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 -is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others

 -when one refers to personality, it generally implies to all what is UNIQUE about an individual,
the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd

 -Personalities is the sum total of individual’s Psychological traits, characteristics, motives, habits,
attitudes, beliefs and outlooks.

Personality determinants :

1. Heredity

- Influenced by who your parents were.

- Physical structure, facial attractiveness, gender, outlook, muscle composition and reflexes, energy

2. Environment

- Plays a substantial role in shaping our personalities

 - culture in which we are raised, our early conditioning, the norms among our family, friends and
social groups, and other influences that we experience.

3. Situation

- influences the effects of heredity and environment on personality

- An individual’s personality although generally stable and consistent, does change in different


 1. Subconscious Programming

 - Our Conscious Mind is like a watch man. And the Subconscious Mind is a store of all the
previously programmed or conditioned information / knowledge/ believes. Now programming
personality means putting positive believes/ information into the store with out the knowledge

of the watchman (conscious mind).

 Now the question is how and when we could programme our mind for positive personality
trait with out the obstruction of watchman…

 ANSWER: - We can programme our mind for positive personality traits during the Twilight
period just before sleeping and just before waking up. This is the time when the conscious
mind is active enough to generate the positive traits for entering into store but inactive to
judge/compare and will not obstruct to the positive traits to enter into the subconscious store

2. Defensive Approach
- Protest or deny the negative traits at it’s very beginning of the entering in the
subconscious store.
-Most of us have some negative traits previously in our store house due to our past
experience and conditioning.

3. Imaginary Anchoring or Invisible Counseling Committee

We anchor the Hero, placing ourselves in place of hero.

Invisible Counseling Committee comprising of great personalities of your choice.

Trying to imitate some great personalities whose lives and life works have been most impressive.

 EXAMPLE: Mahatma Gandhi, I desire to acquire from you the ideology

of truth and Non-violence and devotion towards practicing these in every
odd hours and to acquire the magnet leadership to attract millions to join
in the peaceful struggle for freedom and Humanity.


 Reserved (set aside) vs Outgoing

 Less intelligent vs More intelligent

 Affected by feeling vs Emotionally stable

 Submissive vs Dominant (leading)

 Serious vs Happy to Lucky

 Expedient (practical) vs Conscientious ( carefull, deligent)

 Timid vs Venturesome (adventurous)

 T o u gh -m i n d ed v s S en s i ti v e

 Trusting vs Suspicious

 Practical( realistic) vs Imaginative (creative)

 Forthright (straight forward, frank) vs Shrewd (clever)

 Self-assured(self-confident) vs Apprehansive

 Conservative vs Experimenting

 Group dependant vs Self-sufficient

 Uncontrolled vs Controlled

 Relaxed vs Tense


1. Accept Responsibility

 -Society is not destroyed by the activities of the rascals, but by the inactivity of
good people.

2. Show consideration

 -Show consideration, courtesy, politeness and caring.

3. Think Win-Win
- Win-Win philosophy is the ultimate way to success in the collaborative and
networked world. One who master that art can achieve greatly.

4. Choose your words carefully

-The principle is your speaking must be better than silent, rather be silent.
Words spoken out of bitterness can cause irreparable damage. The way the parents
speak to their children in many instances shapes their children’s destiny.

5. Never Criticize, Complain and Condemn

6. Smile and Be Kind

-S m i l e i s th e s h o r t es t d i s ta n c e b etw een tw o p eo p l e.

7. Put Positive interpretation on other people’s behavior:

- We see the world not as it is, but as we are.

8. Be a Good Listener

9. Be Enthusiastic

10. Give honest and Sincere Appreciation

11. When you make a mistake, accept it and make it easy to amend

12. Discuss but don’t argue

13. Don’t Gossip

- Slander or defamation of character.

 14. Turn your promises into commitment

 15. Practice honesty, Integrity and Sincerity

 16. Practice Humility( modesty/humbleness)

 17. Develop a sense of humor

 18. To have a friend be a Friend

 19. Show Empathy

 - People with empathy ask themselves this question, “how would I feel if
someone treated me that way?

