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The Management of Workforce Diversity:

A Continuing Evolution
R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

and age), or they can represent behavioral

W e are surrounded by mixed signals con-
cerning the progress of diversity and
diversity management. On one hand, we see
variations (for example, thought, problem-
solving approaches, or behavioral traits asso-
the allegations of gender pay disparities ciated with personality). For me, diversity
against Walmart, the divisive, sharp—some requires at a minimum behavioral variations.
would say, vicious—political debates, reports I refer to the presence of demographic varia-
that African-Americans are faring least well tions alone as pluralism with respect to a
under affirmative action, and a growing given variable—such as race, ethnicity, or
sense that the field of diversity and diversity gender.1
management is floundering. Diversity management is the capability to
On the other hand, we see an African- make quality decisions both about and in the
American president of the United States; midst of differences, similarities, and related
minorities and women in high corporate tensions and complexities. A quality decision
positions; greater representation of minorities is one congruent with an organization’s over-
and women throughout corporate America; all mission, vision, and strategy.
the appointment of chief diversity officers
(CDOs), suggesting an evolving permanency THREE EVOLUTIONARY STRATEGIES
of diversity and diversity management; and
gala celebrations of awards and progress. The management of workforce diversity has
This article looks at how the management of evolved over the last six decades to encom-
workforce diversity has evolved and is likely pass three strategies: managing workforce
to evolve. It also notes the accomplishments to representation (1960s), managing workforce
date, the status quo, and recommendations for relationships (1960s), and managing diverse
moving to the next level. talent (1980s). All diversity and diversity-
This discussion takes place within the con- management activities can be placed under
text of two definitions, one for diversity and one or more of these strategies. (See Exhibit 1
the other for diversity management. for a summary of the principal aspects of
Diversity refers to the differences, similar- each strategy.2)
ities, and related tensions and complexities
that can characterize a collective mixture like Managing Workforce Representation
the workforce. These similarities and differences
can be demographic in nature (for example, This strategy grows out of the civil rights
race, gender, ethnicity, sexual orientation, movement and the civil rights laws and

© 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 1

Published online in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/ert.20349
Employment Relations Today


Managing Workforce
Strategy/ Managing Workforce Demographic Managing Diverse
Variable Representation (1960s) Relationships (1960s) Talent (1980s)
Undergirding • Making amends for • Applying the golden • Maximizing individual
Paradigm past wrongs rule engagement
Focus • Achieving workforce • Pursuing harmony • Full utilization of talent
representation within the workforce (pluralistic and behavioral
(achieving workforce in the midst of variations) however packaged
pluralism) pluralism (creation of an environment
that naturally empowers
everyone to contribute to
their full potential)
Definition of • Individuals other than • Individuals other than • Everyone in workforce
Diversity white males white males
Motives • Corporate social • Corporate social • 100% from 100% of workforce
responsibility/social responsibility/social • From forced pluralism to
justice/civil rights justice/civil rights natural, sustainable, pluralism,
• Forced pluralism • Forced pluralism (treating diversity, and integration
(mainstreaming the the disadvantaged fairly
disadvantaged) and as equals)
Principal • Enforcement AA/EEO • Enforcement AA/EEO • Empowerment management
Driving of diversity SDMP™
Selected Tools • Civil rights laws • EEO policies • SDMP™
• AA/EEO • Eliminating “isms” • Paradigm shifts
• Strategic community • Sensitivity training • Cultural change
alliances • Valuing differences • Systems and policies changes
• Managerial • Understanding • Empowerment management
accountability differences
• Business case for • Cultural competency
representation • Leveraging differences
• CEO sponsorship • Political correctness
• Acculturation/ • Acculturation/assimilation
assimilation • Employee resource groups
Challenges • Artificial • Artificial • Fear of abandoning unfinished
• Creates backlash • Cyclical benefits AA business
• Cyclical benefits • Realities of historical • Perception that this strategy is
• Minimizing tensions tensions disguised AA
• Revolving door • Revolving door • Doer management
• Glass ceiling/white • Glass ceiling/white ceiling • Difficulty of constructing a
ceiling • Causal factors other than compelling business case
• Require continuous racism and sexism?
intense effort • Viability of AA?
• Effectiveness of
• Requires continuous
intense effort

