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JANUARY 27, 2020

BSN 1-C M/W 10:30-12:00 PM


Mona Lisa Smile is a 2003 American drama. The title is a reference to the Mona Lisa, the
famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci. The movie is about a 1950s art teacher who wants to
change the world one student at a time. Its message is that “Marriage is one of the least desirable
choices a young woman can make. At first the students like Betty, Giselle, Joan, and Connie,
frighten her, putting her down, and judging her in every move and thought. But this didn’t stop
her from teaching her students there right as a women. While struggling in many obstacles that
the society throws at her, she never gives up. She strives hard and stand in her owe believes and
never afraid to say what her on her mind.

Katherine Ann Watson had a position in teaching art history at the College which is
Wellesley school. Watson is a very simple and ordinary woman who is particularly for the
1950s. She has a passion not only for art but for her students. For the most part, the students all
seem to be command their time, waiting to find the right man to marry. The students are all very
smart and Watson feels they are not reaching their potential. Although a strong bond is formed
between teacher and student, Watson's views are incompatible with the dominant culture of the

The movie, “Mona Lisa Smile” for me is an inspirational film that explores life through
feminism, marriage, and education lead by a modernist teacher who is Watson at the end of a
traditional era. It is very relatable for us millennial nowadays especially there are a lot of young
teenagers like me that was into relationship without knowing the future marriage could be. In
short, It was such a realistic film. That’s why Katherine quickly challenged the girls’ idea of
what constituted art and exposed them to modern artist not endorsed by the school board. She
dared them to think for themselves, and explore outside of their traditional views.

If you were watching to it, it was really boring but if you will follow the story line messages of
the movie then you will love it. The movie was such a fantastic. The teacher who’s Katherine she
was a great actress in portraying her role as an ordinary woman it really fits for her role and she
was very good in acting. The music was used were a little bit new for me but it was a romantic
song and it’s nice to hear those lovely songs. It's a fun movie for older teens and up but there are
violence like showing the several discussions of sex, smoking and drinking alcohol but not too

In my opinion about this is that I realized that, “Not every relationship is meant for
marriage”. It is hard to connect with another person, especially on an intimate level, just to
realize that marriage is not necessarily the end goal. If you were with someone else or with a
special person it doesn’t mean that you will be together in the end. Some relationships that come
to us will make us to be a better person, to learn something, and to realize that not everyone who
is there to u would be there for u forever. And it does not mean that you were in a very long
relationship it will end into church but if you were not destined to be married then it won’t really
happen. Every girls dream is to be married with someone they love the most, the man who will
protect and love them and treat them as their queen.

Mona Lisa Smile’s film is a great reminder to us especially today’s generation of what it
was like to live when a woman did not have a voice the probably we have an equal society today
that both women and men would be equal on campus, and their educations would be held of
equal value. In today’s society, it is very important for a female to educate herself and to have a
career. We should have the equity and the equality for everyone and the most important is that
never abuses someone and respects each other.

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