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1. For you and I, finishing the subject is easy.
a. For
b. I
c. finishing
d. is
e. No Error
2. The penguin chicks cannot go into the water to get themselves own food until they have have
waterproof coats of feathers like their parents.
a. penguin chicks
b. themselves
c. they have waterproof coats
d. their parents
e. No error
3. Neither you nor I can affect her bahavior will have on her chances for promotion.
a. I
b. affect
c. will have
d. for promotion
e. No error
4. Diligence and honesty as well as being intelligent are qualities which I look for when I evaluate
a. as well as
b. being intelligent
c. are
d. when
e. No error
5. After she had drank the warm chocolate, she began to feel sleepy and finally decided to go to
a. After
b. had drank
c. to feel sleepy
d. finally decided
e. No error
6. Neither the players nor the coach were in the locker room when the thief broke the door.
a. nor
b. were
c. when
d. broke
e. No error
The following choices are a part of the sentence. Select the choice with the corresponding error, if
none choose e for "no error."
a. Although
b. I am playing golf for more
c. than 4 years now, I cannot manage
d. to break a 90.
e. No Error
a. Even if you go shopping
b. late, will you
c. please bring
d. this note to the store's Manager?
e. No Error
a. Alfredo usually eats a quick lunch,
b. regardless of whether
c. what he eats is
d. healthy or not.
e. No Error
a. We were already
b. to leave for the educational trip to Laguna when the bus
c. broke down.
d. We were forced to postpone the trip.
e. No Error
Directions: Choose the pair of words which relate to each other most nearly the same way as the
words in capital letters.
a.) measure : length
b.) diet : weight
c.) copy : pattern
d.) alter : shape
a.) boards : warp
b.) flowers : sway
c.) chains : clank
d.) birds : flutter
a.) enticing : atrract
b.) shock : withering
c.) warm : welcome
d.) protection : poor
a.) hoof : cow
b.) scent : skunk
c.) prey : animal
d.) fur : cat
a.) microbe : disease
b.) strictness : disciplinarian
c.) wariness : soldier
d.) heartiness : boor
a.) candle : tallow
b.) cola : beverage
c.) sand : dessert
d.) furniture : polish
a.) bees : swarm
b.) spine : cactus
c.) conflagaration : fire
d.) root : oak
a.) miser : gold
b.) blacksmith : iron
c.) miner : coal
d.) frown : displeasure
a.) crush : soft
b.) chill : cold
c.) freeze : white
d.) feed : hungry
a.) weak : control
b.) harmonious : music
c.) entrepreneur : profile
d.) eternal : duration
Select the word or phrase most nearly opposite in meaning to the capitalized word.
a.) speech
b.) brief eulogy
c.) criticism
d.) attack
e.) immanent
22. BALK
a.) accept willingly
b.) stalk
c.) shirk
d.) small volume
e.) chalk
a.) contrary
b.) pugnacious
c.) compliant
d.) self-reliant
e.) egregious
a.) oversupply
b.) minimum
c.) shortage
d.) medium
e.) abundance
a.) mixable
b.) opaque
c.) separable
d.) classifiable
e.) transparent
Directions: In each question below, choose one of the four words or phrases given as choices
means almost the SAME as italicized word in the preceding sentence.
26. Nothing went right; the entire show degenerated into a FARCE.
a. success
b. mockery
c. glowing ardor
d. happiness
27. The lion sensed the hunter's PROXIMITY and bounded away.
a. smell
b. nearness
c. distance
d. gun
28. I want to RECTIFY my error before it is too late.
a. disprove
b. correct
c. confess
d. outline
29. The boy was DOUR and taciturn.
a. torpid
b. obedient
c. stubborn
d. determined
30. The camel has adapted to survive in an ARID environment.
a. barren
b. wide
c. hot
d. humid
Directions :
Choose the letter of the set of words from the choices that would best replace the words inside the
parenthesis taking consideration grammar diction (choice of words), sentence construction and
31. (Berto found wallet in the cafeteria which he turned over to the principal.)
a.) A wallet was found by Berto in the cafeteria which he turned over to the principal.
b.) Berto found a wallet in the cafeteria which he turned over to the principal.
c.) It was Berto who found wallet in the cafeteria which he turned over to the principal.
d.) Berto, in the cafeteria, found a wallet he turned over to the principal.
e.) Berto turned over to the principal a wallet which he found in the cafeteria.
