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Lord Commanders

Main article: Lord Commander of the Kingsguard

Unknown Reign

It is unknown under which king the following knights served in the Kingsguard:

 Ser Robert Flowers, Lord Commander, known as Red Robert Flowers.[16]

 Ser Alyn Connington, Lord Commander, called the Pale Griffin.[16]
 The Demon of Darry, Lord Commander.[16]
 The Greatheart, a famous member.[16]
 Ser Gyles, better known as Gyles Greycloak. He was a traitor.[16]
 Ser Jeffory Norcross, called Neveryield.[16]
 Ser Michael Mertyns, the White Owl.[16]
 Ser Orivel, the Open-Handed. He was a coward.[16]
 Unknown knight of House Cave.[17]
 Unknown knight of House Hardy.[17]
 Unknown knight of House Pyne.[17]
 Ser Rupert Crabb.[17]
 Ser Clarence Crabb, the Short.[17]
 Ser Rolland Darklyn, he was the youngest member to join the Kingsguard until Ser Jaime
Lannister. He died just an hour after entering the Kingsguard. One of the seven Darklyn
knights to join the order over the years.[16]
 Ser Tom Costayne, he was called Long Tom Costayne and was in the Kingsguard for
sixty years.[16]
 Serwyn of the Mirror Shield. A legendary hero; said in some tales to have been a knight
of the Kingsguard but in fact lived in the days of the First Men, long before there were
knights or a Kingsguard.[11][18]

Aegon I Targaryen (10 AC-37 AC)

 Ser Corlys Velaryon, first Lord Commander of the Kingsguard.[8]

 Ser Robin Darklyn, known as Darkrobin.[8]
 Ser Richard Roote.[8]
 Ser Gregor Goode, brother to Griffith.[8]
 Ser Griffith Goode, brother to Gregor.[8]
 Ser Humfrey, better known as Humfrey the Mummer. A hedge knight.[8]
 Ser Addison Hill, the Bastard of Cornfield. Later became Lord Commander. It is
unknown whether this occurred during Aegon I's reign.[8][16]

Two members of Aegon's Kingsguard died defending him.[8]

Aenys I Targaryen (37 AC-42 AC)

 Ser Raymont Baratheon; prevented an assassination attempt on King Aenys I during the
Faith Militant uprising.

Maegor I Targaryen (42 AC-48 AC)

Two members of Maegor's Kingsguard abandoned him when Prince Jaehaerys made his claim in
48 AC.[19]

Jaehaerys I Targaryen (48 AC-103 AC)

 Ser Ryam Redwyne, Lord Commander, thought to be one of the best knights and worst
King's Hand that Westeros had ever seen.[20]
 Ser Clement Crabb.[17][21]
 Ser Lucamore Strong, he was called Lucamore the Lusty after it became known he
secretly took three wives and fathered numerous children. For this, he was gelded by the
rest of the Kingsguard and sent to the Wall by Jaehaerys I.[16]

Viserys I Targaryen (103 AC-129 AC)

 Ser Ryam Redwyne, Lord Commander until his death in 105 AC.[20]
 Ser Harrold Westerling, served as Lord Commander until his own death in 112 AC.[20]
 Ser Erryk Cargyll, twin to Ser Arryk.[20]
 Ser Arryk Cargyll, twin to Ser Erryk.[20]
 Ser Criston Cole, joined in 105 AC, became the Lord Commander in 112 AC.
 Ser Willis Fell.[3]
 Ser Rickard Thorne.[3]
 Ser Steffon Darklyn.[3]
 Ser Lorent Marbrand.[3]

Dance of the Dragons (129 AC-131 AC)

The reign of King Aegon II covered the war of succession known as the Dance of the Dragons.
During this war, both the eldest living son of late King Viserys I, Prince Aegon, and the eldest
living child of King Viserys I, the child he had proclaimed his heir, Princess Rhaenyra, were

Aegon II Targaryen

 Ser Criston Cole, the Kingmaker, remained Lord Commander for King Aegon II until his
death in 130 AC. Was active part of the greens, and placed the crown on King Aegon's
head himself. Later also served as Hand of the King for King Aegon II. He is
remembered as a controversial figure in history.[3]
 Ser Arryk Cargyll, twin to Ser Erryk.[3]
 Ser Rickard Thorne.[3]
 Ser Willis Fell.[3]
 Ser Marston Waters.[3]
 Ser Gyles Belgrave.[22]

