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Àn ordinorydolknêsmlghl bo mo6ty
lhe obFnco orlighi,br,Rêb knew
rhêrêwêreolher dæp€, dorknéss
thsr€ w6r€i\ ngs rn rhe nighrohd in th€
:] rononllr
doptàsor ihê è, thnosrhot


by AndEw Oitio?€, Jr
rAD&D -{d!enture. cha.act€r levels 2 4: l:l ror.rl l€!.b,
Hostase negot,ationscân be tricky business.elp<râltr shen
ihe!nrohe r $izard and his pet.

r r by Jomæ l|lsn
c h a r a c t e rl e v e l s . l - 6 :2 5 r ( ) r a l
can hea. you scream ..

Ândy itit||t
rAD&D Sld.TrckÀdrentur..characrerlevels6 n: :l; k(:i
levelsrDangerr. Juirâ stonesthros a$ay.

Y-t by xênl Erlmon
(AD&D l'oR(r'l'r!:\ Rr\L\s Adventure. chara.rer l{1tli ;}]i
25 total levels ( an tou stop the raids of thc Th.r! Ti{e^
Tribe? The secondmodule in the M.r. o/ redd .lr,r .rnê

' 7 by Wollgong Bour
-{D&D GRtryH{\ri Àdrenture, châracrer l€vels 9-tjl: ;,, rôr.âl
lerelrr Grave dans.r a$.airs heroesin the Cloohy d.prh. ôf
That was 21 years âgo.Vv, fty.
Time flies when Jou'rc having fun.
In 1986,âs I wâs enlering mJ first
yeâr ofuniversitr TSR releasedthe
prcmiere issue ol /)...\.to'\r
Adreatù.es was like
being nine years old all ovcr again
the exuberance.the inaginâtiôn. the AOVÈMURES

You sce,the most mÀ and

amazing thing about thc D&D game
is that it adapts to suit pla!e.s of
Volume XII
almost âny age Thc same rs molded Number 4
by ones imaginalion, and thus it
a p p € a l st o t h e n r n e) e a r o l d .t h è l 8
year-old,and the 80
Ifyou've ncver plâ\'ed D&D before, Publisher
this is your.hânce to find out what WendyNoritake
you're missine. Incorpo.ared in this
issue âre 16 pâgesofD&D fast pla! Executive Editor
rules. I inlrte rou to lrr the fast-play PierceWatters
game with somefricnds. The rules
include a short adrenlure {'t in a
ruined toser that\ sure to prolide ChristopherPerkins
hou.s ofenjolûent A$ociâte Editor
Gane of Ga.nes On thc other hand. il rou're â iong-
time gâmêr.l invitc lou to run rhe
I r'âs nine when I first start€d plâv- fâst-play adventure for sohe friends Editorial Assistant
ing DLNero\s & DR-{co\s! i'ith my or relatiles \rho har. never played JesseDecker
friend ând nextdoor neighbor,ilavid the D&D game befo.c This is rour
Haris. It wrs the suftûer of 19?7. golden oppoftunity ro show them Art Director
Dâvid hâd pick.d up a thin bluê book what they've been nissing all these Lany Smith
at a local gaming store, and ire b€gan
We want to heàr horv thc adventure Production Manager
rolling up characterssoonthe.eâfte.
We hâd no expenenccwitb role plâyed our-Nhat gloriousor horible John Dunn
playing games and no cluê shat ire fate befell and horv
Adv€rtising Sales Managel|
we.e doing. but I can still remember ftuch thc platers eniolcd rhe gâme.
Wlen the âdventu{ is con.luded.the
entering the first rooû ôfDavids
du.geôn ând getlins kilied by bodiescounted.and the tfeasure Ad Tlafic Manager
eiant ants. That was nJ first brush taken, send us ! lcttcr tellrùg us what Judy Smitha
wiih deâth, and a sood time was hâd happened.\\'e l1 publish the best let-
b! all. ters thai we receive
The lwo ofus returned to the store Oh, and lest I brge!
lveeks laier snd bought a shared copy The person {ho sends ùs the ftost
ofthe l{oDs,er Mûnzal. rThe store interesting ând èvocali!e talc oftheir
had only one côpJ left, and David and groùp's adventure{ nisàd!enlure. The editors ofDL,\ctor
I shared evenrhrng anysâr rThc as the case màJ be-rlill receivea
Aduenrurers would lik€ to
iUùsttations âlone stirred the imaÊ1' free onc-year sùbscripti{)ntr)
DLr.JË.)xAd.enlùles. as well as a thank this issues
nation and mâde thê boôk *orth buy
pnstinc copy ol lssue +1 1acollector's contributing aft ists and
ing. but for me it filled a special need:
I was tired offighting grânt aDts,and item no lônger availablc in storesr. cartographem: Diesel,
up until then I had no idea whrl â Any good âdventu.e is worth sharins Stephen Dani€le, Telry
cafrion crawler looked like. I was also wiih olhers I look fo)aard to hearing Dykstra, Bob Klasnich,
desjÉ'ningmy own killer dungeon, Bradley McDevitt, Aarcn
and the 32-pageblue bookjust didn t I .o ,^ Williams, CIais Zipse,

(^t^i" 6gfl(WKu
have all the monsters I needed and Brom.
x\xlr,, r I

4 lssueNo 70
The UlAffiOt thoulderedthedooropen,andit cteaked on hingesurusedfor centuries,Theair
smelledof dampearthandancient,unspoken setets.Aheadof thefl, a stone-linedhall disoppured
into thedarkness bevond.
"Let'sgo," saidthewizard,
consulfinghis map.
"Hokl "Listen!"
on," saidtherosue.
From the hallwayqheàdcamethe solt scrapitlgof boneagainstbone,and out of the darkness
stepped a skeleton,
thetorchlightr|lecting of itspolishedbones.Anotherskeleton joinedif, aftdthen
a thifd. Theif lowerjaws openedin a ooiceless battlecry, and the undetd warriors raisedfheir
rustedswonlsand charsedtheadoenturers. ...

Welcome to the DUNGEoNS & DRAGoNsoFast-Plav

Garne.fhis lb-paSespecial inclusionin Duvr,roi'
WhatAre CharactersMade OÊ
Adoenturesis an introduction to the ADVÀNCED Take a minute to look at the charactersheetson
DUNGEoNS & DRAGoNS!same-the world's most pages5-6. Make photocopiesof thosepagesifyou
popular roleplayinggame. lf you're an e\peri- want, cut eachof the pagesin half, and make sure
enced player who knows all this stuff. share it that every player in your group has the sheetfor
with someonewho hasn't played before.If you're the characterhe or she wants to olav Here'swhat
interestedin how to play the D&D game,read on. all the information on the characier'sheets means.
Name: The character'sname,already written in.
What Is a RoleplayingGame? Player That's you, the player "running" this
character.Put vour own name here.
In a roleplaying game, each individual involved
Class: D&D charactersfall into eeneralclasses.
pretends to be an imaginary character, much the Each class has advantagesover lhe others. The
same as an actor plays a part in a film or a play. characterclassesin this adventureinclude fighters
The big difference is that in a film, the actors are
lwho are good ât tighting with swords dnd other
following a script-but in a roleplayinggame,you weapons),wizards (who can't fight with swords
and the other players are writing your own lines but can câst spells), and rogues (who are okay
as you play out an adventure,and the ending of with swords and can also do sneaky stuff like
the story is not determineduntil you get there. picking locks).
One of the individuals in a D&D same is the Race:[n the D&D game, characterscan belong
Dungeon Maste! (DM for short), the person who to different races. ln this adventure, most of the
knows what the adventure is âll âbout and tells charactersare human. Niles is a halfling, which is
the players what's happening as the story moves a diminutive race of beinss who are known for
along. It's always necessaryfor someoneto be the their braverv and cunning.-
DM, but this doesn't have to be the same person Level: Châracters can b'e carried over from one
every time you play. The other individuals are adventure to the next (like a "saved game"). As
players, each one playing the role of his or her they have more adventures, they become more
own player character(PC for short). The adven- powerful. Level is a measureof how Dowerful the
ture included with these rules, titled "The Ruined aharactersare.In this advenfure,all tfte characters
Tower," is for one DM and up to four players. are level 2, which means they are still fairly inex-
In the D&D game, player charactersare heroic perien(edànd cangrow morepo\ erfu..
fighters, mighty wizards, and cunning rogues. Ability ScoresrThesenumbers ale the heart of a
They joumey into lost ruins (the "Dungeons" of
character'sdesc ption. They tell what the strong
the game's title) and battle fierce monsters (some- points and weak points of the characterare. 0ust
times, though not always, "Dragons"). To play like real people,most charâctersare betterat some
"The Ruined Towet" eachplayer picks one of the
things thân others.)
chaiacters from the sheets on pages 5-6. If you SftnSÉtris how strong your character$.
want to play more advenfures,you can use this Derte;ty is how quick your characterrs.
chalacte!over and over-you don't have to use a Constitution is how healthy your characteris.
new characterevery time you play â new game. Ifltelligence\s hovr smart your characteris.
The DM should read over all of theserules and Wisdon is how much common senseyour char-
the adventurc before starting play. The players acter has.
should read pages2-4 and look over the character Charisrna is how appealing your character is.
sheets on pâges 5-6-but don't read any farther, Ability scores range from 3 to 18, with 3 bein8
or the surprisesof the adventurewill be ruined! the lowest (and weakest),and 18 being the best.

2 D&D Fast-Plav
Fightersusually have high Strength,rogues have
high Dexterity, and wizards have high lntelli-
How the Game Worlis
gence. Your character's ability scores have an In the D&D game, the Dungeon Master and the
effecton how well he or she doesat certainthings. players team up to tell a story. The DM has a
We'r,edone all the calculationsyou need to play script, also called an adventure,that tells what the
the adventure,so don't sweat it. chàrr(tcrs!1ill lace in LhedunËeon.The players
Armor: This line tells you what type of ârmor hrve (hârâcter-heets,which tell them what their
your characteris wearing. characterscan do and what items they can use.
Armor Class:This number tells you the benefit The DM setsthe stage,usually by readinga pre-
of the armor your character is wea ng. A /o(,
number for Armor Class is a gootl thing a 3 is
better than a 4. FunkyDice
Mover This number describeshow fast vour
chdracLer move5.All the chJracters rn thi' adven- Weapons (and a lot oI other things in the game)
ture move at the same rate, except for Niles the come with a set of numbers, like 1d8, 2d6, ând
halfling. He's slower than the resi. Thar s rnrpor- 1d4+1.What do the numbers mean?
They describe different types of dice used in
Lanl if the pdrt) runs away lrom ddnger,\incc
the D&D game. The number after the "d" tells
Niles will lâg behind. you how many sides the die has. A "d6" is the
Hit Points: Hit points are a measure of how normal kind of di€ you'rc prcbably used to see-
much damage your charactercan withstand. in8-a cube with each side repres€nting a num-
Weapons,monsters,and falling into deep holes ber ftom 1 to 6. Other dice come in different
can all do damageto your character. shapes and have differ€nt numbers of sides: 4, 8,
Wounds: This line is used to keep track of the 10,12,ar.d20.
wounds your characterhas taken. If this number A number in front of the "d" tels how many
gets to be more thân your character'shit points, dice should be rolled, so 1d8 means roll one &
he or she is dead and out of the game.Use â pen sided die, and 2d4 means roll two 4-sided dice. A
cil to tally your character'swounds, ,ust in case plus siSn foltowed by a number means that the
number should be âdded to the mll: "1d8+1"
some of them get healed. (Elanna has â heâling
means roll an 8-sided die and add 1 to the result.
potion that, if drunk, will restorelost hit points.) A lot of Samesuse these dice. If you don't have
Goldr Money in the D&D game is expressedin them, you càn 8el lhem ata tàme storeormaybe
gold pieces.Everybody starts out with no money, a boolstore. If you can't get them ritht âway,
but characterscan pick up gold as a treasureor a here's how to use 6-sided dice to take the place of
reward during an adventure.The amount of gold all the other sizes.
yolrr chàracter Lolle(t. Boe\on lh r: lin(. d4 - Roll a 6-sided diej roll over if the rcsult is
XP: Short for eXperiencePoints,XP is a measure a5or6.
of how successfulyou are as â fighter, wizard, or d6 - Roll a 6-sideddie normally.
rogue. Everyonehas a certâin amount of XP (the d8 - Roll two dic€ of difterent colors. Roll one
number varies)so that they âre 2nd level. to get a d4 number (roll over on â 5 or 6). Roll th€
Next Level This is the âmount of XP vour char- other on€, and if the result is 4, 5, or 6, add 4 to
the total.
àcternceJ5to Bo to the ne\i le\el. \ou'Het \P b) d10 - Roll two dice of different colors. Roll one
defeatingmonstersand completing quests. to get a number betweenI and 5 (roll over on a
Weapons:This section tells the types of weap- 6). Roll theother one,and if the number is 4, 5, or
ons each characterhas and how much darn.rge 6, âdd 5 to the total.
eachweapon causes.To find out what things like d12 - Don't worry about a dl2 right now; you
"ld8" and "1d10" mean, won't need one in this adventure.
see the box in the next
column that talks about "Funky Dice." d20 -This one is a little complicated.Roll three
Spellsr BecauseThaddeus is a wizard, he has dice (or one die three times). The first roll gives
spellshe can câst.His spellsare listed here.He can you a number from 1 to 5 (roll over on a 6). If the
cast one ,rd8i. ,rissi/cand one sls47spell during next roll is 4, 5, or 6, âdd 5 to the total.lfthe third
roll is 4, 5, or 6, add 10 to the total. (Yeah,it's a
the adventure.
pain, but at leastyou don't have to buy âny dice
Abilities: Most of the charactershave different until you decideif you like the Sameor not.)
abilities,depending on their class,race,and abili- An easier way to get a result that's kind of Iike
ty scores.Theseare coveredhere. rollint a d20 is to roll a Gsided die and multiply
Equipment This is a listing of other important the result by 3- If you like that better, no prob-
stuff your charactermay have.Ordinary items like lem the adventure you're Soing to play wolks
cloaks or boots aren't mentioned,but things that the same€ither way-
may be useful,like rope and torches,are.

D&D Fast-PlayCame
an opponent, or how much dâmage you cause.
What Is All This Stuft For thàt you need the funky dice (seethe previous
The D&D gâme is set in â fantâsy world, a lot page).Sometimesthe playerswill roll the dice and
Iike our world back in the Middle Ases. D&D sometimesthe DM will roll the dice, depending
characteG us€ swords instead of guns, ride hors- on the situation.
es instead of cals, and fight monsters instead of
rush-hour traffic. In the qame, we throw around Combat
a lot of words desffibinj stuff from that age. In
caseyou're not sure what we mean . . . The playersare running châracterswho àre goinS
Swordsare good weapons,but not all swords into a dunseon in order to defeôt the monsters
are eoual. Niles has a short sword, which is best and takethèir treasure.The monstersaren'thappy
for hiin becausehe's not very big. Darkblade has about this, and as a result . . . we have combat.
a long sword, which is longer and has a bett€r The olavers roll the dice when their characters
rcach. Elânna uses a two-handed sword, which are do-ing things. The DM rolls the dice for the
causesthe most damaee of the three. thinqs he controls,like the monsters,or when he
Daggers are sharp knives, handy for cuttint wanls to keep the resultssecretfiom the players.
thints and stabbing monstels. DagSers cân also If there's any question about who rolls, the DM
be thrown to do damase. decides (makin-gdecisionsis part of the job). In
A quârterstaff is a pôle âbout seven feet lon&
usetul for bashing opponents and testint the
combat,players always roll for their charâcters.
eround ahead. When combat starts, each player needs to say
- what weapon his characteris using. Darkblade,
Armor comes in s€veral different styles. Châin
mail is made of loose linls of metal. Scâle mâil for example, may use his long bow or his long
is made of overlappint metal sheets. Leathêr sword. Both have advantagesand disadvantâges.
armor is more flexible and quieter (ând therefore Each of the olavers needs to make an
better Ior rctues to sneali âround in), but it roll," trying to-gei a parhcular number or higher
doesn't potect as well as châin mâil or€ on 1d20 (a 20-sideddie). In general,fighters âre
rnail. Wizards don't wear ârmor-it messes up best at combat ând wizards worst, and characters
their abilitv to cast sDells. with high Strength do better than weaker ones.
thievest tools aÉ handy to have because Eachplayer getsto roll to seeif his or her charac-
sometimes it's easier (ând smarter) to open a
ter >corera hit. In the àdvenfure, we summarize
door by pickint a lock instead of bashing it
down. A set of tools includes bits of wire, clip- atl this and tell you what number eachof the char-
ôctersneedsin order to hit. Ifyou miss,there is no
pers, m€tdl pick!, ànd other small items thaaâ
rogue uses to do âll sorts of crafty things. penalty, except that the monster is shll there and l
takesa swing at your characterin retum.
On a hit, vour character'sweâpon causesa cer-
pared bit of text, telling the players whât their tain amount of damage.The long sword, for ex-
châracterssee.This might be a brief descriptionof âmple, causes1d8 points of damage to an oppo-
the âreawhere the charactersare,or an old legend nent. The DM keeps track of damageto the mon-
being told by the fire, or a passagefrom a book. sters-when a monster's wounds are greâtetthan
The players then can ask questions and tell the its totâl hit Doints,the monsteris dead.
DM what they want their charactersto do. The After the aharacterseachget a chanceto hit, the
DM tells the players what their charactersseeand DM mâkes attack rolls for-the monsters.Agâin,
hear Here's ar exampleof how that works: we've done the calculationsalready in the adven-
DM: You seea corked bottle sitting on a shelf. ture, and we just give you the number required.
Player: I pick up the bottle and look to see lf a charâcteris hit, the monster doesan amount
what's in it. of damage deteimined by another die roll. The
DM: The bottle is corked, and you can't see player marks this damageas wounds on his or her
through the glass. charactersheet.
Player t pull the cork out of the bottle.
DM: A black mass of smoke swirls out of the rvVhat'sNext?
bottle, and from the heart of the smokea voice
thunders, "At last I am free! Now I can con- You've got the character she€ts,you've got the
quer the world!" basicinfo âbout how the gameis played and how
Player:Uh, is it too late to put the cork back into combat works, and now it's time to get into the
the bottle? real action.The person who's goin8 to be the DM
You get the idea.Sometimesthere is somedoubt should read the rest ofthisbooklet. The rest ofyou
about if a particular action is successful,if you hit will be players, so don't read any farther. When
the DM is ready,you cân begin the adventure.

4 D&D Fast-Plav
Character Sheet Character Sheet
Name:Darkblade Player: Name:Elanna Plaver:
Class:Fighter Race:Human Class:Fighter Race:Human
Level:2 Level:2

Ability Scores Ability Scores

Strength 17 Strength 15
Dexterity 15 Dexterity 17
Constitution 14 Constitution 15
Intelligence 11 Intelligence 13
Wisdom 13 Wisdom 11
Charisma 15 Charisma 76

Armor: Chainmail Armor: Scalemail

Armor Class:4 Armor Class:3
Movet12 Move:12
Hit Points:12 Hit Points:14
Wounds: Wounds:
Gold: Gold:
XP:2000 NextLevel:4000 XP:2000 NextLevel:4000

Weapons: Weapons:
Long bow T o-handedsword
Damage1d8 Damage1d10
Long sword Dagger
Damageld8 Damage1d4

Spells: Spells:
Darkbladehas no magicalspells. Elannahasno magicalspells.

Abilities: Abilities:
When attacking with his boq Darkblade Elannahasthreedaggers. Shemayfight with
makestwo attackseach round. He cannot use oneofthem,or throwup to two perround.She
his bow if he is in closecombat. cannotthrowher daggers
ifshe is in closecom-
When attackng with his sword, Darkblade bat.
doesan additionalpoint ofdamage.(Roll dam-
age,then add 1 point.) Equipment:
Equipment: Potionof Healing:This is a smallbottle of
Torch liquid that,if drunk,heals2d4+2hit poinrsof
5O-footcoil of rope damage(or 1d.1+1pointsif half is drunk). It
Backpack will not raisethedrinker'shit pointsabovetheir
originallevel. The potionçmell.ol pepperminr.
o1993TSF.Inc Ar rlghrsrcsêr@d @19s3Î Allrchts rês€rvêd
Pê.ôssongÉnl€dlô pholôcopy
only Pemission
Eantodlo phor@ôpy
ior peGonauseony.

D&D Fast'PlavCâme
Character Sheet Character Sheet
Name:Niles Player: Name:Thaddeus Player:---
Class:Rogue Race:Halfling Class:Wizard Race:Human
Level:2 Level:2

Ability Scores Ability Scores

qr'.--rL 11 cr,.-dL q

Dexterity 18 Dexterity 12
Constirution 13 Constitution 15
IntelJigence 12 Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10 Wisdom 16
Charisma 12 Charisma 13

Armor: Leather Armor: None(robes)

Armor Class:6 Armor Class:10
Move: 6 Move:12
Hit Points:7 Hit Points:6
Wounds: Wounds:
Gold: Gold:
XP: 1250 Next Level:2500 XP:2500 NextLevel:5000

Weapons: Weapons:
ShortSword Qrarterstaff
Damage1d6 Damage 1d6
Dagger Dagger
Damage1d4 Damage 1d4

Spells: Spells:
Nileshasno magicalspells. Thaddeusmay cast each of thesespellsonce
Per oây:
Abilities: Magi nisile;'|h\s spell automaticallyhits a
Nileshastwo daggers. He mayfight with one creatureând inflicts 1d4 +1 points ofdamage.
ofthem,or throwup to wo perround.He can Sleep:'fhis spell causesliving things to fall
not throw his dâggers
if he is in closecombat. into an enchantedsleep.Sleepingcrearuresare
If Niles attacksa humanoidcreaturefrom helpless,but can be awakenednormally.
behind, he hits more easilyand doubleshis
damageroll. Equipment:
Equipment: Magical Scroll:Thaddeushas a scrollwith a
Lant€rn ànoà spell on it. When he reads the scroll
Thieves'tools:Nilesmayopena lockeddoor aloud,the spellcausesa sruckor locked door to
usinghis tools,andwill succeed
on a roll of4 or automaticallyopen.
lesson 1d10.
lnc.Allighls.ês€ruèd @1993TSR.lôc Allrghls Gsered.
Pêmisrion q6nled |o phot@opy lor peGona us on y Pêrmission gÉnlêd lo phôl@py lor p€end us€ only

6 D&D Fâst-PlâyCame
tr ro, oD .rleqr Jo l\àl àql rn sp vr lr lr ,uouï l,uonr sle,(eldart .oo
"]{t ù sr êrnluê^pe eqt unr ol MouT |
ol paôu no^ leqM ,o +sârèrLL .lr lnoqe s,tprll
ol pà^ ollp sr hlc àql lprl,4\sr,rql .dn Êurqtfilo,
è>lprlljlo^/l,ustdlèLI ll ,,,spupq uolt qtrM sloop
'lpo èàrpl e s,ll,, e1r; Bulller.uos
,{es nol ,sr s.:3q1
_.suo4Je,stêlsuourrnod qnJaxe uâql . tl roop aql lnoqe Jeoads Surqllue s,araql aas
, atsrl; sluàuoddo.rreq1 1rqo1,{4 o11aî o1ùntuà^pp èrl1 lyè.lrql >iràq) no^,,.dàrt;r
s^p^llpsrè^pJd àLll,ùrnlud^ppçrql ul) .çuoqJp ,o )ool
rlàtll àlnJdyè uaql ,Burop dtlt sèop terlM,, 'puods .rade1d aq1
lol , loop
-rptl) rrèql tprlm prp<à^?q s_raÂe1d pup,,'"roopp èùsno ,, des lq8ru 1lr,r.r no1 .aruai:adri
aql 11e.101.1y . puP dds slàl)prprl) rràqt leq/t\ lnoqe suoqsanb
( àloutp\è roJ ,sreb;ep \4ollt pue sMorlp
looqs-punor p àJuo ueql arour s8ulql atuos Ieuoqrppe a^eq lt.l sradeld êql /uoqrppe uI
.Jeàrl puP
op upr srepereq) âurog) .aur1 e 1eBurql auo àJs sJdlJPJPr{J
,rpo op ol ralJpreqJ e .r_ro11e
r,taqq1eq,,vr-+raXeldàql Bul^l8 tp ,116 ,q1 ,noi
dlensn .3urop l€tlt uopeuuo;ul sl s!ql,.pno1e Burr'ro11o;
sr rdlrp/pq) rèq lo çl] tprl,^{le,{eld q.)eaqsy . 'tpnç-pup-q)nç aql pea:
op srèlrpr€qr èLll ,, rltl dull duros
i ^e/!1p ;uruunl_^èqlèty ;Bur1re1|e,{eq1 ^q pàpèrdld rlp pue,sra,{e;daqt ot pnolp peàr èq
èrp ,l,toH i5[rq) ,{aq1 oqq :op o1 Suroâ ol pàsodctns^llpnsn ùp suorlJèçosèq-L.sè\oqàprs
èJe lo4uoJ no,{ slàlsuot! èql lpq,44 àptJàC . -\r èrp àrnlur^pp èrlr
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1t,1t p^llrl 11 Lrols
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-UoLls p ^Fro ,q)l pul
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Getting Started Beginning the Adventure
Let's say you're going to be the DM for this Once the players are comfortable with their char-
evening. It's always a good ideâ to read through acte$, read the followinq aloud.
the adventurebeforeyou run it, just so you know
what's coming. You bring to the table this adven- All of vou are natives of the Vale, a small
fure, either some6-sideddice or a set of the funkv farming community made up of a number of
dice tif you havesome),someçcratchpaper,pen- small towns scatteredalong â broad, wooded
cils, and some graph paper (if you want-it's not a valley.The Patriarchis the spiritual leaderof
necessitV).If Vou can, photocopv the chdracter the Vale,and he has askedyôu to come to his
sheetssô the plavers can use thêm witnout wnt- shrine when the noon bell sounds.
ing on the oriÈinâls.It should take about an hour The noon bell is just striking as a servânt
to play this adventure,more if you takeyour time, ushersyou into the Patriarch'sstudv The old
lessif you speedright along. gray-bèardedman is bent with age and wis-
You should have befween one and four olavers dom. He motions for vou to have a seat
for lhrs àd\ enture,three or iour beinq the ide;1. lt
you have only one player,let him run two charac- Now you, lhe D\4. àre going to speakin the role of
ters the monsters in this adventure aren't too the Patflarch. You cdn eive him an "old man"
tough, but they could be too much for just one voice if you want, or jusatalk normally. There'sa
characterto handle. It's good if the playershave a little bit of acting involved here, but you don't
chanceto read pages2-4 of this booklet ahead of have to do anything you feel uncomfortablewith.
time, but that's not a necessity.You can fill them in
on things as they go along.It willjust be easierfor "I am pleased to see that you
have come,"
them if they alreadv have a handle on the bâsics. says the Patriarch. "The Vale has need for
Once you get setfled,here is what you, the DM, your talents,and your bravery.
"A r,reel ago,<omehunters
found the ruins
of an old tower in the forest. They did not
What we're going to do here is tell a story,a like the looks of it, and quickly moved else-
story that you'ie going to help create.Eachof where. Now there are storiesthat something
you has a character:a fightet a wizard, or a nasty has been raiding farms, and it might
rogue.The story takesplace in a world filled come ftom that tower I'd like you and your
with monsters,treasure,and adventure. friends to go to the tower and investigateit.
I'm going to be the Dungeon Master, or Would you a8ree to do this for the gôod of
DM. I'll describewhat your charâcterssee, the Vâle?"
and you're going to tell me what your char-
acters do in response.Do well, and your Now comesthe players' chanceto respond to the
characterswill be rewarded with treasure old man s question.They may have other ques-
and increasedpower. Look at your character tionsaboutthe tower and the ràidson the nearbv
sheetsand we can run dot^ n what the vàri. farms.Here'swhàt you cdn Lellthem{andyou ca;
ous numbers and items mean. use the "old man" voice to do it, to show that this
is the Patriarchspeaking,and not the DM).
Cive the playersa chanceto review their character . No one knew about the tower before. Some
sheetsand ask any questions.You should know hunters found it while chasine a wounded
most of the answers about what the numbers deer. However, long ago there w:asa powerlul
mean from reading the first sectionof theserules. magician who lived in this valley. It might
Ask eachof the players to introduce their charac- have been one of his towers, or his home.
ters to the rest of the group. . No one has seen what is raidine the farms.
For example: Severâlsheephave beencarried o-ff,and pens
"T'!e got Niles,a halfling
rogue,"<aysone. have been broken down. This alwavs hao-
"I'm running Darkblade,
and he s a fighter,dnd pen5at night.No farmershare beenaitackeà,
he's got a bow," saysanother but they are worried about their flocks.
"l'm playingLlanna. . Any treasurethey find, in the form of money
She'srealstrongand hasa
sword thdt doeslols of dama8e,'saysI third. or magicalitems,may be kept by the plàyer
This would be a good time to explainaboutthe chalacters.All the Patriarch asks is that any
funky dice to the playersif they don't âlreddy bools or written materialbe tumed over tô
know. Don't woûy about when you need to roll him so he can leam more about the historv of
them-we'll tell you as the adventureprogresses. the Vale.

8 D&D Fast-Plây
He tells the charactersthat the location of the When the first member of the party enters the
ruined tower is off the beatentrack,but easilv area of the tower itself, read the fôlloiling to that
found. (No map is provided for the ValeÉ player.The other players can listen in.
this adventure,_sotÀis map is an imagrnary
one. It you want to have a map of the Vale tô You stepo\,er the wall and seethat the inside
show the players, take a mornent to sketch of the tower is filled with rubble and debns.
one out.) If no one bringsit up, merely5ày. Dead leaves, shattered stones, and rotted
"The Patriarch
untoldsahap and show, 1,ru timbers are scattetedaround the floor rou
the location of the tower. Thère should bé no see,partly buried by fallen timbers,a door on
problem reaching it." the far wall, leading back under the hillside.
The Patriarch dôes not have anv guards or As you notice this, you also see a pile of
assistântsto spare for the expeâiùon. If he Ieavesrustleqlightlyto your letr.A laige rat
did, he would-have sent thert' instead of the poles its headout from
adventurers. hissesa wdmrngrt you,showrnglong,razor- lunge,tùrward.ahd bahinorr,
The RuinedTower threemore leâpfrom their hrdingplaces.
Once the players get evervthing squared awal
with the P;tri;r<h, ihe group of h"eroÀs I hereâre four gidnLrat5amongthe debriswithin
"the adventuring thown as
party" oi simplv "the pàrry") the lower,and they àre defendingtheir territory.
headsout towarJ the ruined towàr with orderi to The rats are grayiih-bnrwn,abou'itwo teet long,
investigateit and report back. Read the following and have wicked, sharp tceth and red, feral eyesl
to the Dlavers: They only attackcharàctersin the tower area;and
will not climb over the walls. If there is only one
The trail to-the ruin€d tower passesthrough characterin the tower area,all three attackhim. If
the rolling farmland of the Vale and into t"he there are two characters,two attack each character.
forest. _I}1 trees and undergrowth quiclly If there are three charactersin the k)wer area,two
grow dense,and you hear the çouàd5 of attack the first châracterwho entered, and one
lmall creàfuresmo\ ing throuqh the under- attackseachof the others.[f there are four charac-
brush. t}le thick lhade;f rhe tàresLcuts off a ters in the area, then one rat attacks each of them.
lot ofthe sunlight, and you move through a Each of the players needs to roll a pcrncurar
twiliqht-colored world oI shadows. number or higher on 1d20to successfully.ttack â
Suddenlyyou comeupon à small glddern grant rat:
the heartôfihe forest.À squat,toË t,wer . Darkblade needs an 11 or higher to hit. If he
has been built into the side ôf the hill at the hits with his sword, he does1d8 dàmage,and then
far side of the glâde. The tower has been adds 1 point. If he uses his bow, hÀ can attacx
shattered,and all that remains is a ragged twicein â sinÊleround,c! en aBrinstdifferentrat\,
stumpof fitled stone.Làrgeblo.ksof granrte dnd do 1d8dàmageon eachhil. but he cànnotuse
litter the clearing,dnd some of thesea-re. or . hi\ bo\^ dgain5trdt\ thàt area ncling him.
ered with thick iross. . Elannaneedsa 12 or higher to hii. If she uses
her two-handed sword, shè rolls 1d10 to deter-
The tower is shown on the map on page 10. Use mine how much damageshe does.If she usesher
the information from this texf and'the maD to dagger, she rolls 1d4 to determine damage. She
describethe area.Don t show the map to the ilay- can throw her daggersat rats that are not;ttâck-
ers-that would tell them too mucfi about what ing her dircctly.
they are going to discoverlater in the adventure. . Niles needsa 13or higher to hit. He causes1d6
Ask each player what his or her character is damage if he uses his ahort sword, and ld,l if
doing. Most likely their responses will be along using his dàgger.He cdu\es ld4 damaËeif he
the lines of "l am lookine at the tower." throws d daSgcr,but can onlv throw drËgersaL
The tower is a wreck-:it looks like it has been ratsthat àre nôt attackinghim.
bldstedby d bolt of li8htninB.Originally'r mighL . Thaddeusneedsa l3 or higher to hit. He caus-
have been 40 feet tdtl, but now it is a blasted es ldb damàgewith his quarierstdffThàddeu-s
stump that does not extend more than 10 feet spe(iàltyis not combât,but mdgic \pells. lf he
high. The tower wall neatestthe characrersrs no castshis nrdxr.,;rssi/rspell,he doè* ld4*t poinLq
more than a low wall a foot hiqh, and can be easi- o' dama8elo a rai ot his choice(no àtt.rcl roll
ly steppedover. needed). If he casts his slcepspell, all the rats
immediately fall into an enchantedslumber and
are easily defeated.

D&D Fast-PlayCame 9
0 door
X hidd€t pit
$ *"*t a.".
cf dêbri.

One square = 10'

Each rat starts with 3 hit points. If a character aqe thàt was taken by the characterslemains until
inflicts 3 or more points of dâmage, the rat is tÈe chàràcterseo bàck to the to\,!'nor someone
defeated. If a rat takes less than 3 Points of dâm- uses Elarura's pôtion of healing to restore lost hit
ôqe, note on a piece of scratchpàper how much DOtnts.
dimaee the rat iook. Subtractthat number from 3, Defeatinethe rats gains experiencepoints (XP)
and fhât remains is how many hit Points the rat for the chà"ràcters.Th'e rats are worth i5 )(P each,
now has, so four of them are worth 60 points. That means if
Anv rats not defeated get their chance to attack â sinqle châràcterstayed in the tower area and
back.'Foreâchrat, you ro"llld20 to try to hit a (er- killed"all the rats,he gétsâll 60 points. If two char-
tain characterTheîats àre all equalli vicious, but acters killed two rats apiece, each character gets 30
they need diffejent numbers to'hit the characters xP If three characteÉ took part in the cÀmbat,
becâusethe characters âre wearing different tt?es each one gets 20 XP, and ia all four characters
of armor and have different Dexterity scores. helped, eàah one gets 15 XP Have the Plàyers
. To hit Dârkblade, the rats need a 16 or higher. -aik the XP eamed on their charactersheets.Each
. To hit Elânna, the rats need a 17 or higher sheettells how many experiencepoints that char_
. To hit Niles, the ràts need a 13or higher. acter needs to advânce to the next level (Ob-
. To hit Thaddeus, the rats need a 10 or hiSher. viously, no one will get there very fast tust by
Needless to say, it's better if Thaddeus stays defeatingrats.)
away from the rats. Jhere is no treasureamonq the debris,but if the
A iat attacks a chosen character untll ihat char_ Dlave$ want their chaÉctei to look, let them do
acter leaves the ar€a of ihe tower or is reduced to 3o.-When they decide to move on, they should
0 hil points; then the rat choosesa new target from want to inves(igàtethe door partly hiddèn by the
the remaining characters. If all the characters are fallen timbers,whi(h can be easilv moved aside.
reduced to 0-hit points, or if thev leave the tower The door is a hea!ry oak doot ;ith a lock that's
area, the rats buiow under the àebris and flee rusted out and uséless. However, the door is
It's likely that the characters will kill the rats swollen in its frame and bâdly weather€d, and the
with minÉum damage to themselves. Any dam- châracters will have to use brute strength to oPen

10 D&D Fast-PlayGame
it. Let the Dlavers choose which character will \,ly'henat least one character lights a torch or
open the door lit makes sense to give this job to lantem, add the following inform;tion:
the character with the highest Strength score), and
have that Dlaver roll 1d20 to deteimine if he suc- You see that a 1o-foot-widecoiridor contin-
ceeds. In ihid case, a low result is better than a ues into the hillside. The walls ând floor hâve
high result, which meâns: beenheavily damagedby water,and the flag-
. Darkbladeneedsa 10 or lessto open the door. stones of the floor are pitched up in places
. Elanna needs an 8 or less to open the door. from uneven settling. About 40 feet awât
. Niles needsa 6 or lessto open the door. you see â door. There seemsto be something
. Thaddeus needs a 5 or less to open the door. written on the door, but you're too far away
Any charactercan try to open the door as many to màke out whàt it says.What are you goinS
times as he or she wants. There is no penalty for to do?
failing-it just takesa while longer to get the door
open. Also, Thaddeus may use the frnoc,tspell on Ask the olavers in what order their charactersare
his scroll to oDenthe door. The door ooens imme- moving àown the corridor (lhere's enough room
diately if he âoes this, but as Thaddeusreadsthe in a 1o-foot-wide area for two characters to walk
spell, the words on the scroll fade from the paper or run side by side. This makes it easy for them to
and the spell cannot be cast again. (Mâke sure the fight without bashing on each other.) One way to
piayer who's running Thaddeus understands this arrange the group is to put the well-armored,
before the scroll is used.) stron8 types in flont to protect the guys with the
When the characters open the door, go to the lower hit points in the back. If the characters are
next section. afraid of being hit from behind, they may put a
fighter in the front and one in the back.
The Corridor and the Pit The corridor is treacherousand uneven,and has
To start this section of the adventure, read the fol- been damaged by water seeping through the
lowing paragraph to the players: ancient walls. About 20 feet from the door, the
ground is so badly eroded that any pressureon
You force the door open, and a puff of damp, the floo! will causethe floor to collapse.On your
musty air billows out of the doorway. The
dust settles,and yoù are looking down a long
corridor leadinq back into the hillside. The
A Map for the Plavers
The players maf +oose to sta{ making Éreir
walls and flooiare made of finished stone, own map of the dungeonat somepoint. A map
and are stainedfrom water dâmâee.The ceil- is often helDful becauseit'6 a r€minder of how
ing is supported by heavy oak beams. The roomsfit to-gether, wherelhings arelocated,and
coridor disaDDears
__ into darkness about 20 wher€ the exits aæ in cas€of emertency.(R€-
feet âway. member,the players don't get to s€€ the map
we've pmvided for you.) ff the playersbring up
Now would be a good time for the party members the ideâ of making th€ir own map, and you
to think about lighting their torches or lantems. It want to let them give it a try, heæ'show to do it.
only takes one torch or lantem to throw enough Give thema pieceof Égular graphpaper(four
Iight to see by-but note that anyone who is car- squar€sto the inch will do nicely) and have
eachsouarereDres€nt10feet.You then describe
rying â lit torch or lantem has to use one hand to the roo?r or arèabasedon the text ând the maD
do so, so weapons like bows or the two-handed we've provided. For example,thereare differerit
sword camot be used.A lantem can be set down ways to dæclibe â corridor, sucha6:
easily if someone suddenly needs to use both "The corridor nms aheâdof you 4) feet and
hands, but a torch goes out if it's laid on the floor. endsin a door The corridor is 10leet wide."
If the party headsdown the corlidor in dârkness, "The corridor runs eâst410 feet to a door on the
tell the players that it's getting harder ând harder far elld. You ar€at the west end of the corridor."
tosee... Or, if you want to be sure the players lmder-
This is part of roleplaying. You and the players stand where they are, you cân simply rnâke â
consider the imaginary world as if it were a real sketchon the graph paper ând let them look at
one, so little things like whàt you're carrying in it. As thet charactersmove into a differcnt areâ,
your hands or who's opening the door are some- add anotherpiece oI inJormâtionto their rnap,
accordingto what the dralacter3wou.ld see,so
times important. Don't get bogged down in the that slep by step it starb to r€sedble the map
details.,but iust keep an eye on what is going on you're using.
ano wnete.

D&D Fast-PlayCame 11
map, that place is marked by the big symbol for a A scriptorium is a place where scrolls and books
pit. (This is orle reasonyou don't show the players are copied, usually by scûbesor monks. (You can
the DM's map-you want this place to be a secret tell the players that it's somethingthat their châr-
until the chârâctersget there.) acterswould likely know-)
If the charactersmerrily march down the corri The door is almost completely rotted out, and
dor, heading for the door, the charactersin front will disintegrateat the first touch. Go to the next
fall into the pit that suddenly appearsbeforethem sechon.
as the floor disintegrates. Read the following
aloud if this happens: The Scriptorium
When any characterfirst touches the door (tries
You walk down the corridor. About halfway the knob, leansagainstit, knockson it, whatever),
down, the ground suddenly shifts beneath read the following aloud:
your feet and falls away, revealing a black
chasn beneathyou. The sk)nesyou're stand- The rotted door falls apart at the first touch.
ing on slip into the blâckness,and you follow. The wood cascadesinto a pile of splinters,
and the hineesand knob clatter to the floor
The pit is 10 feet deep and filled at the bottom On the other side of the doorway is a large,
with water and soft earth.Eachcharacterthat falls squareroom, aboul 30 feet on a side. Thereis
into the pit takes1d4 points of damage.They also another door directly opposite yours at the
get muddy ftom tlle experience.The edgesof the far side of the room. The floor in here is more
pit are rough and sloped,so it is relatively easyto level and dry than the corridor was.
climb out. The room holds six coDv desksand stools.
If the charactersare a bit more cautious (ând if Four of the desksare ociupied bv what look
the players listened to you when you told them like robed monks, their bodieshunched over.
about all the water damage in the hallway) ând One of the monks looks up at you, his hood
indicate that they are checkingout the corridor as fallinq back as he does so. He has no skm or
they move into the hillside, read the following: flesh, onlv a skull with small flickers of red
flamebuming in the pits of his eye so(kets.
You move cautiously down the hallwat He raisesa bonv hand and Dointsat vo.
making sure you have a firm footing on the As if by silenisignal, the other threé monks
uneven flagstones.One of the stonesbeneath get off their stools.Their robes fly open, re-
your feet shifts as you touch it, and you pull vealing that they are nothing more than ânF
back quickly. With a deep rumble, a large mated skeletons.Thev all carrv rusted, trian-
hole opensdirectly beforeyou. Another step, gurar oaggers. rney move tor^,âroyou.
and you would have fallen into a large,
muddy pit. There are four skeletons,though only two may
attack a particular target. If the charactersstand
If the characterswere cautious,give eachof them their ground in the doorway, then only the front
10XP (As the DM, you're allowed to reward play- rank may be attacked.The charactersget to make
ers for smart thinking.) their attacksfirst, then the skeletons.
The pit is a râgged hole in the floor, and once it Becausethe skeletonsare magically anlmate.t
has opened it will remain there permânently. bones,they are lessaffectedby weapons that cut.
There is enough of a ledge around it that the char- Swords, aûows, and daggers causeless damage
acterscan get past it easily. when used asainst a skeleton.
Note that this is a natural pit causedby erosion. . Darkblade needsan 11 or hisher to hit. If he
Some evil creaturesput pits in their lairs just to hits with his sword, he does 1d8 damaqe, then
catch those foolish enough to trespass,and some- àdds I point tnr his hiBh strength.Find fhe totâl
times thosepits are filled with sharp spikesor poi- damagehe câuses,then divide by 2, rounding up
sonoussnakes.(JustthouBhtyou'd want to know.) (21l2 becomes3). If he useshis bow, he can attack
When the charactersreachthe door at the other twice,even againstdifferent skeletons,and do 1d8
end of the corridor, they seeit is bâdly rotted, and damage.Again, divide the damageby 2 after it is
its hinges and latch are extremely rusted. There rolled. Once the skeletons get close enough to
are words carved on the door, âlmost invisible attack,the bow is useless.
becauseof the damage.The sign reads: . Elannaneedsa 12 or hisher to hit. If she uses
the two-handed sword, shè rolls 1d10 to deter-
SCRIPTORIUM mine how much damageshe does.lf she usesher

12 D&D Fast-Play
dagger,she rolls 1d4 to determinedamage.Again,
divide the result bv 2. The door at the far side of the room is made
. Niles needsa 13or hisher to hit. He will cause of heavy wood and bound with bands of
1d6 damageif he useshis short sword, and 1d4 if iron. A large plate of metal is mounted to the
using his dâgger. Divide the result by 2 to de- doot and that plate is inscribed with a sym-
termine how much damaee Niles does to the bol of a bull's head.The door hasbeenlocked
skeletonhe attacks. and securedftom the othe! side.
. Thaddeusneedsa 13or hisher to hit. He caus-
es 1d6 damage with the quarterstaff and this This door is not iust stuck. like the one at the stârt
result is rol divided bv 2. The ouarterstaff is a of the adventuéit has been locked by the inhâb-
blunt weapon, not a cutting weùon, so it does itants of the room beyond. The charactersmay
full damaseto the skeletons.If Thaddeuscastshis think ofa number of ways to try opening the door
dgic ,r/'ssilsspell, he does 1d4+1 points of dam- . Force it open: They cân try to force the door
age to the skeletonof his choice (no attack roll is open with brute strength, but it is tougher than
needed).If the player running Thaddeuswants to thev are.It will not open,even if two or more char-
cast his slcel spell, you should mention that the actérstrv to force it ôDenat the sametime.
spell would have no effect becausethe skeletons . Haak it down: The characterscan trv to hack
are not alive and the mâgic of the sleepspell only the lock ând hinges off the door. L p Loiwo char-
works againstliving creatures. acterscan hack at the door, the door is hit auto-
The remaidng skeletons get their chance to matically (it can't get out of the way), and takes20
attackback after the charactersset their chanceto points of damage before it springs open. The
hit. For eâchskeleton,roll 1d20: downside of hackine at the door is that it wams
. To hit Dârkblade, a skeleton needs a 15 or the inhabitants of the library (the room behind the
hisher. door) immediatelt and they can prepare.(S€ethe
a To hit Elanna,a skeletonneedsa 16 or higher. next page for more information on this.)
. To hit Niles, a skeletonneedsa 12 or higher. . Pick the lock: Roguesare very good at open-
. To hit lhaddeus,a skeletonneedsà q or h igher ing locks, and if Niles is present,vou can tell the
A sleletoncausesld6 dàmàeewhen it sucaess- players this. The player running Niles needs to
fully hits.a character The skèletons have 5 hit roll a 4 or less on 1d10 in order to pick the lock.
Niles can trv three tiûes to oDen this door If he
The skeletons fiqht until either thev are defeated succeedson one of thosetiies;he unlocks it with-
or the characterJare. If the charactersflee the out notifying the beingson the other side. If Niles
room back the way they came,the skeletonswill fails to oick the lock âfter threetries.the lock is too
chasethem. The skeletonscân't câtch the human tough fôrhim to open by using his tools.The char-
characters,but they are faster than the halfling acterswill hâve to try somethingelse.
and will overtake Niles before he escapesthe . Câst the knock soell:.Thaddeus has a scroll
underground areâ. (The other charactersshould with a magical spell on it. lf he casts the ,t ock
want to tum around and come back to help if that spell, the lock clicks open immediately (and the
happens. One way or another, they're going to spell disappearsfrom the scroll).
have to deal with theseskeletons.)
Skeletonsare worth 65 XP each,so four of them The Library
are worth 260 XP total. Just as you did with the As soon as the charactershave managedto open
rats, divide up the expedencepoints between all the doot read the following to the players:
the characterswho took Dart in the combat.
When the skeletonsare defeated, the players On the other side of the door is a large,well-
may have their.haraclersseà(h the room.Ïhey fumished room. The walls are lined with
find nothins in the desks the scrollsthe skeletons shelves that are filled with large, water-
appearedto be workin8 on are nothing more than stained books. The floor is littered with
tattered scraps.The triangular daggersthe skele- bones.
tons callied are of an archaicdesign.ând, though Directly before you are three zombies,
stained with rust, are still useful. The Patriarch unliving humans with their flesh dried and
gives the characters5 gold pieces per dagger if pulled tight over their bones. Their bodies
they b ng them back (20 gold piecestotal if they are missing chunks oI flesh. It looks as if
Dart with all of them).
_ somethinghas taken bites out of their arms,
When the charactersget around to checkingthe legs, and torsos.They have blank, mindless
door out of the room, read the players the expressionson their faces.
followine text: Behind thesethree monstersis another

D&D Fast-Play
Game 1 3
manageto causedâmageto it. ff it is damaged(by
creaturethat resemblesa human, but this one a hit from a weapon or by the magrcmissilespell),
is more savageJooking.Its skin is the purple the ghoul gets mad and attacks the party along
color of a bruise,its eyesglow with a yellow- with the zombies.
ish light, its hair is mangy and pâtchy,and its The olavers need to roll different numbers on
teeth are inhumanly sharp. lt is a ghoul, an 1d20fôr their charactersto hit the zombiesor the
undead creatureof deadly power The touch ghoul. The ghoul's a little tougher than the zom
of its taloned hands can paralyze a living lrresare.
creature. . Darkbladeneedsa L0or hieher to hit the zom-
The ghoul points at you and hisses, bies, and a 12 or higher to hit the ghoul. If he hits
them! Kill the living intruders!" At his com- with his sword, he does 1d8 damage,and adds 1
mand the zombiesshuffle toward you. point for his high strength.If he useshis bow, he
can attack twice in one round, even againstdiffer-
The ghoul in the library is the one responsible for ent targets,and do 1d8 damage,but cannot use it
the missing livestockon the nearby farms,and the in direct combat.
bones scattered aiound the room are from the . Elannaneedsa 11or higher to hit the zombies,
eoatsand lambs that it has stolen-The zombiesare and â 13 or higher to hit thô 8houl. If she usesthe
ll its service,and it usestheû as bodyguards. two-handed sword, she rolls 1d10 to determine
The ghoul does not want to fight, but instead how much damageshe does.If she usesher dag-
tries to flee with its treâsure.How successfulthe ger,she rolls 1d4 to determinedamage.
ghoul is in getting awây depends on how much . Niles needsa 12 or hieher to hit the zombies
warnine he had before the châractersentered the and a 14 or higher to hit th; ghoul. He causes1d6
room. (If they tried to force the door or hack it damaqe if he uses his sholt sword, and 1d4 if
down, the ghoul is alerted to their presence.) using his dagger As a rogue, Niles gets a special
Here's what the ghoul would prefer to do. As benefit for attacking from behind. If he manages
soon as it realizesthat it's about to be visited by to sneak up behind a zombie, he needsonly an 8
the characteis,it goesto a shelf along the eastwall orhigher to hit, and ifhe getsbehind the ghoul, he
and srabs a small chestlhat conlans rts needs a 10 or hiqher In addition, he does dorùle
sure." That takes one round. Then it goes to the damage multiply the result of his damageroll by
northwest cornet,where therc is a secretdoor cov- 2.
ered by a bookcase.That takes another round. [t . Thaddeusneedsa 12 or hieher to hit the zom-
takes two more rounds to shove aside the book- bies and a 14 or higher to hit tÀeghoul. He causes
caseand open the door. After the ghoul passes ld6 dâmage with the quarterstaff.If he castshis
throush the secretdoor into a tunnel that leadsto ,ragi. ,rbs/le spell, he does 1d4+1points of dam-
the suiface,the monster is gone,leaving the zom- age to the zombie of his choiceor to the ghoul (no
bies to fiqht the characters. attack roll is needed)If he wants to castshis sleep
Surnmàrizing, here are the ghoul's actions, spell, tell the player running Thâddeusthat there
round bv roundr would be no effect-the zombies and shoul are
1 is Àade aware of the heroesoutside. not livinBthings,dnd dren'tâ'tectedby t-hemàgi(.
2 goesand getsthe small chestfrom the shelf. The zombies have t hit Doints each,and cause
3 eoesto secretdoor 1d8 damagewhen they hit.
4 - Àhovesaside the bookcase. . To hit Darkblade, a zombie needs a 15 or high-
5 - opensthe secretdoor er on 1d20.
6 (or later) - escapesthrough the tunnel. . To hit Elanna,a zombie needsa 16 or higher.
This "schedule"meansthat ifthe characterstake . To hrt Niles,a./ombieneedsa 12or higher.
too long bashing in the door, the ghoul is well on . To hit Thaddeus,a zombie needsa 9 or higher.
its way to escaping.On the other hand, if the char- Theghrrulhas l4 h,t pomtsand,unliketheZom-
acterspick the lock or use the kfiockspell, they can bies, can make multiple attacksagainst the same
catch the ghoul flatfooted. Yy'herethe ghoul is in target. The ghoul tries to hurt the characterthat
the room deDendson when the charactersenter.lf wounded it. but if it has to fight its way through
they take a long time to get into the room, they others it will do so. It can attack with both of its
find the secretdoor open and the ghoul standing claws,eachcausing1d3points ofdamage (roll1d6
in front of it. The ehoul tells the zombies to kill and divide the result by two), and its bite, which
them, and dashes into the tunnel in the next causes1d6 points of damage.Howevet if it is car-
rying its chestof treasurein one hand, it can only
The ghoul tries to escape,letting its zombies make one claw attack.If the ehoul losesthe chest
handle the adventurers, unless the characters or Duts it down, it can use both of its claws.