32. Knowing the President, (he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses).
a.) he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses.
b.) I am sure he will try his best to improve the living conditions of the masses.
c.) the living conditions of the masses will be improved by him.
d.) he will try his best and improve the living conditions of the masses.
e.) the living conditions of the masses, I am sure, will be improved by him.
33. At first, (little interest in the sewage system was shown by most people).
a.) little interest in the sewage system was shown by most people.
b.) in the sewage system, little interest was shown by most people.
c. little interest was shown by most people in the sewage system.
d.) most people showed little interest in the sewage system.
e.) most people in the sewage system showed little interest.
34. Raquel asked incredulously, ("Did he say 'I am not to blame for this mess?'")
a.) "Did he say I am not to blame for this mess."
b.) "Did he say 'I am not to blame for this mess?"
c.) "Did he say I am not to blame for this mess'?"
d.) "Did he say 'I am not to blame for this mess?'"
e.) "Did he say 'I am not to blame for this mess?'
35. We are looking for someone (who is intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted).
a.) who is intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted.
b.) who is intelligent, who is skillful, and who can be trusted.
c.) who is intelligent, who is skillful, and who is to be trusted.
d.) who are intelligent, skillful, and who can be trusted.
e.) who is intelligent, skillful, and trustworthy.
36. (The Filipino voter's only consideration in choosing a candidate is popularity, but you soon
realize) that the candidate who is elected on the basis of popularity is not the best man for the job.
a.) The Filipino voter's only consideration in choosing a candidate is a popularity, but you soon
b.) The Filipino voters only consideration in choosing a candidate is a popularity, but you soon
c.) The Filipino voter's only consideration in choosing a candidate is a popularity, but he soon
d.) The Filipino voters only consideration in choosing a candidate is a popularity, but he soon realize
e.) The Filipino voter's only consideration in choosing a candidate is a popularity, but they soon
37. (Whom the President will support) in the race for the Senate presidency is not clear.
a.) Whom the President will support
b.) Who the President will support
c.) Whoever the President will support
d.) Whosoever the President will support
e.) Whose the President will support
38. (The hero's centennial anniversary will be celebrated in February next year.)
a.) The hero's centennial anniversary will be celebrated in February next year.
b.) The hero's centennial will be celebrated in February next year.
c.) The heros centennial anniversary will be celebrated in February next year.
d.) The heros' centennial anniversary will be celebrated in February next year.
e.) The heroes centennial anniversary will be celebrated in February next year.
39. (The doctor advised his patients to remain unambulatory for the next six weeks.)
a.) The doctor advised his patients to remain unambulatory for the next six weeks.
b.) The doctor advised his patients to remain unambulatory for six weeks.
c.) The doctor advised his patients not to walk for six weeks.
d.) The doctor advised his patients not to walk for the next six weeks.
e.) The doctor advised his patients to be unambulatory for six weeks.
40. (We will either see you today or tomorrow.)
a.) We will either see you today or tomorrow.
b.) We either see you today or tomorrow.
c.) Either, we will see you today or tomorrow.
d.) Either, we see you today or we see you tomorrow.
e.) We will see you either today or tomorrow.


The following questions present four choices similar to the original sentence. Choose the one
answer that is closest in meaning to the original sentence.
41. Through international film festivals we can have a share in the lives and adventures of others.
a.) Sharing in the lives and adventures of others gives us international film festivals.
b.) A share in the lives and adventures of others may be gained through international film fesrivals.
c.) International film festivals share the lives and the adventures of others.
d.) The life and adventure of another may or may not be shared through international film festivals.
42. In what ways, good or bad, does the past affect the life of the present?
a.) The way of our lives, good or bad, is affected by the present.
b.) Good or bad - these affect our lives present or past in many ways.
c.) Does the past affect the life of the present in ways good or bad?
d.) There are ways, good or bad, by which the present affects the past.
43. She is limited by the bounds of common sense.
a.) Common sense boundaries are her limits.
b.) Bounds and limitations are common sense.
c.) The limits of our senses create our boundaries.
d.) She has a common bound of sense limitations.
44. In some areas men do more thinking about themselves than in others.
a.) Other areas men commend themselves to other thinking.
b.) Men do more thinking about themselves in some areas than in others.
c.) Men think more in some areas than in others.
d.) The areas in which men think more does themselves more good than others.
