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Jaimini SJC

A Vedic Astrology resource based in Frederiksberg, Denmark: devoted to the teaching and practice of
Vedic Astrology.

Lecture on remedies
A lecture describing the process of choosing remedies for Kala Sarpa/Amrita Yoga and for curses.
Lectures inspired by Pt. Sanjay Raths workshop at the SJC Asia Conference 2006.

Kala Sarpa/Amrita Yoga remedies: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Curses remedy: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download

Posted in 2007, Important yogas, Jaimini SJC | RSS 2.0

162 Responses to “Lecture on remedies”

1. Anurag Sharma Says:

March 12th, 2007 at 5:19 pm

|Om Namo Narasimhaaya|

|Om Lakshmyai Namah|

Dear Visti,

Did you have a third part on remedies for the Badhak? Just checking because it is not here.

Best wishes,


2. Sharat Says:
March 12th, 2007 at 5:58 pm

||Hare Ram Krishna||

Dear Visti,
In KSY/KAY, this needs to be remedied first. However, if there are curses as well, will they also
need remedy? If so then will they need remedy only after KSY/KAY has been broken successfully.

1 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

3. Visti Larsen Says:

March 12th, 2007 at 9:31 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Anurag and Sharat, Namaskar.
We will delay the badhakesh lecture until the next Sunday. After those two lectures i was
completely drained for energy.

The beauty of Kala Sarpa/Amrita Yoga is once you break it with a suitable remedy that
remedy actually acts as a new controlling factor in the chart. I.e. if you break it through
Kamalatmika sadhana suddenly the entire yoga becomes a Kamalatmika yoga instead and the
entire life heads in that direction. As a result you rarely have to give any remedy for curses or
anything like that… neat eh?

Yours sincerley, Visti.

4. chandra Says:
March 12th, 2007 at 9:40 pm

Dear Visti,
My daughter has some ADD and autism problems.could you please suggest some remedies. Her
details are
Jan 06/98, 7:01pm, Hyderabad, India.

5. Visti Larsen Says:

March 12th, 2007 at 10:03 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Chandra, Namaskar
Such cases are very difficult to remedy but they all involve the strengthening of Guru in the
persons chart. In your daughters chart its apparent that the affliction to lagnesh and Guru is the
problem and whilst I cannot personally give such a remedy I would advise you to make it a
life’s goal to seek out a priest who can give you or your daughter a Tara Mantra for her well

To start you can try to teach her this mantra: Hreem Streem Hum Phat. Just try.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

6. Astroyogi Says:
March 13th, 2007 at 1:06 pm

Ahishekem with Gangajal..

Dear All,

I read abhishek wiht ganga jal to linga ca releive at gr8 extent..reason..

i feel gangajal being moon here and shiva jupiter grea8 releif for jataka..

7. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 14th, 2007 at 3:11 pm

2 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Visti,

Your lecture on remedies is very inspiring, particularly when you explained the implications of a
KSY and KAY. The approach of remedies in both the cases are very logical and inspiring.

I have a doubt : If the KSY and KAY happen in the D-charts, do the same principles get applied ?

In the case of female : 18-08-1978, 0326Hrs IST, Allahabad, India; the KAY forms in 2/8 axix.
Moon joins Ketu and Lagna joins with exalted Jupiter. Since, KAY forms in D-9, does that mean
that the marital life is a burden to her ? In order to break the yoga, Can she resort herself with the
mahavidya worship of Jupiter or by the mahavidya worship of Moon through somebody, say

Kindly guide me and oblige.


Vijay Kumar

8. Visti Larsen Says:

March 14th, 2007 at 3:42 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Hi Vijay, Namaskar.
Rasi is the most important. Without the rasi we cannot even step into the higher divisions… if
the door is locked we cannot enter the house, let alone the bathroom.
So we need to solve the issue in the Rasi first. The yoga forming in higher divisions do show
problems arising, but its the rasi which is the key to this.

Prefer the planet in lagna if possible and ask her to wear a yellow sapphire or yellow topaz
after having a priest perform Jeeva Nyasa to the ring (to protect the health) and letting her start
wear it on a thursday morning.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

9. asha kamath Says:

March 14th, 2007 at 7:57 pm

Visti ji, I am listening to your lesson on curses. My dob is January 19, 1951, POB is Hubli
Karnataka, India
TOB is 10:10 am.
besides the Gayatri japa do I do anything else?
You mentioned that I have a curse of brahmin. my venus is also conjunct with sun. is that the
reason for my marriage not lasting?
should I wear a yellow sapphire? or I have been advised to wear blue sapphire.

10. Bharat Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 4:53 am

Namaskar Visti ji, I have listened your lecture on kalasarpa and tried to match it with my horoscope.
I have ketu in my lagna which is aquarius and rah is with sat in leo. My jupiter is in 6th house in
cancer along with mer and My venus is along with sun in 5th house in gemini. How would i decide
which mahavidya is good for me. The first two points as said by you match the horoscope i.e
planets in lagna and planets together with one of the nodes. If i am not wrong my Jup is in 6th house
which is not a good house and my venus is 15 deg from sun which nearly makes it to combustion.

3 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Please advice which one is good. And where can i get the mantras for these 9 mahavidyas.

11. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 6:26 am

Dear Visti,

Continuining on my doubt…

Thanks for your reply. I do appreciate the fact that the KSY/KAY, if gets formed in the natal chart,
then it should be broaken as the natal chart is the chart of prarabdha with which we are born.

But my doubt was, if there is no KSY/KAY in D-1, but that happens in some D-charts, what should
be interpreted and what should be done ?

In the example given, D-1 does not have any KSY/KAY but D-9 has. In this situation, what are the
implications and what should be done to break it ?

Your kind guidance is requested.

Vijay Kumar

12. Sanjeev Trivedi Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 6:29 am

Dear Visti ji,

Your study of the subject is amazing. Listening to your lessons on curses.

My DOB is 14.08.1959, Time - 1330 hrs, Place - Bhopal (MP)India.

Would you kindly throw some light on my horoscope and pl suggest remedy.

13. Visti Larsen Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 10:11 am

4 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

हरे राम कृण॥

Hi Asha and Bharat, Namaskar.

I don’t believe your marriage suffered due to the curse, rather weaknesses were the cause of

Gayatri mantra is the key for you, and further being of service to elders, priests and offering
support to children is important as this is a curse of Brahmin. Specifically installing a Shiva
Linga in a temple is the best remedy I can advise for you for a Brahmin Shaapa in Lagna.

The mind is very important for Mahavidya selection and we should prefer that graha who is
best placed from the Moon.

Here the selection methodology is closely linked to the chandra yogas.

1. See which planets are lording the Moons sign.
2. See which are joining the 1st, 7th, 2nd, 12th, 6th or 8th from the Moon sign.

Among these you must choose the Mahavidya… So where is your Moon from Jupiter and

As for mantras, some authors of SJC have published some mantras for Kali and Tara on their
websites, but their sites seem to be very moody which makes the mantras unavailable. But, it
should be born in mind that the BEST way to receive a mantra is from a person who is a
Mahavidya Sadhaka. Otherwise start with the Nama-mantra for the mahavidya, i.e. “Om
(name) Namah”. Later the Mother will lead you to a propper sadhaka. Keep in mind the
restrictions i mentioned in the lecture.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

14. Visti Larsen Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 10:23 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Vijay and Sanjeev, Namaskar.

In such cases we will advise very simple advise such as wearing a gemstone or associating with
a certain person to ensure the best results. Admittedly the KSY/KAY in say Navamsa is quite
important as it can show problems in getting married. A simple remedy such as visiting the
Shankaracharya or a Guru of high stature and asking for the blessing to get married would

I do not wanto encourage people to use the discussion boards to ask for chart readings, instead
i would refer them to my consultations-page for this.
Nevertheless, I would say that the placement of Ketu in the fifth and aspected by Rahu and
Mars is a reason for concern. Mainly because this is a curse of Sadhu and it can block your
progress in your profession (ketu in fifth and rahu in tenth from Moon) and give worries
related to children (fifth house).
To time exactly when this would be prominent we would need to rectify the D60 chart, but
with the current time Jupiters placement in the D60 can give the issues from 1998 onwards.

5 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

This is subject to change based on the D60.

I would give two remedies in such a case.

1. Worship Ganesha always. Ganesha will help you progress in your profession and life and
this is important when planets are in the fifth house, otherwise the punya gets delayed. This is
to be begun from a Wednesday morning.

2. The Vishnu Gayatri is the way out of the curse. The mantra is from the Rg Veda and begins
with: “Tad Vishno Paramam Padam…”. This should be begun from a Thursday morning.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

15. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 1:11 pm

Dear Visti,

Many thanks for clearing my doubts. I have 2 more doubts as follows :

You mentioned to Bharat that Om (name) Namah may be the starting point of any mahavidya
worship, if we don’t have any sadhaka at hand to give the mantra. Since, mantras are very sensitive,
will it be possible to indicate names to be used in this mantra for all das-mahavidyas for general
guidance to all the readers.

Though, it is too much to bother you, but this being a sensitive point, it does require your approval.

Example, For Kamalatimaka, we might say Kamlatimaka/Kamlatmike/Kamala etc. Pl pardon me for

my ignorance on this point and guide.

You mentioned in your lecture that Namahshivaya mantra is different than Shivaynamah. How is it
different in its plane where it works ?


Vijay Kumar

16. Bharat Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 1:38 pm

Visti ji, My moon is in saggitarius so it makes venus to be 7th from moon and jupiter to be 8th from
moon. I read one of your other posts where the difference is stated between sarpa and amrita. I
guess mine is kalamrita yoga.
my birth chart is
lagna + Ketu - Aquarius
mar - taurus
sun + ven - Gemini
Jup + Mer - Cancer
Sat + Rah - Leo
Moon - Saggitarius

Sincerely, Bharat

17. Sharat Says:

6 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

March 15th, 2007 at 4:46 pm

हरे राम कृण

Dear Bharat,
If I can help you here:
Mo being in Sagg, with Aqu lagna, means that it is not KAY/KSY at all,as Moon is not between
Ra/Ke axis.
Rather there is Grah Mallika Yog, which is not so much restrictive as KSY, however complete birth
details will be helpful.
To understand about KSY/KAY, please read Visti’s book or read the following link where Visti and
I have discussed about it:

Hope this helps


18. Bharat Says:

March 15th, 2007 at 7:27 pm

Sharat ji, Thank you for pointing out the GMY. Basically i am a beginner and still experiencing
things. My DOB 09-07-1979, 22:00 Hrs IST, Loharu, India. I am not sure but i was very curious to
remedy it as none of my plans are working. Everything comes to 70% and cannot move any
forward. It looks as if all doors are closed for whatever i plan after 70% of work. Where can i get
more information about GMY.

19. Sharat Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 1:08 am

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Bharat,
This is Grah Mallika yoga where 8 planets( Moon is left out) are all lined up in a restrictive serp like
yog. This effects all the starts you make as the ‘end of the yoga’is in 7H with Sun conjunct with
Rahu and this blocks all your results from fructifying.
With Ketu in lagna,Ganesh worship is a must to begin with and then do worship of Shiva form as
Lord Daskshinamurty.
Visti will correct me if I am wrong as I too have been learning from him and Sanjay ji’s teachings.

Hope this helps


20. Bharat Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 4:46 am

Thank you sharat ji for your points. I guess the curse on top of GMY is making things really hard.

Visti ji, Namaskar

Can you please help me out in unlocking this grah mallika yoga. Is there any lecture of yours on
grah mallika yoga where i can understand more about it.

Sincerely, Bharat

7 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

21. Tarun Garg Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 1:26 pm

Respected Visti Ji

Just a comment for the Horoscope of Asha Ji, above. Just happened to notice that sun is in MKS
and there are three malefics aspecting the bhava Leo and that is the 7th house. from 1973 to 1984
Leo and capricorn dasas ran in sucession and i believe the native could have seen some suffering
related to that 7th house.

Visti ji, Since 7th lord is in MKS and also in 12th house we could not help there, Also Ve the karaka
for the 7th house is cojoined in the 12th house and that cant be used, so do you think that tatwa
level Luxmi worship should be advised in this case.



22. Visti Larsen Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 3:40 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Vijay, Bharat and Sharat Namaskar.

The names I gave in the recording are specific to this. In fact when I answered the question on
the list I thought I was repeating myself. Go through the recording again.

Bharat and Sharat

Graha Malika Yoga does occur and both the starting and ending points are important. Here
they are both kendras which show good results, but we see that the ending point in the seventh
house is formed by Rahu and Saturn and this in turn causes a very strong Sarpa Yoga… Bharat
has very big dreams!.. and they are not easy to satisfy even after all the hard work. As a result
there is a risk of Bharat going out of his way to attain something which will end up giving him a
dent on his reputation as this yoga happens in the tenth from arudha lagna. So this should be
the warning.

Now, the dispositor of this yoga is the Sun and he is the Atmakaraka in the fifth house. The
remedy is to meditate and pray to Shiva through which he will attain his desire. So put a
picture of Shiva with his wife in front of you and worship him with the panchakshari mantra.
This should do the trick.

Yes Sharat, this will also remedy the curse, and you must keep in mind that Sun is AK in the
fifth house and hence the specific remedy for panchakshari, shiva, etc.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

23. Visti Larsen Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 3:44 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Tarun, Namaskar.
For MKS we advise the aditya of the karaka of the house wherein the MKS happens. I.e. for
Sun in twelfth it should be Varuna-aditya.

8 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Rest looks good. Nice interpretation.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

24. Bharat Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 5:49 pm

Thank you visti ji. I shall go by your suggestion. I will do the panchakshari mantra to please lord
shiva. I hope the mantra “Om hrim namah shivaya” guides me further. I want to make use of the
eclipse so is it good if i keep on chanting during the complete eclipse period and a count of
108/1008 times a day.


25. Jill Says:

March 16th, 2007 at 10:34 pm

Namaste Vistiji:
My friend has a son who is schizophrenic. His is not quite a Kal Sarpa Yoga since Saturn is outside
of the Rahu/Ketu axis. However, Venus is lagna lord and debillitated in 12th house and hemmed in
by Sun and Mars and then Parivartana yoga with 12th lord in 1st house with Ketu.

Can you kindly suggest some remedy? I’m thinking that the Venus should be strengthened - yes?
DOB: October 8, 1966
Time: 8.01 am
Place: Long Beach, CA USA
Thank you for your suggestions.


26. Visti Larsen Says:

March 17th, 2007 at 1:05 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Jill, Namaskar
So far the best class or workshop on remedies that I can recommend is the JEEVA course
( which is taught by Pt. Sanjay Rath.
Otherwise I will be teaching what has been personally taught to me by Sanjayji through the

In the chart you gave there need not be a kala sarpa/amrita yoga to cause the particular
problem. In fact if you see that same Venus that you mentioned, its junction with Sun and
ASPECT of retrograde Saturn makes up for a tough curse of spouse to experience.

The remedy is as you have said through the placement of Venus. Here Mercury is the
dispositor in the lagna and hence we can advise worship of Sri Vyasadeva.
If you see this site:
You will find such an appropriate mantra for Vyasadeva who will bless the native and child
with good health and intelligence. But, that retrograde Saturn is a tough cookie to crack I must
admit. Such curses don’t go away, but they can be minimized.
I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

9 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

27. Tarun Garg Says:

March 17th, 2007 at 1:37 pm

Respected Guru Ji

Thanks for that tip on MKS remedy. So the Aditya mantra would be om ghrinih varunaditya or Om
ghrini Varunaya namah? Also another aspect of the remedies that i would like to understand is that
what remedy to give if the planet is debilitated in the chart,

Also I present here a case study on the remedies that were prescribed to a native by Nadi readers in
hyderabad. Those remedies have wonderfully worked for the native. maybe there is some learnings
from the same.

