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Jyotish (Vedic astrology)


What is the importance of Mars in Vedic astrology and how to study career / marriage related
aspects with respect to position of Mars?
What is the importance of Mars in Vedic astrology and how to study career / marriage related aspects with respect to position of Mars?

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11 Answers

Vinay Bajrangi, Phd Astrology (1989)

Answered Dec 1, 2018

The importance of Mars in Vedic astrology.

In Vedic astrology Mars is described as having a masculine body, has a thin waist and is short in stature.

With reddish-brown eyes, it is powerfully built.

Its hair is short and shining, and it is red and shining in appearance.
It is courageous, a skillful speaker, Tamasik, intelligent, liberal, slim, of a roving disposition, is wrathful, adventurous and capable of causing hurts.
It dresses in red. It is the son of the Earth. Its vehicle is a ram. It is active.
It is the god of war.
It is Friendly with Sun, Moon, Jupiter,
It is neutral to Venus, Saturn
It i...


The importance of Mars in Vedic astrology.

In Vedic astrology Mars is described as having a masculine body, has a thin waist and is short in stature.

With reddish-brown eyes, it is powerfully built.

Its hair is short and shining, and it is red and shining in appearance.
It is courageous, a skillful speaker, Tamasik, intelligent, liberal, slim, of a roving disposition, is wrathful, adventurous and capable of causing hurts.
It dresses in red. It is the son of the Earth. Its vehicle is a ram. It is active.
It is the god of war.
It is Friendly with Sun, Moon, Jupiter,
It is neutral to Venus, Saturn
It is inimical to Mercury.
It is the KARAKA/DOER for the following:

1.Physical and mental strength,

2. Things produced out of the earth,

3.Immovable property but not agricultural land,

4.Younger brother/sister,

5. Enemy,





10. Injury,


12.Bone marrow


It further represents:

Boldness, ruthlessness, enthusiasm, generosity, misdeeds, self-confidence, will, independence, determination, argument, leadership, conflict, the tendency to look upwards, ability to get the work done, drive, wit,
unruliness, organizing ability, foolhardiness, telling lies and misunderstandings.
Head, muscle, sexual vitality, blood, acute fever, testicles, inflammations, burns, bleeding, miscarriage, smallpox, sunstroke, measles, surgical operations, wounds, epidemics, injury due to fire, poison or weapon;
excessive thirst, dry and rough skin, loss by thieves, fracture of the bone.
Accident, battles, enemies, crime, violence, litigation,cutlery, hearth-fire, fire, electricity, logic, debates, science, iron, south, slightly burnt cloth, quadruped, warrior class, savage beasts, Lord Hanuman, Lord
Subramanya, summer, coral, deep-red, tiger, birds of prey, acids, slaughterhouse, smithy and machinery.
Interest in other's women.
Surgeons, warriors, lawyers, debaters, cooks, butchers and barbers.
It is powerful in the tenth and gives no results in the second house.
It becomes deadly if combines with Ketu.
Mars and Jupiter combine to lead a native to put in hard work for the good of the society. and then a good samaritan is born.
When Saturn Cojoins Mars, native is selfish and perverted and will have criminal tendencies.
Mars is a malefic planet by nature. It rises hind part first.

For marriage, it is said that:

Placement of Mars in the first, second, fourth, seventh, eighth, or the twelfth house causes early death of the spouse, separation, divorce, or marital discord or incompatibility.
Mars is a malefic planet in general in the eighth house in a female horoscope is known to cause widowhood.
And this is due to it reules the ego, self and Swamangaya house of the horoscope.
If Mars is afflicted in a horoscope, it will cause severe problems for the native every three years and nine months.

For education, it is the Karaka of strength and represents the first houses, whose strength is required in obtaining an education.

Being the natural lord of the 8th house it sometimes can be related to occult studies too.

I hope you had a nice read.

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Ayush Shukla (आयुष शु ल)

Can i wear a red coral if my mars is placed in 4th house and Jupiter in 10th house? 22–07–1996, 2...
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Pranav ( णव), B.E. Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rajiv Gandhi Proudyogiki Vishwavidyalaya, Bhopal (2017)
Answered Jan 6

Thanks for the A2A Shrinithyaa Gopalan ( நி யா) ma’am.

