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Oswald Avery 1877 – 1955. Ronald Fisher 1890 – 1962.

Dis covered tha t DNA passes heredi ty ins tructions through Invented experimental design; devised the s ta tisti cal
successi ve genera tions of organisms – i t ca rries the concept of va riance; uni fied evolution by na tural selection
chemi cal code of life, as revealed by the Avery–Ma cLeod– wi th Mendel ’s rules of inheri tance, so defining the new
McCa rty experi ment. field of popula tion geneti cs.

Elizabeth Blackwell 1821 – 1910. Alexander Fleming 1881 – 1955.

The firs t woman to qualify as a physi cian in Ameri ca ; Dis covered tha t trea ting wounds and infections with
founder of Ameri ca ’s fi rs t medi cal s chool for women. antisepti c a gents ca used more dea ths than if no a ction
were ta ken. Dis covered peni cillin and predi cted the rise of
Linda Buck Born 1947. antibioti c resistant ba cteria .

Co-discovered how our sense of smell works : humans ha ve Howa rd Florey 1898 – 1968.
about 350 different types of odor receptor cell which send
signals di rectl y into the brain’s olfa ctory bulb. Howa rd Florey and his s cientifi c team transformed
penicillin from a s cienti fic curiosity i nto a potent antibioti c
Sa ntiago Ra món y Ca jal 1852 – 1934. – a magi c bullet tha t has sa ved countless millions of li ves .

Founder of modern neuros cience: proved the neuron Rosalind Franklin 1920 – 1958.
doctrine, which sa ys tha t neurons beha ve as biochemi call y
dis tinct cells ra ther than a network of interlinked cells. Provided much of the experi mental da ta used to es tablish
the s tructure of DNA; discovered tha t DNA can exis t in two
Ra chel Ca rson 1907 – 1964. forms.

A founder of 20th century envi ronmentalism, her book Galen 129 – c. 216
Silent Spring led to a reappraisal of the effect of chemi cals
such as DDT on the envi ronment, leading to ba ns and Began his pra cti ce as a physician to gladiators and
hea vy restri cti ons . es tablished a link between diet and health. Galen created
a flawed doctrine tha t domina ted Wes tern and Ara b
George Washington Ca rver c.1860 – 1943. medi cine for 1,500 yea rs.

Improved the agri cultural economy of the United Sta tes by Jane Goodall Born 1934.
promoting nitrogen-provi ding peanuts as an al terna ti ve
crop to cotton to prevent soil depletion. Ground breaking dis coveries in chimpanzee beha vior;
es tablished that chi mpanzees ha ve simila r social beha vi or
Erwi n Cha rgaff 1905 – 2002. to humans and also tha t they make tools and hunt for
Cha rga ff’s rules pa ved the wa y to the discovery of DNA’s
s tructure. Stephen Ja y Gould 1941 – 2002.

Ja cques Cousteau 1910 – 1997. Devised the theory of punctua ted equilibrium, which
proposes tha t evolution consists of long peri ods of s tability
Os ca r winning ma rine pioneer; coinvented the brea the-on- broken by shorter peri ods of rapid change. An awa rd-
demand val ve for SCUBA di ving; popula rized ma rine wi nning author and popula ri zer of s cience.
biology wi th several dra ma ti c television series.
William Ha rvey 1578 to 1657.
Fra ncis Cri ck 1916 – 2004.
Explained blood ci rcula tion for the fi rs t time, showing
Codis covered DNA’s s tructure a nd repli cation mechanis m; there is a complete ci rcui t beginning and ending in the
es tablished the Sequence Hypothesis and the Central hea rt.
Dogma ; discovered that DNA uses a triplet code to control
the forma tion of proteins from ami no acids . George de Heves y 1885 – 1966.

Ma rie Curie 1867 – 1934. Pioneered isotopes as tra cers to s tudy chemi cal and
biologi cal processes; dis covered how plants and ani mals
Codis covered the chemi cal elements ra dium and poloni um; utilize pa rti cula r chemi cal elements after they a re taken i n
ma de numerous pioneeri ng contributions to the s tudy of as nutrients . Discovered element 72, hafnium.
radioa cti ve elements ; ca rried out the fi rs t research into
the trea tment of tumors with radiation. Mauri ce Hilleman 1919 – 2005.