14 D&D Fast-Plav
. To hit Dôrkblade,the ghoul needsa 15or high- Patriarch (or simply bring news back to the Pa-
er on 1d20. triarch oI the library's existence),he gives eachof
. To hit Elanna,the ghoul needsa 16 or higher them 400 gold pieces.
. To hit Niles, the ghoul needsa 12 or higher The chestthat the ghoul was guarding contains
. To hit Thaddeus,the ghoul needsa 9 or higher its personal treasureof gems and mâgical items.
The ghoul also hâs a specialabiliry Eachtime it The chestis locked. Niles hâs a 4 in 10 chânceof
claws or bites an opponent,it has a chanceof par- opening the lock (roll of 4 or lesson 1d10),or the
alyzing that individual. A paralyzed character krock soell can be used. or the lock can be bashed
cân't fight, move, or talk, and is an easytarget for in (oné hit from a sword or dagger will do it).
the zombies to hit. This Daralvsislasts for 1d6+2 Within the box are the followine items:
rounds. A charactercanàvoià the effectsof this . 12 black pearls.
paralysisif the player makes a successfuldie roll . A scroll.
using 1d20.This roll is called a sari,g ffiloar.As . A bottle similar in shapeand size to Elanna's
with combat, each characterhas his or her own potion ofheâling. Ifa characterpulls the corlç
number to avoid the effect of the ghoul's special he or she discovers that the liquid inside
ability: smells like peppermint.
. Darkblade, Elanna, and Thaddeus all need a . A dagger.withsymbolscarvedalong the blade
14 or higher to avoid being paralyzed. rn an unKnown language.
. Niles needsa 13or higherto avoidbeingpar- . A sack made of blue cloth.
aryzeo. The charactersmay play around with the items,
If a charactermakes his saving throw, then the seeking to figure out what they are, or they can
ghoul's touch has no effect.A nèw saving throw take them back to the Patriarch. The items arc
must be rolled every time a characteris clawed or explainedin the "Wrapping Things Up" section.
bitten by the ghoul-avoiding the pâralysisonce If the characters càLrghtthe ghoul by surprise
is no guaranteethat it won't happen next time. and defeatedit before it reachedthe secretdoor,
The charâcterscan chooseto let the ehoul es- they might not find the door (unless someone
caPe,but they won t get any e\periencepoinls for thinks to move the bookshelf aside). If they find
defeating it, and they won't get its treasure.De- the secretdoor, it leadsinto a narrow. dârk tururel
feating the ghoul is worth 175XR which means44 that burrows for about 50 feet and finâlly surfaces
XP for four characters,58XP for three,88 for two, on the far side of the hill from the tower This tun-
and the full 175XP for a sinsle character: nel is how the shoul made its entrv to and from
The zombies are worth 65 XP each, so three of his lair. Otherwisethe charâcterscan eetout ofthe
them are worth 195 exDerienceDoints total. That ruined tower by bâcktracking,and then refurn to
breaks down to 49 points oer characterfor four the Patriarchwith their information.
characters,65points for thréecharacters,98 XP for
two characters,and 195for a single character WrappingThingsUp
The room contains no monetàry treasure,but
If the characters are defeated in the dungeon
the books are valuablebevond belief to the Patri-
beneaththe ruined towet reâd the followingi
arch. If the charactersbiins them bâck to the
Alasl For all your bravery, you've fâiled to
The Ghoul Might Fight! discover and defeat the secretof the ruined
tower. The Patriarchwaits a few davs. then
The way we've set up thjs adventuæ, getting
awây is more important to the ghoul than seeing
sadlv shakeshis head and offers a prâver for
thât the characters ar€ defeated--ùut you. as the you. Then he calls together anothér b-andof
DM, can have the thoul act any way you want. adventurers,and wams them that thosewho
With sorne lucky dice rcIs for the ghoul and have previously sought out the secretshave
some ur ucky ones for the characters, the ghoul not returnecl.
might be able to pârâlyze and defeat aII the char-
acters if it decides to stay around and fight. This If you want to, you can try the advenfure again,
might be a cruel thing to do to the characte$ either from the very beginning, or with whatever
(and their plâyers), but it would be a tood way changes occurred because of the characters'
to show the players how dângerous a monster actions. For example, the corrido! may already
iike the ghoul can be. (And you can always back have the pit in the middle of it, and there may be
up and start the adventure over, or just replay
fewer (or more) rats,and a few of the zombiesand
the scene in the library if you want to dve the
characters another chance.) Shoulslook frighteningly familiar . . .
If the charactersdiscover some of the secretsof

D&D Fast-PlayGame 15
the ruined towet but then turn backbefore reach- The players can work out their own ways of
ing the ghoul's lair, read the following: dividing up the treasure.The best way to split up
the gold and gems is to give every characteran
You retum to the Patriarchand tell him what equal share.Magical items can be divided up ac-
you hâve discovered.The old man is very cording to usefulness-the wizard should get the
excitedby your news, and believesthat there scroll, one of the fighters the potion, the other
is greater treasure and knowledge beneath fighter the dagger, and the ro8ue the bag, for
the ruined Dile of stones.He asls if vou will e\ample.Or, the plàyerscàn roll dicednd thehigh
retum to finish the job, or if you would pre' ro11qetsthe first choice.
fer that someoneelse gets the honor of dis- Eaah character has a new XP total now-the
coverine the secret of the ruined tower original number plus any XP eamed dudng the
adventure.When a charactergoesover the
Again, you can run this adventureagain,either Level" numbet he or she gains more power, more
from the very beBinning,or with lhe chan8esthat hit Doints,and more abilities.
hâve haDpenedbecauseofwhat the charactersdid Tire number of gold pieces a characterhas rs
"Gold" blank on the character
the first-time thev visited this place. recorded in the
If the characte;sfound the iibrarv (whether or sheet.As the Bame goes on ând charactershave
not they defeatedthe ghoul), read tÀe following: more adventures, they can buy things with their
gold-better weaponsand armor, magical scrolls,
The Patriarchis extremelypleasedwith your and other handv items.
discovery of the library beneâth the ruined Once the trea;ure is diwied up and the XP and
towerl He believesthat it may havebelonged eold recordedon the she€ts,the charactersrehre
to an ancient and powerful wizard, whose to the local inn for a fine meal to celebratetheir
lair has not vet been discoveredand whose adventures and brae about their success.The
treasurestilliies out there,waiting for brave playerscan bring thesecharactersbàck to play
adventurersto find it! Congratulations! àgjin, through anither advenlure,on anotherday.

If the charactersdefeatedthe ghoul, add this: Where DoWe Go From HereP

Congratulations!You've run your first D&D ad-
The Patriarchis happy that you have defeat- venture. If you've had a good time. you might
ed the ghoul that was plaguing the local want to know what vou can do next.
fârms and homesteads.With this menaceput Other D&D adveniuresare Ior saleat vour local
to rest,he can turn his attention to other mat- hobby shop or bookstore. For stdrters; look for
ters, such as finding the hidden tomb of the wrath of lhôMirloLiur aîd Eyeof the Wyoern.
wizard who once ruled the vallev If you think you've got a handle on playing the
D&D game, you might check olr| lntroducfionto
As statedabove,the Patriarchgiveseachcharacter .4pv,4NcrD DuNcroNs& DÀ,4coNs. This bie box of
400 gold piecesto reward them for their discovery gamemalerial.Bive5you more of the nitty-Sritty
of the library. If they defeatedthe ghoul, he gives ol the rules and sets into more detail, while still
themdn ddditionàl100Boldpieceseach. beinqeasvfor a new DM ànd plàversto follow.
The Patriarch will gladly identify the magical lf /ou want to leapinto thed;ep end {andadmit
items the chaÉctersfound: it, you really want to), you might want to check
. The peârlsare worth 100gold pieceseach.
. The dagger is rnade of magically sharpened out the ADVANCED DuNcEoNs& DRAcoNs'hard-
back rulebooks, also available at many stores.
and reinforcedmetal. It is a dagger+1, which adds
These books contain all the information vou need
1 point to a chaiacte!'s attack roll and 1 point to to stdrtând olav an entire.eriesot adveÀfures.
ânv damasethe âttack causes. To leam ûioré about the D&D game by visiting
j The scioll containsspetls,which a wizard may
the Intemet, go to our website at r^m,
cast.It has a,t/ock spell,a magtrnissilespell,and a and get â look at everything we've got to offer.
lightning bolt spell-which shoots a bolt of light- What happensto Darkblade,Elânna,Niles, and
ning that causes6d6 points of damaSe. Thaddeus?Îhev'l1stillbe around for the next time
. The liouid in the bottle is a ootion of saf,'r-fteal
vour olavers wânt to run them in another adven-
irg, which heals3d8+3points df damage,or 1d8 if iure. br'your players rnay want to create their
a third of the Dotion is drunk. own characters,have their own adventures/and
. Thebag isbigger on the inside than on the out-
make their own lesends. is a bagof holdirg, and can hold up to 250 Worlds of Advenlure are waitinq for you.
pounds of stuff while still being easily lifted.

16 D&D Fast-Play
Letters "Bzâllin's Blackspherc"are âd!en- "Stepping Stones,"mainly
tures I cân use in my câmpai8n can already picture my plâyers gath-
(albeit when my PCs advancebeyond ered âround the handout, in totâl
third level)."Grotto of the Queen"hâs silence,with an open'mouthed ând
less immediâte use to me, a6 I use confusedlook on their faces.
the MysfaRÀ câmpaign âlmost exclu- Finalln Ijust wanted to add thât I
sively,but I'm giving serious thought think the "Maps of Mystery" are a
to starting a FoRcorrE\ REALMS! seat idesl I hâle often cânnibatized
câmpâign in the futur€. ,L'ÀGtoNAduenrû.es solely fo. th€ir
Johr Tblisant rnâps,and I would love to s€e some
via email neq ùnique desisis for ca6tle6ând
keeps in the future.
Yikes! SeaD Mcllwaine
Ijust sot Issue *68. My reâction: VaDcouver, BC
shock€d.âmâzed.appalled. I âm, of
course.referring to "Convergenc€." This issue's'Map of Mrsterr" 6ee
TSR went through some$owing paÊe 33) ôflërs DMs plentr ofinspitu
pâins try-'ingto determine whâi was tion for d codstal campaign Gien the
qppropriare content for its Daga' popularit! ofthis fedturc, ùe're hop.
zines. Now that Wizards ofthe Coâst inq to shoucdseother interesting
owns TSR. and therefore DL,Ncrox locales<astles, dungeons, caûes,and
Adr.nrf.s. these âre being repeated. ldndscapes-in future issues.
I recommendthqt WotC go back and
rcâd th€ "t€tt€rs" sectionofthe mâg- Ad,oenture s for Er:eryone
Any thoughts où the adùentures in this âzinerthrs representsâ cross-sectjon I have loyally read every issùe since
i55ùe?ly.ite to "I€ttels," Dt' -cEoN' ofopinions oftheir new subsribe. IBsue#41.This wâs bâck when I had
A&eûturcq 1801Liùd AùenueS.W, ju6t started playins the AD&D game.
nenbn, WA 98055.You can also endil As mr subscriptiongoesback to I hâppenedto comeaooss a copy of
"s d, dung€on@*' Pl.ds. lssue t8. I would like to point out DrrNcEoNAdùenturesii the bookstore
sendsubsÙiption questionsend that non,AD&D'/non-D&D' adven- ând picked it up to read it. I fell in
chanee of ddd.ressnotices to DrlNcEo\ tures were poôrly .eceived.Câse in love with the rnâgâzine(and'Old
Adventùres, Szàs.nptbrs, P 0. Bor point: hos manv sùper hero modules Man Katan and the Incredible,
169106, Escondido, CA 92016-9 t06 a.e there in the past 69 issues? Edible, Dancins Mushroorn Band" in
1ôll free: 1.800.395.7760. Emdil: Basicallr in pârticùlar) on the spot. Dr\cto\ vill cost WotC my subsc.ip, I'm writing to add another voice to
tion. I do not own th€ rules, and the opinion voicedby several p€ople
wasting 20t ofany issue will not before me. I feel thât DuNcEoN
First Impressions causeme to bur them.I think should not ignore settinss. I was a
Before I b€gin, I have to say that you ArrEL\rn has quite â bit ofappeal fan ôfthe SPELUAMMER' setting a few
guys ar€ doing â greât jôb o. the for â number ofreâsôns. I also think years âgo,and the few SPELUAMMER
magazine.I'v€ noticed that recently this is an inapprôpriâte plâce to print adventures thai came out were very
you publiÊhedtwo non-AD&D âd!en- it. I woutd stronsly recommendpub- usetul. In short, there is alwâys
tures ("Îhe Ice Tyrant" for the lishing the AfER\rrY adventurcs someonewho will use an âdventure.
DRAcoNr-L\cE1: Ftr.rH AcE" system elsewhere.I expect rhat I âm not The "traditional" AD&D plâyers hâve
and 'Converyence" for the ALTERNTT\' no rcâBonto complaiDâs far as I can
system,in Issues #65 ând +68 resp€c- .L E. SudDers tell. Even ifan issue contains one o.
tively). I mùst say I'm impressed,ând viâ emâil two non-genericadveûtures,it still
I think itt a goodidea to give plâyers has 2 3 (or inore) generic âdventures.
â sampling ot the other RPG systems Multiple Choice? For me, all adventurcs p.ovide
out there. And while it seemsnot to Okây. I'm not going iô say anything rcadine pteasureât the very leâst,
be the popular opinion. I hope thât about the ArrEL\rr\" âdventure (in and many ofthe adventures I'vê used
you continue to pubiish non-AD&D Issue *68r becauseI'm sDreyou âre were non-genericadventures adâpted
âdventures pe.iodically. already receivins sacks of prâisins i, fit my own câmpâi8n world.
I'n a new readea actually.I begân letters ... right? I can't decideifyou Scott Danielg
with Issue #64 in late November of guys are bold expenmenters,hùck- via €mail
last year becaùseI sâw thât it hâd a sters for the new li.e, suckersfor
RAwNLorÉ adveDture.I had no idea punishment, o. all ofthe above. FrFTH AaEPPraise
that a magâzine like this even elist' Thê be6t ofth€ rehâining âdven- I rcc€ntly rctumed to AD&D âfier a
ed until I 6âw it on the shelfin ny tures wâÊ"By M€rklân's Masic," by long hiâtus explorins the RPG nâr-
t@at mall's bookstore."Lâst Dance" Bian Corvello.I always âppreciatea ket. and even though I wasn't playing
was a great adventùre to read and good outdoor adventure b€causeI the gâme itself (or any fantasy RPC8,
had â trDly horrific feel to it. "The find they a.e the toughest to create. for thât mâtter), I mâintained my
Mad Chefs ofLâc Anchois" and I also liked Lbâ Smednan's subscription toruxcto,yAduent&.es

E lssueNo, 70

becaus€ii wâs âlways pleasant to see t?st\ùulents a'ul.l lih. t., rcceiæ 12
70 pagesofgaming material show ùp issu.s ol th. ùlogazineea<hrear
in the mail. Despite the fact that I t is a substantial inte.est iù
wasn't usins many ofthe adventures. u Lars|r,d(luat 6sut ol DI:NtiEoN
I still enjoyedreadins thcm. Adt.ùtun s, u'ith /-9', of tusponrtunts
"The Ice Tyranl" ilssùe *65) crprcssinEsoùrcintepst tpraboblt I
s h ô w e du p j u s l i n t i m e t o w e l c o n c
me bâck. Now that I !e started + The inserls aùd boùus nruteriak
putting the great âdventtrresthât pnJolednost h! readersore nntpoiÊn
show up on my doorstepevery nonth sourN matt riols t72ti ), MoNsrR :s
to good use,I cerlâinly hope the Q)Mpt:NDrr']tpoges t74.1),and player
FIrIH Aclj game continùes to be sup-
ported. It is everythine I wished the .. Sixb one p...?nt d thosètho
AD&D same would be, but it also contpl.ted the surùer pla) non AD&D
reftinded me why I loved AD&D to RPGS.B\ .bùtrdst.61'/i of thos. sur
begin wirh. I hope rhql. those readers .eled ore ùot intercstediù seeins
who must converl t'rFrII AcE scenâr' odrentutPslô non.AD&D €anes in
ios to regùlarAD&D give then a Dr)icEoN Adv€ntufes.
chance.Th€ games aren't that difler + R.sPondtnts Pr4,r a balan(..f
ent, and I feel th€ pay-oflis well shott. ùrdtuù1, drul hnq,
worth the little bit ofrevision. althauEh tù.dùm length adt.ntùps
Also, Id like to applaùd lhe art tl0 16 pûE.s)ûr. thc tùostpopulûr
and ca.tography in Issue 163 TonJ RespondentsuouLd like to see
DiTerlizzi's cover was a delighi, âs SideTrehsappear in nnst issues.
usual, and St€pbenA. Daniele s maps * Resl)ndents prefer tnid-leuel
âre som€ ofthe mosl!e I-!e an.l L)u.ler.l a.lLtnt|res, uith high-
s€en in â gaming product. I much adkntu16 apPearins itl !ùne
prefer a more ârchaic look in fantasy issù6. Dùngeah ctdùls aft sliqhtlr
adventures,but it's hard to resist any Dbr. papular thaù ù dntl
ofthe talented artists and cartosra- .tr.r ôûsedddu?rlùres.,R?ad.Bdo not
phers who hâve worked on llr.NctrrN uaùt t.) seesob or psi.tti.s based
Alù?nr&.es. Thanks ûuch. adt)eùturcson a regulor basis.
W. Liam Hindmarch * R.o.l.B arc tnon itûercstedin
vis email s.ting a.ltentuks lôr th. g(n ri<
AD&D dhd I"oR.on\:N'set-
Survey Results trngson a r.Erlar basisthlost ot tL'er!
The r€sùlts ofour last rlrcroN issu.). Th.! u'ould lihe ta se. Ih.
Aduenrù.psreadership suney lwhich CREIHÂ.I Kûnd R^\'ENLor'l" s.Itings
appeâredin Issue #65) hâve been tab- representedin sotneissues,
ulated. Here are som€ oi the ûore PhN,r(,i/,t ond llnlrx Sr'.\' aduen
relevant facts ând slâlisticsl turcs on(:ein a uhile, aùd other set-
* Fif4 eisht percent olsurP! tings ra..l! û not at all. !)

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"HomoncuLousSteu" is Andrcû's
entriô.rrion to DuNcEoN' AdveDtures.
Aùdrcw notes that this nodule Das
intended. to make the plaleÆ thinh
about ste.eotypes,dt least uherc Milo
aad Gdid arc con.emed.
"Homonculous Stew' is an AD&Ir
adventure for 3-5 player charact€rs
tevels 2-4 (âbout 12 totâl levels), but
the modùle is atso suitâble fo! one PC
(Dreferably a wanior) of levet 4 or 5
The module takes plâce in â stretch
of tenperâtæ woodlânds known as the
Erlking Forest; however, any remot€

Deep in the Erlking Forest lives an
old mâse nâmed Milo, thoush most
know of him onty as the wizard of
the WoodÊ.Mito, a Tthlevel trans'
muier, spends his days Puttering
about his cottâge, concocting strange
potions and experimenting with new
alteration spells.He seldom leâves
his Bylvan home for any reâson, rele'
gating the task ofgathering food,and
Milo the wizartlpreparesa magicalcoficoctiofl.
reagents to nrs lâmri!âr, a pucKrsn
hornoncutousnamed Eok.
Recentl, Milo wâs working on a
pôtron otogro srrcngr,hând neededa
tuit ofha)r from-whât else?-ân
ocre. Milo, acqua;nted w'th mosi of
tÈe forests rnhabitsnts, knew ofan

HOMONCULOUS ogre who lived to the southeast So,

off sent Eok to fekh his master some
ocre hair Now Eok fancied hirnself
60 qDick ând ninble for â big stuPid

STEW ogle to câtch him, but âs the homon_

culous soonfouDd out. Gaid is no

Gâid is considerablysmarter and

stronger than the âve.âgeocle (he
hâs the stâtistics of an ogle chief-
BY ANDREWDIFIORE,JR- tâin), and he is wel-known amons
the forest soblins as a trader and
fierce mer;enarj. In his youth, Gaid
sened three hag siste$ who once

Whot'scookingin the lived in the Ertking Forest. The hags

conductædatl kinds ofdark sorcery
ùpon the forest and its inhabitaDts,
Erlking ;oeciallv the wild etves-selt-
appointei cuardians ofthe *oode
Gaid wâs sùbjected to the sist€rs'
arcâne expenments âs well, most of
the time without his knowledee The
residuâl effects of these experiments
pemanently endowedhim with a
Arlwork& Co ogtophYbY Diesel
hish resrstanceto poison and magic
Th'e elves êventuaiy marched against


the hâ$, and a $eat battle ensued. "Hury, befor€ it's too late!"
Ultimately, the hags were driv€n out. Wizordof fhê Woods
Gâid bârcly escapedwith his own life The DM should have eâch PC's rnove- Sine Milo accompâniesthe PCs,
and to this dây knows not what ment rate on hând, noting the party's th€ DM should make u* of his
becâmeofhis former ernployers.He is overall movement râte is thst ofits tzlepâthic link with Eok to relây
now content to be a bone-brcâker{or slowest constituent.Thus, a pafty information t the PCÊwhen they
the Erlkins soblins. with â dwârf (unencumbered) coùld are within 4a0 yar& of the ogre's
Wàen Gaid causht Eok. he had â trek throush a "rnedium forest" such den.This link can creat€ ân even
good ideâ to whon the homonculous âs E lkins Forest only ât a Éte ofS, Breat€r seme of urgency.
tr€loûged.He, too, is acquaint€dwith or 90 feet p€r round. This doesnot Milo (humantransmuter):AL
the fore8t'sinhabitants and believ€s neân the DM has to keep trâck of LN; AC I (Dexterity); MV 12; M7;
Milo is some sort ofhermit who dab- every step the party takes; rather. the hp 18;THACo 20; #AT 1; Dmg by
bles in âlcherny.Gâid imnediâtely I)M can use the slower pace âs a weâpontlTe -1 (Strength peDalty);
dispatchedhis goblin toâdies to verify meâns of buiidins suspense.What is SZ M (58 tâ[); ML 15;S 5, D 15,
that the homoculouswâs, indeed,the important is that the play€rs âre C 10,I l4,W 72, Ch 7Otrcbeof 6e-
wizard's property and convey Gâid's nindful of time running out for the ful items GeeDMG/7?a lot ljst ot
demânds.Recalling the hass havins posslbleitemsJ,uand of maai. mis-
similar fâmiliârs, Gaid knows the The ocre's den is â shortjâunt from sil"s (18 chareEs),das€Er,spell
homonculous is more thân â pet to the magician'scottage.The tirne it b@k (codtainsthose below ptu-sthe
Milo and seesthis situation as an takes Gâid to prepare his stew is left recipe for crcatins homonculi).
opportunity to extort the wizard. The up to the DM.Ifthe PCs don't arive Spells:colo. spm!, derectmdgic,
adventure b€ginÊ with the partyt in time to save Eok, the homonculous featherfall, mending;alter Eelf,
arival at Milo's cottâse shortly âfter dies,and Milo immediatety sufie$ leûitata mi.rcr imoge; in[raùision,
the soblins have encounteredthe 2d10 hp danaee. The PCs should be Melfs ninute meteo.s;
Wizard of the Woods. allowed to use whâtever means they
have ât their disposalto speedùp Milo is not an adventùing magE.
Forlhe DungeonMoster their joumey (spells.magicâl items, He has a healthy fear of larse mon-
and so forth). Likewise, the DM st€E, o8æsincluded.Most of his
The ogre waits fo. the goblins to should periodically check for randon spells have littte or no olTensive
retum with news fmm the cottage, encountersand weâther conditions, benefit; Deve.tleless,he dæs not
then he besins preparing a new dish: which provide a sood wây to sound hesitate to use his Bp€lk or ûâgical
homonculousste{. (Last week it wâs it€ms to belp r$cue hiê fâmiliar.
pixie'potpie.l The time it tâkes Gaid The characters have the benefit of Milo hat€s to tmvel and prelers
to prepare his stew is â variable left Milo as a guide, reducing the chances sp€ndinshis time bentovel
up to the DM. Preparation includes ofgetting lost. The Elven Way isee etdrit h tomesand bubblins test
everlthing save the mâin ingredient, map) is an old footpath orisinally tubes.His lack of social graces
the homonculous,which is added last. traveled yea.s aso by the wild elves b€liesa keen and inventive mind,
Offcourse. homonculi tum to goo when they haunted this section ofthe âbsenttyabsoùed in arcùe @lcu-
when slain. but Gâid doesnot know forest, beforethe soblins âûived. It tatioG or fomlnae. His dememor
that. Gaid is expecting the wizard to has becomeoverSrcwn with under' t€nds t put other pæple otr, who
cone lookins for the hornonculouÊ. ât brush and is hardly discernibleas â mistâkenly âssune he's crazy,ârro-
which point he attempts to barter for path. It is by far the quickest and gant,o. both.
somemâgical potions,but he waits safest route eâst ofOld Forest Road. Eok thomonculous)r INT hish;
only so long before succumbingto Unfo unât€ly. it is much too nanow AL LN;AC 6; MV 6, Fly l8 (B);HD
and windins to accomrnodâtehorses, 2; hp 8i THÀC0 19;#AT 1;Dmg
The DM hâs the option of playins mDles,and other such mounts. 1-3; SA bita causessr"ep(for 5d4
Gaid one of two ways. He cân be just munds);SZT (18 tsll); ML 14iXP
an exceptionallypowerful ogre bent Beginningthe Adventure 27OtMM/192.
on devourins the homonculous,in Eoks appeâ.anceaild mâtrleÈ
which casetine is ofthe essence.Or The PCs are traveling thrcush the isms vâglely reflect thoÊeof his
he could be an unusual NPC who is Erlking Forest when they cone upon creat r. Milo made Dok s€veral
receptive to bârteÉng for Eok's life. Milo fishtins offthe soblins.The winters aso, and since then the
The latter option requires the PCs to nasician hâs âlreâdy tumed one of homoculoushas beena dutiful ser-
don their diplomatic hats and rote- th€ soblins into â iant toad, using vant and the wizard's only conpan-
play the negotiationsbetween Mito his pohnorpÀ otà.r spell, and is ion. He lives tr sene Milo but
ând Gaid. Ifthe PCs do theirjobs chasing the rcst ofthe goblins with a enjoF the time spent alone gatheÈ
well, they might even get the ogre to Melfs ninute neteors spell. ing thingr in the fo.est.
relinquish a lock ofhis hair in Like all homonculi,Eok Êharesa
exchange for sone of Milo's new osrp You'vebeen traveling alons an old
for€Btroad. For the most part, the telepathic link with his malt€r
str€ngtà potion, which Gaid can then ext€ndins to a rang€ of 480 yards.
uÊeto make his soblins more rid€ hâs been uneventful. The thick
canopy pmvides â welcomereprieve


attâcks). His statistics are otheNise (especiâllywhen he regâins his tele-

fiom the hot middây 8un.A gentle pâthic link with Eok). ând he
heeze btows through, brinsing Milo did not suffer âny dâmâgebut becomesinc.eâsinsly pushy and
with it all the wonderful frasrânces collapsesftom sheer exhaustion.He impâtient as the PCs get closerto
ofthe woods.It's hârd to imâsine comesto in ld4 munds unless the their final destinaiion. This could
such a peacefulplace beins infest€d PCs revive hirn sooner In any event, becomea real problen for the PCs
with goblins, but you have leârned he assumesthe PCs are ofsood char' when encountering delays,such as
to heed the waminss oflocâls. You acter if they are st his side when h€ wandenng monsters.
expect to be out of the forest by awâkens.Seeingthat they are âlso
nightfâll, and as lons as you sti.k âdventurers,h€ quickly relâys âll the The Woodsman and th€ Dryad
to the nain rcad, the chancesof events leading up to his bout with
encount€ring gobliru should be goblins.OfcouÉe, he chânsesthe South of the Elven Way is a gro\€ of
pârt about sending Eok to Gaid's ând t.ees clâimed by â dryad nâmed
Suddenh âs ifto mock theBe instead insists the o8xecane with Elrinnâ. As the PCs nâke their way
thoughts, a loud exptosion shatters the goblins.snatchedEok, and fled toward the rivea small woodland ani
the serenity. You hear seveml' before Milo could set offâ 6pell. He rnâls loyal to Elrinna âlert the dryad
man Êcreans as a dozen or rllore believesthe ogre is going to eat to the party's presence.The PCs âr€
goblins stumble out of the forest Eok-he believesogreseat every- soon âccostedby a râgtag young man
and onto thê .oâd, wisps of blue thing ând anything-unless they can in a worn leâtherjerkin and carryins
smoke trailing behind then. Most resch the den in tiûe. Milo thinks he a woodcutterl axe. He greeh the PCs
of them flounder to the ground knows the locâtion ofthe den ând and introduces himselfas Gâllantri, â
coùghing and chokins.You reâlize clains he cân lead the PCs there woodsmân from the town of Skorroq
that one is not a goblin at âll but safely, but he's afraid to face the ocr€ which lies â few miles north. Despite
rather ân ove$ized toad in goblin alone.lfthe PCs are unwilling to his hassârd appeârânce,Gallântri is
gârb. offer their seFices for free, Milo well spoken,good-natured,and gen-
Another explosion ând three tempts them with speculationsabout
morc gobliDs come screaming out of the octe's treasùre hoard, âtthough If asked where he's heading,
the forest with theil backsides on he cannot confirm whether the ogre Gatlantd replies, "Nowhere in partic'
fire. They aÉ being chased by a has any treasure wortb taking.Ifthis ùlar I'ln just wandering."He tries to
wizened old man shoDtins horible is still not enough,Milo offers to pây dissuâdetbe pârty ftom continuing
maledictioru. The pânic-stncken the party 100 gp plus one or two âlons the Elven Way,t€llins then it
soblins scramble in every direction. potions of ogresrrcnglà, âlthough is haunted and thât they would be
W}Ien the dust settles, the old man Milo needs several dâys-and the wise to follow him south âlong a
stands before you red-faced. panti 'sâfer path." Ifthe PCs âclee to fol-
proper mâterials-to create them.
Milo cân aflord to pây up to 300 gp. low Gallântri, he leads them â few
"FrieDd or foe?' he asks, cotlaps- yards northeast ofthe dryâd's grove
but he's lookins for help at a bârsâin
price. Ifthe PCs are sreedy,the DM and sugseststhey relax near â fâllen
should tâke tbis into account when tree. giving the cùrious dryâd a
The goblins were sent to deljver â diwying up the story award. chânceto eavesdropon the PCs' con-
verbal rânsom demand to Miloi the Milo's home can be seenthroush versationsand find out the latest
dim little creaiures did not expect the the trees jDst â few yârds off ihe happeninss,includins why usty little
wizffd to accosttheln. (Even Milo roâd. lt is â small fieldstone cottage goblins hâve been spott€d running
didn't think he had it in him-) with â thatched roofand a nârow back and foÉh throush her neck of
Taken abâck by Milo's rebuttal, the footpâth thât meânders to the front
soblins scâtter hamlessly into the door Amund back is a wel1,a wood The woodsmandæs not strây târ
woods, eventuâlly resâining th€ir shed, and â sarden of sone of the from the dryad's gove and sraciously
senses ând resouping outside Gâid's largest vesetablesthe PCs âre likely declinesany offer tojoin the PCs.
lâir. If the PCs pùsue them, the gob- io hâle ever seen.Thê soblins' Chamed by Dlrinna severâl nonths
lins lead the Pcs on â merry ronp "attack" causedconsiderabledamage aso while out collectins twiss for kin-
thrcush the forest, pos8ibly into â to his lâb after Milo hurled a flaming dlins, Gatlantd hâs been the dryâd'Ê
goblin encâDpment or the dryâd's alembic Ât one of thern, missing the lover and g\rardian ever since.
erove (see below) but certainly not soblin ând dèstroyins several works
Ehinnâ, a naturally cuious creature,
in pro$ess; the smell of sulfur still asked Gâllantd to bing the PCs to
C{blins (12): INT averâge;AL LEi her so that she could spy on them,
AC 6; MV 6; HD r li hp 4 eâch: Although Milo has never visit€d perchance to find yet another yoùg
THAC0 20i #AT 1; Dmg by weapon the osre's den himsell he knows how man worthy of her châIns.
t } ? e ; S Z S ( 4 t â 1 1 )M
; L 12;XP15; to get there from Eok's previous The dryâd tries to remain out of
MMl163: studded leâthea short excursionsinto that ârea ofthe for- sight but within earchot, using the
sword, shoft bow, two ilight âûows. est. He accompaniesthe PCs to the woods âÊ camouflage- She appears to
One of the goblins,Gtup, has been oge's den ând insists they nâke be â beâutiful elven maid, clothed
polrmorytud int/t a laryq ùe].y toad haste. Milo's anxiety grows increas- only in her lons tresses.Chamctærs
(AC 8, MV 12, and no etrective ingly âs more time pâsseÊ who âre alert or on gùard for boubte


have â 207. chanceofspotting her

throush the foliâge.
Thoush Gâl|ântri is very winsome.
hè succunbs easily t jealoùsy,in part
due the strensth of the dryad's châm.
IfElrin.a spotsa charismâtic PC in
th€ pârty, she emerses from the
foliâge ând casts her.àd.a pe.so2
spell on the individuât (preferablya
nale; 3 t save).No s@ner doesthe
dryâd besin ternpting the PC when
the châmed Gallantri lâpsesinto an
unconhollable rase, throws down his
axe, and lunses ât the PC. Gâllantri
pummek the PC with his fists, attack-
ins with a +2 bonus to hit. The dryad
is âmusedby Gatlantri's weakness
and doeslittle to disourâse him. If he
is killed or subdued,howeveashe
calts upon the cÀ PC to defend
her She does not engage in combât
herselt If the .Àarr? fâils, she steps
into the nearestoâk and d,nenston
doo.s back to her own tree. If the
party subdues Gallântri and drags
hin out of the oak smvq the dryâd's
.àarrn is instântly brcken, but he
retains no m€mory ofhis enslave-
ment. The DM mây opt to double the
XP award for subduing râther thân
slaying the w@dsman.Gâllântri
declinesto join the PCs in their quest,
being ânxiousto Aet back home. few surslins câscadesemerge.Its Stônes. Over the decades, th€ brook's
Milo has never met the secretive appeannce, though serene enough, enchantment has instilled the€e rocks
dryad. Although he's heard wild tâles would hardly nerit nention in a lând with the ability to move on their own.
of seductive "wood nymphs," he does rich with nâtural beâuty ifnot for its The rocks tend t sp.ead themselves
not place much stock in these stories. dârk enchântment.The local folklore out âcross the brook, but they have
Gallantri is likewise unknown to the has it thât the waters were poisonêd been known to cluster together on
wizard. The dryad i3 awâre ofcaid by an evil witch wâshins her ctothes one Bide of the brook or the other
ând his goblins,but she keeps her among the rocks upstream. No one in Wàen they sense a humanoid figure
distânce for fear that the soblins recent memory has âctually seenthis within 10 feet ofthe either shore, any
might desecrateher grcve. witch, but it is true that ânyone who rocks not curently stepped on move
Gallantri (human rânser):AL CG; dnnks fron or bâthes in the brook toward the ligu.e. Wlen somene
AC 8; MV 12: R3j hp 19;THAC0 18: must Bâvew. spell or suffer the steps onto â stone,it glid$ slowly
4AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SZ M effectssinilâr to thât ofÂ.&rsed and smoothly acmss the bmok,
(5 l0 tall); ML l5i XP 65i S 13, D 13, scroll (see,MG for list of possibte depositing its paÊsenger sâfely onto
C 1 4 ,I 1 0 ,W 1 4 ,C h 1 6 ; H S 2 0 % ,M S cu$es). There are mâny tavern tales
279.;woodcutter'sâxe (1d8/1d6), of thirsty travelers who couldn't Th€ brook itselfis 30 wide and
hunting knife (1d4lræ). rcsist a drink fmm the crystâlline roughly S deep in the middle, Cradu-
Elrinnâ (dryad):INT hish;AL Ni wat€rs, only to awâken the n€xt dây ally beconing 2 deep at the edges.
AC 9i ùIV 12; HD 2; hp 8;THAC0 19; t find thenselves as hairy âs wootly The stones âre rclâtively sDalt (the
#AT l; Dmg by weapon t}?e: SA rothé. In most casesthe effectswear lârsest being onty one f@t in diame-
chdr ry SD diwnsion d.@rI MR 50%| ofiin 1d4 weeks,but sone rnây ter) ând can câIry one M-size or
SZ M (5 tall)iML 12; XP S75tMM/93. requirc a ænoùe spell (ât the smâller qeâture. The reâl trick is
DM's discretion).Milo hâs never âvoidins the water leaperÊ when â
imbibed water frorn the brook and stone rcaches the middle. These Êog-
The Fâeriê Stones
would find its mâsic both intrisuins like fiÊh can leap out of the wat€r and
Mânslebmok is â small stream thât ând amusins, so lons as he was not glide towârd a target up to 30 feet
cùts its path through the eastem por- away. As they leap, the wat€r leap€rs
tion of the Erlking Forest.The water The Dlven Way leâds to the only enit an ear-splitting Bhriek, and any,
flows at ân unhun'ied pacefor nost cro8singin the Erlkins Foresr six one failins to save vs. spell cannot act
of the brook's lensth except where a stæppingstonesknown as the Faerie for one round. Any person struck by a


r. irct. hc Naris rn arca 2 ilr thc PCs

t o c o m ct o h r n r .K i l l j n s o f i t h e s o b h n s
ifks hiùr. but ùot overlt so: lhcrc arc
t ) l . n l t n r o f cs h c f c r h . ! c r n r c f r o n r .
(i('blins I l6) INT Nv.rrseiAL LE:
A ( 6 : N I V6 : H I ) I l : h p ' l r l H A ( 0
2 0 : l À l l : D u g b r $ e a p , r rt j p e : S Z S
. 1 r â l l ) i l ' l j - l 2 i x P 1 5 :I 1 , u , 1 6 3 sr r u d
d . d l c r t h . f . . h i . l d . s h o r t $ L o r d .s h o r t
bos: Idl flrshtaDoNS.

l Kitchen. Thc first thins thc P('s

noti.f whenth..r .n1.f i"
a ù n n à , ) ls t c \ ( ! , k i n g i n â l â ù ! . l e
b h c k . à u l d f l ) n s ù s p É n d eodv . r â n
o p e np i 1 i n t h È ù i d d l e o f l h e c a ! e .
l . s t o o n e d t r o . r r h e . o o f a f e b a l e so l
Nild hoùs. fr-urts.!.sctabl.s. ch.cscs.
r n d t l v o l i v c l c f d l p j l a l c t si D s a c k s ) .
A r o u n dl h . l i r c p i l a r . p i l c so l f i l t h r
. r f t h . n * a r . . r n r ) n g t h c n rI d . c { n t c r
ol drnd.lnn rviù. which.lhough
h i g h h i , , t o x i c a l i n gb, Ê s t o $ .t e n r p o
r . f \ â û r n e s i r , l â s t s2 4 h o u f s r ù n d r h e
sanr h.nffits as â/)olnrro/.ilol?/!
Thc goblins ùsc this ârca rs rhcjr
r l c . p r n gq u . l t . f s S c l c r â l n r a n i t t
I i d . s h c n b o u to n t h . i l o o f I l t h . P C s
b o ( h c rt ( , s c r r c h t h c s c .l h c y f i n d r
non-nragrcrldllagcr rnd ild6 i li) cp

k , â p e fù u d ù a k f â s ù c e e : s i i ' l 2. Ihe ()gre's D€n. l his cârc is clul

D c \ l . ù t ! c h c c ko ù f a l l i n l , , r h . b n ! , k . lrrsc !nrnr!ls. thNl clNttd lr)gclhcf
t r . . d \ i 1 h b a g s .b o x c s a , .d bârfels
Watcr lcapers ,I I : INT ùrnr .'\l. ,n thc b(c7. likr n,rcabr( \viùd
( h i n , . s 1 , , , ,t l o l ) l i , , ss l r n d h u { t d l { { l c o n t a r n j r s! f m o r .$ e a p o n s l.u f s , s p i r
N : r \ ( - 8 : l l v s s l 2 : H D I l r h DI r t s .! n d o t h c r û r i s c c l l . n c o utsr ! d c
. a c h : T H A ( ' o 2 0 :I A T l : I ) n , s I 1 : S A nround the èntr'rnrr
goods (rùd. bt hùmln standârds.
s h k . l c a p .S Z s r l l , r , g : 1 1 1 , 1 \)1. r H o r v . v . r i l t l l 2 i Jc o n ( ! i , r r s r r . l h o ù -
T c r s , ) l ) l i n sn ! . d a t l h c n r r r h 0 1
o u g h l r "s e a r ( h e d1 r l i m e { l n s u m i n g
rh. (.r.. r,,d six nrn1,hid. ânrms
p r t r e s si û , p o s s i b l te, , p e r l n r n 'r i t h
r h . l f a û b l f s 2 0 l i , f td o $ r t h ep ! t h
Den of the Ogre 'l
h c \ f e n r r i ù h i d d c nn ù l e s st h e P ( s
t h e o g r eà r o u n d r ,t h e l b l l o ù i D gi t e m s
" o r f c h t h r b u J r e sr o d i s c o \ . r t h . n r o . c . n b È l n u n d : ; 0 0 c p d i s g u , s e da s
Thc follosi.s tcxt alsumcs thc p!ft\ s o l d c o i . s . 1 n t o f c h . s .1 7 u n c u r . d
hrs.c!ch.d (h. osùrs d.n in linn r,) b r l t l c b r c a k so u t ù t t h . . ! \ c .
rùrnrrl hrdcs {!rth ldii+.l sp cach.
." li,)m the std\pot ll this is 0 n c o f t | c s o b l j n sh i d j n s i ù t h c
fivc rvorth 5 r? c!dr. t\Lo
n,n thÈ.âse..djtrst the,.lbfmario. bushc'mrkcs a bird clll to $rù rhc
o l h . f s o l a l ) | ù ) â . h i n gi n r r ù d . r s 1 h . r .jù!lsol runr No.rh 25 sp ruch. r ù,il
âc.o.dingh An\' soblins $ho cscâped o l p l a r { m â i l .a n d â q u i r . r o l t { e n t r
Xlilo s ( crrliff h.rc sâm.d k r . r ) â ù ù ^ \ . ( o c k . d a , , dt h . i r ^ \ s
Grid ofthc {1z.rd s tcnrpo: !nd $ f e a d r t , , l i f e . j u s t i . . a s e t h i n g sg È 1 (iàid sitsàt à rable aciùallt a
Gdid h.s ddliscd his ù,nrrini.s sob u s \ 1 h . s . b l , n ' s r ù n d i n s. e a f t h e
slic.doff stâlagmjte in the middle
lins not ro kill or ini,,ùf lh. mrs.: rh, . n i r ' â n c .h ù v . o f d . f . l o l . t i h . \ t r z
o f t h . c a v . .t l e h i n d h r m h a n s sa
P('s. .n (h. orhef h.n.l. rf. â.oth.f l r d p r r : . b u t i h c c h r f a c t c f sr f f h c l d
laDt.rn .nd a round bird câs. mad.
b l c k I l r h c P ( s m r k . r s h o No f
t u f c c .o r i l l l i l o t h . . r t r n s r h c ù r. l a a r n - o f b o ù c a n d s r n c s lI n s i d et h c c â s c
t h e g o b l i . s n r u s tn , n k . r m o ù â l { ! u r t s E o k :h i s w i n g s h a r e b c c n
t h . p a t h N i n d s u p t h r c u s hr s h r l . l i p p c d s , ,h . c d n n o tl l y l h e r à 9 . h r s
loq eul.h to a lars. crrc n,ùound r h e r k â t . 1 l l r h . f o l l l : r i t s .r h r \ t e r
â ù u d e t a d l 0 . k 1 + 5 " b o n u sl o à
cd br borcs rn.l dchris Thc sa,lch the hehes prss.Ilrhc ù)ll suc.ceds.
t h i e l ' s O p e nL o c k sa b i l i i l , a n d t h e
is clc!r o' (ù..s rnd is $.llrr)dd.n th. goblLnâ s t t â c kt h e h e ù e s u n l i l
h à f s c â n b . s n a p p c d$ i t h . s u c c c s s
A l o n ! .r h . s l o p . st h i . k b u m b l . s h a l f t h . i r n u m b . f s a f . s l a i D .a t
s l i c h p o r n l t h . r N n r n t { ,t h c \ v o o d s ful BcDd Bars mll ât +10', On top of
t h f e â t e nt r )t f a û r p l èt h è " . f u b t h c d c s ka . c t h r c el c a t l c r s a c k s
'lhe $ h i l c r h r ! . o i r l i n sh i d d c n i ù t h c b ù m -
brushI'ni.g the top peùneier t h o l d i n l a ; 0s p .i j r Jr p , a . d . 1 2 g p
ca!e moulh hasb..n l ) l . s p c t p f r l h . I r ( ' s r v i r hr r r o s s
( i , m b â t â ù t , D a r . i ( â l l râ l . s ( i â i d , ) l ' rcsp.rtiv(lr and ! ltrgc ir)n'bound
$ i t h s t f j n s s o f s k u l l s .m o s t l r o f ledg.r(;aid is cu.rentlt "dibbling in
i . l r u d e r s . l ) u t h e d r ) e .n o t i n r e r \ e n c :

1 4 l s s u eN o . 7 0

When th€ pârty enters, the ogre

sêemingly doesnot notice their pres-
ence ând wâits â round or two before
tiftins up his head lons enoush to
ask: "Cone to barter?'At this point,
the PCs nust decidethe best course
of action. If they decide to barter,
Milo is rcluctant to give ùp his
potions to the likes of Gaid and may
even demând that the PCs kill the
osre. But ifthey rcfuse to do so, Milo
has little choicebut to relent.
Gaid is surprisinsly articulate for
an ogle. though still a bit gruff. He is
crâfiy but blunt, ând he reveâls the
truth about how the homonculous
came into his possession,a fact that
might changethe PCs'imp.ession of

If the situation b€comeshostile,

Gâid picks up a heavy crossbow(hid-
den behind the stalasmit,e'table) ând
fires one bolt for 1d8+1 hp dâmage-
He then leaps ove. the stone table
and attack with his cudgel.
Gaid (ogre):INT aveÉge; Al NE
AC 4; MV 9; HD ?; hp 3?;TIiAC0 13;
{AT 1;Dms 1d10+6or by weâpon
iype (+6);SA 18/00Streneth;SD +5
to sâve vs. poison and sp€lli SZ L (10
tall); ML 14; XP 1,400;MMl272; châin
mail, owlbear skin, hea\y cudsel Gaid the ogrehaswaysof dealingwih untelconteguests.
(2d6+6 hp damase).
Gâid appeaB more like a hill giant in$ kept here as guârdiaDs.If Each fireburst ha6 a radius ol live
thân an ogre, Btânding 10 tâll and removed,ihe lichen shrivels into dr"J feei and inflicts t hp dâmsge onlyi
weighing nearly 500 lbs. Indeed,he bmwn flâkes in ld.l rounds. however,flammable nate.ial nust
lnây even have some siânt blood run' Asâinst th€ fâi wall is â lârse chest successfullysâve vs. mâsical fire or
nins throush his veins. He weârs â toppled over on its side, spilling glit'
pooù cured owlbear skin over his tering treasure onto the floor The spill€d treasur€ includes:780
chain mail sh;i, afiordins him an There are also three empty wine cp,408 sp, 92 gp, 10 assortedgem-
additional 1 AC bonus. He wields an bottles and four empty oil flasks lying stonesi3 : 10 sp, 5 ! 50 g]I) and 2 i
enomous cudgel but loves to brawl. about. (The flâmelinss devouredtheir 100 gI respectivelJr.six piecesofjew-
often picking up snâller opponents elry worth 360 gp lotâI. â riaa,,/
and hurlins thern int aalls for Wàen someoneenters the cave,the ial)"ûri'-ir), 160 .ange) thai might be
rd6+6 hp damase. flâmelings leap out from behind the count€d âmong the otherjewelry
As a result ofwizârdly experiments chest and squat b€fore thât person unless â d?/€.t magic is used,a sÀo.r
conducted on him by his fomer has like dogs sitting up to beg.One of suord l, and â sooll with three
employers, Gaid is more resistant to them asks in a sloq sibilant voice, pri€st spells cast at Sthlevel:.!re
both pokon and Dagic, sâiniDs +5 on 'Masssster,whai you bring ussss?" lisht uounds, slou poison, and .eaoue
They do not diBtinguish one .ù.se.Th€ scroll is stored in â plain
hurnânoid from ânother ând seern metal tube with a wax plug.
3. Tr€asure Cave. This châmber is ambivâlent to whomever they Conceqledbehind â fâlse pânel in
seâledby â lârye, .ound boulder that lhe botlom ofthe chesl is an odd-
requires â Strcnsth of r8 (or â com- Ifthe pâfty is quick to offer up â lookins nedallion carefully wrâpped
bined Strength of26) to roll âside- Ilask ofoil or bottle of win€, the in â pieceofosquip leath€r The
The ceilins is coNiderably lower than flamelinss allow the PCs to pilfer medallion has a cryptic arabesque
the rest of the den<nly 6 high. The Gâid's treâsur€ unhindered. Oth€r- desisn wrcusht ofblack nickel and
air is particulârly dr.J and warm, wiBe,these creâtures ailack in the 6et wiih a red ovoid 6pine1rseemingly
alrnost hot. A Êolt verlnilion slow next round. ln addition to lheir bite
enanates fmm a gtmnse lichen that ând tail slap attacks, flarnelinss can cont'inuedon poge 78
glows upon the walts. The lichen hurl miniature ,ârcbdllsat opponenis
retains heât senerat€d by four flamel- up to 10 feet âwÂy,twice per roubd.

B! the time this oÀventuîe sæs pànL
James ùill haÙe reached the ripe old
aAe of 30. Althoush Janæ' adÙenture
b dasiAwd for undercea heroee,it
uo*s equa r ùeu uith suface folk
uho d.a.e faæ tha perils of the d2ep.
'The Maze of the Morkoth" is
AD&IF adventwe for 3-5 âquatic
châ.acters of level 4.4 (about 25 totat
levelÊ). Five smple charact€rs âre
included with this adventure.
Alt€mativel, playe$ can use the
rules for creâtiry âquatic PCs found
in 'Heroes of the Seâ," in ,Â,acox
Maso.zita 1t25O.
The DM should revi€w the nne6
govehins underuater survivâI, visi-
bility, combat, and sp€llcalting as
prcae rad ]t Of Ships and the Sea
(OSAS). The adventure iâÏe6 place
on a contin€ntâl shelfotrthe coast of
an island archipelâgo.

