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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Technology and Livelihood Education

Date: January 6, 2019 Subject: T.L.E.

Teacher: Ms. Kimberly May S. Retarino Grade Level: 7

Section(s): COURAGE (Monday, January 6, 2019)

SOLIDARITY(Monday, January 6, 2019)
SIMPLICITY (Monday, January 6, 2019)
JUSTICE (Monday, January 6, 2019)
HUMILITY(Tuesday, January 7, 2019)

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Differentiate growth and development
b. Cite the motor skills of a toddler
c. List out the physical, psychological and cognitive needs of an infant or toddler
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Infant and Toddler Care
Subtopic: Growth and Development
Reference: Technology and Livelihood Education K-12 Curriculum Compliant: The New
Grade 7, Estefania Gloria L. Lee, Bernardino, Fulgencio, Paragas, Rafael, page 222-225,
Materials: whiteboard, whiteboard marker, television

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
3. Attendance
4. Review
a. What is baby’s layette?
b. Why do we need to prepare a layette and a room?
c. What are the things needed in making layette and room?

B. Presentation
1. Motivation
The teacher shows a picture of a baby growing and asks the student what do
they think of it.

2. Discussion
a. What is growth? What about development?
b. What happens each stage of growth?
c. Why do you think we must monitor the acquired skills of toddlers?
d. What are the needs of an infant or toddler?
e. Why is it important to achieve these needs?

3. Generalization
The teacher asks 2-3 student to summarize what they have learned from the lesson
for the day
IV. Evaluation
Directions: Classify which area of needs the scenarios are

1. A mother buys new clothes for her child

2. A child has its own group of friends he feels comfortable with.
3. A child asks a lot of question
4. Parents cradle and hug their child.
5. A father praises his child for accomplishing a small task.

V. Assignment
Cut out pictures to illustrate the different changes you know when a child grows and develop.

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