Cha rles Da rwin 1809 – 1882. The most prolifi c inventor of va ccines in his tory; developed
over forty va ccines ; invented eight of the fourteen
Authored one of the mos t fa mous books in his tory, On the va ccines used in routine va cci nation s chedules toda y; his
Ori gin of Species, in whi ch he des cribed and provided va ccines ma y a ccount for as ma ny as eight million li ves
evidence for the theory of evolution by na tural selection. sa ved every yea r.

John Eccles 1903 – 1997. Hi ppocra tes 460 BC – c. 370 BC.

Dis covered how messages pass between nerve cells in The father of Wes tern medicine: s ys tema tized medi cal
ma mmals, es tablishing tha t both exci tatory and inhibitory trea tments , disentangling them from reli gion and
processes a re chemi cal in na ture, ra ther than electri cal . supers ti tions ; trained physi cians; produced a la rge body of
medi cal textbooks. The famous Hippocra ti c Oath binds
Empedocles c. 490 BC – c 430 BC. physi cians to good ethical pra cti ces.

An ancient theory of na tural selection; mass conserva tio n; Robert Hooke 1635 – 1703.
and the four elements whi ch a re now often misattri buted
to Aris totle.
Dis covered cells and wrote one of the most signi fi cant The father of modern mi crobiology; trans formed
books in scienti fi c history, Mi crographia, revealing the chemistry and biology with his dis covery of mi rror-i mage
mi cros copi c world for the fi rs t time. molecules ; discovered anaerobi c bacteria ; es tablished the
germ theory of disease; invented food preserva ti on by
Ja ck Horner Born 1946. pas teuri za tion.

Popula rizer of s cience: dis covered tha t dinosaurs ca red for Linus Pauling 1901 – 1994.
thei r young and some nes ted in colonies. Worki ng on
rea cti va ting dormant dinosaur DNA to ha tch a modern-da y Ma veri ck giant of chemis try; formulated valence bond
dinosaur. theory and electronega ti vi ty; founded the fields of
quantum chemis try, molecula r biology, and molecula r
Irene Joliot-Curie 1897 – 1956. geneti cs. Discovered the alpha -heli x s tructure of proteins ;
proved that si ckle-cell anemia is a molecula r disease.
Codis covered how to convert stable chemi cal elements
into ‘desi gner’ radioa cti ve elements ; these ha ve sa ved Philippe Pinel 1745 – 1826.
millions of li ves and a re used in tens of millions of medi cal
procedures every yea r. Founded s cientifi c ps ychia try; made humane changes to
the condi tions under whi ch mentall y ill people were held;
Fra nces Kelsey 1914 – 2015. promoted the idea that mentall y ill people should be
unders tood as indi viduals.
In the ea rl y 1960s , thousands of children died or were
born mal formed because thei r mothers took the drug Fra nces co Redi 1626 – 1697.
thalidomide during pregnancy. Few ‘thalidomide babies ’
were born in the USA, la rgel y beca use Fra nces Kelsey Devised and performed the fi rs t controlled experiments in
blocked Ameri ca n sales. s cientifi c his tory; showed that flies breed and la y eggs and
do not spontaneousl y genera te; founded modern
Ka rl Lands teiner 1868 – 1943. pa rasitology.

Dis covered the human blood group s ys tem, pa vi ng the Theodor Schwa nn 1810 – 1882.
wa y for safe bl ood trans fusions ; discovered the Rh factor
in blood; proved polio is an infectious disease spread by a Es tablished tha t the cell is the basic uni t of all livi ng things ;
vi rus ; discovered haptens. his classifi cati on of cells is the founda tion of modern
his tology; discovered the enzyme pepsin; identi fied the
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek 1632 – 1723. role microorganisms pla y in al cohol fermenta tion.

