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Lesson Plan

Teacher: Bejenari Irina

Form: 4th form

Date: 06th of December

Subject: English language

Unit: III

Type of the lesson: mixed

Topic of the lesson: Vicky is pretty


1.3.Understanding the meaning of simple instructions and directions related to classroom. The
instructions and directions are presented slowly and clearly.

2.2.Producing simple sentences to briefly describe summer holidays, to express tastes,

preferences, emotions and the way the students feel about their first day at school.

3.1.Understanding the general meaning of a simple message, referred to familiar situations of

everyday life.


O1: To identify physical qualities of their friends;

O2: To ask and answer questions about their friends’ look;

O3: To describe a person.

Strategies/techniques: Discussion, Reading together, Exercise, Pair work, Auto Evaluation.

The stages of time Objec- The activity of the The acticity of the Strategies/
the lesson tives teacher student techniques
Warm- The teacher greets the The students greet the Discussion
up/Review 10 students and checks teacher and answer the
min. their homework. homework.

3 Teacher asks some Students answer the Game

min. students to go to questions and guess
board and asks: the lesson’s topic.
-What colour is
student’s X hair?
- What colour are
student’s X eyes?
Teacher says to
students to guess
about what they are
going to speak today.
Introduction The teacher The students write the Discussion
to a new 1 announces that they date and the topic of
lesson min. are going to the lesson in their
speak on the topic copybooks.
“Vicky is pretty”, and
she announces the
objectives of the

10 The teacher proposes The students find and

min. O1 the new vocabulary put down the new
using the books and words in their
some pictures in vocabularies.
Presentation order to help students
to find by themselves
the new topic.

3 The teacher asks: The students ask and

min. O2 -What does he/ she answer questions.
look like? And give
an example of an
answer. After she and
the pupils ask
questions about
students look.

10 Ex. 4 p. 33 Students read and Reading by

min. (Reading of a translate the unknown roles
dialogue) words

5 The teacher proposes The students describe Description

min. to describe the desk the desk mate using
O3 mate using new new words.
Practice words.
Teacher write on the The students make an
Evaluation 2 blackboard the auto evaluation put
min. Homework (Ex.2, 6 down their homework.

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