. You should o/w11)'S work 011 light~· 1111d slowly. This ,·1mtim1es tbe easing effect chat
the shoulder/acing away fiw11 !°11, wbei·e the 11111sde you begn11 with tbe k11enl/i11g. Afte1· t11sing. let the
is exposed. As)'011 knead the sboMl/er, lmtsb the mws pnsmi-e tmil aw1ry, co111ir111i11g cont11ct 1111d nrousrt!
or knead the neck, piny with yo1w pmtner's senses, with your fingenips. Ensi11g the 11111scks ir much mon
VD>)'i11g the inrensity ofyom· touch. 4fective than ming hnrd presstire.

rime, as )'Our hands caress and feel out the bod)' GF.NtR \(.. POIKTS AllOt.T 6At:K Mt1SS;\c; 1.,
in rhe firsr effleurage, note the sensation s your The back is a large and variab le area ro massage
partner's skin produces in your hands. feel the a11d you will need to keep in mind as you work
rexrure, any changes in roughness or srnoorh- char t/Je kind of pressure on rhe shoulders, lower
ness, look at rhe color, die elasriciry and rhe back and buttocks needs to be different. You
warmth. Depending on her moot!, healrh, or rhe ma)' find quire <>fa lot of tension has collected
d~y's e.Yperience, rhc skin will have changed in rhe shoulders, especi:illy in rhe 'rrapc<ius'
subtly from your lasr remembrance of it. Pay m\lsde that runs across the shoulders, neck and
attention to your own feelings as you massage in upper back. Pressure here should be se11sitive
the oil, 11llowing your hands ro Jlow over rbe and only slighcly firm. Wirh righr muscles ir i.<
skin. Allow the invitation of your parmer's ski n tempting to use hard pressure buc ii you press
48 m draw youi· hands into contact with the back. coo hurd the muscles will fight back.
Tf you like, before you srnrr rhe sen:.unl massage genrle pressure. Keeping an inch ouc from che
0 11rhe shoulders, you can incorporate some of spine, press evenly along chc muscle bands,
rhe relaxation massage (see pages 39--41). Once paying acreil{ion where you fee l raised areas
you have massaged rhe shoulders, move down of nrnscle. Use che sensitivi ty of you r fingers co
ro rhe lower back. Exploring die a.cea, glide m1er feel che cexrure a11d tighrness, and as you press
the sofr contours of the sacrum, buttocks a11d correspond your movemenrs ro y0l1r parrner's
hjps. The lower back can he ll particularly vul- exhalation. As nerves branch ouc froe'IJ rhe spine
ner:1ble or strained area, and tighmess here can connecting ro rhe whole body, chis wjJI be a
cm off full sensations. Some relaxation move- highly sensitive and releasing movemcor for
menrs befo re rhe sensual massage will relax die yo11r parrner. As yoo reach che cop of rhe neck,
lower back and buttocks, opening your parcner bring your hands once more to your partner's
up ro rhe fu ll freedom of sensual feeling. lower back co draw awareness away from the

4. stroking
,"fO'Ve ro your parmer's side after
,.ompleting the thumb rolls fiw11
tin fleshy shoalder tria11gle ro the
spine (see page 32). Stroke d<rWn
the muscles UJ tbe side of the spine
with the whole ojymr bflnd,
ming ligbt, cm·ersiug mO'Vements.
Altemating your hands, trriit
lightly with yom'fingertips a.r yo1i •
cv111plete each stroke, lingering
01,>er rhe ski11. /)raw dmvn, 11si11g
these 1-olling lm1.rbstrokes, from
the neck to the bflse of tbe spine.

.\ deeper pressu re used around the huttotks head, and fully connect che back. This move-
foe!s immediately satisfying and releases srrong 1nent is also a remu1der of rhe feelings earlier
erocic, sensual feelings. follow deep relaxation ar0\1sed, as gentle sensations diffuse rhrm1ghom
round rhe hips by muscle srirnularion, then soft rhe body. You may choose ar rhis point co con-
arousing ski n caresses n) bring rhe senses ro life. tinue rhe body massage, or rake rime ro explore
Re lax1Hion followed b,y caresses and arousal your parmer's back in creative ways. Of all rhe
provide a combination char is difficult ro resist. areas of rhe body, che back app reciates massage
When yot1 come ro massaging the spine and most. You will find rhat you have to change
neck, yau shoul d be panicularly carefu l. Ilorh position several times as you massage rhc back.
3re3s are 1•ery sensiti1•e :ind require a more Make sure you have enough room co maneu1•er. 49
5. finnl strokes - kneading and /Jrushing
To complete. yoztr 111nsr11ge ofthe ·upper /111ck, move your p1111mr'.r nrm
behind be1· Vllck, easing the m11Jde n1'ot1nd the shoultler blade. Still with
your l<Y.JJCI' band mpporting her sho11/der. use rbe heel ofyo1w hand to
push the 11111sdes on the blade iuelf (mflin picture). Move your h.11ul
diago111rll)•, towm·d the ,-houlderjoint, pushing slowly mid deep!J• t1lo11g the
muscles. Ease tbe pressure to fo//<YJJ the t'011to1w ofthe shoulder down the
arm. /Jringing the rmn back to your pmwe1"s side, use light lm1shstroke.<
t11! the wny down to the fiugertips (flbo-.;e). Bmsb slowly rmd Sel/fl/fll/y,
1111til. j/ngenip to ftnge1·tip, you amti1111e the se11sfltio11 even after)'ot11·
hand hn.r gom. Geml)•knead J'Oll1' pn,.tmr'.r neck (below) , 11si11g slow,
gmtle strokes to tense out f111J' te11sio11, then bold the hair softl)• r1s she tums
her bend. KI1end CIJce rrgnin, then npem the 111oim11mt.< Oil the othe1· side.

star/ co knead _)'Ollr partner's
buttocks 'll'tth a s11tiifyiug,
gemrous movement. Then press
in with tbe heel of)•o1ir btmd,
m11ki11g deep, pi-obinf!,, rirding
11tot>e111(:trfs, bringing tbe presmre
i11 toward _you (belflw left). Feel
the 11111sdes, press t1r1J1md the bips,

6. the buttocks
A-loving to your pnrmer'.t legs, JX>m·
11 little more oil imo yom· b1111ds.
}low begin to ejfleumge the
butfQrks (111nh1 picttwe). 'F11n 0111/
sprL"adyo1wfi11gen, follvwing the
l11>d)' ctmtoun, arou11d rhe lnwer
t}(fdt, hips 1md the tops ofthe
tlJighs. Sweep _J«nn· h1111d~ 11pw11rds
1md otttward..·, sh11ped to the c1w11es stw-al ci1'cii11g, tbm spread your· e<1sing out tlTf.Y tmsio11s to bring
offlesh, until eve-1)• inch is covered bands 011t 11cross tbe bt1ek (nbrrve). tbe area Ill life. Co11ti1111c this
v.·itb efoil. 117ith )'(/fir ..·fr JOit 111011e the h111ids apll'rl, .feel 111<We111ent '1?ith y1J11rft11geitips
h1111ds pre.<Si11!{ duw11 and i11w11nls, the dimples and the mn;1es of the (above), gmdually easing iuro
drcle the heels imo thr buttocks, • • bftttocks, mdir1g the movemmt tbe hip joint to send •~011de-rfiil
1110v111g duwn, upwards 1111d out to with your hm11fs e1111:ed nro11111f the smsutio11s ofdcep rele11se 1b1w1gh
f1J{)sen tbt mwclts (nbni•e). T1y hips..Vfuving nn·oss 10 the sidf, yo11rpnnmr'.»pelr•is n11d thighs.
7. lnmckling
To complete the deep pressure
111ove111ents,fom1 ,ro11r hnnd
into o fist, p1·essingjin11ly, J•et
sen.ritivefr, with )'0111" knuckles.
As your hmuls ore now f 11111i/i111·
with the m·en, yon will be able to
loosm tensi011. Press 1i1to the flesh,
feeling bow the lmttocks respond
1111dtl"yo11r to11.-h, mcO/IJ"oging
the 111uscles to release nud open.

Boor Aw.111t.'-"£55 bad. The lower back leads inco rhe swell of chc
The way we seem to see things means that we ' swell of
buttocks, the ribs fol low rou nd co the
tend to divide them into p:ms. Bur che reality is the hrcasrs. Wichouc judgement, preferences, likes
that each area of rhe body opens into another or disl ikes, simp ly open )'Our mind as your fin-
and chat every pare is connecrcd co chc nexr. gers explore. \Vi ch each srroke, a whole new
'l'he powcrfol shoulders arc needed for arm world opens'llp, every inch of skin has something
rnovcmenc, chc legs arc :1ffe"ced by che lower diffcrcm to reyeal.

8. plucking
Thi! if o light-he1med ond
stimu/oti11g movement thot pulls
tbe flesh away from the bod)'·
Keeping your wrists r-el11xed, pull
1J1ou11ds offlesh between yo1w
fi11ge1:r and thumbs up towm·d y1111.
Alte11111te your b1mds to 11111ke
quitk, lighr, pl11cki11g movemenrs,
enjoying the i·ippling ofyour
p11rmer's flesh . 711is pinyful
movement will sti1m1lnte rmd
m·ouse your p111111er, .tp1·ending
tingling 01· tickling sensations
54 ove1· the buttocks nnd 11p the bock.
9. a.ro11sal
Now th11t the brmotks are n/ive
and tingling, sti·oke up veiy, vciy
lightly between them with the
bork.r ofyour ho11dr. Wntch yo111·
pnm1e:r's skin thrill to t/Je trmch
nsY"" continue. As sensations
heighten, use n spreadi11g stroke
to diffi1sc erotit feelings.

T he skin is the largest organ of the body. Sensory guide your couch. As feelings increase, and vour
receptors lie just below its su rface, relaying mes- ou·n senses are aroused, allow chis co i nspirc
sages tn the centra l nervous system. The sense your strokes. The greater your own sensar1ons
rccepwrs respond ing to touch :i re very sensi- and intu itive responses, the greater your enjoy-
ti1·e, and ca n be sri mulaced hy exrremely lig ht me nt will be. As gro"'ing enthusiasm is felt by
prcs.-ure. Some respond ro a firm pressure, wh ile one partner, so the other will respond in kind.
o thers alen the hody to pain. As you massage, a Let the fodings between you build and build.
lighcer pressure wi ll generally arouse and stim-
ulacc, wh il e a heavier pressure \,;IJ relax and
rdease che body. Use va riarions of pressure for
rhe sensual mass~ge, arousing, releasing chen
Jrousing 3gain. Let the mOYements and strokes
blend ouc inw the orher, so a lternati ng and
changing, the rhythm remai ns smooch. Your
partner's senses shou ld be follo11 ing your hands
but left guessing, and )'Otl should not make any
'udden movements.
The intimacy of the contact is very specia l.
Profound knowledge and insights imo your 10. diffusion
parrner can develop. Simply keep che massage C11p yom· hn11ds over the snmm1, 1het1 s/ow{y pull
rlo\\ ing, alerr co your parmer's response. The your hmu/s 11p1111, hup;ging them ovl!1· rhe hips mu{
fodings the massage arouses in you flow bri11gi11g tbem dow11 the tbigbr. Trail ojf' with y1>111'
rhrougb your hands, co ch~nge, rise and fall and fi11gmips ,1s you complete the m-oke. 55
J 1. 'ironing'
Move yow· position so that you can
reach rht emi1·e back easily, in
preparnrio11 far the 'i'l'Qning'
.rrrnke. Staning the movement
just a/Jove tht hips. position your
hands either side ofthe spine. Tbt
huts face imrm·ds. fingrrtips
spmu/ing out /laws the back.
Thm stan to draw your bands
opan, using a fim1, even presmre,
to slide yo11rfl11gen around rhe
1·ibs. With the whole ofthe flat of
the h1111d, iron ollf the 111nscles 11s
you p11sb aw11y ji-om tht spi11e.
dispe11i11g tension in rbe do1-sal
11111scltt, the bt'Olld 111uscles that
brlp 111111:e the anns (right). As
your hetls 111oue t111rords your
pannt1"s sides, odtl light caressing
to11chts with your fingers to.the
fuli11gs ofm·mh ond reltnse'.
Thm 'U'ith your ftnge11ips, drag
back towm·d the spine, b1i11ging
rhc hreLr ofyo11r hnndr bttck
togtt htt'. Position your bonds Joi·
1ht 11txr stroke slightly f1111her up
the bock, ond witb no break in
n1111i1111ity, repent the strokt.
Work leisurely 11p the bo<k. Keep
tht prtssure 011 the 011t7J:nrd
m-okes, your 111ove111mts big and
gme1·01is, ;d1icb your parmer will
enjoy. As you come to the 11ppe1·
bark, hook .vom· bandr aro1md her
shouldm, pulling very slightly up
56 and bark row1,,-J )'Oil (right.)
12. wringing
To rontin11t the 111011011mt, slide
yq11r hmuls ei:mly from around
tht sho111dtn, and bri11g rhmt,
palms jlnt, tu;::nrds each other.
und with your fingcn so JOlll'
an11s nvss 01:er rnch othtr, tht
hands hugging tbt bod_1• on
opposite sides (left). C11rlingyo111·
fingers to the fon11 ofthe body,
pull your hands back toward t11ch
othn·, until the_y avss in tht cell/er
of the bark (below left). Continue
the premwe 111ove111m1 as J'om·
hn11ds slide apart from each 01/w ·,
1flffvir1g to 1110/tl rn11111/ the ribs 011