The father of mi crobi ology, he used rema rkable self-made Gene Shoemaker 1928 to 1997.
lenses to dis cover single-celled animals and plants,
ba cteria , and sperma tozoa. The firs t astrogeologist and a founder of planeta ry impact
s cience; proposed micros copi c life could tra vel between
Ca rolus Linnaeus 1707 – 1778. planets on rocks blasted into spa ce by asteroid impa cts .

Organized our view of the na tural world wi th the two -pa rt B. F. Skinner 1904 – 1990.
na ming s ys tem we use to classify all lifeforms ; named and
classified about 13,000 lifeforms ; broke wi th tradi tion by The 20th century’s most influential ps ychologis t;
classifying huma ns in the same wa y as other lifeforms. pioneered the s cience of beha viorism; dis covered the
power of posi ti ve reinforcement in learning; designed the
Ba rba ra McClintock 1902 – 1992. fi rs t ps ychologi cal experi ments producing quanti ta ti vel y
repea table resul ts.
Groundbrea king geneti cs : showed tha t genes swi tch the
physi cal trai ts of an organism on or off; discovered Nettie Stevens 1861 – 1912.
chromosomal crossover, whi ch increases geneti c va ria tion
in species; dis covered transposition – tha t genes can move Dis covered tha t an organism’s sex is determined by i ts
about wi thin chromosomes . chromosomes , now known as the XY sex-determina tion
s ys tem – the dis covery was the fi rs t time a link was
Gregor Mendel 1822 – 1884. demonstra ted between a physi cal cha racteris ti c and
chromosome di fferences .
Founded the s cience of geneti cs ; i dentified many of the
rules of heredi ty; identified recessi ve and dominant trai ts , Youyou Tu Born 1930.
and tha t trai ts a re passed from pa rents to offspri ng in a
ma thema ti call y predi ctable wa y. Dis covered the drug a rtemisinin, a trea tment for mala ria,
extra cting it from sweet wormwood, an herb utilized in
Fra nz Mes mer 1734 – 1815. Chi nese fever trea tments for more than 2,000 yea rs.
Artemisinin and i ts deri va ti ves ha ve sa ved or improved the
Mes mer wrongl y believed he had discovered a rema rkable li ves of millions of people.
new phenomenon, whi ch he called ani mal ma gnetism. He
used this to trea t people wi th ps ychosoma tic illnesses. The Ha rold Urey 1893 – 1981.
trea tment actually worked through the power of
sugges tion, la ter recogni zed as the genuine phenomenon Dis covered deuteri um; showed how isotope ra tios in rocks
of hypnosis (or mesmerism). reveal pas t Ea rth clima tes ; founded modern planeta ry
s cience; the Miller-Urey experiment demonstra ted that
Fl orence Nightingale 1820 – 1910. electri call y spa rking simple gases produces a mino a cids –
the building blocks of life.
A health pioneer who trans formed nursing into a
respected, highl y trained profession; used s ta tisti cs to Crai g Venter Born 1946.
anal yze wider heal th outcomes ; advoca ted sanita ry
reforms la rgel y credi ted wi th adding 20 yea rs to life Fi rs t to read the enti re genome of a free -li ving organism;
expecta ncy between 1871 and 1935. pla yed a ma jor role in ma pping the huma n genome;
dis covered more genes than had ever been previ ousl y
Louis Pas teur 1822 – 1895. documented; crea ted s yntheti c DNA and new ba cteria
species .
Andreas Vesalius 1514 – 1564. Ma tthew Maury: A founder of oceanography

Founded modern ana tomy, overthrowing mis conceptions Adolphe Quetelet: Body mass index; social physi cs; the
about the body tha t had persisted for over a thousand a vera ge man
yea rs .
Alha zen: A founder of modern opti cs
Rudol f Vi rchow 1821 – 1902.
Diophantus : Father of algebra
A founder of both pa thology a nd social medi cine, Vi rchow
correctl y identi fied that diseases a re caused by Ma ry Somerville: Celestial Mechani cs ; uni ty of the s ciences
mal functi oning cells . He named leukemia and was the fi rs t
to ca talog and name conditions such embolism, Hermann Staudinger: Founder of ma cromolecula r s cience
thrombosis, chordoma , and ochronosis .
Perci val Lowell: The hunt for Planet X; Pl uto; Ma rtian
George Wald 1906 – 1997. canals

