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“Año de la Consolidación

del Mar de Grau”

Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles Pollution is slowly destroying the health of
and gases in the air. Car emissions, factory
living things.
chemicals, dust, pollen and mold spores can
be suspended as particles. Ozone, a gas, is a Pollution is a problem that no one wants
key component of air pollution in cities. to take responsibility for and, in some ca-
When ozone forms air pollution is also called ses, is not perceived until it is too late.
Environmental pollution is a serious pro-
Some air pollutants are toxic. Your inhalation blem that threatens to end life on earth.
can increase the chances of having health
problems. People with heart or lung disease,
older adults and children are at greater risk Carry out actions to attack causes and also
of contamination problems negative effects caused by the pollution of
our environment.
Subjet: Ingles
Propose awareness practices to make
them known to the population.
Prevent environmental problems and ne-
ver ignore it because if we let them grow Student: Romero Valero R.
we risk our quality of life and this diminis-
hes development opportunities.
Section: “A”
Order our interventions in the environ-
ment. Grade: 5°
Contaminación Ambiental

Environmental pollu-
Water contamination Soil Pollution
tion refers to the
presence in the envi-
ronment of any agent It is defined as the increase in the concen-
Throughout the time of mankind water
(physical, chemical or tration of chemical compounds, of anthro-
has been a very important resource for
biological) or a com- pogenic origin, that causes detrimental
the growth of civilizations, however today
bination of various changes and reduces their potential use,
the little environmental education ah echo
agents in places, both by human activity and nature.
that we forget its importance of said re-
forms and concentrations that are known to
be harmful to health, The population, or that Soil is generally contaminated in a variety
may be harmful to plant or animal life, or This is a serious problem today, since the of ways: when underground storage tanks,
prevent the normal use of properties and solutions that exist some people do not pesticides, sewage and blind well leaks, or
places of recreation and enjoyment of them. apply it by wasting and polluting unneces- direct accumulation of industrial or radio-
Environmental pollution is also the incorpora- sarily. active products are broken.
tion to the receiving bodies of solid substan- Water pollution means that people's qual-
ces, liquid or gaseous, or mixtures of them, as ity of life decreases and this causes dis-
long as they adversely alter the natural condi- ease.
tions of the same, which affect the health,
hygiene or welfare of the public.

The social behavior of man, which leads to a

communication through language, which
later formed human culture, allowed him to
differentiate himself from the remaining li-
ving beings. But while they adapt to the envi-
ronment to survive, man adapts and modifies
that same medium according to his needs.

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