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We’re here to make sports accessible to a billion Indians.

If you think you could passionately share that vision with

us, tell us more about yourself…

Insert a picture of you playing a WHY DID YOU CHOOSE THIS PICTURE?

NAME: .................................................................. GENDER:................................................................................ AGE:
MOBILE NUMBER: ............................................. EMAIL ID: ..............................................................................
MARITAL STATUS: ............................................ SPOUSE’S PROFESSION: .....................................................
PARENTS’ PROFESSION: ................................... .................................................................................................
AGE OF BROTHER / SISTER & PROFESSION: .................................................................................................

YOUR PASSION? (What DRIVES you everyday? What gives you energy every morning?)

YOUR MOTIVATION (to join Decathlon..)

YOUR ACHIEVEMENTS (As sports people, we like to WIN. Please share with us, what makes you proud in your life/career so

WHY DID YOU APPLY FOR THIS MISSION/ROLE? (Please tell us why you think you’re the best fit for this role..)


WHAT DOES “getting your hands dirty” mean to you? (Please give us an example when you were in such a situation..)
WHAT DOES DIGITAL + SPORT MEAN TO YOU? (And how can we use the power of Digital to make sports accessible to
more Indians..)

Salary Expectation: ................................ Where did you hear about us?

Are you mobile? ..................................... Do you know someone who works here?
Have you had an interview with Decathlon? ..........................................................................
When can you join?
If yes, with whom?

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