Forfhe DungêonMosler
Hundreds of yearc aso, the islând of
Oreliâ dtuappeared in a volcsnic
eruption that filled the sky eith
smoke for ûeâ y a month. It€ capital,
Underseaheroesconfront teffor in thefoftrl of a giant moray eel, the sleaming city ofDiFEr i6,was
first buÉed under lâva ând âsh, then
sunk beneath the waves, lost foEver
to the surface world. Famed lor its
pott€ry and honzewar€, Dir-EmliÊ
hâd bæn a jewet in the Duqan
Empire's cmM, ùd its loss was
mourned by tho$uds.

Over the centu.ies, oean cunents
and seaquakeÊ hâve wom away at
the sunken island, and two small
tunnels now lead lrom the ocêâD
wâter intr the ruins of Dir-Emlis.

THEMORKOTH One tu n$tled away amons the clsgs

of sutken Orelia. The other is in the
deep-wât€r region knom to the local
seafolk as the Maæ of the Morkoth.
Here in the depth âre seveEl tunnel
entrances ftom $hich no creâtuæ
BYJAMESWYATT ever retums alive. Within th€
morkoth's lair is anoth€r tunnel, one
that leads up int0 the heart of the
blând to DiFEmtis.

of the deep A few wæks aso, an explorer iiom
the surfâce world found his way int
the sunken city. A dwâNen mast€r of
psionic powers, Delmek took up resi'
dence in an air pocket within the
ruin6, ând set out to explore the ruins
Ælworkby 8ob Xlosnlch tuIy. (Note: Ifyou do not us€ psionics
Codog.ophyby 0lê361 in your @npaisn, Delnek can be â
humân wiza.d inst€ad. Àlt€mat€ stâ-


tistie for Delmek âs â wizard ârè leaderk side, actuâlly picks him with mo*oth's lair. Àt that point, the
pleÊentedin â sidebâr lat€r in this a Deêdle coat€d with pa$b'tic poison. koalinth shift to defenêivetâcti€ and
adventure.)The âncient pottêry and As the koâlinth d$cend, the glEds
bronzeware Delnek found olTered swim int a defeftive pæition, but Koditlth leaden INT very (12);
instaDt weâlth, but he was most Ethelinn is powerle$ t uâe hiÊ magic AL CE; AC 4; MV Sw 12; F4lP4; hp
inbigued by tàe tunnel he discov' in his defens€. Ek'bellinos swirns 18;THACo 14;tAT l; Dmg 2d4+1
ered, filled with Bwirling hypDotic down into the murky depths and a$ay (hârpoor);SZM (? tâ[); ML 14;)G
lights. Eâsily âblê to Esist the ftob the ensuins battle. 270;MMl191 (hobgoblin).
morkoth's h)Tnotic bâit, he Êeût his Raad tàe folowing description to Spellstcûrc light wounds,p.6sure
mind into the tunnel ând made con- ruistance*, renooefear; how person,
tact with the ûeâture's mind. Greedy
for powea he used his nast€ry of both The wan current at your back * P.esrr.rr€.esreranc€,d$cribed in
telepathic and psychometabolic disci' caries you easily alons throush OS.4S,doublest}le lecipient's mexi-
plines in an attempt to steâl the t}le deep blue wate. Above you, the mùn tunctioning depth for 1 tlm + I
morkoth's most imp.essive ability: â surfâce shimDers with the lisht of turn4evel. Its Enge is t uch, ùd it
ræistance to mâgic so strong as to the noontime su. Below you, the âffect€only one creâture.The casting
reflect spells back upon their câste.s. ocean wâter deepens to blâcknæs. time is 3.
He has alreâdy attained limited suc- Suddenly, the constant hum of Koalinth D€tt€n INT averase;ÀL
cess in this effort. Unfortunâtæly, pro- underwat€r life i€ overshadowedby CE;AC5;MV Sw 12;F2;hp 15;
lonsed contact with the alien mind of the soundsofbattle a fes hundred THÀCo 18;#AT 3,2;Dmssp€cial
the morkoth has driven Delmek to yards ahead. Voices cry out in pain (Det);SZ M; ML 13;XP r20;MMl191
the hink of Banity. He is srowins as metal clashes asainst metat, but (hobgobtin).This koaliDth cârie8 a
itcreæingly pannoid, and he con- in the dârk wâter you cant see any net of telzpo ation, s}ni.h upon com-
stantly lighb delusions that he is a sign of the combatânts. mand transport€ the l'ieldei tô the
norkoth hirnselt location desir€d,âlong *'ith ânyoneor
A creatur€ of considerableintel- The battle is in prosress 250 yards an]4hins within the net.
lect, the norkoth has det€ci€d the âheâd of the PCs. If the PCs advance, I(oalhth cro8sbowmen {6): INT
intnsion into its mind and body. it takes ât least a mund beforc they Averase(8);AL CE;AC 5;MV Sw 12;
Furious but âlso intrigued, it sent can even see that the combatânts are HD 1+1;hp 4, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9;THACo r9;
minions into the nearby communities humanoid. At thât distance, read the *AT 1; Dmg 1d6+1(oGsbows) or 1d6
of seâ elves âDd locathah to find the followins: (speâû);SZ M; ML l1;)(P 65;
"sorcerer" who wâs so brazenly
MMl191 (hobgoblir).
âtt€mpting to steâl its power. These You discern five humanoid fisules Princê EtheliDn (aquatic elf
minions-â mâlenti assâssin,a and two giant seahorÊeÊclNt€red leader):AL CG;AC6;MV Sw 15 (0
brutish vodyanoi, and severâl together. Tbthered t the seâ hoEes while panlyzed); F5^tr4; hp 28;
koalinth thuss are even now wrcak' is a seashell chariot with a nder. THACo r5; #AT r; Dns 1d6+2(tri-
ins hâv@ in these peaceful conmuni- Descendins upon the clultêr âre dent, two-harded); MR 90%to si"ep
tiæ, kidnapping the chief locathah eisht attâckerc armed with cmss- Dd càam; SZ M; ML 16;S r7, D tr,
shâmân ând attemptiDg to kidnap bows, spears, and harpoons. 'IVo C 15,I 16,W 12,Ch 14;)G 650(for
the leâdêr of the 3eâ elves. Tlle PC hDùoid bodies float lifeless in rceûe): MMlllO.
hemes are called upon to solve tlese Swna. tisht, ùûEic niÂsile, ehizd;
$imes and end the morkoth's reig! of ESE strenath.
PCs who advânce one mo.e mund Aquatic elves (5): II\IT hish {14);
cân discern the combatânts. T'he five AL CG;AC6: MV Sw 15;HD 1+1;hp
Bloodin the Woler humanoid li$res clustered together 3,4,5,6,9;THACo18;#AT 1; DDg
are sea elves.Prince Ethelinn rides in 1d6+1(tident); MR 90%to slzepand
The PCs begin the adventure t.avel- the chariot. The two dead bodies are charn; SZM;ML lSiXP 42Oi
ing along â mâjor oceân currènt, atso sea elves. The other humanoids MM/110.
swimming at a depth of âround 200 are koalinths. Àl are tocked in mele€ Assuming thât the PCs help the
feet. It is a clear day in clear wate. excêpt one of t}le koalinth who is elvesbattle the koalinth, they are
As they trâvel, the PCs stumble heâding fo. the sea8hett châriot with welcomedas allie! by the elveswhen
amss the morkoth's agent€ at work. â big net, while the flg!.e iD the the battle is done,whether or not
Prinæ Ethelir, leader of the sea chariot remains motionle$. they succeededin preventins
elven commùity neù the morkoth's Pcs can close with the koâlinth Ethelim's captue- ff any koalinth
lair, iÊ trâveling with a rctinue ofeisht and âttâck in the next round. A.lso in âre captùed, they speakoi y thi3
clards in a seâshell chariot t wed by that round, how€vea the koalinth obscùrewârning:'Seek not to stêal
two giant seâhorues.Unknown tô him, with thè net attacks the sea elven what is not yours. My mast€r wil
one of his trust€d guarù is the leâde., who iB completely paralyzed reclaim what ha8 beenlo8t." {If they
morkoth's nalenti spy, Ek-bellinos (see by the mâlenti's potuon. If t}le can identify spellcast€rsamons their
sidebù). A soup of koalinth drop ont koâlinth's attack is Êucce$tu], both capt rs, the koalinth direct this wam-
the elven pariy fton above, and the he and the ell vârtuh, teleport€d by ins particulaù at such individuats.)
mâlenti, seeming to ruh to his the magic of the net bâck tô the They st€adfastly refuse t reveat the


Ihe Morkoth's
Minions The following sections describe charact€rs while remaining out of
thê actions of Ek-bellinos and sight. If they seek out the Sunken
While morkoths tend to wâit like spi- Mulgrek during each Bection of the City before ent€rinc the morkoth's
ders in the centers oftheir mazelike âdventure. Even the bestlaid plans lair, he foltowB them into the ruins,
tunnel complexes,wâiting for prey to of rnorkoth and mal€nti cân be foiled keeping htu dhtanæ. ff the PCs arc
come to them, they a.e intelligent by ctever or powerful PCi so it is cârryiq â light, it is easy fo. hiE to
ând schelningcreâture8.Most have quite possiblethat some minions will stây in the darkne$ and obsene
plâns and desires with resârd to the not be around to play the pari their pmgress. Wben they are inside
aorld beyondtheil turnels. ând they describèd for them below In tàis buildins! in the city, he surleptitious-
sometimesmastermind grând case, the DM can either i8loæ thê ly obsenes thern throush windows.
inirigues that âffect even the sufâce elent described or a8sign the part to He is an experienced spy, skilled at
wortd, usins âtlies and slâves to remâining oùt of sight. Only ifâ
bring them to fruition. The morkoth player specificâlly stâtes thât his
of the Maze is no difrerent, ând it Blood in th€ Wat€r: Ek-b€llinos is charâct€r is looking out the windows
rnâintâins â stable of useful agents importânt in the opening scene of the of a building does the PC have â
that come into play in this adven- adventw, thoûsh he has just ieft the chance of spottins Ek-bellinos: thê
ture. Ofthese, the most importânt stage. He poisons the elven Prince character cân att€mpt a Wtudom
agent is a malenti spy and assassin Ethelinn. allowins hin to be more check ât 2 to câtch a glimpse ofthe
câlled Ek'bellinos. easily captùred by the mo*oth's malenti. Othe&i6e, he remain€ com-
Ek-b€llinos shâdowsthe PCs koâlinth âgents. He retums to the seâ
throughout the adventure. He hâs elven community the next day, ff the PCs meet DelDek ând tho
been moving arnongthe seâ elves âssmins â new identity. He murdels enter the morkoth's tunnels, Dk-
ând locâthâh, satherins informâtion â prcmiDent nerchant named Hadra bellinos continues to lollow th€m but
âbout the communities.Takins on in V€lissimi, ând tâkes on his identity s€nds the vodyanoi Mulsrek t kill
the identity ofâ sea elven soldiei wine h pendant of d.isguiæ. Delmek- When the PCs r€tum from
naned Rethenn, he hâs insert€d Ifthe kidnapping was suc@ssfrn, the Muq They fird the vodyanoi's
himself into the royal gnard ofthe Ek-bellinos' task at thÈ point k to corp* Iloating id the water neer
seâ elven Princ€ Ethelinn, allowins keep an eye on the PCÊ.He doês this Delmek's ho$e. Delmek's psranoid
him to facilitate the kidnap attempt as surreptitiously as poÊsible,making mind EeesMulgrek as a minion of the
that begins the âdventure.Wàen th€ use of Hadrâ's extensiveconnectiong PCs, and he âccuseÂthem ol sendiDg
PCs arrive, his att€ntion tumB quite within the community more than their brutish minion to kill him.
fiBt-hând obseNation to ke€p tabs
Ek-b€llinos (nalenti assâssin): on thei actions. ln this way, he The Maze of the ûlorkot-h:
A L C E ; A C 5 ; M V 1 5 :F T i h p 5 0 i leams everrthing the PCs leaD aDd Ek-beùinos follows the PCs irto hi8
THÀC0 12; #AT 5; Dmg 1d6+3iML communicat€s this infomâtion t mast€.'s trlmeh, whether they enter
1 4 ;S 1 7 ,D 1 5 .C 1 3 ,I 1 4 .W 1 2 ,C h ftom the Surken City or from the
14t MM/17\ sha sLoord.+3 tswclal- tf the PCs prevent the morkoth'g outside. though he is irnmune to the
lzed), pendant of disÊuise. minions fron capturins Prince hpnotic patt€ms in the tunnels,
Useful to the rnorkoth for ditrerent Erhelinn in the openins scene,Ek- thanks tô his long exposure tô them,
reâsons, Mulsrek the vodyanoi is â bellinos has thè additioDal job of he pret€nds t be afrect€d and ssirns
brute. He is responsible foi the kid- mâsterminding a second attempt. fa8t edouah t, cat h up to the PCs.
nâppina of Sheh'pue the locathah Since he recognizeÊ the PCs' poten- App€âing as one of the elven sol-
beforc the sta.t of the adventure, ând tial for foilins his plâns, he âttempts die.s the PCs deâlt with in Velissimi,
he serves in similârly blunt ways to schedute the kidnappins for a he hopê8to gâin the PCs'trust and
thmùghout the rest of the ad'€rture. time when the PCs are away from joumey with them to the central
Mulgtek (vodyânoi brut€): AL Vetissimi, eirher in Btu'eh or on their chamber of the Maze.
CE;AC 2; MV 6iF6; hp 52iTHACo way to the next part of the adven- Once the PCs reach the central
15; #AT SiDmg 3 72/3 72/7 70,ML tùre. He conducts the attempt pe.- chmbea Ek-bellinos fiaht8 for hi€
1 4 ;S 1 8 / 8 7( + 2 / + 4 )D
, 1 1 ,C 1 5 , I 9 , sonally ând, in the PCÊ'âheûce, iÊ mæter, attacking chalact€s who ar€
W 10, Ch 7;MMl352 (umber hulk). almost C!â.ânt€êd of success. not chaned and trying ta Fevent
FiDally, the morkoth has a nùm- MulÊrek rernains out of the action ânyone ftom intâfering with
ber ofkoalinth rninions.These in this part ofthe adventure,and the t€rs who have eucaumbed to the
aquâtic hobsoblinsêtaee the kidnap- koalintb hâve a part in the opening
pins attempt on Prince Ethelinn kidnapping attempt only. lf the PCs ent€r th€ Maze before
that besins the âdventure, under Ek- exptorins the Sunken City, they
bellinos' leâdership.Their leâder is a The Sunken Cityr Ek-bellinos fol- enoùter MulSrek when they are
4thl€vel fighter/cleic, ând another lôws the PCs when th€y leave leaving the Maze. The hulkirg
of them is a 2ndlevel fighte( The Velissimi,includins a tnp t Blu'eh vodyanoi block the tllmel ahead of
entire koâlinth band is detâiled in or elsewhère. He mâintains a safe fol- them, ând âttack viciously, knowing
the openins sceneofthe âdventure. lovins distance,relins on his supe' that the PCs were responsible for
The koâlintb do not appeâr in the rior vision to allow him to fotlow the destroying his mastær.
rest of the âdventurc.


identity oftheir master or whât hâs his body behind and vow to return to
been stolen. Charn nasic and tSP the battlefield the next morning to fornâl ceremonialgreetins, while
spells reveâl only that the koalinth recoverit (ân expediùiondoomedto announcing her identity and mis-
serve an entity the darkest s i o n : " I a m P â e e l ,m e s s e n s elii o m
depths but this entity has neither a Shortly after the PCs âfive in the Blu'eh. I bear an urgent messase
name nor a rccognizableforrn. forurn with their elven escorts,a nes for His Hjshness. Prince Ethelinn."
The elves hâve â snâll corâl city senger from the neârbl locathah com-
nestied âmons this kelp bed.The munity ofBlu'eh anives. Read the IfEthelinn was not crptured by
elven city, ând l.he neighborins following to the players, in the midst the koâlinih, Pae'eldelivers her mes-
locathah community,are shown on oftheir conversaiionwith the elves: sageas intended. Ifh€ was câptured,
Map One and describedin the side- Pae'elis taken aback by the news but
bar betow The elves invite the PCs to While you speâk.yotrr elven hosts delivem the messageto whomever
th€ir city, and hunr there to spreâd ârc suddenly distracted,lookins she deems fit to heâr iil
the news about their leâdeis câpture behind you âcrossthe forun. An "Peac€and
(or the câpture âltemptl. They bring eel over 10 long is snaking its way $eetings from yDur
the PCs io the city forum (shown on into the light under the foruD neishbors in Blu'eh. The elders of
Mâp One:The Aquatic Communjties). dome,and now a rider float8 free of the Gluen nâtion speâk these
It is not until they are in the a saddlelike harness and swims words to Prince Ethelinn and the
forum thÂt âny ofthe elves realizes toward you. The dder is a 'You are well acquâinied with
that one oftheir number is unac- locathah. her rich yellow sc es
counted for: the guârd Rethenn. glinting in the mâgical light. As BelovedSheh'pue,Caller to th€
R€thenn was killed by the nâlenùi she rpproaches,yoù can see that Deep,ChosenofEir Her counsel,
spy Ek'bellinos. who skillfully her gills flutte. qùickly fron exer- invaluâbl€ io us. hss been usefùl to
âssumedthe guârd's identity using tion, and a look of feâr clouds her you in the pâst as well. Her spiri-
hisp.nddnl o/dls8rrs. ia va.iation of fishlike eyes.The elves besin to tual kinship with the priests of
the,{rl o/d'sgztse). The other royal swim toward h€r, seemins to forset your peoplehas brought our nation
âbout you completely. and yours closetogether.ând we
srards think ver/ hiehly of Rethenn
and refùse to believe thât he could be The locâthah touch€sher fore- s€nd this messâsenow becauseof
a traitor Thèy âre deeply grrevedby head, her lips, Ând h€r sills in a the friendship she has done so
their âppqrent oversighi in ieaving


"Beloved Sheh'pueis deâd nay

TheAquollcCommuniies Velissini is not th€ forum, but the
the Teftpest's wrath fall on her
ûeighboring t€mple of Eir, aD impoF
Wlile the PCs sp€nd some time irl tânt âquatic deity. The elves of killeri A hulking brute, a vodyanoi,
both ttrc elven city ofveltusini and Velissimi are feflent in their deve rôse from the deepsto hunt her,
the locathalt coDnunity ofBlu'eh, tion to thi€ deity ofthe sea, bêliev- ând it mâde h€r his food.
'Our wariors hunt the deepsin
thes€ settleDeDtÊ âre not the focug ing that their devotion can 8âve
of the adventur€. Ideally, the PCs then fron extinction. search ofthe brute, btt still find
6hould move throush both cotlmu- nothiDs.We send you this word so
nitie! fairly quickly, tâlking with Bhleh, the Ircâthah gettl€m€Dt that you may shâre our griefand
the people they need, then going our ânser, and also share our feâr
wher€ the ection is. Locathah are migratrry people. oflhis brùte retu.ning to claim
They spend the winteB in warm another prize for the deeps.'
Velissimi, the corâr city ol the trcpical wat€rs, where they build
&uatic Elveô elabo.ate corâl fortresses. In the Pae'el (lo.âthah fenale):AL NG;
summea they travel to brcedins AC 5i MV Sw 12 (24 with Éng); 84;
The coral city Velissimi is a mast€r- âEâÊ in cooler Êeas.Blu'eh is one of hp l8iT}IAC0 19i#AT l; Dmg l-6
piec€ of elv€n qreftumânship. these breedins areâs. As such, it is r s h o r ts w o r d ) ;S Z M ; M L 9 i S 1 0 .D
N€êtled amors the kelp bed thât not an elaborât€ construction of 1 5 ,C 1 2 , I 1 3 ,W 1 5 ,C h 1 6 tM M l 2 2 8 :
Fovides Bustanuce for the aquatic coral and shells, but ntler a plâin shori sword, sÀellrias 0/ sùi,tr?ss
€lve!, the city is glown fiom live collection of simpte shelters made iworn as a pendant. this item doubles
coral into grêcetul arches and slen- from skins and whâlebon€. Unlike the wearer's ftovement rât€ and
dei spi*Ê that Fovide littte shelter the n€ighboring sea elven city, âffords â +2 initirtive bDnùs).
but ereâte an atmospherc of peace Blu'eh bustles with life and enersy Spells:coLù sprd!, messaqe:mirrcr
ând b€auty. The hishlight of the city The locathah live as hunters and
is a Cigantic crFtal dome, ân gâthereË, dividins the task of Once fteed from her formal role as
ancient sift fron a surface-elven mâintâining the commrDity a messenserofthe locathah elders,
community, which standÊ over the betneen the senderc in a haditional Pae'el'strue personality begins to
forum, resting on ne mæsive coral way. Every monins, the males of shine. Like others ofher kind, sh€ is
pilata From betoq the dome is lit the conmunity swim into the sur' thouehtful and level'heâded,con-
with a sofi mâgical light that males munding wstéE to find laræ fish t-o cerned for balance in the wortd and
it look like the dome of the sky. fe€d their families-tuna, swordfish, trying to live in harmony with the
IYom êbove, the dome's lisht oi'ly or ever smâIl whâles. Meanwhile, seâ.ln Pâe'el'scâse,though, these
pêek tùrowh tiny hol6 in a dark the femâles sather food from the qualities are suffusedwith â genuine
surface, holes that pedectly mirror abùndant aquatic habit3t-mNsels, enthusiasm and love oflife that
the EtaI8 of the surfâce world. The oyst€rs, stafish, crâbs, seaweeds, makes her pleasant to be with- She
foyum its€H tu Êû open plaza, only ând anemones aI prcvide tâsty loves telling storieÊ.and singing the
.parsely dôtt€d çith merchants morsels for the læathâh. traditional songsofthe locathah in
liniDg up their wâræ on oversized The or y buildiDgÊ iû the commu- her nch. deep voice.
shêIÂ. nity arê the t€tts in which locathah Paeel is unable to provide addi-
Veli$imi is a city on the dsline. fuilies live. There ie no need for tiônal informâtion regarding
Few children ere bom in the cit, public buildinss; when satheing or Sheh'pue'sapparent deâth, since she
$hile marly ate kilted by hùmÊn8, commerce are necessary, ne is simply a messengerând does not
Ehark!, ard other dângers. Many of locathah Cathèr in the open wâter. know all the facts ofthe case.She cân
the oldest ard visest elves have The one notable feâtu.e ofthe com- explain that "the deeps"is the elders'
undeltakeû their lâst journey to the munity is tàe sacEd conch-an way ofrefering to a neùby cânyon
Celegtisl Grott of Arvanaith. enomous Bhell over 10 lons-that the seâ elves call the Maze ofthe
I{âbitâtion tu now concentrated in senès as a gathering point for wor- Môrkôth. Sh€ knows â coùple ofsto-
the central part of the city, while ship (led by the recently-kidnapped .ies about this region. Th€s€ are only
the outlyins areas ùe desert€d. ÊhâmanSh€h'pue)and for the coù- summarized here; the DM is free to
Caretakers stitl eDsure thât the cil of elders which sovens the com- elâborate on the stories âs rnuch or
coral's srowth continues hârmG munity. the conch is the focal point as little as he or she likes.
niously wità the dæign of the struc- of community life for the locâthah, Pae'el'sfirst sto4r desc.ibesâ
tur€s, ùd thât kèlp ând âlsâe do and they believe it to be a gift ftom locathah waFiot naûed Buel whose
not overg"ow the ârchit€ctue, but Eù and a medium fo. mmmunicâ' various accoftplishm€nts included
theÊe areas ar€ rârely visited by tion frcm the god. Thus, th€y defend wrestling r vodyânoi,diverting a
aûyone ehe. In fact, Prince Et}lelim it fiercely ând forbid ânyone but the ûighty oceancurrcnt, and plugging
r||s! formedy called King, but as he shâmân to touch it. ân und€rseavolcano.He met his 6nal
$atched htu city dwindle, in sâdnesÊ doon in a place called the Labyrinth,
he took a l$ser title for himself. whrch th€ folk ofBlu'eh identily ts
Despit€ this decline, or perhaps the Maz€ of the Morkoth.
b€caus€ of it, the cent€r of life in Her secondsto.y explains why the
Maze is aplly named.Ànother

20 lssueNo. 70

Thecoralspiresof theelvencity uelisimiise from theoceatdepths.

locâthâh hero, this one ân âdventur- side ofthe Mâ,e ofthe Morkoth wâs. The SunkenCity
ins scoundrelcâlled Eilâ. braved the in fact, ihe sunken island ofOreliâ.
depths ofthe Maze ând returned With this knowledse,Detmek le{t the The city of Dir-Ënlis, bùried in the
alive. The tale describesâ network of locâthah and Pâe'elhas not seenhim volcanicexplosionthât sunk Otelia
twisting tunnels ÊodisoÉenting that since.Pae'etwamed Delrbek thât the 1,200yeârs âgo,was the victim ofâ
she lost her mind. At the Sunken City was belieled io be â religious civil war In those ancient
center ofthe maze lDrked a shadowy haven fo! the evil koalintb, but he times, the Duqân Empire was little
figure that renâined oùtside the se€ned unperturbed by this. IfPrince more thân a loosecollectionoftample'
reâch ofher lisht. She tricked this Ethelinn was successfDllycaptùred states, each devoted to one of the êle-
creature, the morkoth, into wagerinS by the koâlith, the sea elves will ask mental sods of the Duqanan people.
her freedom on a nddle-same. which the hemes to searchlor sigïs ofthei. Dir-Emlis was home to two tem'
she won thmugh dubious means. leâder ât Dir-Emlis, followins Paeels ples-q G.eater Tempte d€dicatædto
At somepoint durins her conver- the sea-sodDoblos,and a læsser
sations with the PCs.Pae'€lmentions The PCs are naturâlly to Temple conseoated to â volcano-god
one other fact ofsome importance. linser in V€lissimi ând Blu'eh for âs whose name has been erased from
She sâys somethins like this:"Oh.I long âs they like. but at this point history.The piests of Doblos'temple
their mâin tâsk is twofold: destroins grew overzealous in their devotion
so enjoy havins â fresh audiencefor
my stories. So n.ely do outside.s the morkoth and conftonting Delmek. and began a bloody persecution of the
"Thë Sunken City" concems their LesserTenple ând its fottowers,
come to our communityl The last wâs
that surfacedweller, and all he cared search for Dir-Emlis and Delnek, whom they liewed as heretics ând
for was gold." She is, ofcourse, rcfer- while "The Maze ofthe Mo.koth" blâÊphemers.(It should be not€d. in
ring to Delmek, the dwâflen psioni- details the morkoth's lair Th€ PCs fâirness,that their view of the lÆser
cist. She met him durins his Beârch mây travel to either locâtion first, T€mptewas not born of sheer fanâti-
lor the sunken city ofDir-Elnlis, compieting the rest ofthe adventure cismithe lésser Temple did practice
âbout three weeks ago ând was able lites that any 8âne and civilized peo-
ple would considerabominable.)
to relate somestories tô him. From
these stories.she knowi h€ deduc€d The LesserTemple had a powefut
that the seamountjust on the other ally in their volcâno'sod,however,


ând whèn the persecutions grew into cân ùse mâgic to see.Aquatic raceg The tunnel widens, and you find
massacresand uealousfolloweÊ of cân discern shapesand sùrfâceswith- yourself peering into a rectangular
Doblos gâthercd in â nob outside the in t5 feet without a light sourceand building obviowly built by surface-
l-€ssêrTemple,the priests câlled can identify objectswithin 5 feet. dwellers. The stone buildiDg seems
upon their fiery sod to sâve them and Inside the Sunken City, naturally, to emerge organicâlly frcm the
destroy their perseotors. The vol.ano there is no tisht f.on the surface. The nearby granite. as ifhalfofit were
god answered their prâyers, râining water does remâin cleal. so charac- inside the mck. The floor ând ceil'
lava ând ash down upon the city, but t€rs can see .easonâblywell within ins ofthe building Blopesteeply
pmtecting the ârea sumunding the the range of âny ârtificiâl light ùpward from where you are. You
LesserTemple.The ansry mob thât sourcesthey mây provide. can see on the fâr wall a set of
sunounded the t€npte quickly dis- shetves, made of finely-oafted
persed in teûor when they rcâlized Key to the Sunken City wood and câned with decorative
they were trapped in a hernispherical images of nets and boats,birds and
dome,surrounded by t ns of c@ling l. Mouth of the T[nnel. The Bunken
island of Orcliâ hâs been wom smooth fish. On the far left watl, you see a
window and what might be a door-
The sea'sod Doblos did not take over the centuries by the major oceân
cuûent thât washesover and Pâst it ftâme. Leanins face-down asainst
this blow tightly. Furious at the the smooth sanite wall to your left
destructio. of his worshipers, he from the west. The side facing the
Maze ofthe Morkoth is a steep, is a tâble of the Bâmeconstruction
snat hed tb€ entire islând oforelia, as the shelves. To your right, a fine
now a stêaming wâsteland ofvolcanic smooth slope âlmost completelylâck-
workbench emeryes frcm the stone.
r@k, bâck into the sea.The victôry of ing in distinguishing characteristics.
while the far risht wall iB bâre.
the Lesser Temple wâs shortlived Relatjv€ly recent seismic activity,
however has openeda lons, wide The wâter is eeÉly still ând quiet,
trapped in their dome ând submersed far diferent from the livins ocean
beneath the waves.the priests and all $evasse in the slope,ând the depths
you're âccDstomedto.
the suwivors ofDir-Emlis gladually of this châsrn leâd inward to the
penshed. (Howevea the high pneBt The wat€r is stale, ând aquatic
still haunts his tenpte in areâ 6.) Wàen the PCs enter the crevasse,
they find it completelydark. cut off PCs must gllp to get enough oxygen
Part of Dir'Enlis still remâins throush their gills.
encasedin cranit€, completelyinac- from any rennant of sunlisht. They
rnust brins their own lisht or feet The magicâl hemispherethât pro-
cessibleshort ofa major ninins oper' tected part of the city from the vol'
ation. Howevea the done sunound- their way in pitch blackness.If they
.eveâl some sourceoflight, they canic eruption ended within this
ins the læsser Temple remains âs buildins, so the wall ofvolcânic glan-
well, a hemispherical pocket embed- quickly cometo the âttention ofthe
dângerouspredator that mâkes its ite divides this ancient jeweler's shop
ded deep within the stone.Throush in two. While the front door of the
the naturâl erosionofseaquakes and home in this tunnel: a giant morây
€el. The oeâture âttâcks without hes- shop is no longer accessibte,a window
cunents, two smâll, windins tunnels still lèads out onio the water-filled
fonned leadins fron the oceânwâte.s itation. (Delmek, when entering the
sunk€n city, used â psionic dimension sheet (areâ 4). (Ifthe PC pâtty
to this pocket.Most ofthe dome wâs includes â lodyanoi or other ÊizeL
flooded.but â bubble ofâir remains door to avoid the eel's attack. )
Giant rnoray e€l: INT animal (1)i charâctea sone work mây have to be
in the top ofthe dome with no way to done on the window ftâme t! allow
AL NEj AC 4; MV Sw 6; HD 5+4: hp
35;THACo 15; #AT 1 or 2i Dmg 2d4 the PC to squeezethroush.)
The PCs may enter the ruins of The intenor ofthis building,like
Dir-Ernlis throDsh either of theÊe or 1d4+Zld4; SA jaw lock, disease,
tâil lâsh; SD immune to fear and dis- many others in the sunken city, is
tunnels. The entmnce to one is nes' remarkably intact. Dir-EmliB hâs
tled in the Ùags ofthe seamount that ease,+4 saving throw vs. enfeeble-
ment; SZ H (12 long)i ML 12 or 20; targely escapedthe prccesÊofdecom'
wâs onceOreliâ. The other tunnel i3 position. However Delmek hâs
within the morkoth's lair These tun- W 650, MoNsraous CjMPEND|'M",
Volume3/37. âlready renoved the jeweler's wâres
nels and the city ruins are shown on from their disptâys.
the mâp of The SuDkeDCity and The oxygen-poor nature of the
describedin the key below. 2. Entrance Tl,Del. This lons,
strâight passag€leads inward and water hâs no concrete effect on the
Note that the entire city is lodsed châmcters,but it can seFe to emphâ-
within the sunken island at an ânsle, downward ftom the crevasseto ihe
sunken city. The heisht ofthe tunnel size the alien and danserousnâture
Èothe flat ground of the ancient of the ruins they are explorins. Ajter
ruins now lies ât an angle ofrcughly sadually dwindles from 20 at the
opening to barely 6 at the end, and any period of heâly êxertion (such as
30' from the horizontal. This has lit' combâtl, you should remind the play-
tle bearing on swimming chamcters, the width of the tunnel nanows from
10 to 3 feet. ers that their chârâcters feel quite
of course,but complicatesmatters fatieled, ând âgain are gulping to get
slightly ifthey emerge frorn the enough wâter over their gills.
3. J€welê1s shop. The entrance (Obviousln this doesnot apply to
The Sunken City lies at â depth of l.unnel (area 2)opens into the intêrior
ofân ancient buildins within the selkies or other chamcters who do
nearly 300 feet below the surface. not breathe water)
There is no tight, but native seafolk sunken city of Dir-Enlis:

22 lssueNo. 70

4. Street ofthe Dyer6. Wlen the froln thejeweler'sshop,
reâdth€ followinsdesÛiptionâloud: The Sunken City
You emergefrom the building
into a mag ficent city street. To
the left, the street ends abruptly in
â smooth gr:ânite wall, but to the
risht it rise6 nâjestically between
two rows ofstately stone buildings.
Câûed inâses of human fisures.
gods,dolphins, and sailins ships
omament the ftont ofev€ry build-
ing, and decorativespir€s point to
â longlct sky. The only movement
in the wâter iB your wake, and
small clouds of âncient debns;se Top
from the street. Above you. the
smooth Crânite wall curves upwârd
into the blâck wât€r To the rigbt, a
huge, dark shâdow of â buildins
towem overheadtike a toonins

The sunken city is lâid out in toose

city blocks.Nâturâlln lhe PCs âre not
confined by the streets ând âlleys, as
they can swim âbovethe bùildings io
0 100
easily reach any d€stination they
choose.However,PCs who swim to
the height ofthe ziggurat (area 6) I
quickly discoverthe air pocket at the
top of the done. At this end ofthe
Strcet ofth€ Dyers, the water surface
is approximât€ly 90 feet abov€ the
lloon but the water Brows rapidly
shâllower along the lensth of the

The ruins of 15 buildines line the

Street ofthe Dyers.Two ofthern, the Side
Jeweler'sShop (area 3l ând the Rope
Maker's Shop (area 7) are descibed View
in some detail. The rcst are ofless
int€rest ând can be descibed more
gene.âlly to the playe6. The other
buildincs include â tavem ând van-
ous other merchants' shops.lf the
PCs insist on carefully examinins
each building, they may (at your
optioD)encounter a dangerousscâv-
enger-ân aquatic jelly. antique valu€. ând a coûoded ri.g to ward offthe volcano-gods wrath.
Aquatic jellyr INT non- (01;AL Ni worth 100 gp for its antique value Anoiher houseda iortune-teller, ând
AC 8i MV 6: HD 4i hp 22;T}IAC0 1?; but Dothinlaas preciousm€tal still ânother was lhe butcher's shop
#AT li Dmg 2-8; SA parâlyzation, \rhe.e sâoificed livèstock was
surprise; SD immune to electricity, 5. Stre€t ofthe Lesser Temple. butchered ard sold to the public.
fear,Àold spells,pÂralyzation,pob' This slreet runs perpendicùlar to the
moryh, ^nd sleep;SZ L I l0 cube)iML Street ofthe Dyers and connectsit 6. Ziggurat, The ancient god to
l0; XP 650; MMl2?8 (eelatinouscube, with the Str€et ofth€ Àguan Potlers. ùhotu this tcmple was dedicatedis no
The buildinss âlons this longer reûeftbered among the people
The jelly contâins sone scavensed mostly associatedwith the temple il ofrhe archipelâgolhal onceli,rmed
jewehy:a fine necklaceworth 250 sr) some way. One was a shop full of the Dùqûn Eftpire He was r volcâno-
for its gold and geins,or 500 g! for its obsidian charms and amulets nade sod a fier!, pâsstun.tledeity whose


wrath at his followers' p€$ecution but is uMatu.âlly hot. inflictins 2d8 the lava with most of their worldly
manifested in an eruption thât hp damage. Mâgical prot€ction from possessions,and whât remains in the
destmyed the pelsecuto.s âlong with heat o. fire reduces damase by halt househâs long since perished in the
their victims. His temple x,æ a st€ep Gho6t: INT very (12);AL Ctr;AC water The large buildins acrcss the
pyiâmid, like a votcùo, with sharply -2 (4 in ethercal plane); MV 12; HD street from the zigEurat (area 6) was
st€pped sides leadiilg up to a sacrifF 10; hp 53;THÀC0 11; #AT 1; Dms â tavem, called the Flying Fish,
ciâl platfom at the top, where tive- 2-16; SD +2 or better weaponsto hit which is still litt€red with shâttered
st ck and occâsionauy hunan victims (+l in ethereal plâne);SZ M: ML 20; mucË and tamished plâtt€rs.
we.e sacrificed to appeas the ângry XP 2,000;MMl130 (variânt).
sod. As t€rrible as these sâcriffces The piled t€mple accouhements 9. Tso Story Building. This lons,
were, the rit€s caried out within the all cany the linserins curse of their tall buitding wâs once the shop and
ziggurat s int€rior were fouler still. evil god and arc pâinfully hot to the home of a wheelwrisht. lt is notable
The entry p$sâge stsnds op€n to t uch (1-4 hp danasê t' unprotected Dow because its upper story rtues up
the courtyard behind the t€nple, its hânds), even in the cold seawatêr. A out of the waær and iDto the âir that
rust€d iron doors hansins loos on rernor'€ spett removes this evil frlls the t p halfofthe dome.The
their hirgeÊ. A single, straight shÊft effect from the items, but their oa{ts- dwarven psionicist Delmêk has nade
leads inÊide tô â 20' x 20 rcoD. where manship is hardty €xceptionaland his home on this dr/ upper stôry. He
the Fiests of the votcano-god con- the whote tot is worth only 200 g?. hâs used a nagical trinket to make
ducted their seqet worship. A pit in the stagnant air breâthabt€, ând he
the noor of this mm once led deep 7. Rope Make/s Shop. Bits of hâs wedged a larse table ât such ân
into the heart of the volcano on debriÊ fmm mtt€d rcpè and wood angle âs to pmvide a horizoDtâl sur-
Orelia istand, but since the eruption float thrcush the int€rior of this fâce to sit and sleep on. A Brnallmasi-
that dest oyed Dir-Dmlis, the volcâno buildine, which onty serves to amplify câl slobe sheds â dim but sufficient
has b€@me inactive and the pit the effect of the strânge lishts that lisht through the rcom, without shin'
desceDdsonly 15 feet before ending in dance and swirl within. Littt€ is lelt ins beyond the building's watls.
sharp pumice. A huse b.ass censer ofthe rcpe-mâkels trâde here; whât Delmek spendsmost ofhis time in
hùgs Èom the ceiling sbove the pit is notewo.thy âbout the building is meditation on this platfom, extend-
on rusty iron chairs, and various the gapiûg crack in its floo. Anyone ins his mind int-o the morkoth's tuD-
other it€m! of temple equipment (two p€ intô the chasm isks beins nels in order to siphon its power
candle stands, a lârge bronze sons, fâscinat€d by the ducing colorc and Despite his meditâtion, Delmek
and a silve! dagger) lie in heaps on lights, as this is thê outer edse of the remains âware of his sunoundinss
eithe. side of the entry tunnel, on the morkoth's domâin. AITect€d chamc- and seesthe PCs apprcâchins ftom
do*rhiI end of the room. ters must make â sâving throw vs. quite some distance (eÊpeciallyifthey
The wat€r imide the t€mple i3 spell (lvbdom bonuses apply) or are carryins a light source)-Upon
ùùsually waln not fiom any vol- swiD int the tunnel, fascinat€d with noticins their âpproach,he dons his
ca c activity, but thankÊ t the pres- the hypnotic patt€m. If any or all helm of undzruatet action and ent€rs
ence of the shostly high priest who PCÊ ent€r the tuntrel, see ârea F in the wâter to welcomethem.
"The Maze ofthe Morkoth" section. Dêlmek's behâvior dependson
still haunts the ziggurat, cuardins it
from any intnders. Wllile the PCs wheth€. the morkoth is still âlive. If
arc investigâting the t€mple interioa 8. Str€et of tàe ASuran PotteE. the PCs entêr the sunken city first
read them the followins d4cription: With only a few exceptions, the build- and neet Detmek before ent€nns the
inss aloDg thiÊ row arc smatt, one- morkoth's tunnels, Delmek treats the
You sùddenlybecone âware of story rêsidences ând shops fo! one PCs as cherishedguests in his om
anoth€r licur€ in tàe room. lt schoolofthe fânous potters ofDir- private underwater domâin, greeting
âppearut! be  human, thoush it Emlis. The practitioners of the them warmly and ofTering thêm mus'
has no visible meânsof survivins Aguran style were known throughout sels to eat. He presents himselfas an
under the wâtér.The man stands the Duqan Empirc for their ealthen- ârchaeolosistand hâppily shows off
on the floor ol the t€mple aBif it ware. distinsuished by the rich btùe his antique finds of pott€ry andjew'
were still horizontâI, htu flowing slaze and elaborat€ etched markings elry. He pdes curiously int the PCs'
rcd mbes sweepinsalong the aroud lims and bases. Each of these business in the suken city, managing
stonesas he slidest wârd you. buildirgÊ contains many shards of to thinly veil his paranoia. Secretly,
Oddl, he make8no sound,and you this fine pott€ry, as well âs some com- he believès they hâve cone to kill
feel no movementin the wat€r- pletê pieces. A sinsle piece ofAguran him, ând ifthe PCs are at alt honest
only heat as the man approaches. pott€ry brinss 100-1,000 (1d10 x 100) about their mtusion, his pa.anoid
g! in a harket that can apprcciate belief is quickly confimed. Delmek
The ghost âttacks without hesitâ- jurnps to the same conclusion that
tion or feâr. Thoush initially it seemg The lâ.ge building at the far west âny pâranoid mind wouldr he must
to stând on the flooa it cân easily oftle st.eet, \dth an open courtyard kill the PCs befoÉ they kill him-
move thmugh the wat?r tô attâck in its ceût€r, was home to one of Dir- Detnek wastes no time assùing
PCs anywhere in the t€mple int€rior Eûlis' weâlthiest merchant fâmilies. the PCs thât th€ goal of their qu$t
It cannot leave the ,iggurat.lhe They evacuated their house durins (howeve. they hâve exptained thêir
ghosds t uch do€8 not aæ it^evictims the volcanic emption and perished in nission) can be found within the tun-

24 lasueNo.70

nel whoseentrance is 'n thc rope- dnd l/r? Wd]). psJchi. drain ?i
maker's sh0p rarea 7). Hc hopes the Psr.Àoprrtar;.)n: dimensronal
Don'l UsêPslonics?
P(ls will enter thc tunnel and be If you don't us psionics in your
' Power d.aining rs the scrence
devouredby the morkoth Hè .ema'ns campaig!, you cân easily r€plâca
ci!il and friendlJ but is quitc eager to Dclmek is usiûg to leech the the dwa Delmek with a humân
seethc PCs on their wuy into the morkoth s magrcalabilitjes. necrcnâncer ol the same nÊne, in
'norkoth s tunn.ts. His paranoiâ (bûbining elements of lilê draining which câae Delmet has the folow-
becom.s obvn)usonl! ifthe PCs sc.k ing stâttutiæ:
his trust in any wa! raskins to borros Note:The abilities âbove a.e based Delm€k {huEatr rccromancer):
an ilen, âsking him to lcav(,the rooûl on the revised psionic rules presented AL NE; AC 6; MV 6; w8; hp 27;
so thé! .ân talk fir.l! and sol lnrlh). û Pt.Àtnts ùr'toN : Shills & Poters THACo 18r #AT 1; Dmg 1-3 (ùdfe);
H€ llarly refusesto placeâny trust in and the rèvised D.AruiSrN'setling. II s 11, D 10, C 16,I 18, W 16, Ch 9.
the PCs H. âiso constanrlt ughrs thc you are using ihe rules in 7à? Detûek }jas a nns of free aatiDn ^nà
urce ro resard the I'(ls as à meal, (1,rp1.1., Prdri.s,rldndô@À, subsri' D ioua stoz" thât sustâirs him
sinceh{ suffers lrotr pètiodic tute ihe contact devotion Ii'r false without ail' Thanh to htu leeching
sions that he is the ùofkoth. sènsoryinput, and Delûek h$ no of the morkoth, Delm€k hâs the
Iithe m,)rkolh is deâd whcn the psionic attack modes. Êpeciâl ability of sp€I reflection:
PCs encouûte. Delmek, theJ find a Dclmek has.ollecied â snall Before the morkoth dies, D€lm€k
very dille.ent nan. The morkoths amount ol \àluâble j€w€lry and pot- reflects any Êp€ll bâck at the €st€r
deâth has transfeÛcd mu.h ol its rerr from rhe sunken city. He has if he nakes a successtul saving
p o w e rt o h i m , s i v i n g h i f t a . e a r l r looted rheJeweler'sshop,as noled thow. He is entitled tr a Bêving
completer.sjstancc to ûàcic. lt hâs a b o v ei a r e a 3 r . a n d a s t a s ho l l e w e l r y thmw even if none is aùowed by the
also pushrd hiû ove. the brink of is sto.ed in a sack hangrng liom the spel. Aft€r the morkoth di4,
sânity He vieùs the PCsas eirher wall 4 fcet out ol the sater in his sec- Delmek reflects sI sp€lls back on
dangcrousintrùders or prcy. depeDd- ond story perch there âre 13 items their câst€rs, jut like the morkoth.
i n s o n h o w w ê l l h e s c o n t r o l l i n gh i s o f j e w e l r y .w o r t h 3 0 9 p . 7 0 9 p , 8 0 g p , Delmek's om sp€llc$ting ability iB
mind âl lhe time. H. welcomeslhèm, 1 0 0s p . 2 0 0 g p 1 x 4 r , 3 0 0B p , 4 0 0g p , not âtrectld ât âny time.
in this case,with a barrage ol psiotic 500 ep. 600 gp, ând 800 sp. He has Spel].s:dm. chiÙ touah, darc-
âttâcks, beginnins with a deâlh teld, also colle.ted sevenAeuran pots, ing lights, ùLagic ,],ril9ik, uæeù
threatenins every P(l with the loss of w o r t h 1 0 09 p , 4 0 0 s ? , 5 0 0 r T , 6 0 0 g p , setudnt; continuol liSht d2.p ey'+,
20 hp. 600 gp, 700 ep, and 900 gp io .olle. ESP,spectrcl hand; blink, dispel
D e l m e k r d w a r f m â l e r : A LN E r A 0 tors. these lic under his lâble. in the magic, feian death, ùampirie touch;
6iMV 6: I'si 8i hp 43iTHAC0 lTisAT dimewion dN4 eneruation, power
l i D t u g 1 3 ( k n i f eo r h a n d c r o s s b o { ) i
s 1 1 ,D 1 0 ,C 1 6 , I 1 5 ,W i 8 . ( l h ? l The Moze of lhe Morkoih * Deep e/es, d€scribed in osAs,
h.Itù of uderuater aùion, tu18ol doubles t}le cfft€r's undenât€r
ûr,o,, haDd crossbor',knilè.
/ic.'l'hanks There âre two ways the POs could vision fo. 4 rounds + r roùd,4evel.
to his leechingol the enler thê twisted network ofiunnels ** Delmek ules his poæ' d/otn
morkoth, Delmek has the special abil- kno$n as the Maze ol rhe Morkoth. spel] t leech the morkotà 3 magical
ity ofspell refleciionr tsefo.ethc Appfoaching the area direcily âbilitie6. CombiniDg element! of
morkoth dies. Delmek.eflects spells the s€afolk 6ertleftents d€s.ribed in rccmmâncy and netâûIagic,
back on lheir câsters ifhc ûakes his Paft Onc, the PCs can brave the deep Delmek has isolatéd the maaical
saving th.ow He gets to roll â sâling waters and discoverany ofthe tunnel esseoce tlat allows th€ morkoth t
t h . o w e v e ni f n o n c i s a l l o s e d b ) t h e eDtrancesmarked on thc map oflhe reflect spelts back at their ca8têr8
spell.After th. morkoth dies. Delm€k N'', thc PCs may and apFopriât€d it for htu own u3€.
reflects all spclls bâck on their cast- Ilrst enter the Sunken City ôl Dir' Delmek ke€ps a traveling 8pe
ers,just likc rhe ftorkoth. Emlis, as describedin Pttt Two, and book in his air'ffI€d hideawây (ar€a
PsionicsrM IHAC0 13i#NIAT 3,/21 enter the l{aze through rhe Rope 9) in the Sunken City. The spel
IIAC 5r PSPS86 175currentlr ). Maker's Shop lâreâ 7 ôn the mâp of book contâins onty the 3peI3
Altack ûodesr ËW.lI, PB, PC. Dcfense the city, ârea r .n the mâze map). Delmek has Bemorized. It8 pase8
'Maze of
modes:MB, M , TS. TW NIA(I ratinss Th. seali)lk use rhe name are coat€d with â Êpecial vellum tô
lar eâch power are listcd alle. the thc Morkolh" ro refer to a stretch of protect them ftom $ater deEage.
canvon betw€entheir twin comûunF
Psy.noDreiobolisn:death field 3. lies and the sùnk€n island ofOrelia
life draining-G, pôwer draining' 5i lsee mâp on pase 19).They do noi like The rim ofthe canyon is oniy 225
adr.Daline cont.ol 6, agins 5. bodJ to crossthe canron, let âlone desc€nd feel below the sùrface.Visibility is
coDtrol-5, cèll adjustnent-6, double into it, for it relches a dark depth of redùcedio 10 feet without â light
pain 6. ectoplasmrcfom-5, llesh 600 Their feâr isjustified, for five soùrce.Ifthe PCs descendinto the
ârûor 6, mind over body-8i enrrancesto the morkoth's lair lie canyon,tbey 6nd ihe âvailabl€ light
?i,l1pûtiJ: mindlink-8; ESP {, scattereda.ound the canyon,waiting dininishins râpidu At â depth of55o
tàl3e sensoryrnput-6, invisibilitl 6. to lure ca.elesspass€rs-byto feed the to 600 feet, only the most senÈitive
psionic vanprrism-8 lsee 712 W11 morkorh s appetite eyescan gâthe. âny light. Refer to


OSAS, p. 69, and treât the conditions The morkoth's tunnels are âlien in THACo ui #AT 1;Dms 2-a; SA -3 to
as "clear water, moonleÊsnight-" appeârance.Not only do rainbow col- opponents'surpÉse rolb;SZ M (6
White in the canyon,the PCs face ored lishts dance throush the water long); ML 11; XP 65;New monste. dansers b€sidesthe morkoth with eerie phosphorcscence, but the
its€lf. Once a tum, while the PCs are water itselfpulses with â sickenine À The Crnyon T\rDDel. The open-
exposedin th€ cânyon.roll 1d20 and intensity. The lights âllow clear vision ins to this tunnel ties in a crack in
consult the following tablel only to 10 feet.The tunnels descend the canyon floor OIten, creatures
l-2. A strong cuûent sweeps steeply and level out ât a depth of seekins sheltêr fmm â random cùr-
thmush the PCs'location. Ifthe PCs 800 f€et. Cmbmen, koalinth, pâhan, rent in the canyon find their way into
are not securedto the walls or floor of ând liminals are below their normâl this niche, only to b€ drawn int the
the canyon,they âre sw€pt in this mâximum functioning depth. forcing naze aDd devoued by the hungry
current and buffeted asainst the them to mâke a saving thrcw vs. par- morkoth. The canyon tunnel is the
ruks, suffering 2d6 hp dâmâse rhalf alyzation or suffer 5dl0 hp damÂge most direct route frcm the canyon to
if th€y save vs. pâralyzation). per round until they retuû to thei. the central chanber; its total leneth
3. A tuùidity current sweeps maximum Jirnctioningdepth. Ev€n a is only 450 feet.
through the entire cânyon.this swirl successfulsave jnfiicts â -1 penalty
ofsedim€nt sweepsthe PCs âlong its to these chârâcters'initiâtive rolls, B. The Rim Ttrnnel. This passâse to
wan snâshing them against the attacks, savins throws, ând ability the morkoth's mâze is situated at the
rocky canyon wâlls for 3d6 hp dâm, check6.(SeeOSÀÂ pp. 76-?7.) lip ofthe cânyon.where it sapes like
age (no saving throw) and depositing The combination of unnatural a shark hopins for pas6ins prey. Aiïer
them 1d12 ftiles to the oâst ofthe lisht, high pressure,and the throb' a steep,spiralins descentof over 500
Maze. (SeeO.SAS,p. 117.)The turbid- bing pulse ofthe water hâs a dizzying feet, the tunnel makes â twisted
ity cùûent reducesvisibility within effect on the PCs.After five roùnds in couÉe norih toward the morkoth's
the canyon to nil for the next 24 the mâze,even the most level-headed chamber at the heârt of the maze-
cha.act€r has no idea which directioD The total lensth ofthis tunnel is
4. A laree squid mistakes the PCs is up in the ever-twisting tunnels. 1,500feet.
for ân eâsy meal.It flees in a cloud of Still, chÂractersentranced by the
ink ifreduced to halfits hit points. ,tJpnoli. pdrl?r, continùe to swim C. The K€lp T\nnel. The third
Large 6quid: INT non- (o);AL N: uneûinsly towârd the morkoth's lair enhance to the mâze is nestled in the
ÀC 5i MV Sw 3 (Jet 12);HD 6i hp 32i at the mazes center northe.n extreme ofthe same kelp
THACo 15i #AT 9i Drng 1-3 t\8)/2 al Note thât Aqana and Lethe, tbe bed thât shelters Vetissimi,the seâ
SA constrict fo. 1-6 hp damaee per two liminâl charactersaccompânying ehen city. Characters in the kelp bed
rcundiSD ink cloudi SZ L (10 long); this adventure, w€ar matching .ings see the swirling liehts ofthe tunnel
ML 9;XP r,400; MMl331 (squid. o/lÀ? de,p thâù nesâte entrânce fron 30 feet âway, fittered
giânt). sure ând temperature conditions. throush the wâvins straûds ofsea-
5-20. No encoùnter isee OSAS, p. 116 for details on weed to produce an eede, shilting
glow The kelp reâchesâ depth of900
The Tunnels The morkoth's tunnels are not feet, actuâlly rising to approach the
devoid oflife. Predatory fish have centrâl chamb€r fron below. The
Each ofthe morkoth s tunnels is âdâpted to life in this alien environ' tunnel's totâl length is 2,100 feet.
filled with ân intense àypaottcpot meni to prey on the morkoth's neâr-
t?ru created by the morkoth and helplessvictims. Blind and nindless, D. T'he \Ya'.wârd Tunnel. This
nâintâined without concentrationon these translucent fish resemblelarse enhance is n$t€d b€tween two large
the creature'spart. The lishts ofthe baracudâs. They lurk at bends in the boulders under â st€ep ridge. The
pattem fill the tunnels ând spill out tunnels ând sensethe vibrâtions of walvard tunnel is so twisted that
from the tunnel entrances.The hyp âpproachinsp.ey. The morkotht its total length is eight miles.
notic, swirling lights affect âny char- agents are charyed with killing these
act€r passing within 30 feet ofan creâtures whenever they encounter E. The Câvem TûDDel. About
enhance. Any châracter who views them, as they intedere with the halfway down the northern fâce of
the pâttens within this range must norkotht food supplx the cânyonlâbout 300 feet), a large
rnake a successfùlsavins throw vs. In addition, there is a chanceof rili opem up in the wall, otrerins
spell (wisdom modifiers âpply)o. encountering the morkoth'Bâgents in shelter fmm the cânyon's fierce cur-
swim into the tunnel. the tunnels, either by chânceor by rents and predators.However,anyone
The tunnels are narrow. ailowing design.Every three tums the PCs âre explorins th€ interior ofthe cavem
siz€ M crealures to rnoveonly in sin- i. one ofthe tunnels, roll 1d10.On a quickly discoveE that it is simply the
sle file. Size L chamcte.s. like â 1, the PCs encounter â predatory tun' out€r opening of another tunnel into
vodyanoi or crabnsn, cân ftove nel fish. On a 10, the PCs encoDnter the mâze.The cavem tunnel winds
throueh the tunnels, bDt only with the mâlenti Ek'bellinos and his gently down the canyon face ând
great difficulty and discomfort and ât vodyânoi henchnân, Mul$ek {see enters the central âreâ from âbove,
hâlftheir normâl movem€nt râte. "The Morkoth's Minions'
sidebâr). runnins a total iensth of600 feet.
Non-humânoid creâtures ofsiz€ L or Ttrnnel fish: INT non- 10);AL N;
greater cannot enter the tunnels. AC 6: MV Sw 30iHD 3; hp 12;

26 lssu€No, 70

n îlrel to Dir-Emlis. This tunnel

leads fron the Sunken City of Dir-
Emlis into the maze. (See"The
Sunken City," areâ 7.) The tunnel ig
apprcximately two mile8 long.

