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Perspective of HUMSS Student in Choosing their Strand

A Research

Presented to the

A. Y . 2019-2020








Mr. Reymund T. Caparros


The purpose of this research is to know the perspective of hums studet in

choosing their strand. Since the K-12 program was implemented in 2013, an

additional two years in high school was added. The K-12 curriculum aims to

further develop the skills of young Filipinos. The first phase of our research

was to see how well-informed the Education High School students in

choosing a Senior High School strand. In addition, we created survey

questions that are related to our research question. For our final phase, we

tallied and created charts for each question we’ve created and we conclude

the things that affect a student’s decision in choosing a strand. This research

aims to help the students determine the things they need to be able to

choose a strand that best suits them.


The researchers would like to thank the Grade 11 HUMSS student in

cooperating as their respondents with the survey that the researchers have
conducted. The researchers would like to thank their research teacher in
guiding them about their research. And also the researchers would like to
thank also their parents in supporting the researcher morally and financially.



Significance of the Study

Conceptual Framework

Statement of the Problem

Operational Definition of Variable

Scope and Delimitation of the Study



Research Design

Data Gathering Instrument

Sampling Procedure
Data Gathering Procedure

Statistical Technique




Summary of Findings





Curriculum Vitae

I. Introduction

The Revised Basic Education Curriculum or K-12 is a necessity to align the

Philippine education to that of the global standards by adding one year for

mandated kindergarten and an additional two years for Senior High School

to the current four-year secondary education program (Rivera, 2011).

According to Cuenco (2016), the implementation of the program prepares

the students to be globally competitive. Furthermore, it also develops the

competencies and qualifications for certain occupations through intensive

trainings of mentors in order to equip our students with standardized skills.

Moreover, it aims to improve the knowledge and skills of Filipino students so

that they may contribute to a better society (Lacanilao, 2012). The on-going

program offers advanced education in various subject such as Sports, arts

and entrepreneurship. (Cuenco, 2016).

The K to 12 Program was signed by President Benigno Simeon S.

Aquino III last May 15, 2013. It is stated on the Republic Act No. 10533,

known as the “Enhanced Basic Education Act of 2013”. It covers

Kindergarten and 12 years of Basic Education where six years are intended

to primary education, then secondary education which are divided into two

parts. The first part are the four years of Junior High School, and the second

part are the two years of Senior High School , where students can choose

from four tracks, which provides each corresponding strands. Under the

strands are the specialized subjects that can be learned for it to be an

advantage as well as to be valuable in College. The four tracks are as

follows: Academic track, technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track, Sports track,

and Arts and Design Track. Academic Track provides four strands, namely

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and

Social Sciences. The Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

(STEM) Strand tackles today’s challenges of transportation, global warming

and environment-friendly machines, appliances and systems, with related

fields including, but not limited to accounting, computer science, electrical

engineering, mechanical engineering, information n sciences and systems,

computer engineering, civil engineering, and economics & finance (Science

Pioneer, n.d.).

(HUMSS), Accountancy, Business and Management. The Humanities and

Social Sciences (HumSS) Strand includes, but are not limited to, the study of

the following: “language, both modern and classical; linguistics; literature;

history; jurisprudence; philosophy; archaeology; comparative religion;

ethics; the history, criticism and theory of the arts; those aspects of social
sciences which have humanistic content and employ humanistic methods;

and the study and application of the humanities to the human environment

with particular attention to reflecting our diverse heritage, traditions, and

history and to the relevance of the humanities to the current conditions of

national life. “ In relation to that, the social sciences involve the studies that

deal with humans in their social relations, like economics, anthropology,

political science, psychology, and sociology.” (American Academy of Arts and

Sciences, n.d.).

(ABM), and General Academic Strand. The Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) Strand is designed for students who wants to develop

their understanding of accounting and management in a business context

and develop skills that enhance their employability and help them achieve

the following: develop an appreciation of the role of accounting within the

overall function of management, acquire technical accounting skills and

integrate theoretical and conceptual considerations with practice, evaluate

the principles and theories that underpin accounting and management,

critically reflect on the role of the main stakeholder and the influence of

regulatory frameworks on accounting and management, and develop

analytical and problem solving abilities and apply them in making

management decisions (Brunel University, 2016).