45. One of the most important kinds of substances used in making explosives is nitrate.
a.) Nitrates are important in the substances that undergo explosion.
b.) Explosive nitrate is an important kind of substance.
c.) Nitrate is one of the most important kinds of substances in making explosive.
d.) An important nitrate is the substance known as explosive.
a. Even retirees look for the right job when they feel soon out live their usefullness.
b. The tremendous boom in part-time employment provides hundreds of people profitable use of
c. The increase of employment agencies in the U.S.A attests to this life quest.
d. People are in search of work which fits into their lives.
a. One sure way to improve the educational system is to employ competent teachers and improve
their teaching skills.
b. Due to poverty, parents fail to send their children to school.
c. For lack of needed funds, teaching cannot be improved, infrastructure cannot be upgraded nor
teaching aids can be purchased.
d. In most developing countries, poverty is a basic problem that causes social and economic
a. Metro Manila is one of the 10 most polluted cities in the world according to a United Nation's study
on environmental pollution.
b.The Government has passed laws such as "Clean Air Act" and the "Ecological Solid Waste
Management Act" to solve the meaning pollution problems.
c. Its pollution index in critical levels, respiratory diseases has affected almost 75% of the population.
d. By educating ourselves and get united in taking care of our environment can we lessen this
menacing environmental catatstrophe.
e. No matter how well are the laws being implemented if the citizenry themselves are indifferent to
these problems, the laws will be an exercise in futility.
a . Drug addiction has become one of the most meaning social problem affecting our country.
b. The passage of the "Comprehensive Drug Abuse Act of 2002" and the establishment of the
Presidential Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA), reinforces the government's resolve to combat this
social menace.
c. This social menace has afflicted almost half of every 10 youth of our country and has undermined
our country's very existence.
d. The whole nation should work hand in hand in educating our youth as the evils drug addiction.
a. Dr. Mona Venzon, the doctor who wrote the article on Hepatitis B, warned all to give a little time
now and save a lot later in medical expenses.
b.She warned that the virus works slowly but dangerously attacks the liver.
c.The news item on Hepatitis B came out in the newspapers.
d.She encouraged everybody to have a part of their precious time for an appointment with their
Directions: Each item below is a sentence, part of which has been omitted and replaced with a
blank. Choose the word or phrase which will best complete the sentence.
51. Neither he nor I ___ your favorite.
a. is
b. were
c. are
d. being
e. am
52. There ___ a man and a woman waiting for you yesterday.
a. is
b. are
c. was
d. had
e. were
53. The governor, with his leader and supporters, ___ our town once a month.
a. visit
b. visits
c. is visited
d. are visited
e. have visited
54. Your personality as well as your intelligence ___ your passport to success.
a. is
b. have been
c. are
d. has
e. were
55. ___ either of your classmates come in yet?
a. Having
b. Has
c. Have
d. Have had
e. Has had
56. Neither of your suggestions ___ acceptable.
a. are
b. is
c. be
d. were being
e. was
57. Much ___ left untouched.
a. are
b. have been
c. were
d. was been
e. is
58. A general and a colonel ___ going to lead the campaign againsy illegal gambling.
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were to be
e. was to be
59. The manager or his secretary ___ always in the office on Mondays.
a. is
b. was
c. are
d. were
e. will be
60. He's very ___ ; if he's not given enough playing time, he sulks.
a. childish
b. childly
c. childlike
d. children
e. childsome
61. Danny and ___ will see you tomorrow.
a. he
b. him
c. his
d. himself
e. his self
62. A number of students ___ late this morning.
a. is
b. was
c. where
d. has been
e. were
63. You may ___ down on a couch now.
a. laid
b. lay
c. lain
d. lied
e. lie
64. Mother ___ a mat for the visitors last night.
a. lie
b. lain
c. laid
d. lies
e. lay
64. It was ___ I wanted to see, not you.
a. him
b. him self
c. his
d. he
e. himself
65. Have you ___ enough water?
a. drink
b. drinked
c. drank
d. drinks
e. drunk
Directions: Answer the questions based on the information given in the preceeding passage by
choosing the letter corresponding to the correct answer.
Something weird is happening to the world's weather. The global thermostat is malfunctioning.
Everywhere, nature is unsettled and, most likely, mankind is to blame.
