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Subject: Biology Date: 26 -12 - 2019

Teacher: Fatima Rhuma

Final Exam: Grade 11 Mark: …………………………. out of 40.

1. Adaptive features explain it and give an example. (2 marks)

Example: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

2. Name 3 effects that are important for the survival and reproduction of organisms. (3 marks)
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3. Is this a typical or inverted pyramid? And what is the differents between them. (2 marks)

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4. Complete the sentence. (1 mark)

- When it comes to food chains, we can use simple diagrams to investigate……………………….

5. Describe what is meant with a nutrient cycle and give 2 examples. (3 marks)
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6. Deforestation give its meaning and why is that happening? (2 marks)
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7. To make a pyramid you need data, how can you gather the data needed? (1 mark)

8. In the carbon cycle we will find the following processes describe the role of each one.
(2 marks)
- Respiration:
- Photosynthesis:

9. Fill in the empty spaces. (3 marks)

- Fixing of carbon by plants is when …………………………………………… is converted from the
atmosphere to …………………………………………………………………… in plants during

10. Explain what will happen when we burn fossil fuels and give 2 example of fossil fuels.
(3 marks)
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11. How come do forests act as a major carbon store? (1 mark)


12. Name in what form carbon is when it is in following stage of the carbon cycle.(2 marks)
- Earth’s atmosphere:
- Plant tissue:

13. Define the term population and the size of the population depends on which factures, name
them . (5 marks)
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14. In the water cycle we will find the following processes define them. (3 marks)
- Evaporation:
- Transpiration:
- Condensation:

15. What is the differents between Emigration and Immigration? (1 mark)


16. Give an example of an environmental factor that can result in an increase in population
growth and why does it have this effect? (2 marks)
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17. Define the term biotechnology. (1 mark)


18. Why are bacteria useful in biotechnology? (1 mark)


19. Explain what is meant with genetic engineering. (1 mark)

20. Give one example of an organism that has been genetically engineered. (1 mark)
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Wish you good luck…!

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