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1. What is spermatogenesis? Differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

2. What is oogenesis? Differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.

3 Explain how PGD and Fetal Testing can be used in genetic screening and counseling

Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD)

Before implanting embryo into woman uterus, we take 1 cell from 8-cell embryo in order to observe the
gene. Thus, we can find any abnormal gene, so we can prevent from ethic issue such as Down syndrome.
The reason why scientist takes 1 cell from the late stage of 8-cell embryo is that the cell taken is not able
to form a new body.

Fetal testing
Fetal testing is used to check genetic information for the baby in 3-4 months of the pregnancy.
There are 2 popular methods of fetal testing: Amniocentesis and CVS (Chorionic villus sampling). For
amniocentesis, doctors take amniotic fluid while doctors take tissue of placenta. Although doctors take
different materials from each method of fetal testing, the purpose is fetal cells. Fetal cells are used for
chromosomes karyotyping from biochemical and genetic tests. The result from the tests can detect ethic
issues such as Down syndrome if the baby has genetic condition
4 Describe briefly the process of fertilization and pre-implantation embryo development?

Process of Implantation

Day 0: Fertilization -> fertilized egg (zygote)

12-36 hours after fertilized: First cleavage (first cell division)

Day 2: 2-cell embryo

Day 3: 4-cell embryo

Day 3-4: early stage 8-cell embryo

Day 4: compacted 8-cell embryo (late stage)

Day 5: early blastocyst

Day 6-7: late stage of blastocyst, zona pellucida formation

Day 8: Implantation of blastocyst

Process of fertilization

- Sperm-egg association: sperm contact with oocyte membrane

- Specificity of sperm-egg interaction: the acrosomal reaction and hundred of sperms react interact with
corona radiate until there is a path for a sperm to enter the egg

- Prevent of polyspermy occurs after a single sperm enter the egg

- Formation of fertilization membrane: zygote harden zona pellucida

- Formation of zygote nucleus

1 Describe the functions of the cytoskeleton

Support cell shape maintenance

Support cell motility

[Function of microtubules, microfilaments, intermediate filaments]

➔ Cytoskeleton is a network of fibers that organizes structures and activities of the cell

2 Compare the structure and functions of microtubules, microfilaments, and intermediate filaments

Property Microtubules Microfilament Intermediate filament

Structure Hollow tubes Twist double chains Cables
Diameter 25 nm 7 nm 8-12 nm
Protein unit Tubulins,  and  Actin One of several proteins
(such as keratin)
Function -Shaping cells -Shaping cells -Support cell shape
-Chromosomes movements -Cell motility -Fix organelles
in cell division -Muscle contraction
-Organelles movements
3 Name the three stages of cellular respiration; for each, state the region of the eukaryotic cell where it
occurs and the products that result

There are three stages of cellular respiration

Glycolysis takes place in cytoplasm

C6H12O6 -> 2 C3H6O3 (Pyruvic acid) + 2ATP +2NADH

Citric acid cycle occurs at matrix of mitochondria

2 Pyruvic acid -> 2 Acetyl-CoA + 2 NADH

2 Acetyl-CoA -> 6 NADH + 2 FADH2 + CO2 + 2 ATP

Oxidative phosphorylation happens in mitochondria

NADH can synthesize 3 ATP each

FADH2 can synthesize 2 ATP each

We have

10 NADH -> 30 ATP

2 FADH2 -> 4 ATP

Total ATP: 2 + 2+ 30 +4=38 ATP

4 List the phases of the cell cycle; describe the sequence of events during each phase (SLIDE 6,23)
Cell Cycle

-G1 phase: cell grows physically, copy organelles

-S phase: DNA synthesis

-G2 phase: cell grow and makes proteins, organelles, ... prepares for mitosis

Mitotic phase

Prophase: chromosomes coil and condense, nucleus membrane begins disintegrating, spindle appears
Metaphase: chromosomes are mostly condensed and aligned on the equatorial plate of the spindle
Anaphase: the sister chromatids of chromosomes separate towards to each pole of the spindle by
spindle fibers. At this phase, the total number of chromosomes is doubled.
Telophase: chromosomes are uncoiled and relax, nucleus membrane regenerates, the spindle break

In animal cell, a cleavage furrow forming
In plant cell, a cell plate forming
After cytokinesis, the daughter cells have the chromosome set identical with parent cells

Cell 1: name organism and function

Cell 2: respiration, cell communication (3.3 how to use and make ATP)

Gene 1: cell cycle, understand (complete dominance, codominance, ) dominant and recessive diseases

Gene 2: epigenetic, regulation chromatin structure

Remember cell communication

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