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Aamir 1

Nawal Aamir

Ms. Tynia Thomassie

Advanced Placement Literature Pd. 11

22 October 2010

Quest for seeking Answers

“Was it God himself or and God’s messenger” is the question I ask myself when I think

back to the incident that completely changed my belief in God. When I was seven years old my

younger brother who was three and a half years old became very sick and had persistent fever of

104 C. My parents visited many doctors but his fever would not go. In our religion it is believed

that when you give sadqah (money or food given to the poor in the name of God) for someone

who is sick in desperate times, by giving Sadqah the bad omen will just go away. So my parents

decided to sacrifice a hen for my brother to get well. They went to the shop to buy hen and give

it to the poor. My parents started searching the road for the poor but could not see anyone. A just

appeared out no where, he was wearing a white suit and told my parents that tomorrow some

people are coming to see his daughter for marriage to their son and he does not have any money

or food to entertain the guests tomorrow. There was an extraordinary glow to his face. My

parents gave him the meat and he wished well wished my parents. That old man suddenly

disappeared in the middle of the road. When we went back home we started seeing drastic

improvement in my brother and by the next morning he completely had no fever. After this

incident a skeptic like me who does not believe in super natural, could not help but believing my

eyes on what I saw. Like Horatio I am a skeptic but after seeing it with my own eyes I could not

help but believing in the miracles of God.

Aamir 2

Hamlet begins with a question “who is there?” (1.1.1), when I think back to that incident

I ask myself the same question. I start exploring for answers, recalling that moment again and

again, whether that man was God Himself and Angel. The image of the old man is like a cloud in

my memory. The question still lingers there in my mind and seeks for answers.

The interesting thing about that event was my brother’s condition that improved after that

event which even after going to doctors did not improve. The characters in Act 1 are trying to

retain their senses as they see the ghost of their old kin Hamlet who is dead. They see this ghost

but all they wonder is why? “What art thou that usurp’st this time of night,” (1.1.2) Horatio asks.

The question “Who is there?” (1.1.1) is going to stand out and be prevalent in my life as wellas

in Hamlet.
Aamir 3

Works Cited

Shakespeare, William. Hamlet.Ed. Stanley Appelbaum. Dover Thrift Edition. New York: Dover,

1992. Shakespeare, William, The Works of William Shakespeare, Macmillan and Co.,

London, 1892. Print

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