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Camino hacia la excelencia académica


ESTUDIANTE: GRADO: 3th Valoración

DOCENTE: Harold Márquez TIEMPO ESTIMADO: 45 Minutos
Esta evaluación pretende revisar los procesos académicos a partir de los niveles de pensamiento:
1.1 SINTACTICO – SEMANTICO: Utilizo diagramas para organizar la información de cuentos leídos en clases.
2.1 DISCURSIVO- FUNCIONAL: Comprendo secuencias relacionadas con hábitos y rutinas.
3.1. SOCIAL-CULTURAL: participo en representaciones cortas; memorizo y comprendo los parlamentos.

1. ____ is your name? 11. I ____ my bed every day

a. Where a. Makes
b. Why b. Make
c. What 12. Miss Adriana _____ Math
d. When a. Teaches
2. _____ do you live? b. Teach
a. When
b. Where Complete the dialog
c. When 13. What is your name?
d. Why a. I´m not sure
3. In the morning I _____ at 5 am b. I am ok
a. Have dinner c. Charlie
b. Have lunch 14. What time is it?
c. Get up
a. It´s too long
4. At night I ______ at 7 pm
b. It´s 5:00 PM
a. Have breakfast
b. Have lunch c. He lives so far!
c. Have dinner 15. Where do you live?
Complete the sentences using auxiliary do a. In Bogotá
5. ____ John go to the gym? b. He is very intelligent
a. Do c. So be it!
b. Does 16. Where are you from?
c. Don’t a. I don’t know
6. ____ Mr. Harold speak French? b. I am from Barranquilla
a. Don’t c. Yes I do
b. Does 17. Do you like coffee?
c. Do a. Yes I am
7. My mother ____ like to eat hamburger. b. No I do
a. Does c. Yes I do
b. Doesn’t Logic answers
c. Don’t
18. You have lunch in …..
8. Charlie and Mary Ann ____ make the
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
a. Doesn’t
b. Don’t c. At night
c. Does
Choose the correct form of the verb. 19. When you want to read a book, you go to
9. Mike ____ to watch movies on internet a. The bakery
a. Like b. The mall
b. Like c. The library
10. Steve _____ French 20. You take a shower in ……
a. Study a. The dining room
b. Studies b. The living room
c. The bathroom

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