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Human Resource Management, MGT (501) Solution, Quiz-3

1. Based on the concept of qualified privilege, some courts have ruled that
employers must be able to talk to one another about employees.

2. Control and Coordination of headquarters may be impeded in selecting Host-

Country Nationals

3. Pre-arrival stage explicitly recognizes that each individual arrives in organization

with a set of organizational values, attitudes, and expectations.

4. Training involves planned learning activities designed to improve an employee’s

performance at her/his current job.

5. The analysis that identifies the kinds of the skills and behaviors required for the
incumbents of a given job and the standards of performance that must be met is called
Task/Operational Analysis.

6. Clear task instructions and model appropriate behavior are required for Effective

7. Training to be more effective, is supposed to be followed with careful evaluation.

8. The benefits gained by a T & D program must outweigh the cost associated with
providing the learning experience.

9. Succession planning programs are considerations of the job openings that

presently exist in an organization, the openings that are likely to occur in the future,
and how these positions might be filled.

10. In Assistant to Position method, employees with demonstrated potential are

given the opportunity to work under a successful manger, often in different areas of

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