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Student: Mayco Oniel Calderón Aguilar

Teacher: Sharleen Morales

Mayor: Robotic Engineering

3º B

Subject: Industrial Security and Hygiene

Answer the following questions in group using the text provided by the teacher and
your criteria.
1. Why are some safety and health standards cited more frequently than others?
Some standards are frequently cited because this standards cover areas in wich
industries are having difficulty complying, or areas in wich enforcement agencies are
giving a great deal of attention, or both

2. What else, besides the frequency of sites, does a health and safety administrator
need to know about the rules in this area?
Many aspects about the standards might be useful. The book make a great emphasis
in the importance of the “why” behind the standards that do exist

3. Should health and safety managers try to eliminate all hazards in the workplace?
No. It is an unattainable goal. Such a strategy fails to recognize the need for
discrimination among hazards to be corrected.

4. Identify three categories of risks with respect to the feasibility of correction.

• Hazards that are physically infeasible to correct
• Hazards that are physically feasible, but are economically infeasible, to
• Hazards that are physically feasible and economically feasible to correct

5. Describe at least two disadvantages of over-reacting to minor hazards in the

• Causes other more serious hazards to be overlooked while reacting to lees
serius ones.
• Deteriorates credibility with top management

6. How does a safety hazard differ from a health hazard?

A safety hazard is acute, causes or threatens to cause injuries, and is usually more
obvius than health hazard.
A health hazard is chronic, causes otr threatens to cause illnees in the long run, and
is usally more subtle than a safety hazard

7. Name three safety hazards and three health hazards.

Some example of safety hazards
• Unguared belts, pulleys, gears, saws, and punch presses;
• Fires, expolotions
• Ungounded electrical equipment

Some example of health hazards

• Coalt dust
• Welding fumes
• Chronic loud noise

8. List three chemicals that pose health risks and safety hazards
• Benzene
• Carobon disfulide
• Coal dust

9. Name three physical agents that constitute health risks and safety hazards
• Noise
• Welding
• Radiation

10. Why does an industrial hygienist need more scientific instruments to assess the risks
than a safety specialist?
Health hazards are usually more subtle than safety hazards; the industrial hygienist
must look for “unseen” hazards.

11. What type of hazard seems to be more serious: safety or health?

Safety hazards mu appear more grave, but there probably many healt- hazard
related illnesses and deaths wich are not documented

12. What aspects of the health and safety manager's work are related to the personnel
Work training, statistics, job placement, industrial relations

13. What disadvantage is associated with the placement of the health and safety
manager within the personnel department?
A comprehensive safety and health program involves engineering, and placement of
the function within the personnel department may restrict authority to much.

14. What disadvantage can be seen in placing the health and safety manager within the
legal department of a company?
This places Safety and Health Manager in an adversarial position with enforcement

15. Compare the missions of the following two federal agencies in the United States:
CPSC concentrates on the responsibility of the manufactures of the machines and
equipment, whereas OSHA concentrates on the responsibility if the employer who
places the equipment into use in the workplace

16. What is ANSI, and what relationship does it have with the field of safety and health?
ANSI (American National Standards Insitute)
Prepares voluntary standards for occupational safety and health among other types
of standars. OSHA adopted many ANSI standards early on invoking its temporary
right to promulgate “national consensus standards”

17. Compare the missions of OSHA and EPA. Why would the same person within an
industrial plant have the responsibility of dealing with both agencies?
• OSHA is concerned with hazardous exposures to workers
• EPA is concerned wirh hazardous exposures to the public, particulary as
these hazards affect the earth, water and atmosphere.
Many safety and health hazards inside the plant and outside are the same, or are
caused by the same chemical agents or physical factors. Thus a firm’s compliance
with both EPA and OSHA regulations are often the responsibility of the same

18. What event occurred in 1970 that highlighted the authority of the security director in
a characteristic industrial company?
Passage of The Occupational Safety and Health Act 1970, wich created the
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

19. Compare attitudes before and after the approval of OSHA's law regarding
occupational health and the work of the plant nurse.
Prior the passage of the OSHA law occupational health seemed to remote and not
of a great deal of concer. Plant nurses were concerned with first aid and physical
examinations. After OSHA, occupational disease prevention rose in importance

20. Describe the tragedy of 1984 that changed public awareness and public policy for
environmental and public health and safety.
The Bhopal, India disaster in witch the release of methyl isocyanate gas killed 2500
civilians. This incident showed that dangerous working conditions do no just impact
the workers, but everyone around the facility

21. Discuss cases where environmental protection can have a positive impact on a
company's balance sheet.
Reductions in energy consumption, for example, can lower a firm’s bottom line
energy cost while decreasing its impact on the enviorment.

22. Identify four environmental issues that have received a greater public emphasis in
the first decade of the twenty-first century.
The four enviormental addresses were global warming, green engineering,
petroleum conservation, and tabacco smoke.

23. Explain the relationship between "green engineering" and global warming.
Green engineering is focused on the reduction of carbon fuels, wich in turn directly
impact global warming.

24. Identify some industries where "system security" has been recognized as critical.
Explain why?
Systems Safety is essential in airlines, aerospace and hospitals. These industries in
wich failure of a system can be catastrophic

25. In the 1960s, a movement began in the field of security to recognize the benefits of
life cycle planning and design. What name has been used to identify this movement?
What society has been recognized as dedicated to this movement?
Systems Safety recognizes the benefit of such life-cycle planning and design, and
System Safety Society is one of them

NAME:Mayco Oniel Calderón Aguilar


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