tither side. This 1111rve111mt hos n

hugging, wringingfoel, and is
extrm1ely satisjji11g, as Jim the
11J11sdes are moved in to11:m·d the
spine, thm s/011:/y n11oorhed and
stretched tr.JJay. Without
bm1ki11g the rhyth111, me your
fingertips lo caress your partner"s
sides. As_vo11 tum .rorn· hands,
poim JOUr fingcn up the bo<ly.
Then dmg your fingm as .vou
bring the hands back tov:ar·ds
tach orhrr, mJSs ovrr, and slide
oner more to the po.fitio11 on
opposite sides. .II foving slightly
ft1rthrr tlow11 the back, 1·epeat the
w1·i11ging 1111d rtt1w11i11g until 011cc
ngai11you1,,.e nt tbe hips. Keepi11g
the movemmt cominuous, snflki11g
down your pm·t11er's back, will
arouse tlelightf11/ feelings. 57
13. pressing tbe spine
Frv111 )'all/' position 11t the /11wtr b1rck, pltire yorrr
thumb pods on the bands ofnmscle n11111ing either side
of tbe spine. Sttnt to move y11m· thumbs gmtly up the
r11usdes, trvoiding pnss11re, then press in where you feel
ten.don or the muscles 1·ise. You can use the th'll111bs
ve1y smsiri-vely, keeping the pm"Slwt and withdmwal
stendy, taking mre 1101 to press dit·ectly 011 the spine.
Rde11sing tmsio11, this sparks sensations that travel
through the whole body.

BACK ll\)Uk lF:S rbe problem is caused by tension, work on and

While injuri es ~hou l d receive medical arren- around rhe shoul der, easing rhe muscles our-
cion, you can case problems as you massage. wards from the spine. Stare lightly, rhea move
Do nor massage directly over an injury, bur in deeper, spreading and movi ng the shoulde r
work the surroun ding area gen tly. ~1uscle:; frequently. For problems in the shoulders
aroun d an inju ry often go imo spasm ro pro- alw:1ys itldude the lower back. For neck prob-
tect ic. Massage can help relieve rhe stiffness lems massage the upper back, then work on
caused by dlis, allowing rhe injury ro heal. The the neck from underneath. For rhe lower back,
body \Viii often co111pcnsace co prorecr a ease with sacral circling (see page 35), then
painful area, so when chc ;i~hr shoulder hurcs, 111ass~gc the buttocks and middle back, spread-
you should also chc work rhc left. shoulder. 1F- ing ourwards from the spine.

14. completing tbe back

Having c1m1i1111ed the pressure movements 11p either
side of the spine, you nm/ to dumge the prem1re far
the neck. Ar it will be t1mm~ b11t is 1i/so t.\'t1'1'1ncly
sensitive, 11 much sojfor 11J()Vt11t e11t is nq11iTwl. Use
thumb 1111d forefinger to press either .ride ofthe neck,
reaching up to the very bnse of the skull. Rel~asing ten-
sion, this produces dreamy feelings. Leavi11g one baud
at the neck, reit the otbe1· on the lower back to co1111ect
58 sensation &rum the spine (main pitture).
fter following the sm1cwred massage sequence, why not spend
A some time being creative with your lover'.< back in other ways. Tt
feels good to simply enjoy your pamitT's bnck, and feel her pleasure
vibmti11g through the skin. Bi·ing your body close to hm·, n11d envelop
her with a full body slide. The whole body contact feels great, and the fact
thnt you can't get awny from her back feels even better - fqr both ofyou!
After th( intensity of the massage, it feels good to relax, be
playful, inventive and enjoy e11ch othe1:
In a slightly more nfkctive mood, trace o1lt every detail of your
partner's back with n11tdl caresses. Her bm·k, and the way you have come

tJJ knuw it, 11:ill mrprtst )'Oil. Jn massngt. you crn11t ury dost to your
pnmm: Follrr<I! your instincts and if this is a good time to pa11st for a
moment, be quiet tof{ttbe1; and let yom· feelings 111erge. The roftm
moments and tbe m1111/est 111ove111m/s r1111 ofttn bt tbe most i111i11111re.
Your I01!tr'1 soft body mn•tJ pru-.:idt n vondnful plnu io rm.
B{(r.::mg on rbt sltin fetls smsntiona/. rlfttr rht 11:aro1 prtsmrr ofyo11r
hands d11ri11g 111ntrage, the light, cool touch ofJ014r breath provides a
beo11tif11/ contrast 011 the skin. Blow 11/011g the lmgtb ofyour parnm"s
bnck and 11ro11nd the lowe1· bnck amm. Bri11gyo11r lips Vti)' close so the
bnath fuls u:amm: and u:or.cb the u·ay the smfoce ofthe ski11 rr1po111/s.
Holding your partner ront11111LS the dounts:s ofyour (()11tact, 1111d moblt1
y1m to bn1sb btr body with tve11 more ofyour skm.
Tiy trndllfl gtmtlc curves over your p11m1tr's .rki11 v:ith tbt barks of
JOllr ho111/1. /di)• stroke hff ovei· htr body, i11 soft tire/es and rlll1JtS,
11:itho111 stopping 1he d1ytlm1 of_rour hn11d.<. These ge11tle rnresses feel
very w.:ing 111/d rron11i11g.
Toking 11111e to apprtdau //1/d admirty<mr partner, seeing 01ulfulmg
the difference ns your massage progressu, the intimacy of the C11T/f1111 is
such thr1t tbn·c is_rtlmost 110 dijftre11u between yo11; )'0111· pnrt'ller's bo~y
fuls asfmmlinr as yom· O".J.71. As for yo111· partner, time loses oll 111ta11111g
in the bliss of mdless twriarioru of tourb anti delightful sensations.


is a narural progression of rhe sensual GrnHRAL Po1:-:Ts AuocT L.f.G M.~ss.\Gf.


massage to no\\· move yoor eyes down your When you cffleurage che hack of the legs you
parrner's 1-.od y ro rhe k-gs. /\ ocice rheir power, move from your parrner's ankle up the calf cu the
their length, the way they spread and (he fonn thigh. T akc care when you reach rhe back of rhe
of their muscles. Follow rhe contours aronnd the knee as it is very sensitive. So too is (he inner
rhighs and buttocks, :ind the change in skin rex- thigh. Only genr!c pressure should be used in
rurc corn ing dow n ro the feet. As the shape of chese areas. You shou ld brush only lighcly if i•our
th" calves rapers cowards the ankles, place you r parrner hns raised veins. Your partner will love
bands softly around tbe heds. the kg rtH)l'(~lleJJrs and srrerd1es, but do nor bend
Of all the areas of the body, the legs often past ch<.: poi nt of resistance. \' ou should then ease
suffer rhe mosc neglect. l:'or nil rhe work they do rhe pressure once you reach rhis point Alter mas-
in support and movement, our attention is so saging the legs, the movc1nencs for passive exer-
much more focused on t he head and upper body, cise (see pages 66-6 7) wi II help m srretch and
rhat, for some, aw,1rencss ends jtL•r below chc hips. mne chc muscles and loosen rhe joincs. Always
The legs and feer, however, are fully desen·ing aim for the optimum movement within )'Ollr part-
of ancncion as they lead us forward co11·ard new ner's range. Lowering you r legs slowly and gently
experiences. draws out eNquisice feelings of <cleasc::.

I. effleumging the kgs

App(y s1111te 11fl'1-e oil to yorir h1111ds rmd /med at
yorw pmtntrr's feet. Then begin to effleumge one
leg, stmting 11t the ankle (main picture). Sweep up
the leg t<J cwt1· the ba,·k ofrhe thigh 1md tbt· bztttod
(left). You can effleumge the legr ime at a time, ur
both rlt once, depe11ding 011 yo111' nncb rmd baln11(c.
With tbe preJJ11re on the 11pwrml stroke, keep the
111over11nu as one long sweep, nll<r'1Jing yo111" bonds to
fallow the Cl/'l'Ve nml sprfflrl ofJOllr pnrtner'.r 1111~rcles.
111r/111/r tbe !111tJorks and bip.r nsyM1. srrokr, as 1rell n.r
the smsitive, e11sily lll'Qused inner thigb. Ret11mi11g 011
rbe downward stroke, dmg slightly with yo1wfingl!I··
tips mwmd tbe back of the knee and crllJ: fallowing tbe
shape of the mlfmusr!es. Taperi11g do11m witb y1111r
fingers nkmg the tmdo11 to the beef, s-.:;eep around the
feet and then 1·et11rn upwai·ds to repeat the m ·oke.
Apply n little hit more oil 1111 your ha11d.1 so tb11t they
62 glide easily ov~r the legs.
2. squeezing tbe calf
Returning f() your p11rt11ei"'s feet,
jo11n your hnnd i11to tbe tiger's
111011th (see page 23), cuuping the
legjust lfhove the 11111/e. With
thumb 011d fonftngei· spread 011
eithei· side, squeeze up the muscles
ns thry swell to fonn the rnlf.
Widen your htmtf as the musdes
. ltronden, 1·eleosing the pressure
as you near the k11ee. Squeezing
move111cnts like this help to rcmm;e
toxi11s, i11 partimlar lnctic acid.
The build-up of to>:ins will be
greater in welJ.fomud muscles, so
if this is the case, use both ha11ds.

3. back of tbe knee

This is 11 wu11derfully sensitive
mYu rhut d.:Sf!'fves rpecinl
arte11tio11. Pu1ce the length of
yo11r tbumbs in the cmte1· of the
crense ofyourp01·t11er's knee.
Keeping the pressure slight, slowly
dmw your thumbs apart. As your
thumbs 1·etich 11ro1md rhe joint,
lightly anti slowly circle, dipping
doawwortls, thm sweeping up
tlmmgh the 11att1rnl dimples. End
the stroke with yom· tb1m1bs trnil-
ing off up the bock ofthe tbigh.

4. squeezing the thigh
To pe1f1mn this, yon may need
to adjmt your position, moving
up to your parmer's thigh. Use
the flat ofyo111· hands to press
ftnnly up rhe 1lll!Scles, keeping
the pressure light 011 the sensitive
imw· thigh. If the leg nntSdes are
particularly strong, use the heels of
yow· bands to press up the back
mid rhe 1111ter thigh. Co11ti1111e
pressure· rownrds the burtock, ;::..
1n{)Ving nrross and over rbe hip.

