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Worksheet 1: Vocabulary

Find somebody who does the following and ask them to give you an example or a reason:

Find somebody who: NAME EXAMPLE/REASON

eats till they’re full up

often feels starving hungry
likes to bolt their food down
eats a balanced diet
generally eats like a horse
follows a recipe when cooking
foots the bill on a date
is a fussy eater
grabs a bite to eat in a hurry
has a sweet tooth
always tucks into their food
regularly orders a take away
likes to work up an appetite

Worksheet 1: Pronunciation

1) English is a stress-timed language and certain words and syllables within a statement are
stressed. Repeat the following statement, stressing the syllables in capitals. You should start to
hear a rhythm:

i TRY to EAT a BALanced DIet. 

2) Count how many stressed words or syllables appear in the following statements. Then
decide which syllables are stressed by matching the statement (1-6) with the correct pattern
(a-e). One letter is used twice.

1. I foot the bill if I have the money.

2. I often order a take away.
3. I wouldn’t say I’m a fussy eater.
4. Processed food isn’t good for you.
5. Our local shop sells ready meals.
6. My sister always plays with her food.

Published by Flo-Joe for

Worksheet 2: Speaking Practice Test

You are going to prepare for an IELTS-style Speaking Part 2 task. Here’s the question:

Describe a restaurant you like to use. You should say:

•where this restaurant is
•what kind of food it serves
•how often you go there
•and say why you like eating there so much

It’s important to use words or phrases in your talk that act as ‘signposts’, such as
‘because’ when giving a reason or ’however’ when comparing and contrasting.

1) Read through a student’s answer to the question and underline any signposting
words or expressions you find.

OK ... a restaurant where I really enjoy very much eating is a salad bar.. bar
…. which is located in Karlsruhe … that is in Germany for the other people
listening to this … and I really enjoy going there because they offer a variety
of vegetables with a lot of different dressings … so for example you can
easily I don’t know … choose from the the very fundamental stuff like
tomatoes cucumbers or olives … different types of salads but they also
sometimes offer chicken and turkey and salmon and this overall makes it a
really … really a … a great experience to to eat there because… it goes for
me it goes hand in hand with my healthy way of living so … for me it is yeah
important to you know not always eat meat to not eat meat everyday and try
and … because it is on the one hand it’s not good for your health but on the
other hand it’s also not good for the environment and therefore I really try to
to eat there at this salad bar once in a month to … well to to also contribute
my to contribute to to a kind of better world but yes overall I only eat there
once in a month because it is quite expensive since you always have to pay
for .. for … for 100 grammes grammes of each type of thing you choose and
this however … if you you know crunch the numbers in the end … reveals
that the actual price for for a decent .. weight of … weight of food is quite

2) Prepare the same talk. As you make notes of what to say, consider which
words or expressions you can use to signpost your talk.

Published by Flo-Joe for

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