Explained the chemistry of the eye after dis coveri ng the Joseph La grange: Revolutioni zed physi cs ; founded
vi ta min A chemi cal cycle tha t allows our eyes to record va ria tional calcul us
light. Es tablished the chemis try of color vision and color
blindness. Howa rd Florey: Tra nsformed penicillin i nto a potent
antibioti c
Sel man Waks man 1888 – 1973.
Sel man Waks man: Dis covery of TB antibioti c s treptomycin
Dis covered antibioti cs made by soil-dwelling ba cteria
including s treptomyci n, the fi rs t effecti ve trea tment for Ca roline Hers chel : Discoverer of comets and nebulae
tuberculosis ; coined the word antibioti c.
John Wallis: Conserva tion of momentum; infini tesimal
Alfred Russel Wallace 1823 – 1913. cal culus

Independentl y formulated the theory of evolution by George Heves y: Discovered ha fnium; isotope tra cers i n
na tural selection; was one of the fi rs t biologists to express biology
concern about the effects human a cti vi ties were ha ving on
the na tural world. Ma rtin Ga rdner: Enemy of pseudos cience; inspi rational
ma th
Mauri ce Wilkins 1916 – 2004.
Pyotr Kapi tsa : Discovered superfluidi ty
Ini tia ted the experi mental resea rch into DNA tha t
Ca rl Woese: Revolutioni zed our unders tanding of li fe ’s
cul mina ted in Wa tson and Cri ck’s discovery of i ts s tructure
in 1953; crys tallized DNA and obtained the bes t quality X- his tory
ra y ima ges of DNA seen a t tha t time, indi ca ting DNA
Linda Buck: Discovered how we smell things
molecules were heli x shaped.
John Mi chell : Black holes & weighing the ea rth in the
Sergei Wi nogra dsky 1856 – 1953.
Founded mi crobial ecology; discovered chemos yntheti c
Abdus Salam: The second great unifi ca tion in physi cs
life forms whi ch obtain energy from chemical rea ctions
ra ther tha n from sunlight; discovered nitrogen-fi xing James Croll : Visiona ry janitor who explained the ice a ges
ba cteria in soil that make ni tra tes a vailable to green plants.
J Ha rlen Bretz: Proven ri ght after deca des of mega-flood
Ca rl Woese 1916 – 2004.
ridi cule
Dis covered a thi rd basic form of life, the Archaea ; redrew
Youyou Tu: Mala ria drug discovery sa ved millions of li ves
the tree of life; revolutioni zed biology using geneti c
anal ysis, allowing all forms of life to be included in the Ambrose Fleming: The da wn of the electroni c age
s tudy of evolution.
Ernes t Wal ton: Arti fi cially spli t the a tom; Verified E = mc2

Fra nz Mes mer: Mesmeri zing pseudos cience & hypnosis

Phillipe Pinel : Founder of ps ychiatry & humane therapy

Scientist of the Week
Rudol f Vi rchow: Discovered diseases s trike by a tta cking
William Perkin: Youthful curiosi ty brought the color purple cells
to all
Irene Joliot-Curie: The fi rs t a rti fi cial radioa cti ve elements
Recent Scientis ts of the Week
Thomas Gold: Ma veri ck streetfi ghter; explained pulsars &
Democri tus : Atomi c theory BC and a uni verse of di verse hea ring
inhabi ted worlds
Clinton Da visson: Proved tha t electrons can be wa ves
Susumu Tonegawa : Discovered how our bodies make
millions of different antibodies Henrietta Lea vi tt: The key to the size of the uni verse