Students who are still unsure about what to do after senior high school

may take the General Academic Strand (GAS), which covers a wide array of

subjects taken from the other academic strands (Cruz, 2014).

Under the umbrella of Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track are the

following strands: Agri-Fishery Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Arts, and

Information and Communications Technology (ICT).

In this study, the researchers want to know what are the students’

perspectives in choosing their strands. Also, the researchers look for the

basis of the students in enrolling in their respective strands. This study will

show how should the Junior High School students choose their strands

properly and wisely when they step on the level of Senior High School, and

to be aware of the life of a real Senior High School student.

II. Significance of the Study

The study will show the perspectives of Senior High School students in

choosing their strands. The students that the researchers refer are the

Senior High School students in Infanta National High School.

The result of the study may benefit the following significant personalities:

The result of the study will give the incoming Senior High School

students some tips, ideas, and information in choosing their strands. In this

way, the incoming Senior High School students will lessen the cases of

shifting to another strand.


Teachers have a huge part in teaching the students and shaping the

students to learn. Teachers will benefit in this study where they will not have

the difficulty in handling students because the students are assured in their

chosen strand, can focus more on the specific learning areas that they teach,

and develop more creative and innovative ways in delivering the lessons in


School Administrators

The school administrators will benefit in this study where they can gain

positive insights into the quality of education that they currently provide to

the Senior High School students when and if the students are sure in their

chosen strands, and the students will learn better because they embrace the

strands where they are enrolled. .

Future researchers

This research will then serve as a reference and guide that will help them in

writing, conducting, and doing their own research studies.

III. Conceptual Framework

The researchers aim to know the perspective of Senior High School

student in Infanta National High School in choosing their strand the year

2019-2020. The study will start on knowing all perspective of senior high

school student on knowing all perspective of Senior High School student in

choosing their strand. Why is it important to know? It is because there are

so many reasons why the respondents choose that strand. Therefore, the

researchers gathered related concepts and ideas which some as the basis of

the study.

Figure 1 presents the study using Input-Process-Output (IPO). The model

is used by the researchers to assure the reliability of the study.

 Gathering Data
 Collection The researchers will be
Perspective of Senior
 Collate able to know all the
High School in Infanta
 Tabulate reasons of students in
National High School in
choosing their strand.  Analyze choosing their strands.
 Synthesize

Figure 1: Input-Process-Output Diagram

As seen in the figure, the input variables which are in the first box pertain

to the perspective of Senior High School in Infanta National High School in

choosing their strand. The process box refer to the processes made by the

researchers to attain the research objectives. The process include the

procedure on how the researcher will compute the study. The last is output

variable and this contains the possible outcome of the research. The output

study was based on this results.

IV. Statement of the Problem

What is the perspective of Humss strand ib choosing their strand?

What factors affect the perspective of Humss students in choosing their


V. Operational Definition of Variables

In the study, the researchers used an operational way in defining the

variables used by the researchers in their study.

K-12 Program - a newly implemented educational system in the Philippines

that scopes Kindergarten, six years of primary education, and six years of

secondary education which is divided into two parts, where the first part is

the Junior High School, and the second part is the Senior High School; has

the goal to provide more efficient quality of education and prepare the

students for the incoming College level, where they choose their courses

that correlated to students’ future careers and jobs.

SHS - Senior High School; the second part of secondary education which

includes the Grade 11 and Grade 12 provided by the K-12 Program where

the students choose their tracks and strands that will shape them (students)

in College.

Strand - the subparts of tracks that will provide the specialized subjects

that are needed by the students to have a proper preparation for College.

Track – the main groups that provides specific strands, where these strands

are where the students will be enrolled.

VI. Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The researchers will conduct a survey in Infanta National High School. To

limit the scope of the study, the researchers chose Grade 11 as the target
respondents. Only 10 students from each section which are randomly

selected will be the representatives that will answer, specifically.

The researchers’ goal is to know what influences the students in choosing

their respective strands. The study will show the factors that affect students’

decisions in choosing their strand.