G. Tunnel Maze, As the sit tunnels

thât form the Maze converse,they
begin weâving in and out, coming
together and splittinA apart, winding
around the spherical central cham-
ber As a result ofthis chaoticjunble.
PCs in the cenhal chamber cânnot be
su.e ofleaving through the sâIne tun'
nel by which they êntered.
Perhâps worse. this ârcâ repre- Velissimi
êents the conjunction ofsix hypDoli.
pdtter4r. A charact€r who msde the
initial saving throw to r€sist a À]p-
aolicpdthfD in on€ ofthe tunnels is
confrontedwith five additionâl pât-
tems upon entering the interchange
area and must immediately attempt
five nore savine thmws to âvoid
beine hypnotically drâan into the

There are two notable inhabitants

ofthe int€rchanse areâ. The sea
elven Prince Ethelinn (ifhe was suc-
cessfutlykidnapped in "Blood in the Maze of the
Water")and the locathah shâmân
Sheh'puewander âimleÈslyin thig
network oftunnels. Their minds bâv€ into the dârkness ofthe central Eâch PC ft$t make â sâve vs.
been shâtt€red by the morkoth's chanber This is the norkoth's lair- spell. w;th a -4 penâlty (adjusted for
intermsation. They behaveas if a larye, spherical chamber ât the cen- wisdom and elven imnunity) or fâl1
under the innuence ofâ conlzsion ter ofthe mazes twisiing tunnels. under th€ morkoih s potent.Àc.a
spell, wandering aimlessly.Th€y can- The wate. here is blâckenedwith ability. victims floar silently
not be talked or reâsonedwith ând squid sepiâ,so thât even ifthe PCs in the darkness,to b. devoured ât the
can only hope to recovertheir Êânity carry light sou.cesvisiôn is impossi' norkoth's ieisure. The creâture can
once rcmoved from the lnaz€. A àeol ble. When the PCs from the tell which of its victims are chamed
or .esto.dtion spell. or successful interchânse, reâd the followins and which âre not, ând it concen-
treatment with psychic surgery, desÛiptioD to the players: trâtcs its initiâl attâcks on those who
rcstores their shâttered minds to full have resisted.l'he morkoth strikes
health. You enter an inky-black nexus, out ofthe dârkness ând imnediâtely
Princ€ Ethelim (aquatic €10:AL driftins, spinnins, cornpletelydis- into the darknesB.remâin'
CG;AC 6; MV Sw 15; F5^t4;hp 28 odented. uDsure even ofth€ down' ing €ffectively invisibl€ (-4 to hit). lts
(22 cunently); THÀCo 15ifAT 1; ward pull ofsravity. The water superior sensesallow it to strike nor'
Dms rd6+2 ltrident, two-hânded)j preBsureremâins high, but the nally, whil. the PCs (resardlessof
MR 90% to sleep aad charm; SZ Mt pulsingyou felt in the tunnels has rac€) arc fightiDg blind.lhe PCs
M L 1 6 ;S r ? , D 1 1 ,C 1 5 ,I 1 6 ,W 1 2 , never clearlJ see their opponent,
Ch 14i XP 1,000(for rcsc.ue);MM/r10. You can h€âr your companions câtchins only occâsionâlslimpses of
No spells memorized. moving nearby but cannot see strange lins. sharp scales,a viciouÊ
Sheh'pue (locathah):AL N;AC 6; then. And yoù hear sornethinselse squidlike b€âk, or a glassy eye.
MV Sw 12: PTihp 27 (20 cunently): as well:like â small voice whisper- Morkoth: INT €xceptionâl(16)t
THÀC0 16; #AT 1; Dmg 1d6+l (tri- ing in ân echoins câvern.There âre AL CE;AC 3; MV Sw 18: HD ?i hp
dent); SZ M; ML r3; S I, D 12. C 9, I no words to th€ whispers just 4 l i T H A C 0 1 3 ;# A T 1 ; D m g 1 d l 0 ; S A
13,W r7, Ch 16; XP 1.000(for res- dull. ûenâ.ins hisses,clicks, and hypnosis;SD spell refleclion: SZ M (6'
cne\.MMn28. No spells rnemorized- pops.The sound could be conins l o n g ) i M L 1 4 rX P 2 , 0 0 0 M
: Ml258.
from ânlvhere, or maybe every- The morkoth is not interested in
H. Morkoth's Châmber. Out ofthe t.easure, but it doesspit out inedible
conto.ted mass of tunnels that form It surounds you. items from its victins and gives such
the interchange,six tunnels emelge items lo its miniDns to aBsisttheir

Lininal female,Ba.d 6, NG Liminal Mâle. Ranser 4,Mase 4, NG

Str 8 Annor Classr2 Str l7

work in the bmader undersea world. Dex 18 Hit Points:23 Dex 13 Hit Points: 26
The creatur€'s accumulated treasure Con 8 BaseTHACo:18 Base THACO: 17
lies in a heap at the bottom of the Int 13 Heisht;55 Int 16 Height: 5 8
spherical chamber This pile inctudes: Wis 12 Weight:170lbs. Wis 15 Weight: 185 IbÊ.
ô 12,000ep; Cha 16 Age: ao Châ 11 Ace.42
+ Nine gems: sDoky quârtz (50
s?), banded âgât€ ( l0 gp), chalcedony Specialabilities: influence reâc- Speciâl abilities: specieseneny:
(100 gp), sardon)x (50 Cp),spinel (500
tioûs, inspire âllies, couni€r sonss. sahuagin (+4 to hit, 4 to reaciion
gp), lâpis lazuli ( 10 s?). peridot (500 identify masicâl itæms(30%),rosue rolls), twGweapon fighting, ânimâl
gp), rnoss agat€ {10 s?), alexandrite skills: CW 50%, DN 55%,PP 5o%, empathy,MS 25%, HS 33%.
(100 Cp);
ÈL 35%. Weaponproficienciærtrident.
+ rod of teffor lS2.}jzrees)l Weâpon prcfi ciencies: trident, Êhort Êword, lisht crossboq dassea
+ short suord +3a lisht crossbow, dâgger
+ cordl (BeeOSAS. p. 116); Languages: conmon, seâ elf, mer- Laneuaeps:common,sea eli ner-
+ tridznt of fuh comnandl folk, locathâh, sahuâgin, triton. folk.
Noûweâpon proffciencies: local Nonweapon proficiencies: local
histôry-16. swirnrnins-a,sinsing 16, history 11, swimming-l?, siûging
Leaving the Mâze rnusicâl instrunent (drums) 1?, eti- -1r, backing-r6, blind-{ighting,
quettê-16, heraldry 13, r€a(yMite animal lore-16,aquâtic survival-16.
The death of the morkoth plunges the
Spells Q/2\ dancins lishts* ,
entire maze intn dârknæs as the,âJp'
norc pdttems in all six tunnel! cease. Spe\lsl3/2): audible gldne. detect magic, magic missile+, phdn-
The tunnels remain dizzyinsly disori- chdrm peÆon*, detect mdgiq phan- tasmal force, read nasic, slzep*,
enting, however, and findins on€'s tasndl force*, r4d. masi., shield.*, spooh;alter self nitor indge*, rur
sleep; alter selr, ESg invisibilit!, of enfeebtement*, scare. Spette
way out of the maze is much more
miùor inase, scare*. Spells marked with an ast€risk are ones
dimcult than findins one's way in.
Here, s2me mechanica are Bubo.di- nârked with an asterisk are ones Lethe usuâlly hâs memorized.
nat€d to the intere8b of plot. If Aqana usually has nenorized. Equipmeû; .inA of the deep Gee
Esnipmena: rins of the d.eepGee OSAS, p. 716), trident of the hunter
Delmek remaiG alive within the (seeOSAS, p. llô-in addition to
Sunken City, then the PCs inevitâbly OSAS, p. rI8), philter ofglibne9s 6û
find their wây into the city tunnel special bladder fo. undêrwat€r uâe). beins a +2 rnâsical weapon,this tri-
(âreâ F) on their way out, depositins hmce6 of d.efenseAC 6, epellbook. dent can chanse into a net o/sad.-
t.ident, dâgger. ing 3/day), studded leather armo.
them eventually in the rope naker's
shop in Dir-Emlis (area 7). tfDelmek
NotêsiAqana is a skilled diplomat.With
is already dead, determine randomly her busbând,lithe, she has helpêdnego' Notes:Withhis wife,Aqana,læthehas
which tunnel the PCs choose t exit tiete teûitônd âgænerts, ârbitrate negotiatedteûitonal acræments,arbi-
dispùtês,ând track down thoôethreaten trated dispùtes,and tracked down thôsè
the trâgile peace,Aqâna and ræihe hav€ who violate th€ agreements.They fom
Concludingfhe Advenlure spentthe last iwo yeâE t.aveling, fon- the nùdeus of â tichù kdt adventurins
ing ihe nudeùs of a tightly knit âdven-
The PCs rcceive 2,000 XP for rescu' Iæthe is quiet and reseFed. He hâs a
ing Ethelinn and Sheh'pue(1,000XP Aqanâis chaming and outgoing, and sharp intellect and obseneshis sur-
each). Thk is in addition to XP she wam8 to straleprs quickly.Aqâna roundings caretully.He ând Aqanâ shaie
awards for defeating opponents like and Iathe sharethe unique bond ôf the uniquebondofmaried liminab.
manied lininals. Th€y cân onmudcâte they can comnunicate ielepathically
Delmek and the morkoth and fol têle!âthicâlly with eachother within 1 with eachother wiibin 1 mile. Wlten
other âctions during the adventure. nile, duringqhich time eachknowsthe witbin that distanæ, eâchktôws the
Beyond these quantiliable other's exactlocation,and evenoutside othe/s exàct læâtioni evenoutsidethat
re$/ards, the PCs sain the respect that th€y can ænsethe directiot rânge,they can seNe the diretion i!
and cratitude of the sea elves and in which the ôther lies. They cân also which the other lies. They cân also lend
locathah and fame throughout the lend powerto eâchother by joining powerto eachother by joining hùds:
recion (at least amonC tle other hârdB:therecipientcaneithe.gai. I the recipient can eith€r gâin t ievel for
aquatic .ac6 neârby). Tlle sunken level lor purp@esof level-basedvanable purposesof level-bæedvâriâble effætô
city remains open for turther explo- efects (at no mst to the supDôrtingpart- (ât no ost to the supporting pùtner),
n€.), gain I point of Strengtù for every 2 gain r point of StreDcû! for every 2
mtioD and could possibly become a
loirb saoifi@d by the otàer,or gain as points sacrificedby the otber,or gâin as
heâdquart€rs for the koâlinth or, per- mâny hit poink âs the oiher willingly many hit points as the other willingly
hâps, the PC!. () sacrilices.The first two optionslast or y àâdifiæs. the fint two opiions lasi only
æ lo.g æ the coupleis hôldins hands, âs lotc as the @upleiBholdinghanù;
while the hânsfer of hit poinis is pêma- thê transferofhit pointsis peman€nt.
ænt. Each pârtner losesr hp/dây the Each padner lGes t hp/dây ifthe two
two are separatêdby morc than a mil€, are more than a mile âpârt, ând the
and ihe death of one partner caus€sthe deâth of oæ pâ.trer càuæsthe loss of
imm€diareloss of one-hâlfôf the su.- one'half of the suwivols ndimum bit
vivor's raiûuû hit point tôi.I.

28 lslue No. 70
Shen Bep Zolloh
Meman Mâle, Fishter 4/?riest 4, N IÆathah Mâl€,I'ight€r 5, NG Pa}lùi Female,Mâgê5, CG

Str l7 Str l8/?0 Amor Class:3 St. I

Dex 12 Hit Poinb: 24 Dex 15 Hit Points:26 Dex 1l Hit Point6: 14
Con 12 Bâse THAC0: 17 Con 12 BaseTHACo:16 Con 13 BaseTHÀco: rg
lnt l1 Heieht: 5 r0' Int 14 Heisht 5 5' Int 19 Heisht: 5 6
Wis 16 Weight:2l0lbÊ. Wis 10 Weight:165lbs. Wis 14 Weight: 155 lbs.
Cha 16 Age: 35 Cha I Age:20 Cha 14 Age:115

Speciâl abilityr arsry Uday. Weaponpmficiencies: speâr(spe- Speciat abilities: shâpechanse

Weapon pro{iciencies: trident, ciâlized),short sword. heaiy cross- into three folms: mermaid (natual
javelin,lisht crossboq krife, net. bow,mediun lance. form), fish (MV 24), or human; 25%
Lancuâees: common, medotk, Lansuases: conmon,locathah, mâgic resistance; bætlw udte.
locathah, sahuasin. ùreatÀin8 (lasts 1 day) with â kis8.
Nonweâpon prcfi cienciesr reli- Nonweaponprcficiencies:blind- Weapon profi ciencies: dâgger.
giob 16, atertn$Èl?, dânger fishtins, undeNate. riding (giânt Lansuages: coDmon, pâhâri,
senBFl?, gaming-16. e€lÈ13,animalhândling(giant
Spells (v4). Spheresof access:âll, ælsÈg, animal trainins (siant Nonweâpon proficienciesr 6wim-
ânimâl*, conbat*. creation,divina- eek)-r0, endùance--l9. ming 9, rcadwrit€ pahari-20, reli-
tion. elementâl (wât€r).Euârdiân, EqÙjpment amulet of aquatic gion-la, Bpellcrâft-l7, arti6tic ability
healing, necromantic, protection, trcnsfomation {leashim pobnoryh CewelerFr4, metalworkins*-12,
sumnonins, wizârd elementâl into a non'monstrous aqutic ani- âncient hbt ry (Duqan EmpùeFl8,
(wat€r)- * indi€tes minor âcceÊs. md r/day for 6 tùnFsæ OSÀg p. debate*-lg, c€nie lore*-rg, herbal-
Equipment: càd;Dsà;.t +2. three 116),sped.+1,s/rield+1,potionol isn U, tocâ] history-14. Those
sàa.À3 teerà (each t oth transfotms szp"' turoisn (in a specialbladder marked with ân asterisk ârc fully
irto â 5-HD shark upon comnand for underwâteruse),siant eel detailed in the Ar-QÀDrM'Aroàran
ÊeeOSAS, p. 116),holy symbol, mountwith saddteând bridle. Adùezrzæs rulebook.
blâdder tull of squid ink. Giânt eel: INT non-(0);AL N; Spells @/Al): ald.n, cham per-
AC 6;MV Sw 9; HD 5: hp 21i son*, detect nagic*, junp, maeic
NotesrShenwæ ihe reliaious leàder of â THAC0 r5; #AT ri Dmc 3d6;SA +r nissile*, rco.d.masic, shield, tdll of
nerfolk commùnity for l0 yea8. His to initiative;SZ L (10 long);ML 8; fog* ; blur* , continudl lieht, daùneÊE
comhunitywâslækedin endle$ di6- MM/7r7. 15 rcd.ius, forset, inp.oued. phan-
putes {ith a nearby æa elven settl€- tasnal force, inDisibility, iùitation,
mentuntil two liminab nâmedAqana Not€s: Bep is a locathah Bellswo.d who nirû indee, .ay of enfeeblenznt*,
and l?the b€lp€d n€gotiat€â lâsting
p€aæ.The connict âlways trcublêd
seûed âs â me.cenary ât the stârt of his shdtt ea stre ngt h ; clai r @u d.ience, d is-
âdull life. He b an orphan, and has pel moai., feisn d.eath, flr, hoÂta
Shên,who feâredthât it wse dbtractins never reâlly felt a part of l@athah r@i-
his peoplefrcb tbe nore dansErous hold pe.son, invisibilitr 10 tudi6,
ety. The ûilitâry life oflered him a {ami-
tbreât ofsahuagin to th€ His db- ly, of sorLr, a place where he bêlonged.
monste. sunmoning I, suggestion,
affectio. with his comûunity duritg tbe Uûfortunâtely, it abo ofered cûrutant tonauee*, uizad. sight.
st if€ led him t befrierd the liminâls, bl@d6hed, and Bep eventually Brew sick Equipment: uad o/illùston (15
and hê hâs sincejoined theD as a trav- of it. He continued his wânderitg and charqeg), crystal bdll, pea.l of poaer
êventùally ret Zâllâh, wilh whon he (recalb one third-level spell), potion
Shen is devout and æ.ious-minded. felt ân unuBuâl bond. The two traveled o1e'tm-hÙIing (\n a apecial blaà-
He follom the nemàn'sod Eadro ând tôgether for a few mo.ths, then join€d
wâ6 râised with â very iftulâr mibdset. der fo. underwâtér use), dadyr +1.
an âdventu.inS bând. Bep lôve6 Zâllâh
He has trouble mÀkilg friebù. It took althouah he d@s rot urdeÉtând }ow to
yeaE for Shen'scomÉdesto €am his Not$rZalah is a sared soul. Like
onvey his feelings for her. many of he. kind, she fêUit love with a
Bep b strong and stoic, âccustomed human ne.chânt ârd rânied him.
Like nct of his people,Shenhas a tô the hsrdships of milih.y life. He hâs
deâthly feâr offire. Shenalso ha8 a WTen her husbandwas kiued br pinte6,
a strcnA senæ of honôr, dutx and loyalty Zâllah'sheârt wæ brcken. She retûed
Buperstiiiousfear of magcal books(he
avoidsthe liminals sp€llbook),which he to ùheBeaand h@kedup with Bep.a
Thncê pe. day, he cân charge foMard l@athah mercenarywho ôtreredher pp
regardsâs gâiewaysto the AbFs. at âstonishirg spæd with hb spear,
Finallr Shênhâs â supêÊtitious awe of tætion ând compànionôhip,The two
strikiDg !t for double dâmâs€ if he hits. beahè cloôef.ied6 ând later joined a
wâtê.râgic, ircludinghû own spells. Bep,like many locâthâh,hâô a Bùper-
when facing a manifestationofwat€r smâll âdventuins band. Slowly,itÊ
stiiioùs fea. of light ng.Heâlshea membershave erom to fill the achiûs
magic,Shenshouts â çord oI prâi* to dæp-*atêd loaihing of the uidead, hav-
Eadrc, ând nust nâke Wbdom .hec} at holê in ZallâI's heart.
'2. lfhe suæee&,he saift a +2 bonu to itg encounlered tbem more thân onc€ in Zâllah is brillidr, thoughùtul,and
hb battles. Barb€d or hoked weâDôtô inqubitive. She p6æses eDodou
âll prliciency and ability chæks ând a fill him with â similât ângst. If forced lo
+1 to attack rolls, for t hour The6ebène- storesot knowledgebut is alwây8ot the
conf.ont lightning, undeâd, or barbed l@kout for new fàcts ànd erperien@s,
firs can only be Bainêdonæ pe. day.He weapotu, Bep Dust ma}e a Wisdûm
can only attenDt tô gâin lhe tEnelits She lovesstudyiûg rhilvreck8 dd other
chek at -2. If he fDls, his prcficiency relics fror the pasi. Added io her int€l-
thrice/dây.The *@nd ald third chæks and ability chffks are tude ât -4, ârd
are mâdeat 4 Ând -6, respectivelt (Fo. lêctùal !ur6uib, Zallah is an aæoû-
he attacks ât 2 for the rcxt hour {For plùhed jeweler,uins Daturâl tatêriâI.
moreinfomationâboutsùp€.stitions, mo.€ infomàtion âbout sùperstitions,
seàThê cônptete Bûh or Humanoids.) found i! the æs âs w€ll Èsprecioû met
ree me Conplt B@h of HuMMids.) als sàlvagedfrom thi!*@k.

thât the person fall8; there is a 3 in 6
chancethat the person lands on the
r.æÉile splint€red fiagments of walkway in
the wat€r below, suffedns 3d6 hp

Forthe DungeonMosler
The true danser ofthis ravine isn't
thè fallen walkway but the $eatDres
who live in one of the câvesdown by
the river In the larsest fissure tiv$ â
snâll tribe of seven adult hill giânts
who wait in ârnbush fo. smeone t
use the walkway. The creatures besin
throwins boulde$ at anyone who
steps out onto the platform, waiting
until seveml individuâls are standing
on the logs before energing from

The giants âre cunning enough to

fear magic and have deviseda plan i,
deal with it. If they spot a nage o1â
flying PC. they throw boulders ât
him, intentionally to$ins them short
to drâw the PC int ranse. Once the
flier comes within 30 yards, the otdæt
giant sh eks "Kvalukl" ('mage" in
her own lansùase),and all of the
BY ANDY MII"LER giants thmw rocks at the PC ât once.
Hill siants can hu.l their boutders
Corlogrophyby Sl€phenDonielo between 3 and 200 yârds (up t! 90
yards straisht up)ând cât h rocks
and missiles 309{ ofthe tin€. They
"Boulder Dash" is an AD&D" SideTrek adventure for 4 s Pcs oflevels H easily pelt the plâtform and can even
(about 35 total levels) ofany clâssor âlis.r\ne.t, thoush wizardÊ ând arche.s reach the road beyond.Ifthe PCs
witl be helpful. The modute can be inserted into âny campâisn where the PCs employ missile weaponsfrom the
are traveling th.ough moùntainBon a pass thât hasn't been traversed in a safety of the road, the siants cross
the l0 deep river and scâle the ctitr
below the road, where giant-sized
handholds have been carved into the
AdvêniureBockground ro{k. This requires two rounds during
As the PCs tmvel throush the mountâins, their wây is suddenly blockedby â which the giânts cannot âttâck.
deep ravine. A wide river runs thrcush this passase75 feet below the edge of PCs trying to crcss the river âre
the road. Several cavesdot the fâr wall ofthe râvine that towers hish above swept downstream unless they make
a successfulswimming pmficiency
All is not lost, however.A 15 wide woodenwâlkway has been built alons check at -2. The wât€r is cold. and
tle wall to the lelï of the ruad. Loss the size of tree trunks have been enbed' the cunent is swift. Dven those who
ded in the mk, followins it arcund the side ofthe clifï where it presunably mâke thei! check move downstream
crossesth€ ravine. for the PCs can see the plâtfom continue on the other side. ten feet for every ten feet they swim.
A heai? rope runs throush thick i.on rinss âttached to the cliff three feet If the giants are sorely bêaten,
above the wâlkway. they retreat into the cave and set up
Unfortunately, one 60 section ofthe wâ]kway haÊ collapsed,teâving onlv another âmbush,leaving one osre at
the rcpe to Ûoss it. The river below is wide and €wift Crossins the collâpled the enhance to keep an eye on the
section by hansing ftom the rope requires a successful Strensth check at +2 PCs.Ifthe PCs try to crossthe plat-
and â successfulDexknty check with no modifier. Failing either roll indicates fonn asâin, a single giânt besins

30 lssu€No.70
rhmwing boulde.s fron the cover of
the cave (treât as 50% cove.).
Hill giânts r7): INT low (6r: AL
C E ; A C 3 r M V 1 2 ;H D 1 2 + 1 d 2hr p 6 4 ,
6 0 , 5 4 , 5 3 , 5 1 , 5 0 ,4 3 : T H A C o 9 i # A T
1 : D m g 1 d 6 + ?( f i s t ) o r 2 d 6 + 7( h € a v y
club)i SA hurl rocks for 2d8 hp dân-
age; SD catch nissilesi SZ H (16 tall)i
M L 1 3 i X P 3 , 0 0 0 i M M / l 4 1 .T h €
femaies ofihe gt'oupâr€ th€ ones
with 64 ând 51 hp.
Hiding in the cave entrânce are
two young hill g1ânts{bolh ûâle) and
six ogYeslâves.They do nôt ârtâck
(the young are deemed 'tôo puny to
be part ofbattles yet)bùt act as a
r€âr gùard, keeping anyonefrom
sneaking ùp behind the other giants.
Hill giânt young (2): INT low (5)i
A L C E ; A C 5 i M V 1 2 ;H D 4 + 1 :h p 2 4 .
16rTHACo 17; #AT 1; Dmg ld10 or
by 2d4+6 rclub); SA +2 to hil with
w e a p o nS i Z L (9 tall)iML 10iXP 270;
Ogres (6): INT âverâge(8): AL CEi
A C S i M V 1 2 i H D 4 + 1 i h p2 5 , 2 2 , 2 0 .
1 9 ,1 5 , l 4 ; T H A C O 1 7 ; # A T 1 ; D m g
ldl0 or by 2d4+6 rclub); SA +2 io hit
w i t h w e a p o nS i Z L ( 9 + t â l l ) :M L 1 l i
XP 27otMMl212.

The Coves
Thi6 filthy lair stinks ofogre aûd Bone fragments ând bits ofrort.D 3. Ogre Cave. This câve holds â half
giânt.Îhe âir is thick with the sûel1 meat litter lhe càve.Close examiDa- dozen rottcn skins in piles that rhc
ot sweal, rotted meat, and equâlly tion revenls thât somc ofth. bon.s ogres usc for bcds Another firc pil,
unpleasant things. The iunnel is 12 are humanoid. Stacked aboul lhe lonlacold. lics under â metal spit
high and 10 wide (the giants duck to câve a.e several boulders as s€ll as abour six lèei long.Thc rcmains of
g€t in), but il quickly op€ns into a bits ofbroken armor and shaltered th. lass lrâvele. who took the pâss
larger area wilh â 20 high c€iling. weâpons.A brokeû wand lies near the are slre$r aboùt tbe roôn1:bones,
fire pit. In lhe pit itselfare the bir" ofllesh. and fragmenis ofplat.
1. Central Câv€. This cave is where remains of a srnashedând brok€n n i â i l . l l a l l t h e p i c c c so t a t m o r a r e
the surviving giants and ogres set up nng thât wâs once mâgjcal bul Do li)und, thel can bc rcâssenblcd into â
an ambush. B€sidc the lârge fire pit, s r i t o f p l o r c , r o i l + 1 . H o r v e v e rt ,h i s
â bâ.ricade ofrocks ând debris is reqùi)rs a successfulafmorer proti
piled to a height oflive feet. The 2, Giant Cave. This area contâins ciency check ând a proper smithy. lf
osres wait behind ihis bârrier for the ihrce oude beds made ofheâped furs thc proficiencycheck fails, lhe armor
eiants' sienal to attack. Any suniving and a crude,6 lall unicorn statuc losesils magic lbr€v..]
giânts wâil near the caveentrance seeninsly made ôrdried mud. If the
(as indicâted on the map), lurking in mud is chipped or washedaway,a 4. Chiefs Câve. Th€ hill gianl chier
the darkness aDd hopine to surprise slightly sftall€r siatue made ofcut r h p 6 0 r a n d h i s s . h e m i n Cw i f e i h p 6 4 r
th€ PCs as they comein from out of rose quartz can b€ uncovered.The residc heùe.This câle js nor quile âs
the bright sunlisht. Th€ two young quartz is badly flawed, ând ihe statue filthy as the others.
giants, eaeer for a fight, âr€ behind is worth only 1,400g? intact. The A lârge collectionofscalps .olers
them.Ifthe PCs get this fa., the mon- statu€ stands about S tall and weighs one {all like a horible tapeshy The
sters fight to the death. 300 lbs. hâir comesftom â11manner ofbipeds:


humans, orcs,goblins,siants, êlve8. Chest f3 hâs no exterio. traps.

dwaFes, ând even snomes.Oûe scalp How€ver,within the chest is a vial
has a gold dwarv€n comb (worth 30 rigged to a crushing apparatus
gI) buried deep within the hâir.
AheâW pile of fûs lies asainst
devisedto smâsh it ifthe lid is
openedmore than 45 degrees.Ifthe
Want to share
the fâr wall. Neâ. the chiefs bed is a
pottery um adomed with Patterns in
viâl is not remov€ shâtterc and
releâsesa lethal t0 t 10 x 10 cloud
your latest
gold and silver The pot is four feet
tâll and hatf as wide with â larye,
ofgas with effectsidentical to th€
fifth'level .loùdÈtll spell. Th€ cloud
dissipatesin one turn.Inside this
hins€d lid. Inside it are severâl dozen
skutts from all mânner ofhumânoid chest are 1.100ep ând a golden,gem'
creatures. The um is worth 850 sp inlaid chalice worth 850 gp. Req esta copyof oui
iDtact but weighs 100 lbs. empty. writer'sguidelites:
Ten gold coins are scâitered about Cônclusion DuNGEor,r Mod le Guidelifles,
the floor. Characters who search th€
floor near the chiefÊ bed have a I in Ifthe hitt siants are defeated,it 1801LindArenue5.W.,
4 chance of finding a small depres- might be possiblefot the PCs to opên
up this forgotten pâss âgain. The
Renton,WA 98055.
sion conceal€d by a snooth rock. The
rcck Hidden in the depressionis ân repairs to the wâlkwây would be relâ- Pleaseenclosea self-addressed,
tively expensive,requinng englneers
iron ring with three iron keys thai
or dwarves.Ifthe party includes a PC
untrk the chestsin areâ 6.
with the ensineer proliciency,the PCs youî rcquest. Guidelines arc
5. Giant Cave. ThiB ârea contains can handle th€ repairs thems€lves alsoavailableon the
three crude beds made of heaped (although trees do not g.ow in thc
furs. A larse boulder conceÂlsthe âreâ and ne€d to be transpofted frorn TSR:,tebsite.
pâssaseto ârcâ 6. The boulder is a grove five miles awây).
treated as â secret door for detection
purposesand cân be openedby âny-
Cârting the hill siânts' treasure
bâck home won't be €âsy either: the
weight ofthe unicorn statue âlone
one with hill giânt strength (19) or
two peopleworking together whose could easily burst a ôdg o/àoldi,s. (l
combined Strencth score is 30 ôr
higher. More than two people.ânnot
mânage the boulder at â time.

6. î!€asure Room. Three wooden

chests,each one litted with iron
Museum Replicas
hinses and a built'in 1@k,sit on lbe
floor ofthis otherwise €mpty câve.
Each chest measures2 x2 r I ând
weighÊ50lbs. empty. Usins the iron
keys to open the chests (found in ârea 52 pagecolrr caralrg crarnmcd
4) disârms the traps placed upon with authentic, batrle worthy
them by tleir onsinal owneE.
Chest #l holds an acid tlap.Ifthe repLicasof actual museLnnpicces.
lock is picked unsuccessfullyând the Swords,daggers,macesan.l more.
trap is not disamed, acid splashes AffordahLeperiod clorhing.
whomever tried to pick the lock for
2dl2 hp damâge.A successfulsave CoversRomirn to Renaissance,
vs. paralysis reducesthe damase by Scottish, etc.
hall but ifthe total damageis
greater than the victim's Châismâ, Satisfactiut Quarunteed.
he loses 1d4 points of that attribut€
as his face and hands are bâdly -f l l l r d , t l \ d 5 l 0 ( r( U S r i L f J . .
bumed. Lost Charisma cân be R n n J r h l (, , n l * . r l r )
restôred with the casting of â restora"
tion or heal spell. Inside this chest
âre 2,500 cp and 1,215c?.
Chest #2 has â needle in ihe tock.
The needte is coated with T)"e D poi- Call TOLL.FREE
son (onset 1d2 minut€s; Dmg 30/2d6) 1.800.883,8838
and mây be disarned nomâl1y. The www.tnùseunr!
chest holds 2,125 cp dd 1,563gp.

32 lssueNo.70

rL-3_-lr_. I ^ r{*oY
Kent tells us thdt oshed to con-
trib4te tù th. M.rc of Dead Men series
not onl! infldted his ego but also triS-
getutl d.ripplitq aùtiet! attach. He
.l.dicdtes this adùenturc to his beautr

"SsscâlyThingsss"is an AD&D
FoRcorrENRnÀLrs adventùre fôr
5-? goôd'alignedcharactersol lèvels
3-{ lâbout 25 total levelsr.A psioni
.isr, while not nccessary,wotrld be an
ass€t.The âdventure assumesa cer-
tain level ofselnessnessand heroism
on the part ôfthe PCs.
This is the secondin a senes of
stand-aloneâdveniur€s set in lhe
Mere ôf Dead Men. It is nol necessary
lilr P(ls to hale completedihe iirst
ûdventure rin Issue #69) lo enjoy this
one. However,bef('re running the
adventure. ihe DM should carcfully
revicw the infornâtion grv.n in the
sidebâr on page 36.

Forlhe PlqyerChorociers
Nature can, at times. disgrst
you. You have b.en trudging
àotsit tnketo kill an ell
Hot nany dopplegangcrs or a dwarf th.ough this miserâble swamp for
hours, silently cursing thosc tiny
little green insects with the incred'
ibly sharp sling€rs that hâvc
lunched enthusiâstically on yout
hide for most ofthe môrning. You
âlso spare a few somewhât loud€r

curscs for ihe soft ftuskec ùnder-
foot. But the loudest curses âr€
savcd for the hol, swelterins sùn
ovcrhead thâl sendsûlcrs ofsweat

THINGSSS A.cording to Sir Justin s scotrt,

in â few more hours you should
find a nore solid stretch ofsround
that will cârry you most ofthe way
to Mornhaven Towers.
Appârentll th€ bandits were iû
BY KENTERTMAN coûpeiition with a tribe oflizard
mèn for the.ich plunder lravelling
the Hich Road.However,while the
bândits were content to simply tob

Not everything and pillage, the lirard men seen
eagcr io slaughte. their victims. If
th€ threât is not eliminated soon,
it ssseems, trâvel along the road could cease

Sir Justin assignedânothe.

group to locat. the lizard men's lair
and deteûnine lheir numb€rs.They
discoveredthât ihe lizard men
A work by Tery oykdro lver€ of â inôre adlanced kind, hav-
Codogrophy by Diesel ins estâblish€da conmunity. Therc

3A lssueNo.70

were hundreds of them living in a they hâvê becomedistracted with â phÉse the followins t the PCs if
spnwlins cluster ofmud huts. serious problem oftheir own. they clinb one ofthe Warts:
There was evidence of militâry A compâny of dopplesans€rs led
by a human fightêr nâmed Mak'kar ln tbe middle ofth€ hills
oreânization, with a definitæ hierar-
recently aÛived in the Mere. They is a snall valley, where six stone
chy among the males. fhe st onger
came following a treâsure map and monoliths stand in an ominous
ones cârried shiel& painted with
brishc colors that seemed to denote were set upon by the t€rritoriâl lizard circlê.They âre chipped and
men. MaÏ'kar and his men sought sc.atched,and coveredwith snall
retuge in the abândoned fort neâr the patchesofmoss and lichen.
The other sroup barely escaped
Momhaven Towers and nanaged to From ihe high grcund yoù can
with their lives.They decidedthey
hold the scalykind at bay see in every direction miles and
would brins a captive frorn the vil-
lage, whon Justin could int€rro- To prevent further attacks âgainst mil€s of uninterrupted vegetâtion.
then, the dopplegângers infi ltrated The.e is nothing buù bushes,trêes
sâte ât his leisùre. The sinsle sur- tàe Three TowersTribe and stole sev- and swânp srassesâs fâr âs the
vivor of the kidnapping att€mpt
erât ofthe lizard ment eggs{iom th€ eye can see.Yet. to lhe west you
explâined how surpised they all
were by the lizârd man's ferocity. tibal hat hery. Mak'kar then issued see three conicâl spires rising
It's amazins that the p@r fellow aû ultimatum to the lizard king thât
manesed to su ive his night back the scalykind were to leave his com-
pâny âlon€ while they searched This would be a losical place for
to lnian's Tower with his right
am torn otrât the shoulder. throush the Momhaven Towers,or he the PC3 to make camp, since they
Justin has assisnedyou the would destroy the eees. The tizard probâbly cannot reach the towers
tâsk ofeliminatins tàe lizârd man king refused to .etreat. commanding before dârk. Lighting fires atop the
rhreât. Though he never sâid so hk tribe to sunound the fort. hills âttircts the attention ofthe
eiplicitly. you got the distinct The stalemâte lasted two days lizard meû. (See"Ambush" below.)
impression he would not be disap- before the lizârd men launched ân PCs lishtins srnall câmplires in thê
pointed ifthe entire tribe were âttâck. Mak'kar was able to stave o{T valley between the hillocks do not
wiped out, but other meâns âre the âssâult, but to make ân example attract udue att€ntion.
ofthe lizârd men's foolishness,he Eâch stone monolith is inscib€d
The vitiase is supposedly well held up one of the eggsin plain view with a râre wizard spell written in
hidden by seosraphy,lyins just a ofthe lizard mer ând smashedit to ancient Elvish. Mages with the
short trek south of thê Momhaven âncient lan$iâges proficiencyor a
Towers.The towers{nce hoDe to Rather thân cowing them. this dis- conprchend lansuases spell cân deci-
a trio ofelven soiceresseFhave plây so enrased the lizard Inen that pher the synbots and âdd the spells
been swattowedby the Êwâmp,bùt they laid siege to the foft for the to their rep€rtoires-The avâilable
their peaks are supposedlyvisible entire night. Dozensofscatykind spelb include lo.dltze, s.dllerspray,
fron âny hish sound. The scout were slain before the lizard kins Ehost hold ûpoa ircnguar.L
recomnended travelins due west called offthe asÊâult.Makkar lost and cloak front . (These spells
from Iniaw's Tower ro The Wârts, several men in the âttack, but thanks are fully detailed in the I'o,sco1arx
three low hills sunoùndins a circle to his ractics and the dopplegangèrs' Àr.a/-MsAduearùæsbook as well as
of standing stones. [ïom the top of DSP âbility, the company survived. t}re ENcycLopEDtAMActca' tome. Tlre
the hills, you should be able to see Makkar was prepared to cut his DM may replacethese spells with
the towers. Next to the towers loÊsesand flee until he and his offi- mo.e common ones from the PHB or
the.e iB supposedto be an abar- cers discovereda rcon in one ofthe use this opportuDity to introduce new
Mornhaven Towers containins an spell6 into the câmpâi8n.
Every inch of the swamp looks inpdsoned nabassutanâr'ri. Ma}'kar
exactly the same, and you find it believeshe can dispel the magic that
neârly impos8ibleto tell how far binds the tânar'ri usins his aond o/
ægdtton, but he has not dared do so Wàatever their time of apprcâch,
for fear that he might simply worsen shortly afier they enter the domain of
On and on you trudgê, sticky
his p.esent situation. the lizârd men west ofThe Warts, the
nùd clinging to your boots. You PCs cmss paths with a lizdd nan
prây for relief ftom the thick, patrol. If th€y take measurcsto
heâlï smell of the swamp,the TheWorfs move quietly or uBescouts,they
stinging bliste$ on your feet, and misht (at the DM's discretion)detect
The DM mây roll for randorn encoun-
the swarms of insects. the pahol before it finds them. Ifso,
t€is in the Mer€, but the {ilst plânned
encountar tâkes place near â land- they can launch ân attack with aut!-
Forlhe DungêônMosier mark known âs The WartFa clust€r matic suryrise or try to âvoid them
of three st€ephillocks. entirely. Avoidânce proves fruitless,
The lizard men of the Three Towers The PCs reach The Warts just however, because therê arê â number
Tribe a.e assressive, and they are before nishtfall. The hills offer an ofpâtrols in thb area, ând in the
responsible for numerous attack6 on èxcellent view of the sûrounding processofsneaking awây this
the Hish Roâd. Recently, however, a.ea of the swanp. R€âd o. para- one the party only sturnblesinto

\layer'sMap I

t - - - - - -:--
-.* oàffiil r1,,ti,n;a
--;! Mornhncn tn,r,", u
\.4y ïLc Warts

L - 2 E
-+-- .{f -- a
.--.rr, Forl

SêriesOverview haùe na.l. .amp in the ruins of InidN $ rô 6ldày), mise dead {!p 6 AèayI
Tô\ea læated fôu dars' ualt toùdd ê Before eûba.king on an exp.ditior
Edging 6long the eâôtêû edee of the Mere lpik,n.Int rest d patri.s should tuet ùith into tàe Mere, thê chârâcieE Heive the
t the High RoÂd, a vital and welltravei€d following items: thiee poaionô ofed.d.
routê linling Waierdeep to the northem "Reu'ads
fo. sldin ôoretere shall be À€dri,3 (or one potion oftudlird pêr PC),
t M of l4ilor ând, nonb ofthat, the city nuthorized b! sir Justin. Côld .holl be teo cle.icÈl srolb (aelrelize poàor ed
of Lakaû. Over tbe lâst sev€ral monrhs- paid b! t^e liee Merchants'Guild upôn c!æ dir@) in wat€.-ti8ht bone tubes,
ihe High Road b€fween Wâler-deep ând pruæntdtiôn of a staryEd utit fron the àù t minor nne of uote. brcdthi^g. Eæh
Lilon hàs b€€n tbrêat€ned by nonst€rs ring's magic leta only 12 dâF Êoû the
Êot the Mere. Carâvâns repôrt brutal A hândfùl of àdventurers bave already tiûè it is pom, à{ier which the ntg
attack by lizard men on catôblêps3 leti the city for Iniâ.r's Towe., a rui. loæ. it8 etuhârtnent.
EountB, Wân ii, gârgantuan bullrang3, læatêd in the f@riills eâst of tbe Mere. Ai. Jutin Mel€nltû (gth-level pal-
md will o wiaps.Theie have ev€n b€en Si Jusiin is ænding several Cftùpô into adi. ofHelm): A! LG; AC 0; MV 1? Pagi
@ùfim€d sigbtingê of a huæ blâck lizard the BWMD to rcut the moNteÉ. Thiô hD ?3; TLIACo 12 (ba8e)i llAT 3i/2; Dûg by
rkùlline thrcuAh ihe Mere. Sir J$tiû *nes explo.6 Eev€ral key Bit$ where *eâpon iw€i SD detect êvil intent (60'
Melenikù6, a Wat€.dhaviân knight anrl honstare are thought or lnoM to dwell. ranæ); imrune to dùeaq c!æ dÀ€ôæ
palÀdin ofHelfr, hâs sroM wearyorthe6e U6ing diutdr,or 6pells, the watcheru bave twicar'wæt: heâl l8 hddây; S 16 ( 18/00
attâch lnd ofered hi6 6eûi@s to th€ city. det€mined thai a gæat evil lurkô in the qitll eauatl2k of ogre pôue. ), D 12, C 15, I
Sir Jûtin ând his wat bers Gpecialty Mere, ârd that the Hent âttâck6 on the l4,W 17,Ch lgt,ML lgt pldt mail +3,
prieôts of Heln) ruently left Wâterdeep tligh Roâd âre sônehow relatêd Illutuinus (tuo-hzndzd Euord +2, +4 u&
.nd beadednorth, cbânng bandits out of undad), sauntl2h ofosft pôM.
the ruiE of tàe dênili.h Iniân's tower theæ !re 12 Pât hèrô ât Inisrr's
(on the edge of rhe Merel and tuming th€ Câup at Iniar'. Tt'ee
Towe.: iwo I 1tù-leæl priets, thæ gth-
sit€ int their encampment. When the herces arive ai Iniws Tower, level pnests, th@ ?th-level priest.3, ând
Melenikus and hi6 çàt heE have gâr- they are well fret by Si. Jùstin Meleniku. four Sthleyel pnest€. In addiiioD t their
nered enthusiætic support fror rh€ rard8 Each tiDe he sends theû into the MeE, healing 3pe1lô,th6e pnèsb ca.ry variou
ofwaterdeep, the city's Merchârtô' Guild, he promi84 to reword ther with â Eit cuntive magiq in thé fom of potions,
ùd rh€ læal AdvênrureF' Guild. In fâct, a that they caD k€ep an.l tlke bâ.k to 6dolls, ud othe. it€m8 they kæD ùder
toùie hâs ben D.sted prcminently in thê \{âteidæp to erchange for Cold coins, the gùârd. For more info@tion on the wât h-
AdveûhærÊ' Guildhâll thar Eads: amount oflhe rewa.d va.ies dependirs on en of Heln ùd their mlgic, consult the
Justin^ihus, a renoured thê paÉys decree of duccess(det€mined {op,coTaEN REÀ/JnsAdue ntups hùdbound
hniAht of Eeln, næd6 btuve dnll heaftr by tùê DM). Sir Justin also ofer6 thê fôI tmk or the lûirlrs & Aùarr âcssory
odæntuQrs to help 3ld! nonstmvs tireats In âddiiior to the prie.k, Sir Juôtin
frotu the drcodzd Men ôl Dedd Men. FelI ê Heræs who Etum to Inish lbwer h8 â .loæn 4tblevel fighteE weônng
c@ture' hdæ bæn attachinq catuDaû. oa during e adventure ûry Eeive any of plate nail dd orrying sârl& +1, lotrs
rha Eigh Roa4, slauqhtering tmaelere, and the following ontive ntaics Êon th€ iaordr +l ând 6bort bôû with quiverc of
en ld gering Wdtard.ep\ trd.le uith itt Wat he.s:.ùru AAnt @en& (up to 8/dây), nagi@l aews (alt provided by Si.
Mrthzrù reiAhborc. U^less the nonstere cure sious ùoun b (ùp 6 qèa!),.ure Jù6tin). They are stltioned 6t the bâæ
@ d.feated, oll tmde to the north @uld, blindre$ or deofres t.ùp 6 Aday), cua @mp tô piôt€ct the watcheE and guard
b. h4lt tl. Sit Jætin and his uotch.rc disedæ ltp 6 Ad6!), Mutmlia poison ltp the €mp agâirôt âttacks ffûm ihe Mere.

36 lssueNo.70

anothe. Ifthis happens, both 6ides

have the usual chances for surprise,
but the inevitâble reflrlt is combat.
If the PCs do not det€ct the Datml
flrst, the scslykird ready an âmbush
by hidins in the abundant undeF
gmwth.I'hey split into two gloups,
flâDkins the party on either side.
Each group b€Cins the attack by
launching a volley ofjâveliG and
then rwhing int melee. The PCs
must check for surpdse.
Lizard men (8): INT lovi i AL N:
AC 6 (4 with shield): MV 6. Sw 12:
HD 2+t;hp 13 eâch;THAC0 19i #AT
3 or 1; Dms ldzldzldo or by
weâpon; SZ M; ML 14; )(P 65;
MItl227; Eedium shield, javelin.
When the battle turns against the
Lizard mer,.ead or paraphrâse the

One of the seat lizards bæaLs

ftom the ffght and backÂotr He
lifts htu long snout to the sky and
braF loudly. He then lnarls and
leap8back irto the fray. You heâr
another braing soùd from far ofr
in the distancebehid you. Ànd
then snother from your left- And
anoth€r Êon the dght.