Cecilia Pa yne: Dis covered tha t s ta rs a re almost enti rel y Robert Boyle: The bi rth of chemistry
hydrogen and helium
Hi ppocra tes : The fa ther of Western medi cine
Ka rl Lands teiner: Dis covered the blood group s ys tem
Sophie Germain: Elasti ci ty theory & Ferma t’s last theorem
Hypa tia : Ma thema ti cian – her murder signaled the coming
da rk a ges Thomas Kuhn: The pa radi gm shi ft
Gottlieb Daimler | John Dalton | James Dwi ght Dana |
Cha rles Da rwin | Humphry Da vy | Peter Debye | Ma x
Howa rd Robertson – the Ma n who Proved Eins tein Wrong Delbruck | Jean Andre Deluc | Democri tus | René
Des ca rtes | Rudol f Chris tian Ka rl Diesel | Diophantus |
Wal king the Uni verse’s Shortes t Planck Paul Di ra c | Prokop Di vis | Theodosius Dobzhansky | Frank
Dra ke | K. Eri c Drexler
Susskind, Alice, and Wa ve -Pa rti cle Gullibility

11 Great Scientists Who Rose From Ha rsh Beginnings

John Eccles | Arthur Eddington | Thomas Edison | Paul
13 Great Scientists Who Were Home-s chooled Ehrli ch | Albert Eins tein | Gertrude Elion | Empedocles |
Era tos thenes | Euclid | Leonha rd Euler
Was Archi medes ’ Fa ther Reall y an As tronomer?

Interes ting Fa cts about Numbers 0 to 10

Mi chael Fa rada y | Pierre de Fermat | Enri co Fermi |
Quotes – Scientis ts Bashing Philosophy and Philosophers Ri cha rd Feynman | Fibona cci – Leona rdo of Pisa | Emil
Fis cher | Ronald Fisher | Alexander Flemi ng | John
Eins tein did NOT sa y that! Ambrose Fleming | Howa rd Florey | Henry Ford | Lee De
Fores t | Dian Fossey | Leon Foucaul t | Benja min Franklin |
Evol ution by Na tural Selection – Essential Quotes
Rosalind Franklin | Sigmund Freud
The Watson Cri ck Feud

The Unsung Heroes of DNA (Not Rosalind)

Galen | Galileo Galilei | Francis Galton | Lui gi Gal vani |
George Gamow | Ma rtin Ga rdner | Ca rl Friedri ch Gauss |
Scientists Beha vi ng Ba dl y
Murra y Gell -Mann | Sophie Germain | Willard Gibbs |
As tonishing Ancient Greek Automatons William Gilbert | Sheldon Lee Glashow | Robert God da rd |
Ma ria Goeppert-Ma yer | Thomas Gol d | Jane Goodall |
Stephen Ja y Gould