In addition, the study will discuss what the students should know in

every strand so they will have insights in those strands, as well as for them

to be guided in choosing their strands.

I. Review of Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents a selection of literature and studies that has

been presented to the researchers study. The researchers did an intensive

citing of related literature and studies on reading materials, both printed and

online. All of them have a great significance in the problem on the

researchers conducting study.

According to Joshua O. Japitan who did a research in 2015 about

“Factors Affecting Senior High School Track Preferences of Grade 9 Students
of Don Bosco Technology Center, Inc. Academic Year 2014-2015: A Basis for
Career Guidance Program” that the Philippines is one of the three countries
remaining country in Asia in the world with a 10-year pre-university
program. The majority who do not go to college are too young to enter labor
force, thus, they would either be unemployed to set up business or cannot
legally enter into contracts.

With this apparent problem on education, the Department of

Education has started to implement the new K-12 Curriculum, which is a
major reform in the curriculum for all schools nationwide. By prolonging the
basic education, that is, adding kindergarten and two years in high school,
the program ensures that graduates earn the necessary skills and reach the
legal age for employment.

A major change brought about by K-12 curriculum is the addition

of two years in secondary education, known as Senior High School (SHS).
The additional two years of SHS would mean that High School graduates are
better prepared for whatever path they will choose, and be legal age ( 18
years old) to be lawfully employed upon graduation.

The newest addition and one of the main highlights of K-12

curriculum is the Career Pathways, more known as Tracks. It offers
opportunities for specialization in Academic, Technical-Vocational-Livelihood,
Sports and Arts fields. The students may choose based on aptitude, interests
and school capacity. The choice of the career track will determine the
content of the subjects the student will take in Senior High school as
preparation for his/her career.

The career specializations offered by the K-12 curriculum serves as

a stepping stone for the students to plan up and act upon on their chosen
career. Thus, it is important to determine the specialization that they are
about to take and the factors as to why they choose the said track.

I. Research Design

This chapter will show the discussion the methods and procedures of

the study which were implemented. It is also about the technique, the

research instrument ,the data gathering procedure and the statistical

treatment used.

II. Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher used the survey questionnaire as the rain data

gathering instrument of the study. It is the best method or useful in

describing the characteristic of a large population. No other research method

can provide their broad capability, which ensure a more accurate sample to

gather target result I which to draw conclusions and make important


The questionnaire was made according to how the question in the

statement of the problem are structured consultation to researcher’s adviser,

and refinements of the questions in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire has only one part. This part contained of fifteen

question regarding the experiences, benefits and perspective of the HUMSS


III. Sampling Procedure

This research aimed to determine the Perspective of Grade 11 HUMSS

student in choosing their strand. With these purpose, the researcher used

the grade eleven student of Infanta National High School as the respondents

of the study. The selected grade eleven student-respondents were from

Humss section.

The hums student had a total of students and all are given

questionnaire. The slooms formula was used for the computation of the

sample size which was . The sample size were then simple ramdoms and

equally distributed to the five section of hums strand, this 10 questionnaires

were drawn from each section to be used in the study.

IV. Data Gathering Procedure

Upon the finality and approval of the topic at the statement of the

problem by the topic evaluation committee, the questionnaire was

formulated. The through the use at information gathered from different

reading materials and survey-questionnaire. The researcher also gathered

additional information for this research by visiting several libraries.

In addition, the researcher made necessary coordination from her

adviser prior to the distribution of the questionnaire. The respondents were

selected properly based on the set qualifications. The permit of data

gathering permit was ensured as well as before the actual survey to the

selected grade 11 HUMSS student who served as the respondents of Infanta

National High School. The researcher discussed clearly the objective of the

research and gave full assurance that the responses of the respondents hat

they provided will be used for scholarly purpose only and will be treated with

strictest confidentiality.

Subsequently, the respondents had undergone the survey questionnaire.

The instructions have given to the participants in the researcher wants to

know if hums strand really helpful in a academic purpose, it is just the

In this study, the instrument used was a survey-questionnaire from

multiple sources as well as statement designed specifically for this study that

determined the perspective of hums student in choosing their strand.