I would like to have comments from you on the same.

birth details

5 Nov 1974, 18:07:03, Ludhiana India.

Taurus Lagna and sun debilitated in the 6th house. The natives mother has constat problems with
high blood pressure . Also her domestic happiness has constant issues. Venus is in MKS in the 6th
house and the native suffered a terrible accident in 1986. (Li Mahadasa. Taurus Antardasa gave the
accident Ma is cursing planet and 12th lord (Hospitalization), She was in terrible state all along the
Ta antardasa plastered to almost the complete body all from belly down. There was little hope that
she could walk again ever. Somehow Jupiter in 10th house is aspecting and due to her father’s
efforts and constant fighting she recovered and was able to come to normal state. Thankfully
enough the phase has passed. Also notice that Me the 5th lord joins the curse and there is a
secondary curse on him too. The native could not beget a child even after 8 years of marriage
mainly because of initimacy issues with the spouse curse on venus and 12th/7th (Ma) lord joins the

Now the native went to Nadi reader in Hyderabad and they advised the following remedies.

1. On sankat Chauth (Chaturthi) she was advised to go to Ganesh Temple and do 5 kinds of
abhishekam coconut milk, honey, sandal, ghee and milk. archana with 5 lamps. 32 times parikrama.
same day donate books and clothes and sweets to a child below 10years ( curse of mercury?).

2. 10th day from amavasya( That means Dasmi) archana of a tulsi Mala to Vishnu Temple.
(Mercury?) but why the tithi of Dasmi?

3. shani abhiskam on saturday with coconut milk, til oil, and milk. 8 parikramas. Sani is afflicting
the moon. So i think that could be reason for that. And also Sani is Karaka for the 6th house where
the curse is.

This is the most wierd one and I cant figure that one out.
4. On 11 sundays consecutively go to a Durga Temple in rahu Kalam and offer a Garland of 32
lemons. Light 11 lamps and do the parikrama 11 times. Also light lamps to the Navagraha after
doing this pooja and Parikrama.

I could not understand that one. Rahu is in Scorpio and as we prescribe the Kalachakra remedies we
would have asked for Durga worship on a Tuesday (Mars rules the Vara where rahu is placed), why
sunday? Clearly the remedy is for rahu’s affliction to the 7th house. Durga diety and also rahu
Kalam but the Vara of Sunday eludes me. are we missing something here?
And what could be the significance of the numbers in all these remedies.

32 parikramas of sri ganesha.

10 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

11 Parikramas of Ma Durga with 11 lamps.

32 Lemons in the garland. That could be attributed to the 32 names of Ma durga. and lemons are
representing the heads (Mundas) thus we are worshipping Ma in the form of Chamundi I think in
this case.

I just thought that i would post this information that I have and that could help us do some more
research and knowledge of all.

Hope to hear your thoughts and comments on that

Your shishya


28. Tarun Garg Says:

March 17th, 2007 at 2:11 pm

respected Guru Ji

Correction. the 10th day from the Amavasya does not equate to Dasami necessarily as the tithis can
be more than 1 day or less. so it seems that there is some other logic. 10th house lord is rahu and he
rules amavasya. And 10th karaka is Mercury and we are worshipping Vishnu with the tulsi Mala.
Could not think of anything else…
Waiting for your comments


29. Reema Sriganesh Says:

March 18th, 2007 at 2:00 pm

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

This was an excellent lecture and very timely, too! Can’t wait for
the lecture on Badhaka remedies.

I have one question regarding determination of the curse that would

end up giving most suffering. If in a chart we have two benefics which
are conjoined each other and are afflicted by two or more planets
then how do we determine which benefic will end up giving more
suffering to the native? For example, Jupiter and Venus conjoined
in a bhava and afflicted by graha drishti of Mars and Saturn. Here,
should we just assume that curse of Jupiter will act as primary curse and
will give more suffering given that Jupiter is a higher benefic?
Or should we take the longitude of the benefics into consideration to
determine which curse will end up giving the most suffering and
hence should be remedied first?

Thank you.

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


30. Krishna Says:

March 18th, 2007 at 2:36 pm

11 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Visti,

Thanks for giving a clear lecture on remedies. I have really learnt a lot.
I would like to get clarifications for a couple of questions that I have:

- While determining the intensity of a curse, do we consider the status of a

malefic causing the curse? For example, (dob:7-Sep-1958, tob:6-15am, pob: Bangalore),
Mars is involved in more than one curse. However, Mars is a yogakaraka sitting in
a Kendra and exalted in Navamsa. My question is, whether mars is till should
be considered as contributing the curse?

- Should we look at the proxymity of planets when in same Rasi. In the above
example thous Mars and Moon are in same Rasi, they are more than 20 degrees
away. Is the curse as severe as say when they are less than 12 degrees apart?

Looking for your answers.


31. Shishya Dheena Says:

March 19th, 2007 at 6:51 am

Dear Reema Ji,Namaskar.

With the permission of Guru Ji let me pen down the information for your clarification request. As
per Guru Ji’s dictum first you have to consider the order of benefic planets only. The primary curse
will be from the most benefic as you have written. At the same time we have to use our intuition (to
me it is Guru Ji’s blessings) to arrive at correct conclusion as it was discussed in the case of Hitler’s
chart. Priest was hurt and his wife cursed, this way the main curse due priest was triggered by
wife’s sapa.
With respects to Guru ji.
Sincerely, S.Dheenadayalan

32. Sanjeev Says:

March 19th, 2007 at 11:18 am

Dear Visti ji,

In your lecture on Remedies for Curses I need the following clarifications :

A)Guru of the lord of the sign in which curse is
A.1)What is the Vaishnav Guru, other than Dattatreya for Mercury ?
A.2)What is the Guru for Jupiter ?
A.3)What are the 9 Mahavidyas and how do we arrive at them for Moon ?
A.4)What are the 4 Vedamurtis and how do we arrive at them for Ketu ?
B)What is the Pratyadidevta for Saturn ?
C)Is the Dev for Lagna the Gayatri that we know of ? You mentioned Bramha Gayatri - what is that
D)What is Vishnu Gayatri Mantra ?
E) Are there various Gauatri mantras ? How many ? What are they ?
Sorry to put so many questions but I believe if I get the answers of all these, my understanding for
Curses and Remedy would be fucntional. I am marching ahead fast to accept you as my Guru.

33. Sanjeev Says:

March 19th, 2007 at 3:09 pm

12 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

With Rahu and Ketu always opposite to each other,

the chances of them getting cursed is always higher than
other planets. Are Ketu and Rahu curses more commonly seen ?

34. Sharat Says:

March 19th, 2007 at 10:56 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Sanjeev,
If I may answer your Qs and I am sure Guru Visti will correct me.
A.Guru of the Lord of the sign is chosen as per the scheme already given
by Visti. It may not be the sign where the curse is, if its lord is also
involved in the curse.
A1.Guru Vyasdeva
A2.Guru Brihaspati
A3.You need to read about the Mahavidyas from VRA by Guru Sanjay Rath
and his paper on the same which is in the files section of the Sohamsa
Group. This forum will not be appropriate to write about their details.
A4.A discussion on Vedmurti is on this website, if you browse the
articles section
B.Lord Narayana
C.Dharma Gayatri, refers to the Vishnu avtar- Vamana, Ref to Rig Veda
D.Vishnu Gayatri is from Rig Veda 1.22.20. Please refer to it.
Both above Gayatri’s can be easily seen from Rig Veda and I would need
Visti’s permission for the same to be listed on public forum as I
know he prefers not to do the same.
E.There are many Gayatri chhandas, please refer to VRA if you are keen
to learn some more.
All the best.

35. Sanjeev Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 3:44 am

Dear Sharat,
Thanks for the answers.
If you could also comment on the second query I posted.

36. Sishya dheena Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 5:18 am

Dear Guru ji, Namaskar
Dear Sharat ji with Guru JI’s permission let me pen down as I have learned the Priatyadidevata for
Saturn is Kalagni.
A4)ctoe] Regarding Gayatri, my personal feeling in expressing our thoughts should be in a simpler
way as Guru ji and Parama Guru Ji do.
My understanding is as follows:
b) Gayatri is not the name of any mantra. Gayatri is Chanda. Savitur Mantra in Gayatri Chanda is

13 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

generally known as Gayatri mantra and all the mantras in Gayatri Chanda is called as Gayatri
mantra of respective deities.
The term respective deities means, Almost all deities have Gayatri mantra, means too many
c) To my novice knowledge if Savitur mantra is recited in gayatri chand just before Sun rise it is
Bramha Gayatri, if at noon Vishnu Gayatri, at Sunset SivaGayatri and at mid night Kali Gayatri.
This is like the same person known as father to his children, son to his father, Husband to his wife
and brother to his co-born.
With respects to Guru Ji.

37. Sanjeev Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 7:25 am

Dear Sisya dheena ji, Namaskar.

Thanks for your views.
I think what Guruji said in his lecture for
Pratyadideve for Saturn was - Visnhu-Narain -
Mercury is more of Vishnu and Saturn is more of Narayan and so what
Sharat ji wrote is apt as per Parashar listing.
Your views on Gayatri is interesting, conceptually.

38. Sharat Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 1:08 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Dheena,
I understand what you are saying about the Gaytari chanting as per the
Sun position, which is right.
I have mentioned the specific gayatri chhandas of Vishnuji, as they are
chanted for specific purpose of Vishnu worship.
Regarding Pratyadi devta for Saturn, I have read/heard differing names:
Sanjay ji specifically mentions Lord Brahma Prajapati, Visti has mentioned
Narayana,and one of Rafal’s papers mentions Kalagni/Kali as well.
Sanjay ji also mentions Indra as Pratyadi devta for Shukra,while Laxmi
is mentioned by others and for Mars he mentions Aditya.
Perhaps Guru Visti will clarify and may be we can have an updated list
of Adi and Pratyadi devtas.

39. Visti Larsen Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 5:21 pm

14 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Tarun, Reema, Krishna, Namaskar

I didn’t forget you. Its an excellent case study of which EXACT remedy to give for certain
afflictions. I will be answering this query in detail soon.

Keep in mind that no matter which of the two planets is more afflicted, the remedy would stay
the same.

Yes we do consider the status of the malefic planet. It will tell us exactly how bad the curse
will be. Take Sri Ramas chart and you will see how an exalted yogakaraka Mars in his curse
made him go to war for his wife.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

40. Visti Larsen Says:

March 20th, 2007 at 5:55 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sanjeev, Sharat and Dheena, Namaskar
Here are my answers and commentary on the same.

A)Guru of the lord of the sign in which curse is

A.1)What is the Vaishnav Guru, other than Dattatreya for Mercury ?
Answer: Vyasa is commonly accepted.

A.2)What is the Guru for Jupiter ?

Answer: Brhaspati. I believe i have mentioned these by name in the recording.

A.3)What are the 9 Mahavidyas and how do we arrive at them for Moon ?

Answer: I have also mentioned these in the recording. Here i will mention them with the names
one can do Nama japa of. Beginning from the Sun and ending with Ketu they are:
Matangi, Bhuvanesvari, Bagaladevi, Parasundari (Tripurasundari or Shodasi are other forms),
Tara, Kamalatmika, Dakshniakali (Kali), Chinnamasta and Dhoomavati

A.4)What are the 4 Vedamurtis and how do we arrive at them for Ketu ?

Answer: There are infact five vedamurtis where the fifth one is Sarvaveda, i.e. all the vedas.
Based on the tatva of the planet Ketu is joined, or if none then the sign placement the murtis

Agni: Hanumukha (Atharvaveda - Hanuman)

Vayu: Hayamukha (Yajurveda - Hayagreeva)
Akasha: Gajamukha (Sarvaveda - Ganesha)
Prthvi: Ajamukha (Samaveda - Shiva as Ajaikapada)
Jala: Nandimukha or Gomukha (Rgveda - Nandi, the one who upholds Dharma/Shiva)

B)What is the Pratyadidevta for Saturn ?

15 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Answer: Pt. Sanjay Rath presented during the Delhi ‘06 conference that Kalagni is the
Prayadidevata whilst Brahmaa is the Adhidevata. This is fully acceptable and this is why
Rudra worship is advised for Saturn at time, especially in matters of health. Brahmaa (note
long ‘a’ is Prajapati Brahmaa whereas short ‘a’ refers to the Brahman or actual creator of
Brahmaa) as Prajapati is the Adhidevata of Saturn and this is also what Parasara says.
However, Parasara advises us to worship Saturn as Narayana/Vishnu and when in doubt we
should follow the advise of Parasara and Jaimini who both ask us to worship Narayana to
appease Saturn. For appeasing of Saturn in curses i advise Narayana.

C)Is the Dev for Lagna the Gayatri that we know of ? You mentioned Bramha Gayatri - what
is that ?

Answer: Brahma Gayatri is the mantra given at the Upanayana ceremony. Gayatri itself is a
rhythm/chandah and there are many mantras in this chandah. Take ‘Om Namo Narayanaya’..
its in Gayatri Chandah.
Also Gayatri refers to the four gandas or junctions of the day, namely sunrise, midday, sunset
and midnight. It is said that worship during these times give us a direct link/connection with
God and are very auspicious time to worship, but inauspicious to start new activities as they
are times of transformation.
The Savitur Gayatri is NEVER recited at night and this is forbidden. However the three
sandhyas of sunrise, midday and sunset are the times for the sandhyavandana which is
performed by those who have received the sacred thread… Atleast this is when they are
supposed to do it.

D)What is Vishnu Gayatri Mantra ?

Answer: read Rgveda. Sharat has also given a few options from the same.

E) Are there various Gauatri mantras ? How many ? What are they ?
Sorry to put so many questions but I believe if I get the answers of all these, my understanding
for Curses and Remedy would be functional. I am marching ahead fast to accept you as my

Answer: No marching here, we need ahimsa (non violence) to learn the Veda and Jyotish is an
Anga of the same Veda (refer Prasna Marga). And anyway we have lots of time to learn.
As for Guru, I am a teacher of Sri Jagannath Center and am bound by my vicinity to accept
students. Select a Guru in your vicinity based on the list and location given at this site:

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

41. Sanjay Mehta Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 7:56 am

Dear Visti ji,

“Hare Rama Krishna”
“What a smooth lecture on kala sarpa/amrita yoga!” It gave a clear piture for beginner to grab the
Could you please shed some light on how the “kaala sarpa yoga” differs from the “sarpa yoga”.
From your lecture I got the understanding of “kalasarpa yoga” but about the “sarpa yoga” I read in
the book “Vedic Remedies” by Guru Sanjay Rath, that this yoga is caused by the placement of
malefics in kendras.

What will be the general effects of it and how to give remedies for it.

16 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Does it matter that one of the malefic is yogkarka or not?

In my own chart I do have 3 malefics in kendras,

Lagna is Tula with Rahu in it,
ke in 7th house,
Sat in 10th house,
Mo in 5th
Ju(R) in 6th,
Ma in 9th,
Su in 12th
Me(R) 12th
There is parivertana in 10th and 5th Lord i,e Mo and Sa.
Do you think that this parivertana to some extent modifies the
“sarpa yoga”.

Any suggestion for Remedies

With regards

42. Visti Larsen Says:

March 21st, 2007 at 7:11 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sanjay Mehta, Namaskar
Sarpa Yoga causes intense desires and almost impossible dreams to fulfil if it is complete. It
also risks giving the person association with criminals and cruel people. For dual signs this can
give terrible handicaps if the lagna isn’t strong. Its not an easy yoga at all.

The lordship of these malefics in kendra show WHAT is the purpose of the ’sarpa’… i.e. is it
to bring money, wealth, etc.

The relieving factor is a benefic in kendra who should be strengthened/worshiped. If none then
there is a Dattatreya mantra advised to protect the native. Parivartana and other yogas will
always modify the yogas but its still sarpa yoga.

My advise is to you is to recite the Dattatreya Raksha mantra given in Vedic Remedies in
Astrology .