Global warming is now a reality that even the die-hard skeptics struggle to dispute. The authoritative
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change predicts temperatures will rise 4°C or more by the end
of the century. Clearly, prompt action to limit CO2 emissions is needed to curb the escape of
chlorofluorocarbons that deplete the ozone layer. But it's just as clear that, whatever we do,
temperatures will continue to climb-and that even in modest increase will tilt the world's economic
and political balance. Put simply, in the short term there will be winners and losers from climate
change. Fairly or not, the tilt is destined to favor the countries of the rich North, to the detriment of
the poorer South. Within a few decades or so, a balmy Greenland may again deserve its name.
66. As used in the selection, "weird" means
a. unusual
b. disgusting
c. unwanted
d. instructive
e. ordinary
67. What should be done to prevent the increase in world temperatures?
a. Blame mankind for the change in world's weather.
b. Control the emissions of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
c. Practice global warming.
d. Promote world economic and political balance.
e. Campaign for people to be winners in climate change.
68. Authorities predict that temperatures will rise 4 degrees Celsius
a. by 2999
b. in 2029
c. by 2099
d. in 2050
e. by 2009
While Apple's iPhone launch was absorbing all the available buzz in recent months, two dueling
teams of technologists were feverishly finalizing gadgets they hope will refocus the spotlight. The
FlipStart, dreamed up and funded by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen, launches in April. Its creators
call it the first fully powered ultra-mini personal computer (UMPC) that is satisfying to use.
Meanwhile, a team led by ex-Apple star Jory Bell has countered with the OQO2 - a palm-sized
computer that stakes a similar claim with a slightly different approach. These aren't the only
machines to claim UMPC status, but they're among the first to package a new generation of
processors, batteries, screens and memory chips into devices that are more portable than laptops
and more powerful than mobile phones.
69. A good title for the selection is
a. The Race to Produce the First UMPC.
b. Competing to Market the UMPC.
c. Making the first UMPC.
d. How to Produce Mini Computers
e. Making computers smaller.
70. The creator of FlipStart call it
a. the first fully powered UMPC that is satisfying to use.
b. a palm-sized computer that is easy to use.
c. a gadget that will refocus the spotlight on UMPC.
d. the only machine that can claim to be a true UMPC.
e. the fully powered UMPC dreamed up by Paul Allen.
71. The team of Jory Bell has come up with __________ to counter FlipStart.
a. a new generation of small computers.
b. a similar machine with a totally different approach.
c. a gadget that can claim UMPC qualities.
d. a palm-sized OQO2 with similar claims as that of FlipStart.
e. a device that is more portable than a laptop.
Xianyang, China, was once a great place to live - during the Qin Dynasty, anyway, more than 2,000
years ago. Since then, it has gone pretty much downhill. Today, Xianyang is one of the most
populated cities in a very polluted country, partly as a result of the air-fouling coal that's nothing is
burned there. Iceland's capital gets 100% of its heat and 40% of its electricity from geothermal
power; the rest comes from hydropower. The same forces that have scattered no fewer that 130
volcanoes across the tiny country bring molten rock relatively close to the surface everywhere. When
this encounters underground water, it generates steam, which is tapped to produce clean, renewable
All of which explains why a group of engineers from Icelandic power company Enex have left the
pure air of Reykjavik behind to work in smoggy Xianyang. The ancient city might just have the
geothermal resources to become the Reykjavic of the East. In December, engineers from both
countries completed the first stage of a joint venture that could eventually provide geothermal-
powered heating to millions of people in Xianyang. If the project is successful, the city will eventually
have the biggest such system in the world.
72. What is the main idea of the selection?
a. Xianyang is a heavily polluted Chinese city.
b. Effective use of geothermal and hydropower energy.
c. Geothermal and hydro resources: better than coal power.
d. Reykjavik: world model city in harnessing clean energy.
e. Transferring Reykjavik energy technology to Xianyang.
73. The many volcanoes in Iceland
a. are a permanent threat to the lives of Icelanders.
b. prevent the burning of fuel like coal in the country.
c. produce steam that is harnessed to produce electricity.
d. cause underground vibrations that produce energy.
e. are the reason for the clean Iceland environment.
