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Ale- aleng Namamayong by: Julian Cruz Balmaceda

Miss, miss with umbrella! Miss, miss who’s walking!

Take a moment and the rain will grow stronger,

Come here first right under the nipa ceiling

So you don’t get a bath time at wrong hour;

Your shawl might reappear as a soft napkin,

And your curly hair, if wet goes straight as in,

Miss, miss with umbrella! Miss, miss just passed by!

You take a rest first and the rain is still strong,

Then go to the area you are going to

If it ceased raining and the driveway is dry…

If ever you are late I will be along

And I’ll bring you home wherever you go to

Miss, miss with umbrella! If you might get wet

The powder on your face applied will be gone,

Your new ironed dress will get badly deformed

The lace of your petticoat will get just mudded…

And the gloss of your high-heeled shoes will be gone

When your fancy shoes and the floodwater met.

Oh, Miss beautiful! Miss, miss with umbrella!

If you want to keep on your walk on the road,

Although the floodwater is at heel level,

Just let me share a space in your umbrella…

If I’m with you, if the rain drops all day well,

Just don’t get wet, I will hold it and we’ll roam.

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