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What is bitcoin? Que es el bitcoin?

When was Bitcoin created? Cuando fue creado el bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2009. Marketplaces called “bitcoin exchanges” allow people to buy
or sell bitcoins using different currencies.

El Bitcoin es una criptomoneda creada en el 2009. El mercado llama intercambio del Bitcoin entre
personas ya que es una manera diferente de intercambiar monedas.

Bitcoin is a new currency that was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi
Nakamoto. Transactions are made with no middlemen – meaning, no banks! Bitcoin can be used to book
hotels on Expedia, shop for furniture on Overstock and buy Xbox games. But much of the hype is about
getting rich by trading it. The price of bitcoin skyrocketed into the thousands in 2017.

El Bitcoin es una nueva moneda creada en el 2009 por una persona que utiliza una alias Santiago
nakamoto. Las transacciones son Hechas

Why bitcoin?

Bitcoins can be used to buy merchandise anonymously. In addition, international payments are easy and
cheap because bitcoins are not tied to any country or subject to regulation. Small businesses may like
them because there are no credit card fees. Some people just buy bitcoins as an investment, hoping that
they’ll go up in value.

Buying bitcoins

Buy on an Exchange

Many marketplaces called “bitcoin exchanges” allow people to buy or sell bitcoins using different
currencies. Coinbase is a leading exchange, along with Bitstamp and Bitfinex. But security can be a
concern: bitcoins worth tens of millions of dollars were stolen from Bitfinex when it was hacked in 2016.

People compete to “mine” bitcoins using computers to solve complex math puzzles. This is how bitcoins
are created. Currently, a winner is rewarded with 12.5 bitcoins roughly every 10 minutes.

Bitcoin wallet

Bitcoins are stored in a “digital wallet,” which exists either in the cloud or on a user’s computer. The
wallet is a kind of virtual bank account that allows users to send or receive bitcoins, pay for goods or save
their money. Unlike bank accounBitcoin’s future in question

No one knows what will become of bitcoin. It is mostly unregulated, but some countries like Japan, China
and Australia have begun weighing regulations. Governments are concerned about taxation and their
lack of control over the currency.ts, bitcoin wallets are not insured by the FDIC.

The anonymity of bitcoin

Though each bitcoin transaction is recorded in a public log, names of buyers and sellers are never
revealed – only their wallet IDs. While that keeps bitcoin users’ transactions private, it also lets them buy
or sell anything without easily tracing it back to them. That’s why it has become the currency of choice
for people online buying drugs or other illicit activities.

Evaluación de Unidad 2: Reading Comprehension



Responde todas las preguntas a continuación relacionadas al texto. Por favor leer el documento: "What
is Bitcoin?, o para acceder a este, copia y abre en el navegador:
Utiliza el siguiente espacio para escribir 5 oraciones interrogativas (preguntas) sobre el texto "What is
Bitcoin?" En esta actividad, será tu turno elaborar las preguntas según la información que consideres
relevante. Por ejemplo, si en el texto se indica una fecha de un evento, haz la pregunta sobre esa fecha. *

Recuerda utilizar las palabras de preguntas "What, Who, When, Where, How many, How, Why?" El
tiempo verbal de la pregunta debe concordar con el tiempo de la respuesta. Extrae del texto las
respuestas de las preguntas que hayas formulado.

1. When was created Bitcoin?

R. Bitcoin was created in 2009.

2. What is a Bitcoin Wallet?

R. The Bitcoin Wallet is a kind of virtual bank account that allows users to send or receive bitcoins, pay
for goods or save their money.

3. What can we do with Bitcoins?

R. Bitcoins can be used to buy merchandise anonymously, international payments, Small businesses and

4. How much is the rewarded when People compete to “mine” bitcoins?

R. Currently, a winner is rewarded with 12.5 bitcoins roughly every 10 minutes.

5. Who created Bitcoin?

R. Bitcoin was created in 2009 by an unknown person using the alias Satoshi Nakamoto.

Elabora una lista de 5 palabras desconocidas del texto "What is bitcoin?" Luego, usando un diccionario
online o físico, define los términos desconocidos y agrégalos a la lista realizada. *

Realiza la lista en el espacio a continuación. Coloca la definición al lado o debajo de cada término

1. skyrocketed: Home values are skyrocketing. skyrocket to sth San Diego electricity prices skyrocketed to
20¢ per kilowatt hour.

2. weighing: to have a heaviness of a stated amount, or to measure the heaviness of an object:

Yesterday a satellite weighing 15 tons was successfully placed in orbit.

She weighs herself every week on the scales in the bathroom.

Your luggage must be weighed before it is put on the aircraft.

3. roughly: approximately

4. exchanges: the act of giving something to someone and them giving you something else:

an exchange of ideas/information

5. currencies: the money that is used in a particular country at a particular time:

foreign currency

Resumen: Elabora un resumen de lo planteado en el texto "What is bitcoin?". Puedes hacer el resumen
en inglés o en español. ¿Qué aprendiste de ese artículo? *

El resumen debe ser corto; no más de 200 palabras.

El Bitcoin es una criptomoneda creada en el 2009 por una persona qué utiliza el alias de Satoshi
Nakamoto. El intercambio de la criptomoneda se realiza a través de una computadora de manera
anónima y no se necesita de bancos, lo cual evita las regulaciones. Con esta moneda Se pueden pagar
hoteles, juegos, ya qué es aceptada a nivel internacional.

El Bitcoin utiliza una billetera movil, lo cual permite hacer pagos y recibirlos, realizar ahorros, este tipo de
transacción será el futuro del Bitcoin s. A pesar de no tener regulación en países como china, japon y
Australia tienen algunas restricciones con respecto a este tipo de intercambios ya qué se presta para
negocios ilícitos como vender drog, así como también evadir impuestos. Las transacciones con el Bitcoin
son de manera anonima, fácil y sencilla sólo se debe crear un usuario y una contraseña.

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