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Solve each problem and write the answer on the blank before the number.

__________ 1. From 146 sticks, how many tens can you bundle?
36 2. What is the missing number in   + 49 = 85?
51 3. What is N in 15, 27, ____, N, 63?
__________ 4. 4026 = 4000 + ____ + 20 + 6
__________ 5. What is quarter past twelve?
__________ 6. What is 18 less than 26 + 39?
__________ 7. What is missing in nineteenth, twentieth, _______, twenty-
__________ 8. What number is 46 more than 38?
__________ 9. What is the highest six-digit number?
__________ 10. Write nine hundred fifty-seven in symbols.
__________ 11. What is the 8th letter in UNIVERSITY?
__________ 12. What odd number comes after 99?
__________ 13. What will you put in the   so that 18 +   = 353 – 298?
__________ 14. Rose can eat 8 cookies in one minute. How many cookies can she
eat in 7 minutes?
__________ 15. Write 7 tens, 8 thousands, 2 ones and 5 hundreds in symbols.
__________ 16. Write forty-five pesos and nineteen cents with the peso sign.
__________ 17. Luz has P28.00. Brother gave her P36.00 and Mother gave her
P150.00. How much money had Liz then?
__________ 18. What fraction is shaded?

__________ 19. Which is the biggest number among 87, 105, 98, 100, 110?
__________ 20. Kim has P70.00. Oranges cost P5.50 each. How many oranges can
she buy with her money?
__________ 21. Rico picked 32 guavas. Mark picked 14 guavas. How many less
guavas did Mark pick than Rico?
__________ 22. Which is the biggest? 4/5, 1/3, 2/4, 6/7?
__________ 23. Cora had P90.00. She bought 4 mangoes at P8.50 each and 5
bananas at P2.50 each. How much change did she get?
__________ 24. How many 5-peso coins are equal to one P100-bill and one P20-
__________ 25. How many nines are there in 63?
__________ 26. Sister bought 5 dozen eggs. She used 32 for leche flan and 5 for
omelette. How many eggs remained?
__________ 27. Myco was born on December 27, 1992. How old is she today?
__________ 28. What is the perimeter of the figure?

Muhammad ashraf S. Werble

23 cm
15 cm

__________ 29. How many squares can you see in the figure?

__________ 30. Mina started reading the book at 7:15. She finished reading the
book at 8:36. How many minutes in all did she spend reading the book?
___________ 31. Peter has 4 m of string. He cut it into 10 equal pieces. How many
centimeters is each piece?
___________ 32. What number does not belong in 12, 16, 18, 24, 36 ?
___________ 33. Cyrus sold 125 magazines on Friday. He sold 36 less on Saturday
and 15 more on Sunday. How many magazines did he sell on three days.
___________ 34. A square park is 42 m on each side. What is its perimeter?
___________ 35. How many months are there in 5 ¾ years?
___________ 36. How many tens are there in 3680?
___________ 37. In the word ASSOCIATION, which letter is the seventh from the
___________ 38. Hana put 8 flowers in one vase. How many flowers will she put in
4 vases?
___________ 39. What is the difference between the smallest 5-digit number and
the smallest 3-digit number?
___________ 40. Which is greater, 2/4 or ¾?
___________ 41. How many triangles can you see in the figure?

___________ 42. Subtract 8 from the sum of 11 and 12.

___________ 43. How many cm are there in 2 m?
___________ 44. Joey gave 51 marbles to his friend. He gave the same number of
marbles to each. How many marbles did each friend receive?
___________ 45. Which is smaller in value, 2/5 or 2/9?
___________ 46. Add 56 to the product of 3 and 8.
___________ 47. I went to the bookstore and bought 3 pencils and 5 notebooks.
When I gave a P100-bill, my change was P16.00. How much is the price of each
pencil when the price of each notebook is P12.00?
___________ 48. In 1067, the 0 means there are no _____.
___________ 49. Sonya bought 9 dozens of chicos. How many chicos did she buy
in all?
___________ 50. Write six hundred forty-nine in Roman Numerals.

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