Disclaimer: I am a novice learner in Jyotish and am already losing my interest in it, because of the evaluative nature of arising questions like how good will be the life! and sadly the deeper I go, the deeper I am illusioned that
life is miserable. Thus, viewer discretion is advised.

What is the importance of Mars in Vedic astrology and how to study career/marriage related aspects with respect to the position of Mars?

Khagol Jyotish Shastra is interesting and pretty mathematical in nature. I am not sure how is it called Vedic Astrolog...


Thanks for the A2A Shrinithyaa Gopalan ( நி யா) ma’am.

Disclaimer: I am a novice learner in Jyotish and am already losing my interest in it, because of the evaluative nature of arising questions like how good will be the life! and sadly the deeper I go, the deeper I am illusioned that
life is miserable. Thus, viewer discretion is advised.

What is the importance of Mars in Vedic astrology and how to study career/marriage related aspects with respect to the position of Mars?

Khagol Jyotish Shastra is interesting and pretty mathematical in nature. I am not sure how is it called Vedic Astrology, as I am not aware of astrology and faladesh being mentioned in the Vedas.

Importance of Mars/Indications with which Mars is associated:

Speed, highly dynamic and fierce in nature.

Land. Mars is called Bhaum in Saunskrut, that literally means Bhumi Putra or son of the Mother Earth. Strongly placed Mars indicates businesses/earnings from Land/Real Estates.
It also indicates heat.
From my observation, people with powerful positioning of Mars are more probable to have high BP situations than low BP. [citation needed!]

Career Prospects:

According to its nature, strong positioning of Mars is fruitful for mathematical/engineering/industrial positions. Some also indicate it to be fruitful for government Jobs (especially where perks and power of the position are
more highlighted than the pay.) and armed forces, a career in sports.

Marriage-related aspects: (Image source: [1])

When we say that a person has Mangal (while referring to the idea of marriage), we usually refer to Mars being placed in above houses of the JanmLagna horoscope (Kundli). JanmLagna Kundli is usually used to make
predictions about the physical body.

From what I have read, Mars in the above positions is said to increase the sexual expectations and appetite. The seventh house in the horoscope refers to the reproductive organs. Any relation of Mars with the seventh house is
said to enhance the effects. Mars has drushti (vision) of 4,7,8. That means Mars can see the 4th, 7th and 8th house from where it is placed. Thus, Mars can see the seventh house from 12th, 1st, and 4th house and the 8th
house refers to the endpoint of the digestive system which has an adjacent effect to the reproductive system. The 8th house also depicts the end of life and having Mars in it is not welcomed due to fierce consequences. Though,
it will be highly generic to predict so. My opinions are much speculative, so do not go by this.

People with likewise mentality and physicality get along easily, that’s why it is suggested to find a spouse with a Mangal for a person having Mangal.


It is always important to scientifically find out; how such behavior of Mars is deduced with above-mentioned characteristics. Trust, but verify!

I mean how Mars is seen as a fierce planet, not a fragile one! There has to be some reason behind it. Without understanding a thing in its entirety, we cannot understand how does it work. Further, the impact of these planets on
human life is so subtle, that there is no limit to how subtle we go, then we might have some nebula or black hole 2000 light years affecting us.

Yes, it is better to plan for the future and is an integral part of our lives today. But, apart from concentrating in the Kundli, I would also stare at the sky to see how minuscule is this human existence on this planet.


[1] Neha Pradeep Saini's answer to What are the consequences for a normal boy who married to a "Manglik" girl?

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Yashraj Sharma, Astrologer at

Answered Dec 1, 2018

There are many principles, mars only should be checked if it connected with that particular house.

Generally mars is the Karka of land. So, for property aspects you can check mars, for manglik and force or energy is one's life mars should be analysed, in career if mars affects then it gives career in security fields, medical
fields, electrical or mechanical engineer, but it all depends on many other factors.

Always analyse complete chart for better results, i.e. analyse divisional charts with the most accurate Vimshottari Dasha, Jaimini Chara Dasha and Yogini Dasha.

Go to any expert astrologer...


There are many principles, mars only should be checked if it connected with that particular house.

Generally mars is the Karka of land. So, for property aspects you can check mars, for manglik and force or energy is one's life mars should be analysed, in career if mars affects then it gives career in security fields, medical
fields, electrical or mechanical engineer, but it all depends on many other factors.

