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Knowledge is Power

In today’s world politics are not trending topics on Twitter or at the top of Facebook newsfeed.
Most teenagers are oblivious to the issues that are being discussed about political affairs. This is a
shame because the future of the Philippines government will greatly impact students of all ages, but
most directly affect college students. This is the stage in their lives when they can first participate in an
election and elect someone to office. My parents do not discuss politics in our house, but students need
to be more involved in politics and have a president that will work towards making teenagers aware of
the issues that are affecting the world.

Dinner table conversations usually do not entail politicians or current events. At our house,
politics were not a subject that was brought up often and if it was, it was only between my parents. I
was not informed of all the issues and what I did know I learned from school assignments and research
projects. Although my parents did not talk to me about politics, this allowed me to form my own
opinions on issues and develop my beliefs as a citizen.

Nowadays, students have a lot to stress about, and politics are not something that crosses their
minds a lot. Most students are unaware of what is happening with the economy and the political
positions. We do not realize the cost of being unconscious of the government and what is occurring in it.
Without knowing the facts, students will not know which candidate agrees with their viewpoints for an
educated vote. Teenagers will be greatly impacted by the future president because he will be the one to
set up the future that the students will be living in.

President Rodrigo Duterte during his State of the Nation Address speeches, have been in the
public eye a lot in the last 3 years in his term. On Monday, our President is going to deliver his 4th State
of the Nation Address. Like in his past SONAs, there are many Filipinos rallied and express their support
to our President. It was a very good speech, many Filipinos were touch their hearts on his speech and
they were encouraged to cooperate and support his aim for the country. He starred on several alliances
and worked on his own campaign he has managed to keep poor Filipinos satisfied with his performance.
By being more relatable, he has made politics come into the media and made it more conversational.

Teenagers would want a president that will keep them in the loop and work towards finding
what is best for their future. Learning what is going on in the present will help decide what is better for
our country in the future. Students need to pay attention to politics and be more involved so they know
who they are electing to lead them. They have the right to vote and need to exercise that right in an
educated way. President Duterte will get the younger generations more involved in politics and lead
them into a more educated future. It is now our turn to support and have one’s eye on with the leader
we voted on his upcoming 4th SONA speech.

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