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The National Teachers College

Quiapo, Manila
School of Arts, Science and Technology
GE3 Purposive Communication

NAME: Azaula, Ezah Clare C.

DATE: JANUARY 26, 2020

Using the prescribed template, answer the following questions:

1. Identify the different prosodic features of speech.
2. Define the importance of proper use of the prosodic features in daily communication.
3. Elucidate the importance of body language and facial expression in communicating with

1. The different Prosodic Features of Speech are:
a. Pause – a temporary stop.
b. Pitch – the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.
c. Stress – to pronounce in a louder or more forceful way than other syllables or words.
d. Volume – used to show emotions.
e. Tempo – the rate or speed of motion or activity; pace.

2. Prosodic features are features that appear when we put sounds together in connected
speech. Successful communication depends as much on intonation, stress and rhythm as on
the correct pronunciation of sounds. The fact that vocal cues convert meanings that cannot
be picked up from context and influence how the individual sounds are produced and
understood proves the importance of prosodic features in language learning.

3. While the key to success in both personal and professional relationship lies in our ability to
communicate well, it’s not the words that we use but our nonverbal cues or “body language”
that speak the loudest. Whether we’re aware or not, when we interact with others, we’re
continuously giving and receiving wordless signals. All of our nonverbal behaviors, i.e. the
gestures we make, our posture, the tone of our voice, eye contact, facial exressions sends
strong messages. This is why I believe that properly understanding different kinds of

The National Teachers College
Quiapo, Manila
School of Arts, Science and Technology
GE3 Purposive Communication

nonverbal communication such as “body language” and “facial expressions” is a must when
it comes to learning how to communicate properly. It is important to know and understand
these kind of things well as this kind of nonverbal communication can put people at ease,
build trust, and draw others towards us. We should also be wary of it because it may
sometimes can offend, confuse, and undermine what we are trying to say.

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