It should b€ abundartly clear to

the party that Eore lizÂrd men are
coming.They can b€ heard crmira
ftom every direction exceptthe trw-
ers.The lizâ.d men have beeûwary
of intruders ever sincethe last gioup
of âdventurers ând Mat'kar's doDûle-
gangersiDfiltrat€d their domain:
If the PCs remain and fight, rein-
forcemerts rive in 1d3+1munds.
One of the ârivils lizard men is a
pttrol l€ader Gp r7) altride â cat -
blepas.Another 1ù+r rounds lat€a a
third detachmeûtârives.
Lirard men (8): 6rme stâtisticÊ as Monhaven TowerB.As they near
the towers, they hea. tàe soundsof look6like someonehas complet€d
crashirs in the underblush behind exteruive repaiE. It also look! lihe
Catoblepas: INT ÂeDi-;AL Ni AC the tr€es and brush arcund the fort
7;MV 6; HD 6+2;hp 27;THAC015; have b€en cleâredout to two hun-
#AT I (tâil); Dms 1d6 + stu; SA In the cleârirg ahead arê the drcd yards. Sunounding the fort is
death saze;SZ L (6' tall at shoùtder); wat€rlogged Mornhaven lowerÊ. a *'icked rina of sharpenedstales,
ML r2iXP 9751MMlAg. They stsnd partly submersed in â buried in the sround and poiDting
Êmall lake,60 that only the top outward at various angleslihe a
Clutch€sof lh€ LizordMen sixty fæt or so ar€ visible above bistling briar patch. Someoûehss
Ifthe PCs head the lizard
the level of the wat€r.Ihe slick obvioNly spent a lot of tim€ and
black slâtê of each point€d Bpile is etrort forti&ing this place.
Den's t€rritory-whether votunatâri- lathered in nold and moss.
ly or as a rcsult of beinc chaÊed- Lyins in the Ûlud âroùnd the
tàey are stslkêd and hunt€d by the
On the shore ofthe lâke ûe&est fort âIe more thâû s dozend€ad
the tlwers tu â wooden foft. It lirâid men, their corps€sspeared
scâlykind until they reach the Beemssturdy, though quit€ old. It


Inspectionof the lizard man tâke sone nâgicâl measuresto sup- Lizard Mù Primr Camp
corpses outside the fort reveals that press the noise. there is â cumulative
they have been dead only â few days. 20% châncefor eâch round ofcombât If the PCs âre overwhelmed by the
Ifthe PCs âpproachthe fort, a that the rest ofthe tribe ffnds the tizard men and câptured, they are
heâd pops into view abovethe wâll of site ofthe battle. lfthis happem, the dragæd to a temporary cânp just
the fort. "Don't bother trying to nn," party is overwhelned and câptu.ed: soùtheastofthe clearins around the
ânnounces â bedraggled looking proceeddircctly to "Lizard Man Towers.Becausetheir kins hâs
dwarf, propping up his battered hel- P.ison Camp" b€low If they manâse demandèdthe pleâsureofkilling the
met so that it doesn'tfall over his to defeat the patrol before the tribe residents of the fort for hinsell the
eyes."Dam lizards have had the arrives, they have evadèd capture for scâlykind do theii utDost to take the
entire cleâring sunounded for days. the iirne beins. Befo.e they are home PCs alive. Howêver,they kill anyone
There's no way out!" Moments âfter free, the PCÊsturnble into ânother who leav$ them no other altemâtive.
the dwarfspeaks, a chorus ofbraying small patrol of four lizard men three Câptives are roushly st;pped oftheir
erupts ftom the swâmp. "Wow, âre rounds later. Once asain there is a weâpons,pâcks,pouches,and obvious
they ever iritated!" says the dwârf cumuiative 207. chancefor each hand-held items, bound with vines
from his perch. He then looks down mund ofcombat that the noise and rcots, and thrown into a pile on
iNide the fort âÊ ifdiscussing Êome- attrâcts the tdbe ând the pafty is the g?ound together PCs who make
thing with people on the cround captured. Ifby some miracle the PCs successful mpe use proficiency checks
below He looks up onceasain, and eÊcâpea secondtime, refe. to the can work thei. bonds loose in 1d3+3
his helnet falls over the right side of encounter'Free At Lastl"
his fâce,ât which point he tells the .:. Sneak away. Subtle PCs cân
You lie on the glound, yoDr pos-
PCq 'If you âglee to heip defend the sneak .ight pâst the onrushins lizard sessionsheapedtogether against â
fort, you cân come inside-"Then, mst' men to fre€dom.The humanoids are neaùy tlee trunk twenty yÂrds
te.-of-factly, the little fellow says. obsenant but are not exactly search- âwây.A dozenlizard men stand
"You d best hurry. There âre râther a ing the swâmp âs they nsh to the âround you in â ci.cle, hissing at
lot of th€m." If the PCs accept the Tow€rs. They do not notice a cteverty you and licking their teeth with
otrer and run into the compound, go conceâied palty moving quietly. A PC their forked t ngues. A much lârg-
directly "Mâk'kais Fort' below.Ilnot, usins inù;sià;lity, s;len." or â thiefls er brute cornes rnârching into view,
the dwarf looks completelybâmed. move silently skill can avoid notice, standins head and shoulders above
"Well then,
see whiz, set out ofhere," as should others hidden by illusionB the otherc. His shield is painted in
he says,both hânds holdins his hel' or other appropriate mâgicâl spells.
met out ofhis eyes."We're not going Non'masical câInouflâse like coverins "You sssmell wons." he
to waste our energy defending you if oneselfwith nud ând leavescould sursles
and hisses in Conmon.'You not
you're not corniûgins;de."And âlso be successful at the DM's discrc' sÊsmelllike the grây$skinsss." He
abruptly the little fellow drops out of tion.Ifthe PCs âre discovered,they then turns t his compânions,ges-
sight. are attacked by a patrol of eight turins ând hissing *ildly.
Ifthe pârty runÊ into the swânp. liza.d men (seeâbove).OtheNise
it should be obviousthât they will they escâpe;refer to'Frêe ât Lâst!"
encounter lizârd men unless they A few nornent8 lat€a three lizard
tâke some measuresto concealthem- .! Hide. Also â popular choice, but nan shamen âppruâchând begin
selves.There âre five strategies they risky. Unlike the previous option, this talkins with the others. Unlike the
entails the pârty hidins in one place otheE of their tdbe, the shanen weâI
.:. Surrender. PCs who Bùnender ând not moving.Any hiding place 1oD8cerebonial loincloths of bright
are escorted at Êpear-point to the within 100 feet ofthe clearing is too cloth, sem with sparklins b€ads.Two
join the livety conversation, and the
lirard men's prison camp (seebelow). close,and the PCs âre discoveredand
l. Parley with the lizard men. captured eventuâlly (prcceed to third walks over the party. He takes
Ifone or nore ofthe PCs speak "Lizârd Man Prison Camp" below). one PC âBideat randon, cârrying the
Lizard Man, they cÂn communicate Suitable hiding plâceswould be bound characterjust out of sight of
with the scalykind. Unfortunately, âbovethe tree tops (ifthe PCs can the others.lâke this player aside ând
the lizard men on patrcl are primi- fly), in any ofthe numemus little rcad him the followins:
tive and aggressive,and they do not sloushs,under â heap ofdead veseta-
The lizârd nân caries you out
negotiate with outsiders.They insist tion, or hish up in a leafy tree. Given
of sight of the others ând drcps you
thât the hero€Êsunender (see how distracted the lizard men are,
unceremoniously to the gound. He
Sunender option âbovel.Heroes who they could easily miss a quiet PC who
leâns over you with a dagger and
refuse are attacked. is well hidden. Magical concealment
+ Fight their way to freedom. begins cutting âwây the vines ât
l;ke inùÀibilit! ot phontasnal fo.ce your wdst. "I Ssij. hish shaman of
This is the least tikely to succeedbut can work âs well. SucceBsis largely
prcbably the first one thât occursto Tribe ofThree Towersss.Be sssi-
up to the DM's discretion,but ifthe
mGt people.The pariy crcssespaths PC avoids notice,refer to "Free At
The hulking scalykind finishes
with â pâtrol of eight lizard nen (see
quickly with the rcots tied aroùnd
âbovefor Btatistics)foùr munds after your ânkles, sits on his haunches,
running into the swamp. Unle$ they


and look ât you. 'Time ssshort. P7; hp 39: THAC0 16; #ÀT 3 or li Giant lizârds (2)i INT non-; AL
GrâyskiN in the fort sssteâl our Dmg ldzld2l1d6 or by weapon typei N ; A C 5 ; M V 1 5 i H D 3 + 1 ;h p 2 4 e a c h ;
tnbesÊêegg€ss.They hold esssss SZMaML 73tXP 42otMM/2271 THACO l7; fAT 1; Dmg ld8; SA swâl-
rans8som. Threaten to dessstroy shield, club (treat as moming star), low whole; SZ H (15 long)i ML 10;XP
them.lribe'Bss kitg not wânt to anulet of prcof against d.etection. 175t MM/226 lhzatd).
tissst€n.InsssteadwântÊssto Spe)lstcure liEht ùounds t\2),
attack folt ând ssslây grayskirs. entangle,sanctuqry;auqur', hold pet Mok'kor's
Ssij âfrâid crâyskins will dessstroy son, snake charm; prctection fron lire,
sumnon insècts;cloahof bîaoer|. Play this scenewhen the PCs fiBt
eggsssif kina attacksss.
"You help usss.Pret€nd to join Lizard man shâmen (21:statis- enter the fort. AB the tall wooder
tiG same âs Ssij €xcept:P3i hp 15i gâtes swing open to âdmit then, reâd
cray8kins at foft. Find eggsss.Do THAC0 2O|XP |I't MM/227; jarelin. or paraphmse the following:
not tell your friendsss. Grayskins
can reâd ninds8s. That'$s why we Spells: curc light ùound.s, entdnsle,
The 20 hich wâlls enclosinethe
can not defeât them. Grayskins faerie fi rc; obscu rcment.
Lizârd men (27): INT low; AL N; fort arc made ofthick tree trunks
.eâd tribe's$ mindss ând know our buried deep in th€ grcund. A cat-
AC 5 (4 with shield): MV 6, Sw t2;
HD 2+1i hp 13 eâch;THACo 19; #AT wâlk clinsEto the inside of the wa[
Ssù pulls a sline'covered copper At eâchcomer is â 15 tâll square
amutet from âround his neck and 3 or 1; Dms 1d2l1d2/1d6or by
weâpon type; SZ M; ML 13i XP 65r tower with two Emallertowers
plâcesit over your heâd with his flânking the sates.lnside the com-
huge clawed hands. "Wear thisss. MMl22?i shield,jâvetin, six darts.
pound are four wooden bDildinss-
Grayskiru cannot read your mind Before you is a structure with a
when you weâr thisss. Go now- Free ât Last!
wide staircaseclimbing to â set of
Help usss.' Ifthe party escapesthe lirard men, double dooB. Another half dozen
Ssij then wmps his hand almost they ar€ free to do whaiever they peopleare runnins âround the
sently"Doaround your loreârm ând wish. They nay resroup ât Iniârv s courtyârd cârrying bundles of
says, not t€ll your friendsss. ToNer,so bâck to Mornhaven Towers arrows or lit torches to thê Clards
You tell them and evil men will and the fort, or th€y cân try to find
rêâd thei nindsss. Evil nen will the lizard men's village. The dwarf shumes up behind
kill all of you. Now sol" Ifthey return to the towers, they you, limping heavily,one hand
SÊij gives yoù an encouragins are once asâin $eeted by the dwâIf hotdins the ridiculous helmet on
shovethat sendÊyou stumbling who agâin inviteÊ them into the fort. his head. 'My name is Flox," he
Ifthey accept,proceedto "Mâk'kar's Êây3,then tums to the grand build-
FoIt'below. Ifthey refuse,the little ing and calls oùt, "Mak'karl They're
Ssij sives the one PC an ûnulet of dwÂrfholle.s ât them. "Gee whizl Are
pr@f aeainst detection. 11the playet you guys stupid or something?Ifyou The great double door6open,
tries to interupt Ssù and tâlk about doD't waDt to come in, then run for and a tâll rnan in a red tâbard
the lizard man raids on the Hish walks down the steps.Followine
Roâd,SÊij waves his hands inpâ' If the PCÊseâ.ch for the lizard hin are two male elves,a human
tiently ând simply says,'Yesss,yesssl man villâge. they are walking directly female,and ânother human male.
Firssst, you help usss,then Three into the pârt ofthe 6wânp most The tall man in the red tabard
Towerssslribe s$topÊêsrâidÈss." denselyoccupiedby the Êcalykind.If stânds before you and otreB his
Th€ PC now has an ideâl opportu- they persist, they are ultimâtely dis- hand. "My name is Makkaa" he
nity to free the rest of the party and coveredand recâptured.This time, Êây6in a strong cleâr voice.
recovertàeir lost equipment.The two "Welcometo our pdson.'
nothing Ssij or the shâmen cân do
other shamen ensure that the lizard will save them. The lizard kins orders
lnen glrârd8 neither intenene nor all câptivesexecuted.their bodies fed Mâk'kar asks for detâib about the
report to thè lizârd king. The PC does to the kingt giant lizârds or dunped pDrsuins lizard men. He then intm'
have â problem, however;he must on the banks ofthe High Road as a duceshis four omcerc-Boz, Ryll,
decidehow much, if ân,.thine, he tells warning to other intrudeÊ. Cayla ând Drunn-and exptains that
his commdes.The dificulties of keep- Therc are r50 âdult lizard rnen in he and his soldie$ mâke theù living
ins thinss hidden from the r$idents the village. The lizârd kins. Ssavath, âs bodyguards, wât hmen for cara-
of the fort is dealt with later. tufer to is a savage brut€ with two giant
"Free at Lastl" vans, ând so forth. Last month, Cayla
below lizards for pets. He likes to watch as found a treâsure nâp in â librâry iû
BecâNe Ssij is workins asainst the his lizards devour captive prey. Wâterdeepthât descnbedrâre. masi-
lizard king's wishes, he cannot prctect Ssavath (lira king): INT aver- câl trcâsures hidden within the
the PCs iî they do not go to the fori. a s e( 9 ) i A L C E ; A C 3 : M V 9 , S w l 5 ; Mornhâven Towers. They knew the
To the PC with the âmulet. hê HD 8; hp 52iTHAC0 l3i #AT 1i Dmg dangersof the Mere and the denizens
imp.esses that he can only stave the by weâpontype (3d6+2 with trident)i thât lived there, but they thought
lizard kins's wrath a day or two: the SA skewer; SZ L (8 tall); ML l6i XP their company was prcpared to haD-
PCs must recover the eggs by then. 975t MM/227 | great tÂdent, rinq ôf dle the threat. (For the true stor/,
s8ij (lizard man shaman): INT
refer to "For the Dungeon Master.")
v e r y ( 1 2 ) ; A LN ; A C 4 ; M V 6 , S w 1 2 :


they could er.plore the Toweru and scrutiny of the dopptegaqers. If the
PermonencyAuro naintâin a lafe defensive position. Pcs were captured and releasedby
Lins€riig mâgical dweoner€ in th€ Much to Mak'l<âr's horror. the the lizard nen, the dopplegangprs
vicinity of the Momhaven Tow€rs lizârd man tribe was âctually several will want to know why.
have p€nnaneDtlyaltei€d the hundred shong and led by an evit The dopplegaûgers' mind-reading
etræt! of masic within one mil€ of ând relentlesslizard kins. The tizârd ability is instinctive ând operat€s
the t wers. Makla1Ê fort fatl6 men sunounded the fort and the continuously to about five feet with-
i'ithin this ar€Âofeffect. ToweB. For the pâst twelve days, out concentration. If they focus their
Any cast spel with a dùêtion Mak'kâr ând his nen have been senses,they can probe ân individual
gr€at€r than "inetântâDêou!"ha8 a fighting for their lives, tryins t! hotd up to 60 feet awây in their line of
25%chÊnc! of peEisting ind€fi- otr the lizard nen. Mak'kâr explains sisht, althoush the victim hâs the
nit€lr âs if afr€ct€dby the eishth- that they hâve killed dozens of the sâme chane to detect the intr$ion
lelel vàzard Bwll petmanencr. scalykind, and hê is lule that if they into his mind âs he doesto detect
Even spells Dot nornally subject t cân mâintain their position long scryins. The dopplegangeB know this
the pen&.nen r apell arc afrecr,fà. enough, the tribe's losses will be too and are reluctant to attempt â
thus, a flad"g spàetecast withit sreat to beâr, and they will desist.
one mile oïthe MomhaveDTowers Unfortunat€ly, he is critically short of Ssij'. anulet of pmf asainet detec
has a 25%chanceof lastiry until supplies ând nen, and he tu not sule ttoD ând no"d"t".tioD spells defy the
dhpeùed. If the tamtrg spàel€ how much lonser he cân hold out- dopplesansers'ESP âbility.
were movedoutsidê the onÈmile He asks the PCs to help him PCs who intentionally fill their
ndiu! of the p€rtuæ'at aù4, the defend his fort. He hâs no spettcast- heads with ûonsense to discourage
ers in his compâny,and their aid prcbing can conceat thèi. true
sp€ll would €nd onceit! norEal
duration had expir€d. could tum the sieg€ in his fâvor. thoughts ifthey nake a successful
A sp€ll Ender€d pennaDentby Before the PCs have a chance t Intelligence check. P8ionicists receive
th€ Momàâven Tow€r8'aurÊ csû respoûd. Flox calls to Mak'l€r from â +2 bonus due to their mentat disci-
the wâll. Mak'kar indicat€s the party pline. A rotl nust be mâde each houi
b€ dispeled eith€r by its câÊtaror
should follow him and climbs the lsd- to see whethe. the clutter can bè
W we of s.dirpel mosic o1uanà of
nac'atioz.Sp€lh cast outside the
p€Imânencyaura aE ûot r€ndeæd How the dopplegangers rcact to
Mak ker sâys, "You might not the PCs depends on how much the
p€msnent upon entering the
vicinity. believe in l{hât we're fighting for, PCs know Refer to the "It NeveÎ
but l@k at that and tell me what Cmssed My Mind" sidebâr.
SD€llswith â fixed numb€r of other choice you have but to fisht
"chairps" or'hit point€" oike stoæ- Mak'kar (7th-level liehtea humân
with us?' He pointÊ over the watl mâle): AL LE; AC 1; MV 12 (r0 in
elin and d.nor) ar€ not atrect€d to the edgp ofthe Êwâmp.
and dtusipât€aft€r delivdng or annor); F6; hp 50;THACo 14; #AT
'Ihere a.e tizard men every-
absoràingthe u€ual amoutt of 3/2 or 2r Dmgby weapon twe; S 15,
where- They stând rnotioDless ând D r 5 , C 1 6 , I l 4 , W 1 r . C h 1 3 ;M L 1 5 ;
damâg€.Mtro' inag.B remain silent in little Croups at the edge of \<P 650, tand of negdtion 6 charye6),
until struck or disp€lled.Sp€UE the foreÊt. How many hundreds of pLdtc mail + 1, lons bow, Iong sword
lrith delayedetr€cts,such as "l
them âre hidins in the tlees? +l (speciâlized;+r to hit, +2 damase),
delawd blast fireball, aæ not ask you aeain,' sâys Mâkkar.
afiect€dby the aura. gpells that short sword, dasse.
"what other choice do you have?"
triss€r a suddenor r€p€ating Boz, Ryl|, câylâ, and Dum
($eater dopplegângers ): INT very
instùtsneous eflect oike Mefs (12):AL LE; AC 4; MV 9; HD 6; hp 45,
acid.amù, slittzrd.wt, shocking The lizard men âre massins for
another attsck. Mak'kar tetls Flox 36,24, 23; THACo l5; #AT 1; Dmg
s@p, flane amu, tur of enfeette- (one ofthe normal dopplesângeft in rdr2 or by weapont!"e; SA shape
mùL aadMeltu minutz meteon)
are not alt€rêd, êither. dwaryen €trise) to escort the PC8 change, tSP; SD iDmune to sleep or
The p"rÆr"n ? aura hâ3 no arcund the fort. Flox introduces them chârrn;save as Fr2; SZ M; ML r5 (13
eflect on nâgicâl itsns with the to the other membeB of Mâk'hat's if Mâk'l€r is stain); XP 975: MIW60
compâny ând exptains the bâsic fort (modilied):chain mail, lons sword,
exceptionof prot€ction scrols and
BD€lls.mlh. defeûses. He then escortÊ the PCs to long bow. dagger
their quart€rs (arca 6). In the meù- Dopplegângers (1?): tNT very
time. Mak'kar and htu ofiicers make ( 1 1 ) ; A l -N E ; A C 5 ; M V 9 ; H D 4 ; h P 3 5
Makkar curseshis retinùe's rûiÊ- plans for the coming raid. ( x 2 ) . 2 8 ( x 4 ) , 2 2( x 3 ) .1 8 ( x 5 ) ,1 2 , 8
fortune. When they let up camp ât Ftox encoùrâses the PCs to reÊt for {x2)iTHAC0 1?;#AT 1; Dmg 1d12 or
the edgeof the lâke, the lizârd men a while before sunset, at which time by weâpon typei SA as âbove;SD
launched ân imnediate âÊsault. Mak kar âssisns th€m defenÊive posi' immùne t sleepand càdrm; savesas
Mal'kâr clâims proudly thât hi8 men tions âlong the wall. F 1 0 ;S z M ; M L r g ( 1 1 i f M â k ' k a r i s
foùght well but confesses thât he tost The PCa are free tô explore the slain);)(P 420; MMl60; chain mail,
five Êoldiers driving off the scalykind. fort until nishtfall, which shoutd lons sword, long bow' dâsset
Mâk'kar then odered his men to leâve them most ofthe day. However,
repair and restore the fort so that they are constântly under the subde

40 lssuêNo.70

EncoùrteE in the Fo.t

r. Tbw€rs. Standins atop these l5
tall woodenplatfoms are 1d3 dopple' Mak'kat's Fort
sansers amed with lons bows. These
gua.ds moDitor the lizard men sur- Onesquare=5feet
Inside eâch tower âre three dozen
ârrows in a rotted woodenchest.

2. Parapeb. These walkways run

along the inside of the entire wall.
The oùt€r wâll comes to a height of
fou. feèt above the catwalks. Each
wall is patrolled by at least one
dopplegânger ârmed with a long bow

3. Bârrack8. these simple rooms

house ftom 2-g soldiers. Each room
contains a single bed with a moth-
eateDmathess; other @cupantssleep

The centre mom on the eæt side

haê a woodênbox hiddên ùndêr â pite
of blankets on the floor. The box is
full of dried ând shrivelled humân
ears.The owner, Orax, is â sadistic
dopplegang€r who collects mementos
ftom his victims. The dopplegangers
do not like strangers nosins ârcund
in the; quarters, so t]le PCs m$t be
disùeet ifthey wâût to seârchthe
rooms, especially the ones fâcing the

4. Me3s Ha[. The south part of this single wooden bed on the verge of the dozenchaiB in the mm, only
room is filled with old benchesand collâFe, â woodêntable (no châir), two ârc unbrcken. They and fivê
rables set with heâvily rusted tin ând â decrepit chest ofdrawers. The woodencrates provide seâting around
plates and sp@ns.The northern half northwestem room (area 7A) iÊ
is a crude kitchen with a geat stone Mak'kâr's ând contâins pile of rum- Here is where Mâk'kâr ând his
pled clothes shovedunder the bed, officers plar their defenses.discuss
fireplâce and â chaotic pile ofclây
and two simple golden rings (100 gp the best use oftheir dwindlins sup-
each)on the table. Boz lives in the pli€s, and plot their escape.Despite
5. Dry Stores. Fortunat€ly for the southwest4rnroom (area 7B), and the dire circumstances, Mak'l€r has
company, this rcom was cmmmed full has a BecretBtâshofsens (250 gp, insisted on prcper decorum and orga-
of sùpplies whên they first discovered 200gp,50sp,3 x 10sp) in a snâll nizâtion. During the day, Mak'kâr
the fort. The.e a.e still boxes of nails, cloth bas stufTedinto â sap beteeen and his lieutenants spend rnost of
hâmmeÊ, sâws,axeÊ,coils ofrope, the noor ând the wall behind the their tirne here.Th€y do not take
and kegs of târ (hârd âs a rock). Atso dres6er.The northeastem room (area kindly to interruptions ând demand
heapedhere âre sâcks of flour ând 7C) is shared by Cayls and Ryll, and that intruders leave immediately.
it contains personâl effectsbut noth-
dried rice, boxesofsalt, and other
niscellaneous dry soods. ins ofvalue. Dùnn's roon (area 7D) 9. Cold Storë. This buildins is pad-
lies to the southeast.Under his bed is locked shut, and Mak'kar caries the
6. Sbbles. This âreâ was used as the pâintêd shield of a lizâd man only key. The lck can be picked with
patrol leâder-part of Dunn's dis- normâl chance€for succêss.Ifâny of
sleeping quarters when space was
sho.t. It is now unused ând has been srise when he ând several others the companyis asked why the build-
infiltrated the lizard nan villase. ins is locked,they Êimply say it con'
set aside for the party. The noor is
tains food supplies.(Mak'kâr ctains
covered with â senerous layer of dry
8. War Room. Stairs lead up to this he must mtion the remâining f@d-
.oom which is dominated by an stuffs and does not fully trust his
7. Officêrs' Quartels. These rooms immensê woodentâble coveredwith soldie.s with the iDventory )
pâpers. One of the legs ù nùsing, so Inside the r@n is a nearly empty
are larger (though little bett€r) than
the soldieE barracks. Each has a the table is suppoded by â barrel. Of bâg of presewed meat, a half tull cask


Ifthe PCs decideto use the dine'r'

lf N€verCrossedMy Mind this point on, PCs find it difiicùlt to
sion doo., there are a few thinss they
move about uMoticed. No mâtter
Mak'ka16 dopplegâtg€rÊ expect the where they go, one of the compaûy need to remember In â fort this size,
PCs to be suspiciouê. However, they âlwâys seems to hâve â reâson to be it won't take long for them to be
might be âlarmed tô l€am, for exam- neârby, wat hing then. missed,so eitàer a few PCs explore
ple, thât the party has found th€ n If the PCs swpect Matlâr's while the rest maintain appearances
lizard man eegs (area 9) or the company of being dopplegEngers. the above gound, or the €ntire group
impriËoned tanar'ri (area 22). How c.eatures are distrùsrful. The goes,but for only a briefperiod.
they react to the paûy depends on doppleganAers know thât the pârty A wand of nesation or a dispel
what the PCs know ùd how much is figuring out t}le truth. Mâk'kar's maaic cast against l5th'level spell
they let slip. compâry keep6 coûstârt wat h on use dispels the din€nsron doo..
If the PCs make â corcert€d the PCs. Wherever tbe PCÊ go, two
efrort to conceal their thoushb, the ol three doppleganærs openly stare TheMornhovenTowers
DM should ask thât each PC mâke at them from the walls, yard, or
an Intelligence check each hour. The ongins ofthe elven sisters who
Psionicbt PCs receive a +2 bonus to * Ifthe PCs sneak into area I oncelived in these t wers is lost to
the roll. history They were said to be powerful
ard find the dtneuston door portâI,
Each time a charact€r fails htu or wizards who actively fouAht for the
the dopplegangers ârc ,àædteDin8,.
her Int€lligence check, there tu â 1- cause of sood. All that remaiDs of
Mak'kar's company reâlizes thât the
in-G chance thât â doppleganser them now are their toweE and Bome
rcs know too much. The PCs are
picks up some incriminâtins thousht lingering dweomers.
t ld to remâin in the fort and help
âûd reportâ it to Mak'kar. (If sev€ral The sisten abandonedthei. homes
defend it asainst the lizard men;
PCs fail their lnt€llisence checks, shortly âfter irnpnsonins â nabass'r
thæe who refuse are confiDed. Thos
roll 1d6 for each failed check.) Any who attempt to $cape or evâde @n- tanâr'ri that was râvasine the Sword
rou of I indicates that a dopple- Coâst.To câgeii, they built ân under-
finement are attâcked or alriven out.
garger hâs Bucc$sfir]ly detected ân l. If the rcs founC the lizard sound wardins châmber, then seâled
incriminating thought ând immedi- the tower They then attempted to
mên's eegs or the tâilarT trâpped in
at€ly repo.ts it t Mak'kâr. The sink the towers bèneath the g"ound
the Momhâven Towers, Makl€r'Ê
dopplegângers' reactions depend on and Bealthem in st ne so thât no one
doppl€gans€rs are âosttl€. The com-
psny attacks the PCs outrisht. Ifthe could ever releasethe tânairi. This
.:. If the PCs met with th€ lizard wâs only partly successful. Ttte mas-
fisht tums asainst them, Mak'kù
men and tâlked to Ssij, the dopple- sive block of bedrock that partly
and his otræE flee via the nâgicâl
gangers are cautioùs Within an portâ] in eea L In this case, refer tn engulfs the southem tower extends
hour, Makkar ord€B the company tô 'Mâkkâr's Læt Stârd." east for miles all the way to the
moDitd the PCs discreetly. From warts- Ove. the centu.ies, thê two
northem tîwers flooded ând fell into
disrepâir, ând they âre now on the
of red wine, a dozenwrinkled v€seta- ago but rendered perrnanent by the verge of structual collâpse. They are
bles,a burlap sack with six onions lingenng mâgic of the Momhaven completelyenpty and are not
inside, and six barrels oflanp oil (five Towers. The portal's âperture is a des$ibed here, thoush the DM is free
are empty and one is â quarter full). shinrnerin& 7 tall,3 wide rectansu' to detail them as he sees fit. The
Against the west wall is a srnâll lâr plane leadins to area r0 in the southern tower, howeve., by vi.tue of
unlocked che6t that holds the dopple' Momhâven Towers. its being seâled,hâs remained dry.
gangers' treasure. Inside âre 270 pp, The o{TceB have told the wall Becauseof the intæNe mâsical
five identicÂl Âmethysts worth 200 g! $rards to keep ân eye on the building wards suardins the tanarï. the
each (or 1,200g! for the Betl,and six but not to be obvious about it. They entire southem tower is vircually
snall white peârls (100 gp eachl. don't wânt to draw the pârty's suspi- bathed in preseFative magics.These
At the north end of the room is the cions.Unfortunately, the position of speUs have persisted for centuries
wêll, ân 8 hole in the sound with a the door makes it impossibleto keep dùe to the penanency âurâ thât
winch ând bucket assemblybuilt into uder constant obsenation. If the encâpsulates the three towers. Thus,
the rooi The water levet is 12 feet PCs wât h the guards' routine, they even though the contents are impos-
can qùickly determine that every 10 Êibly old, nuch ofwhat is inside is
Immersed in 15 feet ofwater are minutes (one tum), there are two stiu in Êe iceableshape.This also
48 ivory-coloredspheroidsâbout the minutes when no suârds cân see the neans that everl'thing in the tower
size ofcantaloupes.These are the doorwây.Ifwhâtever they do to gâtn
tizârd men's essÂ.they âre invisible âccessto the building is qui€t ând The furnishings and decorations of
ftom aboveunless soneone holds a takes less than two rounds, they may the tower âre vâluable ifthe PCs
light sourcedirectly âbovethe watel enter noticed.They might also otrer could deviÊe some wây of first setting
Althousb futly submersed, the eees to cover gùard duty for the soldiers them out of the tower and then trans-
âre intact ând salvageable- or the north wâll for â few hourc. If portins them acmss the Mere t
A din€nsion doo. has fomed in they âre noticed,the $rards shout ât Wat€rdeepto sell then. Since this is
front of the well-a spell câst years them to set âwây ftom the door. ublikely and morc trouble thù it's

42 lssueNo.70

worth, only the more po able vâlu- 13. KitchêL Against the eâst wall is
ables are it€nized here.Ifthe playe$ another stone fireplace without a
insist on looting the tower ihe DM chimney.The remainins walls âre
linêd with Bhelvesand cupboards,all
filled with cookins ut€nsils, spoiled
South TowerMair L€v€l foodstuffs,and neatly fold€d towels.
More foodstuffsand supplies are
ro. Sittirg Room. The .i;neDs;on stored in â snâll closet pantry In the
door leadins back to Mak'kar's fort center oflhe kitchen stands a gleât
mânifests itselfin the south corner of wD.ktable with â shining metal
the chamber An empty stone fire- cleaver (a datrd dr. +.?)buried deeply
plâce dominâtesmost ofthe southern into the tabletop.The trail of boot
wall. âfld the rest ofthe roon is prints ieadBto the western door
taken up by five chairs with thick
orânse cushion6and smâll tables 14. Linen Clæet. Sevenl neat
plâc€dher€ and theieiâtop one ofthe stacks ôfduÊty white towels are
tables rests ân empty wine glâsB. stor€d on shelvesin this roon. On
A trail ofnuddy boot prints leâds the floor sre a iwelve bottles ofper-
lrot the dimension d@t portal ùo the fumes, âromatic oils, ând exotic liquid
*eslem doo. There is nothing of soaps.Thes€ are particularly vâlu-
intde6t here, except that the fire' able, worth 200-300 8p ۉch to the
placehâs no chinney flue. Lightins a right buyer. Fortunately for the PCs,
fire in the heâfih .eveâ16that the the bottles âre made ofthick glass
smoke is nasically displâced-one of and resist b.eakâse as ifthey were
many lingering enchantmentsplâced metâI. taaning in one comer is a Dop
o/Aiàai the comftând word, "Pravap,'
is €tched into tbe hândle.
ll. Dntry Hall. At the north end of
ihis grand hâllway, a wid€ stairc$e 16. Servânh' QùarteE. This rooft
ascendsto the next level.A massive contâins three beds,thre€ chairs, a
chândelier ol crystal ând b.ass hanss desk. â ûârdrobe, and a silve.-framed
from the ceilins, with dozensof banging mir.or. The desk and
crackedyellow candlesheld precan- wardrobe âre filled with worthless
ously in thei holders.A red cârpet apparcl and p€rsonâl ellècis.
runs lhe lensth ofthe hall and âll the A larye sack offlour is spilled in a
way up the stâirs. Conspicuously pile on the floor It looks unremark-
absent is â d@May in the south wall. able, but the enchantmentsofùhe
,The tower entrance was maelcally lower hâve given it life. It is, in fact,
seâledbefore the tower sank.l Again a kind ofsandling thâl fearlessly
thcre is nothing ofinterest here, attacks anything thât enlers the
althoueh th€ muddy trâil of bo{,t !oom. lt has no treasure and docs not
prints goesdirectly to the west.door. pursue b€yondthe room'sconlines.
Flour stndling: INT non'iAL Ni
r2. Dining Room. This roon is in AC 3: lvIV 12; HD 4; hp 18;TIL{CO
ru)ns.A snâshed chandelier lies in l7;#AT lj Dmg 2d8: SA surprise; SI)
the niddle ofthe noor where it fell immune to slêep,.io.n, and Àold
onto the dinins table that collâpsed s p e l l s tS Z L t M l , T i X I ' , 1 2 0 :M M l l 0 2
under the weight. The collâpsing (elem€ntâI,earth'kin-variânt).
tâb1ein turn snâppedmost ofthe
chairs thât were tucked underneath 16. Bedroom. A sand fôur-poster
tt. The room is bathed in shattered bed with bight red silk curtains and
glass,splinters ofwood, and bits of shinins white silk blankets stands
stumng from the cushions. agâinst the $est wall. On each side is
West ofthe door agâinst the nolth an el€sârt end table with a dry ând
$all is a china cabiner stackedwirh non'funcrional oil larnp.A reclinins
20 place BettinAsofyellowed china. In sofa with red cushions lâce6the b.d.
the drâwers beneath are 20 heavily The lamps are naAicâli ifihey qre
târnished set of silverwarè The filled with oil and lit, th€y burn indef'
muddy boot irâcks leâd to the north initely wilhout consumingthe fuel,
but only so long as they renain
within thepe.rirnen.? .ffect of th€
Mornhaven Towers.


A tâll wardrobe holdÊ âll manner vârietieÊ offlutas. and r5 violim.

Eâch is set up in fmnt of its own from floor to ceiling.
of garments: dresse8,shoes.blouses,
châir ând mu8ic stand. Ail of the there is what tooks like a shâl-
pants, scaNes, gloves, hats, and so on.
string5 are so blittle thât they br€ak low' circular moat runnins the cir-
Unfortuately, they are hundreds of
yeals out of styl€ and so old and frâg- if plucked. and the metal instruments cumference ofthe morn about t€n
feet fiom the wall. A continuous
ile that they fall apat when hând]ed. âre tâmiGhed beyond restoration.
st.eam ofwât€r flows into it
In the back southwesten comer,
20. Librâr:y. This room is filled vith thmugh a hole in the ceilins, pour-
ùder a pile of sanents is â simple
b@kshelves that rcach nearty t the iIIg down â drain to the south. The
woodenchest. It is unlocked and
ceilirg. A sreat many book have entire surface ripples with tiny
inside is some'petty cash'for house-
been removed, as therc are large gaps waves as if the floor iB vibratins
hold expenses:100 sp. One of the gar-
between tomes on the shelveÊ.A few slishtly. You can see the stone bot
ments appeârs tô be a black cloak but
tom of the moât is elaborately
is actuâtly a cloaker. tt does not hours of searching rev€als that some-
caned in â geometric pattem of
attack unless physically dtuturbed. one took a greât deâl of care t
remove all ofthe truly interesting intêrlo.king squares.
Cloâken INT hish; AL cN; Ac 3
(1); MV 1, Fl l5 (D); HD 6;hp 36; volumeÂ, leâving b€hind hunùeds of Beyond the moat, the fl@. is
infonâtive bùt useleÊs votumd of inlâid with a wide circular band of
THAC0 15;#AT 2 + Âp€cial;Dmg
common intereEt literatùe. A sooll black marble thât is turther inlâid
1d6/ld6 + special;SA encdfvictiDsi
vtith the dispel masi erd lty sp€lls is with solden run6. There ffe per'
moaning; SD mânipulate shadows; SZ
tucked into one of the old tôrnæ. haps two doæn syrnbols set int
Li ML 74. XP l.40Oi M M/44.

2r. Laborâtor:y. This room contain8 At the center of the room stands
r7. Bâthing Room. A ceramic
the pillâr of lisht. Suspended
bath tub is buitt into the fioor of this several tables cove.ed with alcheni-
cal equipment, dusty but neatly motionless inside the light i3 â dor-
room. The entire mom is decorated
ârrânged. While âll of the reagent€ mant shape, so ude ably dark
with various shâdes of blue tiles. In
hâve long since€d, spoiled, that it seemsto pull the illumina-
the nolthwest comer is a larse metal
or tumed t! dust, the equipnent tion inside itsell bending it.
stove with three green copp€r kettles
on top. This st ve is missins a chim- itself is in excellent shâpe. Amons the
The masical auras in this mom,
ney flue but has no need of one (see dozens of boxes of spoiled powders
rcndered pemùent by the natue of
aEa l0 for details)- The tub is fflled are five boxes of powdered platinum,
worth a totâl of 300 gp. the vicinity, are so stmng they can be
with cold wât€r that hâs become felt by anyone capable of câstins wiz-
enchanted over the mâny centudes of
ard sp€[s. Further, a detect e,;l spell
exposure to the mâgic ofthe t wer South Torrêr-Top Floor reveals the prcsence of evil concen-
lwo water weirdÊ live in the tub, trât€d in the cent€r of the pillar.
foning in two rounds to attack any- the t p floor (not depict€d on the
map) has the sâme dimensions as the The neature inside the pillâr i3 a
floors below, but the ceilins peaks nabâssutanalri, trâpped behind
Water weirds (2): INT very; AL
high ove.head. Dudns the day, sun- multiple war&. It is completæly
C E ; À C 4 ; M V 1 5 i H D 3 + 3 ;h p 2 0 , 1 5 ; beyond his power to lree it€eu or to
THAC0 15;#AT 0; Dmg nil; SA tight streâms thmush holes and
gâshes in the roof Durins the night, manipulate others toward the deed . . .
dmwnins;SD sutrers oûly I hp dam- at least for the time being-
age fron piercing/slâshins weâpons; the tower becones home to dozens of
half damag€ fion fire: refoms two harmless swamp flæflies.
Once a beautitul garden of eaotic 22À For€e Field. Running along the
rounds âftér beins teduæd to 0 hp;
nowels and lush tre$, everrthins is outside of the noat is â cylindrical
SZ LtML l3iXP 42oi MM|7O4 (êle- ûali o//o.ce that extends fmm noor
meDtâI, wâter'kin)- now long since deâd.
tô ceilins. The Doll o//orce, rendered
pemaneDt by the lingerins masic of
18. Storsg€ Clo6et. The room is South Tower-Dungeor
the Momhaver Towerc, can be
fflled with metâl shelves, clammed hought down simply by sayins
22. the Wardirs chamber, The
with spoited food and wine lons since "Liberâtus Infemurn." The Ddll is
exact description of thtu room varies
tumed to vinegar. There is an open iestôred by sayins'I case thee."
depending on whât circumstânces
trap d@. in the noor with a ladder A d;rpel na€dc has no elTect on the
leading down t! area 22. blirg the pârty here. If they are
exploring this room on their own for ualL of force. A tdnd of nesdtion low-
the fi.Êt time, read the following: ers the rrdii for 3d6 roundsi a rod o/
South ToweF-S€coDd L€vel cr'næILdtion or disintegrute spell
You ctimb dom the ladder into destroys the ao, uttetly.
lS. Coftert Hall, A row of comfort-
a circular châmber 100 feet across
abte chairs with thick cushions lines ând about 15 leet high. T'he room is
the cwed out€r wall of the room fâc- 228. Moat. The moat is not a bârrier
lit by â column of blue lisht that to anyone but the tânar'i it€elf ând
ing the stâirs. Aransed in the rniddle
êtânds in the exact ænter of the can be crossed sinply by wadins
of the chamber are two piânos. a
room. The out€r wal]s arc lined throush it. To hêak the ward, the
harp, three kinds of lut€s, live differ'
with black tâpestries that stret h hole thmush which the water ûows
ent horns. neârty â dozen different

44 lssueNo.70
lHt osss

into the moât must be plugged. With inmunities;MR 50%;SZ M (7 tâll); Roùds 1-3: The PC heroeshave
the source stoppered, the moât dries ML 15;XP 10,000;Pr"4xrsc4Pt MC two roùds to preparespells.draa
up in two roùnds. Resbring the wârd Append.i t / 106 ltanar' i). weapons,and moveinto position
is simply a mâtt€r of unplugging the amund the breachin the wall. Durins
hole, after which time the moat relills Altock of lhe LizordMen this time, they can seeMak'l€r's men
to a 6:depth in ten rounds. fishting the lizârd king's giânt liza.ds
Twenty-four hours aft€r the PCs infit-
22C. Circle of Black Marbl€. The trate Mak'kar's fort, the lizârd king Giant lizar& (2):INT non-;AL
circie of blâck mâùle is inlaid with declares that there will be no turther NiAC 5i MV 15;HD3+1;hp24 each;
solden runes. The runes â.e nagical, negotiâting vith the fort's defenders TIIACo 17;#AT 1: Dms 1d8;SA swâl-
ând each one nesat€s â pârticulâr ând commandsthat every livins low whole;SZH (15 tons);ML 10;XP
spell within the circle's conlines. The thing iNide the fort be slain. He has 175:MM/226 llizard).
followins sp€lls do not function inÊide given up âny hope of recoverins the
rhe clrcle: dafinesê 15' radius, dinen- hibe's eg$ ând is driven purety by Round 4: The first wavercachesthe
sion dooa energr dnin, sate, inîaui. the lust for blood. $ij believes that breachin the eâstemwâIl ând tries
sion, inùisibilitr, ph6e dooa plane therc is still â chânceto save the to force its way throush. The âttâck
shift, rcgeneftte, silence 15 rddius, hâtxhery. What€ver Ssit's int€ntions, palty consistsof24lizard men,one
telepoît, teleport uithout erm4 aD.l. the vast najority of th€ lirard men pâtrol leadeaonesubleaderand
udmpirtc toacà.Additoml ruûes pre- are followins the kinds orders and do Ssavaththe lizard king-Their strate-
vent creatures fiom entenng or leav- their utmost to tâke the fort. gy tu simple: âttâck en mdsse.
ins the circle viâ the Astrâl or The lizad men hâve prepared a During this time, the party can see
Ethereal Plane. new strat€gy fo. taking the fort. other lizârd men slipping thmugh the
Anyone can walk into or out of the Hidd€n in the swamp 200 yards from out€r defenses,though they quickly
circlè withour ham. Damasins the the fod âre two mâssive sling-shot disâppeârftom view.0hese spend
circle hâs no etrect on the symbols, âs mechanisms.Upon the lizard kinds the battle searchingthe fort for the
the darnâged ma.ble refoms in a command.the scalykind use these to stolenesss,attâckinsany nonlizard
fire two huse tree trunh at the east man they encounter.)
watt. The bissiles comehurtling out Sôavsth (lizârdkins): tNT aver-
22D, Pilar of Light. The pillâ. of of the ùderbrush with no wârnins âge(9);AL CE;AC 3; MV 9, Swim 15;
btue lisht is whât actually keeps the and slam intr the wall. HD 8; hp 52;TIIACo 13;#AT 1; Dns
tanar'ri in stasis.The radiance is gen- When the hees hit the wall, there by weapontlTe (3d6+2with trident);
erateà by s talisn nn of pure sood is a deâfening cræh âs wood splinte.s SA skewer;SZL (8 tâll); ML 16;XP
ernbedded in tàê fl@r uDder his feet. so nying through the âi. like .ain- 975i MMl227i great tàdent,.i"4 of
Removing the talisman frcm its niche ùops. The cent€r t€n fe€t of thê eâst
in the floor is â simple matter; how- wall disintesrat€s under the concus- Lizard nen (24):INT low;A-LN;
ever, doing so deâctivât$ the sta8is sion, and the rest of the Etructure AC 5 (4 with shietd);MV 6, Swim 12;
field ând awakens the tânâ1.i. heaves inward- Alyon€ in the middle HD 2+l; hp 13 eâch;THÀC0 19i#ÀT
The sist€rs built one fftal safety ofthe wall when the loss hit sufiers 3 o. 1; Dng 1dZ1drr1d6or by
featue into the wardins so that no 4d6 hp damage froD the impact and weapontype;SZM; ML 13;XP65;
one coùld release the nabâssu with- is thmwn heavily t the grcud MMl227;shield,javelin,six darts.
out their knowledge. When the pillar inÊide the fort for ânother 2d6 hp of Lizârd man patrol leâder: hp l7;
is deactivat€d,a messaseis delivered dâmae€. PCs stânding anlvhere else statistics otherwise identical t nor-
to every human, eli dwaf and snome on the câtwalk are still thrown for
within a mile of this châmber by 2d6 hp damas€ unless a successful Lizs.d maD sub-leader: HD 4;
me^ns ot a pernanent @hÀ Dexterity check is made. hp 24;THACo 17;XP 120;lons
rind spell-The messasestâtes: "?le Sæotrds latêa dozens oftizard men sword, shield; statistics ot}leMise
tanar'ri has beenunleaehed.." swârm out of the wâtêr to rush the identicâltô nonal lizard man.
There should be absolutely no east wall. A few roun& later hopins
qu$tion in any PC's mind that what thât guârds fiorn the south are pulted Round 6: Ssij,the liza.d rnan
ever is caged here should not be away t defend the breâch, Êeveral shamân,casb pldrt g.outà at the
releasedunder any circusteces. more lizard men surye out of the baseofthe breachin the eastem
with all ofthe wards cuûently in southern swamp tâ âttâck the Inâin wall. He waits until $avâth, the
place. the party iÊ freê to explore, sate. PCs hear Mak'kar scr€âming at lizùd kins, is in the fort beforecom-
l€ârn the nâture of the room, ând t}leD, "If tho6e reptiles set inside, pleting the spell, thus trappirg him
developa healthy fear ofthe thing we'.e all as gmd as d€ad!' inside.
inprisoned in the icy lisht. Mâk'kâ1Ê compâny strugsles to By the end of thê mund,â mâsÊive
Nabâsôu t$a/ri: INT hish: AL hold o the âttâckers ât tàe heach and inpossibly thick wall of vines
CE;AC -3;MV 12, Fly 15 (C); HD and cannot pmvide reinfor€ements- chokesthe hole and fills it completæly.
?+16;hp 54; +AT 3; Dmg 2d4,/2d4l3d4 th€ bâttle happens âs follows unless ïhe barrier is tishtly entwined and
or by weapoû t}?e +7; SA &dtà gæe the PCs âccomplish som€thing to as hard as iron. Anyone stânding in
r/day, paralyration, spêll-like abili- the brcach is thrown inside the fort
ties; SD +1 or bett€r to hit, tânâr'ri as the vines burst out ofthe sround.


liztnl ntenadtoncctowrcl thepalisadesof Mak'kar'sJort.