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

43. Suneet Says:

March 22nd, 2007 at 8:01 am

Namaskar Guru Vistiji,

My under query is regarding the following chart which is combination of KSY/KAY, curse and
I am giving details of one chart DOB 22 June 2002 DOT 6:40PM Place Gurgaon, Haryana, India
Lagna Scorpio, chandra and ketu in lagna, shani and rahu and
budh in 7th house, guru and mangal and surya in 8th house, shukra
in 9th house. Now for this chart what remedy should be given?
chandra is neech and cursed with ketu and aspected by rahu and shani,
budh is also under curse cojoined shani,rahu
guru in 8th house
shukra in badhka sthana 9th house for scorpio lagna

17 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Can you please write what remedy should pe given here for removing KSY/KAY effects ?

44. Visti Larsen Says:

March 22nd, 2007 at 12:44 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Suneet, Namaskar
Either Bhuvanesvari or Tripura is fine in such a case. Bhuvanesvari would probably be
Yours sincerely, Visti

45. Bharat Says:

March 22nd, 2007 at 3:38 pm

Namaskar Visti ji,

I am trying to do the panchakshari mantra as suggested by you. I am getting hurdles in between i.e
situation not letting me continue what i am trying to do. Can i apply any external energy like gems
to make sure i stick to what i am supposed to do with out getting a second thought in my mind.
Because a couple of days the situation is trying to divert my mind and creating worries in some
other part of life. Is there any thing like we can get help from external energy to make sure we are
not out of path. It always happens like this with me when i try to concentrate. Any suggestion for
any kind of gem if required or is it just the sarpa which is becoming obstacle again. I give my details
again 9-jul-79, 22:00 IST, Loharu, India. Please help as i am very desperate to control the sarpa.

By the way i had used blue sapphire and diamond last year and recently i removed thinking they are
doing bad to me.


46. Visti Larsen Says:

March 22nd, 2007 at 3:47 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Bharat
Your Shiva mantra is supposed to solve your whole life and not just parts of it. Make sure you
worship Ganesha before begining the shiv a mantra.

Heres some Ganesha upadesa. Shashi(mind/moon) - Ankusha (goad/control/supression)

mantra: sashyanka namah shivaaya| Do this for atleast 2 malas before reciting the mantra.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

47. Tarun Garg Says:

March 23rd, 2007 at 7:55 am

Dear Bharat,

Just a comment though, I seem to remember that in the VRY book in the mantra shastra part Pt.
Rath has advised a method of selecting aksharas on the name of the devotee. In my case and also in
your case our name is of 3 aksharas bh - ra - ta/ Ta ru na and that make s 3 + 5(from the mantra) =
8 and he has advised strictly against it. thats why i usually take the shadakshari mantras and avoid
panchakshari mantras.

18 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Maybe Guru Ji can comment on the same

With warm regards

Tarun Garg

48. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 23rd, 2007 at 11:42 am

Dear Visti,

I have come across a case of KSY : Male : 18-6-1977, 0815 Hrs IST, Bombay (18N58, 72E50).

This person has continued losses in business which he is doing with his father. He is yet un-married,
far from any settlement.

KSY yoga exist in the chart involving 3/9th house with Saturn in Lagna, Jupiter in 11th house
(badhaka house) and Venus in 10H. There is a noticeable kalatrashapa built by the association of
Mars and Saturn in 10th house.

I feel that due to Kalatra shapa, the marriage is eluding. Since, this shrapa happens in 10th house,
profession is on toss. On the top of it the cursed planet Venus is debilitated both in D-9 and D-10.
Thus, I feel this person is handicapped in both areas of profession and marriage mainly due to this

How to proceed to break this KSY, more so when there is a significant curse as well. Should the
Saturn be propitiated as it associates with Lagna or Venus which is the most benefic planet placed
in Kendra (10th house) and visibly shows the problem areas in profession and marriage ?

Please help me to understand more on this chart, as I am not able to proceed further.


Vijay Kumar

49. Visti Larsen Says:

March 23rd, 2007 at 2:06 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Tarun and Vijay, Namaskar.

You will also find in VRA that this doesn’t apply to Prasiddha mantras. Namah Shivaaya is a
prasiddha mantra.

Now this is surely a predicament. He has Saturn on his lagna, aspecting arudha lagna and
upapada… a bachelor is born. Now because there are planets joining Upapada and Arudha
lagna, this should now have been a problem at all, yet because Saturn has had his dasa since
his 19th year of age and is still running we have a problem.
Now, if Venus is auspicious then marriage is supposed to happen between 12-32 years of age.
Here the Darakaraka (marriage/spouse) is in MKS (6th) from Venus, whilst the seventh lord
Saturn is in inimical house (4th-pachakadi sambandha) from Venus.

The next period is that from Jupiter from 33-50 years of age. Jupiter aspects the seventh, gives
argala to karaka Venus, labhaargala to seventh lord Saturn, but is placed in MKS (9th) from

19 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Darakaraka Rahu. This is an issue but hopefully Jupiters dristi on Rahu will lead towards

To make Saturn auspicious advise him to go on pilgrimage (tenth house-upapada) to visit the
Shankaracharya (Guru/Surya removes all dosha from nodes and Saturn). Here he should ask
for the blessing to marry. In addition a Mantra for Sri Tara would help towards breaking the
Kala Sarpa Yoga.

Heres another example:

Date: July 3, 1958
Time: 9:33:40 am
Time Zone: 1:00:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 12 E 35′ 00″, 55 N 40′ 00″

In this chart the darakaraka is Mercury and Venus gives it Argala from the eleventh therefrom.
There are no inimical placements here. But the Argala of Venus is blocked by the Atmakaraka
(Jupiter) showing that some important life-experiences will make the person avoid marriage
between 12-32. The seventh lords are either Saturn or Rahu. Whilst Venus aspects Saturn by
graha dristi and promotes relationships during its period, Rahu is placed in MKS (6th) from
Venus. The native didn’t marry during the entire Venus naisargika dasa from 12-32 years of

So why was Rahu more dominant than Saturn in such a case?.. look at the twelfth house and
tell me the answer.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

50. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 24th, 2007 at 9:45 am

Dear Visti,

Thanks for your illuminating reply. I have appreciated the use of naisargik dasha and pachakadi

In the example case, you asked, why Rahu was more dominant in denying the marriage. My feeling
is that out of Saturn and Rahu as 7th lord, Rahu falls in 7th to Upapada lagna, thus it became
dominant to block the marriege in addition to being in MKS from Venus (karaka). Am I on the right
track ?

May I examine the similar approach to examine the naisargik dasha on the chart details given by me
earlier at sl. No. 7 (18-08-1978, 0326Hrs IST, Allahabad).

In this chart, let me attempt to examine, if the native would marry in the naisargik dasha age of
12-32 years as follows.

I observe that Saturn aspects by sign aspect to arudha (Aries), by graha and sign aspect to Upapada
(Libra) and confers argala to lagna. This is similar to the earlier case and can we say, that the
marriage is too difficult for her. However, Lagna is occupied by exalted Jupiter aspecting 7H.
Arudha lord is conjunct with Karaka-Venus which is Upapada lord as well, though weak by

With this, can we say that the marriage seems to be promised, though with difficulty.


20 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

There is no planet in 4th and 6th to Venus. Darakaraka-Sun gets placed in 12th house to Venus and
works as temporal karaka to Venus (though Sun is natural Vedhka to Venus as well ?). Similarly, 7th
lord Saturn also gets placed in 12th to Saturn thus acts as strong karaka.

With this intent, can we say that the native may get married in naisargik Venus dasha age of 12-32
years. Here, Saturn strongly
works as the karaka of Venus; gets conjunct with DK-Sun and gives argala to Lagna. Can we say
that Saturn bhukti in Venus dasha would get her married ?

Doubts :
# What are the implications of Venus placed in MKS from AL ?
# What are the implications of 7th lord Saturn weak in Sun’s sign and inimical to Darakaraka-SUN ?
Would it work to deny the marriage ?
# How does Sun (DK also) behave in 12th house to Venus for marital matters ?
# In order to smoothen the marriage and life thereafter, what shoul be strengthened or propitiated ?

Thanks for your continued support.

Vijay Kumar

51. Hari Says:

March 25th, 2007 at 3:54 pm

Dear Vijay,

My apologies if I am seen to be intruding into your conversation with Visti.

My question is why must this jataka (18/08/1978, 0326 IST, Allahabad)force you so strongly to
search for the real truth that is hidden among the various dictums/principles of Jyotisa Shastra? You
have published extensively on Jaimini sutras in the Astrological Magazine, are quite learned to my
understanding and yet, in recent posts, it has always come back to this particular chart and the
many questions that remain unanswered. A look at this chart tells me that Guru is the 9th lord in
Karka lagna and thus the impact of father is very high indeed. Anyway, let me volunteer to answer
some of your questions on the analysis given by you in this forum.

01. Generally we look to see how well placed Venus or Jupiter is in navamsa when judging the
suitable naisargika dasa for marriage. In this chart, Shukra is in 12th to navamsa lagna (in MKS
from 7th house) while Guru is in navamsa lagna, that too vargottama. Thus, marriage appears more
likely in Guru naisargika dasa (32 - 50 years of age). Sarbani has done some research in this and
found that the antardasa of the DK often gives marriage so based on this research, I would say that
marriage is quite likely in Guru naisargika dasa - Sun antardasa. During this time, transit Guru is in
Meena rasi aspecting the 2nd from UL which further supports this observation.

02. Answered in 01 above.

03. From personal experience, I have seen that 7th lord Saturn in 2nd house (= second marriage)
gives two marriages provided that the second lord is weak. Here the saving grace is that Sun as the
second lord is strong in this chart.

To smoothen the marriage that is promised by Guru, it is essential to remedy first the patnishaapa in
the chart. I am sure that Visti should have pointed this out earlier and given remedies for the same.

After marriage, there’s nothing like the Satyanarayana vratam done every Pournimasya.

21 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

best regards

52. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 25th, 2007 at 5:13 pm

Dear Hari,

Thanks for your kind words. I do not have any experience in naisargik dasa delineation that is the
reason, I am learning it now. I do not think that repeating a chart for observations under new
principles does have a bar. We keep looking to our own charts all across our life and yet find it
showing a new flavour with the new principles at hand.

In case, if you find it handy, please refer me more sources to understand naisargik dasha. I am not
aware about Sarbani’s research on DK. Where do I find the link ?

I have my sincere thanks for your observations on this chart. If you have more to say on this chart
or suggest me something more, you may use my e-mail id :, as further
discussions on this chart between us on this site link would seem flooding it where Q&A on KSY
etc would be more meaningful.

Thanks, Vijay Kumar

53. Visti Larsen Says:

March 26th, 2007 at 10:45 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Hari and Vijay, Namaskar.
Speak as much as you like about the charts and all. People reading can only benefit and there
should be no restrictions to knowledge.

I have been taught this approach, reg. Navamsa as well from Freedom, but I have a very
stubborn approach to Jyotish, namely that if something as obvious as a delay in marriage is not
confirmed in the Rasi chart, then don’t look for the details in Navamsa. And Sanjayji has
supported this opinion and in Delhi 2005 he gave us some hints as to see which events will
happen early or late. Particularly for Naisargika Dasa he advised me to check the relationship
between Darakaraka and Venus for marriage in the dasa of Venus.
There is also a lot to study in this regard but essentially it deals with analyzing the 12th, 9th
and 7th houses besides the charakarakas and other relationships.

Heres an interesting dictum: ANY planet obstructs marriage if placed in the twelfth house.
Now go through the Vara chakra lessons and learn how to remove this obstruction and which
planet will do it! Your answer will be there.

Yours sincerely, Visti

54. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 26th, 2007 at 1:13 pm

Dear Visti,

Thanks for allowing me to deliberate and get nearer to the answer regarding the deadlock of
marriage fixation in the chart referred (18-08-1978, 0326 Hrs IST, Allahabad).

22 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Taking cue from the hint you have given, I find the following 2 combinations looking from

Upapada lord Venus is placed in 12th house from it thus marriage gets blocked by Venus itself. If
this alone is considered than
Venus has no 6, subtracting from 9 gives me 3 meaning Jupiter.

Since, Jupiter is exalted in Lagna aspecting 7th and 9th house, is exalted in D-9 Lagna also; it may
indicate the remedy for removing the obstruction of marriage by correcting the negativities of

Venus, Mars and Rahu collectively fall in the 12th house from Upapada causing obsrtuction in
marriage. The planetary number totals to 6+9+4=19 which results to 1 after expunging the multiples
of 9. Subtracting this number from 9, I get 8 meaning Saturn which is the 7th lord itself.

However, I do not find Saturn to be very strongly placed in D-1, thus not sure if remedy lies here.
But, Saturn falls in 5th house from AK in D-9, thus Saturn may be resorted for worship and may be
more suitable as it falls from D-9 lagna as well.

Do you approve this finding or I am missing something yet more important !

Thus, with my limited awareness, I am able to rest upon Jupiter and/or Saturn to break the deadlock
in marriage fixation.

If worship of Jupiter/Saturn is the solution, how to approach the worship.

Your kind advice is requested.

Vijay Kumar

55. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 26th, 2007 at 1:16 pm

Typo to the message..54

The para towards the end reads like this :

However, I do not find Saturn to be very strongly placed in D-1, thus not sure if remedy lies here.
But, Saturn falls in 5th house from AK in D-9, thus Saturn may be resorted for worship and may be
more suitable as it falls in 12th house from D-9 lagna as well.

Sorry for the mistake by oversight.


Vijay Kumar

56. Hari Says:

March 26th, 2007 at 5:21 pm

Dear Visti and Vijay, namaste


23 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Sanjay has written an article on naisargika dasa principles and its calculations and I have written an
article on the same with reference to Sri Lahiri Mahasaya’s chart. Both are published in the Jyotish
Digest but the article by Sanjay should be available in his website The reference to
Sarbani’s research is from a personal conversation with her. The classical reference for naisargika
dasa is of course in Varahamihira’s Brihat Jataka. Bear in mind that the great Varahamihira used
only two dasas: Moola and naisargika dasa.


In Singapore, Sanjay gave a masterclass on timing marriage using naisargika dasa. He took several
blind charts and always identified the correct dasa-antardasa in which the marriage happened. From
that class, I learnt that he always checks the relative position of Shukra/Guru in
navamsa…generally the charts taken by him were of cases where either Shukra or Guru was well
placed in navamsa. I didnt see any cases where both Guru and Venus were equally well-placed in
navamsa so it is quite possible that the rules you cite should apply here. And in my own experience,
I have always found this working well. And if there’s some delay indicated in the rasi chart, it
should show up in the navamsa.

Now to the clue you gave for Vijay: “Any planet placed in the twelfth house blocks marriage”. I
assume that you refer to the 12th house with respect to lagna…do you say this because the 12th
house has virodhargala on the 7th house? But then, 12th house is also the house of bed-pleasures so
its a upachaya for the 7th house. Which comes first?
And with reference to the chart given by Vijay, I think you refer to the planets in the 12th house of
navamsa when giving this clue, is it not? Egad! I have Uccha Ketu in 12th house to lagna in
navamsa…do you mean to say it blocks the marriage?

best regards

57. Sharat Says:

March 26th, 2007 at 10:07 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Hari,
Since I cant access old issues of JD, will you be kind enough to send me your article on Naisargic

58. Vijay Kumar Says:

March 27th, 2007 at 9:12 am

Dear Hari,

Which issue of JD has these articles (both your’s and that of Sanjay’s). Is Sanjay’s article on his
website same as that published in JD ?

Thanks for your pointers on D-9, approved by Sh. Sanjay Rath. In fact, from the hint given by Visti,
I took the clue looking in 12th house from Upapada.

Let us wait for Visti’s remarks.

Thanks for your help.

