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Dear Robert,

Hope you had a great day, I m writing with reference to the course, I wondered if you had
time to organize a meeting so we can talk further about the training course and answer
some questions I have about the brochure you sent me, I would recommend meeting in a
restaurant of your choice or in a coffe shop. The day and time could be chosen by your
preference and availability.
I would really appreciate your availability for the meeting.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Miles.

Hi Callisto
Thank you for your email, I would like to discuss the meeting you have asked me, I am
available on Friday of the following week, we could meet at the coffe shop that is close
to your office at 2 o'clock or the hour that is best for you so we can talk more about the
course for glovo, I would like to discuss the most important topics so get to the point ... !
Get back to me if you have any questions about the date and time of the meeting!
Cheers !
Rober Collins

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