ABOUT THJ:: LEGS support, bur it is the bones of the leg that direct-
The legs nor on! y contain the longest bone in ly bear the body's weight. The legs are extremely
rhe body, the femur, but also one of its most powerful and highly sensitive. The backs and
complicated joints, the knee. The sciatic nerve, sides of rhe rhigh are responsive to firm pressure,
rhc body's largest periphera l nerve, passes ~wn while the inner chigh and burrock are more deli-
rhrough the pelvis and back of the leg ro che fooc. cate. The feelings aroused here can be very
Usually, any pain in this nerve has a conneccion erotic. The calf muscles enjoy reasonably firm
in the lower hack. The leg muscles are parcicu- ro11ch, bm for a woman, it may need to be quire
larly powerful, with three long muscles (rhe lighc. Check with your parmer. The feet and
hamstrings) rnnning down tlfo backs of the thighs. ankles delighr in massage and movement, enjoy-
The feet provide both mobility and stable ing the unaccustomed rreedom it brings.

5. stroking the thigh ...;::,..

With the b(lcks ofy&111-ji11gers, "'
stroke 11p, along the thighs toward
the buttocks. As the backs ofthe

fingers are very sensitive, this
movement will also be enjoyable "'

/01·y01t. Keep the pressure light

enough to sensitize m1d.01·01tSe, but
for n man especially, not soft
enough to tickle. End the strokes

curling buttocks, smdi11g

sensations right up the spine. 65
6. stl"etch n/1(1 circle
11 ·11b lwo11d. tfr p. r11rb11>1mri,·
.rtrokr.<. begm hir.iding rhr /. r. k of
wur pamur i 1b1.v;b (lodo;;:} II.up
tbr p1·tm1r, 11t rbr 1..1..I• 1111J <11lr.
::'orkmg OT/~) hv;J.tly ir.•rr tbt 11111tr
,,,.,,, r::hn·<" rhr Irr, m7ny m11s.
h:m 1111d roll thr jlr.<h 10 loom/
11p thr mti<drs, fra111~ thr tbiv;b th1• hrrl 1//ld 011r lllTltmd tbr froTlt p.m11rr's r.mgr. Felt 111 rl•t b1p
_(or m1s.itrm1< 1h11t 11111 ng/tr il.r.:11 ~j tl•t jl)of. fI•tn liftmo,: tbc ltg and knu ;oints, 1bi.1 11wnmn11
to tb1·jut. Sn·uk111.~ gmt(y fw,I <lightly, p11/l /111ck tou:1ll'd.ro11. ffh•es 11 S11tifjmrJ; roll to thr 11111sdrs
d1ru·11 rhe leg, rl11a nlll' b1111il wrr o,:n•111.~ 11 streubtb111 rim be felt /It thr b11.-k ofthetb1gb. Fo1· 11
111 tl•t• lm::cr lwrk 111rd b1f< (11l101:r). jiT1nl relrnsmg stt·ctd• 11'011g th<
R111u thr k.v; 111ul be.v,111 to arde II ffr111t of rhr 1h1gh. pnr< Iht• lrg
s/ow{y s1•t•tr1rl tilltl'S i11 1me
1 bnck, her/ 10-w11rtl th" lm11od1
dir(t'tirm. 1b1·11 .<evrrirl times i11 thr (11111i11 put11re) . . lppM11g prmure

other dirf<'lio11 (11bui•1• ngbt). T11kt• gmduu/~y through thr 111ws. pre.(<
the ;:•halt· Ii'.~ i:·r1ght, boltlmg thr 1mril you Jeri the lrg n·.mr. 71>m
fiw 1n11/ 1111klefor support. 1111d ltru•rr it gentli·, k<'tp1n11, <"mltdtl
011~y rirdr it ;nil r:.·11'1111 1·01w ;;:1th )'Ollr bands.
7. completing the legs
Bi-inging your parmer's leg back
ttr<l!m·d yw, begin to wot·k deeply
aro1111d the ankle joint (jin- /eft).
Using your tlmmhs, circle slowly
and evenly 1m both .rides, working
close to the bone. Now, nwve down
to the foot. Support it frn11111nder-
neoth with your th11mbs. Tmerlace
your fingers 11cross the sole, then
slowly stun to draw them npmt
(left). This action spreads the foot,
le11ding to n sense offreedom and
Hi::A.D TO To£ f\WAREN£SS expansion. Ease the pressure as yo11
Completing the massage at the feet gives immedia te satisfactio11. As reach the sides of the foot, ct1pping
reflex zones of the feet relate co al l the organs of the bod y, yo1w hands m·ozmd the instep and
massage here can revitalize the whole system and seems co pe11e- ankle joint. Do this movement
rrate the very bones. At the end of the massage, pause to rest and to sroeml times rrver. i,qweri11g the
allow the sensations flooding over your partner's body to diffuse. leg to rest on your thigh o.s n
Massaging the back of the body provides strength and support for s11ppo11, p1·ess over the sole of the
the vulnerable front. With the entire back of the body relaxed and foot with yom· thumbs (botto11/.
alive with sensation, finish off with gentle brushmokes co bring left). Using a reasonably fn711
a warene.~s from head ro toe.• pnrs1we, rress with the pads to
cover the entire foot. This creates a
wonderfully releasing movemmt,
which reaches down the entire
body. Keep thr pre.mffe and
withdrawal sliru; and steady, to
increase the hypnotic rbythm and
sheer delight. Then pince the foot
down gemly, and start the entire
sequence 011 the other leg. T:Vbile
yo11r pnrmer'r body pulse. with
cxq11isite smsations, close the back
of the leg massage by resting far
11111q111ent tn- Sil, while yo1t hold
J'Oltr partner's feet (main picture).
This time ofstitJncss is beneficial
68 to both ofyo1<.

T he legs feel and look wonderfiil when they are relaxed and sup-
ple. After the leg mmsage, take some time to explore n variety
ofsmsatiom rmd sensuril movements with your parmei:
The soles of the feet m·e ve1J' sensitive, 11nd crm often be ticklish, but
they are eJ.:tremely responsive to touch. Plr1y with your prm:ner's toes:
they can be ve1J' e1'ogeno11s. They can also be n so111-ce of greni pleasu1"e
and rhi/dish ln11ghte1: For rm i11te1·esting sms1111I feel, t:t)' sti111ulnting
your partt1er's feet with your hail: Brnsh softly with your ht1ir nil over
the foot, or, ifyour partller cn11 take it andyattr haii·is long mough, flick
the euds at the soles of his feet. Sh011, shaip flicks am be ve1y 11ro11si11g.
70 It also feels good to your pmtner to lose his foot amongst your hair.'
Leg movement m11 be vay graceful. Leg to leg, sole to sole, brings the
legs togethe1; concentrnti11gfee!i11g 1111d co11t<1ct tln·ough the feet. Use the
seusitivity of your feet to feel each other, experimenting with the
different shapes yotw legs 1reate. For playf11/ 111ovemem, you can bicyck
the legs togetlm; pushing and stretching to feel the angle ofyour li1111's.
Feel the sensations y<nt produce ns you press and move against one
another, using the soft, sensitive pads ofyo11rfeet.
'fake time gening to lmo1v your partner~ legs intimate~•. Bnish
ngni11.11 them with your entire body. 01· softly mress them with yom·
toes. Slowly feel their entire length with yo1ff feet. Gently M1wi11g
between the toes feels Vet)', .reparnting each one and giving a
little pull. Rub your legs, hip to hip or back f() back, feeling eve1y
detail ofyo1w p11mm·~ skin.
The 1wt11ml 1-esult of massaging the botry• is that it becomes more
integrated, t1 complete whole once again. Nlove111ents ore sprmtamous
tnul expressive; it is ah!l()st ns ifyou hove become re-acq11ai11ted with
your li111bs. NJ.ovi11g the legs, when they feel C()m1ectcd to the bock, is
completely relaxed rmd L'jfrntless. fapress the pleasure in your legs
togethe1· with )'Our pnrme1; shming the enjO)''l11el/ t ofhow good they feel.
Get to /mow J'~fw prtrtner's body through )'()1/r legs, keeping tbe contact
intimate mu/ special.



W ith your partner lying on her back,

you should position yourself at her
head, with your knees on either side. Befo re
The neck often carries a loc of tension, so in
chis position che muscles are resting narurally,
without having to support the head. A soft,
beginning work on the neck, take a moment re leasing massage on the neck muscles im-
to be sensitive to your parmer's body. The mediately affects the upper back. The most
from of the bod)' is naturally more vulnerable important muscles for 11eck rnassage are the
and open than the back, and your massage 'crapezius' (at the back of the neck), and the
shou ld reAecc this. See the sofr, relaxed round- 'stemolcleidomastoid' (at the side), wh ich turns
ness in rhe way rhe body lies, from the swell rhe head. The cervical ~·errebrae supporting
of the breasrs m the abdomen, hips and legs. the head form a natural spinal curve. If the
Note c:he delicate facial feamres, the muscles neck is lengrhened c:hrough stretching, a feeling
of the neck and then concentrate your full of release reverberates down the spine.
attention on che shoulders and gendy bring The sweeping effieurage strokes you use
)•Our hands coward your parmer's chest. around the breasts and ribs will connect

1. ejfteurage a-nd stretch slight/.y with yortrfingenips. thmttgh the hair and gently lower
Rub mo1"e oil onto yom' fingers. Curve yo1w bands to dip around the head. Complete this movement
Brgin the mllssllgr. by p/lld.ngyom· tbe sho111ders, tbm sliding round seveml tiJJJes, 11sing f11.1111"io11s,
fingertips lightly on yoiw par1:11e1"s behind the sho11/ders, stretch dow11 gliding strokes.
chest (abITTJe), then s-UJeep c/,Jw11 and mv1ry fiwn you with the hee/,-
with yrmr hands ber.i;een her (below right). Continue by
breasts. Spread your hands to ~"Weeping up the back of tbe neck,
fallow the c11rve ofyour partner's until your fingers are tt11del' the
body, sweeping your fingers round base of the skull. Complete the
the ribs (nb<rve center). As you 11urvernent by m ·etching up mid
tum yoiw hands, press tbe flesh back towards you, l.e-ngthening the
fin111J, then slowly pull up the side neck and re/e11sing tensiim in tbe
72 of the body (abrrve 1-ight). Drag spine (main picture). Pull off
2. rolling
Roll rht btnd fivm sidt to sidt.
Then with your bnntls beneath tbt
nuk, mnkt r11111ll circles up the
11111.rdes 011 either side. Use your
scnsarions from the torso co the neck. In foct as )'<m stretch the fingmip.r 10 wol'k ligh1ly jiw11 rhe
neck and push the shoulders, the 11 hole upper rorso begins to /J11se toward t be skull (11bove left).
release. Including the movemenc:s of the relaxation massage (sec Tum 1be bmtl, 011d ofter pushing
pages 38-39), bring your hands co the hack of the neck, and use tbt shoulder do;m, s111ooth up tbe
small circles ro release. Pressing slo11 ly at the hase of the ot!d. nrck with tbt jlnl of_your ba11d
releases tension, at che same rime increasing sensualfry. To end (abort). AsJ'Oll r·<nrb tbt bast of
the massage, relax the scalp and rouslc your parcner's hair, rug- the skull, prrss in and 1111drr with
ging gently at the roots "\\ith your fingertips. yourji11gm1ps, kttp111g tbt
It is only afcer releasing the neck that 11 c feel a wonderful pm.rm·t slo-.;.• and "°.:m (be/tr.i; left).
sense of freedom, the body almost flooding with euphoria. It is Tousle and shm11poo _yo111· prt1111e1"s
no exaggerarion to say that a soft, relaxed neck creates a softer b11ir (/1e/ow), then ji11ge1· 11p ro the
and more open state of mind. e111l< (11111i11 pimwe).


he neck and throat areas are extremely delicate and sensitive.
T This 71/akes them extremely responsive to se11Sati'o11. Using a
tende1; delicate touch will fully open up yrmr partne?·)· senses.
With the sensitive backs ofyour fingertips, trace lightly up your part-
ner's throat. FollO'lll every detail, softly drawing 11p aud 1111de1· the chin.
As your touch·oontinaes almost imperceptibly, the entire body will be

nwnsh with mw1tio11. Or yon can gemly bnish with your fin·efi11ger
01w111d the cnscmt ofthe earfollowing the cm"l/e back and forth. The
skin behind the ear is vny soft a11d dtlicatt. Stimulnte it 'lrith tht pads
ofyourftng=, playing softly nlong the lint ofthe hair. ,\.1ore wondtr-
fiJJ smsntions nrr produced by you bmshi11g up the fide of her 11uk
with JOll1fi11gcl'S. ,Start stroking i11 the sensitive hollow above the col-
lar bout, and pull softly upwards untilyou rench the dimple behind the
ear. This smds tingltr over the skin, d011m tbt spine and arowul the
scalp. rVnrch to SU the goose bumps on your parmer's flesh. Choose a
few str1111ds of hair ftwn the highly sensitive nape ofyour partner's
neck, thm gentfr re"se 1111d pull the hair1, keeping them taut between
your fi11ge1-s. /)mw out the sensation by pulling the very ends.
Explo1·ing yo111· pa mm·'s body, waubing closely the 71'11)' she
responds, i11crtastr tbt feeling between yott of tenderness and inti-
macy. It is a wbolt new pleasure to find ways to ple11se your pnrmer,
p1'0viding diffem11 smsations for her to experience. As you touch yom·
part11er's body, share your experiences, how her body feclr to you 1111d
bow your touch fttls to Im: 77
fter the neck and scalp have been massaged and arc tingl-
A ing, rurn your attention to che face. By gendy massaging
the face, you can send glowing feelings all ch.rough your pa rtner's
bead. Beginning at the forehead, resr your hands for a moment,
and rune into you r partuer's Scace of mind.
The delicate muscles of the face arc constantly used co reflect
the way we feel, bm they can become quite tight. Tens ion over
the forehead, around the eyes, and especially rou nd die jaw pro-
hibits fl uicliry of facial expression. T he mouth, a highly mobile
strucrure, is very sensual, and the •lerve endings are extremely
sensitive co couch. The forehead, when we feel ca lm, is relaxed
and smooch. Our eyes cell the world how "·e foci.