Vijay Kumar

24 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

59. Visti Larsen Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 12:15 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Hari and Vijay, Namaskar.
The twelfth house causes Sanyasa also. See we have two options to pay off our debts in life: 1)
take Sanyasa and 2) get married and have children. These are essentially the paths of Guru and
Shani. Shani is the karaka of the twelfth house and promotes Sanyasa, and its for this reason
that Venus in the twelfth in navamsa can completely deny marriage all together if Saturn isn’t
well placed.

So, as a result Brighu states: if Jupiter is in the twelfth house and Ketu is in the seventh the
person will have affairs from the day of marriage itself.

Lets try to analyze why: Jupiter in the twelfth can deny marriage due to the teachers, elders,
etc. Now, as per the Varachakra it its Ketu which will undue Jupiters blockage (fifth graha-
remedy graha). But, if Ketu is placed in the seventh house then he will do so by causing affairs
as nodes in seventh can promote adultery. So in this case Brighu says that this position will
bring affairs from the beginning of marriage itself, i.e. Ketu will end Jupiters blockage to begin
the affairs… ouch.

So who will save Mercury in the twelfth or Ketu?

Yours sincerely, Visti.

60. Sharat Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 12:30 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Visti,
Interesting that Ketu in 7H blocks Ju in 12H and promotes’ affairs’. So if Ju is strong, like it is in
mine and retrograde(12H), Ketu from 7H may not be able to completely ‘ block ‘ it ! So neither was
marriage blocked by Ju nor Ke gave affairs from day 1

61. Visti Larsen Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 1:53 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar.
You have misunderstood. It is Jupiter in the twelfth which blocks the marriage, and its Ketu
who removes the blockage. If Ketu is placed in the seventh house then when removing the
obstacle he gives adultery as well.

But, for adultery caused by Ketu there must be two conditions fulfilled: 1) Venus must join or
have rasi dristi on the second from upapada. 2) There must be a lack of children in the
marriage… Ketu’s reason for giving marriage is to increase the family.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

62. Hari Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 3:35 pm

25 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Sharat & Vijay, namaste

My article is available directly as a featured article at

I checked up on the references I used in this article and from this, Sanjay presented his paper on
naisargika dasa in the 10th International Symposium on Vedic Astrology, Sedona, USA (2003) -
ACVA. But it should be available on his website which however seems to be under modification
currently. The link is:

Hope this helps you both.


Do consider a chart somewhat similar to the chart presented by you for the sake of further learning.

15/06/1978, 0955 hours IST (am), Chennai, India

Do tell me what you can deduce from this chart with respect to marriage. This chart is that of a

best regards

63. Sharat Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 4:19 pm

Hare Ram Krishna

Dear Visti,
I get that, I think I didnt write it correctly. Ju in 12th blocks 7H as per virodhargala and Ketu
unblocks as per varachakra. What if both are in 12H? Will that mean both will promote ’sanyaas’?
Then we look at Venus and if that is afflicted as well!!

64. Hari Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 4:40 pm

Dear Visti, namaste

Thanks for explaining the hint. In your article, you state that the upaya graha should be found from
that graha corresponding to the number obtained after deducting the resultant number of the
problem-causing grahas from nine.

In the example you gave about Guru in vyaya-amsa blocking the marriage, Guru’s number is 3 and
hence the upaya graha should be that corresponding to 9-3 = 6 or Shukra. But in your email, you
say that the upaya graha should be reckoned as the fifth from the problem causing graha. Please

For Budha in the 12th, the upaya graha would be Mangal but Mangal is karaka for celibacy so how
can we advise that as remedy? Is this what you are driving at?

For Ketu in 12th, the upaya graha would be Moon; worship of Devi is best here.

26 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

The paths of sanyasa marga and grihastha marga are essentially that of Sani and Guru respectively.
If Guru is in the 12th house, why would it work to block the marriage? It would be logical to expect
that Sani in 12th blocks the marriage as it would like to push the native on to sanyasa marga. But
then you say ANY graha in 12th blocks marriage; I can only conclude that this is because of

best regards

65. Visti Larsen Says:

March 28th, 2007 at 4:45 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Hari, Namaskar.
Make sure you also listen to the Jaimini lecture on the Vara Chakra where i have added some
more calculations.

Yes, the twelfth gives virodha argala to the seventh and is also the natural marana karaka
sthana for the same.

Yours sincerley, Visti Larsen.

66. SK Says:
March 29th, 2007 at 5:39 am

Dear Visti,

I have a question regarding ketu in curses. You have mentioned in providing example chart for
curses that ketu is often not considered in analyzing for curses. However, you have also pointed out
that some consider ketu to be higher benefic than Venus.

Thus, if ketu and venus are both under influence of two malefics, who would cause more suffering
(considering house position, avastha being similar for both)?
Should the remedy be considered for bhava lord of ketu or venus?

I would greatly appreciate your guidance in this. I am thoroughly confused about ketu’s influence in


67. Visti Larsen Says:

March 29th, 2007 at 10:07 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear SK, Namaskar.
Ketu can cause a curse of sadhu whereas Venus gives the curse of wife. The sadhu practices
mantras every morning an is in deep meditation on Brahman, so his/her words will truly carry a
lot of weight.

Now you have misunderstood the mp3 slightly, but thats ok as its not easy to grasp. When
giving the specific remedy we are concerned with which curse is causing MORE suffering. I
gave examples of this in the lecture where in one case a curse on Venus was giving more

27 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

suffering than that of Jupiter. So you still need to solve this methodology.

But, when both house position, avastha, etc. are the same then look for the following
1) conjunction of atmakaraka.
2) conjunction of lagna lord.
3) conjunction of eighth lord.

The influence of these makes the suffering more personal as it affects the native directly…
such a curse is difficult to forget. Without the influence of these the curse will pass over
without a direct impact on the native.

If you still can’t conclude from this, consider Ketu as more benefic than Venus in this regard.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

68. SK Says:
March 30th, 2007 at 11:49 pm

Dear Visti,

Thank you for detailed explanations and clarifying my doubts on this and devabadhaka.
In order arrive at a specific remedy for a curse, we have to identify the planet giving most suffering.
From my current understanding I have come up with the following order to identify this planet:

1. Planet aspected by highest number of malefics

2. Planet in dusthana
3. Planet otherwise afflicted and in weakness (Debilitation in Rasi, Navamsa, MKS, etc)
4. Planet in conjunction with AK
5. Planet in conjunction with Lagna Lord
6. Planet in conjunction with 8th Lord
7. If all the things above are same, the highest benefic among planets under curse

If the two planets under curse are Ketu and Venus, then I would have to check these conditions to
see which causes more suffering. From your reply, I understand that if the conditions 1-6 in the list
doesn’t apply then Ketu should be considered as the planet causing most suffering than Venus.

Please indicate if the above order of identifying the planet causing most suffering is correct.

I am grateful for this opportunity to learn from you.


69. Sharat Says:

March 31st, 2007 at 1:17 pm

||Namah Shivaye||
Dear Visti,
I wanted to clarify about the 12th house graha for remedy.
We use the Vishnu form as per dictum, when using for’overall progress towards Mukti’ ,we use a
dwadakshari mantra.
What mantra do we use when we want to pray to this graha for the houses it is karaka of? Do we
just drop ‘ bhagwate ‘ from the dwadakshari?

28 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

You also gave example that we may go straight to Vishnu himself and use the vasuadevaya mantra.
Did I get that right?
Please advise, thanks.

70. Visti Larsen Says:

March 31st, 2007 at 5:57 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat and SK, Namaskar.

SK: Yes, its all correct.

Sharat: We normally choose the Pratyadhi devata for this purpose.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

71. Sharat Says:

March 31st, 2007 at 8:09 pm

||Namah Shivaye||
Dear Visti,
I know what you mean, to worship the karaka, we use pratyadi devta.
I meant to ask the mantra syllables for Vishnu form of deity as per planet in the 12 H.
Sanjayji in one his lectures says if there is a planet in 12H, its karakas benefit if the graha is
worshipped as Vishnu form. Should we not then not use the dasa-avtaar and their dwadakshari
mantra? If so then it works like the Ishta devta mantra dictum? Isnt that right?

72. Visti Larsen Says:

April 2nd, 2007 at 9:50 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Sharat, Namaskar.
Keep in mind that a mantra’s syllables will decide the effect/focus of the mantra. If you want
moksha then twelve syllables is perfect. If you want the strength and ability to face the world
and become a better human being then the eight syllable mantra is the best, and is my personal
Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

73. Sharat Says:

April 2nd, 2007 at 10:37 pm

||Namah Shivaye||
Dear Visti,
Thanks, thats what I thought as well. In fact you did express this preference for the ashtakshari in
your lecture on Ishta.
PS:Looks like that there wasnt a Jaimini class on Sunday.
All the best

29 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

74. Hari Says:

April 3rd, 2007 at 5:04 pm

Dear Visti,

If you don’t mind, I am posting here a case in which I have been unable to trace the precise cause
of delay in marriage for the native. The native is male, in good health, a very good cricketer (state-
level), a Ph.D. in biochemistry, a postdoctoral researcher in a government-funded research institute
and currently active in the cricket circles of his current residence.
All my predictions for timing of marriage have failed in this case. Could you please analyse what is
the cause for delay of marriage in this chart, suitable remedies and timing of marriage event?

September 21, 1970

0:25:54, Chennai, Vepery, India (80E16, 13N05), +5H30

thanks and best regards


75. Anna Says:

April 4th, 2007 at 10:26 pm

Hello Visti,
Quick Q re your post #58:
When choosing between Venus and Ketu, you chose Ketu as more beneficial. I believe that in
mundane matters Venus is morr beneficial, Ketu perhaps for spiritual ones- just Naisargika karakas
In many charts I’ve seen ketu MD, AD to be very ‘humbling’ experience /let alone joyful/, while in
Ve MD there is always some natural signs of joy /remember ‘better bad day fishing than good day
This is my perception on this-
I am so curious to know the reasons why you consider Ketu to more benefic than Venus.

Many astrologers see ketu as a malefic, and Sanjay seems to disagree completely this. Would you
elaborate on this issue please- Ketu, natural benefic.

I feel a gap, sort of, in getting deeper understanding of Ketu’s nature. Although I experienced
personally ketu MD in my childhood - it was very confusing, primarily and NOT good for my father
at all /Ke is in 2nd/
I am not sure, but can be that religiosity has become inseparable part of my nature at that time,
although I’d say that I quickly, effortlessly, spontaneously picked up my family’s religious beliefs
since my early childhood, particularly those of my precious loving mother- has ketu MD provided
the framework for that?


76. Sanjeev Says:

April 5th, 2007 at 12:58 pm

Dear Anna,

My understanding of Ketu Vs Venus is similar to yours. A tamil proverb is - “Nothing blesses like
Rahu and nothing curses like Ketu”. I have nth number of examples of this.

Visti would through light on the specificity of the belief which we may not have understood

30 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...



77. Sharat Says:

April 5th, 2007 at 4:01 pm

||Namah Shivaye||
Dear Sanjeev and Anna,
If I may add my 2 cents on this:
Ketu is considered the most benefic after Jupiter, in matters of dharma, spirituality and moksha. He
shows you the Guru and is the natural mokshakaraka. Ketu also signifies knowledge as signified by
the Vedmurtis.
Natural Devta for Ketu are the Nagas, who are considered spiritual and a source of blessings. Ketu
is thus a benefic in these terms.
On the other hand in reference to material objectives, Ketu is headless and malefic, in the sense that
it does opposite of the accepted social order aka its ability to eclipse the Moon(Society).
This is how I understand this.


78. Anna Says:

April 5th, 2007 at 5:31 pm

Dear Sanjeev and Sharat,

Thanks for feedback. I feel that too, Sanjeev, about what you wrote about ketu, because nothing
teaches us so well as our personal experience, and I’ve seen other people’s experiences to be
similar to mine. Sometimes it seems being devastating for person’s life:confusion, mistakes, poor
judgment, lack of action, selfconfidence, and misunderstandings of all kind I have seen too many
times not to notice this.

As for spiritual side Sharat, I have experience as a child, which I haven’t forgotten, of living in a
muddy ocean,confussion, senses reduced to minimum, lack of understanding and sharpness of
mind… Other people told me the same.
R. Koch lives ketu period and Zoran as well. They may share their first hand experience at different
age, which would certainly help us in understanding this shadow Ketu- yes, it proves to be headless,
literally and metaphorically!

79. Astroyogi Says:

April 5th, 2007 at 8:28 pm

Dear All,

Vistiji i have one query:

Snha lagna and karka navamsa :

mars and venus joining in second house despositor of venus and rasi r where venus exalted,jupiter
here, are in 4th house.

here that person having both planet mars and venus exalted in navamsa.

31 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

i feel this is an extremely aupicious combination but true query: moreover suryamsa in rasi and
navamsa also venus..

what should be advised this person : i feel lakshmi mantra as being 10th lord venus in rasi and 10
lord exalted in navamsa

requesting you best lakshmi mantra if i am correct or any other bija mantra ?

80. Leoncio Says:

April 6th, 2007 at 5:44 pm

Dear Guru VistiJi, Namaskar

As I am a beginner, I am posting a chart that I am trying to understand with the help of many
concepts that I have listened from your records.

October, 24, 1990. Birth time: 07:50 am.

TZ 3 west.
46 west 58 28
23 south 01 47.

Please, let me know if my reasoning is correct. This chart is from a girl and it seems to be interesting
one. Initially, I tried to verify birth time multiplying lagna degree by 81 and the result fell in 26 gr.
Makara, indicating that some correction must be done. Then, I tried to understand a bit more of the
Badhaksthana is 9th house with Guru and Ketu. Guru is exalted in parivartana with Moon in second
house. Indication of Dharmic issue (9th house and Guru involved). Moon, the Badhakesh, is cursed
and Guru too. Sani conjunct Moon gives Raja Yoga although Saturn destroys Moon by Vara
Chakra. Jupiter also destroys Ketu by Vara Chakra.
In 12th Sun is in MKS, conjunct Sukra and Budha. Mercury eclipses Venus.
Mars in 7th aspects Lagna, indicating angry feelings directed to the native.

Sani is AK shows that she has to learn to have faith in herself. The girl does not have self
confidence, indicating by their Sun (Atman, ego) in 12th and Moon (mind) conjunct Sani. The girl
has great difficulty to make friends (Mars in 7th), possible to have marriage in future, too. Lack of
faith is because of Guru aspected by Rahu and Ketu, as well. Is her mother (Moon) or father (Sun)
suffering? And about spirituality, as ketu is destroied by Guru?
Please, what should be prescribed to the girl, because there seem to be many problems? How should
I continue to correct her birth chart?

Best Regards
Thank you very much


81. Astroyogi Says:

April 8th, 2007 at 3:19 pm

Plz help on this matter. I am putting details of a native who is suffering from breast cancer. plz
respected members give your advise as thispatient is fighting tough battle.

12:55 PM (0-24 hr)

32 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

82. Leoncio Says:

April 9th, 2007 at 8:03 pm

Dear Visti Ji, Namaskar

Please, let me know if my reasoning is correct about chart sent by our colleague Astroyogi. I got
Aquarius lagna. Tula is bhadaksthana with Rahu, Mars and Jupiter. The native seems to have Sarpa
Bhadaka, and Guru is cursed. Chukra is Bhadhakesh in 12th, receiveing the aspect of Sani,
indicating that Venus is cursed.
As Sani is conjunct Sun in Rasi and aspects Sun in Navamsa, there is a curse from father, too.
Since December 2004, native is living Cancer Narayana dasa that is 6th house (of diseases), 12th
from Moon. Moon receives the aspect of Sani too. Moon indicates health and vital fluids of the
native. Cancer receives the aspects of the Bhadhakesh Venus. This shows disease problem,
especially because venus and moon indicates internal vital energy, jala tatwa.
Since March, 18, 2007 the native is living in Rahu dasa. His mind is full of doubt and fear, not
helping any treatment (things are worse because Guru is cursed between 3 malefics).
Rahu and Mars transit by the ascendant, Ketu by 7th house, Sun and Mercury by the 2nd. All this
indicates a difficult configuration.