Always analyse complete chart for better results, i.e. analyse divisional charts with the most accurate Vimshottari Dasha, Jaimini Chara Dasha and Yogini Dasha.

Go to any expert astrologer. Always put your horoscope in front of good and honest astrologer's for right and genuine answer. Nowadays, there are more fake people around us. And any wrong answer can develop wrong
thoughts for astrology.

You can also book appointment with me on Aaskplanets, my website. I offer best consultation at lower prices and even free or discounts for financially weak people who can't afford to pay that much. (Website link available
in my profile bio)

And if you practice astrology and have any astrological doubts, then you can also contact me on Aaskplanets.


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Shrinithyaa Gopalan ( நி யா)

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Siddarth Datta, Travelled across south india
Answered Dec 25, 2018

Mars is either good or bad , it overreacts in certain placements and it indicates courage ,power to overcome enemies, indecisive decision making , selfrespect, anger and fights ..etc. if Mars is in 3,6,10and 11 tend to give good
results, individual is industrious but tend to overturned by employers. In 10th mars gets directional strength, the will be indecisive in his profession, the person may be employed in professions like armed forces , police dept ,
intelligence etc..if supported by other aspects. He may like fights or wars , obsessive to agitated mind. If affiliated, a Criminal tendic...


Mars is either good or bad , it overreacts in certain placements and it indicates courage ,power to overcome enemies, indecisive decision making , selfrespect, anger and fights ..etc. if Mars is in 3,6,10and 11 tend to give good
results, individual is industrious but tend to overturned by employers. In 10th mars gets directional strength, the will be indecisive in his profession, the person may be employed in professions like armed forces , police dept ,
intelligence etc..if supported by other aspects. He may like fights or wars , obsessive to agitated mind. If affiliated, a Criminal tendices are seen.A good aspect of jupiter will tone down anger and agitated mind. But individual
will have tendencies of anger agitation all along life , due which he may loose many things but it is unavoidable as they don't listen to any one execpt their mind only. Since this nature they will overcome enemies and become
successful in gaining power and authority in society. Mars is only planet will control and defeats evil deeds. In 11th or 4th house mars gives lands properties, one may br landlord or real estate dealers aquiring lands
and disposing large amount of lands.

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Shrinithyaa Gopalan ( நி யா)

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Biwek Luitel, Astrologer (2012-present)

Answered Dec 29, 2018

Mars is your courage, physical strength, younger siblings, passionate in love, confident to show your skills and Hidden talents. It shows whether you are front attacker or back biters.

If mars is well placed you can choose following career options

profession, if Mars is in conjunction with Ketu, Sun or other fiery planets, your primary source of income will be related to professions associated with fire in one way or another. For instance, you may work in a brick factory,
electrical sector, cooking, mines and so on.

Since you possess all the qualities related to courage and aggression, you wil...


Mars is your courage, physical strength, younger siblings, passionate in love, confident to show your skills and Hidden talents. It shows whether you are front attacker or back biters.

If mars is well placed you can choose following career options

profession, if Mars is in conjunction with Ketu, Sun or other fiery planets, your primary source of income will be related to professions associated with fire in one way or another. For instance, you may work in a brick factory,
electrical sector, cooking, mines and so on.

Since you possess all the qualities related to courage and aggression, you will also be quite violent in life. Hence, you may be involved with professions which require physical strength or power. You may work in the security
sector. You may also work as a soldier in the defense forces.

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Varsha Sharma, works at Ford India

Answered Jan 20

MARS - represents your friends, (Soldier), your fighting ability, brother, and brotherly figures in life, and most importantly your will power or lack thereof. Mars is your will power and your ability to fight through tasks and
hurtles you run into in your life. Mars is our physical vitality, interest in sports, competition, martial arts, anger,conflicts, tool, military, weapon making, our overall energy,cuts, burns, bruises and blood.


According to vedic jyotish, if mars is placed in the 12th, 1st (in south india, people include 2nd house also), 4th, 7th and 8th house the pe...


MARS - represents your friends, (Soldier), your fighting ability, brother, and brotherly figures in life, and most importantly your will power or lack thereof. Mars is your will power and your ability to fight through tasks and
hurtles you run into in your life. Mars is our physical vitality, interest in sports, competition, martial arts, anger,conflicts, tool, military, weapon making, our overall energy,cuts, burns, bruises and blood.


