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Reasons why friendship is important

Friendship is one of the most wonderful and uplifting aspects

of life that keeps souls together through common interests and
mentalities. Not only does it bring pleasure to someone when
similar experiences are shared, but also bonds them to the one next
to them when support is given.

First of all, friendship is all about the support in the darkest

times or advice in moments of confusion. A true friend will always
offer a shoulder to cry on and listen to your problems, giving you a
piece of good advice. He or she will always be loyal to you and will
never let you down. Also, a true friendship is a reward for all the
good we do in our life. For example, when I am discouraged or sad, I
can always count on my friends that care about me or the ones I
talk to the most, even though they are not near me.

Furthermore, friendship is about making memories that will

always make us happy when thinking about them. When I was 7
years old, a couple of strangers have become my closest friends
based on our common passion: football. Also, we always have
something to talk about or laugh about. We can share anything with
each other without being judged.

In conclusion, a good friendship is hard to find. That is why we

should appreciate every relationship that is based on feelings and

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