83. Visti Larsen Says:

April 10th, 2007 at 5:14 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Guys and Girls, Namaskar.
A mail from sunny-serbia. Look out for some new pictures in the album over the next few

If i follow the principles you taught reg. marriage timing in navamsa, we see that Venus though
exalted is afflicted by four malefics by rasi dristi. Guru itself is debilitated in the twelfth house
and doesn’t promote marriage either.

Now, what i feel needs remedying are the placements in rasi. Specifically two placements,
namely that of Shani and Rahu. Shani as lord of ninth in debility shows durbhagya and delay in
marriage… this specifically delays stable relationships as Shani is vakra in the seventh from
Venus… The partner is always pushed away due to this combination. This is also in the
seventh from arudha lagna, and shows that with more advancement in his career, the further
away from marriage he is pushed.
Rahu in the ninth also promotes durbhagya and delay in marriage and being placed in the fifth
from arudha lagna it shows specifically his social circle/support group will be bad for him.
Notice that these two grahas are atma and amatya karaka respectively and shows some very
deep rooted soul-level issues causing the problems.

My advise is to wear a yellow sapphire on the right hand ring finger and go on a pilgrimage to
visit the shankaracarya. Then the blessing of marriage can come. If he can make such a visit
before the 22nd of May this year it will turn very beneficial.

In matters of curses we are always looking at that planet who holds a greater amount of
truth/satya to curse. Here Ketu represents those whose sole focus is God like Ganesha sitting in
constant meditation. So Ketu represents renunciates such as the hermits who live in the

33 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

himalayas or the inhabitants of orthodox monasteries like Oztrog, or those in Fruska Gora and
Sveta Gora.
For those who have Rahu or Ketu in the twelfth or seventh from arudha lagna we will see the
spiritual shift from material to spiritual (or sometimes vice versa) during the dasas of the nodes
or the narayana dasas containing the nodes, and these are triggers that make us choose one
distinct path over the other.
I hope this answers your question.

Another issue is that Ketu can cause terrible devastation in a persons life due to mistakes or
not using ones brains when performing actions. Then the house in which Ketu’s placed can be
completely destroyed. This is especially important for Ketu’s placement in the houses of career
and future namely the fifth and tenth houses. Here the tenth from Lagna and Moon is quite
important, where the tenth from lagna shows our own performance of karma, whilst the tenth
from Moon shows the career support being deprived due to mistakes.
Ganesha worship is necessary in such cases, or wearing a Cats eye on the LEFT hand.

We are all restricted by the limitations of written conversation and as a result its also quite
difficult to understand the perspective and thoughts of the person who has
written/communicated something unless more elaboration exists. I would ask you to provide
the birth details and elaborate on the purpose with which you wanto give a remedy.

All analysis must start from somewhere, and when looking for problems I always follow the
steps of: pancanga, kalasarpa/malika yoga, curses, badhaka, etc.
There is some pancanga dosha due to the lord of Tithi and Vara being joined and this involving
tenth from lagna and moon, but rather than causing distinct suffering it rather shows a person
who won’t have a particularly fruitful career unless they go abroad (twelfth house). And even
in a foreign country their will be a lack of growth and resources. However, a lack of malefic
involvement denies much emotional suffering… there may be problems but suffering always
comes from the malefics.
Now lets look for the suffering. There is a curse of Brahmin and a curse of Matri/mother. The
mothers curse gives most suffering as it involves the atmakaraka, whilst lagnesha Ketu’s yuti
with Guru is a problem, but not as bad as that which affects the atma (atmakaraka).
The curse of mother is also matribadhaka as the Moon is involved with the badhaka and
associated with Saturn in rasi and Mars in navamsa giving both sorrow and anger from mother.
The yoga between Moon and Saturn can also severe family relations and cause financial
problems as the Moon-Saturn yoga is a destructive yoga, but the issue here is the matri-
Thank fully Jupiter is exalted in the badhaka sthana and shows that all obstacles can be
removed by a person with a strong Jupiter, and will be part of the natives support circle (fifth
from AL).
As Jupiter is the fifth lord it also shows that the native has forgotten the worship of a deity
from their childhood. Once the native remembers this the issues related to the health
(lagnesha), family (second house) and future (fifth house) will all be resolved. If she doesn’t
remember then just tell her to worship Ganesha with a simple mantra as Ketu is yuti the fifth
lord Jupiter.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

84. Visti Larsen Says:

April 10th, 2007 at 5:14 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

34 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Astroyogi and Leoncio, Namaskar.

Cancer is due to uncontrolled expansion and manifests in the form of a malefic Jupiter or Rahu
associated with the houses of disease i.e. 8th and 6th.
Regardless of what we may find in our analysis the first and foremost remedy to pull a malefic
Jupiter out of the cancer is to advise wearing of diamonds and reciting the mrityunjaya mantra
2×108 times a day.. usually 1 mala in the morning and 2 mala in the evening.
Now, proceeding with the chart its apparent that the lagna may not be correct as we get 29
degrees Aquarius.
For Aquarius lagna we can vaguely justify that lagnesha Rahu in badhaka sthana with and
afflicted Jupiter can cause cancer but if that had been so then due to the badhaka influence the
doctors wouldn’t be sure if it was cancer to begin with!
Also with Aquarius lagna the shoola dasa since 2000 will be Capricorn which doesn’t have
strong connection with the cancer causing planets, yet has a rudra yoga.
With Pisces lagna this is more clear as the afflicted Jupiter resides in the eighth house. The
eighth lord Venus is placed in the second drekkana indicating chest region and being in
capricorn indicates left breast will be affected by the cancer.
Also the shoola dasa will be of Aquarius which aspects the cancer-yoga in the eighth house
and again giving intense problems since the year 2000.
So, ask her to wear a diamond on the right hand ring finger, recite the mrityunjaya mantra all
the time, or atleast listen to it and ask her to be patient. The future is tough with the vimshottari
dasas of malefics in the 12th and 8th houses in the navamsa, but Rahu-Guru antara in late
2009 will take her fully out of the disease. May Shiva bless her.
Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

85. Leoncio Says:

April 11th, 2007 at 12:22 pm

Dear Guru Vistiji, Namaskar

Thank you very much for your teachings.

About the girl,i understand that “worshiping Ganesha” will please Ketu and Guru (the native forgot
to worship a deity).
Going a bit further, please help me to advise correct gemstones. If Ketu gemstone is advised. Cat’s
eye seems good because Ketu is lagna lord, although Ketu would destroy Guru that is lord of 5th.
There is a dictum that the gemstone of 9th lord (Moon) is always convenient: even in this case that
Moon is in matribadhaka?
Because of lack in self confidence and shyness of native, Sun gemstone- Ruby (lord of 10th) in 12th
could be convenient.
Concluding please let me know if the follow remedies would be correctly prescribed:
First possibility
a) Worship Ganesha as you have already advised;
b) Use of Jupiter (lord of 5th) gemstone (yellow sapphire or yellow crystal like citrine) ;
c) Use Sun (lord of 10th) gemstone (ruby).
Second possibility may be the use of Moon (lord of 9th)gemstone in place of Sun`s.



86. Astroyogi Says:

April 11th, 2007 at 12:59 pm

Dear Vistiji,

Thanks very much for your time and thoughts more important !

35 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

I really asl almighty to shower lots of blessing for helping man kind in trouble.

87. Shishya Dheena Says:

April 12th, 2007 at 4:46 am

Dear Guru Ji namskar.
We are happy to be with Guru ji once again after longing for your presence for some time.
As it was explained to Leoncio ji,(ref no.:33)Guru ji may kindly permit us to know the remedial
measures for such pancanga dosha, so that the person will have fruitful career in his/her mother
country itself.
With respects.
Yours Sincerely,
Shishya Dheena

88. Anna Says:

April 13th, 2007 at 3:04 am

Dear Visti,
I am sure you enjoy the warmth od Srbija, both literally and metaphorically! Will join you soon-
Ostrog is on my list.And Bgd, of course.
very good explanation of Ketu, thanks.
You mentioned poor judgment, bad decision re the house it’s related to- I personally experienced
mostly confusion, being in Ke MD at an early age. Not good for worldly issues, and I feel pretty
helpless in the face of Ketu’s ‘deceptive’ nature guess that’s exactly the point!
Warmest wishes to Srbija, Branka and yourself,

89. arjun bhardwaj Says:

April 14th, 2007 at 3:06 pm

dear guru,
i am really impressed by ur lectures on the site. U have a great knowledge. Just want to ask one
question, no astrologer could be able to give me this ans uptil now. I am learning vedic astrology
from past 6yrs,i am in melbourne and i want to become complete jyotish, can i become a astrologer?
just one ouestion my details are 10june1981 4:30pm place: meerut(u.p) india. sir i hope u,ll solve
my query.
thanking you

90. Reema Sriganesh Says:

April 15th, 2007 at 1:53 pm

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

For some time now I have wondered the effects of Kala Sarpa Yoga when Rahu and Ketu are
exalted. I am referring to a chart with Virgo lagna, Mars and exalted Ketu in 4th, exalted Venus in
7th, exalted Moon, Jupiter, Sun, and Saturn in 9th, and exalted Rahu and Mercury in the 10th. You,
while explaining the Pisacha Yoga, once commented on this chart that Pisacha Yoga will not apply
because of the exaltation of Ketu (due to blessings of Sri Rama). So, similarly, will KSY in this chart
also be modified in some way due to exaltation of Rahu and Ketu?

After learning from you about KSY remedies, I am inclined to advise the native to worship
Kamalaatmika Devi. The native is a little girl. She has a few behavioral issues, but otherwise is

36 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

extremely intelligent (Lagna Lord Mercury conjoined exalted Rahu?). My concern is that her
behavioral issues might be exemplified due to the same Mercury-Rahu conjunction. We usually
don’t like Lagna Lords associated with Rahu, especially a Rahu involved in KSY. But an exalted
Rahu? I am not sure.

Please shed any light you can on this KSY. I do not want to give a wrong remedy due to lack of my
knowledge (I am always so afraid of this). And hence, I am trying to confirm from you.

Birth data, for your reference is - 05/24/2001, 88E22-22N32, 13:21. Time has not been rectified.

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


91. arnab mukherjee Says:

April 20th, 2007 at 6:56 am

hare krishna,
sir a well methodical manner of explaining about the remedies which was an eye opener.I would
really appreaciate if you would throw light on this chart which i present as i see two curses being
present in chart with total 7 planets in it in 2bhavs which are mutually aspecting eachother by graha
drishti with only exception of venus and saturn being out and also the noteworthy point in the
horoscope is that the person has three retrograde planet involved in 1st and 2nd curse respectively.

the native birth details are :

1st March1980,14:21hrs ,Faridabad ,INDIA

the curse which i see formed in the 3rd house of this native wit gemini lagna whereby retrograde
jupiter and mars with moon n rahu …

the other curse formed in 9th house with surya ketu and retrograde budh..

my querry is regarding the 3rd house curse where by the significator of the rasi — the sun itself is
involved in a curse .
so should we suggest the worship of surya — guru of graha- dakshinamurthy .

secondy querry is with the appeasement of the prayatdi devta of 3rd house- agni/shiva…

sir,i really look forward to learn for your reply. thanking you. highest regards for you and your
knowledge on astrology.

your eternal wellwisher


92. Visti Larsen Says:

April 21st, 2007 at 3:35 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio, Dheenababu, Anna, Arjun, Reema and Arnab Namaskar

The best gemstone is that of the fifth lord in this case as we want the future to begin. We can
almost always advise this, just be sure to look for any parivartana yogas. Forget the tenth lord
for now.

Essentially the problem is that the agni tatva arising from the varesha has been quelled by the

37 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

jala tatva of the tithi lord. For this we normally advise tatva-mantras, i.e. agni mantras, etc. I
will let you more about this in the future when i myself am sure.

Serbia is great as usual. We had a wonderful time and hope to spend some more time there this

You have all the qualities of an astrologer as Ketu and Sun are in trikona in navamsa. Sun also
lords the eleventh from lagna in rasi showing the strong interest.
But, its because Venus lords the eleventh from your arudha lagna that you can work as a
consultant in areas like Jyotisha. However, as Venus is the lord of the same it shows that a guru
must help, whereas Sun and Mars in the eleventh from AL are compelling you towards works
like engineering or the likes.

Now see the dasamsa. Here our focus is on Ketu. Ketu lords the seventh house and whilst this
shows astrology-business, Ketu is placed in the eighth and doesn’t show this being a permanent
business. So Dasas will decide and for the next ten years Rahu is running which will compell
you to work as an astrologer and earn as the same.
Jupiter will replace Rahu and as he disposits Ketu there is a chance that this will continue from
then on.
I wish you good luck in this endeavor knowing that you will make an excellent Jyotisha. Make
sure you learn the techniques to predict roga, yuddha (jupiter in kanya).

The Kala yoga’s exist no matter the avastha. The reason the pisacha badhaka was nullified is
because in those cases the purpose of the node is to pull down the health and kavacha of the
body. But if the node is exalted it cannot do that and must give good health instead and
increase the kavacha.

Mahavidya worship requires maturity, and it would be best to wait if possible. Venus is exalted
and the best remedy is to advise a gemstone and to get married. After this the kala sarpa yoga
will be practically non-existant.

The worst curse is no doubt that of MKS Guru in the third house. Sun is unfortunately part of
the curse and cannot be remedied, as is Mars. We are left with the worship of Prajapati and
this we can advise.
I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

93. Leoncio Says:

April 21st, 2007 at 4:34 pm

Dear Guru Vistiji, Namaskar

First, I wish all happiness to you and spouse.
Thank you very much for your guidance.
Please, see if my reasoning is correct.
Yes, there is parivarthana between Moon and Jupiter, indicating that Moon will give the effect of
Jupiter. But Moon is conjunct Saturn in 2nd: Sani is supposed to give the effect of Moon.
Concluding: the girl should use Saturn (blue sapphire) gemstone in Ring finger. Please, let me know
if this is correct.
Another question is what will help in ketu dasas? For instance she is living Vimsottari Dasa (started
from Moon ) of Ven MD: 1992-03-28 (9:16:14 am) - 2012-03-28 (12:21:15 pm): Antardasas in this

38 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Sat: 2005-01-27 (10:56:59 pm) - 2008-03-28 (11:39:23 am)
Merc: 2008-03-28 (11:39:23 am) - 2011-01-28 (12:00:25 pm)
Ket: 2011-01-28 (12:00:25 pm) - 2012-03-28 (12:21:15 pm)

94. Leoncio Says:

April 21st, 2007 at 5:29 pm

Dear VistiJi, Namaskar

I have just read your answer to Maka, and perhaps I have missed some point. You told in one class
that if some grahas are conjunct they exchange effects (independent if they lord 9th, 5th or 1st
house?): the most malefic would give the effect of the most benefic and vice versa.
Because of this I suggested Sani gemstone for the girl in my e-mail above.
If this is not correct Moon stone should be indicated.
Please, instruct me about this.



95. $eelam Says:

April 22nd, 2007 at 12:45 pm

Dear Vistiji

My Husband has Saturn in his 6th House which Mesh Saturn. Is it good or bad also are there any
remedies to this saturn. He is a Vrishabha rasi with Vrishika as his lagna rasi


96. Reema Sriganesh Says:

April 22nd, 2007 at 2:59 pm

|| Hare Rama Krushna ||

Namaste Vistiji,

Thank you so much for clearing the doubts in my mind. I am glad I thought of asking you before
recommending Sri Kamalaatmika worship to the little girl’s mother. Now, I will learn about the
gemstones and ask you any questions I may have.

