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Subject: Organisational Behaviour

Sample Questions:
Section I: Subjective Questions

1. Write a short note on the three types of Goal Conflicts.

2. What is fatigue? How does it impact employees?

3. List down some work-related behavioural symptoms of stress.

4. What are the different levels of conflicts in Organisational Behaviour?

5. Briefly describe 'introversion' and 'extroversion'.

6. What is organizational politics?

7. Explain the significance of 'socialization process' which influences the shaping up of

personality of an individual.

8. Write a note on Sigmund Freud's personality structure, i.e., id, ego and superego?

Section II: Objective Questions

Multiple Choice Single Response

1. One of the more sophisticated forms of a perceptual organisation is:

1] Figure - Ground
2] Perceptual grouping
3] Closure
4] Constancy
2. The tendency to remember recent information. If the recent information is negative,
the person or object is evaluated negatively:

1] Contrast Effects

2] Leniency

3] Recency effects

4] Halo
Subject: Organisational Behaviour

3. The external environment which influences the human behaviour within an

organisation is studied by;

1] Industrial psychology

2] Human relations

3] Organisational behaviour

4] Sociology

4. The most influential theorist in the area of personality is;

1] Allport

2] Freud

3] Sheldon

4] Cattell

5. The first group to which most individuals belong is their;

1] Caste

2] Culture

3] Family

4] Society

6. In Managerial Grid, the manager who has minimum concern for people and

1] 9.9 manager

2] 9.1 manager

3] 1.1 manager

4] 1.9 manager

7. An agreement at any cost mentality that results in ineffective team decision making
and poor decisions is;

1] Relationship orientation

2] Power orientation

3] Group think
Subject: Organisational Behaviour

4] Group maturity

8. In the following stages of group progression, roles of individual members are

accepted and understood and members show how effectively and efficiently they
can achieve results:

1] Storming

2] Forming

3] Performing

4] Adjourning

9. A carcinogenic substance:

1] Soft drinks

2] Alcohol

3] Tobacco

4] Glucose

10. The type of stress that is a state of happiness and is because of the sudden over joy

1] Stress

2] Distress

3] Eustress

4] Hyper work stress

Multiple Choice Multiple Response

11. Human relations is;

1] Action oriented
2] Goal directed
3] Objective oriented
4] Mission oriented
12. Job descriptive index(JDI) measures job satisfaction in terms of;

1] Pay

2] Promotion
Subject: Organisational Behaviour

3] Work

4] Environmental factors

13. Characteristics of Fragmented culture are;

1] Low on sociability

2] Low on solidarity

3] Made up of individualists

4] High on solidarity

14. Behavioural symptoms of stress are;

1] Low productivity

2] Absenteeism

3] Poor eye contact while talking

4] High Blood pressure

15. Determinants of personality are as follows:

1] Biological

2] Cultural

3] Familial

4] Physical

16. Personality differences lead to;

1] Turnover

2] Job dissatisfaction

3] Promotions

4] Better job performance

17. Characteristics of Benevolent-Authoritative leadership style are;

1] Formal communication

2] Some delegation of authority

3] Limited concern for subordinates

Subject: Organisational Behaviour

4] Informal communication

18. Characteristics of supervisors of high producing sections in the Michigan leadership

studies were;

1] General style of supervision

2] Employee centered

3] Formal communication

4] Negative leadership

Fill in the Blanks

19. __________ Conflict create stress and tensions for a long time.

1] Avoidance approach

2] Approach

3] Approach avoidance

4] Avoidance

20. ________ are recurrent in nature.

1] Urges

2] Motives

3] Desires

4] Needs

21. ________ leaders avoid power and responsibility.

1] Autocratic

2] Participative

3] Free rein

4] Democratic

22. __________ style is good when one is dealing with professional employees who
require more job freedom.

1] Autocratic

2] Participative
Subject: Organisational Behaviour

3] Free rein

4] Democratic

23. __________ motivates people to do things but does not raise morale.

1] Training

2] Money

3] Gifts

4] Appreciation emails

24. A change in the organisation requires a corresponding change in the individual’s:


1] Attitude

2] Behaviour

3] Personality

4] Perception

25. __________ is the moralistic segment of human personality.

1] Ego

2] Id

3] Super ego

4] Self concept

26. Without perceptual________, the shapes, sizes, colors etc. of objects would keep on

1] Figure

2] Context

3] Constancy

4] Ground

27. _________ Style is a win-win approach to inter personal conflict.

1] Avoiding

2] Collaborating
Subject: Organisational Behaviour

3] Accommodating

4] Compromise

28. An expression of an evaluative judgement or point of view regarding a specific

topic or subject is called __________.

1] Ideologies

2] Values

3] Opinion

4] Belief

State True or False

29. Mediation maintains a low level of tension.

30. In the modern time, no organisation can afford to be static.

31. Managers have considerable control over the nature of rewards granted to the

32. Manager and departments that have connecting links with other managers and
departments in the organisation will be more powerful than those who don't.

33. Organisations help people achieve their own personal objectives.

34. Individuals with low self-esteem take risks in job selection.

35. Highly dogmatic individuals are too dependent on authority figures in the

36. What is appropriate in one individual's culture and society may be totally
unacceptable in another culture.

37. Values and attitudes are relatively permanent and resistant to change

38. Different organizational cultures are appropriate at different times and situations,
with no one type of culture being ideal for every situation

Match the Following

39. 1] Assembly line operation 1] Repetitive job

2] Job rotation 2] Cure for boredom

3] Decrement occurs 3] Fatigue

Subject: Organisational Behaviour

4] Ideal temperature for work in all 4] 65 F


5] 70 F

6] Rest pauses

40. 1] Endomorphs 1] Soft and spherical structure

2] Mesomorphs 2] Tough and muscular body

3] Somatotonia 3] Love of physical adventure and risk


4] Introvert 4] Shy and retiring

5] Linear and fragile

6] Love of comfort and affection

41. 1] Forming 1] What the task is and how to do it

2] Storming 2] Resistance arises to task and method

3] Norming 3] Task co-operation

4] Adjourning 4] Task is complete, roles are complete

5] Product orientation

6] Tension between group members and


42. 1] Giving a person a complete natural 1] Responsibility and recognition

unit of work

2] Removing some controls while 2] Responsibility and personal

retaining accountability achievement

3] Introducing new and more difficult 3] Growth and learning

tasks not handled previously

4] Making periodic reports directly 4] Internal recognition

available to the worker himself

5] Responsibility and growth

6] Internal recognition and growth

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