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GAC027 Assessment Event 3: Secondary Research Project

Technology in Mexico

Students Name: Sergio Rosales Medina

Student ID: ICH41471

Teachers Name: Manuel Meza

Date: Apirl 3 2019

GAC027:AE3 Sergio Rosales Medina ICH41471

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Methods 3

3.0 Research Findings

4.0 Discussion

5.0 Conclusions

Reference List

Appendix 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Appendix 6

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GAC027:AE3 Sergio Rosales Medina ICH41471


The purpose of the research is what are the main advantages and disadvantages of technology in Mexico. My thesis statement

says how daily technology affects us and how it has helped us in communication. In the methods to get the information,

what they used mainly were web pages and articles. In the results I show how people spend 8 hours on the internet and how

Internet users grew. In the discussion I say how people use the internet in relation to my thesis statement, I also tell you if

the research was effective. Finally in the conclusion I explain what is the problem of using the internet a lot because of the

amount of hours people spend and I will give my recommendation about it, along with my point of view.

1.0 Introduction

In this report I will make known the disadvantages and disadvantages of the technology in Mexico, its main problems and

its main benefits of this in the lives of people. The problems of using technology is how we have used it, because most

people know how to use a device but nobody knows how to control it, since most people spend hours on devices affecting

their daily life or daily activity . One of the main problems of this is social networks, although they are a breakthrough in

communication, it has also harmed us in certain things, for example, people no longer go out to see each other, but everything

is already through messages, also the People waste their time in them, causing it to affect their daily life. From an early age

people already access technology and this affects in the future and they always depend on it, but it also helps them because

it will be easier for them to adapt to future technology.

Even though the electronic devices have affected us, because most people spend most of their time in them, thus affecting

their daily activity, mainly using social media, the internet is the largest source of information in the world and facilitates

communication. because with the creation of the internet has made all people can have information, helping either in school

or work, also helps us to know what is happening and technology affects us in our daily life.

2.0 Methods

To make the research the main sources I used were the web pages and articles on my main topic, what I did was to highlight

the most important of each web page or articles and make a summary or synthesis of this to have a clearer information and

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more orderly, I also use my knowledge since I know many things about this topic that can help me with the research. Another

thing I used was to watch videos on the subject since it could give me a clearer vision and also improve my knowledge for

the subject of my research. To be able to know that the information is reliable, look for pages that are from the government

or from reliable pages who are engaged in research or pages that their editors are recognized worldwide. For the graphics

look for pages or articles that are mainly dedicated to statistics either by the same government and an important editor. The

data collection addresses the purpose of the investigation because knowing the purpose, I know what information I need to

perform the research, which facilitates it.

3.0 Research Findings

After collecting the necessary information and getting the most important, I will show you a graph of how Internet users

have increased in Mexico.

Figure 1: The bar graph show the users that have between 2006 to 2017

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The graph shows how in 2006 the number of people with Internet was 20.2 million and in 2017 this number increased to

79.1million, that is, an increase of 58.9 million users in just 8 years, a quite significant number. So, where there was more

increase of users was in 2015, as it increased by 18.1% over the previous year.

The following graph shows which the main devices that people use are and how long they last in them.

Figure 2 This graph show the main devices of the users.

As we can see the main device used is the smartphone, since it is the easiest to use, it is also available to all people, hence

the laptops, people use laptops mainly for school work. The other devices are used less because they are not transpotable or

because they are more expensive. The smartphone is what most people prefer for the use of social networks, for its

accessibility, for its easy transportation, and its ease of use, plus most social networks are used in smartphones that is why

the people prefer them. Also the graph tells us how people spend 8 hours and 12 minutes in communication which 40% of

this time is spent on social networks, that is to say 3 hours and 28 minutes in them. Mexico is the 4th country in the world

that most uses social networks and the preferred network of Mexicans is Facebook and WhatsApp.

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4.0 Discussion

The average user spends 8 hours of his time communicated on some device, either for messages, social networks etc. Also,

most people are connected to the Internet. But what are the advantages and disadvantages of this. Some of the advantages

is that you can know the main events in the world, it helps you in school work, homework, etc. It facilitates the search of

information in a few words. The main disadvantages are that this affects you in daily activity, such as sleeping, because

when using the devices at night you can generate insomnia. By using the devices you lose the interaction you have with

people, now the majority writes, and almost nobody sees each other face to face. By spending a lot of time on devices, you

have a dependency on it, that is, an addiction to these and more mainly to social networks.

According to the research, the people who most use the internet and the devices are children and young people between 8

and 24 years of age, so from an early age people have contact with a technological device. In measure it is good to be in

contact with the devices since it would be easier to learn the new technologies but you have everything with a controlled

time, without going over, not to generate an addiction.

The research is effective because I give you clear and precise data according to my proposal. I think that no factor could

change the result, because everything is based on millions and it would be difficult to change it. As a user of technology,

the same thing happens to me as to most other people who are always using social networks or the internet, and many times

my daily activity has affected me, whether due to lack of sleep or not having the notion of time and so lose some activity

that I have in the afternoons.

5.0 Conclusion

Most people spend 8 hours connected to the internet mainly on smartphones, which most use it for social networks. Also

those who use the devices are young people and children, which most of them create a dependence on them. The thesis

has been achieved thanks to the research you do, looking for reliable sources, clear data, relevant information for it or look

for pages that contain the information you were looking for and graphics that would let me know everything I was looking


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I think that the best thing that people should do is reduce more time connected to the internet, people should go out more, a

good option is to invite your friends to leave, so that you are not always connected to the internet and there is a greater

interaction between them. Another thing is to do activities that you like how soccer, baseball, touch etc. Activities that help

your health and culture.

Reference List

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