Our thankfulness to you for teaching us Jyotisha with so much patience, knowledge, and love
cannot be expressed in words!

May Sri Vishnu bless us all,


97. Visti Larsen Says:

April 22nd, 2007 at 4:35 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

39 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Dear Leoncio and Reema Namaskar.

Parivartana dominates over conjunction always, so if you were to advise any gemstone it
would have been the yellow sapphire. Also i would recommend that you only advise another
gemstone incase of parivartana. This is my personal experience.

Please clarify your question reg. Ketu antara.

No need to thank me, this is my dharma to my Guru.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

98. Leoncio Says:

April 22nd, 2007 at 5:24 pm

Dear Guru VistiJi, Namaskar

Thank you for the opportunity to learn with you.

Let me clarify my doubt about basics.
1)You have already indicated Ganesha Mantra to pacify and propitiate Ketu, that is co-lord of lagna
and conjuct Guru in 9th.
2)Also you recommended that the best gemstone is that of the fifth lord in this case as we want the
future to begin. The 5th lord is Jupiter and because of parivartana, Moon should have the effect of
3)My doubt about Ketu (and Sani) is because they are respectively conjunct the lords of 5th (Ketu)
and 9th (Sani). Ketu in particular is very destructive and enemy of Jupiter. WHAT SHOULD BE

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

99. Leoncio Says:

April 22nd, 2007 at 5:25 pm

Excusem the mistake. Your sincerely, Leoncio

100. Visti Larsen Says:

April 26th, 2007 at 3:44 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio Namaskar.
I thought i had answered this post, but there seems to be some problem.
2) The parivartana does not involve the fifth house but the second house, hence the gemstone
of the fifth lord itself should be worn.
3) The conjunctions will not give the effects of the planets in conjunction if those are in
Yours sincerely, Visti.

101. Leoncio Says:

April 27th, 2007 at 2:20 pm

Dear Guru VistiJi, Namaskar

40 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Thank you very much indeed. Continuing the studies, i am analyzing the chart below. The native is
Pisces lagna. Jupiter is involved in parivarthana with moon. The native suffers Guru curse.
By recommendation of an astrologer the native is wearing Coral (related to the 9th lord) and Guru

Date: September 14,1954

Time: 18:31:00
Time Zone: 4:00:00 (West of GMT)
Place: 54 W 37′ 00″, 20 S 27′ 00″

Please, could you kindly answer my questions bellow?

a)Is the coral convenient for the native?
My doubt is because Mars is conjunct Rahu in 10th in the 2nd from AL.
b)Should the native start to wear moon gemstone? Moon is alone in 1st without grahas in 12th and
Please, clarify.


102. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

April 27th, 2007 at 7:24 pm

Dear Visti Ji,

I attempted to find a remedy for the male native whose birth particulars are as under:

Date: April 29, 1981, Time: 4:06:00 am, Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 72 E 11′ 00″, 21 N 46′ 00″

When I tried to analyse this chart I found it complicated. My observations are mentioned below:
Lagna lord Ju is retrograde and is afflicted by retrograde 11th & 12th lord Saturrn. This chart has
Curse of spouse. Venus is conjunct with exalted Sun and Mars. The curse is in the 2nd house which
is also Upapada. Ve is lord of 2nd house from UL and hence for marriage it is important. Further to
this 7th lord Me which is Badhakesha is involved in Kalatra shaap.

Now with reference to your answer in post #83 this chart has few similarities. Kalatra shaap is on
3/9 axis in Navamsha chart. Here Rahu has conjoined Ve in 3rd house. Retro Sa is in 7th house
from Ve. Sa is 7th lord in Navamsha chart. From Navamsha lagna Sa is in 9th house and is in
debility. In Navamsha Rasi lagna lord Ju and UL are in MKS from Ve. In this chart also Ve and Ra
are AK and AmK respectively.

Is it possible to find a remedy for this native? What could be the remedy for the Curse of spouse?

1.Dispositor of Ve is Mars. Mars is involved in a curse and hence worship of Hanuman can not be
2.Karaka of the 2nd house Ju is well placed but it is retrograde and afflicted by retro Sa. So worship
of the pratyadhi devata is ruled out.
3.We have to look for the Tattwa worship. Devata of 2nd house is Jupiter. But Ju is afflicted. Can
we still recommend worship of Vishnu? Can we advise Ashtakshari mantra since the curse is on 2/8
house axis? Please suggest a good mantra for the worship.
4.What can be said about marriage prospects? Is it a case of denial or delay of marriage?
5.In Navamsha chart does the Sa has neechabhanga since Sun is in lagna and is in Kendra from
6.Does Ke in 9th house in Navamsha indicate Durbhagya yoga, like Ra?
7.Will you recommend a gemstone to wear? Please elaborate.

41 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Please correct me and guide me. Thank you.


103. Leoncio Says:

May 3rd, 2007 at 8:04 pm

Dear Guru VistiJi, Namaskar

Complementing my last e-mail, the native is living now Mars dasa. Then follows the long Rahu
dasa. Because of conjunction, is it supposed that Mars will give the effect of Rahu and Rahu the
effect of Mars? Please, could you guide me answeering this question and from my last e-mail
relating to remedies?

Thank you


104. Dr Dhiraj kishore Says:

May 4th, 2007 at 11:08 am

Respected Visti ji ,
charan sparsh, i am a doctor by proffession and going through lot of problems ,as most of my panet
are in axis of rahu and ketu 8/2..i have a gemini lagna with venus in it.2nd house have retro
mercury,mars,sun and ketu……..7th house have retro jupitor in saggi…8th have rahu and moon in
capri and in 12th saturn in taurus.some one have told me i am having problem due to partial ksy and
the neech mars have increased the problem.I am through jupitor mahadash and mercury antardasha
and both are retro in my chart.Is all this making my ksy more complicated .My date of birth is
27-july-1972.. 2.45 am city is PATNA India.looking forward for your kind advise

105. Visti Larsen Says:

May 4th, 2007 at 8:33 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio and Rajendra, Namaskar.

Your inference about the chart is right, i.e. the idea about making Mars strong could end up
causing more disaharmony than harmony. This will happen in all dasas. Here the Mars-Rahu
yoga in the tenth is relevant because that battle there can end up making or breaking that tenth
house. So there is a good reason for advising that Coral, but i would be very hesitant just as
you are.

Instead i would definitely advise a Yellow sapphire/topaz as it would overcome the negative
effects of Rahu conjoined the ninth lord and strength the lagna and fifth house considerably.
Does the person have problems with court cases/legal problems/enemies?

Jupiter is only afflicted by one Saturn. So i would be compelled to say that Sadashiva mantra is
best. There is a 14 syllable Sadashiva which is a prasiddha mantra: Om Bhurbhuva Svah
Sambasadashivaaya Namah| This should be begun from a Thursday.
I think this is a case of delay which occurs because the first spouse (Upapada) doesn’t turn into

In addition, due to the junction of the sixth lord with the upapada, i would recommend that

42 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Astra daana should be done of an Axe to Parashurama (Venus affliction) in a temple of the
same, after which the pursuit for a spouse should be begun.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

106. Sharat Says:

May 5th, 2007 at 12:23 am

||Namah Shivaya||
Dear Dhiraj,
The chart I get for you has Venus conjunct with Saturn in the 12H, perhaps you need to clarfiy the
geographical location of Patna city but I wonder if that will change the position of Venus. Anyway,
Jupiter in 7H is outside the nodal axis, hence you do not have KAY/KSY.
Your problems are due to severe afflictions on Lagnesh Mercury and Venus. Me is also 12 th from
AL. Venus is also in 12H and 10th from Moon, signifying that problems will arise at native place of
work. Perhaps you are more suited to work outside your birth place.
Moon in MKS is the dispositor of Me, makes this all the more difficult.
Yellow sapphire will be useful and worship of Jupiter as Shiva will help Me,Mo and Ve. Guru Visti
will enlighten us further.

107. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 5th, 2007 at 12:13 pm

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for your prompt reply. I have some doubts:
1. I am advising native to begin a mantra jaap from Thursday. Do you recommend fasting on
Tuesday (Aries upapada) after an offering is made to the temple?
2. The native is in a foreign country. On his behalf can his parents make an offering to the temple?
3. You have said that after this ‘daana’ pursuit for a spouse should begin. But in previous para you
have hinted that first spouse (upapada) doesn’t turn into marraige. I understand that the ‘daana’
remedy suggested by you is to overcome this possibility. Is it so?
4. Can you please explain more how to verify whether the particular upapada will result into
marriage or not.
I am sorry that I have put many questions. Please shed more light to help me in my learning.
Thanks once again.
With warm regards,

108. Leoncio Says:

May 5th, 2007 at 5:41 pm

Dear Visti Ji,Namaskar

Thank you for the guidance. About your question if the person has problems with court cases/legal
problems/enemies: the astrologer reccomended coral because the native had such kind of problems
for long period.
Because of these problems, the native started to wear imperial topaz (pingent) and coral(pingent).
Also, mantras of BagalaMukhi and Hanuman.
At the moment, these legal problems were solved but continues the 10th house issue as the native
has retired and has been looking for a new activity.
The question is the Mars and Rahu periods from now on.

43 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Looking forward for your advice.



109. Anna Says:

May 6th, 2007 at 9:21 am

Dear Visti,
would you please reffer some readings on avashta- I wish I could explore that more.
Currently I am using info from the site bellow:

110. Visti Larsen Says:

May 7th, 2007 at 9:49 am

44 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Dhiraj, Leoncio, Rajendra and Anna, Namaskar.

Sharat is right, there is no Kala Sarpa Yoga. What is notable is the Kalatra Shaapa which
Sharat pointed out and being that Venus is your Atmakaraka it shows very serious suffering in
marriage, health, finances and also in your case your professional rise.
Working abroad would be a useful method of going about this problem, but i would rather that
you meditate and perform Japa for Shiva as Tryambaka. Please learn the Mrityunjaya mantra
and perform it everyday from a Monday whilst meditating on an image of Tryambaka. You can
learn all this here:

1. Yes yes she must of course fast.
2. Well, its recommended that the person themself is present.
3. Yes, we need to overcome all these obstacles.
4. If the Upapada or its lord are sufficiently weak or badly placed then the Upapada doesn’t
turn into a marriage.

The real problem i saw was that whilst a Vijaya yoga was going on in the tenth house we have
a dictum that if Rahu is in the simhasana it will eclipse the house where Sun sits. Sun sits in the
sixth house and hence the legal battles came.
In this case i would have been more compelled to advise the wearing of a ruby (yes ruby) for
sixth lord Sun to overcome the problems with the battles/enemies.
Kasinath Rao gave this same advise to a chart exactly similar to this many years ago.

To startup new opportunities in life one must make the fifth lord strong.

Did you listen to this lecture from the website?:

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

111. Leoncio Says:

May 7th, 2007 at 3:53 pm

Dear Guru Visti Ji, Namaskar. Thank you very much for the opportunity to learn with you. Please, i
realized the importance to integrate the so many subjects as the chart below involves.
I had difficult to propose remedies because of the yogas with Sun and Moon covering many subjects
of your classes.
March, 16, 1987
01:35 PM, TZ 3.00 west
47W00, 23S00

Chart overview: Native born in full moon, Gemini lagna, with Rahu and Ketu seeming to be in
direct motion (is this possible?). Mars in own sign, Mercury (LL in 9th) , Sun at 1Pis53 conjunct
Rahu and Jupiter. Moon conjunct Ketu. There is Dharmakarndipati yoga because 9th lord Rahu
(weak) in Pisces- 10th. All quadrants are aspecting each other by rasi aspect, meaning Rahu,Ketu
and badhakesh aspecting Lagna by rasi.
Sani is AK in 6th. Vipareeta: lord of 12th in 8th and lord of 8th in 6th.


45 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

1)Badhakesh Jupiter combusted and conjunct Rahu, receiving the aspect of Ketu. Indication of
curse of Brahamin (even with Rahu and Ketu in direct motion?). Also of Sarpa Badhaka.
2) Guru, Lord of 7th and 10th is in own sign but is combusted: Indication of problem in career and
3) Shakti Yoga and Shiva Yoga: Moon and Rahu aspect each other in 5th house or its trine from
other lagna or AK, the native assume the task of destroyer of creation (not consciously because the
AK is the reference). In this case the yoga occurs in 5th from AK. However there is the benefic
Shiva Yoga in Rasi, as Sun and Ketu are in the axis 4th 12th.
4) Sun is afflicted by badhakesh and Rahu: curse of father.

Please, let me know your idea about the chart and the most convenient remedies for the boy. My
tentative ideas about remedies:

a) Initially, I would advise remedy for badhakesh obstruction with a mantra for Ganesh related to
Virgo. But the yogas involved increase the difficulty of the analysis. Mercury in 9th in AK sign
seems to indicate a good nature, but it is in 6th from Moon (the native usually has strong
b) I think occupation choice is very much important for him because of the so many involvement of
10th house (the native has great difficulty in deciding his career and has had difficulty in school).
c) Please, which kind of effect may be reserved by the Shakti and Shiva yogas? Is it possible
remedy for these?
d) Please, which kind of gemstone may be required?
e) Retrogade grahas: in this chart, are Rahu and Ketu benefics or malefics?
f) About question e): are Rahu and Ketu in direct motion? How to know this with JHL?

The native is living Rahu dasa till 2016, and then follows Jupiter dasa.

Looking forward for your guidance.

Yours sincerely, Leoncio

112. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 8th, 2007 at 11:55 am

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for the clarification. Some questions:
1) As I understand the native may not be able to travel to India before August. Meantime can he do
Mantra jaap and fasting?
2) In the lecture you have advised that the person should be vegetarian. In his case the native is
vegetarian but occassionaly takes eggs/ omletes. Should he stop eating eggs as well?
3) About fasting I have one doubt with reference to my query on Upapada. I will put the question
on that page.
Please give guidance.
With best regards,

113. Venkatesh Says:

May 9th, 2007 at 6:34 am

Dear Visti,

In my chart Graha Malika Yoga starts at 4th house and it ends at 8th house,what is the result and
what is the remedy for that?
Ketu is my lagna lord or Mars.
Pleae reply,Thanks in advance.

46 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Birth details,
[Recorded Birth Time : 20.40]
Time zone : +5.30


114. Bamboo Says:

May 9th, 2007 at 10:08 am

Hello Visti,

For determining Mahavidya, i have a problem.

Dhanus Lagna
Rahu is conjuction with Moon in fifth
Ketu is counjuction with Mars which is also a Badhakesha for
my soul (Jupiter Atmakaraka).

19.1.1986 09:13
Turku (vheid) Finland

In rasi’s Badhaka house there is Saturn and it’s causing rasi dristi in navamsa to twelth from
karakamsa with Moon.

Most proper deity seems to be Kali…

In both, Rasi and navamsa there is Sun (GK) & Venus (DK) in twelth from
AL. Although in Rasi there conjuction with AK, so it seems
like i am striving for marriage on soul level, but my mind
is wandering of from that.

Between Dhoomavati, Chinnamasta, Kali

which would be most proper for me?

Klim Dattaguru

115. Visti Larsen Says:

May 11th, 2007 at 3:18 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio, Rajendra, Venkatesh, and Bamboo, Namaskar.

For the nodes see this post:

Nodes here are afflicting Jupiter, so they must be malefic.

Fifth and ninth lords Ketu and Moon are in badhaka sthana. The main problem stems from
forgetting the worship of a devata. This devata is Ganesha. The main remedy should be for
Ganesha. As a result of this the native will face the curse of the devata arising from Guru
under a curse.
To remedy the curse the Gayatri mantra must be advised.

47 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

So two remedies: Ganesha followed by Savitur Gayatri.

Further as tenth lord from Moon is Mercury the native should seek a career in a foreign
country only.

1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. ok.