1. releasing strokes to tl>P trJJJple.r. Dipping )'trlJ.r using filly mOVl?J)lrllfs at evm
Smooth ti little oil over y1nw thmnb.r to circle rom1d the temples, inrerv11lr 1·ound to the nose (below
fi11ge1·s. Then place the length of bring the 111ovemem back, nnd right). N[qvi11gyour thumbs to
yozw thumbs in the nmte:1· ofy01w draw out 110-oss the eyebnr..vs 1·est across the cheekbones, smootb
p111wer's fm·ehetrd, your hands (below left). Without brc11ki11g the yom· hn11ds ove1· the cbeeks rmd
mpped gmtb• r11wmd the hearl r0Jlfim1jty, pince the parl< ofyonr pnD up to'wtn·d tlir l'fJJ'S (111ni11
(above). Draw your thumbs apart, thumbs just below tbe eye-socket pict111'e). Cup your h1111ds gently
gmd11ally and evenly, 1·ekasi11"g;the ridge. Stm1 fi'0711 the 011te1· edge, mwmd the face and spread the
·pnmwe as you c1wve rrnmd then press gently along tbe 11111scles, 111mclci· upwards imo n smile.

2. circling and brusbing
Interlace )'01Jr fingen under the
cbin, r/Jm pull tbem apart,
spreading up the line of the jaw
(above left). Keeping yow· thumbs
above rmd your forefingen below
the jaw line, slide round and
upwards until you reach the joint.
To release any tight11ess in the
aren, ask your partner to slightly
It is only when someone acrually massages rhe face char we d1·op bisjaw, then make slow,
become aware of how much the muscles are used. As you /n·oad dnies with yo1w fingertips
smooth across you r pa rtner's forehead, any tighmess will start (abtrve right}. Softly br11Sb you1·
to diffuse, rhe feeling spreading as )'OU work around the eyes. thumb along the lmgth ofyour
Smoothing over rhe cheeks and around the chin restores feeling part11e1·'s nose, 11si11g rolling
and flexibility, complered by broad circling movements co strokes from the bridge to the very
release the jaw. The jaw, which can become clenched tightly, rip {}le/ow left). Repeat this seveml
should hang jusr sl ightly open, with che rongue relaxed ac the times, following the curve To reach
borrom of the mouth. By now your parmer's face will feel bliss- his lips (be/qw right). Trace lightly
fully released - the experi ence reaches too deep to even talk. with yotJr fingertips t1ro1t11d the
Often, it can feel as if a mask has been taken off to reveal a mouth. To continue stimulation of
pure srare of natural expression. your partner's senses, squeeze ond
Complete the massage·\Vith loving touches to your parmer's tug the e01·/Qbes between yom·
features, stroking down the nose and cracing lightly with your finger tmd thumb (mnin picture).
fingercips around che mou ch. Gentle squeezing and pulling of Slide down to the lobes, brushing
the earlobes can feel quice wonderful. with your lips.


y now relaxation and sensual pleasure you can massage one Jc a time. "nen you
B will be seeping down your partner's body.
\'ou need co move co his side co begin massage
begin work on the in nee arm, be aware of the
exquisi tely sensicive skin on the inner elbow.
o n the arms. Look for a momenr co absorb Take a few rnome nrs ro sense our th e area
each area in detail, following from the shoul- with your fingertips, stimulating and arousing
der to the slimness of the wrist.~. ~ace rhe way as you stroke. The movements on the arm
your partner rescs his forearm, chen bring your should Aow inco one another, progressing
eyes co che po" crful, sensirive hands. \la ke rhythmically up tO\\'ards che shoulder. Firm
soft inicial contact at the n•cisr, chcn begin the pressure along rhe upper 11rm releases rhe bull.
sweep of effieurage srrokes up che arms. of rhe muscles, '' hich often become right and
When rou massage che arms, benr in mind solid. Use the Aac of your hand to press and
that, like the legs, you can do each part of che smooch around the armpit, keeping the pres-
massage alte rnating between the rwo arms o r sure scnsicive yer firm as )' OU explore rhe dips

I. e/Jlcurage a11d squeezing dow11word sm1kc. Do this git•i11g your p01111er n foe!i11g
Apply somt oil to your ho11~is, thm 111ovtmmt sr.itml times, rhm ofdup reltost, smdi11g u:onderfol
11st tjJlmragt ttrokes in foll lifting rht nrm ar tht u:r·isr (nlxn:t 1i11gl111g smsa1io111 do-.;;11 tbt
gl1di11g 111otwie11ts up tht amt right), Jljlltf"..t 11p tht foreon11 wbolt lmgtb ofTht ilnllJ. Press
(nboi•t left). Be sure to oil rigbt up 11111.rdts rrub tbt tigers mouth (su smsitr.:rly r::itb your tbumh, 011d
wtr tht sbo11ldtr. Gemly rrxk the page 23). Utt tbt forefinger joint fttl aro1111d rbt />onts, troilillg off
on11 bmrrm your honds n» you mu/ thumb fo1· txtro prtsrurt. wi1h m10ll anling movmimts nt
r·t11m1 to loosm 1my tension. You Work the lmgth ofthe muscles the back ofthe upper 0171t. As you
sbo111d 011/y use pt·esmre 011 the right up to the elbtrJ), sq11eezi11g ns pe1fon11 thi.r movcmmt, be c11refi1/
11pwm·d .rf'roke. Keep tbe rtrokcs you release the press1ll'e to work of the '11/m1r' nerve, .rit1111ted at the
flowi11g, fne nud generous slidi11g 1·01111d the elbow joi11t (111oi11 bock of the elbow mu/ often k11ow11
82 n11d 111mi11g 011 the lighter pi1111n). rlsyo11 prm, you will be as the ji11111y bo11e.
2. the inner arm and elbow retnrn and witho111 b1wki11g the the crease (below 1·igbt). This is a
Unver your p01·t11er's firr·emm rhythm ofyour h011ds, slide up the veiy smsitr<1e ai·ea and feels won-
once again, then turn the palm arn1. again, exerting some pn:s- derful as yon stmke along the line
over, mpporti11g the fo1-eann at Slln This will feel both soothing of the elbow joint. Use yomfingm·
the wrist. With the flat ofyour and sensual to yom· parmer and to stimulate, or, dragging along
h1md, begin smoothing up the produces 11 delightful tingling in the crease, dip 1111d circle them.
i1111er an11 muscles, p1·essing with his palm. Repeat these rtrokes sev- along the outer edge. Spmd sever-
reasonable ftmmess unvard.r the eml times. Afterwards, tnm yom· al 111ome11ts here. As you linger
elbow (below left). Sweep round attt11tio11 to the inner elbow, mul ove1· the skin, this will totally mes-
the arm to the wrist, 11s you use your ftngeitips to brnsh alonf{ merize )'Ottr panner.

and curves. Ci rcling movements, followed attention when rhcy arc receiving a massage
by slowly releasing the pressure, can have a on the hands. Spend rime caressing and releas-
delightfully erotic feel. A fu ll screech of your ing every inch of your partner's fingers, then,
parcner's arm is wonderfull y releasing, both afrer brnshstrokes, tenderly entwine them in
freeing the arm and hav ing an effect right your own. Just allow the fingers to idly couch
down the spine (see page 86). The feeling of and play as a sweet, loving gesrure of affection.
someone else screrching your limbs is an
unusual, exrremely pleasurable experience. As ABOUT Tll£ ARMS
you press down rhe forearm, moving to the Our arms play an imporrnnr part in our self-
wrisc, be aware of the delicate srrncrure. As expression, as well as being indispensable for
you circle very gently with your fingertips you work. Tr is with our arms that we draw people
_ can feel che minute derail of rhe bones. The and objects closer, and equally use rhern co
hands deserve a good deal of attention, being push those things away. We narurnlly use our
used, almost unconsciously, every second of arms for our protection, while our hands
rhe day. \Nithouc realizing it a lot of tension demonstrate what we say and express rhc way
84 can build here, only coming ro '' person's we feel. We use our hands ro manipulate
3. tbe 11ppe,. arm 111ing prts:sttrt bm&tt11 your bu/ lightly round tht nm1pit (k/trJJ
No-.:i lift your parrntr's an11 to nnd ftngm. Apply tht 111q-.:011mt right). Prrmng munr.1tly around
place it at n right 1111glt across the to both 011ttr and mner 11n11 the mrues n11d boll1J11.•s, thit
body, mu/ givt the forenmt support muscles, 11si11g your thumbs for movemmt feels tfeliciously st11S1ttrl.
by hold1i1g it nr the w1·isr (bdtrdJ extra mwgth. A.r yo111wch the ![your pnm1er is ticklish, start
left). 7'lm1 cup yow· orhe:r hn11d shoultler, slideymn· htmd ari11111d lightly b11t fi1111!y, and then
m·o1md rhe 11pper 111w muscles, the joint. Then mpponi11g the ill(reost the pressure. Press tmd
n11d pnssji1111~y down townl"d the 11ppe1· mw with borh hands, lqwer circle ming 1/iffinm points of)'Otlr
shoulder. Squu:.e the 11111sdes it behind yo11r pnnner"s bend. ho11ds, mding by sofi bmthsrrokes
rightly, fol/awing thm rou11dnm. U1i11g tht flat of:rour h11nd, press up tht ann um:ard the elbtr~.