Exhibit 1. A Summary of Principal Aspects of Diversity-Management Strategies

Fall 2011

focuses on achieving a numerical workforce • CEO sponsorship, and

profile that matches the demographic • Acculturation/assimilation.
makeup of society’s general population.
Accordingly, many refer to this as “the num- The accomplishments of this strategy have
bers approach.” been significant. For example, our society and
Although considered part of the evolution its organizations now possess an enhanced
of the management of workforce diversity, awareness and acceptance of the notion that
technically this strategy was not meant to demographic representation should be pre-
address diversity per se, but rather to address sent in all sectors. Our organizations and
the need to mainstream individuals who had institutions are now much more representa-
been inappropriately excluded from the tive than ever before.
workforce. The focus initially spotlighted A critical challenge has been sustaining the
African-Americans and subsequently representation progress and avoiding a cycle
included other racial and ethnic minorities of making progress, relaxing, suffering a
and women. decline in the numbers, and starting anew.
Corporate social responsibility, social injus-
tice, and civil rights provided the motivation
A critical challenge has been sustaining the rep-
for this focus in pursuit of forced pluralism.
resentation progress and avoiding a cycle of
However, after a late 1970s court decision
making progress, relaxing, suffering a decline
affirming the “benefits of diversity” as legiti- in the numbers, and starting anew.
mate justification for use of affirmative action
in public education, the driving motivation
gradually shifted. As a consequence, the Because the pluralism has been forced against
motive for this strategy moved from main- the natural and historical experience (grain) of
streaming in pursuit of social justice and organizations, any relaxation of efforts will
forced pluralism to creating a diverse work- likely result in a loss of the numbers. This
force in pursuit of the “benefits of diversity.” relaxation challenge led to the revolving-door
When this occurred, people started to phenomenon, where minorities and women
speak of representation and forced pluralism come in one door and exit another.
as diversity. Although the court order meant Upward-mobility progress for minorities
pluralism and behavioral variations, in prac- above an imaginary glass ceiling proved diffi-
tice most who advocated the justification cult. This glass ceiling also contributed to the
argument emphasized forced pluralism. revolving-door phenomenon.
Over the years, organizational leaders have
employed a wide variety of tools in pursuit of Managing Workforce Relationships
workforce representation. These have
included: When the strategy of managing workforce
representation first appeared on the scene, ten-
• Civil rights laws, sion came along as well. After all, with respect
• Affirmative action/equal employment to blacks and whites, you typically were talking
opportunity policies and practices, about relationships between the descendants of
• Alliances with community organizations, slaveholders and those of former slaves. These

The Management of Workforce Diversity: A Continuing Evolution 3

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individuals typically had little experience the revolving door, glass ceiling, and cyclical
relating as equals. progress with the numbers have continued.
The lack of trust presented a problem. The continuation of these challenges has
Blacks wondered whether they really could caused some to believe that factors other
trust whites, and issues of trust often sim- than “isms” must be causal, given apparently
mered just below the surface. successful efforts to eliminate and to foster
One reserved African-American male said understanding and valuing of differences.
to me, “What you are advocating makes Others wondered whether affirmative
sense, but I’m not buying in until someone action could generate sustainable progress.
says I’m sorry for what we did to you and One company representative puzzled out
your people.” A black woman abruptly and loud, “We believe in affirmative action and
emphatically shouted in an informal discus- are proud of our awards, but we can never
sion, “They still don’t value us!” In another relax. The minute we do, our numerical
progress begins to unwind.” This individual
The continuation of these challenges has caused doubted that sustainability was in the nature
some to believe that factors other than “isms” of affirmative action.
must be causal, given apparently successful A significant challenge to this strategy has
efforts to eliminate and to foster understanding been a changing attitude toward being differ-
and valuing of differences. ent. People who see themselves as being
different increasingly have become more com-
setting, one white male declared his intention fortable with that circumstance. They do not
not to sit by blacks in the break room. see being different as making them greater or
In the midst of these sentiments and simi- less than others, but simply different.
lar ones, the strategy of managing workforce As a result, forced pluralism generated
relationships emerged and focused on achiev- more behavioral variations, as people com-
ing the harmony required for fruitful work fortable being different resisted across-the-
relationships in pursuit of forced pluralism. board acculturation/assimilation. If organiza-
As with managing workforce representation, tions were not prepared to address this
the motive initially was not diversity, but increase in diversity, tension increased among
rather corporate social responsibility, social individuals and between employees and their
justice, and civil rights. employers. Acculturation/assimilation thus
Toward this end, a significant number of became less effective in promoting harmo-
tools have been employed. Examples include: nious relationships.