The issue is that Saturn as he happens to be lording the twelfth from karakamsa and can act as
Ishta devata. You should worship Narayana with the Astakshari mantra so that this Saturn will
not obstruct your Grahamalika yoga from giving you success.

How about Bhuvanesvari? Moon is breaking your Kala Sarpa Yoga, which is the most
important yoga in your chart. Surely this is the best solution… though you will definitely like
Kali very much. Other option is Kamalatmika… one of the Gurus can break.

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen

116. Leoncio Says:

May 11th, 2007 at 5:30 pm

Dear VistiJi, Namaskar

I think there is some mistake. The Asc should be Geminis, and 5th lord Sukra. Moon should be lord
of 2nd house!
Please, could you avaliate?



117. Visti Larsen Says:

May 11th, 2007 at 8:34 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio, Namaskar.
Oh boy. Had forgotten to change the timezone to ‘West of GMT’. Oh well.

Either way the devabadhaka is not very strong as only one planet afflicts the twelfth from
So, its a curse. Karaka Budha is well placed in the ninth and the remedy should clearly be
Vishnu japa. He will have no problems career-wise with Mercury in the ninth.. infact he will
always be looking for better jobs. People with Mercury in the ninth truly believe that ‘the grass
is greener on the other side’. Or should we say ‘the dollar is greener…’.
Otherwise i would advise a ruby to overcome the dosha of Rahu in the tenth.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

118. Venkatesh Says:

May 14th, 2007 at 5:55 am

48 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...


Dear Visti,

In the D9,the 12th house from Karakamsa is occupied by Mercury and Venus.Still Saturn shows the
ista devata or Mercury wil show the ista devata.

Which gem stone is the best life time stone luck/overall etc.


119. Visti Larsen Says:

May 14th, 2007 at 9:03 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar.
Mercury is there so you THINK your istha is Mercury. However Saturn is lording and will
ALSO try to lead you towards God… we cannot ignore this. And when Malefics ‘act’ as Ishta
Devata then they give punishment.

Forget gemstones and read my post on the Grahamalika yoga in the chart.
Yours, Visti.

120. kanmani Says:

May 17th, 2007 at 8:18 am

dear sir,

I Kanmani K. Sivasamy my DOB is 18/09/1968 time 1.18am at Kuala Lumpur Malaysia i having
alot of problem the 2 most is financialy efforted and every time quarel with husband unhappy life
please check my chart and give same remedy


121. ajender sharma Says:

May 18th, 2007 at 2:00 pm

what is kamaltmika sadhna . is this belong to shukar tantrk beeja mantra jaap or anything else .
please explain .
Ajender sharma

122. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 18th, 2007 at 8:02 pm

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for your guidance. Today please permit me to present another chart. This
chart has multiple afflictions which have lead me to confusion. The birth time details of a male
native are:

Date: May 7, 1994, Time: 11:33:00 pm, Time Zone: 3:00:00 (East of GMT)
Place: 51 E 33′ 00″, 25 N 18′ 00″

49 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

In this chart Cp is lagna and Sc is badhaka sthana.

1)Rahu is in badhaka sthana which causes Sarpa badhaka

2)Ketu the co-lord of badhaka sthana is stronger than Ma and hence it is badhakesha. However Ke
or Gulika are not in badhaka sthana or have conjoined Ma. Does Ke indicate Preta badhaka merely
by its lordship of badhaka sthana?
3)Ke has conjoined sixth lord Me. It is the case of Abhicara. The native fight with other person
without any apparent reason. Me is also 9th lord. It shows that native had not performed proper
worship. Ke is in 5th house and has joined its lord Ve. It again confirms mistakes done in puja.
4)Karaka for education Me is in close conjunction with Ke which is vinashkari for itself as per
Varachakra. The native is neglecting his studies and it creates lot of friction and anger at home and
school. At present his undergoing vimsottari Rahu AD in Ke MD.
5)In 5th house there is a curse of spouse.
6)Sun as 8th lord is exalted in 4th house. I am not sure but perhaps as per BPHS Sun does not have
a blemisha due to its lordship of 8th house. Sun is neecha in Navamsha. However its dispositor Ve is
7th from Moon and Sa (which gets exalted in Libra) is in Navamsha Lagna. Does it indicate

Remedial measures:

1.For Sarpa badhaka person should do Narayana bali homam.

2.What about Preta badhaka? Any remedy?
3.To counter Abhicara which Mantra is to be chosen – Vikataya Hum (7th from Ma) or
Dhumravarnaya Hum (7th from Ke)?
4.Remedial graha for Me is Ra. Ra is placed in badhaka sthana. Can we recommend Rahu mantra?
Which mantra do you recommend? Saptakshari mantra “Om Bhram Bhrim Bhroum Sah Rahave
Namah”? Can the native be asked to wear gemstone Panna to strengthen Me during Ke MD?
5.The native is in his early teens. Can he be asked to do remedy for a curse of spouse?
I understand that he should worship Sadashiva mantra – based on Pratyadhi devata. Which mantra?
In earlier post #104 you have given a 14 syllable Mantra? Can the same mantra be recommended?

I am very sorry that I have put up many questions. Please bear with me and guide me.
Thank you very much. With warm regards.

123. Prateek Kumar Says:

May 19th, 2007 at 5:48 am

Dear Vistiji and respected members on this site,

my name is prateek kumar and I am 27 year of age, me and my father have a little bit knowledge of
astrology which we gained after reading many books and with the help of some knowledgable
My question here is relating to my kundli, though my father says that your future is bright but I am
unable to understand my kundli, its a mix of various yogas (bad as well as good), till now I spent a
life full of high ups and down, one moment I feel dipressed like hell and the other moment I am full
of zist.
there is no stability in my life, in last four years I changed 4 jobs (without my intention to changing
it, it happens) and been to variuos places.
since october’06 i was in a job and expecting to be permanent in that role and planning to never
leave this job, but suddenly in april’07 i got nothing in hand, since then I am looking for job.
can any of you advice me, why is it happening and what should I do, what possibly you see is
written for me in near future.
my birth details are
Prateek Kumar Sharma
10th December’ 1979

50 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Time : 21:31
Place: Meerut, U.P.

124. vivek bhardwaj Says:

May 19th, 2007 at 12:02 pm

Dear Visti,

I haev just started learning astrology and was wondering if I am in the most suitable vocation based
on my chart.My details are as under:

Vivek Bhardwaj
Rupar near Punjab

Currently I am working and I am trained as yoga teacher and in Reiki.I wanted to know if I should
switch over to full time teahing and traning.

Secondly what is the possibility of spiritual evolution in my life.

I look forward for your suggestion as I need to make a choice based on your suggestion.

I appreciate the time that you will spend on this.Can the response be sent on my email id.

Hare Krishna.


125. Visti Larsen Says:

May 19th, 2007 at 5:41 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Kanmani, Ajender, Rajendra, Prateek and Vivek, Namaskar.

Your main issue is due to Kala Amrita Yoga. Please fast on Saturdays to ensure more peaceful
marriage. Also wear an emerald to cause the exaltation of Venus and break the Kala Amrita
Yoga. The latter will help your finances and ensure a better outlook on life.

Alternatively to wearing gemstones, only wear gray clothes (virgo).

Kamalatmika Sadhana is not a Shukra mantra or anything like that. Kamalatmika is a
Mahavidya and is thus one of the ten forms of Neela Shakti/Mahakali. These forms require
strict vegetarianism to worship and also a few other restrictions depending on the sadhana,
prime among which is being celibate.
However, the results of this sadhana are to say the least fantastic. Yet, do not partake in this
sadhana without a Guru, as this is not for the weak-hearted.

Now, are you collecting remedies for your family and friends?
So after all your analysis, I must do the work. Very well.
The only problem is Sarpa Badhaka. Everything else is linked to Sarpa badhaka which is the
real cause of the problems.

51 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

The remedy is:

Plant and care for eleven trees at a holy place, i.e. ashram or temple. This should be done after
worshiping Shiva as Nageshvara with the Nageshvara Jyotirlinga mantra.
The offering and worship should be done during his birth-tithi, during which a lamp should be
offered to Shiva as well.
Following every year on his birth tithi he should offer a lamp to Shiva and recite the same
Nageshvara mantra.

Its hard to see the forest for all the tree with four planets in Leo. However, then you will miss
the Kala Amrita yoga going on in your chart. We must break it somehow otherwise those
finances and job will keep having problems.
So, wear a yellow sapphire and worship the Guru. Start with that and we’ll see.

I’m sure this is a very important decision, and I am fully at your service for the same. Do look
into my consultations section for more.

Yours sincerely, Visti

126. Prateek Kumar Says:

May 20th, 2007 at 4:36 am

Dear Visti ji
Jai Shri Krishna

Thanks for the prompt reply.

I am already wearing a yellow sapphire & pearl since last 4 years
as well as on advice of my father I also wore one more yellow sapphire last month in my silver
neckless with one more pearl.
Also tried and still practising too many things like recites geeta (15th chapter) daily, rudrashtakam,
hanuman chalisa, hanumanashtak, saptsholki geeta, and many more things (its a part of life now) a
few years before used to go temple on daily basis for rudrabhishek.

Though with the blessings of lord all (few exceptions) of my work completed but with great
difficulty, extra ordinary efforts and a huge amount of patience
but I never minded these situations and always hope for the good in future.
but I believe now I am at this stage where I am finding it extremly difficult to make my way. The
real situation is:
I am a chartered accountant from india, (average student but completed it in first attempt), got the
first job in first interview without any efforts (and i think it was the best job for me careerwise),
then in 3 months i left it, then went into a partnership with local ca firm again broke up in 3 months
(in the meanwhile I was planning for marriage with a girl, but father denied due to kundli matching)
thats why life got disturbed and started looking overseas job and again with great difficulty I went to
dubai worked there for 2 years 8 months and got australian pr and came here in august 2006 started
a entry level job in mnc in october’06 (I was thinking to grow up in the same organization) and this
time I got a kick of the life time, I worked so hard, above their expectations (which was bad for the
existing staff), the manager framed me and got me terminated in the beginning of april’07
Since then I am looking for job in my field, though I am working part time on weekends (different
I know its too much to ask for and this is not the place where I should ask you these questions
but can you please tell me whether there will be a light in my life?
will I got work in my field (accounting, audit, compliance)
and the best question when will be the time of my marriage?

52 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Its not neccessary for you to reply these questions, I just saw your knowledge in this field thats why
I asked you so many questions, its a very nice feeling to communicate with a person who is having
such a deep knowledge in this field and the way you explain others. wow

Will wait for some comments and write you soon, definately I am gonna increase my knowledge by
following ur way

Thanks and regards


127. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 20th, 2007 at 6:27 am

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for your kind guidance. My intention is to flaw in my reasoning and
understanding. Any way as per your advice I will try to limit myself to clearing of doubts on basics.
Thanks once again,
With very warm regards,

128. Amit Says:

May 20th, 2007 at 10:13 am

Hari OM
Dear Vistiji , Namaskar

Thanks very much for the remedies.

I was seeing Kanamani’s horoscope and if that kala amrita

yoga is broken she should have an extremely powerful Laxmi yoga as Lagna lord mercury and
Ninth Lord saturn are both EXALTED
Isn’t it?



129. Visti Larsen Says:

May 20th, 2007 at 11:34 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Pratheek, Rajendra and Amit, Namaskar.

When a person is born with a yoga like that of the Kala Sarpa or Kala Amrita, these thoughts
bother these people for the most of their life. There is life ahead of the tunnel. Begin the
process by worshiping Guru with the mantra: Om Gurave Namah. Do this for 40 days for 10
malas a day imagining the Guru sitting in Padmasana on your head.
Then do the same for another 40 days with the mantra: Om ParamaGurave Namah.
After this its: Om ParatparaGurave Namah|
Lastly its Om ParamestiGurave Namah|
After this you will see yourself in a different place in life, and that too a much better one.

The main flaw was that just as there is a main curse in the chart, there is also a main badhaka.

53 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Remedy this ‘main-badhaka’ and the other badhakas will fall in line.

Yup, your right. So now you see how these major yogas can obstruct the blessings in a chart.

Yours sincerely, Visti

130. Venkatesh Says:

May 21st, 2007 at 6:02 am


Dear Visti,

Why janma tithi has choosen for remedies and not Janma Nakshatra?


131. Visti Larsen Says:

May 21st, 2007 at 9:46 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Venkatesh, Namaskar.
Both are used. Tithi for desires and weaknesses, and nakshatra for health.
Yours sincerely, Visti

132. Leoncio Says:

May 21st, 2007 at 3:14 pm

Dear Guru VistiJi, Namaskar

Excuse me this very basic question. I just want to clarify a doubt about the chart i proposed
(number 11 above, your answer 17).
I understand the unuspicious combinations (like badhakas, curse etc) are yogas and Vedic Astrology
proposes remedies for them. Although,certainly does not exist remedies for yogas like Shakti Yoga,
does it? Please, if possible clarify the following:
a) confirm if this chart has some Shakti and Shiva yogas?
b) if so, which kind of effect may be reserved by the Shakti and Shiva yogas in the life of the
c) and has the remedy you have proposed by e-mail n. 17 some effect regarding these yogas? Is it
possible remedy for these?



133. Visti Larsen Says:

May 21st, 2007 at 6:23 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Leoncio, Namaskar.
If the Atma (Sun) is eclipsed and is following the wrong path (rahu), worship the Guru (Jupiter)
for guidance.

54 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

If the Mana (Moon) is eclipsed and cannot seek happiness, then worship the ‘other’ Guru
(Venus) to attain a more comfortable life.

There is a different yoga in the given chart, namely that of a Vasuki Yoga (Sun-Rahu) and the
blessing (or curse) of the divine serpents has come. The blessing can come if Guru is strong,
and here its involved in the same conjunction and thus forms a curse. A bit of a predicament.
So the curse needs to be solved first. Always solve the MAIN problem first and these main
problems are in their order: KSY/KAY, GMY, curses, Badhaka. Make these priorities in your
mind so that you won’t get carried away with all sorts of other yogas and remedies which
eventually may only give a temporary relief but not solve the main problem.
I hope this clarifies things.
Yours, Visti

134. pathik Says:

May 21st, 2007 at 10:34 pm

Namaskar Visti,

I have a couple of queries:

(1) how does one remedy the Kemadruma Yoga [(so I guess I have three queries then -) is the
absence of planets in 2nd and 12th H from Moon a sufficient condition of this yoga?]
(2) you suggest that for the MKS the aditya of the karaka wherein the MKS occurs should be
worshipped - could you illuminate on the various karaka adityas?

Thanks and regards as always.

135. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 8:15 am

Dear Visti Ji,

Thank you very much for clarifying. Now I understand the hierarchy of afflictions as under:
1) KSY / KAY
2) Badhaka
3) Curses
Is this order correct? Or do we weigh the degree of badhaka affliction against curses to recommend
remedy of either of them?
From your earlier post it is clear that remedy for KSY/KAY is foremost important.
Please enlighten.
With warm regards,

136. Bamboo Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 11:16 am

Teyata AUM Bhaishajaye Bhaishajaye

maha Bhaishajaye
Radza samudgate swaha

“How about Bhuvanesvari? Moon is breaking your Kala Sarpa Yoga, which is the most important
yoga in your chart. Surely this is the best solution… though you will definitely like Kali very much.
Other option is Kamalatmika… one of the Gurus can break.”

Tried with Dhyana which Sanjay Rath gives in his book

“Vedic Remedies in Astrology”

55 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

It has really helped to sort out the thoughts that are

floating to my mind.
LoL, i didnt notice trees from the forest.

What about pilgrimages?

Lets take example of person who has debilated Saturn in

Is it advisable for him to venture on Jyotirlinga of Mahakala
when Saturn is making exalted transit
or is it more wiser to go then when Sun is in Vaisakha?

Last would seem to be possible because Hum Vishnavee Namah

is used to MKS of Saturn.