The battleis btguttos vLttgL'litl

Ssij rlizârd mrn shtùrn : lNl' ifho attâcks them from the towers or Mqk'kor'sLostSiond
l e r y r 1 2 r i A L \ r A ( . 1 :N \ ' 6 . s N l 2 r
P T i h pi l g i T H A (0 l { i i } À l i l o r l : L i z a r d m e n r 2 4 ) :l . \ - T l o r v i A L N i Féâring thc imminenl loss ofthe fort
D m g l d 2 , l d 2 / l d 6 o r b ! i L t a p o nl l p t : - A ( ' 5 L . lw i r h s h i e k l r :M v 6 , S w n n l 2 i to the scâlykind- IIâk kâr and his
SZ I'l: I'll. lil: XP .120ir}/,Y,22î: I I D 2 + l i h p l 3 e â . h ; I ' H A C 01 9 i + A T remarning oIïcers l;ght th€ir war
s h i e l d .d u l r t r e a t a s m o r n i ù ! . 1 s ! :rù l l o r 1 i D m g l d 2 / 1 d 2 / 1 d 6o r b y into area I,leaving lhe other dopplc-
S p e l l " : . u1 1l a ' l r 1r ! ù n . / s r ! 2 r . rvcaponrypei SZ M: ML 13rXP 65r eaneers to fend ior ihemselvcs.Any
entangb, nùùtuaB: augx^, holl p.r MIt122?r shield,jalelin, six dârts. PCssho $ish tojoin Makkar âre
s a k .s t u h e t h a ù ù : p k ù t 1 g n r t h . p ù ) Lizard man patrol leade8 r2): wclcoftei he reassureslhe PCs that
t.ctûn ft!ùi fiù: rlirùtatùr1. h p l ? ; s t a t i s t i c so t h c r { i s e i d e n t i c a lt o the s.âlykind lvill find lheir eggs salè
â n d s o u n di n t h e s e l l . M a k k a r p l a n s
Rounds 6-10: Ssâvath and his lizâd Lizard mân wsr leaderr HD iti to collapsethe di'iensn 1"o. in
mcn, ttâpped by Ssij sPla,t ir,rx.lft h p 3 6 rT H A C o 1 5 :X P 4 2 0 i L o D g area 9 usins his ..ûn.1 d/ negotioù.Ht
s p e l l ,f i g h t t o t h c d c a t h . l h e l i z a r d sNord. shicldi stàtistrcs otb.r$ise docs this once he ând his officcrs are
king is evil and blindthi.sty SsÙ idcDtical lo normal lizard nran. slfely through the other sidc.Thc
hop€sthar Ssavdlh. deprivcd ofrcin- lizard ûe. will be unable to pursue
fo.cemcnts,*ill be -dâin in thc ba le Rounds l4-15: Ssij uses â dtritulion
before the sec.Dd $av. oflizard mcn spell lo ascertain i{hcther or not Mrk'kâr plans to avengehis defeât
breachestbe mâin sat.. Ssii holds S s a v à t hh â s b c c n s l a i n i U n l e s st b c bt ùnleashing the tanâr'ri and send
back tbe .emâinine ljzârd men PCs intervene. the dôpplegângerswill ing it out to destror the lizard men.
1 a l û o s t2 0 0 o f t h c n r p . n d n t g t h e s u c c e e idn k i l l i n g t h e l i z a r dk r n s . l Nlakkar uses his ?.dnd o/n"ealio,
out.oneofthc batil. Ssij thcn uscs his sr,.lùd,--r spell to lowcr the doll.y'/àr.. in thc ward-
!o approàch and enter thc fort unâc ing châmber (ârea 22). thcn removes
Round rr: The secoDd $ a ! . r2 1 msted. With the lizard king ùâpped the tolisnan o/pù.. good that keeps
lizard mcn- r$1) pâlrol leadcrs.and or dêâd inside thc fort, Ssij t.ies to the evil nâbassuin stasis Once
o n e ù ! r l c a d e r rb f e a c ht h c m l i n conta.t the PCs,persuâding them to rêle$ed, the tanar'ri aÊaeêslo help
help rctncve the eggsand thus €nd tlakkâr in exchangeIi). its freedom.
sares.TheI immedrately bcgin Once permitted t{, leave th€ protec-
searchingfor thc tribes cggs,artâ.k
ing ân)one who stands in thei. $a): tivc wards ofthe
TheJhùrl thcDjalelins âr anlone tanar'ri turns on Mâk'kar and his

46 lssueNo. 70

o{ïcers (and any PCs who are pre- arc mdimum awârds, and the DM
sent), rendins them limb from lirnb. shoùld reduce them as he seesfit.
AITê. tùnins on Makkâr and his
followels, the nabassusoes searchins
W}len the PCs return to Inian's
Tower,SirJustin is amazedby their
fo. more human victims so thât it
may achieve mâturity ând .etun to
story and Btunned at the intricat€
power structures that exist in the Index!
the Abyss. Ifit can lind no human Mere. The leaders ofwâterdeep might
prcy in the Tower,the nabâssutele- decide thât it is b€st to keep on g@d Lookiùg for the perfect elsewhere,terrorizing som€ tems with the Three Towers Tribe by adventure?A complete
other comer of the R€alms. sêndine experienced diplomats to
deiiver valuâble sifts to Kins Hossk. index of everymodule
Concludinglhe Adveniure OfcourÊe,HosBkis nore likety to publishedin DL'NcEoN'
receiveguestsif they âre accompa- Advenrlresis now available
R€sârdlessofwhen it occu.s,the nied by peoplethe tribe alrcady recoA,
lizard nen tnally overrùn thè fort, nizes as allies,like the PCs. on the TSR websitelThe
pe.haps while the party is in the There is also the matter ofthe Dr,NGroNindex lists the
ùower confmntins Mak'kar. If the PCB nabassu.Once word sets out âbout modulesby issueand gives
helped the lizârd nen securetheir what is imprisoned under Momhâven
esgs and the lizâ.d kins wâs slain in Towers,there will be those who wânt
all the information you
the battle, the PCs are spâred- to 8eethe tanar'ri destroyedor ban- need:levelsof play,setting,
Once the eg$ âre foùnd ând the ished and others,like Mak'kaa who climate,pagelength,and
fori secured, PCs still inside the fort seek to control it. Justin might ask
â.e apprcâchedby severâl lizard men
the charactersto destroy the fiend or
ând â lizârd nan wâr leader: could send another gloup to try, per-
A bâttle-scared lizard nan
haps unleashing the tanar'ri inâdver-
tantlt Ifthe nâbâssu escâpes.there's
stanù before you, his forked no telling where and when the PCs
toneue fl ickêring wildly''Sssavâth might encounter it âgain. O
is dead,"he says."SÊij hasss named
me kins. I releâssseyou lor helpins
usss find our esssss-" The war
leadêr then moves closer to youl
sroup ând speaks in a lower voice
so that the other lizard nen wilt
NewMogicol lfem intalisent undead with fewer than
"We mussst ss8t p râidsss on 6 HD will not attack the ring's
humansss.Ssij sssâyÊSsâvâth was
Ring of Mrrhut rveârer uriless the wearer attâcks
wrcns to râid hurnansss.Râidsss The .tngs o/M/rÈùI, relatively few them fiBt. Moreover, the caD
make huDansss ânsy. They might in number, wer€ creat€d ând wom cast càiJ, toûcÀ sp€ll 3/day aûd
sssendâmy to ssslâyThree by Mlrkulit€ priests befor€ the Time gÀou, toûcrr l/day. Prior tô the Time
TôwersssTribe. You sssendthisss ofTroubles. Wïen Mlrkul perished of îIoubles, if the rins wearer wâs a
messsâgerwe sssêekpeacewith atop BlackstsfTower in Wate.deep, M"kulite priest, he could invoke a
htu secret temple in the heart of the number of other efïects, but the8e
Mere Êânl<into the swamp. A num- giester nec.omantic poweB van-
ber of Mr"kulitas fled the suken ished when M)Tkut died.
The lizard man wâr leader,Hossk,
t€mple and died, giving up their Se.veftl inss of Mr.kul \ost in
is an honorable scalykind, and he is
lives-and their magicâl rings-to the swamp have sincê been found.
speâking the truth. He and Ssij both
the monstrous denizens ol the Mere. Evil, int€lligent creâtues are dralln
oppoBedSsavâth'sraids on the Hish
|I}].erinss of Mlrkul-go].d ha:\ds t the riDss as ifby the eishthlevel
R.âd, knowing they woutd eventually pairted black dd adorned with the
lead to repercussions.At this point, sf,npotl,/ spell (ranse 30 yards).
white skull symbol of MrYkul-slow Mak'kù, the main villain in this
rhe PCs should leâv€ the fort quickty
while they have the chance. faintly iû the presence of a derect advet\tve, weaB s ring of Mrrkul
eui, spell. The rings allowed the that he found while exploring the
For successfDllyeliminatins thê
Myrkulites to identi$ one anotàer. southem Momhâven Towêr. The
lizard man threât to the traveleÊ of
More inportantly, the rings sered inportance of this ring becomes
lhe High Road,the ptayers should be
as keys, enâbling the priests to apparent in the last adventur€ in
a$arded 1,000XP apieceptùs any
ent€r their temple without incurring the Mere of Dead Men series.
experiencefor monsters killed. They
the math of mâ.y of its $ardians.
âre âlso entitled to ânother 1,000)(P
Antoûe '|earing a ne of Mrrkul XPVâlùe: 250 GP Vatùq 1,000
if th€y figued out tbe true nature of
is sranted the ability to ùdlÈ dnors
Makkâr's conpany on their own, ând
tÀe d€od. All nindles8 ùdead and
ânother 500 XP for preventing the
r€leaseof the nabassutânar'ri. These

Wolf ùrites:"1'ùe loùed.tha Underddrh
eær since rdd.inE Clarh Ashton Snith
dnd H.P lauecruft. This nollule is
nednt to put sone se ous fear bach
into the lÂnd.s Belou. The ad.Dentu.e
is respectfullr dedicated to Roge. E.
M@re, ùho sugaested the topic, and
E.R. Eddison, ùho iùspired it.
'Kinsdom of the Ghouls' is an
ÂD&D' GRE\]{À\r'K"adventure for 5-8
charâctersof levels 9 15 (at lea8t ?0
total le!els). Dwaûes and gnomesâre
eÊpeciâllyvaluable, since the pârty
muÊt nâvigate long distancesunder'
gÎound. Paladins,druid8. and other
PCs with hish Chansmâ scoresâre

This scenâriotakes place in the

CrystalmiÊt ând Hellfurnace
Mountâins, two tall ranges ofthe
souihwestern Flanaess.However,it
cân easily be âdâpted t fit other
Underdârk campâigns.DMs wishins
rô run a sùDrenaneancampâr8n
coutd link this âdventure to'Sha.ds
ofthe Day" (Issue #60),"Swing Shot!"
(Issue #66) and "Uzastu ofthe
Underdark" (Issue #67). If set in
"'îheî Cerilia, lhe abandonedsvi.fneblin
lôrns ngueu \q{gestedthe dnth.opoid,trhile then hearlswerethe headsof
"The holdins could be a dwârven outpost o1
fsh,with proàigiorsb( thal ,Êrerclosed
... H.P Lorccraf, the Baruk'Azhik or Dâikhar Zhieun
shoàô||owr hûtnodi
The "Ecology of the Ghoul" article
\r DMcc)N" Maga.ine 1+252ptovideg
useful referenceinfomation but is
not neededto referee the adventurc.

KINGDOMOF Forlhe DungeonMosfer

One hundred year8 aso. a câbât of
seven mâges from the distentwest
activâtëd ân artifâct called the O.b of

THEGHOULS Shâdows.crcating â magical portâl to

the Negative Mate al Plâne.They
hoped to chânnet the power of that
plane to their own benefit, ceating
l€gions of senants ând increasinethe
power of thêir spells immeâsûâbly.
BY WOLFCANCBAUR The mages were câutious,knowing
that the Negative Mate al PlaDe is
the power sourcefor the undeâd and
great poaers of darkness and decay.

Descendintodorkness Just in case they had forgotten some

detail, they wo.ked their mâgic Iâr
beneâth the eath, fâr fmm humân
hâbitation. Though they spent yeâ.s
prcparing for the ceremony, the
cabal'swârds ând prot€ctionsfailed
Adworkby BrodlêyMcoevn them. and when the gâte opened,
Corlogrophyby Diesel nothing went as plânned.

48 lssueNo. 70

One powerful, hungry oeâture ghouls-immDne to mental attacks- durins the dây but wreâk great
stepped thrcugh the portal from the launched brutat counterctrikes destructionat night.
dark plane: a true shoul, ulike any against the illithid cities. The ghouls Rêador parâphrasethe followins:
other sêen in the Flânâess.The hop6 recovered and even flourished;
ghoul-nâmed Do.esâin-quickly the war in the depths continued to go Strange times have come to the
pârâlyzed his sumrnonerÊ.then their way for decâdes of grindins con- Hellflre Moùntâins. In recent days,
leisurely devourcd one olthe mases flict. To solidify the shouh' conquest€, hundreds ofdeep gnomeshave set-
before the parâlyzed eyes of the oth- a portion of their aûny stopp€d tled in the city of Loftwick in the
ers. Then he transfomed the remain- marchins ând founded the city of Yeomanry, âbandonins their tradi-
ing wizards into ghouts like himselt Kilenoa neâr the Cloaker Rift. tional halls. They are settins up or
These six mages becane his firct fol- Eventuâlly, with the help of their buying out every human smithy
lowers, ând they quickly sprcad their cloaker alties, the shouts drov€ nany they can and are offering better
diseasearnongthe humân slavesof of their enemies to the surface. where wares for lower p ces.The Snith's
the Deepoerth. Thus they eBtâblished they are now c.eating havoc in the Guild and its traditionât âllies
the white Kinsdorn, â kingdom ofthe settlementB of the Yeomanry's dwar- have voiced their complaints to the
shouls that becameân undersmund ven allies in the Jotens.Hundreds city's govemor, bùt nothing cân bë
canceadrivins other undersound and even thousândsof deep snomes don€--ihe deep gnomês hâve bm-
races into pânicked flisht. and dwaryes are streamins out of the ken no law. Runors ofmob âction
The ghoul kingdom expanded Underdârk, seekins refuse in are beginning to circulate.
quickly below the Helltumaces, fiBt Loftwick ând callins on the Most of the newcomers are fmm
by destroying a Bmall drcw enclave, Yeonanryk nilitia to reclain the the enclâveof Glimnerfell, a
where members of the drow house of dwaNes'ancient halls. Bromish imnworkins hâll up in the
Eilservs had found t€mpomry refuge. CnÊpin Redwell, the spokeÊmân Crystalmists wesi of town.
These drow had fled the ancient drow for the Yeomânry, hâÊ so far resisted
city of Erelhei'Cinlu when their sendins human ùroopsinto the moun- Ifthe PCs Beekout the Bvirfneblin,
house'sworship of the Elder tâins, but ifthe tide of reftrse€sdoes they find them easily enough, thougb
Elemental God was discovered; their not stop soon,honor will soondrive their shame mak$ thêm reluctânt to
deaths were not avenged by their speâk ofwhât drove them out ofthe
drow brethren. Using the nes{ound hills. The deep cnomesrefer persis-
strength of their drow reinforcemenh, TheAdvenlureBegins tent questionercto their chieflain. If
the shouls staged a daring asÊâulton the presenceofthe gnomesdæs not
a duersar city-ând succeeded.Soon, W1ten the âdventure beginÊ. the engage the player's cu osity, then
the ghouls were destroying entire shouls'enpire hâs reachedits limit reâd the following to the plâyer ofthe
tribes of tmglodltes- At first, it under$ound. In the winte. ofc.Y. higheêt-level pnest PC, preferably â
sæmed the ghoul amy was unstop' 586, ghoul hunting pâdies first creep
pablè, but then the kuo-toans ând the onto the surfâce. Unlike the drow, the
illithids, two of the oldest nces of the kou toans, and other râcesof You anive at the laltwick t€m-
Unde.dark, joined tosether to teach Deepoerth, the ghouls care little for ple ofSt. Cuthbed for the nomins
the upstârt undeâd câution. The com- the surface wortd. They arc sinply prâyers to find â small pafty of
bination proved lethâl, âs the kuo- int€rest2d in cornpleteând total dom- gromes has gotten there before
t ans were not afect€d by shoul inâtion over the Underdârk, but their you. The temple acol)'t€s tèll yoù
paralysis,and their best priests could continuins conquestsâre now driving thât the deep gnomesârê seeking
destrcy or tlm the bmnt of ghoul even the nost lons-establishedrâces an audiencewith you becauseof
attacks; the illithids provided magical up into the light. They âre likely to your reputâtion âs a great pnest
rnobility ând firepower as wel as continue taking victims fmm the sur- ând âdventurer They refuse to see
powertul umber hùlk slavæ. face unless the PCs stop them.
The battles grew more desperat€ As powe.ful adventurers, the PCs
over time. The ghouls were driven oftên heâr âbout distânt events.No Once the PC priest agees to see
bâck from their lormer expânsion. mâtter whêre they are in the the sùpplicants, read the following:
and seemedon the verse of extinc- Flânâess.the PCs heâr rumors âbout
tion, when they gained a group of the monsters râidins mountâin A small troop of heavily-aûned
unlikely âllies.An enissary fron the stronsholds near the Yeonanry. deep gnomes âppeâÉ, cârrrng
xenophobic cloakers anived at the Constant skirmishes break out their clan chieltâin on â litt€r of
court of the Kins of the Ghouls and between the creatues from below spears. Their spokesman steps for-
orered ân âlliârce. The cloakeB had and the mountain residents,but no ward and says.-Ihis is the leader
been ât war with the mind flayers for word comês of why the creâtures are of oùr clân, Ardin Goldbeârd.He
.oDntlesssenerations and needed coming up. It looks like â typical has b€en sorèly wounded by a
help asainst their ancient foes.1o as$essive nove by evil râ the ghoul wanior" He motions to the
êv€ryones surprise, the emissary's mountâin dwarves and other sood beârerstô put down the litter
orer was accepted, and the two races $ just fisht then.lhe creâ- You've never seen a Cnome this
forsed â pact. The ctoak€rs pushed tures of the Underdark-blinded by decrepit before.Htu beard is thin
back the kuo-toans;in retum, the suntisht are weakenedand cautious


'IYue The old gnome you cur€d yester-

GhoulsByGhouljight sboul priests drain one Point
of Strenetb by touch (as per shadow) day strides into yotrr room, beâm'
The Underdârk ghoulÊ in thtu module P.iests of 6th level or higher can au i- ing with good heâlth-and with â
rule a t€rritory called the Wllite Mte dead oncelweek, with no limit tô rich red luster restored to his
Kinsdom, a realm of eæat savagerY the number of ùndead they maY uti- beard. He bows fomâlly and then
and power They are otun câlled speaks,sâyine,"I cânnot thânk You
shâd;w shouls or the childten of îrue ehoul nobles have all the enoueh for my recovery.Please
Nerull, end they ârê more danserous âbilities;fpnests sâve spell use but âcceptthese small tôkens ofmY
and potent than the commonAD&D" mN cast summon shad,oa oîce/daY gatitud€." His compânionhelts â
ghoul. (as'an Sthlevel caster).Any Êlain small iron-bound chest and opens
Unless indicated othetrise, tlue ghoul noble who makes a sâve vs it. Within lie annoa a blâck rnâce.
ehouls fit the description Fovided deâth masic immediately becom$ a and a finely-made copper goblet.
"Sadly,"say8the old chieftain,
here. Priests, omcers, and nobles spectrewith 8+3 HD. "rny clan has been driven rrom its
have ext€nded statistiG ând True ghouls prefer ghoul-light to
iEproved Armor Classes as noted in other fonnÊ of illumination. This vel- âncient cavems,floodedout. MaDy
th; êxti in aI other respects, they lowish-€rêen lisht is shed by special of us found refuge here ârnons tle
mât h the d€scription belov/. lanternÊ; it is a weak slow that diÊ- humans, bul. our two PeoPlesare
IYu€ ghoul: INT âverâse-genius comfitÊ drow (inflictins the sâme âlready bickerine. It is only a mat-
(8-16);AL NE;AC 3; MV 12; HD 4+4; p e n a l t i e sâ s â . o n l i a & t i l € l r s p e l l ) ter oftime until the ghouls from
THACo 15; #AT 3 or 1; Dmg 1d6/1d6/ but dôesnot neutrâlize intiavision. In below the mountains come hete or
1dg o. by weapon tlTe; SA paralyzâ- âddition, it Eveals invisible Ùeatures raid the toms nearby"
tion ûâsts 2d6+6 rounù), erave'rct or those hiding in shadows within 50 Ardin shakes his head. then
"Ifyou are true herces,
(*e below)i SD immune to sleeP, feet. The secret of manulacturins the continues.
.harm, hoV, feat poisorr, ParctYsis, speciâl oils that creâte shoul-light perhâps you cân go beneath the
dêath magic, ând cotd-based attackÊ; lantens âre closly srarded by the earth wherc no human amy cân
turned as wrâiths; SZ M;ML 18;)ç shoul priests and unknown to otber so. My people have fousht the
l,4OO; DRAcoNMdgazit9 #252- shouls for years and lost. PerhâPs
True ghouls speak their native True ehoul8 âre sometim€s âccom- you will be nore fortùnât€. I know
tonSue (usually Duergar, Dmw' panied by spy devices called the Eyes t h e e n t r a n c et o t h e s h o u l - t u n n e l s .
SvftÊrcblin. or Common) âs well as of the Kins. These magical eYesar€ Will you root them out of their
Undercommon ând Ghoulùh. tiny enchanted bats that are con- dârk hotes?"He stânds ât ease,
The claws and fangs of true ghouls slântly engùlfed in green firê â3 ihev âwâiting yoùr reply.
a.e covered with filth ând carion zoom down the tunels ofthe shoul
Cr€atues wounded by the ghouls kingdom; Dore6ain, the King of the Ardin's silTs include â fine suit of
must mak€ a saving thtow vs. Poison Ghouls, can see throush their eYe8 plûle m@il+l (humân-sized),a copper
or succurnb to srave-rot. (Roll once. EJes ofthê King flit through derk' .halice set with emerâlds (worth
aft€r the battle with the shouh is nessqurcke. than the eyê cân folloq 4,000 sp), and a footnan's nace +4
concluded.) Those who fail lose 1d6 like ereen comets shooting through made ofs stranse btack metal (a
hp esch day until the disease tu culed the cavem& Dach Eye of the King i3 dmw adÂmantine mace;it comdes
or until they make a Comtitution essentially a utza'd ete of unlimit€d complet€lyin 2 7 days due to expo_
check with â -4 penâlty Paladins âre distance ând duration. TheY Pâtml sure to sunlisht), and â Àeln ofpo'@'
immune to the effects of erave-mt resular patt€rG, primarily on the lr2atioa .es;sloDce.The helm âdjusts
ând can use theù cûe dtseds âbility borders of the ghoul!' kingdom its size to fit any (demi)human head,
tr remove the amiction from others. and its face resemblesa gnornish
warrior, complete with bald head ând

is infected wiih Srave-rotisee above Assuming the PCs asree to fight

and wispy, ând his skin ls a sicklY sidebar).The svidneblin do not speak the ghoul nenace,Ardin sathers â
yellowish gr€en.The spokesman ofthe ghouls that âtracked them war party of20 expedenced
"Ifyoù can heal ôùr
bows and says, They siftply don t discussthe mâtter, svirfneblin wâniors and leads the
chieftain, otrr clan will sive you "will vou cure our entourâge to the entrance at the
instead âskine.
many vnluâble forgings and chieftâin? Ifyou can t,tu3t say so and Valt€y of Kings (area 1 iD the
weapons.Ifyou .ânnot, we und€r_ se ll try soDeoneelsc." Spells such âs 'Underdark Encount€rs"section)
stand ùd wil) seek help els€- I],SPreveal only ân ovet$helming
where."He srands stimY besrdethe s€nseof feâr ând dread. Welcomeio Deepoerth
litter, waiting for your answe. Ifthe PC docscure ihe old gnome,
th. young litter-beârers whisk him The Underdark ofthe Flânaessi3 a
The chieftâin cân be heâled by a away to recoverelsewhere.The next resion ol deep cavems fâ. from the
àeal spell, â combin€dc&tu disease€ old chiellâin shows up at the liahts ofsun and moon, of Êtranse
anà cure critical ù,or agth- priest's inn or temple, accompani.d races.âncient civilizations. and tost
level or higher paladin's layinlaon of only by his spokesnan. Reâd or pâra' masic. tt is an âlien place,and ofteû
hânds cornbinedsiùh.zre dtseos?He phrâse the followins: â plâce of greqt horror

50 lssueNo.70

The Unde.dark is both châotic ârd

$ild, and only the cautious sunive. Armyof Hope ând reinforcemenh Bent it into a pan-
icked rctreât, inflicting heâ\T loÊ3ê3
Râce3are constantly .aiding for One of the b€st ways for the PCs to (30 80% casualti€s).A.etæat r€sult
slavesor besiegingone another Food, overcome the superior foiceê of the initicâtes that the shoul! engage and
âi.. and other re8ourcesare so scarce shouls is by satherins t æther an defeât the amy, ând it is forced into a
that even the "good râces"must act amy of their enemies. Thtu will fightins retreat. The amy sufiers
ruihlessly lô p.otect.their clans aDd require cùeful diplomacy and a very 1H0% câsulties. A diDert reGult
strongholds.Nor surprisingly. the charismatic leader, but ii provides the indicâtes that the âttâckers threw the
Underdark is v€ry dânserousfor PCs with the numbers they nay need
surfacePCs the civilization ofthe shoul dêfendeE into Buch @Dfirsion
to mount â serio$ âttack on the that the ghoub did not defeât the
surfaceis nowhere to be found shouls in their home.At thê very attacking army until priæb, nobl$,
underneâth.The denizensofthe least, ii providesâ big distrâction
Under-dârk as6un€ all shangers are and reinforcements aûived and
while the PCs themselves move tumed the tide. The diversion lâsts
enemiesuntil proven otherwise. asainst the shouls' sourc$ of powêr 2d6 tùrns, with casualties of 5% per
Like civilizâùion,magic suffers a Throushout the adventure, the tun. A Àold result indicates that the
few chânsesin th€ Underdârk. The party will encoùter enemiesof the âttackeB took and held a strongpoint,
most importmt chângeis Lhe failure ghods, often Do more than a hândful such âB a fortified sateway The
of telepo.tation spells ofâ11kinds. of surivors ftom one of the shouls'
These speils do not function de€p shouls retreated from the initial
as8aultÊ. As eâch gioup is won over, âttâck, reerouped ând gâthered
undergroùnd for more thân short dis- add their HD value to the total force forces, ând were forc€d tô Inâke
tances within a single cavern. marchins under the PCÊ' direction repeated assaults to rctâke the lost
Ilâgrcal energie6in the stone ofthe asainst the hat€d shor s. Ifthe char-
Underdârk prevent teleport from sround. This took 2 5 hours, with 5%
sct€rs pursue other soêls (such as ân casualties per hour Ifthe PCs
working âÙoss â.y stone bârrier attack against the cloakers or explo- d$hoyed the Orb of Shadowsor
Fire spells are danserousunder- ration of the Sunless Sea), the army killed Kins Doresain in rhis time, the
sround.Any larse flane in â smqll sptinters atrd fâdes away. However, if ghoul forces retreat in sood order as
tunnel can qùickly use up all the the âny is maintainêd until âniving soon as the news of the disâst€r
brcathable air Even in ntrch lârger at Kilenor (areâ 20), ioll 1d20 and spreads.FinâUr a uicro.) result indi-
cnvems,pJmtP.Àn;.s,treôûlls, ând u8e the lollowing tâble to detemine
alrs off.e can put enoush snok€ cat€s that the arny t ok ând held
the success of the attack. Add 2 HD positions and continued its advânce
into the air h obscurcvision and for each level ofPC and henchmen for 2 8 hours.Ifthe PCs destroyed
causedamase from Êmokeiûhâlation. party memb€rs actively lêÂdins the the Orb ofshadom or killed King
Optional rul€s for srnoLedÀmaseare amy in the âttâck- Add the R€action Doresâin in this time, the ghout force8
srren in Playr?lJ OPzo,\.r Spelh & Adjustment of the most charisnatic retreat lrom the city in panic ând dis-
.Yogic page 122;howev€r,the dura- PC to the die rcll. order.lhe PCs' army su{fers 5-20%
tion ofthe smoke should be increased A rcu t ræult indicât€s that ghoul
t,) 2-8 turns du€ to the enclosedtD sentnês quickly engâged the âmy
ûels,which allow gassesto dissipate

I{ovemenr through the Underdark Arny's Totâl HD

is ât a rate in miles per day equâl to RoU
the PCs' mov€m€ni rate. The pârty 1&10 l-5() 51-100 101-160 16l-250 261-360 361+
movesat th€ rât€ ofits slowest men' l-2 Rout Rout Rout Rout Rebeat Retreat
ber probâbly six miles per dây or 3-5 R ut Rout Rout Retreat Reheat Divert
slower.Becâuseth€ Underdark is so 6-10 Rrut R€treat n€treat Retreât Divert Hold
dângerous.dwanen and snomish fo.- 1r-16 R ut tutreat R€treat Divert Dvert Hold
ats à.€ ott€n done at the double- 17-19 R€treat Divert Divert Divert Hold Victory
mârch. The trips in and out arc fully 20+ Divert Divert Hold Hold Vict ry Victory
as dang€rousas the missionsthem-
selves.Moving ât the double ftârch
allows a party to double its move' closeto the surlâce,and home to Underdark Encourters
menl rate, but all membe$ must be drow, dùersâ., svirlheblin. and sur-
face races such as soblins ând r. Valley of Tombs. Iflhe PCs follow
unencumbe.edor lishtly encumbered, Ardin to the lunnel entrance, he
and the efïèctiveConstitution ofall humans, âs well as the shâtiered city
ofthe tmslodytes.This s€ction is still them into the high mount ns,
double'nârchins creâtures is hâlf a small tunnel leâds into the
nornal, as thei. energiesare devoted unsubdu€dby lhe ghouls,though
subjecl lo frequent raids. The lower Underdark. Ardin shows the PCs a
lo the rigors ofthe march itself. small hole in the sround. Within lies
Efective Stren8th is redùcedby two iier ol a.eas 11 to 20 includes the
Greât Crypt ofthe Ghouls, ûnd the a gnoftjsh tornb,lons since despoiled
ipercentile StreDgth counts âs 1).
wât€ry lânds olthe aboleth, kuo- bJ robbers,thâl leads directly to the
The Underda.k ofthe Kinsdom of tùnnels oi Deepoerth. Read or parà-
the Ghouls is ananged in two tiers. toans, and illithrds, as well âs the
great rift ofthe cloâk€rs. phrase the iolloùing:
The upper tier ofareâs I b r0 is


:t.^ \\

Kingdom of the Ghouls

The remorhaz guârds no treasùre Svirfneblin 120):INT verr ( 12):
A l l t h â t æ m a i n si n t h e s ù â l l . b u t t h e b o n e so f t h c d e â d i j t l e a v e s A l , N ( l ; A ( l 7 : H D 3 + 6 ih p 2 0 e â c h i
5-lalltoftb is ân entr.n.e to the thc tomb only whcn the ghouls decide T H A ( 1 01 7 ; + A T 1 : D m g b y w e a p o n
Unde.dârk â tunnel to the deep to search for food on the surfâce.Ii typ€i SA siun dartsi rnnate spcll abrl-
est cavernsofthe earth Scatter.d doesnot hâve the heâl atiack of a i t i e s i M R 2 0 ? : S Z S r M L 1 3 rX P 4 2 0 r
about the tomb arc . fc$ honcs MM/159 ienomc).
crâcked and snar'.d- pcrhaps bt Ifihe PCs ask Coldbeardto tak€
g h o u l s . I na d d i t i o nl o r h o m i s h lheû inlo the gnomish ciiy. read th. 2. Salt Dome. A hùnchbacked,hall:
bon.s, thrce hùmanoid skulls litt{{ followins: crouchcdg,ânt namcd Slumpy
the halls. s,hè ol lheû Ùâcked crôuchesând .râwls throùgh â maze
and brôkèn but all of them with You sec a flick.r offear in the ollarse tunnèls he.e. His famill lell
enome chietain's eyes,"My but Lhenhe into the lunnels years aso ând never
lifts his chin ând sâys, people found a way out bis enouehto accom-
The skulls belons io shouls. or nè{,dr leâder Here on the su.fac€. modate them. The tùnncls in this
course,thoùsh iher supcrficiallr lher a.e vulnerâble. lfl were to scction are lac.d with veins ofwhilc,
res€mbl. vampir. skulls Thoùgh the leâd them bâck to th€ir home,how
shouls themselveshâve ftoved on, could I suarantee their safety? Stumpy is the last su.vivor ol lhè
they hâve left ân ânimated guârdian Until the shouls are defeated,we fômoriân fâmilJ. His .lothes. clump
behind lo desl.oy anyone passing s q r f n c b l i n s h a l ll a v c o u r h â n d s ins hair. ând skin âre âll coveredrn
Lhiough.The remorhaz is posrtroned full simply kecping the ghouls white sâll, which he constantlv
i n à s m â l l s i d et u n n e l ,r c a d vi o l c a p spreading onio th. surfâ.e. A.e yoù brùshes oft The clouds ofsâlt dùst
oui al the first ljving ccatùrc pass sure you need ûy help?" around the giant reqùre other cr.a-
ing by. tures to make a savins throw vs. poi-
Undead renorhaz: INT non-rAL lfthe PC leâder makes â success son or bc immobilized for ld4 routds
N i A C 0 , h c a d 2 , u n d è r b e l l y4 . M V 9 ; ful Chârismâ check at a -,1penâltr', Stumpy often suflers a ra.king cough.
H D 1 4 rh p ? l r T H A ( 1 07 i # A T 1 : D m g Goldbeardaccompaniesthcn alons b u t h e s p e a k sh a l l i n g ( i n o m i s h .H e
6d6r SA swâllow whole on a 20: SL) with 20 ofhis finest wariors. hunted the gnoûes fo. lears liom
i f r m u n e t o p o i s o nÀ , r 1 . 1 , . À û r Da. n d Thc svirfncblin war pady âdds 70 rmbush. snâtching strâgglers and
. o l d b â s e ds p e l l s i M R7 5 ' r i S Z G r 4 8 HD lo the padJs amy (see"Arml of pack ânimals. Hes been staNine ev.r
longri ML 17i XP 10.000iMMl:lol since the svirfn€blin lcft. but he has
managed to hide from thc shouls so

52 lssueNo 70

far He will parley with the party for

food;ifno food is forihconins. he
âttacks to get some.He is too lârge
and slow to follow the PCs Ând the
Army ofHope th.ough the Under-
darks twisting passagesfor long.
Stumpy (fomoriân):INT averâget
A L N E ; A C S i M V 9 i H D 1 3 + 3 :h p ? l t
THAC0 9r #AT 1; Dmg 2d6+10
lmace,; SA surprise, choking sâltr SD
only Bu.prisedon â li SZ H (12 tall);
ML 14;XP 7,000;MMl139 (giant).
Stumpy's fâmily was slain by râid-
ulg dwarves someyear6 ago,ând he
buried then in sâlt. They have sin.e
nummified, all liqDids soâkedaway
by the minerâl salts. He still tâlks to
his wife ând children occasionâlly,out
.f fond habit ând forsetfulness.He
burieBhis l€ftovers near them fmrn
t'me to time, so the bon€6are mired
'n with snon sh bonesmore-orless

Stumpy wears an enormousgold

beadednecklâcestrung with 41
chunl<sofânber It is worth 6,000 sp,
but Stumpy will not trade it for âny-
thing except his life. The necklace
wâs his father's, ând Stunpy consid-
ers it his most treasured possession.

3. Jâde Quarry. Once a snonish

mine, this quârry of greenish stone is
now a gathering poiDt for the sur-
!ivors of Clinnerfell, the svirfneblin
city whichÀdin Goldbeardnârowly
escâped(se€area 5). Wàen the pârty
enleru the cave,reâd or paraphrâse

You reâch â cave.n iniersection

made ofslick, $eenish ston€ipâs-
sâseslead olTin all directions.Two
smâl1glink oflight rellect
somethins up aheâd.the tunnel
itselfis wideûing, eâsily 15 wide
her€.You hear deep,muttering
voicesfrcm the dârkness beyond.

The slinting light comesfrom two

gnomish sentries who watch the run- the sound8ofthe sviriieblin readying Though not exactly in fighting
nels,loaded crossbowsat the ready.If shape,tbese refugeesof clinmerfell
the PCs carry no lishts and fail their On the secondround âtter the sen- suNived the deluge that destroyed
surprise roll, the sentries call out a t.ies rouse the camp, the rest ofthe their city. They allied themsetves
challensein cnonish, asking the deep gmmes appeâr to defend their with Feeniaaâ powerful dridea but
intruders to identify themselves.If carl1p.On the third round, the they do not share his soals.The deep
the PCs surprise the sentries,delây enomish bunow wârden Oroem and snomes seek â new home or a râce
the anival ofeach of the followins high priest Gador show up to rally they can seûe as merenaries
reinforcementsby one round. lfihe the troops.On the foDrth round, the against the shouls. Ifthe PCs pm-
*ntries see lights approaching,they deepgnomes'untrustworihy allies clârm a gusade against the Ahouls,
rcuse the canp and drâw up a Feeniar the drider ând his quassoth ùhegnomessigr ùp. The deep gnomes
d€fense-the muttering noisesare and spider seraants show up. fear the shouls pow€r and the rapid


collapse of Glirnrnerfell, but they Ciart lizards (3):AL NIAC 5; da ness,leùitate,hnot alignment,
know th€ir fate if the ghouls continue itfv 15; HD 3+l: hp 23, 22. 14i detectLie,clairuotane,suggestion,
their march ofconquest.The deep THACo l?ilAT 1; Dmg 1d8; SA dou-
ble damaee on roll of 20; SZ H (15 Feenials prctecioru in battle ârc
sromes fisht fiercely ilâttâcked, hop- his war spiders,8loomed and led into
Ing Feenrais spiders take the brunt lonù,ML 10,xP 17ï MM/226
The clân treasury on the largest battle by five quaggoth haDdlers,
lizard iÊ kept in two smâll chests, heerlike creâtures with a nât,fal
Until the colapse of the city. Oroem
was the keeper of the exchequet Since eà.h warded sith a sbph of barding immunity to poison.Feeniar summons
he is the only gnomish noble stitl ,lightninc for 7d4 hp damâce sâvinc additional spiderc to replâce âny lost
around. he declâredhirnÊelf"lord"of t h r o w f o r h a l f d â m â s e r â n de â c h in bâttle. The quassoth have trained
the survivors, but he is insecure in trapped with â sc)'thing blade thât hundreds of spiders ând know how t!
this position and follows Feenials sweepsacrossthe inside ofthe chest câptùe and trâin them. The quaggoth
orders. He canies thê keys to the for 2d6 hp dânâ8e. The clân treasure move to obey stowly. ând they tum on
clân's treasure'chests(seebelow). inctudes4,000 sp, 1,000sp,30 50-8! Feeniar if the svirlieblin are routed
Gador i3 Oroem'Êgreatest nval, sens, and â potion oferlro-lùeôliDg They flee once their master is dead lf
but Âs long as Feeniar sùpports the The svirfneblin ârc in a frasile heâted welt ud given weâPons, the
young noble, Gador plays âlons. He alliance with Feêniar and his ouassoths'morâle jmprovesto Eliie
keepÊ â clos€ eye out for desert€rs entourase.Most ofthe drow of risiàna tl"y cane""n nshtto derend
and for treachery; he is innately sus' Erêlhei'Cinlu âre te proud to admit themselves.Theywitt not attythem-
Dicious. The sentries, on the other deleât ând retreâti they will die when s€lveswith the PCs unless so @m-
irând. keep to thenselves, sanblins the ghoùls oveNhelm the city. mânded by the drider.
slowly and methodicâlly until thev Feeniar takes a more praematrc vrew Qusggoth spider hsndter8 r5l:
âre given orders. oreom and Gâdor ând hope. to ally himsellwiih the INT low;AL N; AC 6, Mv l2i HD
both ride sianr lizârds, and thc spare shouls;nce he reâchestherr city. He 2 + 2 ;h p 1 5 , r 0 , 9 , ? , 6 : T H A C 0 r 9 ;
lizard cârries the clan treâsùrv In lnows the powen and the ]ocation oI #AT 2 or 1; Drns ld4/rd4 or bY
the true ghouls but will only relùc- weapontype;SA berserk râge:SD
combat,Oreom uses the tizârd to ron
down fleeing foesithe pdest useshis tantly explain their origins to the r m m u n eL op o i s o n ; s zL ( ? + t a l l r :M L
to make finding spell targets easier adventurers-if they bother to tisten. 7\XP r75tMMt2ga.
Oroem ( svirfneblin buÛow war- Althoush the svirfneblin outnum' Sword spiders r4r: INT average:
den)i INT very;Al- N;AC liMV 9r ber him, Feeniâr sives the orderÊ AL CEi AC 3i NfV 6, web 8, climb 8r
HD 6+9; hp 45i THAC0 13; #AT 3/2i Twisted and peaerse, reeniar is a HD 5+5; hp 32, 29, 28, 26; THACo 15;
Dmg by weapon tlTe +2; SA stun drow pnêst ofthe Elder Elemental #AT 2; Dms 2d4l2d6 per leg (6 for
dadsi SD non'detection;surpnse.l God who sunived his trânsition into size L târg€ts,4 for size M targets, 3
only on a roll of 1; sp€lls; immune to a drider. Cursed ând hideous,he now for size S)i SA impâling IeâP(+1 to
illusionsi MR 35'l.i SZ S (4 tâll): ML s€eksto betray his râc€ to the shouls. danase mlls for leaps over 20 feet);
13;XP 4,000;MMll59_161 (grome); While he has gâthered a Êmall troupe SZ H (r2 diameter); ML 13i XP
udùammer +2. short swoÀ. rine offollowers, he considersâll others 2,000;MMl326 (Spider).
na;l +3, shield, l8 Dext€ritY beneâth him. He fears retuming to Feeniâr'sonly tÉasures âre his
spelts (innâte): àridaesn 6lùr Erelhei-Cinlu becâusehe feârs câp- magrcâl items. The quâggoth carry â
turc by Inlth's loyalists He relishes few cheap gems gtven to them bY
G.dor Sevor ( svirfneblin hiqh âny chanceat vengeânceând slâdly sympathetic svidneblin.
Driest):âe Oroen. but AC 3; P8; hP âlli€s himselfwith the Pârty-at
à9i TTIAC0 14; sA âcid dartsi MR leâst until he reachesthe ghouls' citv. 4. .Iâde Quarry, S€cond Visit. If
Feeniar Eilôervs (Tthlevel drid' the characterB return tô this spot, the
45S.IXP 6,OO0t footmans tnace+1,
nng mail +2, 76 DextentY Cànnor er priest): INT hishiAL CE: AC 0; svirfnebiin ând Feenid are lone
MV 12, climb 9: HD 6+6i hP 42; gone,for events nove quicklY in the
Spells (514/3lD: bless,curc light THACo 13 (t1 with no.ning stdr +2)l Underdark. The warrens are emptY
tounds ,;3). inrisibilit! to undead; * AI \t Dtîs \d4 ot 2d4+2 (mornna except for â snall group of ghoul
heat netal, hold person,obscu.emènt srar +2)i SA poisonousbit€, sPells; scâvengerc. They put up little tesis-
silen@ lS radius; disPel magic, M R 1 5 9 1S; Z L ( 9 t â l l ) i M L 1 4 ;X P tance to âny PC incursion; instead,
pmXea uater udlh; .Ietectlie,louter 7.000;MMll12 ielf, dmw)i whip, they mârch at tull speed to report the
nornins stdr +2, shield +3, cloah of problem to the âImy (a.eâ 6) The 24
.rdle. Plus innât€ spelts as Oroem
Nestmoh, Te€sin, and ,rendill arue shoul footsoldiers (hp 22
( svirfneblin serseants):â3Oroen, but PneÈr spellà t5l5/3/2): conmtnd, eâch)here âre each armed with lons
AC 6i HD 4+6;hp32,29,26;THAC0 curc lEht Dounds txzl, curse,iùutsa' swords and troslodlte javetiN
t5; MR 40%;XP 975; nng mail, bilitJ to undead;.hant, llame blade, Ultrcr and V€ntifâx, the ghoul offi'
shield, pick, light cmssbow heat metal, hold pe$où, uYtern c e r sr h p 3 4 , 2 7 r c a r r y s p i k è dm a c e s
Svirfheblin sentries (14):as watch; dispel mogic, ûeld into 9tone, ând hand crossbows.Th€ crossbow
serseants.but AC ?i HD 3+6: hP 25, spedkuith dedd; curc seriousuounds, bolts âre coâted with T)"e A poison
24 axÙ. 22, 20 \x4). 19, ft \x3), 77, 761 -Doison (reve8e of neutftlize poison). The shouls are tumed âs wraiths
THACo 1?; #AT 1: MR 20'z; XP 420; Innâte spells (all once/day):ddm' TÈe scavengers cary three chests
ring mail, pick. hammer, spear ing lEhts. detect mdgic, faerie lire, of soodsplundered ftom the srromish

54 lssueNo. 70

mines, tombs, ând halls. The first is

protectedby â superior lock ( -40? lo
pick)and contains 14 funeral masks
lâken from the tohbs ofgnomish roy
alty. The mâsks are ûâde ofbeat.n One square = 30 feet
gold and set with emerâlds,jet, lap)s
1âzuliând chips of diamondI they .r. ruined
worth 20,000gp total. The sêco.d is
untockedand contains 2,000 cp ând a

coppe. pendanl enchanied with a
.ou tùu al lt!.Àr spelt The third is
locked with ân averâgelock and con
tains 20 ghoul light iorches and a
flask ofoil for a shoul-lisht lantern
Ultror câûies the keys to both lock.d

5. Flooded Glimmerfell. Foùr

months ago,the deep snome inhabi,
tants of the city ofGlimmerfell
r.fused to sur.ender to the army of
the ghouls.In reprisâI. the shouls
floodedthe city, then ate lhe remains
ôl lho6e who drowned (seeareâ 8 for
details).Now, they've left behjnd an
ally to scâvensewhâtever is left.
Reâd the folloi ng shen the pÈ.iJ
fnt reâchèsthe cavern'sshorel
The walers ofihis floodedcâv-
ern are frintly ljt from below;
bluish white light filters up from sunken
th. water, so Jou can see for a hun buildings
dred yards in every direction. You
seeâ large nft coming into vies!
poled by a 10-tall smiling liôg.
The strangelooking râft itself
bobsand pulses in the glowing
{ate., moving slowly in your direc-
tion. The frolacreaturc attempis a
clumsy wave, â1nost droppng its
polc in the process.Behi!d the
râft. three large towers reâch up to
rhe cavem's ceiling.
The dver llôwing throush the cil)] ruincd
is catled the Lâetân lis ùaters are gâtehouse
cold and blackiswimmers quickly
becomeexhausted,even ihough there
,s little current in the city jtsell If l3
the P(ls do not fly through the cav-
ern, they can avoid the cold by uslng q u € s i i o n s ) . l h eh \ d r o l o t h d o c sn o t 'mnrunc to polnù, ll.c. ând acid: half
the le.ry serviceprovid€d bl lhe attack the pa,1! .nd lâkcs lh.m damdge from water bâsed àttâcks;
creâture âpproachingthcm. trhcr.vcr thcy \Lani 10 go aloDgthc MIt,10.i iSZ L r 10 tallriNlL l4iXP
The ferrymân is â hydroloth .iver or within the cit\. His lar. is U,0OO; H..\xt:st .u\ MC/\I|122.
named Frellùp. He hâs built his raft S p e l l s r i n n d t e r :a 1 t € l s . 1 , d r r n r t e
b)-,lashing together gromish and F r e l l u p t h v d r o h t hr : A L N E ; A ( l dfa./. cûarc lirfas. lrererse of.ù.e
other co.pses,providing a griû lard.r 2 i M V 6 . g l i d c 1 2 r F j r ,s w i m 2 4 H D di sease t. chd rùi p. t*,1, t on i u tr el..
thât he sornetimessells piecefteal to 7 + 1 4 ih p 5 0 i T H A ( 1 0l i J j # A T j Jo r 5 n1rùk1l,.reûl. ù\tt(r, darhn6s I5
the ghoul army (seearea 6). As long 1g i i d i n g ) :D m g 1 d 8 / l d 8 / 1 d 4 , / 1 d . 1 / 1 d 1 0 :ro.liu s, di"ùtnsut Joor , inlpru..l
as he is lreated well (m€aning bribed, SA sl€ep spit, roll ôver.innlte spcllsi phantasùnl for.c, ptudùLe llotne, tele.
respected,snd not p.Btered wilh Sl) +l or better seapons lo hitr port u.ithout errct, uat.r tdlh.


