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Lucy Reaction Paper

The movie Lucy tells about the origin of mankind and everything in the universe. It is a
philosophical movie answering the many question of the ancient philosopher based on the
authors perspective. Like “What is the world made of? “, “Where are human came from? “,
“Does God exist? “, “What is the purpose of life? “, and many more.
I admire Lucy especially what she did after she have experienced those suffering I wish that all
people are like Lucy. She used her gained knowledge to benefit the next generations. And if I
were in the shoe of Lucy maybe I can’t do what she did after all people have a complicated way
of thinking and doing things.
The message of the story is inspirational. It highlight the purpose of life which is the
reproduction and the passing of knowledge to the next generation. Which we are experiencing
today. In the old times there is no machines or tools to help in our survival but now due to the
passing of knowledge and improving ideas there is the birth of technology which is still
innovating today.

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