• EEO policies, Managing Diverse Talent

• Sensitivity training,
• Understanding and valuing differences, Struggling to achieve sustainable progress
• Cultural competency, and with demographic pluralism, organizations in
• Employee resource groups. the 1980s started to explore a new approach to
managing diversity, which was referred to at that
A major accomplishment of this strategy has time as managing workforce diversity. Unlike
been workforce civility. Despite this civility, the first two strategies, this one presumes the

4 R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

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presence of demographic pluralism and the top. The company then investigated fur-
behavioral diversity. ther to determine what actual selection crite-
This third approach to workforce diversity ria were being used and whether they were
encompasses everyone in the employee mix- bona fide requirements or nonrequirement
ture and focuses on creating an environment traditions, preferences, and/or conveniences.
that naturally enables all associates to con- This is the type of continuous scrutiny this
tribute to their full potential. The desire to strategy requires of all people-management
obtain maximum contributions from all systems.
workforce members, support naturally sus- This strategy calls for empowerment man-
tainable demographic pluralism and behav- agement, where managers seek to facilitate
ioral variations, and promote integrated, the work of employees, as opposed to doer
cohesive relationships drove this strategy. management, where managers see them-
To achieve these objectives, I have advo- selves as doing the work, with associates as
cated the use of the Strategic Diversity Man- assistants. Once an accountant becomes an
agement Process,™ a framework for making empowerment manager, his or her days of
quality decisions with respect to representa- doing accounting may be over. His or her pri-
tion, relationships, and empowerment in a mary activity becomes enabling others to do
diverse workforce. the work. For those preferring doing account-
Another critical vehicle for this strategy is ing work, becoming an empowerment
cultural change, where needed. This strategy accounting manager can be challenging.
alone raises the question, “Now, that we have A final vehicle suggested for this strategy
a diverse workforce, will our culture (basic is mind-set shifting. A paradigm (mind-set)
driving assumptions) developed in the midst of undergirds each strategy and predisposes
a relatively homogenous group of employees individuals toward a given strategic direction.
continue to be appropriate? Or, will we have For example, “making amends for past
to modify our culture?” Modifications would wrongs” predisposes toward managing work-
not be for the purpose of accommodating force representation; “apply the Golden Rule”
those who are different, but rather to ensure may be considered the paradigm underlying
that leaders and managers are equipped to efforts in managing workforce relationships;
access talent however it comes packaged. and, finally, “maximize individual engage-
Similarly, this strategy advocates examin- ment” may be what characterizes managing
ing systems and practices to determine diverse talent.
whether they have the wherewithal to work If leaders wish to adopt a strategy that
for all employees. One company had a devel- does not match their organization’s dominant
opment program for people identified as paradigm, they either have to couch the
having high managerial potential. African- desired strategy in the context of the domi-
Americans in the organization voiced their nant paradigm or change the prevalent mind-
observation that no people of color had ever set to support the desired strategic direction.
been selected. In disbelief, the company con- Failure to exercise one of these options leaves
ducted an audit and determined that the a mismatch between the strategic aspirations
claim was true. People of color frequently and the dominant paradigm. This can make
had come close but never had made it over sustained progress difficult.3