As lons as Frcllup is paid and left Water elemental: AL N;AC 2i ftom behind one ofthe overtuned
alone,he doesno more than he is MV 6, swim 18; HD l2i hp 5a; stone tables.A small gnome steps
asked. However,ifdisturbed with THÀCo 9; fAT li Dms 5d6; SA ovel' out from behind the tables,his
questions,he might land the PCs pre- turn shipsj SD +2 or better weapon to hands open ând empty
maturely (sây,ât one of the tow€rs), h i t i S Z L ( 1 4 t â l l ) :M L 1 5 i X P 6 , 0 0 0 ;
or nay dunp them ofr his raft by MMt100. The svirfneblin tell the grirn story
hopping up and ianding squarely on As the PCs explore the cavern, of the âttack on the city-if the PCs
one end of the ra{t. The PCs can hang reâd or paraphrasethe following: insiÊt-but they would râther find a
on with a successfulStrensth check, sâfe way out of the city. They âccom_
but Frellup cân repeat the maneuver tu you look at the weckase and
remains ofa once-thrivins city, pany the PCs âgâinst the shouls if
onceeach round, even while defend- reunited with the svirfneblin who
ins himselfwith ctaws or spellÊ. Lo{twick seemsvery fâr âwây.
After your long trip through the ned the city (seearea a).
If âttacked. Frcllup comrnândshis Swirfneblin suwivorô (22)r INT
rafi to defend bin. The râft is made nanow tDnnels,you have arived
ât the heart ofclimmerfett, deep v e r y ;A C 2 ; H D 3 + 6 i h p 2 5 . 2 4 1 x 2 ) ,
of lâshed-tosetherzombiesthat pult 22, 2l \x41. 20 lx4), l9 (x4). B (.x3),
deatures into the wât€r, where they under the mountains. Two twisted
dmrs li€ halt-submersedin fmnt or t 7 ( x 2 ) .1 6 i T H A C o1 ? ;# A T 1 ; M R
can b€ drowned (seePEB, pase r21). 207.;)(P 420; hammer or dagger
Fighting undeNater gives the one of the city's Creat towers; wâter
laps ât their rusting iron. The suwivofs have no treasure.
âdvantage entirely to the yugoloth They need food and supplies badly,
ând his zombies.PCs fishting under' but they cân make do by foragins
water suffer -4 to their initiative The water glows faintly because it white trâvelins. Forasing slows the
rotls and cân use only thr$tins is illuminated by slabs and globesof partls rat€ of mârch by half.
weapons. See the DMG, pâse 79. for mârret, a slowing stone. Only three
details on undeNater combat. towers stand partiâlly above water. 6. Th€ Alny of the Ghouù. The
Zombie laft:AL N;ÀC 3iMV 3, thicker at top and bottom, like stâlâg' ghoul sentries at this point stand
swim 9;HD 15; hp 81;THACo 5; #AT mites ând stalâctites that have met watch by ghoul-light, so they cannot
5; Dms 1d10 (x5); SA drowning; SD
hâlf danase fmn fite; imnune to
in the middle. Eâch 80 tâll tower is
40 feet in diameter and senes as
be surprised by hidden deatures. If I
the party is surpdsed. read or para-
slêep, .harm, hold, dearh magt , poi- home to â few deepgromes. Of a city phrase the following:
son, ând cold-basedspells;cannot be
turned; SZ G; ML 20; XP 9.000;
MMl373 (zombie,modified).
ofatmoBt 2,000,about 22 svirfneblin
still live in the city. These tough sur-
vivors are lying low and scnping by,
A geenish-yellow light flâres in
the tunnel âhead, and you hear a
lfthe raft is caught by â dtsPel but they welcomeâny and all non- shout in â language you don't
mogtc or a large destructive spell shoul visitors. understand.ThiD smoke is fillins
such as fæàdll, the raft sufTersno Fretlùp keeps his treasure in the the tunnel, obscuring your vision,
damagebut inst€ad fractures into its floodedbâsementof one of the tow- but you see human lig])res âhead
conponent pieces--€ach of which ers. It iÊ securedin a bronze-plated ofyou, âdvâncing slowly with
fishts sepârât€ly as a sea zombie. A chest,magicâlly tocked with a 10th_ weâponslowered.More voicesecho
snomish pnest can breâk the râft of level atza'd lo.à. (The yusoloth's back ând forth, speaking slowly
gaomish dead into its componentson rnagic resistanceallows hin to open
any 'tum' or "destroy" result. The the chest despitethe lock.) tt con-
zombies cannot be tumed otheNise. tains 1,000gp, â carved anber fros The sentries âre very confident of
Sea ,ombies (15):ÀL CEiAC 7; pendânt worth 1,000sp, a r00-g!
their army's strength. lnstead of
MV 6, swim 12i HD 5: hp 33,29 (x21. silver amulet shapedlike a wizârd's fi8hting, they offer the PCs â chance
27, 25 t'<2),23,27 l't4), 20 (.t3), l7 i rune, ând a dwanen slave'scollar to surcnder lirct in Ghoulish, then
THACo 15; #AT r; Dmg 1dl0;SA made ofsteel but chasedin sold, Dueqar, then Undercommon.If the
st€nch,disease;SD cannot be tumed; worth 2,?60 s?. FiDally, the chest PCs sunender, they âre marched to
half dâmage from fire; immune to holds â rins made ol câr,'ed emerald the center of the ghoul camp and
sleep, eharn, hold, àeath mag'c, pa' in the shâpe ofâ winsed snake,worth then eaten. If the PCs won t suneD-
sons,and cold-baÊedspells: double 4,500 cp. "allow" them
dea the shoùls offer to
dâmase fron lightnins; SZ S; ML 20; Ifthe heroesexplor€ ânother one to Êimply to tum around and leave
XP 420i MM/373-374. of the towers, rcâd or paraphrâse the
the shoul allny âlone. They have no
Wlile the râft keeps the PCs busy, fottowing: quânet with surface dwellers, and
the hydroloth dives into the river and they have plenty offood ât the a wat€r elementâl. The ele' Everything inside the tower lies
neDtal is elTectively invisible while tumbled in heâps:bmk€n bones,
tom leather, shattered stone. Only In combat,the ghouls use simple
ùderwater It ises up to attâck fly_ tactics.They use their teeth and
ing PCs only if it hâs no târgets in the a few masicât lightÊ still shiDeoil
the wreckagethât was oncehome claws against most crcatures; they
wâter. WTen attâcking ât the surface, resene thei weâponsfor creature8
â mll of4 or rnore abovethe number to hundreds of deep sîomes.
As you stand and examine the immune to pâralysis, such kuo t ans
rcquircd to hit knocks a flying PC out or undeâd. Ifthe PCs are not câught
of the air and into the wât€r weckâge, you hear a timid voice
by sùrprise, read the following:

56 lssueNo. 70

A sreenish-yellowlisht fills the AC 0i HD 9+9; hp 72; THAC0 9i #AT The Lady of Worms is not a blood-
coridor ahead,and a lârse câvem 3 or 1i Dms 1d6/1d6/1d8ôr by and-suts seneral. She retreats if
sprcads out behind it. Two humân weâpon typei SA paÉlyzâiion, spells, things go against her. ând she gladly
s€ntries stând to either side ofthe Streneth drain, oDtndle d"ddi turned parleys with th€ adventurers ifshe
openiDginto the cavem b€yond;â aB mumnyt )(P 8,000. câpture€ them. IfMurliss suffers
bârricâde of spikes ofsone kind Swlls:.duse lisht waunds \x2), more than 50 câBualties,she informs
blocks the tuDnel-The sentries cu6e, da*ness l'2), d.etectg@d, Doresain by speâking to aD Eye of
se€mnot to have noticed you. detect magic; aid, dathness 15 rddius, the Kins md âsks for reinforcements
heat metal, hold person,silenæ 15 Ifthe PCs s€ek to pârley with her,
Ifthe PCs wâit around tâlkins rddius; dispel magi4 prdtea protection she receivesthem in her quârterFa
tong enough,one ofthe sentries gath- fron frrc, prrctechnics, spùh @ith tent ofblâck spider-silk enchânt€dto
ers a companyof20 zombieê,50-100 dead;causesetious uound' di1iaa. prevent noise passins fron the inside
trcn, tonsues; batl of fire. to the outside (worth 2,000 e?). The
shouls, four officers,â priest, and the
Marques.The fiÉt wave ofattackers True ghoul underpdests (3):as Lady ofworms is always acconpâ-
tnes to capture the PCBthrough other true ghoulsi HD .1+4;hp 26, 23, nied by an Eye ofthe Kin& which
pâralysis.Ifthe first wave fails, the 21; TIIACo 15i SA parâlysis. spells, obsen€Bthe ârmy's progress.
Vârques retreats to lead a second St.ength drain;SD tumed âs IfMurliss is slain. Belanar takes
wâve,the Bamesize as thê fi6t, plùs mummies: XP 2,000. her place as General.lfboih âre
lwo râms to break through the Spells: cause lieht uounds, darh. slsin, the âûny's morâle drops to 14.
pârty's front rank. The secondwave Since the shoul amy is paid in
s€ekssimply ro kill the PCs. Zontries (43)i INT non-;AI NiAC meat râther thân in coiD,they cârry
Meeting the ghouls' ârmy is 8;MV 6; HD 2; hp I each;TIL{C0 19i no pa)aoll ch€sl. However,the ghouls
extremely dangerous.They a.€ âs {AT 1;Dmg 1d8:SD spell inmunityl do sack €âch city they conqùer;at the
relentless as locusts,stripping th€ SZ M; ML specialjXP 65r MMl3?3. moment th€ officers cârry 50 gp each
nesh ftom everythins in their path. Zombiesalways attack last. in sems rmGtly asates ând râwjade)
The zombiesprovide a larder for the Necromantic battering râms tmm their conquest of rhe troglodltes.
ghouls-mobile f@d that doêsn't slow ( 2 ) :I N T s e r n i - ; A LN i A C 2 : M V 9 ; H D
down nârching soldiers,âs well as 1 6 i h p 7 4 , 7 0 i T H A C o5 ; # A T l i D m g 7. Sutphurous Springs. R€âd or
usefDlfodder for the battlefield. The 2d20iSA crush, trâmple; SD immune paraphrâseihe following âs the party
shouls speâk ùheir own lansDaseas to mind-affecting spells: turned as
"special"iSZ G i30 long,9
*ell as DDersa..Droq and a debased tall); ML
torm ofUnder.ommon. 18; XP 10,000;New monste. MassesoIa leâflessreddish,
Ifa bâtterine râm strikès â foe pu.ple, and black plant CYowin the
The footsoldierstrâvel quietly.
without the shoutibg, cursing, or with a nâturâl 20, it destroys all corridor ahead,blockins your wây.
laushter of a surfaceamy. Howevea items carried by the target unless A slight hâze ofwarm, wet âir
they march in lockst€p,Ûeating â they sâve vs. crushing blow at 5. spoils yo'r. infrâvision, cùtting
When the ran stnkes a foe, he must your visiôn in hall Strange bluish,
steady vibrâiion thât announcestheir
make an âbility check equal to hâlf geen poolsofwater dot the pas-
anivâ1for miles alons every tunnel.
This warning is â meâsure oftheir his StrenSrh (percentileStrengrh
arrogaDceimost râcesof the counts as 19 for this calculâtion).If
Lhderdârk prefer steâlth. the check fâils, the victim suffers an The bluish ereen poolscontâin
At the head ofthe army march additionâl2dl0 hp daDase as the wâter superheatedby geothe.mâl
two construcb ofthe ghouls neÙo- vents. They can boil a creâture alive
nantic nagic: bâtte ng rans made Murliss, Lady of Woms rtrue in an instântr anyonepushed into a
enti.ely ofsculpted livins flesh, eâch shoul narquess): lNT highj AL NËi pool must make â sâving throw vs.
Rith 40 tess.Three ghoùl officers ride AC -5j MV 12; HD 8+8i hp 46; deâth masic or be boil€d âlive, suff€r-
on one;the amy's general rides on THAC0 11 (8 with loua suo.d +.3)i ing 6dr0 hp danase eâch mund. If
#AT 3 or lj DDs 1d6/1d6/td8 or ibe sâving throw succeeds.the victim
The amy proper consistsof 200 1d8+5 (long sûord +J plus Stren8th); merely sufters 3d10 hp dâmâse.
true ghoul f@tsoldierê (hp 22 SA pârâlyzâtion, chill touch, sunmon Fireweed Smws neâr the heat, pro-
êa.h), each caûyinc a lonc sword, shadows;SD spell immùnities; turned vidins food for the troslodyte tnbe.
speaaand lieht crcssbow.The foot as vampire: SZ Mj ML 18; XP 7.000. tsee DtuaooNMagazine #227 lor
$ldiers âre turned as shâsts.The 20 Murliss sears leat,âe.ornor +3
.rue ghoul officerô ûp 27 each) are and rins of ptutection +2 , à The h€at and fog rising ftom the
eâch arned with â nâce and are demon-facedsÀi?ld +4 into battle, springs create a very pleâÊântcli-
tumed aB wrâiths. In addition, the wields a wa\"-bladed loas saold o/ mâte for a tdbe oftroslod'.tes. This
amy is suppofted by â small troupe round,as +3, and has a 17 Dextenty. particular tribe hâs been lleeins the
ofshoul priests,leâd by Belanaa hish Her ruthlessnesson the bâttlefield shoul army (seearea 6) for some tin€
pnest of thè ghouls. wâûants her stâtus as General ofthe but has not yet found a n€w home.
Belanar (gthlevel true shoul Greât Amy ofthe Ghoùls.Her army The nists ofthe sprinss hsve kept
pn€st): as other ghoùls,but INT high; is sometim€salso called the Wom, them linserins here for â few days,
eâten in honor oftheir pahon, Nerull. bùt they will soon move on agâin. If


You aûive ât the shore ofân

underSroundiver ât the interÊ€c-
tion ofthree tunnelB;the river
flows swittly and coldly hom the
north. A dâIn ofgrayish-brown
stone fill most ofthe souther tun-
nel, diverting the wâter ftom it
into the south'easten tunn€l- The
dâm's mortar is black as tar

The dam was built by the shouls

with the cloâk€rs'cooperâtion.The
stoneswele câwed by ghoul masonq
but the mortar holding them together
is the shadow-stuffofthe cloak€rs.
W}lile this provides Ètrons cement for
the dâm, it cân be dissolvedby sun-
light or coat;naol liÉr,il,spells.Each
coatiaa@lIta,{r $eates  tiny leak,
with a 5% cumulâtive chanceof
bursting the dâm. Sronesàdpe,drg,
and simitar spelts have no effect on
the unnatuÉl shadow-stuff If the
PCs deshoy the dâm, the nvel
reveris tô its forrner course,and the
city ofGlimnerfell slowly dries out.
The river used to run throush the
tunnel leâdins 6outh fron this inter-
seciion.and traces ofits passâg€are
still visible-The old riverbed is lit-
tered with rounded stones,a f€w deâd
the adventurcrs return to these Troglodyte subchi€fs (4): as fish, and long stretchesofsilt ând
caves.the trcss will be gone,leaving a b o v eb. u t H D 4 r h p 2 4 , 2 2 , 2 1 ,1 2 i muck.Ifth€ PCs follow the empty
behind onty trash and brcken shards THACO 17 (14 withjâvelin); XP 270. riverbed, they eventuâlly âfive at
Tloglodlte female (43): as the Creât Châsn ofthe cloâkers
Communicâtion with the trogs is âbove,but MV 15i HD 1+1:hp I (i.1), la.ea l3). where the river once
difficult, âs they speak only lheir own 8 (x4)7 , ( i 6 ) . 6 r ! 3 1 , 5( x 8 ) , 4 1 x 5 r , 3 plunged into the depths.Now the
languâse.If the DM wishes..onpr. rx6), 2 (x?); TTIACo 19; XP 65. tunnel merely provides a goodview of
hend. laiguages 8ûndtongu.s do not The tribe's 12 survivins hatchlinss
work properly on the trogs because are noncombatânts.but the femâles
their langrage dependson scent ias will lighù to th€ deatb to protect 9. The Ghætwood, This hauntins
detailed in 'The Ecologyof the them. Any âitâck on the hatchlings forest iB avoidedby most c.eatures ot
lrog)oàrte" in DP'l'coN Magazine give the fenales +2 to attack and the Underdark, despite the plentiful
#235).Ifthe PCs sonehow commui' fôod supply il provides ând the lâ.ge
câte ânyway,the troglodytesglâdly The tribe has no treasure, but if tunnels lerding to and from it. Read
t€ll the âdventurers rbout the shout approachedpeâc€fullyor olïered food th€ following when the party enters
ârmy: its curreDt location,numbers, they happily ally themselveswith the
paralyzation power6,and weâpon6. PCs asâinst the shouls. Ifthe PCs
Ttrglodlte wârriorô (46): INT make â Charisûa check ât 6, the The tunnel etpands into two
low; AL CE;AC 5; MV 12: HD 2; hp irogs accompânythe pârty âgarnst caverns-â smâller, stalâctite- and
1 6 , r 5 ( x 2 1 ,1 4 , 1 3 ( x 6 1 ,1 2 1 x 4 ) ,1 1 the ghouls,âdding 150 HD to the stalaFnite-filled cavern,ând a
( x 4 ) ,1 0 ( x 5 ) . 9 ( x 7 ) , 8 ( x 5 ) , 7 ( r 5 ) , 6 larger cavern filled with strange
( x 2 ) .5 , 4 ( x 2 ) ,3 i T H A C 0 1 9 ( 1 6 w i t h legetâtion. Two natural stone
jâvelin); #ÀT 3 or 1; Dms ldzld2l 8. The Riverbed. The shouls built s steps lead down from the smaller
1d4+r or 2d4 (weapon);SA javelin; dâln here to dilert the Riv€r Laetan cavern to the lârger cavern.
SD camoùflageBurpriseson 1-? ld8). frorn its usuâl course.The river runs
Strength lGs; SZ M (6 tâll)iML l1i in from the north west ând exits by The only useful resou.cein the
XP 12OtMM/348. rhe south-east€rntunnel, following srnaller cavem is a pool ofcleaa co1d,
Troglodlt€ leaders (4)i as above, the new chann€l directly into the d.inkable water thât bubbles up fron
b u t H D 3 ; h p 1 8 , 1 7 , 1 2 , 1 1 ;T H A C O svifneblin city of Glimnefell (ateâ
1 8( 1 5 w i t h j a v e l i n ) i X P 1 7 5 . 5). The city its€lfis floodedand ReÂdthe following when the paty
deÊtroyedas â result ofthe dan. approachesor ente.s the larg€r câv€:


A constant dark breezegroans

ihroùgh the tunnel frcm the nush-
mom forest spread out before you.
The for$t câvem ikelf extends up
into darkness ând out beyondyour
vision to either side.You câû s€e
something flitting amone the
trunks oftàe tallest fungi, some-
thing Bmall and €natic,like a bat-
As it âpproachesit gathers speed,
ând strikes-a black dagger pluns-
ing strâight at you!

An undead beholder named

Ciroseânwiel& the dagger usins his
telekinetic eye. Ciroseân floats Dear
the 40' hish ceiling. The Chostwoodis
naned aft€r the shostly dâgger; no
creature ofthe Underdark knows
what invisibte hand holds the dassels
hilt. The dâsser is not an ordinary
drcv d^Cger-ir À a bldch dasser of
dbaster n ûed Heart ofAngimn,
for the drow city where it was forged.
The black dâgger destroys any
mâsical barrier it t uchæ; it âbsorbs
all spells cast directly ât it. W}leû it
hits, it inflicts 2d6 hp damage;on a
roll ofa nâtural 20, it frDctions âs a
dis;u teg.dte sp€ll Dnless the target
cr€ature sâves vs. deatà magic- It can
be defeated by â dispel md€dc (which has been condemnedto stây in the treâsures ofthe greât library, the
renders it inert for ld4 iounds), by an Ghostwood,the site ofher deâth. hâll6 ofblackest darkwood,and the
rnlinosic aÀell (which it cannot Andeve hates her confinenent md bra,ie.s of âdânantite---€lâborat€as
pass),or by destmyinc Ciroseân's cooperâtes with anyone who can much âs you like). Àll of these but the
hârm the ghouls. This isn't to say tibrary were plundered by the shouls
ciros€an (undeâd beholder):INT Bhe'Ban easy âlly-she constantly 50 yeÂrs aso. lfthe PCs break th€
*mi-; AL LETAC 0/Z?; MV fly 2 (C); rambles on about the early days, banshee'slink to the Ghostwood(by Â
HD 69 hp; THACo 7; #AT 1; Dmg when "l ând my wâr.or mÂidenstook successfultuming attempt), she
2d4i SA sleep, telehiresis, flesh to Ansrimn fron the dwârves by storn, immediâtely heads for the city, mov-
ttone,.harm monste. slou caue se.i feeding them bits oftheir own hearts ins with the unnâtùrâl sp€edofthe
ôus ùounù, â,nddeath m! eyeqsD and flinging them fton the pârapets undead I see area 10).
eti-masic ray; SZ L (6 diarnei2r); just to watch them die."This may set The banshee'st.eâsures are hidden
ML 18; XP 13,000;n4Ml2r (beholder). on PC dwarves' nenes, but even in a rusted iron casket beneath the
Ciroseanwas nade undead by worse is her habit ofhumming to her- cavern'smulch. The casket contains
Andeve, â drow sorceress of 400 years sell then sinsins, and finally wailing 10,000sp, r,000 sp, sx oddly 81een
ago; he hâs defended the ghostwood in her anger ând despâia killins crea- 100 Cp pearls from the SunlessSea
ever since.Circsean is an alnost tures within tistenins distance.She'll (wo h 1,000g! to creatures ofthe
entircly mindle$ c.eâtu.e;he obeys stop if pronpted, but she starts hum' U^detdark), btigandine armo. + I,
Andeve's orden ând has few thoughts ming asain as sùddenly as she stops. and a sÀield +I, +4 us.nissiles.
of his own. He hâs lost the use ofhis Andeve {drow baDshee):INT
chdrm pe6on, feaa and disintes.@te exceptional;AL CE;AC 0; MV 15; HD ro. ADgt imn, Læt City of the
7 ; h p 3 2 :T H A C o 1 3 ; # A T 1 ; D m g 1 d 8 ; D.ow. This caverDonce contained â
Ifthe PCs flee from the behotder, SA sisht causesÊoa deâth wail; SD deep dwaNen city named Angrimm.
tàey arc approâched by its mâst€r +1or bett€r weâponto hit: MR 50%l Four hundred years ago,the drow
Andeve is â drow warrio. d.essed in SZ M (5 tall); ML 13; XP 4,000; stormed the city ând drove the
6ne âmor-shostly ând trânspârent MM/13. dwafles awây.They renamed the city
D bnsht light. but seenincly solid If the PCs parley with Andeve,she Ylesh Nahei, meâning "stolen prize,'
| ând cold) to iniavision- Once a drow telb them all âboùt the city of but every other lâce continued to calt
queen,Andeve wâs stain by the Kilenor ând its immense treâsures it Ansrimn, as eventually did the
Shouts 50 years aso, while out hunt' (the crown ofsapphires, the ârches drow themselv€s.Fifly years ago,the
ins cloaken for sport. Since then she set with golden runes, the levitâting drow were ejected by the ghouls, and


yards, consrrictionfor 3d8i SD regen-

erqte 1d4 hp/4 roundsi senscinvisible
.reâtures wilhin 80 feet:.loiroùdi.
?n.. within 160 f€et in lairr lrùe see.
inq. detect nagic: imûDne to sleep,
.Àarn, and àold; resist heût and cold
r--.3hp/die ofdâmâge)t MR 40%t SZ H
( 5 5 â n d 6 5 ) i M L 1 8 iX P 1 6 . 0 0 0e a c h i
MMl82 (dragon).They cast sp.lls as

Teskin's wizard spells (4/2/1):

.hdrm peÆon,spider tlinb, taunt,
tall of fos:hind, web;liqhtnins boLt. spells (1):cep ligÀl uoùn.Js
RendmaR'swizard spells (4/2/1):
olarn, enlarge,shothins grasp,spider
cLimb;hr-pnoti. pdtt.m, ub: haste.
P.iest spells (1): sou.tùd'r.
lnnât€ abiliti€s: assumesnakefom
(4 tim€s/dayr,assumehuftan fom
(4/d^yt, free action at sill. lel itdte
t}làar), tronsmute nxh h nùd l3/àay\
and teleâiresÂ-(3/dây).
Within th€ lower, the draeons lev;
tate to stây up near the cciling and
âttack using their llesh-corrosivl:
breath weapon,so as noi to hârû the
books and scrolls.when pursùins
PCs outsid€ the tôwet the drâgons
use spi.lpr./i'iô h ârtâck from the
cejlins ând tô dn corksoew-wis.
alông tbe tunnel walls. Thcir free
action ability allows thcn io cast oeô
"-s/'res ùt ûijit./l and then freely attack anyone cdughl
/i',,.r 1 dntl cnlorttl t it h tln' lordrts' ol 'ot? l.rttu .le,tùl in them lthcsc atlacks âul{,ftâlicâlly
. . . S h c w d sf t r t u 1 h . \ ' i t r t | o r r l l c r r l i r r l / r î r , l r u c à o d d , S . r o u st h " t ç . - C l n r k succe.dr.Finally, Teskin's a dll .y'&s
Athtôn Sntith. lh. \\\t(hùrli al L'ltui createsan thick hrze bùt the deep
dragon'slruP s.Ptug allows them to
the dro$ rity was âlnrost cntjrcly lor|al leâding into the tower, using a se. through it freely.
small porter's window to question vi$ The tower ârchives themselvesare
A single r.d toiv.r sith $)fi iiors in her drow fom. RendDaw 55 tâll ând 30 wide,lvith . roofand
r e d c i n n â b a rs t i l l s t a n d sn e a t t h e keepswâtch from the iop floor ofrhe four floors.Th€ ceilinss are 15 hish.
c e n t e ro f t h c l 0 0 h i g h c a ! e . n .( l a l l e d towea also in drow forn OnlJ visi Thc roofholds the infrâred beâcon
r h e R e d K c e p .t h i s t o N e . c . n t . i n s t h c tors bcarins bribes are àllowed ini aDd a door leading to slâi.s lhÂt spi
archives ofthè ciiJl gtrardcdby its acccptablebribes inchde proofof ral down the inside ofthe tower Th€
librarians from the days otth. droR: h a ù n g s l â i n â n o b l eg h o u l( s u c ha s a lop floor contâins flât, narrow shelves
The light on top ofth. toscr doubles head, or Murliss's ârmor from area for mâps, charts. ând oth€r laree doc-
the effectile ranee ofall infràvisn)n 6r, â nâgical iiem, a laluable book ôr umenls. The third floor contains
for all creatures in the râv.rn Reâd s c . o l l .o r a n y â s s o r t m c not f j e w e l s books and scrolls,ihe secondhôlds
or paraphras. th. following: ândjewelry lvorth at lcast 5,000 g!. ùnbound folios ofnotes, sketches,ând
In exchansefor this fee. the drow reseânh scnbblines.The Êrs! noor is
Thc cav.rn belore lou stret.h.s libmrians bring thcir visitôrs the empty except for â chair,lante.n, and
i n t o d a r k n e s sd, i f r l v i l l u m i n a t c d books they request but do not allow rus. The rug covets a larye i.ap door
by â strânge reddish lreht. Thc them into lhe librâry proper on thc leading down to ihe c€llâr
light comesfrom thc top of â 1âll The dragons keep th€ir trcasures
red tower that stands in th. rcnter Teskin ând R€ndmaw (old deep i n t h e . e l l â r ,a n d t h e y s i l l k i l l a n y o t e
ofthe great sepulchre.sùr.ounded d r a c o n s )I:N T e x c e p t i o n a l ; A lC, F j i A C who so much as looks ar it. Their
by rubble and stony
l 4i MV 12, fly 30 (C), burrow 6, swiû
9 i H D 1 8 ; h p9 1 ,7 5 ; T H A C o , 1 ; + A T
hoard includes 9,000 cp. 20.000 sp,
7,000 ep,4,000 gp, 18 100-g! chunks
The libmriâns are a mated pair of 3+speciali Dng 3d4+8/3d4+8/3d8+8i of caFed lâde, 13 1,000-cpsapphires.
deep drasons.Teskin ând Rendmaxl SA flesh-conosivebreath weapon two enorrnousgold candlesticks
T€skin alsâls keeps guard insidc the rl6d8+8), spells,feâr âurâ withrn 30 (3,000 gp each),one silver plâted

60 lssueNo. 70

to âreâ 3
Ruins of
Angrimm Tower
One square = 30 feet

r0' ledge


.to area ll

chest (worth 2.500 sT,locked with a throueh the Ofb ofShâ They ofth. hué gh.uls dnd their special
superior lock, 40'z1, a brcnze helm.t also explain thàt the link can be brD rrrms of.ecùnùâncy. these books are
s.t withjet (400 gp), a sÙoll (.hange ken by a dtsp?l ,,agi. sp€ll or by .iUed the rrbra,r Prlrcs."Drid, or the
ieII dlter self, ùnptured phdntasmal shining pure sunligbt on the Orb 'I'rue
wod ol th. t,ord of D(d! tto
l|r.., ànd shadestà halberd.+1, chaia until it cracks into pieces. ùse its full trtler. When opened,eâch
nlail ofblendinq +1, and eight hdntl The dragons treasures are only volu e ofihe Libfan releâs€sa
./ossôoù ôoltr +1. The silver chest the tower's most obvious{ealthithe .loud ol foul snellinla dust. Any P(l
contains a bolt otfiDest blâck silk archives contain the plundercd readng rhe Ltbrûùt Putresceùtia
500 gp)and four potions (erlro-àeol knowledseol r dozenmces ofthe l e a ù n st h e l i , l l o ù i D g :
ùtg, Iotryerit!, beasure finding, ànd Underdark. lhe library includcs .] Giânt scaùabbeeLlesâre th.
otl al disenchanthreat). works in th€ c.abbed and spidery b â n eo f l h c u n d e a d e . s p e c i à Usyh a d
lfrhe PCs gâin the trust and coop- writing ofthe drow, dwarven runes, o$s and vampircs. They gene.ate
eration ofthe drâgon librarians, rhe svirlideblinmininA beatiscs, and evcn light brightef thân th. sun's.:l'he
drasons olIer the party â greater the oddly slithering writinss ofthe drow oncc tried lo erterminât€ thenr,
t.easure tbân their gold ând magic illithids, on strângely slippe.I bùt a Ies still live nr the Cloaker Rift
â due to the power that createdthe sc.olls.Any literate PC seafching fof
ûue ghouls.Tbey tell rhe PCs the information ûay have trouble read ri Cornoronghouls âfe norhing but
tale ofthe s€ver mages(from the ing even the Underconmon docu- scavcneeN,but tr'ùe ghouls arc
adlenture backc"ound),and detâil fteDts, but â sftall set ofbooks bound pùicstsol Neruli with a link to the
lhe ghoul's link to the Negative Plane in black leather âddrcss the subject demiplane ol Shados of the Negative


elemental plâne-They cân create rcadily be sâiled over the SunlessSea The kùo-toans â.e only tol) happy
enormous undeâd siece engines. to seveml destinations,most likely to tell the PCs where the shout
+ Kuo-toans âre valuable alties the coâstâl outpost of the ghouls,or coastal outpost iÊ (area l8) and misht
against true ghouls,for two rcâsons. Folâssisshuo,the city ofthe kuo-toan even escort them there. In âddition,
They âre immune to parâtyzation emperor-saint(locâtedsouthward, they wârn the PCs about the spying
and, jùst âs importantly, they are beyondwhat is shown on the map). âbilities of the Eyes of the King. If
cold-bloodedand thus cannot be Crumhorn (glâbrezu):INT exep- the PC speaking to the kuo-toâns
made into shouls themsêlves. tioDâl;AL CE;AC -7;ltfv 15; HD 10; makes a successfulChârisma check,
{ True shouls dependon a link to hp 36iTHAC0 1l: #AT 5; Dmg 2d6/ they join the expedition asainst the
the Negative Mâtênal Plâne for th€ir 2d6/1d3/1d3/1d4+r;SA gab; SD +2 shouls. Add 48 HD to the pârty's
powe4 without it, their empire would or better weaponsto hit; tânâr'ri makeshi{t aûny; the extra hit die val-
Ûumble. Once, â cabal of seat mages immunities; MR 507.; SZ H (15'tall); ues reflech the fish'men's iDmunity
attempted to steâl this power for ML 14; XP 12,000; Praxtsc,aPt to the ghoul'Â pâratysis.
themselves,but they were unsuccess- MCAlll0r (hnar'ri).
ful (see'ltdventure Backexound"). Innate sp€ll abilities: ù&rnrng 13. The Cloaker Rift. As itÊ name
Anyone reading the entire set of hdnds, charm person,darkness 15' sussests, the Cloaker RiIt is home t
books is subject to a blessins plâced rddius, detect nagic blways ætiee), ân enomous nation of cloakers. They
on the Libtum Pùtr$centio by its cre- dispel masiq enlarye, infruuision, rute the entirc rift, pleyinc on all
âtoa gaining infravision to 30 feet, or gote (509zchanceofsuccess),ntîo. other ûeatures that live there.
addins 30 feet to the rans€ of any imaEe,pouer uord stun ('lld^y), Many tunnels lead into this eno.-
infrâvision they already hâve.The reùercegtuùit!, telepo.t uithout enr, mous abyss.which is up to three
blessing lâsts until the recipi€nt '&e se?try (always âctive). miles wide and up to r,000 feet high.
stands in full daylisht. Deep within the ship's hotd is a Cracks and tunnels leâd down from
steel chest p.otected by an âverâge the surface to the .ifi, ând provide
1l.I'tuhbelly Spit. Thb kuo'toan l@k; the ship's treasures were âban- precious air from the surface. These
outpost was abandoned10 years aso doned durins the panicked bâttle €ntrances are largely impassabte and
durins the war with the aboleth. It is against the shouls. The chest holds a are not marked on the map- Most
now the occasionâlspâwnins sound bolt of violet'sray spider silk (worth enhances to the rift are more mun-
ofskum and aboleth, but otheNise it 1,000sp) and hunùeds of cffved dane tunnelÊi each is mârked with it8
shell offerinss for Btipdoolploop, the altitude. The party cân use rcpes and
T'he port is still in remarkâbly kuo'toan sea goddesÊ(1 cp each). spikes t clinb along the rift's tiers
g@d shape;a drcw vesselis still tied and ledses along the soùthem dm to
ùp at the whârf, its ghoul cr.ew long r2. The Sunless Sea. TÎ'e black the Cloaker City (Êee'The City of
since fled. The kuo-toân shnne, rarely waters ofthe SunlessSeâ reach
visited by pil8lims, i3 still stândins. ùncharted depths,and tunnets ând The i{t is divided into three habit-
Read or paraphrâ8ethe followins: side câvems connect its wâtêrs to dis' able zones:the aia the ledgesaDd
tânt resions of the Underdark. The walls, ând the rift floor beneath its
A single black ship with â Êurfâceofthe sea is relâtively calm, blanket of nist. Each of these areâs
grotesque ficurehead and â furl€d ând never troùbled by stoms or is desc.ibed in ereâter detait below.
blâck Bâil rides on the wâters, teth- tides. Mild winds blow fron one end Visibility abovethe mist is 90
ered to a whâfthat projectsûom ofthe 8leât câvem to another,and ya.ds becauseofthe pale slow that
the end of the tunnel. To either "r€efs" of Btalâgmites and cave-ins comes fron a tayer of clouds below
side of the whadi3 a strand of brcak up the surface. As far as the The nist glow comes ftom the inter-
small rcunded stones; to your right PCs âre corcemed, there are only nittent light shed by giant scarab
is a small buildine, to the left a four possibledestinations:th€ drow beettes, who live in the perpetual fog
cluster oI stone huts. Caned out of outpost at th€ delta of the Svârtjet at of the nft floor.
thê north wall is a strange statue, the western end of the 8ea,tbe kuo- Wàen the party enteB the rift
resemblins a human fisure with an toan island-city in the center of th€ ftom one of the tunnels, read or para-
oct poid head and lobter claws. seâ,the kuo-toan shrine on the south- phrase the foltowiDg:
em shor€,and the shouls'outpost on
This ship fiFt appeâredin rnodule th€ northern shore. The tunnel ends abruptty aheÂd
D3: Va.ilt o/ làe r.où. the ship's fis- Kuo-toa (12): INT hish and up; of you, and beyond lies â vâst
ureheâd is an enchant€dtanâCri AL NE: AC 4; MV a, swim 18; HD 2; chasm of blâck air and wind. The
h p 1 6 . 1 5 , 1 4 , 1 1 , 1 0 , I ( x 4 ) ,8 ( x 2 ) ,7 ; wind makæ a howtins noise as it
suardian; unless Lolth's name is
invoked when the ship is boarded.the THAC0 19; #AT 1or 2; Drng 1d4+1 leavesyour tunnel, and â Bharp
demon animâtes ând âttacks the and by weapontwe; SA haryoon, breezerushes past you, pushins
you toward the edge.Just within
boarders.The tanar'ri is â runt and a slue shields;SD see invisibte Ând
cowârd,but it fights for its freedon. €thereal cr€atùreÊ;immune to poison, your sight, a wâterfall falls over
Ifslain while free of the ship s prow, illusions, ând pa.alysis; hâlf damaee the tedge into the darkness ftom a
it returns to theAbyss..âther thân ftoln electricity; SZ M; ML 13; XP tuDnel on your risht. Below yoù is
becominsa figùrehead again- Once 7' tïMMt2rN276. a layer ofmist that flickeB with
its Brârdian is Êlain.the ship cân light ftom below

62 lssueNo. 70

At the eastern end ofthe rift. the SZ G (25 tong); ML 12; )(P 13,000;
câtarâct of the River Laetan falls into MM/364 \\9orIn.). Ahead ofyou, a 150 stâlactite of
the cavern at the G.and Câscade,â Neither the scârab beetlesnor the dârk $ey stone hanss among the
thin 200 waterfall. At the western cloakeÊ carry any treasure; one of snaller stalaetit€s.The surfâceof
end lies the city ofthe shouts (ârea the purple worms hâs ldlO 100-g! the grây stalâctite is crawling with
20). At every enhance and exit to the gems in its gùllet. cloakerc; hundreds more cloakerc
rin, â cloaker sentry lies hidden, sur, are hoverine in the air all aroùd
I p.ising on â roll of 1-5 on 1d10. it. As if that weren't enough,three
The Black Lake enormous creatures, eâch eâsily
I Cloaker setrtry:INT hrsh;AL
I C N i A C 3 r r r ;M V I , n r t 5 t D r . H D 6 : A la.g€ freshwater lake lies anong 100 lons, float near the city. These
I hp 22; THAC0 Is; #AT 2 + specialr the mists ât the bottom ofthe rilT. larger creaturcs look like long,
Dms rd6/1d6 ând 1d4 + târseas AC, Read or pârâphrasethe followins as pxfied-up purple woms. w'th tinJ
SA unease,fear. qeâ,hold per the party âpproaches: s n r m m e n n gw r n g sr n r o w s o n
| @ n :S D m a n i p u l a t es h a d o s s ; S ZL ( 8 '
long)iML 13i XP 1,400;MMl,14. Motionlessblack wâtærruDs
lffâced w h supenor numbers, onto a slick, stony shore.The water The city is âlways surounded by a
the cloaker tries to creare as many smells ofdecay,and the strange small cloud ofcloaker suards ând
shadow imâses as possibleând ne€. tf plantÊ sunoundins the wat€r bum travele.s as well as the cloaker's
I with a pâle .eddish slow A cold stranse beasts of burden. These flv-
| â senhy escapes,it sâthers â raidins
party and returns in 2-A turns to wind blows from âbove. ins balloon creatures,called float€rs.
altâck in force.All bDt one ofthese are enormous floating gas-bags rang-
I ing fron 20 t 100 yards long, and up
I cloakerswill âttack: the last one uses The wat€r here is foul with the
il.s smanins and shadow manipula- wastes ând boneÊcaried down- to 20 yards in diameter.
tion powers to aid the others Raidins streâm by the rive. ftom Glitt€rfell- Closkers (4-400): INT hiqh: AL
I CN; AC 3 (1)i llfv 1, fly 15 (DJi HD 6r
I pârties are led by â cloaker lord The reddish slow comesfron algae
named Sloonïâhs t0.z of the rime; that clos the blâck lâke. hp 27; THACo 15; #AT 2 + speciâlj
I Dms 1d6/1d6ând 1d4 + tarset's AC;
I th€ cloâker lord s stâtistics are silen The lâke lies beneâth a sreat âir-
I in "The City ofEcho€s,'below shalTleâdins up to the surface.Some SA uneâse,feaa weakness,,àoldp€.-
Cloaker raiding party (8): as water reaches the lake this wây, but son; SD manipulate shâdows:SZ L (8'
I lorùt ML lT W r,4O0;MM/44.
I â b o v eb, u t h p 3 6 , 3 0 , 2 9 , 2 5 , 2 8 , 2 r , even more imrDrtantly, the shâft is a
conduit for freÊhair The wellshâft's Float€rs (3): INT low;AL N;AC 5;
Ifâ PC falls int the âbyss during enchaDtmentspull cold mountain air lvIV 1, fly 26 (E); HD 16: hp 74, 73,
ombat with the cloâkers, he sufieB down to the lake, dispellins the mists. 7 1 ; T H A C O5 ; # A T r ; D m s 1 d 1 2 ; S D
lomal falliDs damâge. Resardless of Cloaker patrols are frequent here, immune to poison and mind-affectins
reinforcing their clâim to this source s p e l l se
. x p l o d e i S ZG i 8 0 2 0 0 l o n s r ;
I i,hether he lives or dies, he is
M L 1 3 ; X P 9 , 0 0 0 rN e w m o n s t e r
I rnocked unconsciousifhe faits a sav- If the party gets pâst the small
I ins throw vs. dèath magicj while flocks of cloakerc ât the frinses of the
I unconscjous.he misht be drassed off The City ofEchoes
city, they must still get past the city's
l. by rhe creatures livins below thê WardiDs Sons, a seat barriê. of
I Eisls Downat the botton ofthe The cloaker city is an upside-down
aerie that rcsemblesan enormous sound created by a cloâker choir. The
I châEmlive a number orcreep}
stalâctite hanging abovethe gÎeat Warding Sons hâB a maximum rangè
I crawlers, Iiom gÎeat purple worms of300 yards ând inflicts danaee
chasm. Rumors claim that the city's
I .nd srânt scarab beetlesto obscure
tunDels go beyondthe stalagrite into dependingon the pmximity of the lis-
I Dolds and insects. tener Anyone within 300 yards suf-
The beetlesare hârmless unless the stone above,but these tunnels
.ùâcked. but the'r l'sht-producrns are known only to the cloakersthem- feB ld6 hp damase without a savins
| thrcw and nust make â saving throw
I poeers nake thêm danserousto selveHther races must rely on the
unverifiable tâles of illithid raiders. vB. poison or be atrected as if by a
I tlrow and undead.The worms aitack
The city's outer halls hâve b€en lloa spell.Anyone within 150 vards
I rhenever hunsry
I Giant scarab b€etles (1-31 INT visited by various ghoul anbâs- suffers an additional 2d6 hp dâmâge
sâdors;they are filled with dark ând must mâke a secondsavinA
I bw: AL NG; AC 3; MV 6, bunow r,
mists and strange lights that the throw vB.poison or suffer a second
| . i r m p 1 2 :H D 6 ; h p 3 4 . 2 9 , 2 5 ; T H A C o sloe spell. Finally, ânyonewithin 50
q rAT 1: Drng 2d6i SA nâre ldispels cloakers find pleasins. The cloaker
I yards sulfers 4d6 hp damage and
city contains may treasures,includ-
I D.asicalshadowsand dd.*ness w'thin
ing itens stolen from the illithids. If must make â third savins throw or be
I l0 reet:inflicts rd6 hp dâmâse/round
the PCs seek to explore the city, the affected by Êo,; fleeins away from tàe
I lo shadowcreaturesr;SDjump; SZ L
I ( 1 2 l o n g r ;M L 1 4 i X P 4 2 0 ;D M c o N DM is encouracedto expand on this sourcêofthe Wardins Sons.
a Yoao,tha i221t23. If thê PCs sonehow set inside the
P u r p l e w o m s ( 1 - 2 r :I N T n o n ; The city is invisible Fom the rift city, the goins isn't âny easier. The
walls or flooa hidden by the darkness. city's âichitecture is impassableto
ItL N: AC 6; lvIV 9, burrow 9i HD 15i
Read the followinc ifthe pariy flies nonflyins creatures;hoverins cloâk-
l l p ? 1 , 6 4 ; T H A C o5 ; # A 1 2 ; D m q
S A s w a L l o ww h o l e ,p à m o n : within 400 yârds ofthe city: ers have no boùble soing up vertical
lll22dr0r shafis, but other races have never
l -

mounted â successful attack on the AC 3iMV 12; HD 8+8ihp 52; TIIACo like swallows.A man in a turban
city. The mâmmoth statactite is mâgi- 11; #AT 3 o. 1; DIns 1d6/rd6/1d8or ând plâte mâil is shouting orders;
cally rcinforced with naterial ftorn 1d8+4 (battle âxe fom of tàe rod of his black shietd beârs a skutl and
the Demiplâne of Shâdow;attempts Iordly miehtt 26 charses). SA para- sickte insigda.
to destrcy the stone itself have lyzation, Shensth dmin, summon
proven futile. At the center of the city shâdo*s: SD spell inmunities; tumed The outpost is cuneDtly home to a
ties the hall of the cloâker lord. âÊvampire: SZ M; ML 18;XP 4,000;
shoul patrol âs well as the Marquis'
It is generally known that the rcd of lordlr might 116 charses). gùârds.The Marquis himselfis a
cloakersarc allies of the shouls Findel (true ehoul treasurer): swarthy rnan who once lived in Ket
asainst the illithids, for the cloâke.s INT âverage;AL NE;AC 4i MV 12; but who he has long since becomea
and mind flayers have fought â HD 4+4; hp 34i THÀC0 15 (11 with creature of the Underdark. He speaks
silent, genocidal war for centùies. mace);#AT 3 or 1; Dms rd6/1d€i/1d8 Ghoutish, Undercomnon, and a.chaic
The PCs gain no information about or ld6+5 (drow mace)iSA parâlyza- Common.The skull'and-sickle on his
the ghouls here, though they misht tion, Strencth drain, sunmon shad- shietd is the unholy symbol ofNerulli
find allies to go illithid-huntins. ows; SD spelt immunitiesi tumed âs Yosef is â true betiever
The PCs can reqùest an audience wraith: SZ M; ML 16; XP 1.400;lbol- Marqùis Yos€f von Linden'
with the cloale.lord, but it cânnot be 'ndni' nû.e +4, hând cmssbow Lord of Ash€s (true shoul): INT
peruuaded to betrây the shouts with- The 30 ghoul bear€rs (hp 29, 27, hish;AL NE;AC -4; ltfv 12;HD 8+8i
out some greât benefit to his own 26, 25 lx2), 24 \x4). 23 lx'), 22 lx6). hp 55: THACo 11 (10 with scinitor
peopleor âssùrancesthat the illithids 21(x5),20 (x3). 19, 18) âre cowards +l); #AT 3 or 2i Dms ld6/1d6/1d8 or
will not simply take advantsse of the who fieht only bÉefly before runnins 1d8+l-ltd8+1 (with sctmttd. +ll; SA
ensuing chaos to destmy the cloâkers otr Mâke â morale check (14) every pâmlyzation, càil, lou.à, sumnon
utterly. Howevea a gift of food, exotic mundi ifit fails, the beârerc alt flee. shadows;SD spell immunities; t,rmed
surface soods, or nâgic can convine The shouls gather treasure as as vânpire; Sz Mi ML 18;)(P 4,000;
the cloaker lord t let the party pâss much for statN âs for its intriNic s.imitat of speed+1, .ing of prctec-
in peace, or even with an escort of value; as undeâd,they have tittle tiotl +3, full plare, shield + 1.
hundreds of cloaker€. need for money. The treasures include The Marquis commandsa coDtin-
SlooD'dâhs (cloaker lord): IM ân itlithid skull, 20 fine obsidian gent of 29 true ghouls. Tventy of
senius; AL CE; AC 1 ( 1); MV l, fly chunks (r0 sp each),â small pile of them âre out scouring the tunels
24; HD 22; hp l21i THAC0 1; {AT 200 cp, â slishtly larger pile of 200 sp and return iû 1d6 tums- The Émain-
2+1; Dmg 3d12/Bd6and 2d6+tarset's and 250 C?, ân orcish nose-rins ing nine stây with the Marquis arld
Ac; SA howl; SD shâdowsjSZ H (60 inscribed with runes thât read are positionedas shown on the map.
wingspan); ML 20; XP 18,0OOtMM/44 ne" (worih 20 g?), â 3 tâll blue stat- The 29 true ghoùl soldier€ (hp
uette ofBlipdoolploop (carvedin lâpiÊ 36, 34. 31. 29 i.X3),24,27 , 26 l'X5),25
The cloaker lord is attended at all lazuli and worth 4.000 sp), a scalp ( x 3 ) , 2 4( x B ) , 2 3 , 2 1( x 4 ) , 2 0 ,r 9 ( x 2 ) ,
times by an honol suard of20 cloâk- fron a soblin shaman, a æcàloce o/ 18 (x2)) all car.y scimitars and short
ers of mânmum size (hp 48 each). nrsstles thât looks like â simple bows, rather than the usual ghoul
The rèmâinder ofthe lold's followers twine Decklace set with chips of stone weapons. rhey ârc aU Keolandêrs
can Eâch it within 1d10 mun&; any- and nine bells {the betts are the mis' and Yeomen captued from the sur-
one attackins Sl@n'dâhs will be pur- siles:one 8'HD, two 6 HD, two 4 HD, face and trânsformed iDto ghouls. The
sued all the wây to the surface. and four 2-HD),40 troglodyt€ Lord ofAshes prefeB ùndead ofhis
jâvelins, 24 tanned tmglodyte hides,
16. Eastern Outpost. The ghouls' and a suit of duergarplare no +A This outpost is âlso â staging area
newest outpost was established aùer sized to fit âny dwarf. for the Eyes of the Kin$ the Eyes a.e
they oveûân the hoslodlt€ wârrens released heæ to scoul the passage-
that once occupied this câvem. The 16. Alhen OutpGt. Thk outpæt is ways for enemies or intrudêrs.
same space now seres â3 a ffeasure- the home of a ghout smithy; the noise Hùdreds of them are rcsting âlong
house and stasing a.eâ for future of forgework can be heârd from the wâIs ofthe centrat forge room
râids. However, the outpost has no roùghly â mile âway thmush the tun- end the shrine to Nennl to the east;
fixed amy at the moment, only bear_ nels. The outpost itself i3 only lishtly if âttacked, they scatt€r into the
eft who pack ând carry away the defendedby the Mârquis ofAshes nodh ând south tunels.
measer tleasures plundered here. and his followers. Read the following The Marquis' châmber, located
The bearêr's are commanded by when the party investigates the hâm- west ofthe smithy, is empty save for
Marquis Gillich and his aide, the meing ând rcachesthe outpost: a pile of six mountain dwarf o.pses
treasurer of the shods. If captuled, that Marquis Yosef keeps as hiÊ per-
the robles try to buy their livæ by Bdsht btuespa.kÊleapfmn a
foræ in the tunnel âhead;shouls sonâl food supply.
spilling the secret of the shout trea-
sury (seeârea 20I). Howevea they pump the bellowsand work â
17. Blood-driDkels Hâll. No map is
don't know about the glyph protect- stranse,purplishmetal.A few provided for this outpost, 'hich lies
sùârdsin Keolanddressarê wâtch- cloÊeto the tombs of the marquis
Marquis Cillicb" Lord of Sâlt ing smâl1Creenlishts floât nound (area 1S) and Kilenor, City of the
{true shoul): INT exceptioDâl; Al- NE; the ceilins,swoopinsand divins
Ghouls (ar€a 2o).

64 lssueNo. 70

Câpturcd dwanes âre kept he.€

âs skilled lâbor, sculptins stâtues,
tunnelÊ.even entire caverns to the
d€siresof the Ghoul l,rds.
Mountain dwâNes (15): INT
averaAe;ÀL LC: AC 10iMV 6; HD
l + 1 : h p 5 e a c h i T H A C o1 9 ;# A T 1 :
Dmg by weapon typej SD +4 to sâves
!s. poiBon,spell, and roùwânùstaff;
SZMtMLatMM/94 95.
The dwâûes are wat hed by three
true ghor overseen (hp 25,23.
20).The overÊeerscarry both staves
and clubs.As lone âs the dwâfles
provide skilled labor. they are kept
alive. The overseersInâke it clear
tbât those who don't work qùickly
ând well becomefood for tbe shouls.
The ghouls report to two vampires,
ResandAlena Hundeval. ln the
Underda.k. the vampires âæ not con-
strained by the sun, but they must
sork harder i, sâin blood. Since
shoulBfeast on a bloodlesscorpsۉs
reâdily as â bloodedone. the vam-
pires hâve fomed ân âlliânce with
the conqueringundead.They hope
emedây to be taken into the rânkB of
the shoulish noblity, but so far these
attempts hâle b€en thwafted.
Bùilt on derro ruins, the outpost
irselfis crâmped and snall, thoush
the shouls don't mind. The ghouls'
tùn.els are cloakedin layers ofcoz
Itnùal dorlness spells,plâced here by
ghoul priests.The vampires ând
shoulsjust snifîtheir way to their
pr€yi oeâtures not used to fighting
blind hâve â harder time ofit, sufrer-
ing -4 to thei. âttâck rolls.
Ras Hundeval (vânpire): INT
erceptional;AI CE:AC 1; I{V 12, fly
l 8 r C ) i H D 8 + 3 ;h p 4 7 i T H A C 0 1 l ;
rAT liDmg 1d6+4;SA ene€y drâin;
SD +1 or bettêr weapon to hiti
tmmùrc to sleep, charm, hold, poisor,,
ând paralysisi hâlf damase from cold
or electricity: SZ M; ML l6iXP 8.000;
Aleùs Hundeval (vâmpiric mistll
l\T averâeeiAL NE;AC 4 (8 when marked sith a sbph ol pdrdlyzatioa treasure oftheir own but guard the
s u b s t â . t i a l ) i M V 1 2 ( 6 ) tH D 3 i h p 2 4 The svirfneblin plunder incltrdes plundered ùreâsurechest.
,or lbwer); THACo 17 (all tarsets AC 10,000sp. 2,000 g!,49 500-Apgems
l0ri #AT 1i Dmg 1d8; SA enlelope to ofvaious sizesând types, a n?ddl, 18. Coastâl Outpæt, Protecting th€
hit automaticallyi SD +1 or better lion of thought pn4eûioa.^nd à ghoulB'capital agâinst threâts
*eapon to hit, division; SZ M; ML 74a pouch filled with châlky dust (12 the SunlessSea is this military out-
W 270tMMl254. pinches of dùsl o/lhs!,n). post.A large force ofshouls main-
The ghouls recently sackeda small The nine true ghoul guardÊ {hp tains wat h here, conmanded by the
.rirfneblin minins camp, and the cap- 2 9 , 2 6 , 2 5 ( x 2 ) ,2 3 , 2 1 , 2 0 , 1 9 , 1 8 ) a r e Marquis ofIce. They have tittle
rured plunder is at the outpost.The ârmed with halberds and short patience with intruders, especially
rmds are kept in a locked (excellent swords.They âre not happy with thos€ from the direction ofthe sea.
ktk, 20L). ùzard lochèd rtunk their vâmpire liege nor about living Anyone câptured here will be inteno,
in constânt darkness They have no sât€d as a spy, then devoured.

oF lHEcHouls

This tomb int€rior is â mâcabre

rellection ofits mast€r's decay,pictur-
ins his face as it was in life, in
undeâth, and âs it is exp€ctedto look
as it wastes awây in the tomb. The
tomb coDtainsa Bingletreasuter â
Eem of fiozen ùrath. which allows the
bearer to câ3t ;ce ttofm oncer'week.
Each time the spell is câst, power
surges through ftom the Negative
plâne, and th€ bearer must make a
sâving throw vs. death magic. Ifthe
saving throw fâils, the beârer suffeÎs
half damagefiom the spell as its
enersiest€a. thmugh him. The sem
also reduceBthe temperature within
30 feet to zero degrees.