74. What may be an appropriate title for this selection?
a. The Coming Greening of Xianyang
b. Pollution away from Xianyang
c. Reinventing a Chinese City
d. A New Day for Xianyang
e. Stopping the Use of Coal
Isa sa mga pangunahing problema ang sunog sa masikip na lungsod katulad ng Maynila. Bagaman
may Bureau of Fire Protection (BFP) na tagaapula ng sunog, hindi makakapayapa ng kalooban ang
nagdudumilat at katotohanang kulang ito sa tao, pondo at kagamitan - at, kung gayon, kapasidad -
upang magresponde nang mabilisan at sa paraang epektibo tuwing magkakasunog sa anumang
Nakapagpapalala sa sitwasyon ang hindi mapigil na pagdami sa lungsod ng mga tinaguriang fire
trap, mga gusali at bahay na hindi tumutugon sa mga pamantayan at walang permiso mula sa mga
kinauukulang tagapagpatulad ng kaligtasan. Idagdag pa rito ang mga bumberong magnanakaw na
pumapatay lang ng sunog kapag may suhol at mangingilabot ka sa isiping isang tinderbox ang
Maynila na pwedeng sumabog anumang oras.
75. Ano ang paksa ng seleksyon?
a. Problema sa sunog ng Maynila
b. Kahinaan ng BFP
c. Kasikipan ng Maynila
d. Mga Bumberong Magnanakaw
e. Mga problema ng Maynila
76. Ano ang pangunahing ideya ng seleksyon?
a. Walang kapasidad ang BFP na patayin ang malaking sunog sa Maynila.
b. Nakapagpapalala sa problema sa sunog ang paglaki ng populasyon ng Maynila.
c. Maraming dahilan kung bakit malala na ang problema sa sunog ng Maynila.
d. Hindi tumutugon sa pamantayan ang mga gusali sa Maynila.
e. Walang kakayahan ang Maynila na lutasin ang maraming problema nito.
77. Bakit mahirap pagtiwalaan ang mga bumbero ng Maynila?
a. Kulang sila sa karanasan at kasanayan.
b. Mabagal silang dumating kapag may sunog.
c. Abala sila sa pagpatay ng maraming sunog.
d. Magnanakaw o tiwali ang marami sa kanila.
e. Tamad at kulang sila sa kasanayan.
78. Opportunity makes the thief. Without thieves there would be no crime.
Without opportunity there would be no crime.
Which of the following most weakens the statements above?
a. Thieves wait for opportunities.
b. Without crime there would be no opportunity.
c. Thieves are not the only criminals.
d. Some crimes carry greater penalties.
e. Many thieves are not caught.
79. To be a good soldier, one must be patient.
Some good soldiers are good administrators.
Which of the following can be concluded from the above?
1. All good administrators are patient.
2. Some good administrators are patient.
3. Some good soldiers are not patient.
4. Many good administrators are patient.
80. No blue-eyed people have red hair.
Some tall people have red hair.
Based on the forgoing, all of the following must be true except
a. There are tall people who do not have blue eyes.
b. there are people without blue eyes who are tall.
c. There are people with red hair that do not have blue eyes.
d. Some blue-eyed people are tall.
81. Stephen is test-driving a red car. After driving for a short while, he comes to the following
conclusion: Since this car is red, it must not accelerate quickly.
The foregoing conclusion can be properly drawn if it is also known that
a. all blue cars accelerate quickly.
b. there are some slow red cars.
c. all red cars may not accelerate slowly.
d. all cars that accelerate quickly are blue.
82. There is no doll that is not cuddly.
Only a cuddly toy is safe for children.
If the foregoing statements are true, which of the following conclusions can be drawn?
a. All cuddly toys are safe for children.
b. Only some dolls are safe for children.
c. Any toy that is safe for children is a doll.
d. Any toy that is safe for children is cuddly.
83. The team always practices on Wednesday afternoons when the weather is good.
The team is not practicing this afternoon.
Which of the following can be logically deduced from the premises above?
a. Therefore, if todays weather is good, today cannot be Wednesday.
b. Therefore, if todays weather is bad, today must be Wednesday.
c. Therefore today must be Tuesday.
d. Therefore, the team will practice tomorrow if the weather is good.