Rhaenyra Targaryen

Main: Queensguard

 Ser Steffon Darklyn, her 1st Lord Commander.[3]

 Ser Lorent Marbrand, her 2nd Lord Commander.[3]
 Ser Erryk Cargyll, twin to Ser Arryk.[3]

Aegon III Targaryen (131 AC-157 AC)

 Ser Marston Waters.[23]

 Ser Mervyn Flowers.[23]
 Ser Joffrey Staunton.[24]
 Prince Aemon Targaryen, also known as the Dragonknight, who joined in 153 AC.
Nephew of Aegon III, hailed as the greatest knight of his generation.[25][26]

Daeron I Targaryen (157 AC-161 AC)

 Prince Aemon Targaryen, also known as the Dragonknight. Participated in the conquest
of Dorne. Became a captive of the Dornish after the conquest was undone in the Dornish
rebellion in 161 AC.
 Ser Olyvar Oakheart, the Green Oak. Participated in the conquest of Dorne. Died beside
King Daeron I in Dorne.[27]

Three Kingsguard knights died trying to protect King Daeron I in Dorne, and one threw down his
sword and yielded, in 161 AC.[28] It is currently unknown if Ser Olyvar was one of the three to
die in 161 AC, or whether he died earlier during Daeron's reign.

Baelor I Targaryen (161 AC-171 AC)

 Prince Aemon Targaryen, Lord Commander, also known as the Dragonknight. Rescued
by King Baelor I Targaryen from the Dornish.

Viserys II Targaryen (171 AC-172 AC)

 Prince Aemon Targaryen, Lord Commander, also known as the Dragonknight.

Aegon IV Targaryen (172 AC-184 AC)

 Prince Aemon Targaryen, Lord Commander, also known as the Dragonknight. Killed
defending his brother King Aegon IV Targaryen from an assassination attempt by two
brothers of House Toyne.[29]
 Ser Terrence Toyne, executed for having an affair with one of the mistresses of King
Aegon IV Targaryen. His execution led to a failed assassination attempt by his two
brothers resulting in the death of Prince Aemon.[16]

Daeron II Targaryen (184 AC-209 AC)

 Ser Gwayne Corbray. He battled Daemon I Blackfyre for nearly an hour at the Battle of
the Redgrass Field during the First Blackfyre Rebellion in 196 AC, before being
 Ser Donnel of Duskendale.[16]
 Ser Willem Wylde.[32]
 Ser Roland Crakehall.[32]

Aerys I Targaryen (209 AC-221 AC)

 Ser Roland Crakehall.[33]

Aegon V Targaryen (233 AC-259 AC)

 Ser Duncan the Tall, a famed knight of humble origins who became Lord Commander.
Companion to Aegon V during the latter's childhood. Perished at the tragedy of

Jaehaerys II Targaryen (259 AC-262 AC)

 Ser Gerold Hightower, also known as the White Bull.[35] Lord Commander after the death
of Ser Duncan the Tall.[36]
 Ser Barristan Selmy, called Barristan the Bold.[35]

Aerys II Targaryen (262 AC-283 AC)

 Ser Gerold Hightower, Lord Commander, also known as the White Bull. Killed at the
Tower of Joy in 283 AC.
 Prince Lewyn Martell, killed by Ser Lyn Corbray at the Battle of the Trident in 283 AC.
 Ser Barristan Selmy, called Barristan the Bold. Fought in and survived the Battle of the
 Ser Gwayne Gaunt, was killed during the Defiance of Duskendale.
 Ser Oswell Whent, known for his dark humor. Killed at the Tower of Joy in 283 AC.
 Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning. Deadliest of the Kingsguard in his time.
Killed at the Tower of Joy in 283 AC.
 Ser Jonothor Darry, killed at the Battle of the Trident in 283 AC.
 Ser Harlan Grandison. Died in his sleep in 281 AC.
 Ser Jaime Lannister, Ser Harlan's replacement. Survived the Sack of King's Landing in
283 AC, where he killed King Aerys II Targaryen. Also known as the Kingslayer ever
Recent Members
Robert I Baratheon (283 AC-298 AC)