According to vedic jyotish, if mars is placed in the 12th, 1st (in south india, people include 2nd house also), 4th, 7th and 8th house the person said to be a manglik. And it is belived that a manglik person must be married with a
manglik only.


10th house said to be the house for career and if mars is placed in 10th house it considered DIGBALI. Person with mars in 10th house is hardworking, ready for any kind of challenges and he/she can earn lot of wealth due to
his hard work. A person with mars in 10th house is like a hunter in jungle.

Mars in 10th house creats KULDIPAK YOG.

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Sia Rasu, Professor of Psychology, Vedic Astrologer

Answered Jul 11

Mars gives the energy to perform tasks and the will power to defeat competition and achieve what one sets out to do.

Mars when associated with or sharing energies with the 6th house or the 9th house gives the will power to defeat competition in competitive exams and get academic success and also rise in career or service through it.

It may also give a career in police or defence forces.

Where the intimate relations between man and woman are concerned and a relation between exchanging energies is concerned, Mars gives the energy and the inclination to the man.

Without a strong Mars, the intimacy...


Mars gives the energy to perform tasks and the will power to defeat competition and achieve what one sets out to do.

Mars when associated with or sharing energies with the 6th house or the 9th house gives the will power to defeat competition in competitive exams and get academic success and also rise in career or service through it.

It may also give a career in police or defence forces.

Where the intimate relations between man and woman are concerned and a relation between exchanging energies is concerned, Mars gives the energy and the inclination to the man.

Without a strong Mars, the intimacy related union between the two partners may not be strong even if marriage comes about. Mars when afflicted can create challenges in the marriage when connected to the 4th or the 7th or
even the 2nd.

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Ramakrishnasarma Krishnavajjhala
Answered Jan 1

Mars is a fiery planet, makes the native dynamic leader.He gives professions connected with machines, fire_like energy connection in job, very secretive, if ascendant is Scorpio.l location of Mars in 3/6/11 House gives
successful career.Mars as lord of 10 in exaltation in Capricorn gives high status,particularly for Aries ascendant native.

In matrimony, mars is kalatrakaraka for women.His place as 5th lord in 7th House gives love marriage.His place in 7th House generally is considered an affliction to married life, ( for both men and women).For women, mars in
8th House is bad.

Generally, an a...


Mars is a fiery planet, makes the native dynamic leader.He gives professions connected with machines, fire_like energy connection in job, very secretive, if ascendant is Scorpio.l location of Mars in 3/6/11 House gives
successful career.Mars as lord of 10 in exaltation in Capricorn gives high status,particularly for Aries ascendant native.

In matrimony, mars is kalatrakaraka for women.His place as 5th lord in 7th House gives love marriage.His place in 7th House generally is considered an affliction to married life, ( for both men and women).For women, mars in
8th House is bad.

Generally, an affliction called kuja dosha in a horoscope shortens married life and makes unhappy married life.Kuja dosha is caused by the occupation of mars in 1,2,4,7,10,12 from the Ascendant, except in the case of natives
with mars in the signs of his own or sun or moon or saturn and there are several factors like aspect of jupiter,which cancel the affliction.Marriage of a person with kuja dosha is required to be with a person with koja dosha, so
as to nullify the evil of kuja dosha. Person with kuja dosha is advised to worship subrahmanya swamy and to perform rituals at srikalahasti , to get free from the affliction.

Conjunction of Mars with Venus in the 7th House causes tendency for extramarital life.

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Sheshachalam Iyengar, Practicing Vedic Astrologer

Answered Dec 26, 2018

Each planet has its unique place in the tenets of Astrology.

Mars is a very important planet to understand the courage, strength and motivation a person has. With only studying the position of Mars, one cannot predict the future of ones career or marriage, until it is very strong and is
posited in the related bhavas.

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Seshavataram, former Manager at Indian Bank (1981-2013)

Answered Dec 24, 2018

first negative aspects spoiler of marriage, wounds by sharp weapons, un necessary quarrels

the bright side

a great warrior shrewd thinker beautiful blood color high positions in military police and justice and strict supervisor

hop this satisfies you

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Kashinath Kv, Business

Answered Nov 30, 2018

The position of Mars in chart is extremely important and the whole marital relationship stands on its position to large extent

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