20. Project Yourself with Confidence

 While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe
that you can do things to increase your self-confidence. It is not genetic, and
you do not have to be reliant on others to increase your self-confidence. And if
you believe that you are not very competent, not very smart, not very attractive,
etc. … that can be changed.
2 5 T h i n gs i n T a k i n g c o n tr o l o f y o u r s el f -c o n f i d en c e

1. Groom yourself
2. Dress nicely
- It doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a $500 outfit, but could mean casual clothes
that are nice looking and presentable.
3. Photoshop your self-image
- Use your mental Photoshopping skills, and work on your self-image. If it’s not a
very good one, change it. Figure out why you see yourself that way, and find a way
to fix it.
4. Think positive
5. Kill negative thoughts
6. Get to know yourself
- Know yourself and you will win all battles. – Sun Tzu
7. Act positive
8. Be kind and generous
- being kind to others, and generous with yourself and your time and what you
have, is a tremendous way to improve your self-image.
9. Get prepared
-One important key to success is self-confidence. A key to self-confidence is
preparation. – Arthur Ashe
10. Know your principles and live them
11. Speak slowly.
- A person in authority, with authority, speaks slowly. It shows confidence. A person
who feels that he isn’t worth listening to will speak quickly, because he doesn’t want
to keep others waiting on something not worthy of listening to.
12. Stand tall
-people who stand tall and confident are more attractive.
13. Increase competence
- By becoming more competent. And how do you do that? By studying and practicing.
14. Set a small goal and achieve it
- shoot for something much more achievable
- Set a goal you know you can achieve, and then achieve it.
15. Empower yourself with knowledge
16. Get active
- Doing something is almost always better than not doing anything


I. What to Say
Introduce yourself with a smile and firm handshake.
Maintain good eye contact during conversation.
Demonstrate to the recruiter what you want to and can do for the employer today,
based on employer research.
Answer questions with:

 " Yes, for example (accomplishment/result statement)" and

" No, however (accomplishment/result statement)“

 Show interest in what the interviewer is saying, by nodding your head and leaning toward
him/her occasionally.

 Give positive answers to negative-based questions.

Ask the recruiter prepared questions.

 Initiate the next step by asking what the next step is.

 Ask for the recruiter’s business card for future contact.

 Immediately after you leave make notes of important points of discussion.

The "Tell me about yourself" question

 “Why should I hire you?”

1. Personal and Education

- This does not include personal information such as marital status, children, etc.

- This does include information such as: hometown or state and/or personal attribute(s)

- The education should be either the latest obtained and/or major field if relevant to job objective.

2. Early Career/Life Experiences

 This part is used to share with the interviewer past work and life experiences relevant to the
job objective.

3. Recent Work History/Life Experiences

 This is the time for the job seeker to relate to the employer two
accomplishments/results of the job seeker that indicate why he/she is the best
candidate for the position sought.

4. Why you are here

In this part, the job seeker speaks with enthusiasm that he/she is here for the
specific position sought.

What to Do
 Arrive 10-15 minutes early.
 Use time wisely to review employer research information.
 Have pen and paper. Asking to borrow a pen indicates lack of preparation.
 Be enthusiastic. Recruiters remember a positive attitude.
Listen carefully to the interviewer’s complete question before responding.
 If needed, pause and take time before answering difficult questions.
 Keep going even if you feel you made a mistake.
 Carry extra resumes, references, etc. organized in a portfolio
 Unless asked, do not discuss salary and benefits.

The job interview is your chance to impress the interviewer with your skills and
confidence. These few simple steps can help you prepare.

Before the Interview

 Review the job duties included in the Vacancy Notice.
 Research the department.
 Dress professionally. Don’t wear perfume or cologne.
 Bring extra copies of your resume.
 Bring a pen and paper to write down any information you might need to remember.
 Prepare a few questions to ask the interviewer.
 Prepare answers to any questions you think you might be asked.

At the Interview
 Arrive on time. Try to be a few minutes early if possible.
 Try to relax. Be yourself.
 Show self-confidence – make eye contact; answer questions in a clear voice.
 Remember to listen.
 Think before answering questions. Try to make your answers as clear as possible.
 Avoid negative body language – crossing your arms, swinging your foot or leg,
slouching, covering your mouth while speaking.
 When given a chance, ask any questions that you have prepared in advance.
 You can also follow up on anything that the interviewer tells you during the

After the Interview

 End the interview with a handshake and thank the interviewer for his or her time.
 Find out when the department plans to make a hiring decision.
 Follow up with a short “thank you for the interview” note.

