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com October 2003

Part Two Of Series: Understanding AC Generators

By George Stratton form of polite address
G.E. Jones Electric Co., Inc. for a man. 5. A feedback
Amarillo, Texas device on a machine or
Technical Education Committee Member an engine that is used to
provide automatic con-
Editor’s Note: George Stratton is a dedicated vol- trol, as of speed,
unteer with a unique writing style. He incorpo- pressure, or temperature.
rates this style in the following article to make the I always like to look
subject more understandable, especially for those at definitions. Some-
with a limited background in this area. While times it’s pretty funny
some of the information is very basic, it is part of and sometimes they
his “big picture” approach to this subject. This is nail it. We can assume that the point of this defi-
the second in a three-part series about alternating nition is that a governor is a controller. Yes, just
current generators. as with politics, an AC generator without a gov-
*** ernor would allow our system to become
All that I have gone over so far are the very unstable. So a governor of some sort is required
basics of AC power generation or the “where does to control the speed of the prime mover, or the
it come from” part. Now for the “this is how it re- legislature in the case of politics. Only the prime
ally is” part. mover’s governor actually works.
In order to provide a useable AC power sup- Governor Depends On Prime Mover
ply, all the variables of the generator must be Where is this governor and exactly what does it
controlled. Those variables are frequency, volt- do? It depends on the prime mover. If it’s a gas en-
age and current (amps). By the way, variables gine, it controls the throttle just as you would an
are the things that change…either by accident or automobile as you are cruising down the road. If
on purpose. Current has not been discussed the speed limit is 70 mph (112 kph), your right foot
much up until now but it is a very important maintains the speed. So, I guess that, in this case,
variable. Current is the actual work, let’s call it your right foot is the governor! If the prime mover
load (that’s what us tekkies call it), we want is a diesel engine, the governor meters the amount
done. We can have volts and hertz and every- of fuel being fed to the fuel injectors. If the prime
thing is just swell but nothing is getting done mover is a steam turbine, the governor controls a
until the load is applied. The load is the great en- valve (or valves) that meters the amount of steam
emy of the generator. pressure that hits the vanes of the turbine rotor. I
Let’s look at frequency. As an example, here guess that you can call a governor a cruise control
in the U.S. we require 60 Hz. How fast we move because that’s virtually what it is.
our field through the winding controls the fre- Now let’s look at voltage. At the beginning of
quency. As long as the speed remains constant we this installment, I pointed out three things that can
will maintain our 60 Hz, right? Okay, let’s turn on affect the voltage of our AC generator. That mate-
a load. All of a sudden current comes into the pic- rial now becomes very important. As with
ture. If we don’t change anything as far as the frequency, when a load is applied to an AC gen-
prime mover goes, the load will slow the rate that erator the voltage will drop, even with a governor
the field is passing though our winding and the to control the frequency. So, we must be able to
frequency, as well as voltage, drops. Well, we control the voltage level as well as govern the
can’t have that. Our appliances all require 60 Hz speed. We can’t increase or decrease the turns in
so we must maintain the rotor speed. We must our winding because the turns are a fixed con-
control, or govern, the prime mover. stant. It would be a little tricky throwing a few
Governor - 1. A person who governs, espe- more turns in there on the fly. We can’t increase or
cially: a. The chief executive of a state in the decrease the speed of the rotating field because
United States. b. An official appointed to govern a we require a constant frequency. The only thing
colony or territory. c. A member of a governing left is to increase or decrease the force of the ro-
body. 2. The manager or administrative head of an tating field. We can’t do that using a permanent
organization, a business, or an institution. 3. A mili- magnet for a field. So, what do we do? We must
tary commandant. 4. Chiefly British. Used as a Continued on Page 2


