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Task 2 Research and Questioning

Instructions to Learners:

Provide a response to each question below. Answers must contain enough information and
detail to demonstrate a sound understanding of the area(s) the question relates to.

· To be prepared on an individual basis.

· Assessment will only be accepted if they have an assignment cover sheet on them
signed by the student.
· Students must provide detailed answer for every question along with relevant
· There is no word limit, but answer for every question should be reasonable in size,
preferably ½ a page.
· The Trainer/Assessor may further prompt and question in order to receive answers of
appropriate quality and to verify the authenticity

You are required to type answers for following questions in a word document:


1. When determining which delivery strategies were best for your client group, which
questions did you ask yourself?

The questions may be asked are related to the presentation´ purpose and what is the client
group looking after with the topic to deliver. When a person has been chosen to address a
presentation must be ask the reason why that was selected to perhaps a group of
candidates from and if that really have the skills to reach the aim. Further, must be ask about
the audience profile, experience and background.

2. What should be included in a checklist when preparing for a presentation?

· Presentation time. Day of the week (business day or weekend), hour of the day
(daytime or nighttime)
· How long should be the delivery.
· Place. Size and location.
· Audience. number of people expected.
· Aids and equipment.

3. How did you collect honest feedback after your presentation?

The most common techniques to collect feedback are interviews with the client group or with
some people from the audience and inquiry to all audience.

4. What information will you use in your self-reflection following your presentation?
5. Provide three examples of information that ought to be shared with the audience at the
start of a presentation.
6. Why is it important to let participants know about your expectations when presenting?
7. Describe the process you took in setting up an ergonomically safe workstation when
creating the presentation.
8. Provide five examples of materials that can be used as aids during a presentation.
9. What should you consider when setting up presentation aids?
10. What are some of the verbal and non-verbal indicators that your participants exhibited
during your presentation? What are the significance of these indicators?

11. What persuasive communication techniques did you use to engage the audience?

Usually, to engage the audience is very important to talk about the main points of the subject
of the presentation and be objective on the topic. In terms of maintain the audience
interested is necessary to explain the slides, graphics and figures and keep attention on the
key points of the subject.

Talk about of the Main points of the presentation

Explaining the slides
Explain the key points

12. What are the advantages and disadvantages of allowing questions to be asked during
the presentation versus waiting for them to be asked after the presentation?

On the one hand allowing questions during the presentation shows to what extend the
audience is giving attention and the topic is interesting to them. Also, the doubts could be
solve instantly and explain the concepts and key points.
On the other hand, it could generate a discussion and lost the focus of the presentation.

Advantages: explain the more

Given attention to the presentation
The question is answer immediately instantly
Disadvantages. Lost the focus

13. At what stages in a presentation should you check to ensure participants have
understood content?

Often the presentations are dividing for sections. At the end of every section is possible to
ask questions to the audience and re-explain the concepts.

In the middle of the presentation the presenter could ask for any doubt and re explain

14. What actions can you take to ensure the participants understand the concepts in your

The audience must know the purpose of the presentation and the benefits
Tell the purpose of the presentation
Asking questions
Tell the audience what is the benefit of the presentation
15. Provide three examples of how you will know whether you have achieved the objectives
of the presentation.
Ask for doubts at the middle of the presentation
Explain again if necessary
Give Feedback

16. Describe the process you used when creating and planning your presentation
Purpose of the presentation ---- you want to know
Who are listening my presentation? Who is the audience?
Venue ---- where is the presentation, equipment, helps
Rules to follow on the presentation
Follow the guide line

17. List the use at least two information collection methods that will support the review and
feedback of presentations.
Interview about the presentation
Surveying (encuesta), collect and review data
Observe to the audience

18. What regulatory and organisational obligations and requirements impact on the delivery
of a presentation?
Follow the specific requirements of the company to do the presentation
ie. Topic, time, facilities for the presentation, helps
company must give information and facilities

19. What are The Six Ps of presenting? Explain each.

Personality. of the audience. Be yourself. Fell confidence. Location wear
Poise. Immaculate
Presentation*---------*shock. Graphs, figures, video, RAPPORT.

20. List a range of materials that can be used as presentation aids

21. List reasons why a person may suffer physical discomfort when spending a lot of time at
a workstation.
22. For each reason you have listed above, describe a solution that could relieve physical
23. How did you identify information collection methods that will support review and
feedback of presentations
24. Describe four types of office equipment you could use to help your posture in the
workplace. Explain the benefits of each piece of equipment.
25. There are two ways of conserving resources in an office environment: minimising paper
wastage and minimising energy use. List as many conservation techniques as you can think
Minimising paper wastage;
Minimising energy use;
26. List 3 things that may contribute to a poor ergonomic desk setup.
27. Leaning forward while sitting can put stress on your back and may lead to back pain.
True or false?
28. How might cumulative stress disorders be caused?
29. What should you do if your wrists are at an uncomfortable, odd angle when typing?
30. When working in an office environment do you need to consider workplace health and
31. List 3 things that may contribute to Sick Building Syndrome.
32. Explain what the best position is for the setup of your computer monitor?
33. The best position for a document holder is below and to the right of the monitor. True or
34. Describe how an organisation can organise and protect electronic information on a
server and hard copy information in a filing cabinet.
35. What are the advantages of an organisation having a preferred style and layout for its
electronic presentations and hard copy handouts?
36. Describe the principles of effective communication.

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