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Semester 1 Reflection

What piece of writing are you most proud of? What is it about the actual writing that makes you
proud of this piece? Use at least two quotes or pieces of textual evidence from your writing to
support your response.
A piece of writing I am most proud of is the Fear Play. Though I did this with a partner, I
am still proud of this piece because we both contributed and we both peer reviewed each others
work in the play. Some things in the actual writing that makes me proud of this piece is we
followed the story arc and did not include anything unnecessary. This allowed our play to be
compact and to revolve around the conflict. Also, I am proud how my partner and I, created
characters and described them. For example, we created our main character, Luna, and made her
relatable to teenagers today. In our play, we described Luna as this, “Luna Hayes is a short,
brunette young lady of sixteen. She is currently a junior at Patrick Henry High School and takes
many vigorous classes. She also currently plays on Coach Floyd’s travel soccer team and is
looking to earn an athletic scholarship for the University of Pennsylvania. She is very
determined, smart and organized. She cares a lot about her future and tends to worry about all the
little things in her life. She constantly stresses about all her schoolwork, maintaining her grades
and doing well in soccer.” Lastly, I am proud of how we used modern dialogue. For example, in
our play we said, “Kk, needa goooo. Love ya!” Today many teenagers speak this way especially
over facetime of text.

What would you most like to improve in terms of your writing? Use at least two quotes or pieces
of textual evidence from your writing to support your response.
In terms of my writing, I would most like to improve my contextualization. In the first
AWP, I noticed that I had a couple of notes that said, “need context.” For example, in this piece
from my first AWP, I said, “For instance, Edwards speaks with passion, “… if God should let
you go, you would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf”
(Edwards 98). In this sentence, I did not give the audience context of what was going on in
Edwards sermon. I jumped straight into saying the author’s tone, instead of giving background
information. If I had given contextualization, it would help the reader better understand my essay
and the importance of that quote I used. Also, I would like to improve my word choice. I want to
be able to expand my vocabulary, instead of using the same words. Other times, I need to
improve my word choice, to not make the sentence awkward or to condense my writing. For
example, in this sentence from my first AWP, I wrote, “Edwards can also be seen using
repetition to convey his message.” This sentence was very awkward and could use different word

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