The Management of Workforce Diversity: A Continuing Evolution 5

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Very little has been accomplished with this tation and managing workforce relationships.
strategy. Although much is done under the They are unaware of or confused about man-
nomenclature of managing workforce diver- aging diverse talent.
sity, these efforts typically relate to managing One corporate manager approached me
workforce representation and managing and said, “You know a lot about us and the
workforce relationships. The biggest accom- work we have done. We pursued the num-
plishment, indeed, is that it now is at least on bers hard, and then addressed sensitivity and
the radar screen of some organizations. relationships. We then relaxed and saw our
Challenges abound as managers look to workforce representation decline markedly.
the future with this strategy. Conceptual con- Now, we are back doing what we did with
fusion leads to fears of abandoning unfin- the numbers eight years ago. I guess next we
ished affirmative-action business. For others, will work on relationships again. Is this the
conceptual misperceptions foster the belief way it is supposed to be—cycling continu-
that this strategy is disguised affirmative ously?”
action. All of this creates skepticism about This individual had no notion of managing
the wisdom of adapting this strategy. diverse talent and its stress on natural repre-
sentation, relationships, and engagement.
Without an environment that makes it possi-
Failure to employ the strategy of managing
diverse talent explains in large part why after
ble for all workforce members to thrive natu-
almost 50 years of effort organizations still rally, continuous intense efforts will be
struggle with representation regarding African- required to maintain forced pluralism.
Americans. Failure to employ the strategy of managing
diverse talent explains in large part why after
almost 50 years of effort organizations still
Further, in many enterprises, empower- struggle with representation regarding African-
ment management languishes in the shadow Americans. Corporations winning awards for
of the preferred doer-management model. their “diversity” work often report less than
The Strategic Diversity Management Pro- desired progress with African-Americans. Fur-
cess™ requires for most individuals consider- ther, with globalism and immigration, multina-
able effort and discipline to master. Culture tional corporations can develop a “diverse”
change, analogous to personality change for workforce without making the progress they
individuals, is not something organizations would like with African-Americans.
rush to do. The same is true of changes with Susan B. Reed, author of a book to be pub-
systems, policies, and practices. Finally, shift- lished this fall entitled The Diversity Index:
ing mind-sets can demand prolonged atten- The Alarming Truth About Diversity in Corpo-
tion and engagement. rate America . . . and What Can Be Done
About It, writes of a “white ceiling” that has
STATUS QUO replaced the glass ceiling with respect to
African-Americans. She reports that in large
Most leaders and managers remain comfort- global US corporations, white males and
able with forced pluralism and go back and women dominate at the top of the pyramid,
forth between managing workforce represen- with non-US-born minorities and women

6 R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

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next, and US-born African-American men diverse talent. I am suggesting that man-
and women least represented in the upper aging diverse talent implicitly includes
levels.4 managing workforce representation and man-
So, the pursuit of the creation of a aging workforce relationships, but that signif-
“diverse” workforce can mean the abandon- icant maturation of the field must be realized
ment of seeking social justice with respect to before this merging can occur. The following
African-Americans. Those initially intended to are recommendations for moving to the next
be the benefactors of affirmative action and level.
forced pluralism efforts have not kept pace in
terms of proportionate upward mobility. ❏ Develop a diversity-management
Premature institutionalization (premature model that can guide your efforts. The
sense of mastering) also is part of the status model that a corporation develops or iden-
quo. It flows from the existence of various tifies for its cultural setting at a minimum
“best practices” lists and the prevalence of should contain concepts, principles, and a
benchmarking in the diversity arena. If a decision-making framework. The Strategic
company’s leaders are winning awards for Diversity Management Process™ provides
their diversity work, or if they are success- an example of such a model.
fully emulating those winning awards, they
can feel good about their “mastering” of I am suggesting that managing diverse talent
diversity and diversity management. implicitly includes managing workforce repre-
The reality is that those winning awards sentation and managing workforce relation-
may not be at a level of mastery—they may ships, but that significant maturation of the field
simply have met the criteria of the “best- must be realized before this merging can occur.
practices” judges. This is not to say winners
and emulators should not be proud of their
accomplishments, but that they should keep One reason practitioners rely so heavily
perspective and avoid a premature sense of on benchmarking is that most lack a
mastery. model as a guide. A model suggests what
your destination should be and also some
possibilities about how to reach that
desired state.
I think the field’s future direction will be ❏ Use the identified model as a context
straightforward: the adoption and use of all for developing your mission, vision,
three strategies. The mixed signals mentioned and strategy. Your diversity model and
in the beginning of this article, as well as the mission, vision, and strategy should be
challenges noted earlier, come from not using congruent with your organization’s overall
all three strategies. The third strategy— mission, vision, and strategy.
managing diverse talent—is only now gaining
some standing as a legitimate option. ❏ Use all three strategies. The three
Ultimately, after each strategy has gar- strategies are like the legs of a three-
nered the wherewithal to stand on its own legged stool. Absence of one of the legs
merit, the three will merge into one—managing can create an unstable situation.