Common Interview Questions

 Tell me about yourself.
 Tell me what interested you in this job.
 Why did you leave your last job?
 What are some of your strengths?
 What are some of your weaknesses?
 Describe your workstyle. Do you prefer to work by yourself or with others?
 What are your career plans? Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
 What supervisory experience have you had?
 Tell me about your favorite supervisor.
 Why should I hire you?

Questions for an Applicant to ask in the Interview

 What level of responsibility can I expect in this position?
 Why is this job available?
 What training programs do you have for new employees?
 Is there a typical career path for a person in this position?
 How are employees evaluated?
 Do you like working here?
 Tell me about a typical day in this department.


Wear clothing that indicates you are ready to go to work today.

Men and Women

 All clothes should be neatly pressed.

 Conservative two-piece business suite (solid dark blue or gray is best)
 Conservative long-sleeved shirt/blouse (white is best, pastel is next best)
 Clean, polished, conservative shoes
Clean and well-groomed hairstyle
 Clean, trimmed fingernails
 Minimal cologne or perfume
 Empty pockets – no noisy coins
No gum, candy or cigarettes

 Necktie should be silk with a conservative pattern
 Dark shoes (black lace-ups are best); clean and polished
 Dark socks (black is best)
 Short hair always fairs best in interviews
 No beards – mustaches are acceptable (keep neat and trimmed)
 No earrings
 No heavy cologne

 Always wear a suit with a jacket; or a sheath dress with a jacket
 Do not wear extremely high-heeled or platform shoes
 Do not wear open-toe shoes or mules (they are more casual)
 Conservative hosiery at or near skin color (and no runs!)
 If you wear nail polish (not required), use clear or a conservative color
 One set of earrings only
 Conservative makeup
 No heavy perfume
 No heavy cologne

Common Questions Asked

 1. When should I discuss salary and benefits at an interview?
 2. Are thank you notes really important?
 3. Is it really important to get a job offer in writing?
 4. If you get bad vibes during the interview, how do you politely decline?

 A resume can help Human Resource Services staff and the hiring supervisor
understand what skills, experience, and education you have that are relevant to a
A well-done resume makes your application look more professional. You can use a
resume to help demonstrate your communication skills.

What should I include in my resume?

 Use your resume to help target your job search. Include relevant job history,
education, volunteer experience, and memberships/associations. Use your resume to
highlight important work experience and skills.
Do not include information regarding marital status, parental status, religious
affiliation, photos, age, or weight.

Resume Language
 Use action verbs such as “developed,” “managed,” “coordinated,” and
 Don’t use “I” to start every sentence.
 Do use your own words to explain your experience.
 Proofread carefully!

Resume Information
 Keep your name, phone number and address current.
 Include dates of employment in a month/year format (example: 05/02 – 08/02).
 Include references. Use a separate sheet if necessary.

Resume Appearance
 Use 1” margins on all sides.
 Use a standard font that is easy to read.
 Use bold font and italics to highlight information.
 Make sure to leave some white space in between sections.
 Don’t label your resume. The title “Resume” is unnecessary.
Your resume can be longer than 1 page. A good rule of thumb is 1 page for each 10
years of work history.
 A cover letter can be a helpful tool to highlight your skills.
 Use a cover letter to show how your skills are appropriate for the job.
 A cover letter can also be used as a marketing tool – think of it as your personal
sales brochure!
You should use a cover letter anytime you use a resume.

What information do I include in my cover letter?

 Identify the job for which you are applying. Include the title and vacancy number.
 Mention where you found out about the job (newspaper ad, web page, etc.). If you
were referred by someone, mention that person.
 Briefly highlight your skills and experience.
 Don’t include all of the information found on your resume.
 Tell the hiring supervisor what he/she will gain by hiring you.
 Close the letter by stating what you would like to happen next. Mention where you
can be reached by phone or email.

What format do I use?

 Your cover letter should be in standard business letter format.
 Should I include a cover letter if I submit my materials through email?
- Yes.-


 A CV is a Curriculum Vitae. It's a full history of your professional and educational
 A resume on the other hand is a SUMMARY of experiences (professional and
educational again) which are relevant and tailored towards the specific position.

Understand the differences in length.

 A C.V. can be many pages, while a resume typically is one page, but can be two
pages for very senior positions.
 Who uses a CV or resume?
- Typically academic institutions, and research companies use CVs.
- Typically every other job asks for a resume.

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