objeccs, make things or be creaii•·e. We hold the arms origi nate from the neck, so massage
our our hands to invite contact "·ith another . around the neck and shou lders often travels
pe rson, and of course, we use our hands for down the length of rhe arms. The biceps and
couch. T he fingertips an~ extremely sensirive, triceps are the strong upper arm rnu scles,
and pick up numerous messages that tell us effocti ng rhe movements of the forearm. Inter-
about the world. The palms of the hands, ncting wirh the upper arm, muscles in the back
also very sensirive, are an area from where and upper chest facilicace m01·emcnt of the
·~ e issue srrcngth. mobile shoulder joint.
The bones of the forearm are so arranged Arm mo1·emenrs are an extension of the
rhat in order for the arm to rum, one bone bod y, and, flowing and expansil"e, come from
rotates around the other. Pressure ben,een the around the shoulder blades. If rhe chest is also
bones can feel extremely good. The wrist pro- relaxed and open, this releases energy down
ides n fu lcrum for movement of the hands, the arms. The arm position nnd movements
'\· hich is facilitated by rhe srrucrurc of the fin- are affected if the chesr feels right, contracted
.rcr joints. Passive movement of these joints and bdcl in. When the arms arc free, they sud-
·!ways fee ls beneficial. The nerves supplying den ly feel more sensitive and much lighter. 85
11111/ir .wrr hr is re"1.wd 1111d .~il:rs
,ro11 b1.r.fi1fl 1m11 u:r1gbt•• f.r you
p111 yn111· l!'bole f•ot~V /11·bmd _yo11r
11Cf/011. tlm 11101't1llelll u.•111Jal
<'{Miii ~.Ifar you. To lo.::et· th<
1m11, lwp <11pf'<'ni11g-.::11b _ro11r
b1111d< 11111' arde it ru1111d to tl•t
.ride (/ldou·). Tbm 1;:i1b Im 11pprr
111111 /"f.rtmg. lw1.rtill />Qlt/i11g the
J. stretch tmd circle mul 11pp<'r /111.-J: •• l<JOll pt'1for111 fo1w1r111, .v,mt~y lo•Nr tb<' i11111 '"
Pumw11i11g yo111'Stlf/ieb1111/ \'0/11' tbt .ftl'tt<'b, tnkr <'1/1"<' riot to ro111· .vom· p111111er's suit-.
p.1r111rr 'r br11d, bmJfor~ 111 .!.> ro pnmtirr your rpmr. lr1111i11f!, lwcl:
11tl·r l•oltl ofJ.if m?JI. JI '11/r 011r :!'ltl:> 1Jy ';;"<'Jgbt oj )Ot1r IVJJ.r. )'OJ1
lw111/ 111'0111ul tbr bn11d 1111d thr rm1 txprri111mt <ntlr tbe po.rt/1011 of
otb!'r mpponhtg tbt df.o;::, .~mt~\ your hold. .ruppo11111f!, tbr fate1m11
pull tbe lmgtb 1ifthe n1111 b11d or ;;:mt or grippi11g ,1•011r pmwcr ';·
toU'(ll'dyo11 (111ai11 pitturr). St1//1 111111 (11/1oi•e lift 11111/ r~i:ht). To
tl•t' <trrtcb rlrr.:·h. 111ffc11.<111~ tb1 11111kr the .rtn'lfb 111orr 11ct1rr for
p11// 11111ilyu11 fal rmmmu, tbm vo11r parr11rr. b1· c<11111lw mr:::i11,
"1<r tbr prrsrurr. four p.1n11t1 his gnp i1ro1111d rom· r-11. s, _1111r
u·1/l.f"trl tbt m·rtcb nro1111d tl•r r1/r.r p111111,.rfeel< 11 .r1111•fj'lllg mwcb.

PR.EVE'.'.l'!NG TE).:SION C1' T H E. ARMS influences the lefc side of che body. Very often
As you arc massaging you r pam1er's arms, norc rension iJl rhe arms and shoulders relares ro
any difforences you feel becween che lefc and rhe ways we use our minds. It is importanc to
rhe righr. For people 1vho are righr handed, for keep an even balance berween acrivirics, and
example, the right side will tend co be more to u~e both sides of che body. For example, if
developed and probably more censc. The righc you arc right-handed, keep your lefr side
side of the body is primarily controlled by the active. T ry and do things with both hands. As
rariona l and logical lefr side of die brain, while a general rule, after muscles ha1'e been work-
the creative, intuitive righc side of the brain ing, give them cimc to relax.

4. compkting the arms ji-0111 the center, work yom· way fully s11tisf51ing, while a light
Holding the, press evenly but acros.r the wrist, sliding t·otmd to stretch between the fingers
firmly with the length ofyour dnnv down between tbe tendons enhances the sensf1tio11. Press,
thumb down the cemer ojjml,[ afthe band (nbovc right). P11/J twist tmd squeeze ns yo11 pull
partner's forearm (above left). As sluwly, drawing tensi1m 011t ta11talizing~y qfj each fing~r
you reach the wrist, use both between the fingers, rhm mm tbe (bel()W i·ight). Then repeat tbe
thu:mbs to fYress and make miall hnnd n11d circle oi•er the pnlm with seqmmce on the othe1· amt. End
circles around the bones of the joint your thumbs (below left). Tbe gent!)• with soft caresses with your
(l1bove center). Muvi11g outwai·ds pre.mire rau be 911it.e fim1 to feel fi11g1>r:< (1111LiJ1 picture).

s yom· pamter basks in the wmwth of the feelings nm11i11g thnmgh
A his m111s, now released, reln:red 1111d sensitized, it is the perfect time
for more seumnt discovel)'.
With yow· pan:ner's bond turned up toward you, moke the gentlest of
1J1oveine11ts across the pnlm. Touching and stroking lightly with your
fingertips, circle and explore the hand. Ti-ace with your fingers along the
lines, closely feeling every fold and crease. Like the face, the bonds 1·ejlect
ozn- wodd experience, 011d the w11y tb,>y hove bem used through a perso11 's
life. Close yo11r eyes and let yo11rfi11gers disrove1·for you. You will foci your
portrte1· in o completely different way.
Usi11gyournr1ils crm be 011 eir>ticnlly arousing experience. With the tip of

your unit, drnw aa-oss your partner's wrist. The beet ofthe bnnd n11d inner
wrist are VI!'/)' sensitive, so there need 011/y be a hint ofpressure. Follow up
the inside ofyour part>Ul''s ann, dmwing with the 1mil to the sensitive

elb<rw crease. Keeping the touch intriguingly light 011d delicate, nails add 11
90 dime11sio11 to sensntio-11 far your partner.
Explore dijje1wtw11ys you cn11 touch ench other's 111ws n11d hnnds, 11si11g the
tip of the 11(/ils 1111d fi11gc1:r, 01· dmwi11g 11/ong the edge. E-rplon the shnpe
011d 11u1vro1mt of the forenm1, the sen.rntio11 ofthe pulre nt the wrist. Mot•e
up the on11, a11dfeel the c<mtours ns the Ol7/l 1"01t11ds i11to thi sho11/de1·. Circle
t1romui the tmeven n11d negletted elbow, a11d return 10 1J1e familim· ro1111d-
11ess of the fi11ge1tips. Use yo111-jingers as an exte11sio11 ofyour eyes.
Ftn· ti change in sm.ratio11, blow .roft~y on the palm, 11lter·i11g the shape of
yo1w 1110111h to chm1ge the impact ofthe breath. Or cirde with your elbow in
the untc1· of the ptt/111, which has a surprising ~fftct ofspreading warmth.
Cnnss your partner's arms ming your outer fonan11, then feel out J01W
pn7t11er's body with the backs ofyour wrists nnd h1111ds.
As you emln·nce, be aware of the soft qunlity in the ways you ·use your
111111-s. The anns con be used to hold each other dose, to e11cirde 1111d cherish
the things we ionlue. Ifyou 11re >1ill 11nd simply hold yozw p1111mr's bond be
nwm·e of the feelings that go back and forwnnls between yau..


it at your partner's head ro finish th e mas- During the massage you wi ll be using both the
S sage on the upper body. Before starti ng
the massage look at your partner's body, look
effieurage cechnique and scretch to open up the
body, pulling up around the ribs and breasts to
at che sensirivity of che breascs, at the openness expand and release the chest.
of the chest, che ribs, che abdomen. The main muscles for massage are the
pectora ls, whose movemenc.5 are connected co
che back. The ri bcage, protecting the viral
heart and lungs, is also important ro massage.
TJ1e intercosral muscles (betlVCCn che ribs) work
together with the diaphragm, so char the ribcage
expands as we breathe in. When breaching is
relaxed, the upper chest remains almost still.
The breach reaches righc ro che abdomen
when the body breaches narural ly.
Feel your parmer's ,rulncrabiliry and sensi-
tivity by placing your hand over the center of
her chest. As the heart pumps blood around
the body, massage assists rhe flow of blood.
Keep the stro kes sensitive, caressing you r part-
ner's body with loving, sen~ual touches.

1. effleurage and release

• Re-oiling ) '0111' ht1nds, begin the 111t1sst1ge with full
effleurnge strokes ovn·J•ollr pnmm·'.f chest. Slip d&-il)n
over the bre11stbone, avoiding p1·ess11re to the lnwsu
(11b1YVe left) 1111d glide your handr over and mwmd the
ribs, p11Jli11g 11p just u11de1·your p11rrrwr's body (center
l.eft). Give a deep stretch 11/tmg the ribs, wrving your
hands softly around the breasts. Return to the top of
the chest and complete the 1111YVC11JC11t seveml times.
Then, resting one ha11d 011 your partller's sho·ulder,
place the under the ribs. P11/l 11p ond ocrof!
toward you (below left), sweeping your b1111d around
the shape of the breast. Then push over the pectonzl
musrles (rituated just above the breast), ending the
111&-<1e111em at the arm (1111tin pict11re). Repeat the
92 1noveuumt on the other side.
2. release along the ribs
P/t1"e )'07Wfirst two fingers in the center efthe chest, 011
either side efthe bre11stbo11e. With your forefingers
under thefirst rib, n111/ your suond fingers in the
groove beluw the uext, drll'W jir111/y outwards, 11/ong the
curve efthe ribs. Ease premwe tuwnrd the sbo11/d1m.

CHEST St:NS!TLVIT\' 3. figure-eight

For both men and women, rhe chest is very erotic, wirh heighr- Supporting witb one h1111d nt rhe
ened responses in rhe ni pples and breasrs. However, a woman's shmtlde1·, use your other h11nd to
cbesc is more sensirive and should be worked around very slide d!Y'.i;n betwem your p111111er's
genr!y. On a man rhe pectoral muscles (more accessible on a bret1.rts. Covti1111e with n drde
man than a woman) benefit from releasing massage as they can 111r11md tbe breast, gliding your
become quire eight. He re, the massage movements can be per- hand 11111/emeath (far left). Bring
formed more broadly, the pectoral muscles circled firmly. Then your 111ove111e11t nmnd t<nmrd the
the movements shou ld be brought in closer, the sensirivicy of side, rmd stmking conti1111011sly,
the t0uch grO\Ying greater as rbe circles decrease. dnrw up toward rhe shoulder
(left). Keep yow· bands se11sitive
1111d soft. Then bri11gi11gyour hund

bnck tuw11rds tbe center. begin to

circk rhe orhe~· breast, to make 11
figure-eight. Chit11ge h11uds ifyott
feel 11111re conifo1toble 011d once
more glide between the bre11sts
(below,f111· le:ft). Po/low round u11d
1111der the c1trve to pull gently tip
tbe side (beltni1 left). Complete the
11UJVe7itent several times. Keep yo1w
toutb close and softly arousing,
then r:up ,vour bands ttrotmd the
bi•ensts (11111in picture). Allow ym11·
prrrtnei· ro experience tbe sensations
flowing over her body•. 71me
mov1mm1ts m·e equally as erotic fllr
94 t/ woman /IS for a 111011.

