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[ Trial Reading Exam – Filling the blank] [ 21 blanks – 15 minutes]

Filling the blank NO MORE THAN ONE WORD with suitable word formation.
Traveling to Space
With the development of technology and the appearance of the Internet, people have more
choices to select what they want and need based on their interests. From that point, one activity that
human have never done before is to explore the galaxy by flying to the Moon. However, the most difficult
is how to transport ordinary persons who have not ___________ in real space before. That is one of many
complicated questions to solve. “Do not worry, we have some backup ________ to support every one
_________ of their abilities, skills, and experience” – NASA experts mentioned. They believe that
modification the gravity inside the space ______ which people will live and enjoy for the rest of the trip
can be a good alternative. On the other hand, ________ must be obligatory to do first before launching
because we do not want to have some ________ related to health problems like pre-traumatic or post-
traumatic, vomiting, and heart failure. Another issue that should be discussed about is the price. Many
economists think that the cost may be exorbitant because only those who live in many zones of ________
economy can get this valuable tickets to space. NASA has tried to ________ out some affordable methods
to deal with situation before ___________ the trip on the Internet and at the physical malls like Target or
Walmart. Finally, the trip to the Moon will be in _______ thanks to a great deal of governmental funds
and foreign funds. Before travelling to space, don’t forget to ________ the seat-belt on your reserved seat.

Filling the blank NO MORE THAN ONE WORD with suitable word formation.
Existence to Live or Die
Gottfried Leibniz, a German philosopher, analyzed the ___________ of the competition among
each object. Moreover, they are appropriate with ___________ formed by other things. To be more
clear, the chemical reaction using in laboratory can create some new other chemical __________ such
as the reaction of sodium hydroxide with acid chloride ________ produces edible salt and water.
Gottfried Leibniz’s limbo demonstration a(n) ____________ trap. To pinpoint how we have already
existed up to now, we ___________ appeal to the existence of unknown things such as the blow of Big
Bang Theory but human could not explain how this explosion had appeared at first time. On the other
way to be easy for ___________, there are mountain ranges on Earth because there are ________
plates on its surface that slowly collide and crumple up against each other. Furthermore, there are
_______ around Saturn because there is an immense quantity of rubble ___________that planet. This
pattern of explanation is not possible for ‘Why is there something rather than nothing?’.

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