Part Two Of Series: Understanding AC Generators . . . Continued From Page 1

use electromagnets in order to increase and de- ments like sand and gravel quarries and in the oil
crease the magnetic force of the field. Thus, we field where dirt is a-plenty. Two, brushes, com-
are able to maintain the output voltage, as the mutators, and collector rings tend to wear very
governor maintains the frequency, of our AC gen- quickly in these type environments. Also,
erator. brushes tend to stick in their holders when the
Another important definition is that of the generator is inactive for long periods of time es-
electromagnet. It is a magnet consisting essen- pecially in dusty environments. Another type of
tially of a coil of insulated wire wrapped around a remote mounted exciter would be the motor/gen-
soft iron core that is magnetized only when elec- erator (M/G) set. This is simply a DC generator
tric current flows through the wire. that is powered by an electric motor. About the
Our rotor consists of from two to many mul- only place you would see this type of exciter is
tiples of two electromagnets. These electro- in a power plant. See Figure 9.
magnets are the poles of the rotating field that I The shaft mounted DC generator—The
have been talking about. If you were really paying exciter is mounted on the same shaft, and turns
attention when you were looking at Figures 1-8, the same speed, as the rotating fields. The DC ar-
(Part One, in the September issue) you would mature rotates inside a stationary field. The
have noted that there is a North pole and adjacent exciter output is connected to the rotating field,
to it is a South pole. This is very necessary in or- as with the remote mounted unit, through collec-
der to generate AC current. Where does the DC tor rings. (It is essentially the same as the remote
required to power our rotating field come from generator as far as brushes and stuff.) There is
and how does it get there? The answer is the ex- one plus, though. The belts and sheaves have
citer. been eliminated. Another possible plus is that
Excite - 1. To stir to activity. 2. To call forth slower operating speeds of this DC exciter would
(a reaction or emotion, for example); elicit. 3. To probably extend its parts life somewhat, just as in
arouse strong feeling in. 4. Physiology. To pro- Figure 9. By the way, folks call collector rings
duce increased activity or response in (an organ, a “slip rings,” too. That’s okay.
tissue, or a part); stimulate. 5. Physics. a. To in-
crease the energy of. b. To raise (an atom, for
example) to a higher energy level.
Alternator Rotating Field DC Armature
Power Must Be Adjustable
DC Field
From this definition we can gather that to ex-
cite is to stimulate. Well, we’re going to stimulate DC Exciter
our AC generator by generating some DC current Rheostat
and applying it to our rotating field. The power
that the exciter generates must be adjustable and Collector Rings
be large enough to supply sufficient DC current to
the rotating field not only while the generator is
operating at normal loads but should have enough Figure 9
reserve capacity to deal with changing load condi-
tions such as electric motors and such. How do The static exciter—Here the term “static”
they do that without twisting up the wires that means no moving parts. This can be a solid state
feed DC current to the rotating field, anyway? electronic assembly that is remote mounted (not
Following are a few ways. shaft mounted). These units require power that is
The remote mounted DC exciter—Usu- generated by the alternator as shown in Figure 10
ally belt driven from the same shaft that turns the (next page). The static exciter also serves double
rotating field. The DC that is generated is con- duty as a voltage regulator. I’ll get into that later.
nected to the rotating field through a set of The DC current that it generates is fed to the ro-
collector rings. This is probably the oldest way tating field through a set of collector rings and
of generating our excitation current. The prob- brushes; that’s another annoying maintenance is-
lem with the DC generator is maintenance. One, sue. However, we do eliminate the DC exciter’s
it’s belt driven. Belt tension and wear issues commutator and its brushes. Static exciters can
plague us to death, especially in bad environ-
Continued on Page 3