137. Bamboo Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 11:36 am

Btw, i assume that making the Guru mantra to work,

its necessary to recite it 40 000 times in forty days…

…My question is concerning that is there possibility to

chant them through like “20 malas for twenty days”?

138. Rajendra Bhatt Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 1:11 pm

Dear Visti Ji,

Please ignore my earlier post (#135). You have very clearly mentioned about main badhaka and
main curse.
Thank you. With warm regards,

139. Mohit Says:

May 22nd, 2007 at 4:38 pm

Respected Visti ji

I have one small query about my birth chart. Some Pundit told me i have KS Yoga in my chart. He
told me your Rashi Chart is correct but other divisional charts are not. Before he could rectify it he
died. I am still unmarried. What should i do? My Birth details are: DOB: 16 Sep 1976; TOB: 02 pm
(approximate); Place of Birth is Gurgaon (Haryana), India.

Please suggest some suitable remedy to me for marriage etc. and if you require any other
information please let me know.

Thanks in advance.

140. Amit Says:

May 23rd, 2007 at 7:25 am

Hari OM,

Dear Vistiji,Namaste

56 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

I am little bit confused about Devi worship.

As I have saurn in fifth house in rasi and with moon in second house in navamsha which form
should I worship Durga or Kali and how? Can you please guide me on this. Also most of my planets
are in Rahu’s and mercury’s nakshatras which itself is in Rahu nakshatra.

Waiting for your advice



141. surya sharma Says:

May 23rd, 2007 at 8:41 am

OF BIRTH:- 03:25 AM .

142. Rijula Says:

May 28th, 2007 at 1:56 pm

Dear Guru Vistiji


My heart felt gratitude for your advice. I have been doing the mantra as instructed by you everyday
except during my menstrual periods.
Iam taking lots of relief from the fact that iam moving in the right direction thru ur advice.

1)However, Sir, May I request you to just look at my chart and tell me when i will get a good child,
ie, likely period when all these efforts shall fructify.

2)Also iam a software engineer, and kindly tell me, do u see any chance for me to get employed, at
present iam abroad with my husband, and unemployed, since this country (africa) is not all that
suitable for expat females to work.

Lots of Pranams and compliments for the great job u r doing thru your website, lots of souls are
taking solace from your efforts and knowledge.

May God Bless You,


My DOB is 20th july 1976

tme of birth- 12.05 noon
place- calicut, kerala, india

143. Venkatesh Says:

May 30th, 2007 at 1:27 pm


Dear Visti,

If the Mars is in 7th house,the remady is based on Vayu tatva,so Hanuman is the best option like in
the Lord Rama cahrt.

57 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

If other grahas are there then what are the best deities to worship.

Can you please give the forms of Vayu tava for other planets also.


144. vyjantimala mangalie Says:

May 30th, 2007 at 10:40 pm

Can you please check my chart and see when thing will get better for me. My date of birth is june 9
1970 at 2:15 pm born in port of spain trinidad I am having alot of financially problems right now
also have home for sale and alot of financially problems can you please let me know when my sade
sati is going to end. I know I am going through that right now and saturn is in the 1st house.

145. Vasu Says:

May 30th, 2007 at 11:52 pm

Dear Guru Visti,

Would appreciate if you can help me how to work out the remedy for my chart, What i would want
to know is how should i handle the MKS of Guru (3rd) & Rahu (9th). I have aquarius lagna and my
mars is also in debilition.Should i take that Jupiter will destroy the 2nd and 11th house signification
and Rahu will destroy the lagna signification. Will the night birth take Rahu out of MKS. Also the
venus the badhaka is with Guru.So will this venus affect the significations of Guru or will Rahu
sitting in afflict the 9th house and take the role of badhaka.

Birth details are

Date: 17-May-1976
Time: 01:00 am
TZ:+5:30 East of GMT
Lon: 76E13
Lat: 10N31


146. Sanjeev Says:

May 31st, 2007 at 3:33 am

Dear Guru Vusti ji,


a) I need help in understanding the primary curse in the following horsocope :

Date of Birth - 22nd September 1986
Time - 0504 hrs (Morning 5.04 AM)-IST
Longi/Lati - 24 N 33 and 80 E 50 (Place-Satna in Madhya Pradesh, India)

b) For the second horoscope I intend recommending worshipping Lord Dakshinamurty :

Date of Birth - 8th April 1989
Time - 0941 hrs (Morning 9.41 AM)-IST
Longi/Lati - 24 N 33 and 80 E 50 (Place-Satna in Madhya Pradesh, India)

c) Kindly comment if there is anything to be done for Badhak.

with deep regards


58 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

147. Visti Larsen Says:

June 11th, 2007 at 5:11 pm

59 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Pathik, Bamboo, Mohit, Amit, Surya, Rijula and Venkatesh, Namaskar

1. Planets in kendra to Moon or Lagna deny Kemadruma yoga… If not then check the kendras
to lagna in the Bhava-Chalit Chakra. Make sure you strengthen that planet which is in kendra.

2. These are the Nava-suryas. My students have been taught this several times. I am repeating
them here:
Graha - Surya
Sun - sUrya
Moon - mitra
Mars - vivasvan
Mercury - Aditya
Jupiter - viSNu
Venus - ravi
Saturn - varuNa
Rahu - bhaga
Ketu - bhaskara

Yes you can do this on 20 days, but we advise the 40 days to ensure the transformation occurs
more thoroughly.

You have Kala Sarpa Yoga. The remedy to break it is through Tara Mahavidya, and do recite
the Shakti-Vinayaka mantra as well to start the process. The mantra is from Surya Aruna
Karma Vipaka:
ॐ ं गं ं महागणपतये नमः वाहा।
om hrīṁ gaṁ hrīṁ mahāgaṇapataye namaḥ svāhā|

Kali is one among the ten Mahavidya, whilst Durga is the mother of all. Planets in nakshatras
won’t help you determine the mahavidyas.

Saturn in the fifth house can be remedied through Narayana worship also. Have you tried this?

Det var saa lidt.

I’m sorry for your problematic situation.
Without remedies it will require 16 years of legal-marriage before that happens, yet with long
term separation.

Worship of Lakshmi will definitely grant you all this. Venus antaradasa from Nov 2007 - July
2009 is very strong to give you a good and healthy child.

You would have to ask Sanjayji for this.

Yours sincerely, Visti

60 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

148. pathik Says:

June 12th, 2007 at 5:56 pm

Very many thanks Visti. Regards.

149. Rijula Says:

June 12th, 2007 at 8:13 pm

Dear Guru Vistiji

Pranam and my heartfelt thanks for your kind guidance.

Also kindly instruct which mantra of LAKSHMI should I recite.


A Million thanks, God Bless you.


150. Visti Larsen Says:

June 12th, 2007 at 10:35 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Rijula, Namaskar
The mantra is spelled: OM lakSmyai namaH. This is a nama mantra for Lakshmi and is
perfectly applicable.

Yours, Visti

151. Lata Says:

June 18th, 2007 at 9:11 pm

Dear Visti Ji,

Namaste. In your lectures, you mentioned the relationship of Mantra to Mana, and Tantra to the
Tanu. Could you also comment on the physical effects of a Mantra?

In the past few months, there has been an increase in the number of fiery mantras I chant.
Coincidentally, I have also started Mangala AD, to wear a ruby, and to practice Dhaarana as per
your recommendation. There are definitely mental effects, such as more clarity of understanding,
mental peace as well as small improvements in specific affairs which I was trying to remedy with
these mantras. What caught me by surprise, though, are the physical effects. For instance, I always
had sinus problems, which got a lot worse during Chandra AD, but practically disappeared now. My
appetite and energy level have both increased with the increase of the Jatharaagni. (As an aside,
worship of the Guru also seems to have something to do with appetite, since I am now drawn to
desserts that I never cared for before.) Would you think these physical changes are related to the
AD itself (I think not, based on your lectures), gemstones, dhaarana, or the mantras themselves?

Another mantra that always has physical effects on me is the Mrutyunjaya, which always provides
relief from pain or illness. It’s rather interesting how that works, actually - I might suffer for hours
or days with a particular ailment, before I remember to chant the mantra, and then when I do, the
ailment disappears. I figure making me forget until the right time is one way to ensure my karmic
debts are paid. I am curious to know if the Mrutyunjaya works like this for everyone, or if my
vargottama lagna makes this mantra particularly beneficial for me. What has been your experience?

61 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

Thank you,

152. honey Says:

July 1st, 2007 at 8:58 pm

hi visthi ji,
Namasthe .could u give me suggestion to gain success in my life reg job ,edu .my dob 17-oct-1980
at 8.30 pm.

153. honey Says:

July 1st, 2007 at 9:52 pm

hi visti ji,
I have suffered alot during my childhood and afer my graduation i got married and moved to other
place and iam not finding any opprtunity to get ajob .And my ambition is to serve the humanity .my
intereset is on studies .I heard about kala sarpa dosham in my horoscope with this all works which i
took r becoming fruitless .plz suggest me some remedies
thanks ,

154. Vaishnavi Says:

September 5th, 2007 at 3:27 pm

Guru Vistiji,

My Birth Details are-15th Sept 1967,Delhi, India.Birth time– 00.20 A.M.

I have Mithuna Lagna.Sun,Jupiter and Venus in 3rd house}–Mercury in 4th house}–Mars in
6th}–Ketu in 5th}–Rahu in 11th}–Saturn in 10th}–Moon in 8th}from the Lagna –in my Birth

A}What are the benefics and Malefics about these Placements of the Planets?
B}What are the Remedies?{Mantras,Gem stones}
C}Can I use Crystals{ semi gem stone}?
D}Is there Kendradhipati Dosha and should not wear Emerald gemstone?
E}Saturn in 10th ,Can I do Govt.Job? I am currently in U.S.
which career should I choose? I am facing delays in every thing.
I have Capricorn Lagna in Moon Chart and in Navamsa Lagna too.

A}Jupiter and Moon in 4th from Capricorn Navamsa what is the meaning of this placement?
B}Mars in 9th from Navamsa Lagna Is this really bad ?what are the remedies?

Please Guide me I am really confused.I have interest in Astrology and want to learn more and more.

Thanks and Regards,


155. Visti Larsen Says:

September 11th, 2007 at 8:51 pm

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Lata, Honey and Vaishnavi, Namaskar.


62 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

I have seen the Mrtyunjaya take people out of years of chronic fatigue, and scizophrenia. But,
for those with vargottama lagna the effects of Mrtyunjaya are quite profound as the native has
an intimate relationship with the mantra.
Tantra at its highest, and not at the level that some are practicing, is the process of channeling
the deity worshiped in ones own body. Great teachers of our lifetime have used this power to
uplift those who approached them and lead them towards a better life. This is the real tantra
and a means to attain it is through mantra and dhyana.

Which place were you born in?

a) This is a relative question in any chart. A natural malefic is always a malefic, but may end
up benefiting a person due to its lordship and placement from i) lagna and ii) arudha lagna. The
latter is more important for a final assesment for material effects in life.
You can surely learn this from the lectures on the site.

b) You have Ketu in the fifth house showing that you lack a clear direction for your future and
aspirations. As this is placed in the tenth from Moon it can completely ruin career
The remedy is without a doubt the worship of Sri Ganesha. The Prasiddha mantra: Om
Ganeshaya namah is excellent for you.
Further, the worship of Prajapati would be extremely beneficial for your spouse. The mantra is:
Om Prajapataye Namah.

c) Yellow Sapphire/Topaz would be very useful at present.

d) Kendradhipati dosha isn’t a problem in your horoscope nor anyone else’s.
e) Ahhh… see #b.

AA) If the chart is right it gives very good health and lovely place to stay. It gives a great
blessing from the divine mother.
BB) Means you don’t listen to Gurus and are very independent.

Yours sincerely, Visti.

156. rakesh vohra Says:

September 12th, 2007 at 12:56 am

hare rama krsna

namaskaram vistiji,bhadaka house has guru in 11th house for libra rising,sun in the 9th house and
gulika and mandi in the lagna,this person is running d2 kn of leo since 2001 he is preety tight with
the money,what can you suggestfor this person
to come out from thisproblem.thank you very much
rakesh vohra

157. Jyothi Says:

September 12th, 2007 at 8:03 am

Hi Vistiji,

Please can you say when will I get married and how my married life will be?
My lagna is gemini, seventh lord jupiter retrograde in 10th. Mercry retro in 4th. Mars in lagna,
sat-moon in second.

time 11.41 pm, 0ct 1, 1975, calicut.

63 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...


158. Visti Larsen Says:

September 13th, 2007 at 9:21 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Rakesh, Namaskar.
Why is being tight with money a problem?
Jupiter in Badhaka sthana is a beautiful position as it can remove all obstacles… but being that
it is sixth lord it can give enmity IF afflicted.
Yours, Visti

159. Bamboo Says:

September 23rd, 2007 at 4:00 pm


Why is someone having KSY?

Really, what they have done?

160. Arjun bhardwaj Says:

September 24th, 2007 at 10:38 am

Dear visti,
Namaste! As in one of ur lecture u said malefics exalted and retrograde in trines would give bad
results acts like a debilited planet. i just have one question for mithun(gemeni) lagna if saturn is
placed in 5th house (exalted)with ketu , so its mahadasha will give bad results?due to retrogression
as it is also a lord of 8th house and 9th house? if it is bad what would be the best remedy for that?
kindly as a guru throw some light on it.
Kind regards

161. rakesh vohra Says:

September 26th, 2007 at 9:04 pm

hare rama krsna

namasate shri vistiji maharaj,how are you,hope all well for you
have a chart of my friend here in ny,he is tarus lagna and guru in the 3rd house and its dasa is
running,lots of health issue
can i ask you for mantra for him and his mars in 10th house with ketu and sun can we give him
coral to wear,4th house has sani also,venus in the makara, thank you very much

162. Visti Larsen Says:

September 27th, 2007 at 10:06 am

हरे राम कृण॥

Dear Bamboo, Arjun and Rakesh, Namaskar.

When a person has Grahamalika yoga or Kala Sarpa/Amrita Yoga, they are born with a very
strong desire from the past life, which they wish to attain. Its a very extreme desire when we
speak of sarpa/amrita yoga, whereas the malika yoga can be a result of a lot of pennance for

64 af 66 18-03-2009 21:18 a Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) site by Visti Larsen based i...

some desire to be attained.

Under the comments for the retrogression discussion i have given more than a few examples of
how to judge the retrogression. Please refer to that. In short, yes that position of Saturn is
inauspicious, but depending on its placement from arudha lagna this inauspicious event can
turn out to benefit you… Do refer to the retrogression article.

We normally never give Coral to a Taurus lagna as Mars is a dire malefic and maraka for
You have not given me the full story of this chart! The problem is not that Jupiter is in third,
because whilst Jupiter is in Marana Karaka Sthana in third house, this Jupiter is in Exaltation
and normally wouldn’t give such malignant results. Instead you should have also told me that
Jupiter is retrograde!!
Now, if i) a benefic; ii) is retrograde; iii) in a dusthana (3*,6,8,12); iv) and exalted. This can be
quite bad for health and longevity (Parasara-Balarishta chapter). Here Jupiter is also eighth
lord and this enforces the problems.
Ask him to worship the Omkaresha Jyotirlinga with the Mrityunjaya beejas: om namaH
shivaaya omkareshvaraaya hauM juuM saH|
This should be begun immediately.
In addition ask him to worship Surya in the form of Vivasvan: om hraM ghrni vivasvate

Yours sincerely, Visti Larsen.

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SJC: Jaimini Danmark

Re: (a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Visti Larsen
Re: Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from Friday, March 13, 2009
Raman Deep Singh
(a) Saturn or Rahu? (b) What if Palana Devata is the Atmakaraka hims Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Kindly Explain Visti ji-A6(6th house's arudha)Vs 6th house from AL Friday, February 27, 2009
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