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DCPO Legislative Agenda

1) Pushing the establishment of Davao City Police District. The very First Police District in Mindanao

Together with such upgrade is the establishment of more police stations, of about at least 3 or 4,
mainly within the downtown Davao City. Considering the wide area covered by the three main police
stations and unending increase in its population, calling for the needed increase of police unit and
personnel to secure the area.

The three (3) or four (4) new police stations are created by splitting the three (3) main police
stations (Sta. Ana, San Pedro, and Talomo). While the police office became a district, the police station
will likewise became a police office with each station commanders will be considered as a Chief Of Police

Also proposed is the establishment of a Legal Service Office within the Davao City Police Office or
District, to address the growing need of the Unit and its personnel to a legal officer (from Legal Service)
that will help them in dealing with legal issues.

Lastly, The upgrade likewise calls for increase in number of personnel, of atleast 1200 personnel,
PCO and PNCO, to fill up the vacancies brought by the additional police stations and units.

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