V V. Statistical Technique Used

This study was primarily designed to determine the perspective of

hums students in choosing their strand in Infanta National High School and

through the findings of the study, the researcher will do a survey that will

help enhance the research study.

Base on the mentioned purpose , the researcher will utilized the

descriptive survey research design. This design is the best method in

seeking for the answer concerning the perspective and facts. Addition the

descriptive has three main types and one of them is the one that the

researcher needed. The focus is on knowing the perspective of SHS students

in choosing HUMSS strand. If really HUMSS is helpful or not. Moreover, this

method deemed suitable to determine the perspective of the SHS student, in

HUMSS strand-respondent.

In this technique, the data are collected through questionnaire. The

researcher utilized the descriptive method because the researcher resumed

that it will ensure a valid, unbiased and accurate of the study.

The questionnaire was made according to how the question in the

statement of the problem are structured consultation to researcher’s adviser,

and refinements of the questions in the questionnaire.

The questionnaire has only one part. This part contained of fifteen

question regarding the experiences, benefits and perspective of the hums


In this study, the instrument used was a survey-questionnaire from

multiple sources as well as statement designed specifically for this study that

determined the perspective of hums student in choosing their strand.


Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation

This chapter presents the result of the study made about the research of
HUMSS student in choosing their strand in Infanta National High School. This
chapter also includes an analysis and interpretation of data gathered to the HUMSS

Questions Yes No Total

1. I’m satisfied that I chose 98% 2% 100%

HUMSS strand.

2. I do find it that taking 94% 6% 100%

HUMSS strand will improve my
Writing skills.

3. It will improve my confidence. 98 2 100

4. I do find it difficult. 68 32 100

5. I do find it challenging. 96 4 100

6. I do find it exciting 97 3 100

7. . I chose HUMSS strand because 20 80 100

I had no choice; rather than choosing

8. I choose HUMSS strand 83 17 100

because it matches my skills
9. I chose HUMSS strand because 92 8 100
I want to serve

10. I chose HUMSS strand because I 84 16 100

Used my NCAE result as the basis of
The table shows the Perspective of HUMSS student in choosing their

strand in number one is 98% answered yes because they are satisfied in

choosing Humss strand while only 2% answered no. In question number

two, 94% answered yes they think that HUMSS strand will help them

improve their writing skills, then 6% answered no. 98% answered yes in

question number three because they think it will improve their self-

confidence and 2% answered no. 68% answered yes in question number

four they find it difficult. Then 34% answered no. 96% answered yes

because they find it exciting while 4% answered no in question number five.

In number six 97% answered yes because they do find HUMSS strand

challenging while 3% answered no. 20% answered yes that they choose

Humss strand because they had no choice while 79% answered no. in

question number eight 83% answered yes because they matches their skills

that’s why they choose HUMSS strand while 16% answered no. 92%

answered yes in question in number nine because they want to serve people

while 2% answered no. And in the last question 84% answered yes they

choose HUMSS strand because it reflected on their NCAE result while 16%

answered no.

Summary of findings, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter present the summary of finding based on the study

conducted to know the perspective of HUMSS student in choosing their

strand in Infanta National High School. It also includes the conclusion and

the recommendation derived from the result of the study.

I. Summary of Findings

After gathering the data there are 98% satisfied in choosing HUMSS

strand but 2% are not satisfied. 94% find HUMSS that will help them

improve their writing skills then 6% answered no. 98% think that it will

improve their self-confidence and 2% answered that it will not improve their

self-confidence. 68% find it difficult and 32% find it not. 96% find it exciting

and 4% find it not. 97% find it challenging and 3% find it not. 20% chose

hums because they have no choice 80% have a choice and it is HUMSS

strand. 92% choose HUMSS strand because it matches their skills and 17%

answered no because it did not matches their skills. Lastly 84% choose

Humss strand because of NCAE result and 10% answered no because they

didn’t chose hums according to the result of NCAE.

