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1. Why are you applying for this internship?

I grew up watching the news and being fascinated by journalism and I knew without a doubt that my
ultimate dream in life was to someday be the person bringing those stories to the world. I’ve taken
journalism and writing classes every chance I’ve gotten and the desire to take this passion and turn it
into a career is my ultimate goal in life. I’ve spent the past four years learning the academic side of
journalism, and the chance to see first-hand how a newsroom is run and what it takes to make every
broadcast come together as an intern with your station is an opportunity I couldn’t pass up. Your station
is known for integrity and truth in reporting and those are values I hold myself to as well.

2. What do you hope to get out of this internship?

Hands-on experience is of course my number one goal here. It’s one thing to study theoretical
veterinarian medicine in a controlled classroom. It’s another to actually practice it in real life. I’m hoping
for an opportunity to really get to know the entire staff here at Shady Hills Vet Clinic and learn how the
team works together and how each person fits into their roles and responsibilities. I’m also hoping to
connect with a mentor who can help guide me into making the right decisions for my career. Finally, I’m
looking forward to meeting future peers and friends.

3. What are your long-term goals?

I’ll be graduating this year with my degree in marketing and graphic design and am hoping to find a full-
time job as quickly as possible, ideally with an advertising company such as yours where creativity and
innovation are rewarded. I’m hoping that I will be able to roll that first job into a long-term relationship
where I can continue to grow and expand my leadership responsibilities. Eventually I’d like to work my
way into a creative account management position or marketing group manager position. I’m already
working towards those goals by supplementing my degree with extended learning opportunities on my
free time and by attending seminars and conferences locally and regionally that focus on these skills.

. Why should we consider you for this internship?

When I saw the internship listing for your company posted at my school’s career counselor’s office, it was
almost like you had written it specifically for me. As a business major, I’ve spent the past four years
focusing my entire education around sales and marketing and have spent every summer since I
graduated from high school putting that education into practice. For the past four years I’ve been
building a successful summer lawn mowing business. I started out mowing lawns for my neighbors but
through hard work and by building relationships with new and potential clients through marketing and
outreach, my lawn mowing business has grown to encompass more than 50 private residences and 10
public properties. While the lawn mowing business has been an amazing opportunity for me, it’s not
where I want to end up. I want to take this enthusiasm and work ethic and apply it to an internship with
a company like yours. My past experiences mean I’m well prepared to work with others on a team. I’m a
hard worker who is constantly looking for ways to learn more about what I love and I can think of no
better way to get that experience than with a company like yours.

5. Why are manhole covers round and not square or some other shape?

1. If hired for this internship, what would my duties and responsibilities be?

2. What are your expectations for me in this internship in relation to my school and homework

3. How exactly will my performance here evaluated?

4. Who will I be working with if I’m selected for this internship?

5. How often do you hire former interns?

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