Alphabeti cal Lis t of Scientists

Louis Agassiz | Ma ria Gaetana Agnesi | Al-Battani Abu Nas r Fri tz Haber | Erns t Haeckel | Otto Hahn | Albrecht von
Al-Fa rabi | Alhazen | Ji m Al -Khalili | Muhammad i bn Musa Haller | Edmund Halley | Thomas Ha rriot | William Harvey
al-Khwa ri zmi | Mihailo Petrovi c Alas | Angel Al cala | Salim | Stephen Hawking | Otto Ha xel | Werner Heisenberg |
Ali | Luis Al va rez | Andre Ma rie Ampère | Ana ximander | Hermann von Helmholtz | Jan Baptis t von Helmont |
Ca rl Anders on | Ma ry Anning | Vi rginia Apga r | Joseph Henry | Ca roline Hers chel | John Hers chel |
Archi medes | Agnes Arber | Arista rchus | Aris totle | William Hers chel | Gus ta v Ludwig Hertz | Heinri ch Hertz |
Svante Arrhenius | Os wald Avery | Amedeo Avogadro | Ka rl F. Herzfeld | George de Heves y | Antony Hewish |
Avi cenna Da vi d Hilbert | Mauri ce Hilleman | Hippa rchus |
Hi ppocra tes | Shinta ro Hi rase | Dorothy Hodgki n | Robert
Hooke | Frederi ck Gowland Hopkins | William Hopkins |
Gra ce Murra y Hopper | Frank Hornby | Ja ck Horner |
Cha rles Babbage | Francis Bacon | Alexander Bain | John Berna rdo Houssa y | Fred Hoyle | Edwin Hubble |
Logie Bai rd | Joseph Banks | Ra mon Barba | John Bardeen Alexander von Humboldt | Zora Neale Hurs ton | James
| Cha rles Barkla | Ibn Ba ttuta | William Ba yliss | George Hutton | Chris tiaan Huygens | Hypa tia
Beadle | Arnold Orville Beckman | Henri Becquerel | Emil
Adolf Behring | Alexander Graha m Bell | Emile Berliner |
Claude Berna rd | Ti mothy John Berners-Lee | Daniel
Bernoulli | Ja cob Berzelius | Henry Bessemer | Hans Bethe Ernes to Ill y | Erns t Ising | Keisuke Ito
| Homi Jehangi r Bhabha | Al fred Binet | Cla rence Bi rdseye
| Kris tian Bi rkeland | Elizabeth Bla ckwell | Al fred Blalock |
Ka tha rine Burr Bl odgett | Franz Boas | Da vi d Bohm | Aage
Mae Ca rol Jemison | Edwa rd Jenner | J. Hans D. Jensen |
Bohr | Niels Bohr | Ludwig Bol tzmann | Ma x Born | Ca rl
Bos ch | Robert Bos ch | Jagadish Chandra Bose | Sa tyendra Irene Joliot-Curie | Ja mes Pres cott Joule | Percy La von
Na th Bose | Walther Wilhelm Georg Bothe | Robert Boyle Julian
| La wrence Bra gg | Tycho Brahe | Brahma gupta | Henni g
Bra nd | Georg Brandt | Wernher Von Braun | J Ha rlen
Bretz | Louis de Broglie | Alexander Brongnia rt | Robert Mi chio Ka ku | Hei ke Ka merlingh Onnes | Pyotr Kapi tsa |
Brown | Mi chael E. Brown | Les ter R. Brown | Edua rd Friedri ch Augus t Kekulé | Frances Kelsey | Pearl Kendri ck |
Buchner | Linda Buck | William Buckland | Georges-Louis
Joha nnes Kepler | Abdul Qadeer Kha n | Oma r Kha yyam |
Leclerc, Comte de Buffon | Robert Bunsen | Luther Alfred Kinsey | Gus ta v Ki rchoff | Ma rtin Klaproth | Robert
Burbank | Jocel yn Bell Burnell | Ma cfa rlane Burnet | Koch | Emil Kraepelin | Thomas Kuhn | Stephanie Kwolek
Thomas Burnet

Joseph-Louis Lagra nge | Jean-Baptis te Lama rck | Hedy

Benjamin Cabrera | Santiago Ramon y Ca jal | Ra chel
Lama rr | Edwin Herbert Land | Ka rl Lands teiner | Pierre -
Ca rson | George Washington Ca rver | Henry Ca vendish |
Si mon Lapla ce | Ma x von Laue | Antoine La voisier | Ernes t
Anders Celsius | James Chadwick | Subrahmanyan
Lawrence | Henrietta Lea vi tt | Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
Cha ndrasekha r | Erwin Cha rgaff | Noa m Chomsky | Steven
| Inge Lehmann | Gottfried Leibni z | Georges Lema ître |
Chu | Leland Cla rk | John Cockcroft | Arthur Compton |
Leona rdo da Vinci | Ni ccolo Leoni ceno | Aldo Leopold |
Ni colaus Copernicus | Gerty Theresa Cori | Cha rles-
Ri ta Levi -Montalcini | Claude Levi -Strauss | Willard Frank
Augus tin de Coulomb | Jacques Cous teau | Brian Cox |
Libby | Jus tus von Liebi g | Ca rolus Linnaeus | Joseph Lis ter
Fra ncis Cri ck | James Croll | Nicholas Culpeper | Ma rie
| John Locke | Hendrik Antoon Lorentz | Konrad Lorenz |
Curie | Pierre Curie | Georges Cuvier | Adalbert Czerny
Ada Lovela ce | Perci val Lowell | Lucretius | Cha rles Lyell |
Trofim Lysenko
Sergei Wi nogra dsky | Ca rl Woese | Friedri ch Wöhler |
Wilbur and Orville Wri ght | Wilhelm Wundt
Erns t Ma ch | Ma rcello Malpighi | Jane Ma rcet | Guglielmo
Ma rconi | Lynn Ma rgulis | Ma tthew Ma ury | James Clerk
Ma xwell | Ernst Ma yr | Ba rba ra McClintock | Lise Meitner
| Gregor Mendel | Dmi tri Mendeleev | Franz Mesmer | Chen-Ning Yang
Antonio Meucci | John Mi chell | Albert Abraham
Mi chelson | Thomas Midgeley Jr. | Milutin Milankovi c |
Ma ria Mi tchell | Ma ri o Molina | Thomas Hunt Morgan |
Sa muel Morse | Henry Moseley Ahmed Zewail

