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Time Periods

Element Sets
Web Page Instructions
Rules for time Management
Time entr and approval
Workflow and enterprise email address
approval packages,retrieval packages, create user accounts in batch
time card layouts
Setup DFF
defining time entr
approval and retrival rules
creating elements and mappings
customization deposits and retrival process
Rotation plans
earning policies and time and labour for calculating pay

hr_user_acct_api --user hook

OTL Information Types : if adding timecard layout
OTL Alternate Names : if to add a field to timecard layout
OTL Formulas : new formula for time entr or approval rules.For thi uncheck protect
check box of DFF window.

Time Entr, Approval, Retrival Rules:

Predefined formulas are:
1. Formula for Period Maximum
HXC_PERIOD_MAXIMUM(checks noof hours worked in particular time category does not
exceed specified limit per week.)

2. Approval Assignment Status Test(HXC_APPROVAL_ASG_STATUS) which checks the

assignment status of employee at end of approval period against value specified on
time entry rules window.if oes not match time entries must be approved.

3. Approval Maximum Test(Seeded)

(HXC_APPROVAL_MAXIMUM), which checks whether the noof hours worked in particular
time categor within application approval periods exeed maxim entered in time entr
rules winow.if it satisfies then time entr must be approved.

4. Assignment Standard Hours vs Time Categor(Seeded Formula)

(HXC_ASSG_STD_HRS_Comparision), which validates hours entered to timecard
within selected time categories against an assignment standard hours. Rule uses the
standard hours recorded for emploees primary assignment.

5. PTO Accrual Balance vs Absence(Seeded Formula)

(HXC_PTO_ACCRUAL_Comparision), which compares the hours entered on timecard
which decrement the accrual balance as specified in accrual plan definition against
PTO Accrual Balance.

6. Period Hours vs Time Category (Seeded Formaul)

HXC_TIME_CATEGORY_Comparision,which validates hours entered on timecard against
the hours defined for period.

7. Override Approver WF Person Mechanism(Seeded Approval)

HXC_OVERRIDE_APPROVER_WF_PERSON, which is the override approval stle in default
projects preferences.It sends timecard to override approver selected on timecard
entry page.

Define Recurring periods that we selects as approval periods and timecard periods.

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