oving narurnll y down from the chest,

M che scrokes co che abdomen arc a coru-
plecjon of the rorso massage. Look ac your
partner's body, notice the curves, che angle of
the hips and the unprotected nature of the
abdomen. Then from che soft, se nsual pelvic
area, draw your gaze up along your part-
ner's side. Make your first contact by resting
your hands lightly in the center of his body.
The abdomen is very sensitive and the
quality of your first cot1ch will be immedi-
1. effieurage and ci1'Cling ately felt by your parcner. Gentle, warming
Cover your hands with more oil. Then approaching contact with the flat of the hand feels panic-
cont11ct with y01w p1111:11ei· sensitively, ejfleurnge, ularly good in chis area. When you massage
moving J'o111· bands in o clockwise dincti-011 (above). always move in a clockwise direction (rhis
Let your hands fall1JW the c1t11!e of tbe ribCllgc. Still means y0\1 will be following the shape of
drdi11g in the same dircttio11, 11Juke )'Ottr 11/<riJemmts che large intestine). The lower abdomen is
a littk deeper, p1·essi11g with the flat ofyour hnnd an important area in terms of inner strength,
(bel<YW left). As y<mr bands mm over each other, and being centered here affects our vitality.
11lw11ys hove one bond comin11i11g the pressun The abdomen can also be affected by ner-
Lenning overytmr pn1111er, Jmeiul the 1m1Sdes along vous rension and anxiety, which rcsulrs in
his side, p111/i11g and rolling the flesh away from tbe - feeling run down and weak. For this reason,
body (below 1·ight). Repeat tbis movement 011 the other be even more sensitive than usua l when
side, then remme the broad circling with your ha11ds. massaging the abdomen, and send positive
Expand )'&ttr circles tu to11Mlize him (111ni11 picture). thoughts through your hands. After die

iniriaJ effJeurage you can conrinuc rhe circling morion of 2. stn1tch and balance
your hands graduall y allowing the pressure m increase. Try Afte1· the circling 111rr.;emmts,
and keep the strokes flowing and smooth as you r hands cross b1·i11g your b1mds softly to the
over each other, expanding the circles slowly to arouse you r cenwr ofy111w part11e1·'.r abdomen
partner. Knead and pull alo ng your partner's sides, dra wing 111ul pince them together, fnci11g
the muscles away from the body. (The large abdominal ding<mnlly across the body. Pt'essing
muscle is the 'external oblique', unde r wh ich lie layers of evenly nnd steadily with the flat of
muscles which help in flexing che back.) Be carefu l noc co yo11r h1mlls, sl(lWJy tlrnw thr1l1
bring the movement inro the center. A sideways stretch ap11n (bew). B1·i11g one hand to
across the abdomen is good for relieving tension. Ac the end the hip and the otlm· to the rib
of the massage softly hold your partner, providing balance, cage, cnressi11g the sides of the body.
while diffusing the feeli ngs aroused by you r stro kes. For a Then repertt this 111oveme11t in the
man, the abdomen is particularly arousing and se nsicive, so other dli-ectio11. Yinw strokes shmdd
keep pressure gentle but firm. For a woman, the area may be .1111ooth, gliding and co11ti1111ous.
be quite tender, depending on her menstrual cycle. Asyou emf, pince oue bond over
As you massage, keep you r movements free and sensua l, tbe abdomen and the other softly
enjoying every tiny bit of your parmer's body. The abdomen 1mdmwt1th (11111i11 pictm·e). This
varies a grear deal from person to person. Ir can be full, bnla11ces yom· portlier n11d diffuses
round and soft, or muscular and flat. Tt is a wonderfol area the s111;~e offeeli11gs, bringing you
for yout hands. ~orice rhe skin regrure, rhe way rbe body 1111d y1111r pamter tmy doJe. P.1ljoy
cu rves, the hairs coveri ng che skin, rhc deep relaxing breaths watching the way your p011ner's
coming down the torso. bo~y moves as he /nw1thes.


rom the tender work on the abdomen, move on w the front

F of your partner's legs, completing the flow of sensa-
tions over the fronr of the body. Before continuing your
contact, look Ol1Ce more at you r parmer's legs. From the deli-
cate shape of c:he ankle, to the knees and along the thighs,
follow up and over the curve of the hips. Notice how the legs
naturally rum out, coming down co the sofrness of the toes.
Make your first contact by resting your bands gendy over the
1. ejfleuragc alld squeeze top of your partner's feet.
K11eeli11g nt yo11r p1wt1m"sfeet,
sp1·ead some oil 011io·y01Jr hands, GENERAL Po1=-Ts ABOUT MASSAGING THE LEGS
tben glide tbe11t over ber legr When you begin co eft1eurage her legs, read1 right up over
(above). Ejfleurage around the you r partner's thighs, bringing your sa·okes over and around
11.ppa· thigh mul hip. Return to the hips. Remember to rock the legs gendy on the downward fin11ly up the c11lfm11sdes stroke co loosen rhe joinrn and muscles. The pelvis plays an
eitbe,. side of the bane (below important pare in rhe movement of the leg, for if ir is conu-acr-
left). Use your heels for extra ed, chis alters che way the legs are held. The pelvis can often
pmsure. Slid.e the length ofyour he thrusc back or fonv,1rds, which nacura ll y affecrs rbe posicion
tlnrmhs n1-orm1l.ro1wpnrt11er'.< of rhe spine. Very often sexual feelings become trapped, curril1g
knee (bellYIJJ right), cirding and off sensacions co rhe legs.
pressing annmd its shape. Lifti11g·, The squeezing stroke char you use in chis massage helps co
you,. partner's thigh, squeeze remove wasre produces from che muscles, and restores the nat-
fi1111ly d<r<1.1-11 the 11111scles using the ural flow of energy. Circling lighdy round the kneecap releases
heels of the hand to gi-ve fin11a· pressure in the joim, sending pleasurable sensations round the
presrure (main picture). Stroke knee. When you come ro massaging the thighs, it is worch real-
gent!:)• on the i1111e1· thigh. izing chat they contain some of the most powerful muscles in

2. pressing n11d stroking the pressun nnsonnbly fin11 and
IVirb JO/Ir pnnnt1·'s leg still thm pnss in t11U'nrd the body,
raised, move your bond t111L•nrds without pnrring over the bone.
the hip, nnd pntS nrottnd the hip Repent the t11MJrme111 severnl times
joint with yomjingm (left). Keep to nle11sc tighmes.r f/rormd the hips

and butt()(ks. Thm softly ·with

yom·fingenips m·oke 11p the back
and i1111cr thigh, heightening the
111·011ml for your p11rme1· (11bovc).
The delimu strokes ovtJ· the skin
contrast w11/J thr 111m.·r-mt'llt rr•tt·
tbe hip. helping to diffuse tbe
stro11g smJl/tJons nlrendy aroused.

the body and appreciate 6rrn massage. llO\\ C\'er, adore sensual strokes, especially light couches
you must case che pressur~ 'as you approach down the thighs and around rhe knees. The
the knee joint. You will also need co change front of the feet and ankle' are also extremely
your position so chat you can reach down che sensirive, as are che roes. Afrer the strccching
whole length of the leg. Your parrner ll'ill movemerlts, cenderl )' stroke the length ol your
absolutely love this. partner's legs with long scrokes ;lnd then softly
As rou massage, 'liscen' to your parrner') caress the fecc. " 'hen performing the circling
legs. Try to ascercain where they need men- and screeches mo1·e close in co your partner and
tion. If your partner plays a lot of sport, for you can then mo,·e chc 1oincs frccl}- .\s you
example, the thighs may be particularly hungr} rotate che hip. explore the mo' cm.:nc of the
for deep pressure. The feet also enjoy firm joinc, without exerting pressure on che knee.
pressure, and the ankles, knees and hips benefic The hip joinc, like the shoulder, a ball and
from being screeched. Passi1 e movement) on sockec joinc, is held firmly in pince by strong
che legs feel both liheracing and deliciously ligaments. As the joint itself i< quire deep, these
enjoyable. Giving the enrire weight of yotir rolls feel parcicularly rewarding. Re irwentive
body co )'Our parcner, lee hirn cake responsi- when massaging the from of )'Ou r parmer's legs,
J02 bility for )'Our limbs. The froncs of your legs raking full adrnnrage of their flexibility.
Be very sensitive co )'Our partner, and always wi th regard to the knee, which contains thiu
check rhac rhe pressure feels all righr. There is carrilagc hecween the bones, and whi le
a cype of pressure that feels as if ic is doing res ilient, can sometimes be quire fragile. The
good, and there is another, which is simply knees arc also a place where tension is often
pain. Massage shot1ld never hurt rour partner. held. T hey should remain slightly benr for
energy m flow freely.
ABOUT 1"HC fRC);>.T OF THli LEGS As well as providing the means for motion,
Along the front of rhe thighs tun the powerful our lei,~ arc also ou r scabiliry. Tension affects
'quadriceps' muscles, used in hip and knee the way we scand. When sranding, both legs
moverncurs. Cr()ssing che thigh is the 'sarto- and feet should be relaxed, the fcer planted
rius' muscle, die longe~r muscle of chc body. firml y on the ground. You may find that you
The musdes of the calf affecc the movements scand with your roes curled, as if you are grip-
of rbe ankle as well as being used to extend ping on co life. Spend rime finding the
the toes. When massaging the calves, work to balance in your seance. Retain an even pres-
eidicr side of the shins, as it can be painful sure between the heel and the hall of the fooc.
pressing direcrl)' on rhe bone. Be sensitive rmbalancc affects me entire bod)' position.

3. kneading and stretching thumbs to give extrn pres.'11re to skiwly back toward you. This
ReJt pmr parmer'.r thigh overyour the rolb. As the muscle.r cn11 be .r/1'f!tcb i"ellches u/Q11g the leg to the
leg 1md begin to k11cnd the 11111.sdes q11ite tight here, keep your wristr hip (nbtr.Jc 1·ight). Pull bnck wilb
ftmtly 1111d deeply (nbove left). flexible to /llltm' the mnxi11111111 y0111· mws stmight, wing the
Stn17 the kneading 11urve111ents llt movement of)'IYIJr hnnds. Ease the weight ofthe body, keeping n
tbe t11p ofthe thigh, gnul11afly pressure ns 11111.rrles tnprr grrulunJ J.rres.1·1tre until)'Oil feel
working townrd the knee. K11end tow1ml the knee. Thm lower the misttmce. Then, still holding you,.
finnly lllMg the fi·o111 of the leg, leg 1md movr to y1mr pan11er's pmwe,.'sJoor, lowe1· it gemb' with
1'0lling the flesh up 1111d 1mH1y feet. Placing om hnnd lll'Olmd the your b11111/s. Keep •·11ppo11 wi1h 1111e
from the bone. Jn 01·der to deep!v bee/ 111ul the otber 01;er the faot, hn11d mule1· the heel 1111d move tbe
pmermte the 11111sdes, 11se yo1w lift your pam1cr'.r leg 11JUt pull other to the knee. 103
s1111wderi11g rhe <::right ofbrr leg.
P,·m to tbe po1111 of resmm1rr,
tbm /1r.:.·er her leg <lo'il'6'·

4. tbigh, bip n11d lowei· back your p1tm1er's leg tou•nrtl her
With one bn11d beneath tbr Joor rhest, giving a strerrh 11lo11g the
1mtl tbr other (ff the kme (m11111 front of rhe rbigb (tibon righr).
pim1re) bent/ )'0111' p1trt>1er's ltg !Hake sure your pan11er nlaxe.<.
t<rwe1rd ber clmt. S11pponi11,e; her
leg, sl1rv:ly urdc 11 0111wt1rd< "!ross
her bodv (abo11t left). I 011 7::tll }ind
that tht• hip opens '111t11r11l~1 to tht
.ride. The mtr.·mmlf •lfft•tS tbr
hips 111ul lo-.r.·n- b1uk. Tbm press
5. r;pening and pressing
Rest your partner's leg against yozw thigb, tbm plrlce
the length ofyo1w thumbs togethi:r ({Cross the foor. Cup
your fingers under the sole. Pressing upwards with
your fingers create nu arch, nnd draw yo11r thzn11bJ
over the top ofthe faot moving outwards from tbe ren-
ter (below). Use tbe beels ofyour tb11mbs to dmw tbe
tmsilm out, giving tbe smse ofopming and espnnsi<m.
Repent this sevem/ time•· over. S11pponi11g the foot,
press across tbe sole with the flat ofyo11r thumb
(right), pn.tSing in and then withdrrrcoing pnssw·e
evenly. Press finnly rtnmd the toes tmd
continue the wovemellt over the heel, but reduce
the presmn in the fltsby cemer ofthe foot.

TH£ PP.FT give little rugs. Firm pressure acou nd the roe
Now tum your anention wholly tO your parr- joinrs fee ls itl.Standy satisfying, easing rhe pres-
ner's feet. Open our rhe foor by pressing up sure around rhe sensirive insrep. As a conrrasr
and pu lli ng across rhe bones. This releases the to the pressure on your pa rtner'~ foor, hold the
whole foor. (The cop of the .foot rarely foor softly, \Happing your Fingers around it,
rece ives much attencion). T hen press rhe sole _ and then simply resting your h ands. This
of chc foot firmly for deeply relaxing sensa- focuses awareness down your parmcr's body,
cions. Hook your fingers around rhe roes and and provid es a fee ling of still ness.

