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Friends: It is hard to imagine that people can live without friends.

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Friends play a very crucial role in human life. Indeed, human life will be very
exciting, happy, positive when having friends. It is not easy for us to live well
without friends.

There is no doubt that each of us has a wonderful and memorable childhood with
our friends. Because we are together, playing together and growing up through
mutually engage in gaming activities. Moreover, Friendships during early
childhood are a vital part of a child's emotional growth and promote good mental
health. Through friendship, children learn how to interact with others. They also
improve their physical health by competing with their peers in-game. However, it's
sad for the kids who don't have any friends or don’t want to play with anyone. That
will lead to serious psychological consequences like autism and depression

Friends in adolescence play an extremely important role in the growth of a person.

Because young people often spend more time with friends than family. When
studying in school, friends will learn together, clear up misunderstandings in
school lessons together, encourage each other to make progress in learning,
learning from each other. Especially, when you are in your teens, friendship is an
indispensable thing because at that time, human psychology will become more
sensitive to everything around them. Therefore, when you have a friend by your
side who is always ready to confide with you, listen to you, cheer you up when in a
bad mood, and share secrets and emotions so you will feel less alone and always
full of positive energy. Thanks to friendship, teenagers learn how to understand
what others are feeling and how their actions can impact others.

When people become more mature, they will have more concerns such as family,
work, life, ... so people will have less time to be with friends and there will not be
as many friends as before but only true friends will be with us. They will be a very
important person, they are willing to help you in times of difficulties, will be with
you no matter what happens.
In conclusion, the importance of friendship in the life of human being is
undeniable. It’s kind of a miracle that you have friends. therefore, cherish and treat
your friends well if you are lucky enough to have one.

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