84. What item popularized in 1928 by Filipino Pedro Flores became a worldwide phenomenon?
a. yoke
b. yellow pages
c. yahtzee
d. yo-yo
85. What university, founded in 1611, was the first in the Philippines and in Asia to be granted
university status?
a. University of San Carlos
b. University of the East
c. University of the Philippines
d. University of Santo Tomas
86. What city in the Visayas region was badly damaged by the super typhoon Yolanda (international
name: Haiyan) in 2013, with the death toll reaching to more than 1,000 residents?
a. Tacloban
b. Tuguegarao
c. Tagbilaran
d. Talisay
87. What much-maligned Philippine agency is responsible for predicting weather conditions in the
88. This heroine was the wife of a Filipino revolutionary hero, and her name later became the symbol
of female empowerment in the Philippines. Who was she?
a. Gabriela Silang
b. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
c. Gilda Cordero-Fernando
d. Gloria Diaz
89. What group name was given to the underground movement of Filipino fighters that opposed the
Japanese occupation during the 1940s?
a. Hirayamanawari
b. Heneralisimo
c. Hekasi
d. Hukbalahap
90. What city used to host the largest US naval fleet in the Pacific?
a. Ozamiz
b. Obando
c. Oroquieta
d. Olongapo
91. This is a ground for impeachement which covers any violation of the oath of office involving loss
of popular support even if violation may not amount to a criminal offense.
a. Treason
b. Bribery
c. Culpable violation of the Constitution
d. Betrayal of Public Trust
92. It shall be unlawful for public officials and employees to, directly or indirectly, have monetary or
material interest on any transaction requiring the approval of their office.
a. Financial and material Interest
b. Financial Interest
c. Material Interest
d. Outside Employment
93. It is mandated to act promptly on complaints filed in any form or manner against public officials
and employees.
a. Regional Trial Court
b. Office of the Special Prosecutor
c. Department of Justice
d. Special Courts
94. It sets down in unequivocal terms the mandate that all government officials and employees, shall
at all times, be answerable for their misconduct to the people.
a. Rights
b. Responsibility
c. Public Trust
d. Accountability
95. It is an oceanographic phenomenon associated with extreme variable climate. It brings
destructive rains and droughts that results in economic disaster.
a. Global Warming
b. El Nino/ La Nina
c. Tsunamis
d. Cyclones/ Hurricanes
e. Ocean Current
96. The contamination of the natural environment with harmful substances that have been released
as a result of human activities.
a. Gasification
b. Global Warming
c. Climate Change
d. Pollution
e. Degradation
97. Which of the following destroys the balance of an ecosystem?
a. Reforestation
b. Wasteful Consumption
c. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
d. Conservation
e. Education
98. Fishery resource in marine and coastal waters may be considered as "open access resources"
because of the ______.
a. Mobile nature of fish and water
b. Difficulty in marking sea boundaries
c. Overfishing in coastal areas
d. Proliferation of illegal fish pens in water areas.
e. Lax implementation of fishery laws.
99. On May 18, 2018, this museum was opened to the public for the first time. It is hosted inside the
building formerly occupied by the Department of Tourism within Rizal Park near the Agrifina Circle.
a. National Museum of the Philippines
b. National Museum of Natural History
c. Museo Pambata
d .Museum of Contemporary Art and Design
100. On January 27, 2019, at least 20 people were killed while 111 people were injured as
explosions rocked the Cathedral of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in _________.
a. Davao City
b. Jolo, Sulu
c. Patikul, Sulu
d. Lamitan, Basilan
101. She was removed from office by way of an 8–6 decision by the Supreme Court over a quo
warranto petition, rendering her appointment as Chief Justice null and void.
a. Teresita Leonardo-de Castro
b. Ma. Merceditas N. Gutierrez
c. Conchita Carpio-Morales
d. Maria Lourdes Sereno
102. Who is the first Speaker of the house of Representative in Philippines?
a. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo
b. Sergio Suico Osmeña
c. Hermenegildo Atienza
d. Juan Furagganan Ponce Enrile, Sr
103. Who may propose any amendment to, or revision of the Constitution.
a. Congress or a Constitutional Convention
b. Congress and a Constitutional Convention
c. Judiciary and Congress
d. Judiciary and Constitutional Convention
104. What is the government agency mandated by the Philippine Identification System Act to
implement the national ID system for citizens and resident aliens of the Philippines?
a. Philippine Statistics Authority
b. Department of Interior and Local Government
c. National Statistics Office
d. Department of Trade and Industry
105. An official who can be appointed by the President to a cabinet post without the confirmation of
the Commission on Appointments.
