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Lesson Plan Reading

Class : Elementary 5
Topic : Travelling
Skill Focus : Reading
Material : Pictures
Aim : Students will be able to summarize the reading text.


 Greeting
 Direction: T greets students.
 T: “Good morning, students.” “How are you today?”
 Showing picture
 Direction: T shows picture of North America.
 T: “Today, I want to show you a picture!” “Does anyone know what picture it is?” “It is a picture
of North America”.
 Giving the reading text
 Direction: T reads the text.
 T: “Now, I have this text.” “I am going to read it for you.”
Wanda and Wiz are going to travel to North America. They are going to travel by plane. The first
stop is Toronto. Toronto is a city in Canada. They are going to enjoy the view of Niagara Falls. On
the second day, they are going to fly to Washington D.C., the capital of the United States. They are
going to see the White House. The White House is the President’s House. On the third day, Wanda
and Wiz are going to move to New York City. They are going to visit Central Park and the
Metropolitan Museum of Art. On the fourth day, they are going to stay at a hotel in New York City.
On the last day, they are going to fly to Mexico City. Mexico City is the capital of Mexico. They are
going to visit the Aztec pyramids. The next day, they are going to go back to Jakarta.


 Teacher’s presentation
 Listing down the sentences using ‘be going to’.
1. Wanda and Wiz are going to travel to North America.
2. They are going to travel by plane.
3. On the first day, they are going to go to Ottawa.
4. ….
5. ….
 Explaining the use of ‘be going to’.

 Practice
1. Drilling
♦ Direction: T asks students to read the text after her.
♦ T: “Now, repeat after me.”
2. Completing the text
♦ Direction: T asks students to complete the text.
♦ T: “Okay. Now, I have this text but there are missing words. I want you to fill the blank part
with the correct words so it becomes a good reading text.”
Wanda and Wiz _____________ North America. They are going to travel __________. The
first stop is ________. It is a city in ________. They are going to enjoy the view of
_________________. On the second day, they are going to _______ to Washington D.C.,
___________of the United States. They are going to see the _________________. The White
House is the President’s House. On the third day, Wanda and Wiz are going to move to
___________________. They are going to visit _____________________________________.
On the fourth day, they are going to stay at __________ in New York City. On the last day,
they are going to ______ to Mexico City. Mexico City is the capital of ___________. They are
going to visit the _________________. The next day, they are going to go back to _________.

3. Arrange the order of activities

♦ Direction: T asks students to work in pair. T asks students to arrange the activities based on
the reading text into the correct order.
♦ T: “Okay, now I have these papers, I want you to work in pairs. I want you to discuss the correct
order of activities that Wanda and Wiz are going to do with your partner.”

4. Answer the questions

♦ Direction: T provides some questions. T asks student to write down their answer.
♦ T: “Okay, now I have some questions regarding the reading text. I want you to write your


1. Reviewing (asking the students about what they’ve learned)

♦ Direction: T asks students about what they have learned today.
♦ T: “Okay, class? What we have learned today?”
2. Assessment (ask students to make a summary
♦ Direction: T asks students to make a summary based on the reading text given earlier.
♦ T: “Now, before we go home, do you still remember the reading text we read?” “I want you to
make a summary of the text, and submit it to me.”

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