Jn a reflexology massage various points on the
feet (which relate to specific areas of rhe hody)
can be massaged ro re lax and tone irs corre-
sponding area of rhe hody. The theory is tlrnt
the body is divided inro zones, so the re fl ex of
an organ or strucn1re will be found in the cor-
responding zone on rhe foot. The underside of
rhe foot follows rhe shape of the body wi th rhe
line for the diaphragm ru1uung jusr be low rhe
106 ball. T he waist line runs across the center of
with render areas designating where rension
lies. You may find it valuable co bear these
points in mind as you massage )'Oltr parrner's
feet. Whatever your movements, be sme your
partner wi ll enjoy them.


Spend some time just feeling che sensations
berween you and you r parmer, as che feel ings
flow down your partner's body. All the sensa-
tions of the massage are now cemered in your
partner's feet. Now it is time for soft, gentle
c~resses and scroking. Your partner will be

completely relaxed and at rhe same time will

be expe riencing a renewal of her inner viral
energy. Spend a little rime caressing her feet,
pulling and separating rhe roes. Then dsaw
your hands softly along her feet, perhaps also
brushing gcntl)' with your lips. Draw rbe
the foot and the heel line crosses the heel. massage to a close keeping contact with your
The various parts of the body are then map- partner's eyes.
ped onto the foot according to their position. One of the most delightful momentS of che
f' or example, the roes co main the reflexes for experience for you wi ll rake place as your
rhe head, the kidneys are repres6nted in the parmer becomes ready for activity. You will
cencer of che fooc, and the spinal reflexes run '5oOn discover char rhe pleasure of receiving
along rhe inside edge. By pressing rhe foor you a massage is highly infectious. Ger ready to
can srim\1lare a particular part of the body enjoy this time together.

6. stretch mul [mil gentle brnshstrokes dtJ'W11 the

Still suppo11:i11g your p11nner's legs 011d teasingly bringing your
heel in yo1!1' band, awl your h011ds iluw11 over the foot. Then
fingers 1111demetttb her toes (top). softly fald your brmds onm11d he1·
Thell b11vi11g hooked them nround foot (1·ight), keeping yo1w body
the foot, ge11tly streuh rmd pull. completely still. This helps to focus
l'o11 may be able to lift the emit·e sensntio11s, and drnws the mergy
foor and sbnke the roes gently to ro your pomm"s feet. Whe1• you
loosen m1y tmrion. Yo11r pnrt11er feel l'eody, begin the movcmem
can mrl be/' toes around yrmr sequence on the orhet· leg. This
bn11tl. After n f cw 111ome11ts, use will b1·i11g the mas.toge to n dose. 107
ith w1111de1fully pleasurable sensations flowing all uver your
W partne1-'s body, end the massage with lively, light-hearted
strnkes. Ripple your fingers down the fro11t ofyour partner's body, tick-
ling and gently teasing Im: This will 11plift ht?· energy, creating o
dynamism between you. Keep the t·ontact constant with your eyes. After
lying dcwn for the length of the 1nassage, your portne,. will prnbably
need a few minutes in ordn- to adjust to movement. Wben reruly she
sh1mld roll over tuward her side, then push herselfup into 11 sitting
position with her lu11ul.
After a 111t1ssage, whether re/o,i·ing or senstud, the whole body feels
t1bso/11tely .m1sationol, 111-uch lighter tmd infi~··ed with r1 profom1d sense
ofgeneral well-being. Smiles and lrmghter c1rme m1tu.rally. Massage
1·enches to the very healt of11 person, creating special moments for two
/wing people to share.

Play after

ith creacivicy, )'OU can rnrn che time you spend follow-
W ing the massage inco a whole new experience. One way
co continue your heighrened sensualicy is co have a bath and
lui..-uriare in the soft feel of water infused with essential oils.
Allow a littl e time for your body ro absorb the massage oi l and
resume its natural rhychm. Bathing wirh your partner provides
an opporrunity for tenderness as well as being enormous fun.
Fill your bath with essenrial oils or a luxurious foam bath
preparation. Or as an alternative use a sma ll amount of narural
sea salt, which is both cleansing and reviving. Fill your bath-
room with things chat appeal ro your senses, such as sponges,
vegecafile soaps, and seemed shampoos. Water is soft, cleansing
and sensual - immerse yourself in it. o·eative cleansing
Use 11soft11utura/ Jpfmge to so11p
your partner's body with fl pt1re
vegetable soap, gel or cream (left).
Rub thqroughly ovei· the skin,
woi#ng in small circles to help
sl<mgh offt111y dead skin cells:
Starting on the back, soap 11//
ove1· yozw part'ller's body. It feels
wo11dtrf11l and leaves tbe skin
l1inwlatcd and vibrant. Use a
soft ha11d-showe1· to rinse qjj"any
soap, or to ligbtly sprinkle water
all over the body (abwe). The
wetteryon both get, the,
fl1rd this way, you can have"
sh()wer and a batb at once! Ii
also feels good to shampoo your
partner's hair, giving the scalp n
good massage as yrm do so.
Aftel"'wrmls gently strnke her hair
as you hold he1-, mjoying the
wetness of her body (main picture).
Yo11r partner will be e11veloped by
112 your tender 11tte11tion.
fim in the bath direct hit! The sbeerji-eedom leg is not 11ecess01·i~)' an ensy
In the b11th, let go. Flick web other mu/ the feel ofu•ater enco11rnges /111si11ess, even ify011 put yo1Jr
with wr1te1· to get each othe1· rouil!y plnyfulness find fl delight in being whole be(//t illfo it. U.<e a spqnge
wet or UJ see ifyou can score a childish. Sonpi11gyo11r partners 01faa doth to sof/p the length of
brr leg, using long, sMp_y mvkrs oi:rr.rou1· pi1rt11er's foot 1111d slitlt soft 11s t'iv;rmms/i as _you J,1rt.
1·1ghr up along her tlngb. This feds 111 ber.:.•rm the toes. ,-1ften!1m/s.
It is 1'1111/ to tht lift of tbt
inrredibly sr11s11nl 11s well fl< liei11g give .row· pnrmer 11 iJ.'111'111, wet rel11t1omb1p to simp(y let go
[('Wt fi111. 1"111ke .rtll'r )'Oii <oap fuot 11111sst1ge, scr11bhiJ1K m't't 1br mu/ mjo_y rflcb other.
gentle drying This 11ctio11 feel< veiy
Use 11 s~fr, Wfl rm UJWel co11tforti11g. It is 1111
to wrnp right t1ro1111d exp1·cssio11 ofgreat
)'tmr pmt:ner, and tben rendemess to pe1fvrm
amfully dty every inch these simple mti<ms for
ofher. Holding the t11Wel a11othe1·pe1:<011. You Cllll
rr.m· be1·, mb through u1ke the oppl'fl'tlmiry• to
the mate1"i11/ co bring a hugyo111· po1t11er and
w111w glow to her skin. boll/ her ve1y close.

AFTE:ll BATHING stimulating massage is based on the eastern

Continue die feelings by making towell ing acupressure approach. The idea is co stimu late
after the bath a wonderfu l sensual experience. meridians along the body, along which che
Use huge, soft, wanned towels to wrap around path of energy flows. There arc H meridians,
each other and par each orher's bodies dry. relating co organs of the body, iiicorporating
Taking care of each ocher in chesc very basic che mind and emotions. When a pathway
\vays crea ces tremendous feelings of warmd1 becomes blocked, disease arises. Keeping che
and intimacy. To prevent you..r skin from dqr- channels clea r keeps the body in balance.
ing, use a thin covering of !orion or oils. Add- _ Once again you will be working from rhe
ing some essential oi ls, you can make various upper body to the feet. Your parmer will need
preparations for eicher relaxation, sensua licy or co be standing or seared. Pummel wirh loose
stimulation. A particu larly refreshing combina- fists along the rop of the back, working toward
ti on is a m.ixrure of lavender and rosemary oil the spine from rhe edge of chc shoulder. Use
(see pages J 22- 123). Rub the oils over your your fisrs alrernarely in short, pounding move-
partner's body, making sure they sink into rhe ment.5, going backwards and forwards several
skin. For an interesting variation, rub die oil rimes. Scop just short of che spine. The looser
in with your feet. your wrists, che better the action feels. Perform
Afcerwards, scimu lace your partner chrough rhe movernencs a.long the other shoulder, then
some invigorating massage movements. These change your accion slightly. With your fingers
have a completely differenr effect from the held loosely together, use the edges of your
previous movements as they are used m cone hands to make hacking movements over the
and stimulate the body. While using rhc cop of the shou lder. Keep loose, flexible wriscs
116 strokes of conventional western massage, in fast alternating movements, making concact
with rhe line of you r lirtlc fingers. As you use your hands, your
fingers will fl ick agai nst each other. T he actions should remain
sharp but light, feeling particularly good in che angle bemeen
the shoulder and the spine. Repeat the movement again on the
ocher shoulder. Then cupping your hands, move w your pan-
ner's arms, and cup down rhc arms from rhe shoulders ro rhc
wrists. T his movement sti mu lates sensations in the arms, and
leaves a lively tingling feeling in the hands. Your actions should
feel good and enjoyable. Mrer completing rhe mo1·ements se11-
eral rimes on both arms, bend down ro stimulate your partner's
legs. Using light movements with you r fists, first pac up the
inside of rhe leg, chen over che mp of rhe thigh, finishing down
rhe outside of the leg. Use the underside of you r fi sts, making
conracr with che finge rs. This movement should be light and
invigorati ng, and brings the sensations dow n ro your pa rtner's
feec. After performing the movements on the orher leg, the
enti re bod)' should feel ali ve and stimulated.
Massage can reach rhe body in :1 new way. Using chc differ-
ent srrokes yo\1 have learnt and working at different speeds not
only firms and tones rhc muscles, it also acrfrares aJ1 d alcrrs the
working the shoulders body and mind. The inremion of rhe massage also makes a dif-
Closing you,. ha11tls into IQOse fim, ference co your parmer, and greatly airers the way you will
pt111mtel ilITTIJ'S the top ofthe perform die strokes. Our bodies have an amazing score of secrccs
shouldm (top). Work t(!Wa1'd the rhar can be rapped, and are greatly influenced by our interac-
neck, sroppi11g iii the t111gle fanned tions. Moving 01•er rhe bod)• in differem ways produces differ-
with the .rpine. Repeat 011 the oppo- ent resulrs. Follow you r intuition and lee your feel ings guide
site sboulder, tben use the edges of you as you massage. Liscen co rhe responses of your parmer.
your h11111/s nltenwtely to make T he body knows if it needs ro be relaxed, sti mulated or simply
light bocking 1111JVeme11ts (flblJVe). stroked and hugged.

tbe limbs
C11pp;11g yqr btJnds over tbe amt,
pot vigorously fiwu the sho11/tler
w the wrist {left). Work Pl>WJJ the
outside ofeach rm11, then use the
underside ofy()T,.- fists to tflp ztp the
i1t,ide ofthe le~-. f,f,'ork over the
thigh find down tbe 011te1· side to
the ankle (1·ight). 117
l\ow your muscles are coned and you are feeling energetic, ease
inco some active body movements "'ith your pa rtner. Mutual
massage is always fun co do as well as being beneficia l. Sitting
on the floor, press agai1m you r soles to massage each other's
feet. Use the heel, roes and ball of your feet to cover as wide an
area as poss ible. T u rn ing your feet sideways, you can massage
each other's feet. Be in ventive. The more you use your legs, the
better the massage feels. T hen, rurni ng back ro back, rry a
mutua l back massage. T his probably works best if one person is
active at a rime. Again be inventive, slide and wriggle up and
down your partner's hack, massaging with your shou lders as far
down as you can. Your parrner should resist by pressing against
you. This always fee ls fonrnscic, and is impossible to do without
dissolving inco laughter.

m11t:ual massage magic

Sitting facing each other, with your anus bebind you far suppon, pl11re
rl;e soles ofyomfeet: together. Then move and pre.~< over the sole.< of each
other's feet, i11cl11di11g the toes and beefs (above). Both press at the ;'tmu;
time. llove your heels on the ground to give mpport. Then bock to b11ck,
one ofyou m11ssf/ges the othc1· by pressing with yom· shoulders 11p and drrw11
your pormer's bock (main picrzwe). Uri11g yo111" arms far mpport, slide
118 d()Wll as far as yrm can. wbile y1mr parmcr pnwid~s resistance 11gai11st you.

