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Script for UN Day

I. Doxology
 Good morning everyone!
 Before we start with today’s program, let us all rise for the invocation to be followed by the singing of the national
anthem and of our alma mater hymn.
II. Welcoming remarks
 We are gathered here today to celebrate United Nation’s Day with a theme, Education for Peace.
 To welcome each and everyone who are with us today, may I call on our beloved school director, Mr. Aldric
 Thank you so much Mr. Manrique.
III. Talk about UN
 With all these costumes and preparations, let us ask ourselves: what do we really know about United Nations?
 Now to give us a handful of information, we will be showing you a video presentation about United Nations.
 That was a very informative presentation, wasn’t it?
IV. Presentation of Nations
 As we all know, United Nations is composed of several countries and we are lucky today to see those countries being
portrayed by our dear students.
 And now, may I present to you, the different nations
4 mercury South korea

5 neptune Ireland

6 jupiter Mexico


 Wow! We really do have beautiful and handsome students here, don’t we?
V. Dance Presentation
a. preschool
 When we talk about UN, the things that come to our mind include peace, love, and unity. Those themes are
portrayed to songs which are then connected back to UN.
 To sing It’s a Small World, may I call on the preschool pupils!
 Thank you for that wonderful song, preschool! Indeed we live in a small world afterall so we have to show love and
respect to one another to maintain a peaceful and harmonious relationship.
b. Primary
 We always say that children are our hope. Hope is a very important word. We need hope to succeed in everything
we do and to achieve our dreams.
 To present Yesterday’s Dream, let us welcome the primary students!
 Thank you for that touching performance, primary students. Yes, children are yesterday’s dream. However, I believe
that we should also climb up for the success not only of ourselves but of our nations and of the whole world.
c. Grade 4
 How many here are enthusiasts of Koreans? Wow! That was quite a number!
 To give us a taste of Korean culture, let us welcome grade 4 mercury!
 Now that was an amazing performance. Now we all know that the fan dance is a traditional dance in South Korea.
This dance is usually presented during ceremonies.
d. Grade 5
 How many of you here have an idea about the tap dance? Do you know how to do it? Well, to present Ireland’s
traditional dance, may I call on grade 5 neptune!
 Good job, grade 5! Like all other countries, Irish culture includes traditions, music, art, and literature. However,
there are cultural divisions between urban and rural, catholic and protestants, irish-speakers and English-speakers,
and etc.
e. Grade 6
 Moving on, we shall witness the popular La Bamba moves of the Mexicans. To dance to the beat of La Bamba, may I
call on grade 6 jupiter!
 Wow! That was an awesome dance! To give you something about mexico, carnival is celebrated in many
communities throughout mexico to mark the period before lent.
f. HS students
 Nowadays, the kinds of dance that people do before had evolved. To give us a dance of this modern time, may I call
on selected students of the high school department!
 Thank you for that very cool performance, high school students!

VI. Awarding Ceremony

 Now, this is the moment for those who strive hard in doing their best during the contest that we had the other day.
 May I request Mr. Ronelio Tamor to come up the stage to do the honor of announcing the winners.
 Congratulations students! You truly deserve those awards.
VII. Closing remarks
 Indeed, people may come from different nations but the important things is to be educated so we would know and
we would be aware of the differences the different nations have. Through this, we shall maintain a peaceful and
harmonious relationship with each other.
 Now that we have come to the end of this momentous event, may I request our dearest school principal, Ms. Elena
Lopez for the closing remarks.
 Thank you so much Ms. Lopez.
 Thank you everyone for being with us today!
 This is Ms. Rona Nogales, saying good day and God speed! 

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