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Tarea de Ciclo 1

Presentado por:
Sor Trinidad Alvarado García

Presentado a:
Juan Carlos Acosta

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia UNAD

Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación ECEDU
Inglés I- Grupo 518002_7
Diciembre de 2019

1.Text written about my family.

My name is Trinidad Alvarado, I am nineteen years old, currently I work and study a degree in
My family´s presentation:
There are five people in my family: my mother, my sister, my two nephews and me. My mother
Miryam Garcia she is forty-six years old and is a housewife, she likes to eating hamburger; my
sister Maria Rolon she is twenty-five, she is an independent worked, she loves to listening music;
my niece Maria Camila she is six-years old, she is small, naughty and she wants to be a doctor;
My nephew Juan Camilo he is eight years old, he is quiet, tall and he goes to school. Thank you.

2. Video link
3. The ten questions I asked my classmates

QUESTIONS completed by Angie Ardila

1.What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is tennis.

2. What do you dislike? I do not like to play football.

3. What do you work on? I am currently studying. I do not work.

4. What genre of music do you like? I like pop rock.

5. In free time what do you like to do? I like to read books and watch tv series.

6. Do you like going to the movies? I do like going to the movies.

7. Do you like to dance? I do not like to dance that much.

8.What is your favorite dish? My favorite dish is lasagna.

9. What kind of movie do you like: action, comedy, romantic or horror? I like comedy and romantic


10. What type of food you don't like? I don´t like to eat salted meat.

QUESTIONS completed by Lizeth Vargas

1.What is your favorite sport? My favorite sport is volleyball.

2. What do you dislike? I don't like football.

3. What do you work on? I work with my husband in a business of my own.

4. What genre of music do you like? I like instrumental music

5. In free time what do you like to do? I like to sing and read.

6. Do you like going to the movies? Yes, I do.

7. Do you like to dance? Yes, I do.

8.What is your favorite dish? My favorite dish is pasta.

9. What kind of movie do you like: action, comedy, romantic or horror? I love comedy.

10. What type of food you don't like?? I don't like meats in general.

4. The then questions I answered two my classmates

ANSWERS completed by Trinidad Alvarado

1. Do you like to sing? Yes, I like singing is wonderful

2. What do you like to do in your free time? I like listening to music and riding a bicycle

3. Do you enjoy spending time with your family? If I like it, it´s very nice.

4. What is your favorite color? My favorite color is black

5. What is your favorite tv show? I don´t a favorite show

6. Do you like to read? I like to read

7. Do you practice any sport? I don´t sport

8. What sport do you practice? None

9. Where would you like to travel? I would like to travel to San Andres.

10.What is your favorite subject? My favorite subject is English.

ANSWERS Completed by Trinidad Alvarado

1. What is your favorite food? My favorite food is tray paisa

2. Do you like sports? I like sports

3. What are you studying? I am studying a degree foreign languages with emphasis in English
4. Do you have an unfulfilled dream? I have a broken dream

5. What is your favorite music genre? My favorite genre is romantic pop

6. Do you belong to any religion? Yes, I belong

7. What is your favorite sport? I have not a favorite sport

8. Do you like studying English? Yes, I do

9. What do you prefer hot or cold? I prefer cold

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