After b11thi11g, oili11g and mnsmging, conth111e with se11su11/ cremivil')•. ,-11/rrw
the opportmtitires far seurnal exptrie11ce ro go on 1111d w, I/J111 n comb
through :your partner's hair nnd v:111cb the :i:ny the bnir reacts. Trickle oil
or wnter dow11 )'()t1r parwrrs hod)• 1111d watch the 111oi:e111e11t a11d the q1mli-
tie.r efliquid m1111i11g over .rki11. Or 1tse n w()()dt:11 mnssage roller 011er.}'ot1r
pnrt11er's 1h(rr,h n.s mt 1i/remative sensation to )'Our hmufs. Yott co11/d exper-
i111e11t with the m1Satio11s ef vario11s foods find dri11ks and the feet of dijji:r-
eut material! 011 the ski11. Or just ji:cl the sensations produced as )'Oii lie
tfJgetbt'P. tl()tici11g each otber'.r breath u11d :llarmth.
Di.rcover th<' ~111gic i11 our evetJ•dny uctivities and surroundings. Not only
nre the smses fi111dn111efl/al to rhe enjoyml!lll of our relatio11ships. but through
release nnd re-~iu1liznrim1, they i11spire our work. By foc111i11g 011 senmnlit:y
i11 011r lives, we keep both miud mrd bod,y healthy.
To11cbi11g thro11gh smmnl 1111mage 111aintai11S a fresh, rich, re-'1Jardi11g

relationship. It givn 11s nn opporru11ity to Jim! 0111 aho11t each other, to give
in a11 ex1raordi1111ri(y beautijiil way. Our pan11er becm11es lllOl'r! familiar, a11d
)'Ct somehow more ll()'Ueriou.r. lr is also, i11 1be e1111, a way ofgiving 10 our-
.rel~V!s as the benefits mha11ce a11d strengtheu our relmio11ship. Le1m1i11g 10
give a.mtmage i.r tlll invnl11ahle gift. t1 fm·cio11s exchange of i11ti11111e,y. As you
lcnm alxi111 ,your partner, so your .rltilts i11crease. n11d yo11r n~ioy1111111t grows.
The partnership is strmgrbeued ~)' coring practically far mch other with a
11ew 1111derst1111diug that defies defl11itio11. 12!
A brief guide to some useful essential oils and their hea lth-giving properties and qualities.

Anciseptic. Nerve conic. uplifts. (Avoid Tonic. Anci-depressanr. Relieves hysteria
during pregnancy.) and pa lpitacions. Regulates menscrual cycle.
Bf.RGAMOT Upl ifting.
Anciseptic. Good for skin and respiratory NEROLI
infections. Sedative, Uplifting. (Avoid using Regenerates che skin. Relieves diarrhoea.
near on skin or in direct sunlight.) Sedative. Anti-depressant. Calming.
CJ·!A.\10MIL£ Aphrodisiac.
Soothes infl ammation. Reli eves aches and PATCHOULI
pains and dry skin. Sedative. Ami-depressant. Stimulant. Astringent. Aids mental clarity.
CLARY SAGE Aph rodisiac.
Nerve ronic. Sedative. Good for nervous ROSE
depression. Helps ease painful periods. Antiseptic. Cleansing. Soothing. Promotes cir-
Promotes childbirth. Aphrodisiac. cul ation. Strengthens digestive system.
fRANKNCENSE Relieves scress. Good for mature, dry skin.
Ascringeor. Relieves catarrh. Soothing. Aphrodisiac.
Rejuvenating. ROSE.MAH
GERJ\,'-:fIDf Antiseptic. Stimulant. Aids mental daricy.
Skin cleanser and ton ic. Mild diuretic. Heart t01lic. Clears dandruff. Cleansing.
Sedative. Uplifting. Relieves headaches as well as general aches
JASMINE and pains.
Sedative. Arni-depressant Ami-spasmodic. SAGE
Relieves period pains. Promoces childbirth. Nerve ronic. Diuretic. Relieves general aches
Euphoric. Aphrodisiac. and pains.
t\erve conic. Astringent and skin tonic. Relieves dry, inflamed skin, sore throats and
Diuretic. Relieves indigestion. Sedative. coughs. Sedative. Aphrodisiac.
Antiseptic. Relieves skin inflammation and Antiseptic. Nerve tonic. Relieves headaches and
burns. Relieves stomach compl aincs. Sedative. general aches and pains. Stimulates ci rculation.
Relaxing. The mosc meful al l-round oil. Invigorating.
Nerve ron ic. Aids digescion. Rel ieves muscle Lowers blood pressure. Good for oily skin.
spasm. Lowers blood pressu re. (Avoid using Aphrodisiac. Sedacive. Euphoric. (Use only in
122 during pregnancy.) small quantities.)
Fill a I lloz (28ml) borrle three quarters full Oi ls
with grapesccd oi I. Towe ls
Add five per cent almond oil. Pillows and cushions
Add half a te;ispoon of wheat germ oil for Tissue.~

preservation (optional). Space co move around your parcner

Add 12 drops of essentia l oil. Heating
f ill up die remainder of the botde wirh Soft lighting
grapcsccd oil. Some water
Use a screw-top bottle and store in Music (optional)
a cool place. Answering machi ne
An hour when you will not be disturbed
Recipes for ljloz (28ml) of oil
T1 1£ Do's AND DoN'T's or MASSAGE
REL>\.'\'lNG MASSAGE OIL As long as you are sensiri ve and careful, you
t"Wix sevett drops of lave11der a11d five drops of will not be able to do any harm at all through
cha1110111i/e to the base massage oil massage. However, here are a few simple
or si111p{y 12 drops of lavender guidel ines to hel p you:

THREE SE1'SUAL MASSAGJ:: OILS • Remember co remove any jewelry before you
To tbe base massage oit yo11 can add start a massage and to keep your nails reason-
eight lrop.r ofylang J•lai1g aud ably short.
fa11r drop,· of 11erpli • Do not massage after a heavy meal or have a
or eight drops of sam/11/w()()d with four hor bath afrerwards.
tlrops 1!(yla11g :ylm1g • Do not cry ro cure persisranr muscular aches
or six drops ofjasmine with .rix drops of rose or pains. If your partner has any problems or
experiences any sharp pains during the massage,
RELA.'V\TION AFTER-BATllING OIL consulr your doctor or a qualified practitioner.
Add eight drops of lavender and four drops of • Do not massage directly on the spine.
gera11i11111 to a base oil made up of lj/11z {281111) of • Do nor massage recent injuries.
al111011d oil with five per cmt avocado oil added
Traditionally do oot massage
SENSUAL AFTER-BATllING OIL • If yOlir pai-toer has a heart cond irion.
Add seven drops of mse and five drops of 11eroli to • Over the abdomen in the firsr four months of
the oit pregnancy.
• Aro\md or over a rumor.
STIMULATIC-:G At'TER-8ATllNG OIL • Over va ricose veins.
Add seven drops of /ave11der rmd five drops of
rom11m:y to tbe base oil Always consult your doctor if in doubr.
abdomen 96 and buttocks H jojoba I~. 122 self-ma'<<agc 17
and menscruacion 9R and circling 96 sen~unlity
almond oil 12, 122 ond legs 61 lneadin!? and touch H-27
aphrocfoiacs and release 92 for relaxation 30, .JS, sex
see oils, cssemiaJ ond squeezing 82 51 relaxation 40
apricot oil 12, 122 and stretch 72 and >tretchmg 103 and tension 44
:urns 33, 82-86 elbo" 45, 8-1 lnec 62, 64, 102, 103 and rouchmg I00
circling 86 emotions shou lder 16, 17, 22-23,
and lo,·e 90-91 expression of 55, 78 lan!nd<>r 15, 121, 123 33, N, 85, 11-
preventing tension 88 and relaxarion 32 leg. 15, 62, 65, 68, 70-71, anti back 4$-.JQ
srretching 86 ond sensualicy 46 11 - and pu,hing JQ
arousal 23 cn,·ironment 12-16 from of 100-104 rension 30
and hack 46 and creaci\'iry 16 and quadriceps IU3 shoulderblndc 33, 37
and d iffusion 55 skin
avocado nil 12, 113 face 78-81 mouth 78, 80 and abdomen %
hnashin11: 80 and arm< 84
back 48-49 circling'so ned 3!>-39, -2-r, 78, 85 and diffusion 55
and hips 104 fcmornl orter\ 67 mjuries 58 cX"perimenrnrion 120
problems 34, 58 final strolcs 5I pulling 38 sen_)iriviry 11-!3, 46
relaxation of 30, 37, 46 fingertips 85 neroli 15, 122, 123 spine 16, 1-, i!
sensuality 46, 60-61 and couching n nipple, 94 ironing 56
;i:rengrh of 68 focr 68, 70, I03, I06 nose SO pressing 58
hathing 112, 114-118 awareness 68 rolling 16, 32
blowing 6 L, 71, 91 in bath Ii; oils L2, 122, I B scroling 4'1
bod)• and mutual ma.\Sagc see effieurage sq11eezing 30
awareness of 5'1 118 bathing 112 stenolcleidomastoid i 1
buhmcc R8, I03 and reflexology 68, I 06 currier 11, 123 support 16
as erogenous zone 45 frinion 20 essenrial 15
as imegrnred whole 71 general reference 122- thigh 22, 23, 6S, 6i,
rellexoloi,')' I06 giving 38, 46 123 100, 104
responses 44 gluteal muscle H preparation of 15-16 throat 45, 76
stimulation 116 grapeseed oil 12, 15, 123 patcho11li 15, 122 thumbs 23
brL'llSts 54, 72, 92, 94 pectoral muscles 94 roll ing 22, 32
figure-of-eight 94 hair peuissage 20 cigcr's mouth 13
buttocks H-l5, .\6, .\9, and barbing II 2 pliy 112 mu~h 8
H in sensua l ma>.,agc H, see barhing basic techniques 20-23
in sensual mas.1agc 52, 51, 70, 74 plucking H and communication h,
62 hands 84, 85 20
'ec also effieurage relaxation ond love 16·2-, QJ, 121
calf 64 appreciation of 82 and arousal H, 49, 82 and sensu:iluv Q, 44
chamomile 15, 122 flat ofn.23 and hrcorhing 16 rrnpczius mus~le -IS, i 1
chcsc '12-95 heel of 23, 56 and love 26 trust 45
>CtThici,•it)' of 94 knuckling 23, 54 and tension 30
circulation 20, H, 91 head 16, 38-39 ribs 57, 72, 91, 94 wheatgerm oil l ;.16,
and forehead 40, i8 rose oil 15, 121, 123 113 .._
diffusion S5
dorsal muscles 56
and rurni11g 39
headache 34 sac..·rum
see nih, c3rrier <:
hips 46, 49, Sl, 102, 104 and circling 35, 49, 52 ylaug-ylang I;, 121, 1~.1
earlobes SO
emeuragc 20 intimacr 55
and diffusion 55
sandal "O<>d 15, 111, 123
see nil<, rouch ironing 56 scalp
and batk 46 jasm ine 15, 12!, 123 rotating 39, 74, 77

Susan Mumford is a qualified massage practitioner. She has had a

private holistic massage practice in London for several years,. and
teaches introductory massage and one-ro-one relaxation. Susan
is trained in healing and counsdling, and i~ 11lso <1 qualified
aromatherapist. She prac.:ises T'ai Chi and meditation to help her
work. Her previous books, published by Hamlyn, are A Complete
Guide To M11sS11ge (l 995), and He11/i11g Ma.rsage ( 1997).


I would like to thank Dave, A11c/y, Elht1beth 011d Neil for their help.
A11d I would also like ro th1mk 111y
tet1Cbers. and of co1wse. fl!J 111nssoge clients.

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