2 October 2003

Part Two Of Series: Understanding AC Generators . . . Continued From Page 2

be used to replace a remote mounted or a shaft We just can’t seem to get away from that gov-
mounted DC generator after all of the smoke ernment thing, can we? But when we get right
contained therein has been used up (generator down to it, the voltage regulator is just another
has failed). Figure 10 is a representative drawing form of a governor. It governs, or regulates, our
of a static exciter. AC voltage at the level that we desire.
Okay, we have all of the parts in place in or-
Alternator Rotating Field Collector Rings der to generate our AC current. As I mentioned
Voltage Adjusting
before, our requirements for good AC power are
that our frequency and our voltage must be
A Static Exciter stable. After all, it would be a bit difficult to read
this article if the lights were gyrating and flash-
Input Power and
Voltage Sensing ing. In Figure 9, the DC generator type exciter,
I drew in a rheostat to control the level of DC
Figure 10 that is required by our generator to maintain the
voltage. This is perfectly okay if the load is
The shaft mounted brushless DC gen- fairly constant and little adjustment of the volt-
erator—This is the most modern of these age is required.
devices. What happens here is the rotor of the Use Your Imagination
brushless exciter is a three-phase AC winding that The best way that I know to explain how a
turns inside a stationary DC field that is excited voltage regulator works is to ask you to imagine
with current provided by a static voltage regulator that there is a very tiny little “fellow” inside that
(again, more about this later). The AC voltage that regulator box. We provide a voltage to the regula-
is generated by the above mentioned three-phase tor and we tell the little guy to watch that voltage
AC winding is rectified by a diode bridge rotating on a tiny little voltmeter on a tiny little panel and
along with the exciter rotor/rotating field assem- make sure that it stays where we say to keep it.
bly and wired directly to the rotating field. There The little guy has his tiny little hand on a tiny
are no belts, sheaves, brushes, commutators, or little rheostat on the tiny little panel. When a load
collector rings to deal with. This works! is applied to the generator the voltage will drop.
That’s a physical law; just accept it! The little fel-
Rotating Exciter low sees the voltmeter drop below what we told
3 Phase AC
Rotating Field Exciter Armature DC Exciter Field
him so he cranks hard on the tiny little rheostat
trying to maintain the voltage. When the load is
Brushless Exciter
taken away the little guy backs off his tiny little
Electronic Static
Voltage Regulator
rheostat keeping the voltage where he was told to.
What does the little guy do? He is comparing
the output voltage with a reference (set point)
Regulator Power Voltage Adjusting that we select and reacts accordingly. That’s
and Sensing Potentiometer
what the voltage regulator does. We supply a
Figure 11 voltage to the regulator for the purpose of sens-
ing and also to provide power for the output to
Now for the voltage regulator. First of all, what the exciter field. We supply a potentiometer for a
does a regulator do? reference device in order to select the level of
Regulator - 1. One that regulates, as: a. The voltage that is to be maintained. So, the regulator
mechanism in a watch by which its speed is gov- compares the output voltage to the reference (set
erned. b. A highly accurate clock used as a point) and reacts accordingly. That’s how it
standard for timing other clocks. c. A device works, electronic or otherwise.
used to maintain uniform speed in a machine; a The voltage regulator performs exactly the
governor. d. A device used to control the flow of same function as that little fellow that’s watching
gases, liquids, or electric current. 2. One, such as the voltmeter and making adjustments. If the AC
the member of a governmental regulatory volts go down, it increases the voltage to the ex-
agency, that ensures compliance with laws, regu- citer field. That, in turn, increases the voltage to
lations, and established rules.
Continued on Page 4


Part Two Of Series: Understanding AC Generators . . . Continued From Page 3

the rotating field, which maintains our AC voltage contacts that were closed, vice versa.
at the desired level. If the AC volts go up, it’s vice 4. The Saturable Reactor – The exciter field is
versa. The regulator is just a lot better than he is at powered by rectified voltage (usually 120
this because reaction time is much quicker. volts) that is supplied by the generator. Two of
Besides that, who would want to sit and watch the load leads are wound through the saturable
a voltmeter all day? Wow, that’s just too much reactor that in turn creates a secondary voltage
trouble. Let’s do this automatically. that is placed across the AC input of the same
Voltage regulators have been around for quite rectifier. The more load, the higher the voltage
some time. Let’s look at some of the older units: to the field rectifier. If everything is set up
1. Vibrating Contact – This used a half wave correctly the voltage is regulated. I don’t
rectifier that supplied current to a solenoid know what anyone else calls it but I call it
coil that caused a set of contacts to vibrate summing. The sum of the voltage from the
together and apart. The time that the contact reactor plus the nominal excitation voltage
was touching was when the field got its provided by the generator itself equals a
power. When the contact opened it removed voltage regulator. It works pretty well!
the power from the field. If the AC voltage
Except for the saturable reactor, we see very
dropped, the contacts would touch for longer
few of the above mentioned regulators. What we
periods of time. When the AC voltage
do see a lot of, these days, is the electronic volt-
increased, the opposite would take place.
age regulator. In Figures 10 and 11 you can see
This worked pretty well except for some
some examples of the application of the electronic
maintenance issues. The current, being DC,
voltage regulator.
caused one contact to wear faster than the
Okay, let’s review the stuff that makes the AC
other contact. A polarity switch had to be
generator tick.
reversed occasionally for the contacts to wear
1. The prime mover’s job is to turn at a constant
more evenly.
speed requiring…
2. Carbon Pile – Just as the name implies, it is
2. A governor that controls the RPM of…
a pile of carbon disks that were squeezed
together for less resistance and loosened for 3. The rotor shaft assembly that turns the
more resistance. This required a servo of sorts exciter, except in the case of a static exciter,
and springs along with a considerable amount both of which supply DC current to…
of room. It worked well, though! 4. The rotating field that provides the moving
3. Rocking Contact – This was a neat gadget. magnetic poles that pass through the coils of
It was a servo of sorts that operated a curved wire (the AC winding) causing AC current to
device, similar to a rocker of a rocking chair, flow…
that in turn operated several contacts that were 5. Resulting in voltage that must be constant so a
hooked up to a gang of resistors. The more voltage regulator must be used.
contacts that were closed, the less resistance In Part III next month, we will learn about
and therefore the more excitation. The less troubleshooting AC generators.

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