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I. Listen as the teacher reads the story then answer the questions that follow.
Write only the letter of your answer.
1. What happened to the leaves of the gumamela plant?
A. It grew some flowers. C. It was rolled by the caterpillar.
B. It was eaten by the caterpillar. D. It turned yellow.

2. Which of the following is an example of a compound word?

A. school B. weekend C. following D. wondered

3. What is the setting of the story?

A. in the house B. in the school C. in the flower garden D. In the city

4. Which of the following list of words are arranged in correct alphabeticalorder?

A. gumamela, caterpillar, flower, garden, leaf, sleep, butterfly, harmless
B. caterpillar, gumamela, garden, flower, leaf, butterfly, sleep, harmless
C. butterfly, caterpillar, flower,garden, gumamela, harmless, leaf, sleep
D. flower, harmless, caterpillar, garden, butterfly, sleep, leaf, gumamela

5. In the sentence “Mary had a flower garden. She visits it every day after school.” What personal
pronoun is used to replace the name of Mary?
A. she B. it C. is D. of

6. Which of the following is NOT a part of the selection read?

A. Mary has a flower garden.
B. Mary took care of the caterpillar and gave it food every day.
C. Mary decided to leave the caterpillar on the leaf.
D. Mary saw a yellow butterfly near the gumamela.

7. Mary did not kill the caterpillar. Why?

A. She was happy to see the caterpillar. C. She took pitied the caterpillar.
B. She was angry at the caterpillar. D. She loved the caterpillar.

8. What do you think happened to the caterpillar?

A. The caterpillar died. C. The caterpillar transferred to another plant.
B. The caterpillar changed into a butterfly. D. The caterpillar got lost.

9. Which pair of words will best complete the idea of the sentence:
Louise ____________ milk for breakfast. She _____ it is a good way to start
the day.
A. drinks – think B. drinks – thinks C. drink – thinks D. drink - think

Choose the correct possessive pronouns from the box that will complete the given sentence:
10. I planted this mango tree. This is ___ mango tree.
11.I own this tree. This is _____.

Mine your yours ours my our

12. The bridge is flooded. It is impossible to cross now. What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. possible to flood B. not possible to cross C. possible to cross D. not possible to flood

13. Kiko is a good cat. He is harmless with children.

A. can cause harm B. full of harm C. cannot cause harm D. little harm
14-18. Read the short paragraph and write an outline.

A bird is a kind of animal. It has two wings and legs. Its body is covered with feathers. Its beak
is hard. Most birds can fly, but there are others who cannot. Turkeys and penguins are two kinds of
birds that cannot fly.

14. Title ____________________________

15. I. ____________________________
16. 1. __________________________
17. 2. __________________________
18. 3. __________________________

Rewrite the letter using the correct format.

19. Your friend
20. Today I saw a butterfly in my garden. Any idea where it came from? Last week, I found a
caterpillar in the leaf of my gumamela plant. Now it’s gone. Do you know what could have happened
o the caterpillar? I am now trying to find out where this butterfly came from. Please help me on this.
21. Dear Sara
22. Leila
23. San Pablo Elementary School
June 3, 2014

Identify the following figures of speech. Tell which of the sentences is a simile, metaphor and
24. The rain whispered as it fell to the ground.________________________________
25. Father works like an ant______________________________________________
26. My life is an open book.______________________________________________
27. The moon played hide and seek with the clouds.___________________________
28. The thunder was as loud as the fireworks.________________________________

29. What is the correct sequence in making a sandwich? Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. Put your bread together
2. Get two slices of bread.
3. First, you need to buy loaf bread and peanut butter.
4. Spread the peanut butter on the bread

A. 1-2-3-4 B. 3-2-4-1 C. 3-1-4-2 D. 4-3-2-1

30. Read the selection carefully. What do you think Rica and Rita should do?

Rica and Rita were walking from school, when they noticed a wallet near the trash can.
They picked it up. They opened it and saw five hundred pesos. They looked at each other.
Both were hungry. They stood for a while thinking.

A. Use the money to buy food

B. Throw the wallet in the trash can
C. Get the money and give it to mother
D. Keep the wallet and report it to the Police Station with Mother

31. Which is a slogan?

A. It is chocolate B. Stop, look and listen
C. Cover the trash cans D. Coca-Cola- It’s the real thing

32. Which letters are found between R and U?

Read the paragraph.

Roberta felt like hiding her face. She was wearing her new eyeglasses to school for the
first time. She felt that everyone on the street was laughing at her. “I look like an owl,” she
thought to herself.

33. What do you think did the character feel?

A. happy B. angry C. jealous D. shy

Read the paragraph carefully. Answer the questions.

Leonardo’s mother prepares the cake. She fills the table with delicious food and sweets.
She looks out the window and sees Leonardo Arriving from school. Mother tells everyone to
get ready. As soon as Leonardo opens the door, everyone starts to sing.

34. What is the mood of the selection?

A. sad B. festive C. happy D. gloomy

3 5. What feeling will Leonardo have when he gets in the house?

A. calm B. surprised C. afraid D. funny

Write the correct form of the verbs in the parentheses to complete the idea of theparagraph.
Last week, the whole family__________(36. visit) our grandmother in the next
town. On our way, we ___________(37. see) fruit vendors with carts full of fruits.
Mother ___________ (38. buy) some lanzones, rambutan and durian. We ___ (39.
eat) all the fruits when we arrived at grandmother’s house. Grandmother ______ (40.
Is) very happy to see us.

Mary and the Caterpillar

Mary had a flower garden. She visits it every day after school. She cleans the flower beds
every weekend. Oh, how she loved her garden. One day, Mary noticed that the leaves of the
gumamela were eaten. She found a caterpillar in one of the leaves. She was about to destroy it
but it looked so small and harmless that she decided to leave it there. She watched the
caterpillar eat the leaves. After a few more days, Mary didn’t find the caterpillar anymore. She
found it in a rolled leaf. Perhaps it grew tired of eating and now wants to sleep. The following
week Mary looked for the caterpillar in the rolled leaf. It wasn’t there. She thought it died.
Then, she saw a beautiful yellow butterfly .“Could it be that this butterfly was the caterpillar?,”
Mary wondered.

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