a. Senate President
b. Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
c. Vice President
d. Speaker of the House
106. Ang sentro ng pagdiriwang ng SENTENARYO ay sa Kawit, Cavite.
a. Ika-10 taon
b. Ikasandaangtaon
c. Ika-20 taon
d. Panghabang panahon
107. Ni ayaw man lamang humarap sa tao ang “talo-saling” na si Eula. (Kawikaan)
a. Masungit
b. Isnabera
c. Mahiyain
d. Pangit
108. _____ mo si Chin ng damit sa cabinet. (Wastong Gamit)
a. Kunin
b. Utusan
c. Hanapan
d. Hanapin
Pagkilala sa Mali
a. Iniisip rin
b. ng ating pamahalaan
c. ang kapakanan
d. ng mga maralita.
e. Walang Mali
“Gamitin ninyo sa pakikipagkaibigan ang kayamanan ng sanlibutang ito. Maubos man ito’y may
tatanggap naman sa inyo sa tahanang walang hanggang.” (Luk. 16:9)
110. Ano ang tinutukoy ng pariralang : tahanang walang hagdanan.
a. Tahanang walang hanggan
b. mundo
c. kaharian ng Diyos
d. impierno
111. 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, __ ?
a. 63
b. 65
c. 67
d. 69
e. 71
112. 1/32, ⅛, ½, 2, __ ?
a. 2
b. 4
c. 8
d. 16
e. 32
113. 2BG4, 3EJ9, 4HM16, __?
a. 5KO15
b. 5KP25
c. 5LP20
d. 5LO30
e. 6KP36
114. 2, 12, 36, 80, 150, __ ?
a. 161
b. 252
c. 265
d. 379
e. 392
115. 445, 438, 417, 354, __ ?
a. 145
b. 155
c. 165
d. 175
e. 185
116. (n + 1)/2, (n + 9)/5, (n + 25)/10, (n + 49)/17, ___ ?
a. (n + 81)/26
b. (n + 54)/28
c. (n + 81)/28
d. (n + 54)/26
e. (n + 100)/26
117. GIGA, FJFB, EKEC, ___ ?
118. The tenth term of an arithmetic sequence is 55/2, and the second term is 7/2. Find the first
a. 1/2
b. 3/2
c. 5/2
d. 7/4
e. 5/4
119. Find the sum of all positive integers divisible by 6 from 25 to 600.
a. 20,340
b. 20,430
c. 30,240
d. 30,420
e. 40,230
120. Find the value of x in 6 : 10 = x : 25
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 25
e. 30
121. What is 45% of 200?
a 55
b. 70
c. 85
d. 90
e. 105
122. 0.63 is what percent of 0.9?
a. 70%
b. 71%
c. 72%
d. 73%
e. 74%
123. 210 is 600% of what number?
a. 30
b. 35
c. 45
d. 50
e. 65
124. What is the ratio between hours in a day and seconds in an hour?
a. 1 : 50
b. 1 : 150
c. 1 : 100
d. 1 : 1200
e. 1 : 3600
125. Two-thirds of 450 is the same as one-half of what number?
a. 700
b. 600
c. 500
d. 400
e. 300
126. 25% of 40% of 120 is the same as 60% of 50% of what number?
a. 18
b. 24
c. 36
d. 40
e. 56
127. Add: √48 + √75
a. √123
b. 9√3
c. 6√2
d. 11√3
e. 4√5
128. Multiply: 3√6 × 5√3
a. 15√3
b. 30√2
c. 9√30
d. 45√2
e. 8√8
129. Which of the following is the correct exponential form of y = log_a_x ?
a. a^x = y
b. a^y = x
c. y^a = x
d. y^x = a
e. x^y = a
Simplify the following expressions
130. (x² + 6x - 27)/(x+9)
a. x + 3
b. x - 3
c. x - 9
d. x + 6
e. x - 6
131. (x - 1)² ÷ (x - 1)/(x + 2)
a. (x - 1)(x + 2)
b. (x + 2)/(x - 1)
c. (x - 1)/(x + 2)
d. x + 2
e. x - 1
132. Convert 3.5π radians to degree measure.
a. 630°
b. 530°
c. 242°
d. 90°
e. 65°
133. A rectangle 9 cm long has an area 54 cm². Another similar rectangle is 15 cm long. What is its
a. 60 cm²
b. 90 cm²
c. 120 cm²
d. 150 cm²
e. 180 cm²
134. The height of a triangle is 8 cm more than the base. Find the height and base if the area is 24
a. h = 14, b = 6
b. h = 12, b = 4
c. h = 10, b = 2
d. h = 8, b = 4
e. h = 10, b = 5
135. If an angle is 20° less than thrice its supplement, find the ratio of the angle to its suplement.
a. 7 : 11
b. 5 : 13
c. 3 : 11
d. 5 : 13
e. 2 : 7
136. Cassy got an average grade of 94 in her three tests. What grade must she receive in her next
test to raise her average grade to 95?
