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Constructed-response type

1. Completion

2. Short answer type 1.

3. Problem-solving

4. Essay

a. Restricted

b. Non-restricted
OBSERVBATION SHEET#2.3- Authentic Assessment Practices
Learning in the Psychomotor Domain, Procedural Knowledge, Product and Performance.
Resource Teacher: School:

Grade/Year Level: Subject Area: Date:

Describe how a product/ performance was

Authentic Assessment
1. Product Example/s of product/s assessed. How was it/were
they assessed?

2. Performance (Psychomotor) Example/s of performance/s assessed. How was

it/were they assessed?
My Analysis
1. In what subjects was traditional assessment method used most?

2. Which among the traditional assessment tools/tests was/were used most often?

3. In what subjects was authentic assessment method used most?

4. Which products or performance were assessed? Give examples

5. What assessment tools and tasks were used to assess learning in the cognitive
domain, and declarative knowledge?
My Learning Portfolio

1. Refer to the K to 12 Curriculum Guide. Select at least one competency for each
domain of learning and give an appropriate assessment tool/task.

Domains of Learning (Bloom,

Competency Assessment Tool/Task
Kendall and Marzano)
1. Cognitive/
2. Psychomotor/Motor
3. Affective

2. Give the 9 Multiple Intelligences (MI) cited by Gardner. Give at least 1 example
of assessment tool/task to assess this particular intended learning outcome: “to
explain the meaning of Pygmalion effect”

Language smart – In 3 sentences, explain the meaning of Pygmalion effect.

Logic smart

Picture smart

Nature smart

Body smart

Music smart

People smart

Spirit smart

3. Research on 2 assessment tool/tasks for learning in the affective domain. Present

them here. Cite your references.
My Reflections

Perhaps even without a scientific survey, you agree that most of the assessments that take
place in school are in the low levels of recalling, knowledge, retrieval. What can be some
reasons behind this?

We measure what we value and we value what we measure. Then we have to assess
what we value and value what we assess. What is no big message of Bloom’s revised
cognitive taxonomy, Kendall’s and Marzano’s new taxonomy of objectives to teachers
regarding the assessment process?
My Learning Essentials
A Table of Specifications (TOS) is a table that specifies the learning outcomes/lesson
objectives, the amount of time spent for each outcome/objective which will serve as
basis in determining the corresponding number of test items.

TOS helps teachers align objectives, instruction, and assessment. It is sometimes

called a test blueprint. This strategy can be used for a variety of assessment methods
but is most commonly associated with constructing traditional summative tests.

Aligning assessment tools and tasks to learning outcomes is a must in Outcomes-

Based Teaching-Learning.

A test or any assessment tool or task for that matter possesses content validity only
when that assessment tool or task measure or assesses what it is supposed to measure
or assess. You are supposed to assess students’ ability to draw conclusions based on
given facts but your assessment tool and task make the students define a conclusion.
It is one thing to draw conclusion. It is another thing to define it.

The assessment task is not aligned to learning outcome; therefore, it does not possess
content validity. The assessment task that has content validity is to ask the students to
draw conclusion from the facts that teacher gives.

Defining a conclusion is in the level of comprehension, perhaps even recall if definition

is simply memorized, while drawing conclusion from a set of given facts is in the level
of creating, synthesizing.
My Analysis
1. For a TOS to ensure test content validity, what parts must it have?

2. Among the TOSs that you researched on, which is a better TOS? Why?

3. Can a teacher have a test with content validity even without making a TOS?

4. Explain why the use of a TOS enhances that content validity?

FS 5

My FS Learning Episode Overview

A portfolio of student’s work is a direct evidence of learning. But it is not a mean
collection of student’s work or output. Therefore, a student’s reflection must accomplish
each output or work.
The student’s work is either a product or a performance.

My Desired Learning Outcomes

After this Episode, I should able describe the various types of learner’s portfolios and
their functions.

My Performance Criteria
I will be rated along the following:

 Quality of my observations and documentation,

 Completeness and depth of analysis,
 The depth and clarify of classroom observation-based reflection,
 Completeness, organization, clarify of portfolio and,
 Time of submission of a portfolio
My Learning Essentials
A learning portfolio is a purposeful collection of students work that exhibits a student’s
effort, progress, achievements and competencies gained in a given area or course.
There are 3 types of portfolio namely, 1. Growth/development portfolio, 2.
Showcase/best work/display portfolio and 3. Assessment/evaluation portfolio.
Display/showcase/best work portfolio is to demonstrate the highest level of achievement
attained by the student.
The main purpose of an assessment/evaluation portfolio is to document students
learning on specific curriculum outcomes.
Growth/Process/Development Portfolio

Purposes Some Possible Inclusions

To show growth or change over time Early and later pieces of work
Early and later test scores
Rough drafts and final drafts
Reflections on progress toward goals
To identify strengths/weaknesses Reflections on strengths and weaknesses
Reflection on progress toward goals

Showcase/Best work Portfolio

Purposes Some Possible Inclusions

To showcase end-of-year/term Samples of best work
Final test or scores
Awards or other recognition
Teacher or peer comments
To showcase student’s perceptions of Samples of the student’s favorite best work
favorite best work or most important
Reflection on why it is favorite, best or most

Evaluation/Assessment Portfolio

Purposes Some Possible Inclusions

To document achievement for grading Samples of work documenting level of
achievement on course/ grade level/
objectives/ standards
Self-reflection on how well samples
indicate attainment of course
Identification of strengths and weaknesses
To document progress towards standards List of Applicable Goods and Standards
Self-reflection on how well samples
indicate attainment of course
Analysis or evidence of progress made
toward standards over course of semester
Representative Samples of Current Work
To place students appropriately Representative samples of earlier work to
indicate rate of progress
Classroom tests/scores
Self-reflection on current aptitudes
Teacher/Parent reflection on student’s
My Analysis
1. Did I see samples of the three different types of portfolio?

2. What did I observe to be the most commonly used portfolio?

3. As I examined three selected portfolios, did I see all the elements of a portfolio?

4. Is it necessary for a teacher to use varied types of portfolio? Why?

5. If one element or two elements of a portfolio are missing will this have any impact
the assessment process? Explain your answer.

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