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Cascaded Op Amp Circuits

 Op amp circuits have the advantage that they can be cascaded without changing
their input-output relationships.
 This is due to the fact that each (ideal) op amp circuit has infinite input
resistance and zero output resistance.
 Although the cascade connection does not affect the op amp input-output
relationships, care must be exercised in the design of an actual op amp circuit to
ensure that the load due to the next stage in the cascade does not saturate the op

A three-stage cascaded connection.

Example 11
Find vo and io in the circuit.
æ 12 k ö÷
va = ççç1 + ÷÷ 20 mV = 100 mV
çè 3k ÷ø
æ 10 k ö÷
v0 = ççç1 + ÷÷ va = 350 mV
çè 4 k ÷ø

v0 - vb
i0 = , vb = va = 100 mV
10 k
(350 -100) mV
i0 = = 25μA
10 k

Example 12
Determine vo and io .
va = 4 V
æ 6 k ö÷
v0 = ççç1 + ÷÷ va
çè 4 k ø÷
= (1 +1.5) 4 V = 10 V

i0 = , vb = va = 4 V
4 k
i0 = = 1mA
4 k

Example 13
Find vo.
va = 6 mV

b 30 k
vb = - va = -3⋅ 6 mV
10 k
= -18mV

æ 8k ö÷
v0 = çç1 + ÷÷ vb
çè 40 k ÷ø
= (1 + 0.2)(-18mV)
What is the purpose of these resistors? = -21.6 mV

Instrumentation Amplifiers

(a) The instrumentation amplifier with an external resistance to adjust the gain,
(b) schematic diagram.

Instrumentation Amplifiers
The IA has three major characteristics:
1. The voltage gain is adjusted by one external resistor RG.
2. The input impedance of both inputs is very high and does not vary as the gain
is adjusted.
3. The output vo depends on the difference between the inputs v1 and v2, not on
the voltage common to them (common-mode voltage).

Example 14
Let R = 10 kΩ, v1 = 2.011 V, and v2 = 2.017 V. If RG is adjusted to 500 Ω , determine:
(a) the voltage gain, (b) the output voltage vo.

a) The voltage gain is

2R 2 ⋅10 k
Av = 1 + = 1+ = 41
RG 500 
b) The output voltage is
v0 = Av (v2 - v1 ) = 41(2.017 V - 2.011V) = 41(6 mV) =246 mV
is + i f = 0
vs dvo
is = , if = C
R dt
dvo 1
=- vs
An op amp integrator
dt RC
1 t
vo = - ò
RC to
vs d +vo (to )

An integrator is an op amp circuit whose output is proportional to

the integral of the input signal.

iR = iC
v0 dvi
iR = - , iC = C
R dt
v0 dvi
- =C
R dt

vo = -RC
An op amp differentiator dt
An differentiator is an op amp circuit whose output is proportional
to the rate of change of the input signal.

The differentiating amplifier is seldom used in practical applications

because it is a source of noise. Why ?

Cascaded Integrators
Op amp 1:
vg dvo1
+ C1 =0
R1 dt
dvo1 1
=- vg
dt R1C1

Op amp 2: d 2 vo 1 dvo1
vo1 dv =-
+ C2 o = 0 dt 2 R2C2 dt
R2 dt
dvo d 2 vo 1 1
1 = vg
=- vo1 dt 2 R1C1 R2C2
dt R2C2

Cascaded integrators and differentiators can be combined in analogue

computers to solve differential equations.

Review 1

Review 2

Review 3
For this op amp circuit, voltage vo is:

Review 4
For the
this circuit
op ampin Fig. 5.40,
circuit, current ix is:

Review 5
If vs = 0, current i0 is: 5.41,

 
 

Review 6
5.41. va is:
If vs = 8 mV, voltage

Review 7
If vs = 8 mV, voltage v0 is: 5.41,

Review 8
The power absorbed in the 4-k resistor is:


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