a. 96
b. 97
c. 98
d. 99
e. 100
137. If the sum of ¼ of an even integer and ½ of the next consecutive even integer is equal to 34,
what is the odd integer between these two integers?
a. 45
b. 39
c. 35
d. 33
e. 25
138. Y varies directly as x and varies inversely as the square of z.
Y = 6 when x = 3 and z = 2.
Find y when x = 10 and z = 4.
a. 4
b. 5
c. 6
d. 7
e. 8
139. Nanang and Elai are raising cows, chickens and turkeys in their farm. The total of heads and
legs are 46 and 100 respectively. If there are 10 more chickens than turkeys, how many of each of
the animals are there in the farm?
a. 26 turkeys, 16 chickens, and 4 cows
b. 16 turkeys, 26 chickens, and 4 cows
c. 4 turkeys, 16 chickens, and 26 cows
d. 16 turkeys, 6 chickens, and 24 cows
e. 24 turkeys, 14 chickens, and 4 cows
140. The total bus fares for adults and children is $60. If the adult's fare is $4 cheaper than children's
fare. How much is the total of adults fare?
a. 28
b. 29
c. 30
d. 31
e. 32
141. Oyo is 5 years older than his sister Prim, but 7 years younger than his brother Bim. If the sum
of their ages is 86, how old are each of them?
a. 23, 18, 30
b. 30, 25, 37
c. 28, 23, 35
d. 35, 30, 42
e. 18, 13, 25
142. Find the simple interest on $2000 invested at 12% per annum for 3 years.
a. $720
b. $640
c. $480
d. $360
e. $240
143. Romina bought 50 kilos of tuna in the fishport and paid a total of Php10,500. She then sold the
tuna to Daniela, Savana, and Auntie. How much should she sell the tuna per kilo if she wants to gain
a. Php220
b. Php230
c. Php240
d. Php250
e. Php260
144. If $100 is invested at the rate of 2% compounded monthly, at the end of one year, it is equal to?
a. $100(0.02)(12)
b. $100(1.02)^12
c. ($100 + 0.02)^12
d. $100(1+0.02)(12)
e. $100[1+(0.02/12)]^12
145. Lola Flora and Kapitana can prepare Filipino cuisines in 4 hours and 2 hours respectively. How
long will they spend if they help one another with the cuisines?
a. 1 hr and 20 min
b. 1 hr and 25 min
c. 1 hr and 30 min
d. 1 hr and 35 min
e. 1 hr and 40 min
146. Daniela can cut down 18 coconut trees in 6 days while Romina can do the same job in 3 days.
They worked together for 1 day when Daniela decided to leave and bring the logs to Camila. How
long will Romina finish cutting down the remaining coconut trees alone?
a. 1 hr
b. 1.5 hrs
c. 2 hrs
d. 2.5 hrs
e. 3 hrs
147. How much sulfur solution must be added to 77 liters of 40% sulfur solution so that the solution
becomes 58% sulfur solution?
a. 22 liters
b. 23.9 liters
c. 33 liters
d. 43.9 liters
e. 53 liters
148. Find the angle between the hands of the clock at 5:26 pm.
a. 6°
b. 7°
c. 8°
d. 9°
e. 10°
149. A plane traveling 800 miles per hour is 200 miles from the airport at 8:10 am. At what time will it
arrive at the airport?
a. 8:25 am
b. 8:25 pm
c. 9:25 am
d. 9:25 pm
e. 10:25 am
150. Two cars A and B with a speed of 40kph and 50kph respectively are 450 km apart. What time
will they meet if they started traveling at 4:00 pm?
a. 6:00 pm
b. 7:00 pm
c. 8:00 pm
d. 9:00 pm
e. 10:00 pm

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