From the result of the gathered data, majority answered yes in only

positive question. So that the perspective of HUMSS student in choosing

their strand are all good favor to them because they really want the hums to

be their strand. The more difficult the thing is the more it is exciting and

challenging. It is the perspective of HUMSS student why they choose that


The research includes of the total answer in the survey questionnaire

to give the individuals or respondents at Infanta National High School. They

were the main focus and the variable to the questionnaire to give answer to

the research her study.

II. Conclusion

The researcher conduct this research to know the Perspective of

HUMSS Student in choosing their strand at Infanta National High School.

Infanta National High School are new in K-12 Curriculum, it is only 3 years in

Infanta National High School and students right now are familiar in all

strands and they already know what they want and what is the best for

them. All of the researchers question in the survey are all favor in grade 11

humss student because they already experiencing it and they already get

the benefits of it.

The HUMSS strand resolves around improving a student’s reading,

writing and speaking skills because if you haven’t notice yet, people who

choose this strand are aspiring to become members of the society who will

be dealing with a lot of people. It benefits in everything and help you to

know what’s happening in our politics, culture and the communication.

So the researches study about the perspective of HUMSS student in

choosing their strand is now answered. That strand are really helpful in order

to build their self in a way that they are now able to communicate to others

with no hesitant and they are also overcome their fear in standing infront of

the class. Also their grade is high because all the subject is very interesting

and easy to understand. So that HUMSS strand is really helpful in every

student attitude and life.

III. Recommendation

Based on the findings from the conclusions, the study offers the

following recommendations.

First, we recommend to stay focus in HUMSS strand because there is

so much to learn and benefits.

Second, be passionate in what you have chosen to be able to do it


Lastly, be a productive person to be able to used what you have learn

in hums strand and apply it in yourself and in your community.

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name: Ryanne Glessie Astacaan

Gender: Female

Age: 17

Date of Birth: Febuary 10, 2002

Place of Birth: Brgy. Mabini Burdeos Quezon

Address: Poblacion 39, Infanta, Quezon

Religion: Born Again Christian

Citizenship: Filipino

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Mabini Elementary School

Junior High : Infanta National High School

Senior High: Infanta National High School

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name: Joana Marie Dichosa

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Date of Birth: January 2,2003

Place of Birth: Parañaque City

Address: Brgy. Lual Infanta, Quezon

Religion: Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Lual Elementary School

Junior High : Infanta National High School

Senior High: Infanta National High School

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name: Lez-lee Ruidera

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Date of Birth: July 13, 2001

Place of Birth: Infanta, Quezon

Address: Brgy. Tongohin Infanta Quezon

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Tongohin Elementary School

Junior High : Tongohin National High School

Senior High: Infanta National High School

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name: Learsi Dimaapi

Gender: Female

Age: 16

Date of Birth: October 21, 2002

Place of Birth: Brgy. Ingas, Infanta, Quezon

Address: Brgy. Ingas, Infanta, Quezon

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Intanta Central Elementary School

Junior High : Infanta National High School

Senior High: Infanta National High School

Curriculum Vitae

A. Personal Information

Name: John Ravin Ordinadp

Gender: Male

Age: 16

Date of Birth: November 24, 2002

Place of Birth: Brgy. Pilaway, Infanta, Quezon

Address: #113 Purok Mangga, Brgy. Pilaway, Infanta, Quezon

Religion: Roman Catholic

Citizenship: Filipino

B. Educational Background

Elementary: Banugao Elementary School

Junior High : Infanta National High School

Senior High: Infanta National High School



Section:______________ Date:______________
Gender:_____________ Age:___________

Direction: Please answer the corresponding

questions below with sincerity and honesty. Check
the box parallel to your answer. Your answers will
be used and served with confidentiality.

Questions Yes No

1. I'm satisfied that I chose

HUMSS Strand.

2. I do find it that taking HUMSS

Strand will help me improve my
writing skills.

3. It will improve my self-


4. I do find it difficult.

5. I do find it exciting.

6. I do find it challenging.

7. I chose HUMSS Strand because

I had no choice, rather than
choosing others.

8. I chose HUMSS Strand because

it matches my skills.

9. I chose HUMSS Strand because

I want to serve people.

10. I chose HUMSS Strand

because I used my NCAE result as
the basis of choosing.

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