Uki chi ro Naka ya | John Napier | Giulio Na tta | John Return to top of pa ge
Needha m | John von Neuma nn | Thomas Newcomen |
Isaac Newton | Cha rles Ni colle | Florence Nightingale |
Tim Noakes | Alfred Nobel | Emmy Noether | Chris tiane
Fa mous Scientists - Pri va cy - Conta ct - About - Content &
Nusslein-Volha rd | Bill Nye
Imagery © 2018

Ha ns Christian Oers ted | Georg Ohm | J. Robert

Oppenheimer | Wilhelm Os twald | William Oughtred

Blaise Pas cal | Louis Pas teur | Wol fgang Erns t Pauli | Linus
Pauling | Randy Paus ch | Iva n Pa vl ov | Cecilia Pa yne -
Ga pos chkin | Ma rgueri te Perey | William Perkin | John
Philoponus | Jean Piaget | Philippe Pinel | Ma x Planck |
Pliny the Elder | Ka rl Popper | Beatri x Potter | Joseph
Pries tley | Proclus | Claudius Ptolemy | Pythagoras

Adolphe Quetelet | Ha rriet Qui mby | Thabi t ibn Qurra

C. V. Ra man | Srini vasa Ramanujan | William Ramsa y |

John Ra y | Pra fulla Chandra Ra y | Frances co Redi | Sall y
Ri de | Bernha rd Riemann | Wilhelm Röntgen | Hermann
Rors cha ch | Ronald Ross | Ibn Rushd | Ernes t Rutherford

Ca rl Sa gan | Abdus Salam | Jonas Salk | Frederi ck Sanger |

Alberto Santos -Dumont | Wal ter Schottky | Erwin
Schrödinger | Theodor Schwann | Glenn Seaborg | Hans
Sel ye | Cha rles Sherri ngton | Gene Shoemaker | Erns t
Werner von Siemens | George Ga ylord Simpson | B. F.
Skinner | William Smi th | Frederi ck Soddy | Ma ry
Somerville | Arnold Sommerfeld | Hermann Sta udinger |
Ni colas Steno | Nettie Stevens | William John Swainson |
Leo Szila rd

Ni ccolo Ta rtaglia | Edwa rd Teller | Nikola Tesla | Thales of

Miletus | Theon of Alexandria | Benja min Thompson | J. J.
Thomson | William Thomson | Henry Da vid Thoreau | Kip
S. Thorne | Cl yde Tombaugh | Susumu Tonega wa |
Evangelista Torri celli | Cha rles Townes | Youyou Tu | Alan
Turing | Neil deGrasse Tyson

Ha rold Urey

Crai g Venter | Vladimi r Vernadsky | Andreas Vesalius |

Rudol f Vi rchow | Artturi Virta nen | Alessandro Volta

Sel man Waks man | George Wald | Alfred Russel Wallace |

John Wallis | Ernes t Wal ton | Ja mes Watson | James Wa tt
| Al fred Wegener | John Archi bald Wheeler | Mauri ce
Wil kins | Thomas Willis | E. O. Wilson | Sven Wingqvist |

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