Left to right inorder: Jaime Lannister, Preston Greenfield, Mandon Moore, Barristan Selmy,
Meryn Trant, Boros Blount and Arys Oakheart

After Robert's Rebellion had concluded, the new King, Robert I Baratheon, had multiple
positions to fill at once, as five of the members (Gerold Hightower, Arthur Dayne, Lewyn
Martell, Oswell Whent, Jonothor Darry) of the Kingsguard of his predecessor, King Aerys II
Targaryen, had died during the war. Ser Barristan Selmy and Ser Jaime Lannister, previously
members of the Kingsguard of King Aerys II, swore loyalty to the new King and served as
members of his Kingsguard. Selmy had fought against King Robert during the Battle of the
Trident, and captured afterwards, but Robert refused to execute him, pardoned him, and elevated
him to Lord Commander of his Kingsguard. Lannister, despite having personally killed King
Aerys II, was pardoned as well, and continued to serve as a Kingsguard. The other five vacancies
had yet to be filled, and over the years, Robert's queen, Cersei Lannister, exercised her influence
regarding the naming of new Kingsguard members as well.

 Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander, also known as Barristan the Bold.
 Ser Jaime Lannister, also known as the Kingslayer.
 {Unknown}, Arys Oakheart's predecessor.
 Ser Arys Oakheart, named to the Kingsguard in 290 AC.
 Ser Boros Blount.
 Ser Mandon Moore, regarded by Jaime Lannister as the most dangerous of the
Kingsguard after Lannister himself.[11] Brought to King's Landing by Hand of the King
Jon Arryn.[25]
 Ser Meryn Trant.
 Ser Preston Greenfield.

Richard Horpe dreamed of a white cloak, but Queen Cersei Lannister spoke against him, and
Horpe was passed over.[37]

Joffrey I Baratheon (298 AC-300 AC)

Kingsguard Under Joffrey I

Upon his ascension, Kinh Joffrey I Baratheon dismissed Lord Commander Barristan Selmy,
which had never been done before. Controversial knight Jaime Lannister was named Lord
Commander in Selmy's stead, and the unanointed warrior Sandor Clegane was appointed the
empty position, marking the first moment a member of the Kingsguard was not a knight.

 Ser Barristan Selmy, Lord Commander, also known as Barristan the Bold. Dismissed by
King Joffrey on the grounds of old age.
 Ser Jaime Lannister, also known as the Kingslayer, elevated to Lord Commander after
Selmy's dismissal. Spent most of Joffrey's reign as a prisoner of King Robb Stark at
Riverrun, until his release by Lady Catelyn Stark.
 Sandor Clegane, also known as the Hound, raised to the Kingsguard when Barristan
Selmy was dismissed. Despite first fighting bravely, he deserted during the Battle of the
Blackwater. Controversially, Clegane was the first Kingsguard who had not been
 Ser Meryn Trant.
 Ser Arys Oakheart, sent to Dorne with Princess Myrcella Baratheon.
 Ser Boros Blount, removed for surrendering Prince Tommen Baratheon when ambushed
on the road. Later reinstated by Lord Tywin Lannister after Sandor Clegane has deserted.
 Ser {Preston Greenfield}, killed during a riot in King's Landing in 299 AC.
 Ser Osmund Kettleblack, a former sellsword. Raised to the Kingsguard after the dismissal
of Boros Blount.
 Ser Balon Swann, raised to the Kingsguard after the death of Preston Greenfield.
 Ser {Mandon Moore}, killed during the Battle of the Blackwater in 299 AC.
 Ser Loras Tyrell, also known as the Knight of Flowers. Raised to the Kingsguard after the
death of Mandon Moore.

Tommen I Baratheon (300 AC)

 Ser Jaime Lannister, Lord Commander, also known as the Kingslayer.

 Ser Loras Tyrell, also known as the Knight of Flowers.
 Ser Osmund Kettleblack, imprisoned by the Faith in (300 AC).
 Ser Balon Swann.
 Ser Meryn Trant.
 Ser Boros Blount, mocked as Boros the Belly, named food taster for King Tommen I
 Ser {Arys Oakheart}, killed by Areo Hotah in Dorne in 300 AC after participating in a
failed coup by Princess Arianne Martell.
 Ser Robert Strong, raised to the Kingsguard after Arys Oakheart's death. Rumors about
his true identity have arisen amongst those at court.

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