198. Tomb of Salt. This unfinished

tomb is glsrded by a salt-encruÊted
mummy. The Lord ofsalt, Marquis
Gillich, is commandins the account-
ing ofthe trcglodyte plunder (see
area l5).
Salt mummy: tNT low;AL LE;
AC 3: MV 6: HD 6+3thp 30iTHAC0
13i tAT 2i Dmg ldlzldl2; SA fear,
roi, chokinsr SD spell inmùnities; SZ
Mi ML 15; XP 4,000;MMl261 (vâri-
rnt). Ifthe mummy strikes with â
blow 4 or greater thân the minimum
râ.ks with pole ams. In nissile com' required to hit. the victim must make
The outpost itselfis little more
a saving throw vs. poison or sp€nd
than a caven reinforced with â wâll bat, rhey tikewise fire in two ranks,
one kneeling ând one standins. 1-3 rounds spittins and chokins.
and ânow-slits. A smâll eftpty dock
when the hummy dieB,it explodes
is sùfficient to berth ships from th€
r9. The Creat Tombs. Severalofthe into a cloud ofsalt. ThiB inflicts no
SunleBsSeai the kuoloans sank most
Wlite Kinsdom's hishest nobles have dâmâs€,but PCs who fail â savins
ofthe shoul fleer lons aso.
privâte tombs in this câve.n.An 80 throw vs. breath weâponsre blinded
MarquiÊ zun, Lord of Ice 1true
ghoul)r INT veryiAL NE: AC l: MV tâll statue oferch tord stands before fo. 2d6 rcunds ând suffer -4 to hit for
1d6 tums. The salt mummy grârds
1 2 ;H D 8 + 8 i h p 4 2 ; T I i A C 0 8 ( 1 1 each tomb, higher than the lighi from
without gâùntlets);{AT 3 or 1i Dmg r torch or lantern cân illuminate. no treasurei the Marquis, counter to
1d6+6/rd6+6/1d8+6or 1d8+9 (lona Each tonb is d€tâiled below. shoul trâdition, câlries all his valu-
suo.d +3, 18/00Strensth)tSA pa.a-
lyzation, sunnon shâdowsiSD spell rSA. Tomb of lce. Lined with ice
and kepù near-fre€zingthrough the 19C. Tomb of Mysteries. Mârquess
immunities.tumed as vampir€iSZ M;
power ofthe treasure within. this Merynae, the Lâdy ofMysteri€s who
ML 1a; XP 7,000;plate ârmor, Êhield.
gauntlets of ogre powe. poaion o1 tomb will soneday hold the rcmains son€times rules ât the Ghoul King's
helinA, long suod +3, frostbrdnd. ofthe Marquis Zun, Lord oflce.At Êide(6ee"Blacksate Palâce"),has
placed â skeleton war.ior to watch
Marquis Zun s gauntlets âccount the moment, â small gârgoyle golem
for hiÊ amazing ability in combat and is the only guârd. The golen is caFed over her tomb and its treaBures.Tbe
in the shâpe of â shoul ând perched skeleton wâûiols circlet is contâined
for his plâcementhere, at the ghouls'
on top of i.hestalue stÂnding outside in a steel-boundwoodenchest pro-
most importânt outpost. He leads the
tected by a permanent, hemispherical
attâck âgÂinst any intrudeÊ person' the tomb. It l€âps down onio the PCs
oall offo.ce st the bâck ofthe tonb.
ally ând so has won the completeloy' ss they approâchthe statue or the
âlty ofhis 70 true ghoul soldieE The other treasures in the tomb
(hp 28 each).They w€âr splint or Gargoyle golem: INT non; AI- N; include â ldnp o/sÀûdoa (seethe
AC 0iMv 9: HD 15: hp 60: THACo 5i ENctcLoPEDraMactA',Yol. 2t, À
barded nail and cârry halberds,lone
#AT 2; Dmg 3d6/3d6iSA pet fication clodh of the bat, anrl six vials ofphas.
swords.and lisht oossbows,as befits
ifbôth clâws hit, surpise at -2. polion GeeDuNcEott' Aduenlurcs +20
the elite who sùard against the kuo'
oushing leap, shâtter: SD spell or the ENcYooPErrA Ma.r.r4 Vol. 3).
The soldiers ofthe coastal outpost immunities; SZ M 16 tall); ML 20i XP Skeleton wanior: INT excep-
âre well-trained ând fisht in double 14,000;MMll69 i golem). t i o n a l ; A L N E T A C2 i M V 6 i H D 9 + 5 ;

ô6 lssueNo. 70

hp 50;THACo 8; #AT 2i Dlns ld10+2 Wisdomsubtract€d {iom 24. This

@ith tu)o.handedstord. +2); SD +l etrectcannotoccurin lishted condi, Ahead you see the tunnel
or better weapons reeded to hit; can- tions.Oddtyenoush,ghoul-lishtdoes entirely bared by a fodresslike
not be tumed;cdase Ê@. (atrects not athâci whisperingmothsas nor- constuction. The faniliar creenish-
creatures with 5 HD or fewer); MR mâl light does. yellow lisht shines fron arrow
90%;SZ M; ML 16;XP 4,000; Gargoyles (9):tNT lowiAL CE; slits, and you hear the distinct
'click" ofa cmssbowratchet finish-
MM/31'7t tuo.hdnd.ed suord +2 (INI AC 5;MV 9,fly r5 (C);HD 4+4;hp
15;Ego 14;AL NEid€t€c, good 30 27, 26,25,23 ç2), 20, 78,17, l2l ing its work. A dark black gate
râdiusi breaks an opponentt weâpon THACOl5;#AT 4; Dms 1d3/1d3/1d6/ bârs you way, ând a voice fiom the
on â successtulcâlled shot). 1d4;SD +l or betterweaponto hit: other side of the sate câlls oùt in
SZ M. ML 7r. LP 420.MM/r25. Common, 'Who âre you, sùfâce-
l9D. Tomb of Shadows. Well-lit by Ghasts (4-481:INT low;Al- NE; folk, and what do you seek in the
continual shoul-lieht, this tomb is AC 4; MV 12;HD 4: hp 18eâch; White Kingdom?"
âl.eady occupied.Beyond its sealed THACo 1?;#AT 3 or l; Dme là4/1d4/
and mortared door lies the body of 1d6;SA stench,pârâlyzâtion;SD Few races other than the ghouls
the Mârqùis ofshadows, who still immuneto sleepand.,àa.mspells;SZ car€ to inhabit the citJaA few xom
servesthe kins in Kilenor âs a spec- Mi ML l7 i ><P775t MM/737. and crysmâls live in peâcewith tàe
tre (seeârea 20F). In addition to the ghouls,since they cannot be eâtên.
sarcophagus,th€ tomb contains a Likewise, a stnnse race ofwhit?
lantern, the bodies of 12 servânté
City of fhe Ghouls albino wererats live in Kilenor,
buried with the Mârquis, and â chest Built along the shoresof the .iver though on rnor€ dangerous footing-
of kuo-toaDmeat, long since rotted Lâ€tân, the city of Kilenor is a vast they may live âs long as they can
awây.In addition, the rnârquis'body necropoli8.The lesser shouls imitat€ scout out the next food supply. The
is drâped in cloth ofsold. ând the noblesby buildins huts thât city itselfis home to âbout 2,000
Ûowned with a silver diadem set resemblesmall nausoleuns, often ghouls,most ofthem servants to the
with three small black opals (6,000 caring them ftom the stone walls or vârious nâ.quis lords or the King.
gp,. Any good-aligîed b€ing who dons fl@r with no tools oiher than their Obviously, keepins that rnany ghouls
the diadem must savevs. spell or be own claws. The city never rests from fed is no small task, but raiding par-
instantly disint€grâted.The oown its feverish drive; shouls don't need ties constantly return with flesh ftom
itself is not affected by the disiÈt€, sleep.This alone nakes nâny visito$ the upper world ând from the far
arote effect, ând once â being mall<es nervous.Dependins on which direc- reachesofthe Underdârk. When food
its save,that individual cân wear the tion the PCs aûive fron, they gain a Bupplieswell and truly fâil, a frenzy
diadern safely thereaft€r. difre.ent lilst impression of the city. ofcannibâlism ov€rtakes the city for
Read the following ifthe PCs anive â week o. mo.€ until the populâtior
m. Gr€at Crypt of the chouls. via the Gr€at Cloaker Rift: is asâin in balance with the available
This innens€ cavem is set back ioto food supply. War parties are dis-
lhe rifi wall; it âppears as a dark A city lies tucked into the cliff' pat hed to ensure more food comins
half-circle from the rift itselt The side ahèad ofyou; ân entire cavern in-and âny lGses the pârties suffer
crypt extends back for hundreds of extends beyondyou. vision into the help keep the shoul's numbers tow
yards. as it has been expandedby the darkness.Smâll yellow-seen
shouls ove. tle years.The âbysÊof lishts slow here ând there, lishtins Pâtrols
the cloâkers drcps ofï âbout 400 feet up buildinss and terrain. The
bright€st lights are the geenish Kilenor is heavily pâtrolled, and
on the city's eastern side.Thecavem
flam$ lappins ârcund lhe win- obedience io the King is enforced by
is chokedwith fireweed.At its center
dows ofa larse, cross'shâpedbuild- patrols of ghouls or wererats carrying
lies the smalt capital city of the
ins neâr the clifrs edse. Waûner ebony clubs and dârkwood staves.
shouls, Kilenor But at the ftinges, Eâch pâtrol leader canies a ghoul-
the city is decâyedand hâunt€d by lisht spills from a buildins at the
outcâst les8erghouls,a swârm of far end ofthe cavern, a buitdins lisht lântem and an Eye ofthe King
whisperins rnoths,a small pâck of small enoush to be â tavem of encasedin a small slobe at the tip of
garyoyles,and coloniesof death mold. some kind; a sign over the door his staft The lanterns illuninaie
both invisible creatuEs and thieves
Whispering moth6 (84): tNT low; confims this impression.A pale
blue lights shine from a sreât hidins in shadows.Ifâ patrol needs
^L NE;AC r0; MV 1, fly 14; HD lihp
help, the slobe i6 shattê.ed on thè
I I eâch;TIIAC0 20ilAT 1 âs swarm;
Dms li SA insanity; SD renect spells
blâck heâp orjumbled stones.
Snall swoopinglights like those floor, and the Eye is released to bring
hs rins of speUtumins)iSZl (4 you ve seen in the tunnels are
l}ue ghoul6 (8):INT averase;AL
wingspan):ML 5; XP 1?5;Di,acoÀ
NEiAC V 1 2 ;H D 4 + 4 t h p 2 9 , 2 7 ,
MoEa,ine #227/29.
2 6 , 2 5 , 2 3 , 2 0 .1 9 , 1 8 ;T I I A C 0 1 5 ;# A T
Anyone viewins the dizzlns blur R€ad or pâraphrase the fotlowins
il the pârty anives via th€ tunnels: 3 o. 1;Dns 1d6/1d6/1d8or rd6 (statr
ofthe swam must sâve vs. death
or clubl; SA parâlyzâtion; SD spell
nagic or be transformed into a Éving
immunities; SZ M: ML 18;)(P 1,400;
lillea possessedby bloodlust for â
tumber ofhouE equal to the victim's


The Citv of Kilenor

(Area 20)


A ono
3"FE Ëo(|

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68 lssueNo. 70

Wegat€ {8): INT very;AL LE; If fi€ed, they fle€ âs quickly âs they Crysmâl ârtissn: INT high; AL
A C 6 ; } f V 1 2 ; H D 3 + 1 ;h p 2 5 , 2 3 , 1 6 , cân to put their nightmares behind N E ; A C 0 ; M V 6 ; H D 6 + 6 ;h p 3 3 ;
15, 14, 13, 10,8: THACo r7; #AT l; them. If the PCs aûn the hobsoblins, TllACo 13i#AT 1; Dms 3d4 (2d4); SA
Dms 1d6 (staff or clubi; SA surp.ise; they might fight their captors:a crystâl missile, psionics;SD edged
SD hit only by silver or +1or bett€r Charislnâ check with â -3 penâlty is and piercing seâponBsuffer -4,
w e a p o n s ; S ZS t o M ; M L 1 2 i ) ( P 2 7 0 ; required to rally the hobgoblinsto inlnunc to cold and lire, psionics;SZ
MM/237 tlycalt}lrcpe). the party's cause, addins 80 HD to S (3 talll; ML 15; )(P 4,000;MC,41
The patrols cany no more than the PC's army. If any svifnebliD or (Elementâl Kin).
2-20 cp and well-worn cards for gân- dwaNes havejoined the Arny of Wererat scout: hp 2l; see
blins. They cân be bribed with ftesh Hope,the PC suffers an âdditional 4 ''Pâtrols" for
complete statistics.
penâlty to the check. None ofthe conmon shouls havê
lrue ghoùl overseeB (8): INT gÎeât treasures,since most ghoul
20À Bat Csves. These caves,hish average;AL NE;AC 4; MV 12; HI) weâlth iB neasured in neat and
abovethe mâin level ofthe cavern, 4+4; hp 29, 27, 26, 25. 23, 20, 79, Bi biood rather than sold. The nobles
arc home to the ghoul messenaer TltAC0 15; iAT 3 or 1;Dms rd6/ are an exception;their grâve g@ds
corys coinposed entirely of svirfneblin rd6/rd8 or 1d8+1(stafï or club); SA are signs ofprestiAe ànd power
ghouls riding huge bats. Though the paralyzationi SD sp€ll immunitiesi SZ
ride.s suryive the t.ansfomâtion M; ML 18; XP 1,400;new monster 20D. Ba$ack6. Ten true ghoul
into ghouls, they a.e amons the Croblir slaves (3001:INT low to warrioB (23 hp each) live beside
smallest and weakest ruts, reducins âverâge;AL LE;AC 10; MV 6;HD eâch of the entrancesto the city and
1-1;THACo 2oi]TAT 1; Dms 1d6 or 20 n)ore soldiers(25 hp each) livejust
Àl bat riders have short less and by weapon;SZ S 14 tâll);ML 4; XP outside the palace.They âre all
emaciatedbodiesand weâr sklnl r5; MM/163. arned with nonnâsical tong swords
helns as ân identiryins mark. Hobgoblin ôlsvês (80)rINT aver- and dassels looted fron the drow,
Ttue ghoùl bat-riders (12): INT â g e ;A L L E : A C l 0 ; M V 9 ; H D l + t i and they câfry ghoul light lânt€ns.
âverase;AL NE;AC 4; MV 12; HD 3i THAC0 l9;#AT liDns by weapon
hp 24, 22, 77, 16, 15 U3), 14, 13, 11, type; SZ M (6 tâll); ML 5: XP 35 208. Th€ Limehouse. This sreat
9,6;THÀC0 17;#AT3 or riDng eac\ MM/197. white manoa built on top ofa moun-
rd6/ld6/1d8 or 2d6 0ance);SÀ parâ- The breeding pits âre kept cleân tain ofskulls, is surmunded by the
lyzatior; SD spell immuities; SZ M; and functional,just as stabtesrnisht homes ofvarious geater and lesser
ML 13;XP 1,400jlisht lÂnce,hand be, but the ramps leadins in and out nobles.Automaton knights guard this
are tishtly locked and bârred, to keep inposins residence.The Marquis
Hùg€ bats (r4):INT low;AL NE; clever goblins ftom findins â way out. Folssnaw lives herc enrirely âlone,
ÀC 2 (10 on sround); MV 3, fly 15 (C); for his body was eaten lons aso, ând
H D 6 ; h p 4 3 , 3 4 , 3 3 ,3 2 , 2 9 < x ? J . 2 a , 2 7 20C. Whitehaven. Deemed too weak he cares little for the world far from
( x 2 ) . 2 5( x 2 ) . 2 4 , 2 3 ,1 9 ; T H A C 01 5 ; or too vâluable tojoin the ârmy, hun- the Orb. Most ol the other nobles are
fAT 1; Dng 2d4: SA surpdse, shdek; dreds of shoul merchants,tradesmen, busy expandirs the ghoulish realm or
SZ H {16 winsspan); ML 12;XP 975; artisâns, and priests live in these emtÈllishing their tombs; Folggnâw
MMt75. snâll st ne huts- Mernbersofinedible merely hopesto regâin his status
Ifâ bâttle breaks out ânlvhere or allied races also nake their hones with the king by works of magic and
within the mâin cavern that is visible here; these xorn, crysmâls.and were,
Êon above (through the use ofÊ.e rats may be convincedto help the Marquis rolggnaw' Lord of
bo|k, continual lisht, ot similat pâIty with information, food, or even Shadows (spectrel:INT highiAL LE;
tlashy spells),the bat-rid AC 2: MV 15, fly 30 (B); HD 7+3;hp
help by goins to the nearest barrâcks The ghoul comnoners (16 hp eâch) 30iî}IAC0 13i#AT 1; Dmg ld8; SA
(area 20D). make weâponsând ârmor, count ând energy drain; SD + 1 or better weapon
sort the King's treasury, cary tribute to hiti SZ M (6 tall); ML l5; XP
2OB. Bre€didg Pits, coblins and and nesh down from the su.face,dis 3,OOO,MM/323-
hobgoblins âre bled here for food and the ditxhes that divert the rivers to Battle homrs (6):INT high; AL
for slave labor: they are valuâble serye th€ Kingk will, and nake offer- LE;AC 2r MV 12, fly 12 (E); HD
æmmodities,owûed by the ghoul ings to their dârk god.These ghouls 4+2Othp 45. 42, 41, 40, 37, 3Ot
mbles. The pits are jùst that.long are those most oft€n devoured dudns THACo 12; #AT 1;Dms 1d4 or 1d10
low trenchesoverseenby the shouls. the shouls' fits of cannibalistic fi€nzv (with halberd)i SA d;metrsrondoor
Aons the edses of the pits are a Xorn hiDerr INT âveraeeiAL Nj (180 rânse),6lint, n@gicntsstle; SD
*ries ofbone posts;stret hins from AC -2i MV 9, bunow 9i HD 7+7i hp immune to illusions ând enchann
post to post are thin lines ofgæeni6h 39; THACo 13; #AT 4iDmg 1d3/1d3/ neni/châûns, mdsrc r'tss;le heals,
lisht, iike strands of/oe./e fre. These 1d3/6d4iSA surp se: SD spell imnu- immtrc to fireball, lishtnins bolt,
nâsical wârds wound any creature nitiesiSZ M (5 tâ11);ML 16: XP aDd à.or metal; MR sp€cial:SZ M
iouching them for 1d6 hp damâge; 4,000;MMl367. The xorn ofi€n chase (6 T tall)iML special;)(P 5,000;
thê wards âre not expendedby use. the crysnâis, which they consider MCIAI (helned horror).
The goblins' momle is very low. The house hâs few heasures,
md they cânnot be induced to fight. beitrg mainly littered with the bones


I ride tith theJrienlll' anà ntockittg
on thenighttincl ...
"-H.P LovecraJi,

ô f t h e M â r q u i s ' g o b l i na D dh o b g o b l i n à.e a,blins ând svirfneblin, with a paralyzing the beast and then c]âw
victims. Amons the dust and boneslie few drow mixed in. rng nrs lvay our.
scâtter€dtreasùres includnrs a ilag S k e l e t o n s 1 8 7 4 rI:N T n o n - i A L N i Anrone interfering wilh the ghoul-
e P . + J , a s h j c l dm â d c o f s i l l c r a n d AC TiXfV l2iHD l: hp 4.ach: lords sport js hunted dosn bJ bat-
iron (200 spr. a svirfnebliD pouch THAC0 19i*AT l: Dns l-6iSD hâtf riders tô tâke the place ofthe prey
embossedùith gold 150gpr, a damase frorn edsed and piercing they destroyed.Ghoul commoners
hauberk ofmithril sized i,)r a deep $ e a p o n ss. p e l li m û u n i l i e s i S Z M i M L avoid rhe rres.
gnofte racts âs ellen chai.). ànd à special;XP 65: MMl315 Purple worms r3r: INT Don-iAl
singlê bo,l .t s/x?"d1ùselesswithoul Z o m b i e s 1 5 7 )l:N T n o n i A L N r A C NiAC 6: MV 9, bunow 9r HD 15i hp
8 i À l V 6 i H D 2 i h p I e a c h ;T I L A C O1 9 i 7 5 ,6 7 ,6 l i T l l A C o 5 i # A T 2 r D m s
* ^ T l i D m s I 8 r S D s p e l lr m m u n i t y i 2 d 1 2 l 2 d 1 0Si A s w a l l o ws h o l c - p o i s o n :
20n Boneyard. Th. rcmains ofthc SZ }l: ML spccialiXP 65: MMl373. S Z G ( 2 5 l o n g ) rI ' I L 1 2 ; X P 1 3 , 0 0 0 ;
shoult focs lre scaltered at 'andom A n t P C s s l a i n b y t h e g h o u l sa n d MMl364 rtrr,rtu)
acrossthis dàrk Ilêld. In âddiln)ned lcft bchi.d during a retrcât wind up
to oacked and scâitê.ed bones,this her as zonbies. Their geâr ends up 2OH. Vasi T€mple. From a distânce,
f i e l d i s h o û e l o h u n d r e d so f l i l e l i e r i n r h e t r e à s u r !i Ù e a 2 O I ) . this templ€ looks like ajunbled nâss
bones ghoul priests l€ave their ofbroken ston€s.In fact. iis rvalls â.e
undeâd servants here when thel âfe 2OG.Hunting Crounds. For sport, cârefully mortared toscther fion bits
noi in use.Thc skelctons and zombies ghoul nobles someiimesride out to ofnarbl.. $anite. andjade. $hcn
halc ordcrs to dcfend the Boncyardi th. hùnt in thc mushroom forcst. the PCs enter. rcad or parâphrase the
anJonc on the field is attlcked by the $rhcn they do. they hunt the purple follo* ins:
h o r d e s a, n y o n e j u s to ù t s i d . i t i s worms tlat fctd on the lush molds
igndred The ûindless undeâd pursue and fungl that grow here. Fes other A black firc burns in a pil of
f i , e so n l y w h ê n . r d e r e dt o b \ â g h o u l .reàturès give â ghoullo.d âs ûuch a s h e sâ r t h e h e â r t o f l h i s l e n p l e o i
pleasure as a purple worm that is, jurbled s!ône. Beside the llrc is ân
The rombies he.e are sinrply bod few othef Ùeatùres tâke as lone to enorftous châlice filled $ith nurkv
ies that the ehouls havc not eatcni die. In somecases,a foolish worn watef A ahoul dressedin black
when the ghouls arc don.. thc zom- may cven swal10ùa shoul lord whole. robes with a green bronze breast
bies becomcskelcions.Many ofthcm a l l o w i D gh i m t o â t t a c k f r o m s i l h l n ,

70 lssoeNo. 70

plâte is busily chantins invocations turnedasmummies;

SZM;ML 17; âny particulârthin& R€ador pam-
into the darknessithree ffgurcs
xP 1,400. phrase the followins:
Spe\ls l2). @uæ lieht ùounds,
with cowls over their heâds stand The t.easures within the simple
Darkness €lemeùtat: INT low; black houÊeare overwhelmins:
A3 the shouls notice you, their moùnds ofgold and silver coins,
A l N E ; A C 2 ; M V t 5 ; H D 1 6 ;h p ? 3 i
leâder barks a sinsle word, and the showersofgems, and chests and
THACo 5: iAT r: Dms 4-2ai SÀ chitt,
inky wât€r in the chalice begins to ums ove owing with jewelry rare
blindt SD +2 or better weapon to hit.
flow over the Iin. The cowled fis-
hide in shâdows;SZ H (16 1âll); ML scrolls, ând other precious a.ti-
ures spread out and advânceas the fâcts. JEt sorting through it could
puddle ofdarknêss retreâts into 77)W ll,O0oa DtLacoN Magazine
ihe shâdows.The leader besins a
The god of the ghouls is unknown
new chârt in a deeper voic;
to outsiders;oft€n called the Lo.d of The linest treâsures kept here are
Rot ând Shadow,or simply the Lord àheln ofb.i innce, a cron of pla|
The priest pefonning the rites is
Vullost. HiB sùperiot Bêlanâ cur- ofAll Ghouls,many scholarsbelieve iûum set with diamonds (50,000s!).
the oeâture is an AbysÊalLord, a .ing of three ùisher, a stit ot plnte
rently sening with the ârmy (see
thoùsh others betieve it is some form nail of ethercalnÊs sized for aa elf,
areâ 6). Vullost uses blusi€. to covel
his insecurity and feârs; he has been of$eater yusoloth or den;qod. In and a rcd of rcsu.rætion (a chàrges)l
r terror to his subordinates ever fact, the power ânswerins stoul the party may find these items ât the
prayers is none other than Nerull, DM's option when they have searched
the Reaper Ghouls a.e the only race thoroushly. Note, howevea that the
The temple's fire is a portâl to the
whose worship he enjoys;more sensi- fing of&isà.s is cursed by 'rs link t
Demiplâneofshadow; anyone walk-
ble racesworship Nerull merely to the ghoDls.whenever € @rs/iis made,
ing through the fire is instântly
lransported to this demiplâne.Vullost the wer of the it€n loses one levet or
The temple sacisty contains a Hit Die, just as if struck by â maith.
commandsthree underpriests and a
dârkness elementâI,hidden iD the numb€r oftreâsùres, mostlv tuâl The level can be returned only by use
chalice to attack intruders while he obj€ctssuch as â conoded ;opper of,a .esro.drronspell; the ring is poq.
châlice (3 8p). â silve. plat€ 1300Epj. erressrc undo rts own cûse.
b€sins câstiDsstl€Me 15'.ad;as at goroencanoresrcks and censers
enemy spellcâsters.The elernentâl In addition, PCs mây loot 1dl0 x
(2,000s!), and a bron,e knife with â 1,000sp worth of valuables here for
dæs not dsk a frontâl âssault;
wâvy blâde and ân enomous blâck eâch mân-hour spent looting. Every
instead, it hides in rhe temple's shâd-
opal set in the pommel (5,000g!). hour there's a 2-in-6 châncethat the
o*s and strikes fton hiding.
The dârkneÊselenentâl can chill â treasury is sur.ounded by a tmop of
target reatures spirit by attacking 20I. Tt€asury. The shoul treasury is G-3 nobles,2-5 priests,60 100
iLs shadow;this conshtutes an artack a mânel; th€ looted remainBofentirc ghouls,âDd assortedspectators,âll
vs. AC 10, modified by Dext€rity if civilizâtions, carâvans,and counrtess waiting for the PCs to ventDre out. If
the tars€t is aware of the âttâck. A sraves fills it. The treasury is hidden the party stays in long enough for â
by a segùest?rspell, making it invisi, c.owd to gather, the ghouls rush in to
6uccesslùlhit allows thè elementâl to
ble to sisht ând spells. It is unsuard-
blind its târget by wrâpping it in its
ed except by a €,l.rp,ào/d.ainiha ,.Bave The treasury is masicaliy warded
oNn shâdow.unless a 6âre vs. petrili-
vB.spell or lose three enersy levels) âgainst âny and all teler'ortâtion
crlion at 6 succeeds. A cù.e àltrd-
a€ssor àedl spell cures the blindness. ând an jnvisible gieater girardian attempts and similar sp€lls.However,
yugoloth. The $rardian âttâcks any it is not protect€d âgainstpôrsedll,
Lisht and heâlins spell6 casr upon
living creâtDrewithin the buildins, dl& or the like.
ùheelemental Inflict td8 hp dâmase/
but doesnot pursue intruders.
lpell level to the dârk nessilemenial
rnd t hp damâsenevelto every crea- Groater guardian yugoloth: BlockgotePoloce
INT hish;AL NEiAC -1; MV 9,fly I
ture within 10 feet ofthe elemental. ( D ) ;H D 1 0 ;h p 7 3 i T H A C o 1 1 :# A T 3 ;
Vulost (Sthlevel true ghoul Fmn the outside,the ebony pâlace
pnes : as true shoùI, but INT hish: DDs 1d10/1d12/1dr2rSA breath seemÊto be on firFit is lit enti.ely
H D 5 + 5 ih p 2 ? : S A p â r â l y z â t i o n , weapon,suggestion;SD spell immu- by shoul-lieht, which flickers out of
lp€lls, Strêncth drarD,animate deâd; nities, +2 or better weapon to hit, the windows like names.Each win-
rmmune to fire, cold, poison:MR 25%; dow-and there are dozens,each
SD tùmed as mummy; XP 3,000.
Spells $/2/7): cauæ light wounds, S Z L ( 9 t a l l ) ; M L 1 7 ;X P 1 1 , 0 0 0 i nade of fine glass-is wârded with â
MM/37t. slyph of enetuation.lhlè gl,"h drâins,darkness:did.,da.kness 15'
Ifthe PCs find the treasury one point of St.ength or one Hit Die
mdius; silenæ 15 rcdiug
throush divination o. the advice of ftom âny creâture that fails its sav-
True ghoul underprieôts (3):
INT âverase;AL NE; AC 4i MV t2; thè treasurer ând the Mârquis cillich ins throw vs. spells.The slyphs âæ
(seearea 16), they may examine the permanent until erâBedor dispelled.
H D 4 + 4 ;h p 2 6 , 2 3 , 2 1 ;T H A C o 1 5 ;
.AT 3 or 1; Dns 1d6/1d6/rd8o. by incrcdibly larse hoard here. Since rhe They hâve no efred on the undead.
teapon twei SA pâralyzation, spells, soodsare sinply stockpiled,without Lost Strensth returns ât the rat€ of
âny sFt€m ororganization or ciassifi, one point per week.
dtill touch; SD spell immunities;
cation. it is extremely dimcult to find


The palace interior iÊ stâffed with câsethey sutrer halfdamâse. Obce fine meal. The tâbl€ is littered with
autômata as well âs ghouls;the the spell shedsblood, howeveathe
mechanicâl guards ând creatures barier vânishes for a sinsle round. The room is lit dimly with the
rcplace some of the normal setants, ThercâIïer, it functions nonâlly familiâr greenish-yellowshod-
for the ghoul-king trusts no one. light.The lisht is dappled though,
æ if the feastins hatt were â forest
1. The Palace Guards. R€ad the 3. The Xnight's Hâll. Filled with noor. W}len your eyes cl€ar, you
following when the PCs âppmach banners hângiDgfûn the ceilins and realize thât tàe light iÊ not difier'
Blackgate's dooB: lined iD battered shields,this hall ent than usual; the patchesof
seemsfull oftmphies have all been dârkness are. in fact, dozensof
Shallow steps lead up to the looted from grâves-and it smells it- shadowy ffgures that slither along
buitding's enhance, two r0 -tall The suits of amor at both ends âre, the floor and the walls, beadng
dools bound in târnished silver in fâct, more automatâ. plâtterc of raw flesh to the cele-
Over the entrânce stand two Helm€d hotnB (4): INT hish; brants at the tabte.
angels ofdeath btack figùres with A L N ; À C 2 i M V 1 2 ,f l y 1 2 ( E ) ; H D
feathery winss, skull heâds, ând 4+20i hp 44, 41, 38, 29; TllACo 121 Feastins on provisions brought in
Êkeletal ams wielding enormous +ÀT 1; Dmg 1d4 or by weapon(hal' by the armies, the lesser nobtesand
scythes-A small window next t berd); SA dinersion doot (r80 couriiers amotg the shouls live well
the d@B indicâtes that â porter nrye), blink, masic nissile. SD oD blood ând neat. If threatened,
may wait on the other side. immune to illusions and enchânt- they summon shadows to aid them in
nenvchârms, "?dÉ.rcnrssile heâls, combat.while they thèmselvesleave
The statues are stone golems imrîDîe to fircbdLl. lightùing holt, t rally cuards and other reinforce-
carved in the shape of deadly â.gels, and Àedt meldl; MR special;SZ M (6 ments. In truth, the courtiers are
â gift siven to reward a loyâl servitor tall): ML special;XP 2,000;MCAI- cowardsithey leave by the windows if
of Nerull. They fight âny livins creâ- On â sreat,30 long table in the
tùre trying to entê. Blackgâte. cent€r ofthe hâll âre mâps, supply True ghoul noblæ (15): as otler
'Death angel" stone golem€ (2): lists, and reports from ghoul âgents truê ghouls,but INT hish: hp 30, 26,
INT very; AL N; AC 5i MV 6, fly 12 about the strensth of the ittithids, the 2 4 , 2 3 l x 4 ) , 2 2 l x 2 ) , 2 r , 1 9 ( x 2 ) ,1 8 , 1 7 ,
{D); HD t4; hp 60,60;THACo 7; rrAT drcw ofErelhei-Cinlu, and the kùo- 14; Dms 1d6/1d6/1d8or 1d4 (dâggers,
2; Dng 2d8/2d8; SA touch of death; toans ofthe SunlessSeâ.They are all poisonedwith lype D); SA pâralyzâ-
SD +2 or better weapon to hit, written in the courtly, noble speech of tion, sunmon shadows.They are
inmune tô poison,chan, hold, and the true ghouls,spoken only among
cold; SZ L (9' tau, 22 win8€pân);ML the shoul courtieE and cornmânders. Shadows (30): INT low: Al CE;
20i XP r1,000iMMl166 {vanânt). AC 7;MV 12;HD 3+3;hp 15each;
The touch of these ângels drâin I 4. Door ofBâlânce. The doors are TIiAC0 1?; #AT 1;Dms 1d4+1;SA
hp pemuently fmm the târset and inscribed with â pâtt€m tike the Strength drâini SD +1or better
temporârily reduces the victim s scalesofJùstice. Unlike many other weaponto hit, 90% udetectâble,
Constitution by 2. If Constitution doors in the palace,these have no spell immunities; SZ M (6 tâll or up
dropÊ below 3, the creatur€ tapses hârmful effect. Howevea the to 12' lons)r ML special;XP 420;
into a coma. Ifit drops to 0, the crea- embossedscalescan b€ moved to MM/312.
ture dies and cannot be brcught bâck open the door that leads to the The shadowsfight to cover the
to life by any means short of â @is,l Bone Stâircase(areâ 14). nobles' The hâll contains sil-
spell. tôst Constitution is restored at lf the scalesare tipped so thât the veNare ând fine blue tâblewârc but
the mte of 1 point per hour or per risht side is hisher than th€ teft, the
d@r opens.Ifthe lelt side is Éised, â
The deâth ansels attack only living trâp is âctirâted thât releaseea cloud 6. Door of Cro$æ. Each of these
cÉatures passing below them; lying ofdeâth nold spores.These spores two doors is mârked with a lârse iron
creatues, masps in u.oitàfo.n, and kill anyone who fails a Bâvingthrow ûosq and each crossiÊ the focusofa
creatures pmtected by ;Dùis;àility or vs. poison (seeMCAI for detaits). teleport trap- Wàen the door is
inùieibilitr to undead c^n all pass opened by any living creature, â
safely. 5. The Nobles' Halt The noble's hall slypà o/ ùdnisàtn€, activates ând the
The angels cân be called off by the is filted with cowârdly courtiers more cEature tel€ports âway. Creâtures
port€a a ghoul priæt named Olans. intercsted in their own advancement caught by the tmp apped in the Vast
Use the underyriest statistics from thân in the welfare ofthe kingdom. Ternple{arca 20H), within striking
a.eâ 2OI if necessary. Read the followins: mnse of the darkness elementâI.
2, Door ofBlades. Enchânted with You open the double doors,and 7. The Hall of Ruinê. Each of the
a permarcDt bldd.e ba.rie. spell, this the stench of putrefaction rolls out âlcoveson either side of this hâtl is
door opens, but still bars passage. Âlll into the hall. Before you is â châr- cawed to Ésemble â mausoleum.
attempting tô pæs throush suffer nel feast to tum ânyones stomachl This i€ the se ants hâll, and
6dB hp dâmâge unless they nâke a ghoul nobles a.e seât€dalong â there arc alwâys 2 20 true ghoul
saving throw vs. pâralysis, in which long black table in anticipation ofâ servânt3 here (hp r7 each)preparins


meals for the nobles in âreâ 5. Some

otthese invôlle heartflowers, special
seedsthat $ow only in living flesh.
Otber simpler but no less vile
Ièasts include kess orblood and sob,
lins iied up and carefully cawed so
that their brains âr€ €xposedfor
rcady consumption.

8. The Door ofthe Skull. A smsll

srille in the cent€r ofeach of these
doors allows ihree helmed horrors to
check on visitors and to fir€ poisoned
crossbowbolts (Type C) through the
door ât interlDpers.Two ofthe ho.
rors loâd the hea\y oossbows;the
third fires onceeach round. The poi-
son is kept in a small tubei enough is
avâilable to env€nom l2 bolts.
Helmed horrorÊ (3): INT hishl
AL N: AC 2; MV 12. fly 12 rEr; HD
4 + 2 0 ih p 4 2 , 3 9 , 3 5 iT H A C o 1 2 ;# A T
1; Dmg ld.l or by weâpon (heavy
crossbow)rSA poison,UineBion doo. Blackgate
(180 ranse), ôltuÀ, nra,. rrirstle: SD
immune to illusions and enchant- Palace
menvcharms,a@Édcnisstl" heâls.
;ftt Die to lireball, Iishtnins boLt, One square = 10 feet
and âeat Ineroli MR specialiSZ M (6
t a l l ) i M L s p e c i a l i X P4 , 0 0 0 ;M C A I j
halberd, heavy crDssbow.
The helrnedhorrors have no trea- ey€wingsthât attack the PCs on r3. The Cou.t of Lost SoulÊ, The
sure-They light with complet€loyalty
throne room of the King of the Ghouls
Eyewings ll0r: INT loiriAl CE: is renarkâbly simple for the ruler of
A(l4iMV fly 24 (B)iHD 3; hp 24 a nation thât hâB put the drow,
9. th€ Hâll of Broken PillÈrs. e â c h i T H A C 0l ? i # A T 3 o r 1 i D m s lroelodl'tes,and svidneblin to flisht.
Eâch and every one oflhe pillars in 1d6/1d6/1d4or tearsiSA t€ârsi SD The Alabaster Throne is a disquietinc
this hall lies brok€n on the halls immùne lo cold; SZ L (15 singspanl; construction,carved to câpture shâd-
floor,yet the roofstill hôlds-because M L 1 2 iX P 6 5 0 ; M M l l 1 5 . ows like those in €mpty eye-sockets,
it was designedand built as a ruin, Ifthe doors eyes ar€ not dis, ând wnthing with enersiesofthe
deliberat€lJ siving the inp.ession of turbed, th€y function as Eyes ofthe deâd.The throne atso shines with
decây.This hall servesas the center King, showing Doresâin anyone 3tronAAboul'light, destroying the
ol the guest quarters. The visiting approâchingthe throne .oom. poBsibilityofa stealth approach.
noblesâre cu.r€ntly dlnins larea 5),
so the rooms are presentlv empty. 12. Royal Châmber. This roorn The roon you have eDteredis lit
contains â bed that finds litle use,a by pâle green lisht ând dominat€d
r0. Guest Chambers. Since ihe ward.obe, a chest for valuables,s
undead requirc no great food prepâ- by a lârge white throne thât seems
tloorlenglh mirror, ând a wdting carved of some liquid stonè-it
rations ând no sleep,these chanbers desk ofdarkrvood inlaid {ith bone
are largely for privâcJa moves with the flickerins name of
1900g!1. Laid outneâr the entrance shoul'lisht.
A chest in the northeast chamber to the roorn is a rug ofsmotheing.
contâins â pouch filled with 400 sp, Sitting on the throne is a thin.
Standing 1n th. corners arc tùo wâsted-lookinsshoul, whose eyes
thre€ fine spid€r-silk gowns i200 gp helmed horrors (hp 36,32) who
each),ând â caning knife set with âre nothins nore thân black holes
attack any liling creature that dis- under a healy silver crown. The
small chips ofobsidian r100 gpr. turbs th€ chamber'sconrents. kins weâE dârk half,plate ffmor
The desk hâs â seoet comparr chasedwith green inlâys ând
rr. Door of Eye€. Two sets of double ment containing the royâl seal,an
doors lead from area 5 to area la. sreenisb corrosion.His throne is
inage ofa crowned skull sumounded sunounded by four floatins skulls,
The first set ofdoors leading ftom by a wreâlh ofinterlocked scythes.
area 5 have sinsle eyesenbossed in eâch lit up by fiery eyes.He wears
The bone'white seal is nade ofa fine â cloak nade of stnps of leathea
lhe center ofeach door lfopened, th€ fired clay,worth 200 sp for its work-
doo$' eyessuDmon ten enormous reddish black, and he holds a nâce


in one hand ând q wand in the

Two female ghouls stând on the

steps up to the throne. One wears
thin sreen and blsck robes,ând the
other weârs a dark Breentâbard
enbroided with spirals and stars.
Both câIry swordÊon their hips

The kins's cloak is made ofthe

finest. softest Jlayedleather,dyed
rvith blood still fresh frorn a b€atins
heâ.tiit is â ler,b.r clodl, allowing
him to escapein nying cloâk€r forrn jf
things go bâdly. lfattâcked, the
ihron€ prot€cts him ûith a uall of
/or.e senerated as ifby a.ùàe o/
/o/.e The krncs do.d o/recoll takes
h r m t o t h e G r e a tT e m p l €o f t h e
Ghouls (âreâ 20H).
Doresâin, King of the Ghouls
(true ghoul nobl€): INT genius;AL
NEiAC -5i MV 12; HD 12+72t}],9'7la
THACo ?i #ÀT 3 or li Dns 1d6/1d6/
ÀA or À6+7 lmdce of disruptioù +1 ,
+2 Strength bonus)i SA pâmlyzation.
drain 2 points ofStrenglh, spellsiSD
spell immunitiesi turned as"special"
u û d e a d :S Z M : M L 1 8 i X P 1 2 , 0 0 0 i
new monsteri plat€ amor, adnd of
lisÀtntug 140châlees),nd." o/dts'

Spells l9/8/7/8/4/21):ôless,cu.e
light ùounds tt2), detectmagic, intis
iblitr to undead, d.d*ness,protë.tton
from sood, sanctudr!; aid, charm per'
soùor mammaL het netal ('x2),hold
pe.son t<2), hnôu dlignmeht, silence
lS rddius. oithdrdù; animdte dead,
@ntinual da*nes$ dispel maqic Û2t,
ptu)te. prù|e.trcn lion lire, stonP
,hope: cùntrol teûperôture 10 radius
.Lrc seriausùounds t\zt. detectlie,
free action, protectionfron Lishtnine,
rctlectina pool, 6pell immuait! ; cure
.titi.dl uounds, flane strihe, tue see'
ins, ùall of tshddou) fire; heal, uord
of rccaLLslmbol ofhopelessness.
Doresâin câsts Êpellsâs a 15th-
level pdest with 19 Wisdom.
The kine is eyeless,with dalk
sockets,but he seemsto senselife
well enoueh.Doresâin noves slowly,
except in bâttle, wh€n he becomesa
blur He is Arârd€d by the animated
skulls of four appr€nticesto the
nâses he transformed so long aso.

''l cont'inuedon poge 7ô

b I'n)oded.rh,sLonl af Ctdav9 |hot still brcatheà'tç'on a throne nnd his
ûnr..tbtolute tha blindness-H.P Lorecnll
its/rri.srr).i.(d:c.i r/to,. àurkness

74 lssueNo. 70

The skults hâve since become his Mâerynâ€, Lady of Shâdows,

You enter â spherical rcom, sonetimes câlled the Queen ofthe
bodysuârds. The flameskulls float up built aroud â black and shadowly
neâr the ceiti4 or inside the king's Ghouls for her lons'aso dâlliance
orb that hangs suspended anong with Doresain,i6 responsiblefor
cùù€o//orce, reneding spells tltat levitating blocks of stone. The four
misht hann the king and using their guardrng and protecting the ghouls'
blocks of st ne float balfaay uP to h n k t o t h e N e s a h v ep l a n e .S h e
llame strikes ^td masic missile the 60 ceilins, in the four cardinal
attacks to strike down his enemies. stânds atop the Orb and câsts
diections. A plate-armoredwârrior Euard's bLachtentacles^nd Biqbr's
FlameskuUs (4): INT high;AL stands on each ofthese floâtins
LE;AC 3i MV fly 21(A); HD 4+4; hP iDt€.posinaÀdnd to protect h€rselt.
st nes,30 feet abovethe floor;each theî ùnleàshes death foe, prisnatic
23,21, 19, r8; THAC0 15i {AT 2 + knisht canieÊ a Ûossbow and a
specialiDmg 2d4l2d4;SA sp€tts;SD sp.ay, aîd chain lightning ^cainst
resenention, spell reflection; MR the PCs.
Three more knights stand Marquess Maerynae ( lTthlevel
887.; SZ S (1 diâmet€r): ML 14; XP betweenyou ând â thin, âlmost
2,OO0t MCA|. Suel tichl: INT supn-genius:AL NEi
skeletâl female ghoul dressedin A C 3 ( 7 ) ;M V 1 2 i H D 1 7 ; h p 8 8 ;
Spells (cast at gth level): ndgtc rsssed rcbes ofblue ând red. The
missile,ueb, flame strike. THÀCo 3: #AT I + pâralysis; Dms
womans eyes resemblethe kins's: 1d10;SA death gaze (under 3 HD),
The kins is âttended by his con'
sortÊ-two ghoul noblewomen naned parâlyzâtion. rgnorcssmor, touch
The blâck orb at the center of destroys rtems,spellsiSD +1 or bet'
Andela and Sziferin Beekins the mom is 10 feet in diâmeter lt
âdvancement.They âre dressedin ter weapon to hit, immune to tirst-
constântly sheds smal, nât frag- and secondievel spetls,mind'âffect-
the king's colors, blâck and 8reen, m€nts ofdarkness that float to the
and carty short sùord.s +3, tlane ins spells,ând death masici MR 11'.r'i
cotd floor like leaves. SZ M; ML 18i XP r2,00oiMCA2/79
lonAaes. Andela weârc only thin
robes (AC 6), bùt Sziferin wears Spells t5/515/5/513/3/2):chaùqe self,
Ifthe PCs ent€r the chamber ând d.etectmd.sic,feathel fal, mdgic n'is
dw êhain drnol +5 nnder her green break the Orb, they have broken the
tâbârd and an emerald-studded'tag silc, ptutection fron qôod; ESe furget
Kingdom's tink to their sourceof (7 ronnds), iùrisibilit!, imaee,
ofprctectioù +3, afioràr'\g her AC 3 power.thus d€stroins the shoul
Andelâ and Sziferrin (true ùizard loch; dispel mdcic, l1r, haste,
priests' âbility to create more true
IightninÊ boLt,uampiric touch;
shoul nobles):as other nobles,but ghouls or ghoul nobles. The threât t
INT ver.J;AC 6 or-3 (seeabove);HD Eudrd's bla.k tentacles, lire shield, ice
th€ sù.fâce quickly disappeârsas the storm, phantasmal hillea stoneskin;
6+6; hp 33.35;THAC0 11: #AT 3 or other races of the Underdâ.k resain
2; Dms 1d6/1d6/1d8or 1d6+3/1d6+3 cliudhiLL, Bishy'sintetposine hantl,
gound against the weakened ghouls
(sào.t r&,ord +3); SA pâralyzation, domination, pdsswall, ùdll of force;
lf Doresain and Marquess Maerynae chain lishtninq, daath fog, dkinte'
Strength ùâini SD spell inmunitiesi are both stain, the White Kinedon p.ate; Mo eùhainen'ssuord, Pris'
xP 4,000. disintegates entirely matic, uanish; antipath!, maze
To b.eak the Orb, the PCs must The Mârquess caries all ofher
14. The Bon€ Sttircæe. This yêl- either dtspel maAi. sùccessfully v3.
lowed, sometimesbrown staircaseis treasures with hea sornedatingbâck
25th-level masic o. bathe the orb in to ancient days before the Rain of
made ofwell'wom bones pat hed pure sunlieht for at least 10 rounds
with necks of new bone when sec- ColorlessFire. They include 14 dia-
Wàen broken, the Orb releases a monds on a golden,serpentine neck'
tionÊ becomeworn awây It leads wâve of darkness. Aryone in the
dosn froh the throne room t the lâc€ (20.000gp), a solden pectoral in
mom at the time sDfTers6d8 hP cold the form of ân eâgle and 8et with
Chamber of the Orb, ând the temPer- dâmase (sâvevs. spettsfor hall) and
âture siûks with every step. lapis tazuti (4.000 8"), ând a rins of
i6 blinded for 1dGturns. Each blinded platinum with an intâslio emerald
cr€âtùr€ must mâke a system shock that concealsa smâll volune of
16. Chamb€. of the Où. This dark rctt; if the roll faib, the blindness is
room is protected by a fo.àiddanc€ demon ichoa equivâlent to T)Te P
pennânent unl$s cured by a àeol or poison She also wears a copper ring
sDellcast at 15th l€vel; only a caster cùre ôlindness spell cast by a priest
oi equal or hisher tevèl can dispel it s e i w i t h c â w e d j a d er â . i n g o / s P e l l
of gth levet or hisher tu.ntns), and cârries both â rod o/
Any Cpodcreatue entenng the â!eâ the Orb has its defenders:seven
must nâke a savins throw vs spell possase(ll charges)and a slûfl +3
suardiaD warriors sworn to die before The mârquess is accompaniedat
or sutrer 4dO hp dâmase and be allowing anyoneto pass.These
unable to advance. Even if the saving all times by a young blond pâge
gnârdiâns ofthe Orb cannot be
thrcw succeeds,good or neùtrâl- nâmed Velberde, â human of per-
tùhêd while in the Orb Chamber.
aticned creâtures feel uncomlortâble h â p s l 5 y e â r s( A C l o i h p 4 ) . I f h e r
True ghoul nobl€s (7): âs other tich folm is destroyed, Maerynâe
iD ihe room. A ev,@atàJ spell or â nobles,but INT very; Ac 0; HD 6+6;
successtul dtspei nagt. iÊ required to wâits briefly, then posse8ses the
hp 40 eachiTllAC0 lt; #AT 3 or 2; page'sbody as her next hâbitation. If
negate the effect. Dms rd6/ld6/1d8 or 1d10+5/1d10+5
Read or paraphrâse the fottowing (two-hatded sword);SA pâralyzation,
if the PCs enter the roon: Strength drain: SD spell immunitiesr conîinued on poge 78
)(P 4,000.

7ô lssueNo.70

the page is slâin, she attempts to pos- Further Àdventures cantinuedfrcmPoge l5

sessone ofthe partY memberc or a Ifthe Army ofHope succeedsin con-
henchmenof the characters. worth only 20 gp bui actusllYworth
qLreringKilenor. the armies factions 500s?r.The spiDelis reallyâ àûs eJ?
qurckly fâlls to quarreling o!er who (seeMMl181for details).Gaid was
Concludingthe Adventure owns what-speciâlly if the ireasure reouired to wear the medallion,
house is found. However,the cloakers which sened as the hass' scrying
The retùm tnp to the surface can be
aid the suNiving ghouls in settling
âs eâsy or âs drfficult âs the DM
into a t€sser role as a cloak€r servant rhmelings (4): INT semi'; AL N;
determines;a party trâvel'ng ll8htl)
râce,and the two races make seveml AC 4; MV 6, Fl 6 (A);HD 2; hP 9, 8
miSht encounter no resrstanc€,
âttempts to r€take the citY ând (x3);THAC019;#AT 2;Dûg l-3t7 2l
whereas PCs leâding away a baggag€
replenish the ghouls numbers- SA firebatls; SD immune tô fire; SZ T
train ofloot may hâve more trouble
To keep the peâcesmong the (1 tâll);ML 14;XP u5; MorsrRous
leâving the Underdârk quietly lf the
svirfneblin, tmglodyt€s,kuo-toans, Annual, Volune 1146
PCs succeedin destroyinSthe gate to C'MPENDIUTP
and others requircs caleful and (eleûentat,vennin)-
the Black Plân€, they sain â storY
charismatic leadershipby the PCs-
award of 150,000XP to b€ divided
th€ Underdark rsces don't trust each
other end must d€fer to outsiders tbr Concludingfhe Advenlure
Once the PCs reach the surtâce
impartial judsments lvhether ihe If the PCs successfully rescue Eok, a
and report their sDccessto the d€ep PCs wânt to keep the Peaceas sell âs
momes, they gain the clan's gratitude story âwârd of 1,000 XP is rccom-
win the war is up to them. P€rhaPs nended. lf they failed but made a
ànd alteaiance.Perhâpsthe PC who
the feuding factions unite âgâin with valiânt effort, the DM misht wkh to
heâled Àdin saiDs a svùfneblin
a new câuse.such as neutrâlizing the award 500 )(P.
henchmân or a fosterling. PerhaPsa
cloakersor haltins the depledations Ifthe PCs becomeaware of Milo's
snomish PC is offered a Post within O
ahe clan. as â wâr chieftâin or captain decephonbut still manage io negoti_
o f t h e g l a r d s I n â n y c a s et h e â d t e n _ âte ; deal between the Mzârd ând
iurers are made welcome in Loftwick, the ocre for Eok's safe release, thev
ând becomewell'known among the shouid receive the full story award
bards and leâders ofthe YeornanrvA Dlus the experiencethey would have
small feudal holdins may be grânted ;arned from killing Gaid 1l.aoo )(Pr'
to a PC wâfior, and â piest or wiz_ Another âdventùre could involve
a.d may be offered a Positionwithin the hag-sisterc rctùming to the
the court. such âs Councillor to the woods, seekins revenge against the
Court or Royâl Wizâ.d. wild etves.lfthe PCs possessthe
àûg-eye, the hags become aware of it
when the pâriy travels within 10
miles of their tâir. O

by AoronWillioms

78 lssueNo.70

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