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Years ago, I encountered a prototypical Managing diverse talent became neces-

example of this imbalance. When I visited sary as pluralism generated diversity.
one company’s campus and mentioned Without this capability, sustainable
the word diversity, the white males high in progress with pluralism and social justice
the hierarchy started to talk profusely will be difficult. Nevertheless, diversity
with respect, admiration, and appreciation and diversity management does not
for a black male low in the hierarchy replace social justice, but rather comple-
named Henry. They credited Henry with ments it.
orienting them to the company and
schooling them on the requirements for ❏ Keep the natural environment aspira-
upward mobility. Yet, Henry never earned tion front and center. This is the key to
a promotion. When asked about why sustainable progress. There appears to be
Henry had not been promoted, the white a belief that if we keep forcing progress
males stated they did not know he wanted with pluralism and relationships artifi-
to move up the ladder. cially, it will become natural. If this is
At first blush, this response may sound true, it likely will be a longer and more
racist. In reality, they may have been challenging route than deliberately chang-
operating on two legs: representation and ing culture, systems, policies, and prac-
relationships. Henry was present in the tices in pursuit of an environment that
mix and enjoying the ultimate relationship naturally works for all.

Experimentation is absolutely required for pio- ❏ Experiment! Diversity and diversity

neering in untrodden territory. management as a field is in an embryonic
state. Few—if any—silver bullets exist, and
of being a part of the “ole boy” system as concepts and principles are just beginning
a black male, albeit at the bottom of the to emerge. So, practitioners should work
pyramid. He too may have been thinking to legitimize experimentation and avail
in terms of these two legs, as he did not themselves of this option.
appear concerned about not being pro- I recently heard of one experimentation
moted. example. A practitioner reported that his
company was merging its mainstream
❏ Keep social justice on the agenda. leadership-development process with its
Although this is implicit in the recommen- developmental program for minorities. His
dation to use all three strategies, it bears hope was that the combined program nat-
emphasis. As the Rev. Joseph Lowery, civil urally would develop minority and nonmi-
rights icon, stated at a recent meeting, “It nority individuals. He summed up his
never was about diversity. It always has hopes by saying: “We’ll see!” Implicit in
been about justice.” Indeed, this is true that sentiment is the notion that the prac-
about managing workforce representation titioner will be closely monitoring the pro-
and managing workforce relationships. gram and will be prepared to tweak as

8 R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr.

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necessary, and, indeed if merited, to greater the recognition for the need for
return to the separate arrangements. That pioneering, the greater the acceptance of
captures the essence of experimentation. experimentation. The greater the accep-
Experimentation is absolutely required tance of pioneering and experimentation,
for pioneering in untrodden territory. Be the greater the likelihood of evolutionary
clear: going forth with the three strategies gains.
will be a pioneering process.
❏ Be prepared for pioneering. In the
diversity and diversity management 1. Thomas, R. R., Jr. (2010). World class diversity manage-
arena, too few organizations possess a ment: A strategic approach. San Francisco, CA: Berrett-
readiness for pioneering. As one manager Koehler; p. 2.
preparing me for a presentation at his 2. Ibid., pp. 25–123.
company advised, “Don’t mention pio- 3. Ibid,, pp. 205–220.
neering! We don’t pioneer. We emulate 4. Reed, S. B. (in press). The diversity index: The alarming
pioneers and then execute better than truth about diversity in corporate America . . . and what
they do.” Yet, this misses the point: The can be done about it? New York: AMACOM.

R. Roosevelt Thomas Jr., DBA, is CEO of Roosevelt Thomas Consulting & Training,
founder of the American Institute for Managing Diversity, and author of World Class
Diversity Management: A Strategic Approach. For over 25 years, he has served as a
consultant and speaker for numerous Fortune 500 companies, government agencies, and
other organizations. Dr. Thomas may be contacted at,
or visit

The Management of Workforce Diversity: A Continuing Evolution 9

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